Please tell us briefly who you are? I am The Ultimate aka Zulu Goku. A bona fide Influencer/ Content Creator /Photographer /Videographer / Presenter /Gym Fanatic /Sneaker-Head /YouTuber, and Entertainer. Basically I’m just someone who’s gonna be position of being an influencer. Most people don’t even HUGE some day soon. influence. They just have clout or are attractive. What word would you use to describe yourself ? As a creative what advice do you give to people who approach you in regards to being a Youtuber or Influencer? Ultimate. Please tell us about your role as a content creative?
Stay consistent.
My role is to produce great content that is engaging and stimulates a conversation. I have to inspire the next generation to keep improving and to stick by what’s right and go against what’s wrong. I have to lead by example.
Stay Humble.
Who are the You-Tubers that you have worked with? I have worked with the likes of The Jooce, Benitta Danielle and Makhadzi Makhuba. People I respect.
Would you say You industry in SA?
YouTube in SA is no Always do research on yourself mostly and what you wanna achieve. Don’t let people tell you what you can and entertainment ind stepping stone into cannot do. presenter. Do you think the SA entertainment industry now focuses Which YouTube infl more on the social media following than talent?
The SA entertainment industry focuses on clout more than I would love to wo Blackanese, Casey anything. Talent has and will never be enough. You need people to get eyes on what the Show/Event /Product/ Please tell us about being a YouTube creative? Any words of advic Service is trying to sell. Well, I think that’s how they see it anyway YouTube is probably the hardest thing I’ve done, Some of us take th content/creation wise. They don’t call them channels for nothing. It’s like running a channel on TV. Production and Would you rather work behind the scenes or in front of the respect each other step on each other everything is key. Views and likes aren’t the only things camera? to like each other. B that matter. Both. I have to be behind and in front of the camera. I do prefer in front but both jobs are extremely demanding and What is your take on influencers? satisfying for me Influencers are necessary for marketing in this Era. My issue is that influencers don’t have a passion for it. They either want money or to become celebrities. Most times, Q&A MAGAZINE 24 CLASSIQUE it’s both. They don’t wanna stay being such and grow the