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Love what you do and where you do it
MINUTES AWAY FROM THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, we climb an entirely different corporate ladder in northern Colorado. Opportunities run deep and wide for professionals in industries such as bioscience, aerospace, information technology, advanced manufacturing and others.
With a median age of 34 and more than 36 percent of residents with a bachelor’s degree or higher, the Fort Collins area is led by a young, highly educated, engaged workforce that benefits from the region’s strong, dynamic jobs pipeline where purpose and passion collide.
Connexion, our communityowned broadband service, delivers up to 10 gigabit internet speeds, reliable phone services, and live/ local TV programming to keep you connected at home or the office. Learn more about becoming part of this exciting workforce at www.fortcollinschamber.com.
Advanced Manufacturing
Join one of the fastest growing industries in northern Colorado with a job—in everything from production to marketing to HR—at one of our leading manufacturing companies.
Groundbreaking cures and preventions are born right here, home to nine federal science, research, and engineering facilities, including the Center for Disease Control. And Colorado State University is a leader in the biosciences.

Creative Industries
Local artists, entrepreneurs and innovators are employed by some of the coolest companies out there in everything from literary performing and visual arts to design, production and educational opportunities.
This region is nationally ranked for its share of employment in traditional fuels and clean energy, the full package—oil and natural gas, bio energy, wind and solar power, and cuttingedge energy research.

A leading producer of meat, cheese and brews, northern Colorado is an agricultural heavyweight that serves as a home of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is part of the culture here. Our healthcare facilities focus on education, research, and preventive and diagnostic treatment across a range of traditional and innovative disciplines.
Information Technology
Known as a work bench for Silicon Valley with a significant techemployer concentration and intellectual-property production, the region is a surprising hotspot for technology jobs, incubators and innovation.
Greater Fort Collins Area: Official Visitors Map
Terry Bison Ranch
G r andvie w C eme t e r y
To Cache la Poudre Canyon & To HWY 14 Community College
B ee Family C en t ennial Fa r m C olo r ad o W elcom e C en t e r r al A r e a
LOR Y STATE PAR K 28 7 l a r T r e w o P i a r T n o s a M l a r T r e w o P
Pelican Marsh Natural Area H O R S ETO O T H M O UNTAI N P A R K
R oselaw n C eme t er y CSU Environmental Learning Center Arapaho Bend Natural Area
Harmony Library
Fossil R idg e
Banner Health Medical Center H igh S choo l
Foothills Trai l Poud r e T r ail (east ) l i a r T y r o k c H R edwoo d T r ai l R endezvou s T r ai l Fossil C ree k T r ai l S p r ing C ree k Trail (wes t ) S p r ing Cr ee k T r ail (east ) To Coyo t e R idg e N a t ural A re a Downtown Transit Center Lee Martinez Park North Shields Ponds Natural Area Lions Open Space Rolland Moore Park Spring Canyon Park Riverbends Ponds Natural Area Prospect Ponds Natural Area Jessup Farm Artisan Village Running Deer Natural Area Veteran’s Plaza Fossil Creek Park Reservoir Ridge Natural Area E. LINCOLN AVE. MOUNTAIN AVE. LINK LN. Soapstone Prairie Natural Area Campus West Area ET PR RD i i RIVERSIDEAVE . i i North Ent r anc e CR 38E Twin Silos Park Long View T r ai l Sugar Beet Park Traverse Pa r k Police H H H N i Information Dog Parks P Parking H Hospital Police Police MAX Line MAX Route MAX Stop Community Parks i Horsetooth Visitor Center