2015 Family Directory

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June 1 – August 21 For children entering K- to 8th Grade

■ Baseball/Softball (grades K-8)— 1-week sessions from June 1- July 10

■ Lacrosse (Grades K-8) — 1-week sessions from June 6 – August 7

■ Basketball (Grades 4-8)— 1-week sessions from June 29 – August 21

■ Music and Movement (Grades K-8) )— Explore the combination of Dance, Aerobics and Non-contact Martial Arts from June 1 – August 7

■ Colorado Adventure Camp (Grades 5-8) – Helps campers to explore outdoor activities and pursuits. 1–week sessions from June 1 – August 7.

970-491-6318 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & EXERCISE SCIENCE 100F Moby B Complex • Fort Collins

■ Soccer (Grades K-6)— 1-week sessions from June 29 – August 21

■ Field Sports (Grades K-8)—Provides campers a brief “taste” of several different sports. 1-week sessions from June 1 – August 21

■ Super Sports Camp (Grades K-7)—A combination of sports, swimming lessons and other enrichment activities. 2-week sessions from June 1 – August 21

■ Fun LIFE (GradesK-6)—Fitness, nutrition and recreation camp. 1-week sessions from June 1 – August 7

■ Tennis (Grades K-8)—8:00-10:00am only. 1-week sessions from June 8 – August 21

■ In-line Hockey (Grades 4-8) —1-week sessions from June 1 – June 26

■ Volleyball (Grades 4-8)—1-week sessions from July 13 – August 21

■ Golf (grades K- 8) 8:00-10:00am only. 1-week sessions from June 1- August 21.

Get information and register online at: www.ysc.colostate.edu FAMILY DIRECTORY


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contents The Family Directory is published annually in June and redistributed quarterly. Family Directory 2015-16, is a special publication of Rocky Mountain Publishing. PUBLISHER, Scott Titterington; EDITOR, Kristin Titterington; DIRECTORY WRITER, Kim Sharpe; CREATIVE DIRECTOR, Emily Zaynard; ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR, Greg Hoffman. Copyright 2015 Rocky Mountain Publishing,825 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521, 970-221-9210. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is strictly prohibited.


Local resource for parents in northern Colorado


Activity Centers, Archery, Baseball and Softball, Basketball, Baton Twirling, Bicycling, Bowling, Cheerleading, Chess, Climbing, Clubs, Cooking, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Horsemanship, Hockey, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Outdoor Activities, Parties, Playgrounds, Roller Skating, Soccer, Sports Facilities & Recreation, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Wrestling

20 A RTS

Art Classes, Dance, Music, Performing Arts


Day Camps, Residential


Before & After School, Childcare and Preschool, Childcare Locator


Environment, Health, Learning Centers and Museums, Libraries, Reading, Resources, Schools, Science & Technology, Speech & Language, Support

32 F OOD, LODGING & ENTERTAINMENT Food, Getaways, Movies, Party Supplies


Acupuncture, Allergy, Chiropractic & Massage, Dental/Orthodontics, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention, Family Physicians, Fitness, Health Information, Health Insurance, Health Promotion Services, Hospitals, Internal Medicine, Mental Health, Physicals, OB/GYN, Orthopaedics, Pediatricians, Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy, Prenatal, Reproductive Health, Senior Health, Smoking Prevention, Speciality Care, Urgent Care, Vision


Bike & Skate, Books, Clothing & Accessories, Gardening, Knitting & Weaving


Adoption, Family Services, Food Preparation, Foster Care, Parenting Support, Pet Boarding, Photography



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Like us on

(970) 224-2866 111 N. College Ave. FAMILY DIRECTORY


Family Directory 2015-2016


ACTIVITY CENTERS Family FunPlex 1501 65th Ave., GR, 350-9401 www.familyfunplex.com Adventure Golf and Island Aquatics Center. Party packages include cake and supplies. Fort Fun 1513 E. Mulberry St., FC 472-8000, www.fortfun.biz Birthday parties, team and school events. Mini-golf, laser tag, go-karts, arcade games, more. See ad page 33.

Fort Collins Stars Girls Softball Club FC, 672-9797 www.fcstars.org Girls recreational softball fun, player development. All abilities welcome. Competitive fall tryouts. Greeley-Evans Youth League 6501 W. 20th St., GR 339-8286, www.geyl.org

Loveland Laser Tag Fun Center 401 Denver Ave., LV, 663-9999 www.laserfuncenter.com Laser tag, laser maze, climbing wall, parties, group events, more.

BASKETBALL CSU Basketball Camps Colorado State University, FC 491-6131, www.ramcamps.colostate. edu/product-category/boys-basket ball; www.ramcamps.colostate.edu/ product-category/girls-basketball Little Rams (K-2nd grade), Rams Day Camp (grades 3-8), Offensive Skills (grades 5-12)

The Youth Center 380 Community Drive, EP, 586-8189 Various programs and amenities for 6th–12th-graders. Open during school year.

Rocky Mountain Fever 3307 S. College Ave., #200-1, FC 631-9310, www.RMFever.com Club basketball for grades 4-11, boys and girls from any community

ARCHERY Greeley Archers GR, 420-0429 www.greeleyarchers.com Encouraging and enjoying the sport of archery for all ages.

Rocky Mountain Youth Sports 3307 S. College Ave., #200-1, FC 631-9310, www.RMYouthSports.com Basketball camps, clinics and personal training; Pre-K to 12th grade.

Loveland Archery Exchange 907 VanBuren Ave., LV, 667-2934 www.lovelandarcheryexchange.com Learn patience and focus. Have fun. Individual instruction and Saturday morning shoots. Rocky Mountain Archery 4518 Innovation Drive, FC 226-5900 www.rockymountainarcheryfc.com Activities and equipment for all members of the family. BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL Fort Collins Baseball Club 211 S. Bryan Ave., FC, 484-3368 www.fortcollinsbaseballclub.org Recreational and competitive baseball club for boys and girls. See ad page 16.


BATON TWIRLING Ann’s All-Stars Baton Twirlers/ Northern Colorado Baton Twirling Club FC, 484-1153 www.annsallstars.org Golden Girls Baton Academy 534 W. 66th Ave., LV, 631-4842 www.batonacademy.com Twirling, dancing, drilling, parades, festivals, shows. Improve coordination, poise, self-esteem, discipline. BICYCLING Bicycle Ambassador Program FC, LV, 224-6112 www.bicycleambassadorprogram.org Promoting safe cycling in northern Colorado. Bike safety education presentations and classes.


New World Sports 119 E. Mountain Ave., FC, 224-5857 www.newworldsportsllc.com Mountain-bike skills clinics. Safe Routes to School FC, 416-2357 www.fcgov.com/saferoutes Making walking and bicycling to school a viable option.

BOWLING Chippers Lanes 830 N. College Ave., FC, 484-4777 217 W. Horsetooth Rd., FC, 226-6327 2454 8th Ave., GR, 353-4275 555 S. St. Vrain, EP, 586-8625 www.chipperslanes.com Camps, junior bowling leagues, school fundraisers. See ad page 30. Highland Park Lanes 1900 59th Ave., GR, 330-2695 www.highlandparklanes.com Junior Bowling League. CHEERLEADING Colorado Cheer Academy 105 W. Prospect Rd., FC 305-0170 www.coloradocheeracademy.com Excellent cheer program, complete athlete performance program, fitness training and conditioning. See ad page 44. Horsetooth Cheer Elite 4103 S. Mason St., FC 282-9890 www.cheerelite.net/northern-colo rado-elite All-star competitive cheer (3 levels), Recreational Cheer, tumbling. NFL Flag Football & Cheerleading 155 E. Boardwalk, #550 855-500-2797 www.playnflflagco.com Registration includes uniform, pompoms, socks and hair bow.

Rocky Mountain Cheer & Dance 148 SW 2nd St., LV 669-0762 www.rmcdcrockets.com Recreational and competitive cheer, tumbling and dance. Windsor Gymnastics Academy 687 Academy Court., WS 686-6175 www.windsorgymnasticsacademy.com Cheerleading instruction and team. CHESS Chessmates FC, 581-2424 www.chessmatesfc.com Kids have fun, learn, and compete through chess. CLIMBING Epic Climbing Gym at the Estes Park Mountain Shop 2050 Big Thompson Ave., EP 586-6548 www.estesparkmountainshop.com/ climbing-gym.htm 4,500 square feet of indoor climbing for beginners through experts. Family friendly and affordable. Greeley Recreation Center— Rock Wall 651 10th Ave., GR 350-9400 www.greeleygov.com/Recreation/ GreeleyRec.aspx Top rope and lead climbing available. Inner Strength Rock Gym 3713 S. Mason, FC 282-8118 www.innerstrengthrock.com Climbing classes for 6-8 and 9-14 years. All abilities welcome. CLUBS 4-H Larimer County: 498-6000 www.larimer.org/extension Weld County: 304-6535 www.weld4h.org A community of young people who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.

PUBLISHER: Scott Titterington EDITOR: Kristin Titterington CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Emily Zaynard ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR: Greg Hoffman COVER PHOTO: iStockphoto.com

Copyright 2015 Rocky Mountain Publishing, 825 Laporte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521, 970-221-9210. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited.


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with Your Business Today! To Advertise:

Greg at 970-689-6832 greg.rmpublishing@gmail.com Scott at 970-980-9183 scott.rmpublishing@gmail.com



Boys & Girls Clubs Larimer County 1505 Brodie Ave., EP, 583-2361 1608 Lancer Dr., FC, 484-5198 2500 E. 1st St., LV, 663-5450 3815 W. Harrison, Wellington 568-7338, www.begreatlarimer.org Weld County 24750 3rd Ave., Galeton 2400 W. 4th St., GR, 2400 1st Ave., GR, 100 Broad St., Milliken 353-1278, www.bgcweld.org Provides environment to help young people reach their full potential. Boy Scouts of America—Longs Peak Council 5604 McWhinney Blvd., LV, 203-9530 330-6305, www.longspeakbsa.org Prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes. Girl Scouts of America 855-726-4726 www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org Summer camp open to all girls.

ummer Tennis S g n i t i c Ex Sign Up Now for Spring

COOKING Cooking Classes for Kids 1003 W. Mountain Ave., FC, 221-5137 Fun, hands-on classes develop basic cooking skills with kid-friendly recipes. foodies! Culinary Academy 4206 S. College Ave., Ste. 108, FC 226-2665, www.foodiescca.com Creative academy for aspiring young chefs featuring clubs, parties, camps and workshops. FOOTBALL All Star Youth Sports 155 E. Boardwalk Dr., FC 855-500-ASYS (2797) www.allstaryouthsports.org Non-contact flag football leagues for coeds. Games on Sundays and Mondays. Colorado Ice Indoor Football 218 Smokey St., FC 472-0128 www.thecoloradoice.com Cheerleading hosted by Icicle cheerleaders; football hosted by Ice players & coaches. Lobos Football Technique Camp c/o Rocky Mountain High School 1300 W. Swallow Road, FC, 488-7023 Noncontact football technique for ages 7-13 years led by the Rocky Mountain Football program.



NFL Flag Football & Cheerleading 155 E. Boardwalk, #550 855-500-2797 www.playnflflagco.com Registration includes official NFL jersey, mouth piece and flags. Scott Downing’s Football Camp UNC, West Campus Fields, GR, 3509401 www.greeleygov.com/rec For 8- to 14-year-olds. GOLF Cattail Creek 2116 West 29th St., LV 663-5310, www.golfloveland.com City of Greeley Junior Golf 2200 Clubhouse Dr., GR 353-4653 Multiple level programs for boys and girls. City Park Nine Junior Program 411 S. Bryan Ave., FC, 221-6650 Collindale Golf Academy 1441 E. Horsetooth Road, FC 223-4653. See ad page 29. Eaton Country Club 37661 WCR 39, Eaton, 454-2479 www.eatoncountryclub.com Weekly play and lessons for ages 9-17. Beginner lessons ages 5-8. See ad page 23. Edge Sports Center—Junior Golf Program 4450 Denrose Ct., FC, 472-0048 www.edgesportscenter.com/ indoor-golf/youth/instructionand-training/hanrahan-golf-school.shtml Instruction by Hanrahan Golf School. Estes Park 18 Hole Golf Course 1480 Golf Course Road, EP, 586-8146 www.evrpd.com/golf/junior-golf Highland Hills Golf Course 2200 Clubhouse Drive, GR, 330-7327 www.greeleygov.com/Golf/junior programs.aspx Junior Golf Program. Highland Meadows Golf Course 6300 Highland Meadows Pkwy, WS, 204-4653 www.highlandmeadows.com Weeklong camps for beginner and intermediate golfers Individual and group instruction.



Lake Estes 9 Hole Executive Golf Course 690 Big Thompson Ave., EP, 586-8176 Mariana Butte 701 Clubhouse Drive, LV, 667-8308 Southridge Junior Golf Academy 5750 S. Lemay Ave., FC, 416-2828 The Olde Course at Loveland 2115 West 29th St., LV, 667-5256 GYMNASTICS Adventure Gymnastics Center 5800 W. 18th St., GR, 330-0632 Free trial lesson. Airborne Aces Flying Tigers Gymnastics 3005 West 29th St., Unit F, GR 352-2042 www.airbornetigers.com Gymnastics and tumbling on a competitive, non-competitive and special-needs basis.

Tomora Training Center 11000 U.S. Hwy. 34, GR 330-6552 www.tomoratrainingcenter.com Training, lessons, clinics and events revolve mostly around dressage. HOCKEY Edora Pool and Ice Center (EPIC) 1801 Riverside Ave., FC, 221-6683 www.fcgov.com/recreation/epic.php Open skating, lessons, teams. Greeley Ice Haus 900 8th Ave., GR 350-9402 www.greeleyicehaus.com Party packages include cake, supplies, skate rental, public skate and chaperones.

Mountain Kids 419 E. Stuart, FC, 482-3118 www.mountain-kids.com Gymnastics, dance, swimming, preschool, summer day camp, afterschool transportation and care.

NoCo Ice Center 7900 S. CR 5, WS, 206-4423 www.ncyh.org Hockey and skating for youth and adult. Serving Loveland, Windsor, Greeley and Fort Collins.

Premier Gymnastics of the Rockies 1410 E. 11th St., LV, 663-3173 www.premiergymnastics.net Now enrolling for gymnastics classes for ages 18 months to 18 years. See ad page 26.

LACROSSE Fort Collins Vipers Lacrosse 231-4054, www.fclax.com Competitive and recreational leagues, camps and clinics.

HORSEMANSHIP Gargot Farms Riding Academy 3833 W. CR 8, Berthoud, 443-5467 www.gargotfarms.com Indoor arena, 50 acres; English, individual, group, camps; equine-assisted psychotherapy, sports psychology.


Inspiration Riding Academy FC, Pierce, 402-2536 www.inspirationridingacademy.com Teaching hunter jumper lessons. Pony club. Lesson horses available. See ad page 6 & 25.

GK Gymnastics 2026 Lowe, FC, 226-0306 www.gk-gymnastics.com Price includes weekly bowling, skating, karate, gymnastics, movie, trampoline, conditioning and open swimming.

Windsor Gymnastics Academy 687 Academy Court, WS 686-6175, www.windsorgymnasticsacademy.com Summer day camp, fun activities.


Hearts & Horses 163 N. CR 29, LV, 663-4200 www.heartsandhorses.org Therapeutic riding program for children with physical, cognitive, or emotional challenges.

Havoc Girls Lacrosse Northern Colorado www.havoclacrosse.org Northern Colorado girls lacrosse organization. Winter and spring seasons. Windsor Lacrosse 7025 Eastman Park Dr., WS 576-9694, www.windsorcolax.com Basic lacrosse skills and skill development.


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MARTIAL ARTS ATA Family Martial Arts 2561 S. Shields, #3E, FC, 541-0958 910 E. Eisenhower Blvd., LV 1000 S. Lincoln Ave., LV, 541-0958 www.atafma.com Taekwondo for ages 4-adult. Summer programs and camps. See ad page 35. Catalyst Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 1111 Diamond Valley Drive, #102, WS, 460-9112 www.catalystbjj.com An academy offering Jiu Jitsu, anti-bullying and self-defense techniques. Fort Collins Judo Club 2415 E. Mulberry St., Unit 11, FC 232-8016, www.fcjudo.com A dojo with the objective to teach traditional and competitive judo. Fort Collins Pencak Silat 4103 S. Mason St., FC, 817-4266 www.fortcollinssilat.com A family oriented traditional martial arts school. International Blackbelt Academy 1833 E. Harmony Rd., #5, FC 204-9977, 3091 W. 29th St., GR 330-5425, www.ibbakarate.com Karate for kids and families.

Come Spend


Mountain Summer


Karate West, Inc. 3725 S. Mason St., FC, 223-5566 www.karatewestinc.com Martial Arts programs for peewees (4-7 years), kids (8-12 years), teens, and adults. See ad on page 31. Moore Martial Arts 514 Main St., WS, 686-1247 www.mooremartialarts.com Specializing in Anshinkai-do Karate and Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo. Ripple Effect Martial Arts 2948 Council Tree Ave., #137, FC 282-3714 High-energy summer and year-round martial arts program.


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Seraphim MMA 804 E. Eisenhower Blvd., LV 292-8016, www.seraphimmma.com Youth and teen MMA. Camps. Adult classes too. See ad page 37.

Sykes Family Martial Arts 5800 S College Ave., FC , 267-0490 www.sykeskarate.com Karate, Jiu Jitsu, bullying prevention for ages 3-adult. Tran’s Martial Arts 2925 S. College Ave., FC, 493-3838 222 E. 29th St., LV, 635-9222 www.transfortcollins.com Instruction in self-defense, physical and personal fitness. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Colorado Youth Outdoors 209 E. 4th St., LV, 663-0800 www.coloradoyo.org Camping skills, archery and shooting sports. Gardens on Spring Creek 2145 Centre Ave., FC, 416-2486 www.fcgov.com/gardens Engaging programs, classes, and special events to introduce your child to the wonders of the natural world. See ad on page 26. Kent Mountain Adventure Center 170 Elm Road, EP, 586-5990 www.kmaconline.com Backpacking, rock climbing, kayaking, mountain biking, and ‘no-impact’ camping programs. New World Sports 119 E. Mountain St., FC, 224-5857 www.newworldsportsllc.com Guided biking, hiking and rafting tours. PARTIES RJ’s Amazing Entertainment LV, 377-0093, www.kidsfunparty ideas.com Parties including airbrush tattoos, face painting, princes parties, balloon animals and more. See ad page 36. PLAYGROUNDS Bounce 1020 S. Lincoln Ave., LV 593-1800 www.bounceloveland.com Indoor playground open daily or reserve party space for your special event.



Cool Beans Playhouse & Cafe 4019 S. Mason St., #5, FC, 266-1135 www.coolbeansplayhouse.com Indoor creative play space with treehouse, forest and a café for parents. Jumpin’ 6065 Sky Pond Dr. #N118, LV 776-9756, www.jumpin-fun.com A kids inflatable play place. Loveland Laser Tag Fun Center 401 Denver Ave., LV, 663-9999 www.laserfuncenter.com Laser tag, laser maze, climbing wall, parties, group events and more.


015! 2 l l r Fa o f ING L L O ENR www.preschoolfumc.org lauralechtenberg@fcfumc.net

ROLLER SKATING FoCo Spartans Roller Derby Fort Collins, 231-8007 www.spartanbabes.weebly.com/ Fun athletic full-contact sport for ages 7-17. RollerLand Skate Center 324 S. Link Lane, FC, 482-0497 www.rollerlandskatecenter.com School fundraisers, birthday parties, school-break skates, private parties, live music. SOCCER Fort Collins Soccer Club 2721 S. College Ave. Ste. 10, FC 226-4253, www.soccerfortcollins.org Recreational and competitive soccer for boys and girls. Summer camps and clinics. See ad page 29. Northern Colorado Soccer Club 3527 West 12th St., Ste. 105, GR 351-6255 www.northerncoloradosoccer.org Promotes passion for soccer that is fun and positive for all participants. Thompson Soccer Association 1217 W. Eisenhower Blvd., LV 461-9358, www.thompsonsoccer.org Competitive and District leagues; fall and spring programs; Third-12th grades. SPORTS FACILITIES & RECREATION Chilson Recreation Center 700 E. Fourth St., LV, 962-2386 www.cityofloveland.org Fitness and aquatics.



City of Fort Collins Parks & Recreation Youth Team Sports 413 S. Bryan Ave, FC 221-6385 www.fcgov.com/sports Tackle/flag/ultimate football, softball, volleyball, track, basketball. Northside Aztlan Community Center 112 E. Willow St., FC, 221-6256 www.fcgov.com/recreation/northaztlan.pho Activities, classes, programs, sports, camps. City of Greeley Recreation Center 651 10th Ave., GR, 336-4219 www.greeleygov.com/recreation Party packages include cake and supplies. Pool, Tumble Room and Rock Wall parties. Edge Sports Center 4450 Denrose Ct., FC, 472-0048 www.edgesportscenter.com Sports facility for practice, instruction, and league play for turf-based sports. Qdoba Events Center 218 Smokey St., FC, 282-1112 www.qdobaeventscenter.com Six-week high-intensity inline hockey camps. Soccer. Lacrosse. Windsor Parks & Recreation 250 N. 11th St., WS, 674-3500 www.windsorgov.com Programs & activities for families. SWIMMING Centennial Outdoor Pool 2315 Reservoir Road, GR, 330-2837 Chilson Recreation Center 700 E 4th St., LV, 962-2386 Open swim, lessons, water fitness classes. City Park Pool 1599 City Park Ave., FC, 221-6363 Edora Pool and Ice Center (EPIC) 1801 Riverside Ave., FC, 221-6683 www.fcgov.com/recreation/epic.php Estes Park Aquatic Center 660 Community Drive, EP, 586-2340 www.evrpd.com/aquatic-center/ pool-info Open swim, lessons, water fitness classes.

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Family FunPlex Adventure Island Indoor Waterpark 1501 65th Ave., GR, 350-9401

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Fort Collins Area Swim Team (FAST) FC, 372-2744 www.fortcollinsareaswimteam.org Year-round competitive swimming for all abilities. Greeley Recreation Center Pool 651 10th Ave., GR, 350-9400 Open swim, lessons, water fitness classes.

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Kids ockies R . w w w

Winona Outdoor Pool 1615 SE 4th St., LV, 962-2435

Lake Loveland Swim Beach 2626 N. Taft Ave., LV, 962-2727

VOLLEYBALL CSU Volleyball Camps CSU campus, FC, 213-1830 www.csuvolleyballcamps.com Instruction from CSU coaches and elite staff.

Loveland Swim Club LV, 203-1374 www.lovelandswimclub.com Learn-to-swim and competitive swimming programs for athletes ages 3 through college.

NORCO Volleyball Club 7395 Greendale Road, WS 667-5005 www.norcovolleyball.com Private lessons, camps, clinics, leagues.

Mulberry Pool 424 W. Mulberry St., FC, 221-6657 Open swimming, lessons, teams.

UNC Volleyball Camps UNC Campus, GR, 351-1719 www.uncvolleyballcamps.com Open to boys and girls entering 4th-12th grade.

Northern Colorado Orcas WS, 282-5150 https://sites.google.com/site/orcassynchronc/ Synchronized swimming is for anyone who likes music, dance, and swimming.

izing Special y str in Denti s, ler for Todd ens , Te Children needs al& Speci ts Patien

Lewis Tennis School 2201 S. Shields St., FC, 493-7000 www.Lewistennis.com Thirty-eight years directing tennis programs, professionally run instruction, tournaments, leagues. See ad on page 12.

Vollitude Volleyball Club Northern Colorado, 690-3441 www.vollitudevbc.com Training, team competitions for ages 12-18.

Village Green Pool 1831 Valley Forge Ave., FC, 493-2099 www.vgpool.com Swimming, diving, wading pool, swim teams, swim lessons, tennis. Friendly neighborhood community.

WRESTLING GRIT Athletics Livermore, 219-6214 www.gritathletics.com Wrestling, running and rodeo training for kids ages 5-18 years.

Village Green Synchronized Swimming Team 1831 Valley Forge Ave., 493-2099 www.vgsynchro.com Fun, teamwork, exercise for girls in a safe, supportive environment.

Matpac Wrestling c/o Windsor High School, 1100 Main St., WS, 218-1056 www.matpacwrestling.com A supplemental training program for dedicated, serious wrestlers, 11-18 years old.

Vortex Swim Club 481-6640, www.teamvortex.org Developmental and competitive program for beginning and advanced swimmers. Fun environment. TENNIS Big Thompson Tennis Academy LV, 775-3110 www.bigthompsontennis.org Nonprofit association offering tennis instructions.


ART CLASSES Ideas Happen Here 402 N. College Ave., FC, 227-3356 www.ideashappenhere.com Art classes at FC Museum of Contemporary Art, after school, home school, summer.



Flying Colors Art School 2117 Bighorn Road, FC www.flyingcolorsartschool.com Multimedia art enrichment programs with multicultural themes.

Dance Factory 2956 W 29th St. #19, GR, 506-9040 www.dancefactorylb.com Classes in tap, jazz, ballet, hip hop and pom.

Fort Collins Museum of Art 201 S. College Ave., FC 482-2787 www.ftcma.org A museum-based art school for all ages and abilities. See ad page 7.

Front Range Classical Ballet Academy 2709 Ringneck Dr. FC, 980-8425 www.frcba.com Affordable quality training, recreational to pre-professional, ages 3-73; Ballet, Modern, Conditioning.

Loveland Museum/Gallery 503 N. Lincoln, LV, 962-2410 www.cityofloveland.org Art classes for youth and teens. After school, summer, spring break, winter break. VanCo School of Art 204 Maple St., Ste. 105, FC 430-5113 www.vancoschool.blogspot.com Offers classical training for artists 5-11 years old with a passion to learn and create. See ad page 26. DANCE Ballet Renaissance 2050 Big Thompson Ave., EP 480-7697, www.balletren.org Ballet training and performance opportunities for dancers of all ages and experience. Canyon Concert Ballet & Dance Center 1031 Conifer St., #3, FC, 472-4156 4103 S. Mason, FC, 217-9262 www.ccballet.org Creating and sharing the passion of dance through artistically enriching performances and education. See ad page 3.



Impact Dance Academy 1031 Conifer St., FC, 231-0844 www.impactdancecompany.com Modern dance workshops and performances. Loveland Dance Academy 440 N. Lincoln, LV, 667-2091 www.dancedream3.com Instruction in ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, modern, combo, and lyrical. McTeggert Irish Dancers 1200 S. College Ave., FC, 633-0282 www.mcteggart.com Boys and girls perform year-round. Mountain Kids 419 E. Stuart St., FC, 482-3118 www.mountain-kids.com Dancing, gymnastics, swimming, preschool, summer day camp, afterschool transportation and care. Starflower Dance Company EP, 593-8424 www.starflowerdance.com Private and group dance and fitness classes for all ages and ability levels.

Contemporary Dance Academy 2531 S. Shields, #2A FC 232-9539 www.contemporarydanceacademy.com Ballet, jazz, and lyrical.

Studio West Dance Center 216 W Horsetooth Suite B, FC, 225-1611, 645 N. Denver Ave., LV, 663-3133, www.swdcfc.com Summer dance day camps & work足 shops. See ad page 15.

Dance Express 633 S. College Ave., Ste. H, FC 493-2113 www.fortnet.org/danceexp Modern dance troupe for persons with and without disabilities.

Stylz Dance Studio 2925 S. College Ave., FC 237-2819 Performance-based studio offering hip-hop, breaking, lyrical, jazz, ballet, tap, theatre jazz.

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The Studio 3307 S. College Ave., Unit 6, FC, 223-8155 217 E. 4th St., LV, 669-5155 3307 S. College Ave., FC 223-8155, www.thestudioco.com All-in-one camps, dance intensives, rock-star camps, and summer classes. See ad page 4. MUSIC Boomer Music Company 3761 S. Mason St., FC, 223-2424 www.boomermusiccompany.com Musical instruments for sale or rent, lessons, accessories.

Piano Center of the Rockies 2721 S. College Ave., #5A, FC 282-9171 www.pianocenteroftherockies.com Specializing in piano classes for kids, teens, adults and retirees. Philomusica 2105 S. College Ave., FC, 419-8801 www.philomusica.com Music classes, private instrumental lessons; innovative approach; group and pre-piano lessons. See ad page 4.

Estes Park Violin www.estesparkviolin.com Lessons focused on music reading, theory, physical technique and ear training.

Rocky Mountain Summer Music Camp at CSU Colorado State University, FC 491-5529 www.bands.colostate.edu/camp/ Camp for band, orchestra, vocal studies, jazz, percussion with world-class instruction.

Hands On Music Academy 2856 Sitting Bull Way, FC, 207-9111 Music lessons for those wanting a clean, safe and homey family environment.

Sera Schools Music Programs FC, 343-0819 www.seraschools.com Music education for children and adults.

JasCo Music sixstring_slinger@yahoo.com Guitar instruction emphasizing solid technique and understanding music theory.

Youth Orchestra of the Rockies FC, 303-322-1764 www.cochamberorchestra.org/youthorchestra-of-the-rockies

Magnolia Music Studio 210 W. Magnolia St., Ste. 10, FC, 481-8661 www.magnoliamusicstudio.com Voice, fiddle, harp, violin. Main Street Music Academy 609 Main St., WS, 674-0052 www.mainstreetmusicacademy.com Molding musicians since 1988. Private lessons and summer camps. Piano & Guitar Institute 2925 S. College Ave. #8, FC 206-4930 1295 Main St. #3, WS, 686-9660 www.pianoinstitutellc.com Students will be exposed to a variety of musical genres.

PERFORMING ARTS Debut Theatre Company 827 Riverside Ave., FC 224-5774, www.debuttheatre.org Northern Colorado’s only year-round, nonprofit, hands-on youth acting school/performing troupes. See ad page 3. Fort Collins Children’s Theatre Fort Collins, 498-4110 www.fortcollinschildrenstheatre.org Summer workshop and July show by ages 10-14. November musical by ages 12-adult. Harrington Arts Academy 575 N. Denver Ave., LV 568-8370 www.harringtonartsacademy.com Creative expression for all: acting, singing, dancing, drawing, songwriting, mainstage productions. Soggy Noodle Estes Park Children’s Theatre EP, 586-9125, www.soggynoodle.com Co-op theatre company where parents contribute their time and talents.



Up In Lights Productions Loveland, 292-8682 www.UILProductions.com Musical theater training summer camps, singing, dancing, acting, final performance.

Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Ct, FC, 221-6738 www.fcmod.org Year-round programs. Call or check the website for more information. See ad page 11.


iD Tech Camps Held at University of Denver, Colorado State University and more 888-709-8324, www.idtech.com Create apps, video games, programs, movies, more. Week-long, day and overnight programs. See ad page 40.

Adventure Bound Day Camp 700 E. 4th St. LV, 962-2467 www.cityofloveland.org State-licensed camp, field trips, arts & crafts, swimming, science, drama, indoor and outdoor games.

Loveland Sports and Academic Day Camp LV, 980-1994 www.lovelandsportscamp.com Fun, safe place for children with reading, math, sports and activities. See ad page 32.

DAY CAMPS All-Star Kids Games 2112 E. Harmony Road, FC, 206-9600 www.mypursuitchurch.com An action-packed week of sports where kids learn and compete together.

Camp Invention Greeley 2101 47th Ave., GR, 800-968-4332 www.campinvention.org One-week science and invention camp. Choice City Christian Camp 3125 Calestoga Ct., FC, 310-6335 www.choicecitychristiancamp.com Summer activities daycamp with daily field trips. Open 7am-6pm. See ad page 2. City of Loveland Parks & Recreation 700 E. 4th Street, LV 962-2467 www.cityofloveland.org State-licensed day camp: crafts, swimming, field trips, games. See ad page 37. City of Loveland Youth Sports Camps 700 E. 4th. St., LV, 962-2445 www.cityofloveland.org Summer youth athletic sports camps. CSU Youth Sport Camps 220 Moby B Complex, FC 491-6318 www.hes.chhs.colostate.edu/ outreach/ysc/ A day camp that promotes the benefits of physical activity for youth in the community. See ad page 3. Farm at Lee Martinez Park 600 N. Sherwood, FC, 221-6665 www.fcgov.com/recreation/thefarm.php Summer and spring-break camps.

Mountain Kids 419 E. Stuart, FC, 482-3118 www.mountain-kids.com Gymnastics, dance, swimming, preschool, summer day camp, afterschool transportation and care. Windmill Child Enrichment Center 1215 Automation Drive, WS 674-0004, www.windmillcec.com Fun, safe summer camp for school-age children. YMCA of the Rockies— Estes Park Center 2515 Tunnel Road, EP, 586-3341 www.ymncrockies.org Young People’s Learning Centers 209 E. Plum, FC, 482-1212 405 Mathews St., FC, 482-6264 1015 E. Elm St., Milliken, 587-7722 www.youngpeopleslc.com Fun and teen camps. See ad page 4. RESIDENTIAL Air Force Sports Camps Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, 719-333-2116 www.goairforcefalcons.com Summer camps for boarders and commuters. Basketball, cheerleading, diving, fencing & golf. See ad page 8. Camp Chief Ouray— YMCA of the Rockies Granby, 887-2648 www.campchiefouray.org Camp Chief Ouray provides opportunities for growth in spirit, mind, and body.

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Camp Timberline, Inc. 1207 Longs Peak Road, Estes Park, 484-8462 www.camptimberline.com Sports and mountain adventure camp at the foot of Longs Peak. See ad page 8. Cheley Colorado Camps 3960 Fish Creek Rd., Estes Park 586-4244 www.cheley.com Hiking, horseback riding, camping, backpacking, rafting, mountain biking, sports, climbing, arts, crafts and more.

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Blooming Girls 115 N. College, Ste. 220, FC 207-4094 http://bloominggirlsco.com After-school development program for girls.

Educo Leadership Adventures Fort Collins, 494-0785 www.EducoAdventures.org Ridiculously fun adventure camp and trips teaching leadership and confidence since 1988. See ad page 21.

Spring Creek School 1900 Remington, FC 224-4240 www.springcreekschool.com Kindergarten, before- and afterschool, summer camps.

Frontiers of Science Institute UNC, 501 20th St., GR 351-2976, http://mast.unco.edu/fsi 6-week summer residential science immersion program at UNC for juniors and seniors.

CHILDCARE AND PRESCHOOL ABC Child Development & Bright School-Age Centers 5000 11th St., GR, 1511 12th Ave, GR, 352-2222 www.abccdc.com Providing school-age activities in a school-age setting.

iD Tech Camps Held at University of Denver, Colorado State University and more, 888-7098324, www.idtech.com Create apps, video games, programs, movies, more. Week-long, day and overnight programs. See ad page 40.



BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL BASE Camp 1241 Riverside, FC 266-1734 www.mybasecampkids.org Before- and after-school programs, plus summer camp and school’s-out day programs. See ad page 19.

Adventure Child Development Center 5800 W 18th St., GR, 330-7540 Summer day camps, enrichment programs, childcare, and parties.

Rocky Mountain Summer Music Camp at CSU Colorado State University, FC 491-5529 www.bands.colostate.edu/camp/ Camp for band, orchestra, vocal studies, jazz, percussion with world-class instruction.

Bright Horizons 2815 Iowa Dr., FC, 484-4700 3513 Richmond Dr., FC, 229-0300 2420 W. 8th St., LV, 461-9802 www.brighthorizons.com Creative projects, exciting indoor and outdoor activities, on-site gymnastics and dance studios.

Rocky Ridge Music Center 465 Longs Peak Road, EP 586-4031 www.rockyridge.org Summer residential music camps for youths and adults.

Children’s Workshop Early Learning Center 635 S. Grant, FC, 221-1818 1900 Remington St., FC, 224-4240 2822 Silverplue, FC 226-5854 4601 Sunview Dr., LV, 613-9424 1425 Diana Dr., LV, 663-3146 www.childrens-workshop.com Sports, games, field trips, cheerleading, computers and other fun activities. Transportation provided.



Chilson Small Fries Preschool 700 E. 4th St., LV, 962-2446 www.cityofloveland.org Preschool program that focuses on cognitive, language, physical, and social-emotional development.

Little Bears Child Care 1247 Riverside Ave., FC, 472-1984 2251 Hampshire Rd., FC, 484-3932 www.littlebearschildcare.com Core knowledge emphasis, Spanish and sign language included.

Community Preschoolers 1003 W. 6th St., LV, 669-4323 www.communitypreschool.org Co-op preschool for children ages 2.5 to 5, August through May.

Loveland Preschool 2500 N,. Garfield Ave., LV, 412-2320 www.lovelandpreschool.org Parents and teachers cooperate to provide a developmentally appropriate learning environment.

First United Methodist Church Preschool 1005 Stover St., FC, 482-0343 www.fumccooppreschool.org Parents and teachers work together to provide a quality, developmentally appropriate preschool program. See ad page 18. Har Shalom Preschool & Kindergarten 725 W Drake Rd, FC 232-9668, www.congregationharshalom.org/preschool A Jewish, Montessori Inspired Preschool & Kindergarten serving children 3-6 years old. All are welcome. Hearts in Hand Child Development Center 2464 Marquette, FC, 223-1245 www.heartsinhandschool.com Private kindergarten; summer camp. CSU Early Childhood Center 223 South Shields St., FC, 491-7082 www.hdfs.chhs.colostate.edu/ outreach/ecc/ Quality care and educational experience for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years (pre-kindergarten). Great Au Pair Northern Colorado, 800-935-6303 www.greataupair.com Au pairs, nannies, babysitters. Kids Town Drop-In Child Care Center 2700 S. College Ave., Unit D, FC 377-2824, www.kidstowncenters.com Licensed drop-in child care, ages 1-13, open days, nights, weekends. Kindercare Learning Centers Centers in FC, LV, GR www.kindercare.com Before- and after-school programs; enrichment programs. See ad page 4.


PSD Early Childhood Program 703 E. Prospect, FC, 490-3036 www.psdschools.org/department/ early-childhood Early Head Start, Early Childhood, both no-cost and tuition-based Preschool Programs. Sunshine House 4 area locations, 800-551-1561 www.sunshinehouse.com Infant through school-age programs, after-school and summer camp, part-/full-time available. Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center 424 Pine St., Ste. 100, FC 4932628, www.teaching-tree.org Quality childcare/preschool for children 6 weeks to 5 years, Loveland, Fort Collins. See ad page 19. Thompson Valley Preschool, Inc. 803 E. 16th St., LV, 667-6552 www.thompsonvalleypreschool.org Income-based, school readiness preschool program. Building the foundation for a child’s education. Young People’s Learning Centers 209 E. Plum, FC, 482-1212 405 Mathews St., FC, 482-6264 1015 E. Elm St., Milliken, 587-7722 www.youngpeopleslc.com Quality care for children 1 to 15 years old. See ad page 4. CHILDCARE LOCATOR Early Childhood Council Larimer County 1730 S. College Ave., Ste. 200, FC, 377-3388, www.ecclc.org Weld County, 814 9th St., GR 353-4300, www.unitedway-weld.org/ promisesforchildren/earlychildhood-council Locate licensed, quality childcare providers.



ENVIRONMENT CSU Environmental Learning Center 3745 E. Prospect Rd, FC 491-1661, www.csuelc.org Educational programs, nature center, trails. Camps. Open to the public. Garbage Garage Education Center 5887 S. Taft Hill Rd., FC, 498-5770 www.larimer.org/solidwaste Waste and recycling education center at the Larimer County landfill. Gardens on Spring Creek 2145 S. Centre Ave., FC 416-2486 www.fcgov.com/gardens Experience nature. Fun events, ongoing programs, and camps all with horticulture themes. See ad page 26. HEALTH Academy of Natural Therapy 625 8th Ave., GR 352-1181, www. natural-therapy.com Accredited massage therapy instruction for those interested in careers; massages also available. See ad page 19. LEARNING CENTERS AND MUSEUMS Bee Family Centennial Farm Museum 4320 E. CR 58, FC, 482-9168 www.beefamilyfarm.org History of northern Colorado agriculture, children’s activities, farm animals, more. Estes Park Museum 200 Fourth St., EP, 586-6256 Exhibits and programs detailing the area’s history from the Ice Age to today. Fort Collins Museum of Art 201 S. College Ave., FC 482-2787, www.ftcma.org A museum-based art school for all ages and abilities. Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 408 Mason Ct., FC 221-6738, www.fcmod.org Hands-on learning for all ages! See ad page 11.

Global Village Museum and Learning Center 200 W. Mountain Ave., 221-4600 www.globalvillagemuseum.com Collections and activities to promote international understanding. Greeley Museums Several locations throughout Greeley, 350-9220 Centennial Village Museum Store, 350-9224 Hazel E. Johnson Research Center, 336-4187 www.greeleymuseums.com See ad page 7. Loveland Museum/Gallery 503 N. Lincoln Ave., LV 962-2410 Diverse cultural experiences through history, artistic expression and community celebration. LIBRARIES Berthoud Library 236 Welch Ave., Berthoud, 532-2757 www.berthoud.colibraries.org Clearview Library District 720 Third St., WS, 686-5603 www.clearviewlibrary.org Serving Windsor, Severance and West Greeley; Bookmobile, programs for youths and adults. Estes Valley Library 335 E. Elkhorn Ave., EP, 586-8116 www.estesvalleylibrary.org Vast array of books and other media for Estes Park residents and visitors. High Plains Library District 2650 W. 29th St., GR 506-8550, www.mylibray.us Centennial Park Branch Library 2227 223rd Ave., GR, 506-8600 Farr Regional Library 1939 61st Ave., GR, 506-8500 Lincoln Park Branch Library 919 7th St. Ste. 100, GR, 506-8460 A community of libraries offering programs and materials for all ages. See ad page 12. Loveland Public Library 300 N. Adams, LV, 962-2665 http://www.cityofloveland.org Programs for all ages.

Packages for under $130 Ages 5-6 Beginner Series of 2- 45 Minute Clinics -$40 Ages 7-17 Beginner Series of 4- 60 Minute Lessons -$99 Ages 7-17 Intermediate Series of 4- 90 Minute Lessons -$129

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Poudre River Public Library District Council Tree Library 2733 Council Tree Ave., Ste. 200, FC, 221-6740 Harmony Library 4616 S. Shields, FC, 221-6740 Old Town Library 201 Peterson, FC, 221-6740 Webster House Admin. Center 301 E. Olive, FC, 221-6740 www.poudrelibraries.org Programs to encourage literacy, curiosity, and imagination for children, teens and adults.

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SCHOOLS Big Thompson Elementary School of Science & Nature 7702 W. Hwy. 34, LV, 613-5600 www.bigthompsonelementary.org Congregation Har Shalom 725 W Drake Road, FC, 223-5191 www.congregationharshalom.org Full educational support for Jewish youth and a preschool/kindergarten. Discovery Montesorri 225 E. Skyway Drive, FC 223-2445 www.discoverymontessori.net A variety of animals and gardens help toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners discover and learn.

Front Range Baptist Academy 625 East Harmony Road, FC 223-2173, www.frbacademy.org Quality K-12 Christian education in a warm, friendly atmosphere. See ad page 20. Heritage Christian Academy 2506 Zurich Dr., FC 494-1022 www.heritagechristian.info PreK-12 school equipping students with a Christian world and life view. Immanuel Lutheran School 4650 Sunview Dr., LV, 667-7606 www.school.immanuelloveland.org Northern Colorado’s premier Christian school offering education in preschool through eighth grade. Mountain Sage Community School Fort Collins 2310 E. Prospect Road, Ste. A, FC 568-5456 www.mountainsagecommunity school.org A K-8 charter school inspired by Waldorf education and sustainable living. PSD Global Academy 703 E. Prospect Rd., FC, 490-3086 www.pga.psdschools.org Tuition-free, accredited online learning curriculum with local enrichment and social opportunities. Rivendell School, 1800 E. Prospect Rd., FC 493-9052,www.rivendell-school.org Pre-school to 5th grade. Helping children achieve academic success & personal excellence through individualized education since 1976. Spring Creek School 1900 Remington, FC, 224-4240 www.springcreekschool.com Kindergarten, before- and afterschool, summer camps. The Learning House 3533 Riva Ridge Drive, FC, 266-0844 www.thelearninghouse.org Fully inclusive, nonprofit, early childhood school, offering playgroups, preschool, prekindergarten and kindergarten. See ad page 33.



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T.R. Paul Academy of Arts & Knowledge 4512 McMurry Drive, FC, 226-2800 www.tpaak.org Expressing individual talent artistically and academically while enhancing community and culture. West Ridge Academy 6200 W. 20th, GR, 330-3671 www.westridgeacademycharter.com National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. Education experts working with what works. Windsor Charter Academy 680 Academy Ct., WS, 674-5020 www.windsorcharteracademy.org Middle and Elementary Core Knowledge curriculum, tuition-free public charter school. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Frontiers of Science Institute UNC, 501 20th St., GR, 351-2976 http://mast.unco.edu/fsi Six-week summer residential science immersion program at UNC for juniors and seniors. iD Tech Camps Held at University of Denver, Colorado State University and more 888-709-8324, www.idtech.com Create apps, video games, programs, movies, more. Week-long, day and overnight programs. See ad page 40. Science Toy Magic 11 Old Town Square, FC, 484-2377 Boomerang lessons first Sunday of the month, March through September. Boomerangs provided. SPEECH & LANGUAGE Children’s Speech & Reading Center 1330 Oakridge Dr. #10, FC, 419-0486, www.csrckids.org Quality speech, language & literacy programs. Sliding scale. ASHA certified therapists. Nonprofit. Speech & Language Stimulation Center 317 N. Meldrum, FC 495-1150 www.speech-language-voice.com Early intervention, articulation, language, literacy, social language skills, vocal cord issues, more. See ad page 6.



SUPPORT Learning Rx 1100 Haxton Drive, Ste. 105, FC, 672-2030 www.learningrx.com/fort-collins Lone Pine Classical School www.lonepineclassical.com Latin and Greek classes for homeschoolers. Math Tutoring 2102 Estrella Ave., LV, 663-6447 Raise your child’s grades and confidence with a Thompson School District certified teacher. Mathnasium 2733 Council Tree Ave. #107, FC, 221-1432 www.mathnasium.com/fortcollins K-12 math tutoring. The Reading Clinic 800 N. Garfield Ave., LV, 667-3190 www.lovelandreadingclinic.com Individualized instruction in reading, writing, study skills and math; K-adult. Tutor Doctor 416-7777 www.tutoringnoco.com One-on-one, in-home personalized tutoring.


FOOD Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shop 1 Old Town Sq, FC, 407-0899 www.benjerry.com/fortcollins Locally owned and operated. Birthday cakes and tie-dye birthday parties. Old Chicago Pizza and Taproom Locations in FC, GR, LV. www.oldchicago.com Family-friendly dining. See ad page 8. Walrus Ice Cream 125 W. Mountain Ave., FC 482-5919 www.walrusicecream.com Locally owned, home-made premium ice cream.



GETAWAYS Beaver Meadows Resort Ranch Red Feather Lakes, 881-2450 www.beavermeadows.com Summer or winter rustic family getaways. Horseback riding, fishing, tubing, ice skating, more. Sylvan Dale Guest Ranch 2939 N. CR 31D, LV, 667-3915 www.sylvandale.com Old-fashioned family camp, ranch ad-ventures, trail rides, hay rides, camp fires. YMCA of the Rockies—Estes Park Centet 2515 Tunnel Road, EP, 586-3341 www.ymncrockies.org Family lodging, fun. MOVIES Lyric Cinema Cafe 300 E. Mountain Ave, FC 493-0893 www.lyriccinemacafe.com Morning cartoons Mon.-Sat. kids Matinees on PSD no-school days. PARTY SUPPLIES Roo Jumps Inflatable Party Rentals 3946 Carson Ave., Evans 622-0055, www.roojumps.com Northern Colorado’s largest, locally-owned inflatable party rental company.


ACUPUNCTURE Wisdom Ways Acupuncture 363 W. Drake Road, Ste. 1, FC, 227-3077 www.wisdomwaysacupuncture.com Specializing in internal medical issues, gynecological care. ALLERGY Aspen Medical Center – Allergy 608 E. Harmony Rd, FC, 498-9226 303 Colland Dr., FC, 498-9226 2010 16th St., GR, 498-9226 2923 Ginnala, LV, 669-6660 www.bannerhealth.com. Colorado Allergy and Asthma Centers 1136 E. Stuart St., Bldg 3, Ste 3200, FC, 221-1681, 7251 W. 20th St., Bldg. N, GR, 356-3907 www.coloradoallergy.com Specializing in allergies, asthma and eczema treatment for children and families.


CHIROPRACTIC & MASSAGE Hand Chiropractic 1630 S. Lemay Ave. #4, FC 221-9300, www.handchiro.com Combining modern technology with traditional care. Pivotal Wellness 4021 S College Ave., FC, 266-0003 www.pivotalwellness.com Family focused chiropractic and massage. Scott Family Health 1491 N. Denver Ave., Ste. 101, LV 663-2225, www.scottchiro.com A place to go for chiropractic work, acupuncture, physical therapy or massage. Reclaim your good health! Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic 1713 61st Ave., GR, 356-5255 www.weldfamilyclinic.com Lifestyle chiropractic care to keep your family’s health at its peak. See ad page 25. DENTAL/ORTHODONTICS Adventure Dental & Vision 3485C W 10th St., GR, 353-4746 www.adventuregreeley.com General dentistry, orthodontics, and vision care for children and young adults. See ad page 13. Big Grins 3221 Eastbrook Dr., FC, 407-1020 www.biggrinswithdrgreg.com Infant and pediatric dental care in a fun and comfortable environment. See ad page 14. Braces U Orthodontics 730 Whalers Way, Ste. 200, FC 226-5505, www.coombsbraces.com Specialist in orthodontics for children and adults; complimentary consultation; financing options. See ad page 27. David L. Way, DDS, MS 1424 E. Horsetooth Road, Ste. # 1, FC, 286-7613, www.orthoway.com See ad page 39. Dental Connections www.LCDentalConnections.org Affordable dental care for adults with low incomes and no dental insurance.


Goings Orthodontics 4733 S. Timberline Rd., FC 377-1888 www.goingsorthodontics.com Complimentary initial consultation; fast, gentle treatment; friendly comfortable atmosphere. Mark D. Crane, DDS, MS 4144 Timberline Rd, FC 226-6443, 3520 E. 15th St., Ste. 101, LV, 663-4871 www.drcraneorthodontics.com Specializing in helping kids, teens and adults achieve a straight, beautiful smile. See ad page 16. Milnor Orthodontics 1103 S. Shields St., FC 484-3214 www.milnororthodontics.com Free examination, evaluation and explanation of your child’s needs. See ad page 19. North Beach Dental 1102 E. Lincoln Ave., LV 224-2688 www.northbeachdental.com Child-friendly, slow-paced, quality dentistry for infants, children, teens and pregnant moms. Pediatric Dentistry of the Rockies 4609 S. Timberline Rd,. Ste. 103B, FC, 484-4104 www.RockiesKidsDDS.com Specializing in dentistry for toddlers, children and special-needs patients. See ad page 20. Richter Orthodontics 1813 61st Ave., GR 373-4509 www.richterorthodontics.com Comprehensive orthodontic care. ToothZone 1220 Oak Park Dr., FC, 223-8687 383 W. Drake Rd., FC, 377-2500 1122 9th St. #101, GR, 353-5203 www.toothzone.com Where fun and dentistry collide; dentist & staff love kids; Comfortable waiting zone. Windsor Pediatric Dentistry 1299 W. Main Street, Unit C, WS, 674-3247 www.windsorpediatricdentistry.com Specialized dentistry for infants, children, teens and children with special healthcare needs.

Ward Orthodontics 2720 Council Tree Ave., Ste. 266, FC, 672-8218, www.wardortho.com Customized orthodontic treatment plans which utilize state-of-the-art technology. See ad page 44. DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE PREVENTION Team Fort Collins 201 S. College Ave. 224-9931, www.teamfortcollins.org Promotes healthy lifestyles for all ages to prevent drug and alcohol abuse. FAMILY PHYSICIANS Associates in Family Medicine Eight clinics in Fort Collins and Windsor, www.afmfc.com Complete continuum of care for all stages of life, available at any clinic. Banner Medical Clinics Berthoud, Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland, Windsor www.bannerhealth.com Family physicians; accepting new patients. Family Medicine Center 1025 Pennock Place, FC, 495-8800 General medical care for community members who might otherwise go without healthcare. First-Care Family Physicians 2160 A-3 W. Drake Rd., FC, 221-5595 295 E. 29th, LV, 669-6000, www.firstcaremed.net Certified family physicians & associates with extended hours for all your healthcare needs. Heritage Family Medicine 811 E. Elizabeth, FC, 224-1596 www.heritagemedicine.com Your family’s health deserves a doctor who knows you. Kaiser Permanente Several locations throughout northern Colorado. 855-208-7221 www.kaiserpermanente.org Affordable, patient-centered health care for the whole family. See ad page 43.



Miramont Family Medicine Four locations in northern Colorado— FC, LV, WL, 482-0213 www.miramont.us Comprehensive, patient-centered health care for the whole family. Rocky Mountain Family Physicians 1124 E. Elizabeth, Bldg. C, FC 484-0798 www.RMFamilyPhys.com Same-day appointments, new patients welcome, sports and back-toschool well checks. See ad page 41. Salud Family Health Centers Located in EP, FC, GR. www.saludclinic.org Comprehensive family care. Sunrise Community Health Locations in LV, GR. www.sunrisecommunityhealth.org Comprehensive family care. University of Colorado Health Medical Group Clinics Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland, Windsor, www.uchealth.org Family medical practice providing quality healthcare services.

t y r e a p ver! t s e B

Windsor Family Clinic 4630 Royal Vista Cir., Ste 7, WS, 530-0575 www.windsorfamilyclinic.com Family medical practice providing quality healthcare services in northern Colorado.

Youth Clinic 1200 E. Elizabeth, FC, 267-9510 1214 Oak Park Ave., FC 2695 Rocky Mountain Ave., LV www.youthclinic.com Family healthcare for infants through early adults. Sports physicals and onsite psychologist. See ad page 41.

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FITNESS Fort Collins Club 1307 E. Prospect, FC 224-2582 www.fortcollinsclub.net Complete range of family fitness facilities and services. Afterschool and summer camps.

Miramont Lifestyle Fitness 901 Oakridge Drive, FC, 282-1000 1800 Heath Pkwy., FC, 221-5000 2211 S. College Ave., FC, 225-2233 3755 Precision Drive, Ste., 100, LV 744-5005, www.miramontlifestyle.com Family health and wellness services. Youth programs for a lifestyle of fitness. See ad page 2. Raintree Athletic Club 2555 S. Shields St., FC 490-1300 www.raintreeathleticclub.com Swimming, cycling, Cross Fit, court sports, aerobics classes, Pilates, BarrePOWER, more. The Other Club 1227 Riverside Ave., FC 221-4348 www.theotherclubfitness.com Providing high quality fitness and wellness in a welcoming, relaxed, a non-intimidating environment. HEALTH INFORMATION healthinfosource.com A comprehensive guide to local healthcare providers, topics and events. See ad page 14. HEALTH INSURANCE CHP+ or Family Medicaid United Way of Weld County 814 9th St, GR 353-4300 www.unitedway-weld.org Low-cost health insurance application assistance available. Dial 2-1-1 or 800-559-5590. Connect for Health-Weld County 2930 11th Ave., Evans 350-4673 www.northcoloradohealthalliance.org/ connect-for-health-colorado Impartial assistance to consumers seeking health coverage through the health insurance marketplace. Healthy Communities 1525 Blue Spruce Dr., FC 498-6755, www.larimer.org/health/ chs/epsdt.asp Connecting families to healthcare.

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Larimer Health Connect 144 N. Mason St., Unit 7, FC 472-0444 1501 Blue Spruce Drive, First Floor, FC 1025 Pennock Place, FC 1635 Blue Spruce Drive, FC 205 East 6th St., Second Floor, LV www.larimerhealthconnect.org In-person help to connect residents to quality, affordable health insurance. See ad page 22. HEALTH PROMOTION SERVICES Health District of Northern Larimer County 120 Bristlecone Dr., FC 224-5209 www.healthdistrict.org Provides prescription assistance, mental health, dental, preventive and health planning services. HOSPITALS Estes Park Medical Center 555 Prospect Ave., EP 586-2317 www.epmedcenter.com McKee Medical Center 2000 Boise Ave., LV 669-4640 www.bannerhealth.com Medical Center of the Rockies 2500 Rocky Mountain Way, LV 624-2500 www.pvhs.org/mcr Offering a full spectrum of services, specialties in cardiac and trauma care. North Colorado Medical Center 1801 16th St., GR, 352-4121 www.bannerhealth.com Poudre Valley Hospital 1024 S. Lemay Ave., FC 495-7000 www.pvhs.org/pvh Array of treatments, surgeries, diagnostic tests in more than 3 dozen specialties. INTERNAL MEDICINE Aspen Medical Center — Internal Medicine 2923 Ginnala Dr., LV 669-6660 www.bannerhealth.com


MENTAL HEALTH Connections Fort Collins 221-5551 www.mentalhealthconnections.com Mental health & substance abuse resources—information, referrals, low-cost counseling. See ad page 6. PHYSICALS General Care 620 S. Lemay, FC 482-6620 9299 Eastman Park Dr., WS 221-5811, www.concentra.com Specializing in sports and camp physicals for all ages. OB/GYN OB/GYN Associates 1900 N. Boise Ave., Suites 300, 410, LV, 667-2009 www.bannerhealth.com ORTHOPAEDICS Orthopaedic & Spine Center of the Rockies 2500 E. Prospect Rd. FC, 493-0112, 3470 E. 15th St., LV, 663-3975 www.orthohealth.com Complete orthopaedics and sports medicine, for all ages. Fort Collins, Loveland offices. PEDIATRICIANS The Children’s Health Place 1601 25th Ave., GR, 356-2600 www.thechildrenshealthplace.com Habla Espanol Loveland Pediatrics 2555 E. 13th St., Suite 130, LV 663-5437, www.bannerhealth.com. Thompson River Pediatrics and Urgent Care 4880 Thompson Pkwy., Ste. 116, Johnstown, 619-8139, www.thompsonriverpediatrics.com Same-day sick visits, well-child care, school & sports physicals, urgent care. See ad page 39.


Youth Clinic 1200 E. Elizabeth St., FC 1214 Oak Park Dr., FC 2695 Rocky Mountain Ave., LV 267-9510, www.youthclinic.com Family healthcare for infants through early adults. Sports physicals and onsite psychologist. See ad page 41. PHYSICAL, OCCUPATIONAL & SPEECH THERAPY Children’s Speech & Reading Center 1330 Oakridge Dr. #10, FC, 419-0486, www.csrckids.org Quality speech, language & literacy programs. Sliding scale. ASHA certified therapists. Nonprofit.

SMOKING PREVENTION Health District of Northern Larimer County 120 Bristlecone Dr., FC, 224-5209 Proven techniques to help you step free from cigarettes or chew tobacco. Weld County Tobacco Education Program 1555 N. 17th Ave., GR, 304-6470 ext. 2385, www.tobaccofreeweld.com Provides tobacco-cessation opportunities, resources for businesses, and information on secondhand smoke. SPECIALTY CARE Total Vein Care 1136 E. Stuart St. #4102, FC 498-8346, www.totalvein.net Specialists in disorders of the lower extremity; varicose & spider veins.

Speech & Language Stimulation Center 317 N. Meldrum, FC, 495-1150 www.speech-language-voice.com Early intervention, articulation, language, literacy, social language skills, vocal cord issues, more. See ad page 6.

URGENT CARE Harmony Urgent Care Center 2127 E. Harmony Rd., Suite 140, FC, 297-6250, www.pvhs.org. Services for minor injuries and illnesses, such as flu, strep throat, sprains, fractures.

My Heroes 701 S. Overland Tr., FC, 678-984-7774 www.myheroestherapy.com Providing hippotherapy services, an exciting form of physical, occupational or speech therapy that utilizes the horse as a treatment tool to achieve the individual patient’s goals and needs.

Loveland Urgent Care 3850 Grant Ave., Suite 140, LV 669-5717, www.pvhs.org/harmony-urgent-care Services for minor injuries and illnesses, such as flu, strep throat, sprains, fractures.

PRENATAL 4-D SonoImage 4025 Automation Way, FC, 460-1596 www.4DSonoImage.com Sonograms for expecting mothers performed on site for your conve­nience. REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Rocky Mountain Center for Reproductive Medicine 1080 Elizabeth St., FC, 493-6353 www.drbachus.com. A state-of-the-art IVF facility unequaled in this region. See ad page 2. SENIOR HEALTH Columbine Health Systems 947 Worthington Cir., FC 482-0198, www.columbinehealth.com Nursing facilities, independent and assisted living, rehabilitation, therapy, home care, and more.

Skyline Urgent Care 2555 E. 13th St., Suite 110, LV 461-6140, www.bannerhealth.com Thompson River Pediatrics and Urgent Care 4880 Thompson Pkwy., Ste. 116, Johnstown, 619-8139, www.thompsonriverpediatrics.com Same-day sick visits, well-child care, school & sports physicals, urgent care. See ad page 39. VISION Adventure Dental & Vision 3485C W. 10th St., GR, 353-4746 www.adventuregreeley.com General dentistry, orthodontics, and vision care for children and young adults. See ad page 13.

Eye Center of Northern Colorado 1725 E. Prospect Rd., FC, 221-2222 6125 Skypond Dr., LV, 663-3262 2555 13th St., LV, 679-0000 www.eyecenternoco.com Offering compassionate and comprehensive medical, surgical and optical care. Kirk Eye Center 3650 E. 15th St., LV, 669-1107 www.kirkeyecenter.com A full-service eye clinic & optical department serving Loveland, and northern Colorado. Positive Vision 1015 S. Taft Hill Rd., FC, 482-6034 www.positivedentalvision.com Provides comprehensive vision care for every member of your family. Life Family Vision Source 2867 35th Ave., GR, 346-1411 www.seelifevision.com Windsor Eye Care & Vision Center 515 Main St., WS, 460-0154 www.windsoreye.com


BIKE, SKATEBOARD, SKATING SHOPS Recycled Cycles 4031 S. Mason St., FC, 223-1969 www.recycled-cycles.com Offering new and professionally reconditioned bikes. Skate Ratz 343 E. 4 th St., LV 663-0980, Www.sk8ratz.com Large selection of skateboarding, skate and roller derby gear for youth to adult. See ad page 25. BOOKS Ram’s Bookstore 130 W. Laurel, FC 482-7917 www.ramsbookstore.com CSU textbooks and merchandise. CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES Clothes Mentor 4519 S. College Ave., FC 223-6636 www.clothesmentor.com/fortcollins Buying and selling gently used designer fashions for women.

Clothes Pony and Dandelion Toys 111 N. College Ave., FC 224-2866, www.clothespony.com Wide variety of children’s clothing. See ad page 9.

Excellent care for those you

love most!

Kid-A-Round 1606 S. Lemay, FC 682-2250 www.kidaroundftc.com Children’s resale boutique. Once Upon a Child 4519 S. College Ave., FC 266-9999 www.onceuponachildfortcollins.com Buying and selling gently used clothes and accessories. GARDENING Bath Garden Center and Nursery 2000 E. Prospect, FC 484-5022 www.bathgardencenter.com Join Bizzy Bees Gardening Club. Children learn about seeds, vegetables and more. KNITTING & WEAVING Lambspun 1101 E Lincoln Ave., FC, 484-1998 www.lambspun.com Classes. Wide selection of fibers, yarn and accessories. Knitting, weaving, spinning, cochet.



My Sister Knits 1408 W. Mountain Ave., FC 407-1461, www.mysisterknits.com Classes, open knitting, scrumptious yarns, knitting accessories and encouragement.

Same-day sick visits


School & sports physicals

ADOPTION Adoption Dreams Come True 316 W. Mulberry, FC, 493-2557 www.adoptiondreams.org Comprehensive services for adoptive families with free options counseling for birth mothers. Lutheran Family Services 2032 Lowe St., Ste. 200, FC 266-1788 800 8th Ave., Ste. 225, GR 353-5267 www.lfsrm.org Serving birth and adoptive families since 1948. Open adoptions.

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FAMILY SERVICES Mothers’ Center of Fort Collins www.motherscenterfc.org Nonprofit outreach organization with programs for mothers and children. Promises for Children Weld County’s Early Childhood Council United Way of Weld County 814 9th St, GR, 353-4300 www.unitedway-weld.org Focused on improving the wellbeing of every child in Weld County. See ad page 36. United Way 211 424 Pine St. #102, FC Dial 2-1-1 or 407-7066 315 E. 7th St., LV, 669-1450 www.uwaylc.org/volunteer/ Information/referral on volunteer opportunities, parenting classes, youth/ health/human services. FOOD PREPARATION Super Suppers 2580 E. Harmony Rd., FC, 472-9999 www.ssfortcollinsco.com Healthy, affordable, convenient prepared meals to take home.


FOSTER CARE Larimer County Foster Care Program 200 W. Oak St., FC, 498-7000 www.larimer.org/fostercare Foster care is a supportive service to children/families who must live apart due to abuse. Lutheran Family Services 2032 Lowe St., Ste. 200, FC 266-1788, 800 8th Ave., Ste. 225, GR, 353-5267, www.lfsco.org Provides substitute families for children who cannot live with their birth families. PARENTING SUPPORT Bright Beginnings Fort Collins 495-7528, United Way of Weld County 814 9th St., GR, 304-6187 www.unitedway-weld.org Providing support and information for healthy babies during the first three years of life. PET BOARDING Rover’s Ranch Kennels 4837 Terry Lake Rd, FC, 493-5970 www.roversranchftcollins.com Budget-minded boarding and grooming for your best friend.


PHOTOGRAPHY Image Gallery Fort Collins, 218-1652 www.imagegalleryinc.com Family, graduation and wedding portraitures in a natural environment.

Schonfeld Photography Fort Collins, 266-8828 www.schonfeldphoto.com Specializing in contemporary senior portraits and taking dance/sports portraits to the next level.

To promote your business or services in the annual

RMParent Family Directory, please contact Greg Hoffman

in Fort Collins via email at: greg.rmpublishing@gmail.com or contact Scott Titterington for businesses in Greeley,

Loveland, Windsor, Estes Park or other areas via email at: scott.rmpublishing@gmail.com



List of Advertisers





Academy of Natural Healing


Eaton Country Club


Learning House


Adventure Bound Day Camp


Educo Adventure Camp


Lewis Tennis School

13 Adventure Dental, Vision & Orthodontics


Family Balance Yoga

32 Loveland Sports & Academic Day Camp


Air Force Academy Sports Camps

18 First United Methodist Co-op Preschool


Mark Crane, DDS


ATA Family Martial Arts


Fort Collins Museum of Discovery


Milnor Orthodontics

19 BASECamp


Fort Collins Museum of Art


Miramont Summer Camps


Big Grins Dental


Fort Collins Soccer Club


Pediatric Dentistry of the Rockies


Blue Mountain Ranch


Fort Collins Youth Baseball


Premier Gymnastics of the Rockies


Braces U Orthodontics


Fort Fun


Promises for Children

17 Budweiser


Front Range Baptist Academy


RJ’s Amazing Entertainment


Camp Timberline

18 Front Range Baptist Academy


Canyon Concert Dance Center


Chipper’s Lanes

14 healthinfosource.com


Seraphim MMA


Choice City Christian Camp



Sk8ratz Skate Shop

26 City of Fort Collins Gardens on

22 Rocky Mountain Center for

Soccer Camp

Reproductive Medicine

High Plains Library District

44 Huntington

6 Speech & Language Stimulation Center

Spring Creek


iD Tech Camps, Academics & Online


Studio West Dance Center


City of Greeley Museums


Inspiration Riding Academy


The Studio


Clothes Pony & Dandelion Toys


Kaiser Permanente

39 Thompson River Pediatrics


Collindale Golf Academy


Karate West


Colorado Cheer Academy

2 Kilwins


UNC Extended Campus


Colorado Storm



Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic

& Urgent Care

KinderCare Learning Centers

6 connections

30 Knowledge Bound Teaching Tools & Toys


Young People’s Learning Center


CSU Youth Sports Camps



Youth Clinic


Debut Theater Company

23 Larimer Humane Society Critter Camp

Larimer Health Connect

To promote your business or services in the annual RMParent Family Directory, please contact Greg Hoffman for businesses in Fort Collins via email at: greg.rmpublishing@gmail. com or contact Scott Titterington for businesses in Greeley, Loveland, Windsor, Estes Park or other areas via email at: scott.rmpublishing@gmail.com.








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