RM Parent Magazine | June | 2022

Page 36

greeley district 6 news Brentwood Middle School honored

The Colorado School to Watch Program has recognized Brentwood Middle School as a 2022 Colorado Trailblazer School to Watch. “Brentwood is a successful middle school because it is truly a place where every child belongs. From strong academic practices and effective academic discourse to the Bengal Cafe and a focus on students as individuals, Brentwood is in tune with the needs of middle school students,” said Katie Gustafson, State Co-Director of the Colorado Schools to Watch program. “Brentwood Middle School is a school with replicable practices that are a model for other middle schools in our state.” Selection is based on a written application that requires schools to show how they met the criteria developed by the Forum. State teams organized by the Colorado Schools to Watch (www.coloradoschoolstowatch. com) program conduct site visits in order to affirm that they have indeed met the rigorous requirements of the award. These teams observe classrooms, interview administrators, teachers and parents, review achievement data, suspension rates, instructional quality, and student work. Schools are recognized for a threeyear period, and at the end of three years must repeat the process in order 24


to be re-designated. “This is truly an honor and an affirmation of the hard work the staff and administration at Brentwood has undertaken to ensure all students are learning at high levels and truly engaged,” Superintendent Dr. Deirdre Pilch said. The school will also be honored at the National Schools to Watch Conference on June 23 in Washington, D.C. NUTRITION SERVICES DIRECTOR NAMED DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR The national, nonprofit School Nutrition Association (SNA) has

named Danielle Bock, Director of Nutrition Services for Greeley-Evans School District 6, the Southwest Regional Director of the Year. The award recognizes the extraordinary contributions of school nutrition directors who manage effective school meal programs providing healthy, appetizing meals to students. “Danielle Bock has a passion for school nutrition and for serving her community. Her efforts to further diversity, equity and inclusion are an inspiring example and her commitment to advocate for the program and her students is worthy of recognition,” said SNA President Beth Wallace. Bock was announced as the Southwest regional Director of the Year during a School Lunch Hero Day (SLHD) online awards ceremony on May 2. “We are very proud of Danielle and the whole Nutrition Services team,” said Superintendent Dr. Deirdre Pilch. “During COVID-19, Danielle and her staff stepped up in a huge way, ensuring that our students had access to food even when we switched to remote learning. She is innovative and involved, and truly represents what is best about District 6.”

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RM Parent Magazine | June | 2022 by RM Publishing - Issuu