poudre school district news Eco Week EVENTS Some PSD high schools are also planning prom or prom-like events. Like graduation, staff are working with LCDHE and following state health department guidance to plan the events. Those with questions about schools’ specific plans should contact their school. FREE MEALS The district will provide free meals to PSD students (PreK-12) through the end of the 2020-21 school year.
Eco Week is an outdoor experience that elementary students anticipate with excitement as they enter 5th grade. In previous years, many schools chose to head to the Rocky Mountains to engage students in outdoor education and many firsts: their first time away from home, their first-time camping, and for this generation, it has also become their first experience without a digital connection, and therefore, their first experience being completely responsible for their own entertainment. This year’s 5th graders will have a unique opportunity to appreciate the environment and observe their natural surroundings with a greater emphasis on their local surroundings. NoCO BEET, a collaboration of community partners, has teamed with Poudre School District to support environmental outdoor education activities for our 5th grade students. Local 26
experts will virtually join classrooms to explore and engage in a multitude of topics aligned with the Colorado State Academic Standards while infusing interdisciplinary skills. Personal skills will be emphasized through activities such as nature hikes, team-building projects, water ecology studies, observation skills, creative expression and journaling, geology, astronomy, life zone studies, and more. Although we will miss the mountains during Eco Week 2021, we will still capture the heart of Eco Week throughout our community. GRADUATION Working with the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, PSD intends to host in-person graduation ceremonies to celebrate our Class of 2021. We will post more information on the PSD website as plans are finalized.
VIRTUAL OPTION For the 2021-22 school year, Poudre Global Academy Virtual will replace Poudre School District Virtual (PSDV ), the district’s current 100% online option that sunsets at the end of this school year. PGA Virtual is one of two tracks—the existing hybrid and 100% online—offered through Poudre Global Academy. Families may apply now, during the School of Choice second-consideration application period. For more PGAV information, visit PGAV’s website. SCHOOL OF CHOICE If you missed the first period of consideration for School of Choice, the second period is now open. Families have a wide array of wonderful PSD schools from which to choose. Visit the school options webpage on the PSD website to learn more. Register online at olr.psdschools. org. Even if you opt to send your child to a school outside your neighborhood through School Choice, you must still register your child at your neighborhood school. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For technical support information, how-to guides and more, visit the PSD Community Tech Portal or email covidtechhelp@ psdschools.org or call the Family and Student Support Line at 970-490-3339.