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Visit with the Board
THE THOMPSON SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Education is hosting a series of public engagement sessions which will allow the community to meet the board members, learn more about district initiatives, ask questions and provide feedback.
Please see the schedule below:
• Thursday, October 6,
5-6:30pm, TSD Admin
Building, 800 S. Taft Ave.,
• Saturday, November 12,
9-10:30am, Ferguson High School/Thompson Career Campus, 1811 W. 15th St., Loveland
• Thursday, February 9,
7:30-9am, TSD Admin Building, 800 S. Taft Ave., Loveland
• Wednesday, April 26,
6-7:30pm, Turner Middle School, 950 Massachusetts Ave., Berthoud
Thompson Communication Advisory Committee Thompson School District is forming a Communication Advisory Committee that will serve the district by assisting in the analysis of current communication and marketing practices, and by providing advice for enhancing efforts to better serve our district community. The committee will meet approximately four times throughout the school year. Meetings will be tentatively held in October, December, February and April.
Interested in joining the committee? Please call 970-613-5000 for more information.
2022 McGuffey Award Honoree Thompson School District Board of Education member Pam Howard was honored as a 2022 McGuffey Award Honoree. The Colorado Association of School Board’s McGuffey Award honors board members who bring committed and passionate service to their board work. Honorees are recognized at the association’s Fall Regional Meetings, on its website and through social media.
Ms. Howard was appointed to the Thompson School District Board of Education Director District D seat in October 2013 and was subsequently elected in 2015 and 2019. She is a 30-year resident of Loveland and all three of her children have attended district schools. “I’ve greatly enjoyed my time serving the amazing students, families, staff and community members here in Thompson School District,” Ms. Howard says. “As a Board, we have accomplished so many great things for our district and in particular, I am most proud of helping to lead the successful 2018 bond and mill levy override measures which have assisted every student, family and staff member throughout TSD.”
Opportunities to learn, help your community

New Library and Innovation Center coming to Greeley A new Library and Innovation Center (LINC) is set to open in May of 2023 in the former Greeley Tribune building at 501 8th Avenue in Greeley. The High Plains Library District intends the facility to tie the arts in to skills-based development. Throughout the building there will be maker spaces and innovation centers with laser cutters, 3D printers, woodshops and wet and dry workshops. It will also feature soundproof recording studios for audio and video, art installations and hands-on exhibits created in collaboration with the Denver Children’s Museum. TSD to permit security staff to carry firearms At their September 7th meeting, the Thompson School District Board of Education voted 4-2 to allow existing district security staff, who undergo training, to carry concealed firearms on campus during work hours. The resolution, which does not pertain to teachers, took effect immediately so armed school security officers could be seen sometime this school year. To learn more, view the meeting minutes online at https:// go.boarddocs.com/co/ thompson/Board.nsf/Public.
Greeley glass recycling benefits United Way Earlier this year, City of Greeley officials partnered with Owens-Illinois (O-I), Crabtree Brewing Company, and Andersen’s Sale & Salvage to offer free drop-off glass recycling at two Greeley locations. As part of O-I GLASS4GOOD program, community members drop off glass for recycling and O-I will form it into new glass and provide a charitable donation to the United Way of Weld County based on the weight of collected glass. The recycling program raised and donated $1,300 to United Way of Weld County this summer.
Residents can drop off glass for recycling at with Andersen’s Sales & Salvage during business hours at 1490 E. 8th Street in Greeley, or during daylight hours at Crabtree Brewing Company at 2961 29th Street in Greeley. Look for the blue recycling containers, and deposit beer/wine/spirits/nonalcoholic glass bottles; food glass jars; and drinking glasses that have been rinsed and labels and nonglass parts removed. Learn more at www.greeleygov. com/recycling.

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Community Calendar October events
Community science event plus crafts/activities. Treasure Island Demonstration Garden, WS. www.recreationliveshere.com
OCTOBER 1 & 2 Estes Park Elk Fest
Bond Park, EP. www.visitestespark.com/ events-calendar/fall-events/ elk-fest
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 Family Preparedness and Safety Fair
Life/fire safety activities/ vendors, The Ranch, LV. www.larimer.gov/events
Trek the Thompson with Big Thompson Watershed Coalition
Festival with easy 3-mile trek on paved trail. Fairgrounds Park, LV. www.lovgov. org/Home/Components/ Calendar/Event/100283
Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off & Fall Jamboree
Fort Collins Nursery, FC. www.FortCollinsNursery.com
Pumpkins & Pilsners Festival
Bond Park, EP. www.visitestespark.com/ events-calendar/fall-events/ pumpkins-and-pilsners-festival
60 Years Celebrating Seeds of Innovation
Hear Gitanjali Rao, America’s Top Young Scientist plus activities, tours. Forge Campus, LV. www.liveloveland.org/60years-celebrating-seeds-ofinnovation
OCTOBER 8 & 9 Applewood Arts Fall Festival
The Ranch Events Complex, LV. www.treventscomplex. com/events/event-calendar
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 Teen Self Care Fair
Learn coping skills. Adult sessions included. Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, FC. https:// allianceforsuicideprevention. org/training-and-eventscalendar
OCTOBER 13 THROUGH 15 CSU Homecoming & Family Weekend
Festival, fireworks, football, music, more. CSU Campus, FC. https://homecoming. colostate.edu
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 Linden Street Revival
All-ages music event and food drive. Linden Street between Walnut & Jefferson Streets, FC. www.fcgov. com/specialevents/calendar
OCTOBER 29 & 30 Morning Fresh Dairy Halloween Tours
Morning Fresh Dairy, Bellvue. www.morningfreshdairy.com/ tours-and-events/halloweentours.html
Swashbuckling action/ adventure musical. Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, Johnstown. www.coloradocandlelight.com
OCTOBER 1 & 27, NOVEMBER 5 Fort Collins Symphony Escape Concerts
Lincoln Center Performance Hall, FC. www.lctix.com
OCTOBER 3 THROUGH 5 The Long Run: Colorado’s Tribute To The Eagles
Candlelight Dinner Playhouse, Johnstown. www. coloradocandlelight.com

OCTOBER 7 THROUGH NOVEMBER 19 Día de los Muertos
Exhibit showcases altars created by school/ community groups. Global Village Museum, FC. globalvillagemuseum.org
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 Go Now! The Music of the Moody Blues
Rialto Theater, LV. www.rialtotheatercenter.org
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 Family Movie Event: The Bad Guys
Windsor-Severance Library, WS. https://clearview.libnet. info/event/7047515

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 Sugar Skull! A Día de Muertos Musical Adventure
Touring bilingual/bicultural musical. Monfort Concert Hall, GR. https://ucstars. showare.com
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 Herederos: Mariachi Herencia de México
Concert celebration of mariachi music. Monfort Concert Hall, GR. https://ucstars.showare.com
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Spooky Cool Kids Club Family Event
Theater/music/dance shows, crafts, etc. Lyric Cinema, FC. https://lyriccinema.com/ movie/6042
Ozomatli Concert
Monfort Concert Hall, GR. https://ucstars.showare.com
Martha Redbone
Native & African-American vocalist/songwriter/ composer/educator. Rialto Theater, LV. www.rialtotheatercenter.org
ACTIVE-ITIES SATURDAYS Kids Nite Out Loveland & Windsor
Safe active fun. Chilson Recreation Center, LV or Windsor Community Rec Center, WS. www.kidsniteout.org
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 Long View Marathon & Half Marathon
EPIC & Fossil Creek Park, FC to Fairgrounds Park, LV. www.longviewmarathon.com
Halloween Happenings

Fall Harvest Festivals
Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off & Fall Jamboree Saturday, Oct. 8, 10am–3pm www.FortCollinsNursery.com
Pumpkins & Pilsners Festival Saturday, Oct. 8, 11am–6pm Bond Park, EP. https://bit. ly/3DFB5fB
Loveland Pumpkin Festival Saturday, Oct. 22, Noon–5pm, Foundry Plaza, Downtown LV. www.downtown loveland.org/ pumpkinfestival
Pumpkin Patches & Corn Mazes
Anderson Patchwork Pumpkins Daily 10am–7pm. 15415 Hwy 14, Ault. 970-227-4661
Bartels Pumpkin Patch Through Nov. 1, 10am–6pm. 3424 E. Douglas Rd., FC. www.thebartelspumpkin patch.com Hometown Harvest Pumpkin Patch Thursday–Sunday through Oct. 31, hours vary. 7710 Weld Co Rd 62, WS. www.hometownharvest pumpkinpatch.com
Northern Colorado Corn Maze Friday–Sunday through Oct 31, 11am-6pm. Northern Colorado Corn Maze, 2318 S CR 5, FC. www.nococornmaze.com
Osborn Farm Pumpkin Patch Through Oct. 30, 10am–6pm. Osborn Farm, 1230 S Boise Ave., LV. www.osbornfarm.com
River Ranch Pumpkin Farm 1220 Langston Ln., LV. www.riverranchfarms.com Something from the Farm Pumpkin Patch Through Oct. 31, Monday–Saturday 9am–6pm, Sunday 10am–6pm. 8020 S. Timberline Rd., FC. www. somethingfromthefarm.com
Tigges Farm Pumpkin Patch Thursday–Sunday through Oct. 30, 10am–6pm. Tigges Farm, 12404 WCR 64 ½, GR. www.tiggesfarmllc.com

Halloween Events
Harrington’s HAAunted House Weekends, Oct. 14–31, 6–11pm; Kid-friendly day Oct. 30, 11am–3pm Promenade Shops at Centerra, 5971 Sky Pond Dr., LV. www. LovelandHauntedHouse.com Howl-O-Ween Trick or Treat Oct. 22-23, 2–6pm $4/person, ages 3+. Centennial Village Museum, 1475 A St., GR. https://bit.ly/3RXID1x
Candy Crawl at Fort Collins Marketplace Sunday, Oct. 23, Noon–2pm https://bit.ly/3qNasOc
Trick or Treat Street Friday, Oct. 28, 4–6pm Downtown GR. https://bit.ly/3xXt42b
Treatsylvania Friday–Sunday, Oct. 2830, hours vary, Farm at Lee Martinez Park, 600 N. Sherwood St., FC. www.fcgov.com/treatsylvania
Halloween Carnival Saturday, Oct. 29, 1–4pm Windsor History Museum, 100 N 5th St., WS. www. recreationliveshere.com
SATURDAYS, OCTOBER 1, 8, 15 Healthy Kids Running Series
Positive intro to running world. Kruse Elementary, FC. https://bit.ly/3BT3pdl
Elementary students +. Fort Collins High School, FC. https://lambfamfall5k.wixsite. com/website
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 New Belgium Half Marathon & 5k Fun Run
Out/back course along Poudre Trail. New Belgium Brewing, FC. https:// breweryrunningseries22. com/colorado
Mission to Hope Walk
Raise awareness/ funds to help end NoCo homelessness. Samaritan House/Catholic Charities, FC. www.homewardalliance.org
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 42nd Annual CSU Homecoming 5K
All ages and abilities. CSU Oval, FC. https:// homecoming.colostate.edu
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 Pumpkin Plunge
Dive in and swim to find the perfect pumpkin to decorate. Community Recreation Center, WS. www. recreationliveshere.com
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Run Fur Fun 5K Spooktacular
5K run to benefit Animal Friends Alliance. New Belgium Brewing, FC. https://bit.ly/3BSB2f8

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Keeping an eye on teens’ risky behavior
WHEN IN ROME, YOU HAVE TO eat pasta, right? So, on our first night, we found a nice Italian (what else?) café with cheerful people buzzing about, raising their voices, making animated hand gestures, and drinking lots of wine.
So, it seemed only natural to lean over to my then-almost-17-year-old daughter Bianka and state, confidante-like, that it would be OK if she drank a glass of Chianti with dinner. “We’re in Europe, where the traditional rules of back home need not apply.” And she eagerly accepted the offer, and she reached over and filled her glass with the red mildly alcoholic liquid.
I didn’t realize what I had unleashed.
Later, in Greece, Portugal, Spain and nearly a dozen other Mediterranean and European countries, Bianka convinced me to let her try some local brew. Even some weird hemp concoction at a sketchy hippie commune In Denmark. Thankfully, in most countries, she stuck with the local beer.
Throughout our fourmonth-long journey earlier this year, I tacitly supported Bianka’s sampling of one beer in each country. Was it just me, or did it seem like the steins were getting bigger and bigger along the way?
Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t encouraging Bianka to drink. I allowed an occasional beer because I strongly believe that it’s better for parents to introduce drinking in moderation rather than her friends introducing her to drinking in excess. When I was a kid in Wisconsin, parents legally were allowed to let their accompanying underage offspring drink a beer or wine at a supper club, lake resort, or even a tavern. And I remember as a youngster trying beer and wine with my parents. “Yuck,” and “gross” is what I recall of the taste. Then, I snuck beer to a Friday night fish fry at our Catholic church and school to drink in the bathroom with a few of my fellow sixth-graders. We all agreed it was “cool” and “tastes great.”
Many Europeans would agree with my perspective that it’s more sensible and safe for teens to have an occasional adult beverage with their family rather than drinking out on the street with their friends. Our family European adventure – I was teaching on Semester at Sea – was indeed intended as a learning experience. On the ship, our two daughters (Bianka turned 17 and Kalia turned 21 during our travels) took college courses. Off the ship, we immersed ourselves in each country for several days, reveling in all the new cultures.
My thinking is I would rather be there when my kids are doing risky stuff – anything from learning to ski in the Rocky Mountains to playing with firecrackers on the Fourth of July. I know I can’t control everything in my kids’ lives. Believe me, we know the hospital emergency room routine. (Skateboards!!!) But as a parent, I like to think I can at least mitigate the risk when I’m around.
I think back to my own experiences with my dad. I loved when he let me blow off firecrackers out on a farm. I loved when he drove out onto frozen lakes in Wisconsin and spun donuts on the ice with his sporty Pontiac LeMans. (Putting yourself in two tons of metal atop a frozen lake is definitely not advisable nowadays in an age of climate change and global warming.)
These were good memories. And we all survived. (A few trips to emergency rooms for assorted mishaps on family adventures, notwithstanding.)
I’m sure some folks might not like these family shenanigans and they certainly aren’t for everyone. But when I think back on memories like laughing and telling stories with my teenage daughter over a delightful pasta dinner and a glass of Chianti in a fun Roman café, I’m not going to regret that we were out living life.

Kris Kodrich is a journalism professor at Colorado State University. He taught several courses earlier this year on Semester at Sea.