EASING your child’s WORRIES
Adventure begins at your library

Dig in: Create a family garden
Kids gardening tools & supplies
Road trip: Lake Powell

Adventure begins at your library
Dig in: Create a family garden
Kids gardening tools & supplies
Road trip: Lake Powell
IT’S JUST SO EASY TO WORRY…all the time. It seems that there are so many things to worry about from personal finances, work, relationships, health issues, who is going to be elected and on and on. We might even worry that we worry too much, which is like compounding interest. I know someone who overcame an anxiety challenge only to become anxious that she might get anxious even though she didn’t get anxious anymore.
When we’re sitting alone, or even with people, our minds just run. Ideas and thoughts pop up and we grab onto them. Many of those thoughts are about the future from mundane thoughts, such as “I have to remember to buy celery today,” to bigger concerns, such as “I wonder how that test they ran on my mom is going to come out.”
Most of the time we don’t even realize or acknowledge that this is going on. I’ve had entire political arguments in my head with an imaginary opponent and before I know what’s happening, I’m all worked up by this fantasy that I created and if that imaginary opponent is actually a real person, I might even be mad at them and they’re not even there.
I guess, where I’m going with this is that our minds are wonderfully busy and sometimes they drag us around worrying about what’s going to happen or mulling over what someone said or how we could have handled a situation better. And we just let our thoughts pull us this way or push us that way as though we don’t have a choice.
But we do have a choice. We are not our thoughts. The first thing is to notice that we’re having some thought that makes us anxious. Once we notice that we’re getting angry that so-and-so said this-and-that, we can pause and take a few deep breaths and let that thought go. Maybe it will take more than a few breaths depending on how deeply we’ve identified with that thought.
In her feature article about easing your child’s worries Lynn Nichols offers solid strategies to teach kids to cope with stress and anxiety. It’s normal for kids to worry, and parents can help them by staying calm, watching what they say, keeping a routine and teaching them how to cope with anxiety. Take a look at what she has to say. There might even be something in there to help you relax yourself!
One last thought is that worrying usually is about something that happened in the past or about something that you’re thinking might happen in the future. A lot of the time if we can just keep our mind right here, right now, we can drop much of what makes us anxious and revel in the moment.
Be happy,
MAY 2024 • Volume 27, Issue 12
Scott Titterington, (970)221-9210
Kristin Titterington, (970)221-9210
Emily Zaynard
Greg Hoffman, (970)689-6832
Susan Harting susan.rmpublishing@gmail.com
COVER PHOTO istock photo
Theresa Baer, Lea Hanson Katie Harris, Lynn U. Nichols
ROCKY MOUNTAIN PUBLISHING PO Box 740 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Voice 221-9210 • Fax 221-8556 editor@rockymountainpub.com www.RMParent.com
Rocky Mountain Parent magazine is published monthly by Rocky Mountain Publishing, Inc. Publication of this paper does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services advertised. RMP reserves the right to refuse any advertisement for any reason. The opinions expressed by contributors or writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Rocky Mountain Publishing. ©2024 Rocky Mountain Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without express written permission is prohibited.
ONE OF THE GREAT THINGS about gardening is it’s a hobby that only requires a few basic skills. Then, over time, one can learn more and more to build upon their gardens each season.
For an enjoyable family gardening experience a few considerations should be made when selecting what to plant. Basic choices should germinate quickly to keep kids’ short attention spans occupied, produce a crop quickly, and require minimum maintenance other than watering and feeding.
Snap peas are a quick-growing early crop. It’s fun for kids to eat these sweet pods right off the vine. They germinate in 10 days and are ready to eat in less than 2 months.
Radishes are super-fast growers. They are harvestable in less than a month! Kids love to see the little red globes popping out of the soil.
Cherry tomatoes are round, bright and sweet, and are a perfect plant for kids. Cherry tomatoes are prolific growers, so they will keep kids interested throughout the growing season. Zucchini squash is a known super-producer. Although somewhat prone to a few pests, zucchini is easy to grow. Once they get going, they don’t need much. Adults and kids alike will have a blast making a batch of zucchini bread after the harvest!
The location of your garden (the amount of sunlight it receives, proximity to a source of water, and protection from frost and wind) is important. Yet just as crucial for growing vegetables is making the most of your garden space.
A few essential tools are needed to make a garden, whether you want to grow a large patch of veggies in your backyard or start container gardening in small pots on your balcony.
• Hand trowel
• Gardening shovel
• Gardening gloves
• Means to water
• Garden rake
• Garden fork
• Garden hoe
• Pruning shears
Lots of people dream of having a huge vegetable garden, a sprawling site that will be big enough to grow everything they want, including space-hungry crops, such as corn, dried beans, pumpkins and winter squash, melons, cucumbers, and watermelons. If you have the room, time, and energy needed to grow a huge garden, go for it. But vegetable gardens that make efficient use of growing space are much easier to care for, whether
you’re talking about a few containers on the patio or a 50-by-100-foot plot in the backyard. Raised beds are a good choice for beginners because they make the garden more manageable. Next to intensive planting, trellising represents the most efficient way to use space in the garden. People who have tiny gardens will want to grow as many crops as possible on vertical supports, and gardeners who have a lot of space will still need to lend physical support to some of their vegetables, such as climbing varieties of peas and pole beans. Other vegetables that are commonly trellised include crops that grow on vines, such as cucumbers and tomatoes.
EMBARK ON SUMMER reading adventures through your local library!
The Berthoud Community Library Summer Learning Initiative will run from June 1 through July 31 with a final prize drawing on August 3. Participants can track their reading as well as choose to do projects, and earn prizes. Registration opens June 1 at www.berthoudcommunitylibrary.org.
Learning and exploration are essential parts of our shared human experience, and they last a lifetime. The Clearview Summer Adventure Program provides engaging experiences throughout the summer months to help foster the joy of reading and lifelong learning in all ages. Program details can be found online at clearviewlibrary.org/sap.
Estes Valley Public Library’s Summer Reading Program, “Adventure Begins at Your Library” begins on May 19 and runs through August 3. All ages can track their reading and earn prizes as well as participate in summer adventure programs, including Message in a Bottle, Outdoor Storytime Adventures, Pirates of the Caribbean Craft and more. A Summer Bash/Summer Reading Kickoff Party happens Thursday, May 23. Elementary school-aged children can meet immediately after school at the Community Center at 1pm while tweens/teens ages 9–17 are invited to Estes Valley Library from 1pm to 4pm. Look for details and register online at estesvalleylibrary.org.
Adventure Begins at Your Library / La Aventura comienza en Tu Biblioteca is this year’s theme. Sign up for your adventure online or in person beginning May 20 and receive or print your reading log. Use your log to track your reading time based on your age as well as any completed activities. By completing squares on your log, you’ll earn points for prizes along the way! Prizes will be ready starting May 26, and will be gone August 11. To learn more or sign up for the program, visit www.mylibrary.us/sra.
This year’s Summer Learning Program, Adventure Begins at Your Library, will run June 3 through July 26. Help kick off the festivities on Friday, May 31 from 3:30 to 5:30pm on the library lawn for games, fun, and a foam machine–wear clothing that can get wet and/or bring towels or changes of clothes. Kids, teens and adults can register for the Summer Learning Program at the event or online, and earn prizes for reading books and completing missions. This summer will be full of crafts, activities, juggling, polka and more so stay tuned to www.lovelandpubliclibrary.org.
This annual program is now “Summer Adventure / Aventuras de verano!” to reflect a goal to create lifelong readers and learners. Pre-registration begins online or through the Beanstack app on May 1, or pick up a guide at the libraries beginning May 20 along with a sign-up gift such as a free book or seed packet, while supplies last. Then read and explore Bingo style through reading, art, nature and self-care activities. Collect a prize once you’ve completed a Bingo or complete your entire Bingo board (blackout) to be entered in a grand prize drawing at the end of the summer! Find details at poudrelibraries.org.
LITTLE GARDENERS NEED size-appropriate tools and supplies so they can dig in and create and care for their garden.
Plant It! Grow It, Eat It (board book)
Order from: Old Firehouse Books, 232 Walnut Street, Fort Collins
This large board book (10.75 x 10.75 inches) is a children’s story about gardening. Follow along as four kids grow gardens across balconies, backyards, greenhouses, and rooftops. This beloved book will get little ones excited about planting seeds, harvesting tasty foods, and sharing a big meal to celebrate their work at the end. Your little readers will learn helpful gardening tips and tricks along the way. Every page includes call-outs explaining how kids can collect rainwater, encourage pollination, learn the benefits of earthworms and attracting butterflies, and how to avoid harmful chemicals and pests. It is 18 pages.
Garden Hand Tools
Buy from: Bath Nursery, 2000 E Prospect Rd, Fort Collins
The Beetle & Bee Kids Garden Hand Tools by Toysmith are a set of three colorful, child-sized tools that are perfect for little gardeners. The set includes a trowel, a rake, and a shovel and is a great way for children to learn about gardening and get involved in the process. They are also wonderful for children to develop their fine motor skills. Each tool is made of durable plastic with a comfortable, ergonomic handle. These tools are ideal for ages 5 and older; but can be used as soon as kids can sit upright in the dirt alongside you and grip something.
Little Diggers Series Kid Safe Poly Garden Tool Kit (4-Piece)
Buy from: Your local Home Depot
Little Diggers are fully functional tools made just for kids. Kids learn by imitation and this kidsafe garden tool set is the perfect kit to get them interested in gardening and playing outside. These tools are built from a soft, yet durable plastic that is kid-safe (nonmetal). Encourage your kids to play outdoors and work alongside you with bright, vibrant colors that don’t rust. They don’t bend easily, so are perfect for kids still learning dexterity and how things work. This four-piece set includes: Bow Rake, Leaf Rake, Hoe and Round Shovel; all are made of soft and durable reinforced plastic.
LATE SPRING IS THE PERFECT time of year to get out on the water at Lake Powell, located along the northern border of Arizona. Spring is also a great time to try your luck at scoring a highly sought after Antelope Canyon tour, and to enjoy picturesque Horseshoe Bend. Enjoy the many sights this month on a road trip to northern Arizona!
Our advice is to hop on www.antelopecanyon.com the second this issue hits your hot little hands and snatch up the first tour you can find to the incredible Antelope Canyon, then plan your trip around the tour. While tours during the popular summer months fill up quickly, as of April there were still several dates available in May and June.
Can’t find a date that’ll work? Explore Peek-a-Boo Canyon, Antelope’s sister canyon in Kanab, Utah, instead, which doesn’t require a tour guide to explore. While there’s no entry fee to visit the area, a high clearance, fourwheel drive vehicle is recommended on the road to the canyon’s trailhead. For information and directions visit www.blm.gov/visit/peek-boo-slot-canyon.
Whichever red rock canyon you end up exploring, be sure to bring sturdy shoes, plenty of water and, most importantly, your camera!
Day 2:
Fishing, kayaking or hiking are all great ways to round out your time at Lake Powell. For a list of hikes in the area, visit www.nps.gov/ glca/planyourvisit/day-hikes.htm.
Before heading home, make one last stop at nearby Horseshoe Bend, an incredible viewpoint along the Colorado River (www.nps.gov/glca/panyourvisit/ horseshoe-bend.htm). From the parking lot, it’s a 3/4-mile accessible walk to the overlook. On hot days be sure to bring water and sunscreen as there is very little shade along the way. Once again, you’ll want to have your camera ready when you reach this popular photo stop!
Whether you start at nearby Antelope Canyon or Peek-a-Boo Canyon 4.5 hours away, your next stop should be Lake Powell (www.lakepowell.com). The second largest man-made reservoir in the country, Lake Powell is loved for its extensive shoreline (longer than the entire west coast of the U.S.A!), its red rock scenery, and its dozens of canyons ripe for exploring. This is your chance for R and R, so we highly recommend renting a boat and spending the day enjoying the lake. Lake Powell Rentals and Retail rents 22-foot pontoon boats out for $550/ day (www.lakepowellvacations.com).
Popular destinations by boat include Rainbow Bridge National Monument, a half day boat ride out of starting point Wahweap Bay, accompanied by a onemile hike (www.nps.gov/rabr/index.htm); and Gunsight Bay, a two-hour roundtrip boat ride from Wahweap Bay featuring a gorgeous view of Gunsight Butte. Ask at the boat rental facility for directions to these and other popular locations and note that water levels may prevent accessibility at certain times of year. Book lodging for the night or, better yet, set up camp along the shoreline! Tent camping is permitted everywhere except marina-fronts.
KindConnect has been bringing kindness to Larimer County children since 2019 and we are happy to share that our KindConnect Program has recently expanded to benefit children in need in Weld County! All donations received through KindConnect are used within the county they were donated in.
than feeling good? It could be anxiety. Depending on the age, kids worry about different things. Young kids might worry about being apart from their parents. Older kids may worry about friendships, appearance, grades, new situations, and the future. As a parent you can help ease their worries by staying calm, watching your words, keeping a regular routine, and teaching your kids how to cope with anxiety.
If you have a naturally anxious child, make a conscious effort to model calm. It’s best for parents to zip it in front of their kids when it comes to expressing worries. By saying, ‘Oh, I hope they arrive safely,’ or, ‘Don’t do that you could hurt yourself,’ you are simply passing on the habit of worrying.
Worry and anxiety are normal, especially during times of change like moving to a new city, starting a new school, divorce, and a death in the family. Worry is also normal during a stressful time at school or with friends. When your child is entering a new situation, combat worry with reassurance and planning. For example, remind your child through positive examples from their past that they can overcome a new challenge.
“With small kids, having a predictable routine helps them manage their emotions because it increases a sense of ‘felt’ safety,” says Loren Lomme, a Licensed Professional Counselor and Registered Play Therapist in Northern Colorado who specializes in children with anxiety, behavior issues, and trauma.
“To create ‘felt’ safety, you don’t just say that your child is safe, you
demonstrate that they’re safe. It’s action-oriented,” Lomme says. “For example, you could turn on the lights, look under the bed with the child, look in the closet, and show them that no one is there. It gives the child a feeling of more control in their environment.”
One way you can create safety through routine is with rituals. Bedtime routines that follow the same structure—brushing teeth, snuggling, reading, kisses goodnight—help kids settle down and get a good night’s sleep. Saying the same silly goodbye when you drop your kids off at school or at the bus can also be reassuring.
“Rituals speak to the playful part of kids’ brains, which helps them disarm fear,” Lomme adds.
Little moments of connection
throughout the day are also beneficial. This can be a note in their lunchbox or asking the teacher to check in with them when you know they are struggling.
It’s best to help kids face school fears and other anxieties early. Catching anxiety before avoidance habits are ingrained makes it easier to treat. Kids can change their thinking fairly quickly; with adults, it’s harder. Therefore, if your child starts a pattern of not wanting to go to school, leave the house, or be separated from you, it’s time to ask questions. Ask about their fears and worries at a time when they are not feeling those feelings. Talk it out, name the fear, and support them in overcoming it.
Kids can also feel anxiety around tests and grades. If your child is trying at schoolwork but struggling, set realistic goals and reassure him or her that you think they’re smart and that trying hard is all you expect.
Also, watch for classroom goofiness. Kids would rather be thought of as the class clown or oppositional, rather than stupid. If older kids have a learning problem and don’t get help, they try to hide it by saying school is stupid and skipping classes. If you suspect a learning problem, have your child evaluated.
To conquer anxieties, kids need to walk through the fear and learn
that they can come out fine on the other side. One way you can help an anxious child is by encouraging risk taking and letting them learn from their own mistakes. Rescuing your child can make the anxiety worse.
General anxiety—worries about bad things happening—are experienced more commonly by kids ages 9 to 14. That’s the age when they understand mortality. Kids with anxiety may begin worrying that mom or dad might die when they go on a trip or are late home from work. They may refuse to get in a car for fear of an accident or resist leaving the house.
Kids ages 6 to 9 may express anxiety through frequent nightmares or trouble sleeping. They may refuse sleepovers and express fear of being left with others or away from their parents. Usually, this passes with time and reassurance. Fears, such as stranger anxiety, mild separation anxiety, and even some phobias are normal. But if your child avoids situations, becomes unhappy, or is paralyzed by fear, it’s time to seek help.
Bottom line, all kids are anxious sometimes. Usually, worries and anxiety pass when stressful situations pass. So take a deep breath and know that you will know if, and when, it’s time to seek help.
Teach your child these practical, easy ways to calm themselves when they are feeling anxious or scared:
• Belly breathing. Taking deep breaths calms our parasympathetic nervous systems—it lowers our heartbeat and blood pressure, making us feel calmer. Do this exercise with your child. Sit or lie down and put your hand on your stomach. Breathe in for four seconds and breathe out for seven seconds. Watch your hand go up and down with each breath.
• Applying pressure. “The nervous system loves pressure,” Lomme says. Have your child squeeze their arms with their hands, push down on their shoulders, or hug themselves. “It activates the sensory system that regulates the body.”
• Holding a stuffed animal or another object. Your child’s favorite stuffed animal can be a source of comfort, as can a favorite hat or scarf. “A parent can fill a young child’s object with enough love to last them the whole day. The stuffed animal is comforting and fosters a sense of ‘felt’ safety,” Lomme says.
For high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors
Apply by June 1 csubiz.com/bizcamp-rmp July 14-24, 2024
In this action-packed academy, students develop international and core business skills in leadership, entrepreneurship, negotiation, ethics and more. They’ll discover new ways to apply business to their passions and to create a better world, all while getting a taste of college life in the CSU campus dorms in Fort Collins, Colorado. Join us in July 2024!
FOR BUSINESSES IN FORT COLLINS, CONTACT: Greg at 970-689-6832 • greg.rmpublishing@gmail.com FOR BUSINESSES IN GREELEY, LOVELAND, WINDSOR, ESTES PARK AND OTHERS, CONTACT: Susan at 970-301-3320 • susan.rmpublishing@gmail.com
Two Greeley-Evans School District 6 students have been selected as this year’s recipients of the prestigious Boettcher Foundation scholarship, joining 48 other students statewide.
Aidan Datteri, a senior at Greeley West High School, and Luluya Tekle, a senior at Greeley Central High School, were both notified that they were selected to receive the competitive scholarship.
Boettcher Scholars receive an annual fixed amount of $20,000 per year for four years to use at a Colorado institution of higher education. Boettcher scholars can also qualify for additional tuition reimbursements from the college or university they attend, as well as educational
enrichment grants and international education grants. Since 1952, the Boettcher Foundation has awarded more than $110 million in scholarships.
The rigorous application process can be daunting for applicants.
“I would feel relief and gratitude when getting a response that I passed to the next stage,” Luluya says.
“For me, the application came out to 42 pages, which I spent weeks on with the help of current Boettcher scholars, teachers and my parents,” Aidan says.
The relief and joy receiving notification that they were successful was a huge payoff, both students said.
“It felt as though all of the hard work that I put into high
school and all of the support that came with my journey had all come to this moment,” Aidan says. “I know without the experiences I have been so fortunate to receive throughout high school, I wouldn’t be where I am now.”
“I screamed and then cried. And then I hugged my mother,” Luluya says of learning her application was successful. “It was such a relief and I felt immense gratitude to have the weight of the financial burden of college taken from me.”
Both Luluya and Aidan are active members of their high schools. Luluya is student body president at Greeley Central, is a softball player and in numerous other clubs and organizations. Aiden has been active in FFA as an officer and in state
and national competitions, has starred in theatrical productions and has been a member of other Greeley West organizations.
Aidan is currently applying for a State Officer position in the Colorado FFA Association. If successful, he will travel the state for a year serving as a leader in the organization. He plans to study agricultural Business Management at Colorado State University.
The daughter of immigrants, Luluya plans to pursue her love of writing by majoring in journalism and communications at the university she eventually selects. She wants to focus on giving a voice to Black writers and eventually hopes to own her own publishing company.
When you think about boxing, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Maybe it is the boxing gloves and hand wraps. Maybe it is bright lights and a boxing ring. Maybe it is full of aggression, throwing punches at an opponent until someone wins.
Whatever thought comes to mind first, the non-contact boxing club at Poudre School District’s Boltz Middle School is not just students putting on gloves and hitting things. Their motto is: Think before you speak, breathe before you act.
Here, students learn
discipline, accountability, and how to push themselves beyond what they thought was possible physically and mentally.
Seventh-grader Sarai
Camarillo is among many students who have found motivation and support in Boltz’s Boxing Club.
“Boxing isn’t just punching a bag or punching someone. It’s having control of your emotions and your body,” Camarillo says. “You can get hurt if you get mad, and when you’re mad you can’t control a lot of things. When punching, you have to punch right or you’re
going to hurt yourself. All of it comes into play at one point, the physical memory of how to punch and how to control your emotions.”
While boxing is an individual sport, Boltz’s Boxing Club encourages students to check in with one another.
The club meets twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Before students even set foot in the gym, everyone heads to the Boltz media center on Wednesday afternoons. For half an hour, students work on their homework. There are weekly grade checks, and it is an expectation
that students have no missing assignments, are present in class, put forth effort, and ask for help when needed. Through this, students learn accountability and discipline, two skills necessary for this sport and life.
All of this is part of the design of the club. Although School Resource Officer Dexter Rowe officially began this club at Boltz this past January, it has been a plan long in the making.
“We are impacting kids with this program in a positive way during boxing, at home, and in school,” he says.” My goals are to teach the kids through boxing how to be in control of themselves, mentally, emotionally, and physically.”
A legacy isn’t just about what we leave behind, but how it shapes those who come after us.
In this year’s Grads at a Glance series, students are leaving their mark on the world. Throughout May, celebrate the stories of our 2024 senior class and see these students’ legacies on the Grads at a Glance website. www. psdgradsataglance2024.com/
What have you been doing since graduation and what is your proudest accomplishment?
I worked in banking for 30 years and now I work for the Loveland Chamber of Commerce.
I would say my greatest accomplishment is being able to connect with so many people. The role I am in now at the Chamber of
Commerce is perfect for me as a connector.
What was your biggest challenge during school?
Math and geometry specifically. I sure wish they had Geometry in Construction when I was in school. I would have learned a trade and been able to pass and understand geometry.
What advice would you give to students who are in school now?
Put in the work now. You may seem bored or frustrated with life now, but it is so much easier to reach for the stars when you work for it.
Name one person who changed your life for the better during school and how they did it. I would say Ms. Sharon Olson.
What an amazing leader she was. I sure miss her. She taught history and psychology. After high school we became friends. She always had such confidence in herself, and I always admired that about her. She was always poised and professional. I wanted that for myself and feel I have finally reached that.
How did school prepare you for what you are doing now?
Networking, connections, and friendships. All throughout my banking career, I learned that networking was the key to getting to where you wanted to be. I am forever grateful to my banking mentors that allowed me to follow in their footsteps to help me achieve my goals.
What do you hope to accomplish in the future?
I truly enjoy working for the Loveland Chamber of Commerce. I plan to be a part of this team and continue to support Loveland. I am blessed to be part of such an amazing and dynamic team. I am a cheerleader for Loveland businesses and nonprofits, connecting them to other people is what I love. I am thankful to still call Loveland my home after 50 years.
“I’m excited!” Gina Wallick sits in front of a to-do list a page long. “We’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity…and this is it!”
Curious Minds is Northern Colorado’s newest daycare. Carved out of 20 years’ of experience and a desire to break the “Corporate Childcare Mold” the school will employ a hybrid approach implementing Montessori and other traditional forms to create a unique curriculum. “We want to fit each childs needs, not fill out paperwork.”
Located in mid-town Fort Collins, the facility has undergone a complete renovation that will include full meal service and animal interaction in the play yard. “Our target is age 1-7 years old… that’s where the breadth of my experience comes into play.”
“A happy stimulating environment where kids want to come play and learn.” Fun often comes at the expense of learning, but not at Curious Minds “I’ve talked and listened. Our curriculum and staff will ensure your child is ‘school ready’ when they leave us.”
As Summer approaches, so do the idle hours where kids need to keep active and energized. “We’ll offer Theatre, Art and outdoor adventures.” The schools summer and adventure curriculum is driven by Wallick’s South African heritage, family and love of travel. “Summers were always fun for me and I love to bring that to my school.”
“We’re in the business of creating families, fostering a community and learning.” The learning aspect is derived from
an MA in Education. “Your child will leave Curious Minds ready and excited for the next step on their educational journey.”
As spring glides into summer, students begin to fill the class room, excited at the prospect of meeting new friends, new faces and family.
“Come see us. Talk to our director. Ask for me. I want to hear your story and what makes your child blossom.”
Timing is everything. Maybe its time to look at all Curious Minds has to offer this year.
curiousmindsfoco.com 970-632-8624
Mental Health Awareness Month occurs every May as a time to raise awareness of and reduce the stigma around mental health issues, in addition to acknowledging challenges that surround us all in an ever-changing society. Stresses of work, school, relationships, politics, climate change and more can greatly impact our perceptions, responses and overall well-being. Therefore, it’s important to learn how to recognize when to ask for help or assist another. In Larimer County, a list of mental health resources can be found at larimer.gov/sheriff/ mental-health-CRU/mentalhealth-resources and in Weld County, look to
www.weld.gov/Government/ Departments/Health-andEnvironment/Lets-Talk.
Registration is underway for city recreation programs this summer. If you haven’t done so already, check out the available options for adults, youth and families including adaptive recreation opportunities. You will find an array of interests includes aquatics, arts and crafts, cooking, sports, dance and fitness, early learning and more. In Estes Park, visit evrpd.colorado.gov for classes, sports, fitness and more. In Fort Collins, visit www.fcgov.com/recreation to view the online Summer Recreator. Greeley residents can search on your areas of interest at mygreeleyrec.
com/wbwsc/webtrac. wsc while the Loveland Parks & Rec Activity Guide can be found at www. lovgov.org/services/parksrecreation/publications/ activity-guide. And for those living in Windsor, look to recreationliveshere.com/160/ Activity-Guide for details and to register.
There’s a new 41,000-squarefoot 4-H, Youth and Community Arena at The Ranch Events Complex in Larimer County. The new facility–part of the 2017 community-driven master plan for the expansion and renovation of The Ranch Events Complex–features a 125-by-200-foot indoor arena with bleachers, classrooms with livestock wash areas plus offices, restrooms and lobby
areas to serve The Ranch’s 4-H partners, youth groups and community members to host events and practices year-round. Additional efforts of the master plan included relocating Arena Circle and roadway improvements, expanding the MAC Indoor Arena, adding more vehicle/trailer parking and a campground with RV hookups for events. Learn more at www.treventscomplex.com/ master-plan.
With warm days ahead, local Natural Areas or Open Lands/Trails departments remind visitors to follow “Leave No Trace” practices to protect themselves, wildlife and the natural beauty of our open spaces.
• Prevent trail widening by going through mud not around it.
• Wear long sleeves and pants and apply insect repellent.
• Clean your gear when travelling between locations to stop the spread of invasive species.
• Plan and prepare for any weather condition–it can change quickly. Further “Leave No Trace” tips can be found at lnt.org including youth education materials to share how responsible actions can protect the outdoors.
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Join young James Henry Trotter as he embarks on an epic adventure inside the world’s largest peach! Accompanied by a wise grasshopper, a loving ladybug, a melodic centipede, a resourceful spider, a pessimistic earthworm, a shy glow-worm, and a drowsy silkworm, they all set sail on the journey of a lifetime from England to New York, facing peril after peril.
With clever plans and dashing good fun, their voyage into the unknown is strengthened by friendship, loyalty, resourcefulness, and hope. Will James finally find a place where he belongs, or will they all come to a sticky end?
“A little magic can take you a long way.”
Roald Dahl’s beloved fable is full of fun, imagination, unlikely friendship, and an unlikelier fruit! This May, join Debut Theatre Company on a journey across the Atlantic. It will be marvelous… simply marvelous!
May 3, 10, 17 at 7:00pm
SATURDAY EVENINGS: May 4, 11, 18 at 7:00pm
SUNDAY MATINEE: May 5, 1:00pm
SATURDAY MATINEES: May 11, 18, 1:00pm
LINCOLN CENTER MAGNOLIA THEATRE 417 West Magnolia, Fort Collins CO 80521
$10 per ticket, on sale March 5, 2024
For tickets, call the Lincoln Center Box Office: 970.221.6730 or visit www.lctix.com
Appropriate for ages 5 and up. Show runs 2 hours in length.
Body Mind Spirit Celebration
Live learning sessions and vendor booths. The Ranch North Hall, LV. www.treventscomplex.com
The Gardens Birthday Bash Free, family-friendly event celebrating the Gardens on Spring Creek turning 20! FC. www.fcgov.com/gardens/ birthday-bash
Mother’s Day at Treasure Island Treasure Island Demonstration Garden, WS. www.recreationliveshere. com/calendar
FoCo Food Truck Rally
Food trucks and free live music. City Park, FC. www.focofoodtruckrally.com
Loveland Kids to Parks Day
Connects families with their parks. North Lake Park, LV. www.lovgov.org/services/ parks-recreation/events
Blues & Cruise Car Show
Full day of live blues music and classic cars. Downtown LV. downtownloveland.org/ blues-cruise
Vintage Base Ball Game
Step back in time with the Colorado Vintage Base Ball Association (CVBBA) at this 1800s-style match. Boardwalk Community Park, WS. www.recreation liveshere.com/calendar
Windsor Kids to Park Day
Visit local parks, playgrounds, and open space. Fill your park passport for a chance to win prizes. Eastman Park, WS. www.recreationliveshere.com/ calendar
Super Cool Kids Music Fest
Music festival for the whole family. The Lyric, FC. www. lyriccinema.com/movie/ super-cool-kids-music-fest
Traveling Memorial Wall: Global War on Terror
Traveling memorial commemorates victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks as well as those who sacrificed
their lives defending our country. Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado, FC. www.veteransplazanoco.org
Connection to the Land Exhibit Spirituality, cultural identity, family and a sense of place can all be tied to the land. Loveland Museum, LV. www.thelovelandmuseum. org/exhibits
Collections: Unexpected Treasures
Exhibition/examination of unusual collections and motivation behind plus May 9 meet-ngreet with contributors. Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures, FC. globalvillagemuseum.org
Inspiring Women of Northern Colorado Exhibit
Showcases 48 women who’ve made a difference in the community by demonstrating commitment, courage and resilience.. Global Village Museum of Arts and Cultures, FC. globalvillagemuseum.org
The Secret Garden
An 11-year old’s compelling tale of forgiveness and renewal. Candlelight Dinner Theatre, Johnstown. coloradocandlelight.com
James & The Giant Peach Roald Dahl’s beloved fable is full of fun, imagination, unlikely friendship and an unlikelier fruit! Lincoln Center Magnolia Theater, FC. www.lctix.com
Leonardo! A Wonderful Show About a Terrible Monster
Hundreds of paper puppets, book pages, two-dimensional props, furry monster puppets and songs bring Mo Willems’ books to life. Lincoln Center Performance Hall, FC. www.lctix.com
Beatles vs. Stones –
A Musical Showdown
Epic duel as both groups demand satisfaction. Candlelight Dinner Theatre, Johnstown. coloradocandlelight.com
Super Cool Kids Karaoke! Kids of all ages can belt out tunes on our Lyric Lobby Stage. The Lyric, FC. www. lyriccinema.com/movie/ super-cool-kids-karaoke
Lauren Daigle: The Kaleidoscope Tour
Two-time GRAMMY® Award-winning singersongwriter performs with special guest Victory Boyd. The Ranch, LV. www. treventscomplex.com
Greeley Philharmonic Orchestra
Presents Sounds of Cinema 2023
Celebrate the semi-annual Magic Baton Melody Contest winning composition from a Greeley-Evans School District 6 high school student.. Monfort Concert Hall, GR. ucstars.showare. com
Outdoor Movie: The Princess Bride Kick-off to outdoor movie series. The Lyric, FC. www. lyriccinema.com/movie/theprincess-bride
Astronomy & Skygazing: Star Stories
Family-friendly activity followed by skygazing with telescopes from NCAS. Bobcat Ridge Natural Area, FC. www.fcgov.com/events
UCHealth Healthy Kids Run Series
Four free family friendly in-person one-mile fun runs and four one-mile onyour-own-courses at local parks. FC, GR, LV, WS. www.uchealth.org/services/ community-health/healthykids/run-series
Trails to History
Learn about Windsor’s past with family-friendly, accessible walks on trails. www.recretaionliveshere. com/calendar
Colorado Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K and 5K
Choose among four scenic downhill courses with finish
line expo, post-race party and beer garden with live music. Poudre Canyon, FC. comarathon.com
Lesher Middle School Mother’s Day 5K Run/Walk 8th annual race around University Acres neighborhood and CSU flower garden, FC. fortcollinsmothersday5k.com
Gardens on Spring Creek Family Program
Families enjoy a guided walk then work together to decorate, plan and plant a flower planter box to take home. Gardens on Spring Creek, FC. www.fcgov.com/ gardens/family-programs
I remember, many years ago on a routine trip to the grocery store with my then infant daughter, passing a mom with a preschool-aged boy in the cart. As they made their way down the aisle, the kid amused himself by shooting everyone they passed with a faux thumb and finger gun, “pew pew”, then bursting into giggles as his mom shook her head apologetically.
Once my daughter began toddling, we’d take trips to a nearby park where I’d find myself hovering to prevent her from being plowed over by rowdy boys chasing each other around the playground, climbing the slides and leaping from airborne swings.
I remember thinking to myself, heaven help me if I ever have a son.
I’m sure you can guess where this is going. Fifteen years later and I am still the mama of one very sweet daughter, but these days she’s heavily outnumbered by three very boyish-boys. We’re talking stinky feet, burping the alphabet, genitalia jokes—nothing’s off limits in a home with this much budding testosterone.
Wrestling matches breaking out in the middle of the living room? Body odor discussions at the kitchen table? Having your garden shed deconstructed to build a treehouse while no one’s
looking? (Yep, it happened.)
Have a son.
Broken arm from falling off the monkey bars?
Dislocated elbow from skydiving off a recliner? Concussion from falling through a wall? (Not even kidding.) Have a son.
Traveling to every corner of the state, and then the country, for baseball tournaments each weekend? Learning to take grass and dirt stains out of everything? Perfecting the buzz cut on a squirmy rug rat because they can’t sit still for over five seconds? Have a son.
There’s a running joke in our family that when my daughter, now 16, heads off to college I’ll be going with
her. Some days, it’s less of a joke than others. My baby bestie, my token girl is the one who shares my hobbies and interests, who I can horseback ride with or get a pedicure with, bake with and talk to about girly stuff, and it’ll be hard to let her go when the time comes. Hard to be the last girl standing in a house full of boys.
But then there are days when I’m frustrated, tired and overworked, and the only person who can cheer me up is the 3-year-old, who somehow knows just when to climb on my lap, wrap his chubby little arms around my neck, and say, “I love you, Mommy.”
And the days when the 5-year-old runs up to me in
the backyard, jumping up and down and talking a mile a minute about the toad he found, and how he can’t wait to show me, and can I please, please help him build a house for it?
And then there’s that first hit out of the park for the teenager, who isn’t around as much now that high school baseball is in full swing, but who still steals a look behind him to make sure I’m sitting on the bleachers, front and center for his big moment.
It’s true that being a girl mom is amazing, but it turns out being a boy mom is pretty great, too. Lots of laughter? Lots of love? Maybe just a few extra gray hairs? Have a son.