2 minute read
A change of seasons
A new look
YOU MIGHT HAVE NOTICED that the magazine you are reading has a new look. First, it has a new, clean and exciting design thanks to the vision and effort of Creative Director Emily Zaynard. We’ve also freshened up our regular departments with shorter, punchier blurbs and some new ideas. Our feature stories remain as before with in-depth, insightful treatment of current topics.
We have also switched over to a full glossy format, which we believe gives RM Parent a consistently attractive appearance throughout.
Thank you for reading!
My favorite time of year
WHEN I WAS YOUNG, FALL WAS the time that I would start to read (nerd alert) J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic. Sometimes I would start with the Hobbit and sometimes I would jump right into the Fellowship of the Ring. Something about the fall made me restless and that was when the hobbits headed off on their adventures, so I could head off with them.
I still love to be in the crisp air of autumn. It feels so refreshing after the heat of the summer. I even look forward to the shorter days and the relaxing longer evenings. Fall has a calm feeling. Maybe it’s the return of routine after a hectic summer. Maybe it’s cool evenings on the porch or deck.
I miss some of the activity of summer but by the end of August, I’m ready to putter around the house and in the yard. Life doesn’t seem balanced in the sense that everyday has a little of this and a little of that. For me, it’s more of a pendulum swing or teeter totter with very busy social and activity times followed by calmer more relaxed periods. Summer seems all live, all the time. Fall brings it down.
In this issue
AUTUMN IS STILL A TIME OF activity, though, that fresh air and the returnto-school activities promote.
To help guide you and your family, Theresa Baer picks a host of Halloween events that you can attend in the Family Fun column on page 10. She also offers up a buffet of other activities on the monthly Calendar of Events on page 32. Check out my favorite things where Lea Hanson recommends some Halloween products.
Katie Harris shares another family road trip, this time to Moab, Utah. Follow their adventures and get some good tips for yours. Claire Sable offers some great ideas about healthful foods and the importance that meals play.
And Lynn Nichols provides a deep-dive feature about avoiding cyberbullying and helping kids have a healthy online presence. Also, don’t miss the school and community news pages.
Happy reading!
Scott OCTOBER 2022 • Volume 26, Issue 5
PUBLISHER Scott Titterington, (970)221-9210 scott.rmpublishing@gmail.com EDITOR Kristin Titterington, (970)221-9210 kristin.rmpublishing@gmail.com CREATIVE DIRECTOR Emily Zaynard emily.rmpublishing@gmail.com ADVERTISING SALES DIRECTOR Greg Hoffman, (970)689-6832 greg.rmpublishing@gmail.com DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Susan Harting susan.rmpublishing@gmail.com COVER PHOTO Cheri Schonfeld courtesy of Sky's Open Design CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Theresa Baer, Lea Hanson, Katie Harris Kris Kodrich, Lynn U. Nichols, Claire L. Sable
ROCKY MOUNTAIN PUBLISHING PO Box 740 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Voice 221-9210 • Fax 221-8556 editor@rockymountainpub.com www.RMParent.com
Rocky Mountain Parent magazine is published monthly by Rocky Mountain Publishing, Inc. Publication of this paper does not consitute an endorsement of the products or services advertised. RMP reserves the right to refuse any advertisement for any reason. The opinions expressed by contributors or writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Rocky Mountain Publishing. ©2022 Rocky Mountain Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without express written permission is prohibited.