Novemeber 2012 RM Review

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RM Review Volume 13 Number 10


November 2012

Serving the RM of Vanscoy, Harris and Montrose


Reeve Murray Purcell - 168 - Elected Lyndon Bjorndalen - 42 Division One Dennis Goll -Acclamation Division Three Greg Anderson - 13 - Elected Neal McCutcheon - 10 Division Five Maylene Starling - 40 - Elected Henry Boire - 29



Reeve Ted Gross - Acclamation

Reeve Floyd Chapple - Acclamation

Division One Russell Gordon -Acclamation

Division One Harvey Pippin -Acclamation

Division Three Bryce McKenzie - Acclamation

Division Three Leonard Junop - Acclamation

Division Five Brent Genest - Acclamation

Division Five Ron Stevens - Acclamation VILLAGE OF HARRIS


Mayor Jim Maddin - Acclamation

Mayor Ron Genest - Acclamation

Councillors Ross Beal - 105 - Elected

Councillors Chris Adair -Acclamation

Karen Gamble - 105 - Elected

Dolores Neil -Acclamation

Councillors Denise Robert - 107 - Elected

Don Lysyshyn - 104 - Elected

Don Seymour -Acclamation

Brent Lensen - 101 - Elected

Gail Erhart - 102 - Elected

John Wallebeck -Acclamation

Robin Odnokon - 100 - Elected

Garry Dumont Sr. - 94 - Elected

John Hendrickson - 86 - Elected

Sue Sawicki - 91 - Elected

Ken Padley - 27

Wayne Strom - 21


Mayor Jerome Robert - 86 - Elected Robb McGill - 34


Mayor Dave Anderchek - 171 - Elected Rita Pfoh - 165 Councillors Curt Gessell - 262 - Elected

NOTICE OF ABANDONMENT OF POLL FORM E [Subsection 160.23(2) of the Act]

Rob Ouellette - 252 - Elected

RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF MONTROSE No. 315 Municipal Elections 2012

Teresa Shirley - 246 - Elected

Whereas: Tim Kuiack - nominated for the office of Councillor for Division No. Four, is the only candidate, I hereby give notice that no voting for the office will take place on Nov. 28, 2012.

Dan Mantyka - 237 - Elected

Dated this 24th day of October, 2012.

Derek Kirsch - 179 - Elected

Darcy Peakman - 189 - Elected

Ray French Returning Officer


John (Buck) McFarlane - 172 Red Williams..........p. 3 Council Reports......p. 4

Police Patrol............p. 5 4-H Ne.....................p. 9

School News............p. 10 MP Report...............p. 12

MLA Report...............p. 13 Calendar....................p. 15

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November 2012

RM Review

Editorial ‘Kids these days...’ Remembrance Day is upon us again this month and I am thinking about just what it is we are supposed to remember. Obviously we must never forget those that made the ultimate sacrifice during the past wars, but do we remember what it was they were fighting for? Many will say they fought for our freedom. Our right to live free of fear and persecution. The right to make our own choices within our lives. I believe this is true, but do we also remember the responsibilities that come with these rights, freedoms and choices? I’m not so sure. Think of the more recent freedoms we have gained... The Internet - how many times in the past month have you heard of children being bullied and sexually exploited through Facebook, texting, sexting, etc. I recently watched the 10 minute YouTube video posted by young Amanda Todd, who tragically killed herself to escape bullying. Her video opens with “it all began when I posted a picture of myself on Facebook.” Who’s responsible for that? A Million TV Channels - Have you seen what is on them. I have yet to meet one family whose uses the parental lock-out to block their children from exposure to the perpetual flow of garbage that many channels carry. Who’s responsible for that? Video Gaming - Anything we want, any way we want it. On-line, play with strangers, violence and deviancy so vile that the ‘games’ have rating on them like movies do, to prevent children from being exposed. As I waited in line at a store, a very young teenager wanted to purchase a video game that was rated 18+ for obvious reasons. When the clerk wouldn’t sell it to him, his mother stepped up from behind us to tell the clerk it was ok. And almost every child of any age I meet has similar access to shockingly intense games in their bed-

room or living room anytime they want. Who’s responsible for that? I’m not suggesting we turn back time or reject technology, but do we need to have our children posted all over FaceBook? Do they need to be texting or sexting alone in thier room instead of interacting socially in 3D? Do they need to be ingesting a steady stream of ultraviolence, sexual degradation and anti-social behavior through gaming consoles? Why do parents feel comfortable risking thier children be exposed to predators through the ‘freedom’ of social media ? Are we really acting responsibly with the freedoms so many gave thier lives for us to have? I have raised these points on many occasions to ‘responsible’ parents, teachers, coaches, and I almost always get much the same response... ’Kids grow up so fast these days’ Really ?? All by themselves? They just.... ‘grow themselves up’ ? Maybe that much freedom at such a young age isn’t necessarily a good thing, since kids actually have not developed that much responsibility yet? Isn’t the responsibility really on the parents ? Aren’t parents the ones that ‘grow the kids up’ ?? Hmmmm...... I have only owned one dog, previous to my current dog. I was about 30 when we first moved out of the city and I finally got my first dog. I couldn’t have been more excited. I took him to obedience classes, worked with him every day, using the positive re-enforcement methods we had learnt at the classes. The dog responded very quickly. Although he became quite large, he grew into a gentle, caring dog that respected the people and other animals around him. He was an enjoyable member of our family for many years before he finally passed away. We eventually got another dog, but this time our

Last month we mistakenly missed Evan Morris from Delisle in this picture of the Saskatoon Pee Wee Phantoms who won Westerns in Maple Ridge BC in August.

lives were much busier and the new dog never received the obedience training and daily, positive attention and activity that my first dog had. The new dog also grew quite large, but does not have the same gentle nature of his predecessor. He nips and bites, jumps up on people and chases horses when he sees them and never responds to commands. He just does whatever he wants. This dog is stressful to be around and causes more trouble and receives more injuries than my first dog ever did. The new dog is so different from the way the old dog was?? I often wonder why? Oh well..... “Dogs these days ! “ Ken Sowter, Editor VANSCOY COMMUNITY RECREATION BOARD Is now taking orders for the COMMUNITY CALENDARS. New Village and RM Residents wanting their birthdate / anniversary information to be included in the calendar can call the office. To place your order / information call the Village Office at 668-2008 or Email Orders must be in no later than November 30, 2012 VANSCOY COMMUNITY RECREATION BOARD Is now accepting tenders for the Vanscoy Arena 2012-2013 Season For the following: Arena Ice Maintenance Arena Caretaker Tenders will be received no later than 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 19, 2012 Tenders can be faxed to 978-0237, Mailed to VCRB – PO Box 246 – Vanscoy, Sk Or dropped off at the Village Office – 109 Main Street, Vanscoy

DELISLE & DISTRICT FIRE COMMISSION is now accepting applications for FIRE CHIEF for the year 2013 Please send resume to: Delisle & District Fire Commission Box 188, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 For more information contact Ron Stevens 249-3168

Left- Right Back- Rob Websdale (coach), Hayden Twordick, Clayton McKenzie, Evan Morris, Brooks Penrod (coach), Josh Websdale, Justin Thiessen, Teresa Shirley (manager), Scott Hudson (coach) Front- Zac Leganchuk, Reid Dubkowski, Cayden Schmautz, James Shirley, Jordan Hudson, Brock Sloboshan, Christian Ducharme missing- Sam Michnik

Application Deadline: November 23, 2012

Dead-Line for December 2012 Edition Submissions is Friday, November 24, 2012 CONTACT US Phone: 306-668-1312 Fax: 306-978-4481 Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0


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DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in map, As well it is available for free at various news stands within this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

RM Review

November 2012

Vanscoy Community Rec Board The Vanscoy Community Recreation Board held their Annual General Meeting with 11 people in attendance. Elections were held for executive positions. Brett Laroche let his name stand for President, Paul Yanko let his name stand for Vice President. Thanks to both of you. The position of Secretary remains vacant and will be filled at a later date. Representatives were in attendance from Bowbusters Archery, Vanscoy Multiple 4H, Vanscoy Senior Citizens, Vanscoy AG Society, RM of Vanscoy and the Village of Vanscoy. This small group of volunteers are the ones that are trying to bring recreation and programs to the community and should be supported. This group are also the ones that are left to the task of managing, performing repairs and maintenance to the recreation buildings in the Village. It takes more


than a few people to bring programs to the community. Upcoming Events – Rec Board and Member Groups: November 3 – Bowbusters Archery – Steak Supper – Long Branch - $15 each – call 934-9683 evenings November 4 – Vanscoy Rec Board – Fall Supper – Vanscoy Hall - $10 adult - $5 6-12 years; take out available – call 668-2008 to order and leave a message November 7 – Vanscoy Rec Board – General Meeting – Vanscoy Senior Center – 7:30 pm November 17 – Vanscoy AG Society – Turkey Bingo – Vanscoy Circle Hall November 18 – Vanscoy Trade Show – Vanscoy Circle Hall – 10am – 2pm

Prairie Spirit School Division Election Results In the school division’s two subdivision elections, incumbents Pam Wieler (Subdivision 1 – Blaine Lake, Laird, Leask and Waldheim) and Keith Wagner (Subdivision 2 – Duck Lake, Rosthern and Hague) were re-elected.

Trustees. As of October, 2012, all school board Trustees in the province will serve a four-year term.

In Subdivision 1, Wieler had 293 votes while challenger Donald Unger had 232 votes. Wagner won reelection in Subdivision 2 with 285 votes while Raymond Blanchard had 212 votes.

Subdivision 3 (Langham and Borden) will remain vacant until a by-election next year. Despite two calls for nominations, a candidate for this position did not come forward before the October 3, 2012, deadline. The Board of Education will hold a by-election to fill the position in Subdivision 3 in March, 2013.

Nine Trustees were acclaimed in their positions, including newcomers Joanne Brochu, Deanna Greyeyes and Shantelle Watson who are joining the Prairie Spirit Board of Education for their first terms as

The Board of Education will hold its organizational meeting on Monday, November 5, 2012, when the Chair and Vice-Chair positions will be determined along with Trustee membership on Board committees.

Prairie Spirit School Division is comprised of twelve subdivisions. For the 2012 - 2016 term, the following individuals will serve as Prairie Spirit Trustees:

Subdivision No. 7 Cathy Taylor (incumbent acclaimed)

Subdivision No. 1 Pam Wieler (incumbent)

Subdivision No. 9 Bonnie Hope (incumbent acclaimed)

Subdivision No. 2 Keith Wagner (incumbent)

Subdivision No. 10 Sam Dyck (incumbent acclaimed)

Subdivision No. 3 Vacant (By-Election date is March 6, 2013)

Subdivision No. 11 Deanna Greyeyes (new – acclaimed)

Subdivision No. 4 George Janzen (incumbent acclaimed)

Subdivision No. 12 Shantelle Watson (new - acclaimed)

Subdivision No. 5 Larry Pavloff (incumbent acclaimed)

Prairie Spirit School Division has 44 schools located in 28 communities surrounding the city of Saskatoon which includes three First Nations and nine Hutterite communities. The student population of approximately 9,800 is served by a team of dedicated professionals and support staff.

Subdivision No. 6 Bernie Howe (incumbent acclaimed)

Food for Thought


Keeping Beef Safe

have been working in and around beef processors for over fifty years, mainly involved with the veterinarians, graders and inspectors on the line. In the early days the inspector’s main task was catching big bruises, abscesses or wounds, warble fly damage, along with lump jaw and broken bones. Sanitation was important and accomplished with hosing with cold, hot and some steam applications to the equipment and

floors. The workers were required to change soiled aprons and keep a supply of fresh, clean knives available. It seemed to work. Then, just as today the problems became greater in late winter and early spring with caked manure on the hips and brisket that meant that the hide would not roll back but like a brick could touch the surface of the carcass requiring trimming under the inspector’s directions. The carcasses were

C.M. (Red) Williams

draped in linen shrouds that when pulled off removed bacteria. Now-adays most of the inspection problems mentioned above have disappeared or at least diminished, except of course for manure coated hides. But the goal now is not producing wholesome food as before, but providing safe food. Technology has come to the aid of the inspectors with bactericidal washes, hot and cold shocks, sampling for bacterial presence, and

processing and wrapping under sanitary conditions. Unfortunately irradiation the ultimate protection has not reached the industry mainly due to cost and slowness. Clearly the success of this modern system depends on careful inspection and a work force that are given reason to be proud of their safe production record. Training 1000 workers of differing cultures is the task.


Subdivision No. 8 Joanne Brochu (new acclaimed)

FALL TURKEY SUPPER SUNDAY NOVEMBER 4th First Come, First Served ...beginning at 4:30pm

Vanscoy Circle Hall Adults $10, 6-12 Years $5 For Take-out Orders call 668-2008 (leave a message) or Email Take-out orders can be picked up at Vanscoy Arena

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Grocery ATM

Video Rentals

Remembering - November 11, 2012


- Interior Renovations - Vinyl Siding John Hendrickson - Doors V ANSCOY 934 - 3048 - Windows


November 2012

RM Review

COUNCIL REPORTS TOWN OF ASQUITH Asquith Town Council held its regular meeting on October 9, 2012. Three water curb stops were replaced on the 500 block of Andrew Street. VCM Construction has indicated that they will have their subcontractor out in October to replace the fill that was used in front of the new water plant with more appropriate material. Fire Prevention Week was recognized by the Asquith Fire Department with an open house held on October 9, 2012. The Town of Asquith has contracted Louis Gelinas to be the Asquith Landfill Supervisor for 2013. Connie Molnar was appointed by the Town of Asquith to the Asquith Recreation Committee. The Town of Asquith will be sponsoring the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Crime Prevention Guide with an advertisement for the cost of one hundred and seventy-five dollars. The Town of Asquith declared the week of November 18th -25th to be Restorative Justice Week. With the onslaught of snow, all residents in Asquith are reminded that in order for the snow plow to do a good job removing snow on the streets, vehicles must be parked off of the street. Bylaw No. 3-2011 states no person shall place any snow, ice, dirt or other obstruction cleaned from private property onto any street, sidewalk or lane. As well, this Bylaw provides the Public Works Department of the Town of Asquith with the authority to request any owner or occu-

pant of property in Town to remove any vehicles for the purposes of removing snow or ice. 24 hours' notice will be given for removal of all vehicles or the said vehicles will be removed by the municipality at the owners'/occupants' expense. Please be a good neighbor and just ensure that you do not have vehicles parked on roadways, impeding snow removal !

TOWN OF DELISLE Delisle Town Council held a regular meeting on October 9. The Town will purchase a used welding table from Robert Rosner. Bylaw No. 4-2012, being a bylaw to establish property tax discounts and penalties was passed. In keeping with new provincial legislation, discounts and rebates will no longer be allowed for school property taxes beginning in 2013. The usual discounts will still be allowed on Municipal property taxes. As well, the penalty for unpaid taxes as of December 31st has been reduced from 18% to 12%. However, penalty rebates will no longer be offered. Bylaw No. 5-2012, being a bylaw to enter into an agreement for the lease of land for the erection of a billboard was passed. The Town is allowing another billboard to be erected at the far west end of Railway Ave. in front of the Highway’s yard.

RM OF VANSCOY Council approved seven applications for development and building permits at

their October 9th meeting. One application to subdivide was approved. Council authorized the preparation of a bylaw to amend the Zoning Bylaw to rezone from A-Agriculture District to CR2-Medium Density Country Residential District in Pt SE 18-34-6 W3. Please remember that all registration of claims under the Provincial Disaster Assistance Program must be returned by December 26, 2012. Application forms and instructions are available on our website at The first meeting of the new Council will be held on Thursday, November 8th at 9:00 a.m. in the municipal office.

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY Present council held their last meeting October 10, 2012 and made a resolution to hire engineers to perform a study on present capacities of the water treatment plant, lift station and lagoon. Water and sewer services are being installed in the Industrial area on Campbell Drive and road construction will commence following the installation. Back lane pickup will be completed at the end of October. Anything placed in the alley after that date will not be picked up. 2012 property taxes are due December 31, 2012. There is a 4% discount allowed until October 31, a 2% discount for November. There will be a 10% penalty placed on accounts outstanding as of January 1, 2013.

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RM Review

November 2012

Police Patrol What is Bullying?

Cst. Sheryl Raymond


ullying usually, although not always, occurs between individuals who are not friends. In a bullying situation, there is a power difference between the bully and the victim. For instance, the bully may be bigger, tougher, physically stronger or be able to intimidate others (by words or actions) or have the power to exclude others from their social group. The intention of bullying is to put the victim in distress in some way. Bullies seek power. Bullying knows no financial, cultural or social bounds. Bullying may not look exactly the same everywhere, but it has the same devastating effect on everyone, and during adolescence, bullying is not a problem that usually sorts itself out. The effects of bullying last a lifetime. It causes misery for the bully's victims, and leaves a lasting impression on all those who witness repeated bullying incidents. What Do I Do If My Child Is Being Bullied?

If you suspect that your child is being bullied at school, then you need to trust your instincts. Schools are a great place for bullies to build their reputation of power and control. First, let your child know that you believe that something is wrong. Don't try to "bully" the information out of your child. Be patient. Promise that you will not make the situation worse. Do not promise to keep it a secret, or that you will not report the problem. Do promise that you will not do anything without your child knowing what you are going to do. Be sure that your child knows that this situation will not get better on it's own, and that appropriate adult intervention is needed. Second, contact the school, once you know what the issue is. Before identifying yourself, ask what the school's policy is on keeping kids safe once they have reported a bullying incident. Do not give out any information until you have a satisfactory answer to that question. If the school does not have an answer for you, ask who you can call to get an answer. Do not go

charging into the school demanding justice. This will only make the situation worse for your child, and will likely embarrass him or her. Third, set up a meeting to problem solve your way through this situation with your child and members of the school faculty, including the teacher and the counselor. Your goal must be getting this situation solved, rather than seeking revenge. This is a highly emotional time for parents, and there is NOTHING tougher than seeing your child hurting because of another's actions. Your child deserves to feel safe and welcome at school. Be sure to keep that the focus in the meeting. Finally, once a plan has been set, check in with your child regularly, and the school periodically. Keep in touch with all of the support people. Trust your instincts with your child, and let the school know if the plan is not working. Stay Safe! Reference:

We will remember them ...and give thanks

Remembrance Day - November 11, 2012

Ag Services Division

493 - 2408

Delisle, SK

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Amanda Cobler Andrew Cumming Dwein Trask Victoria Cumming Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate (306)221-5675 (306)370-9597 (306)221-1035 (306)270-9740 Grandora 3 – approx. 40 acre parcels less than 5 min. from Blairmore Walmart $199000-$249900 MLS Corman Park - 10 acre building site west of s’toon. Private location close to city. $104900 MLS 80 acre just west of S’toon on hwy 14. Power and water, heavy bush. $199900.00 MLS Hwy 7 Building site. 155.60 acres approx. 10 km from s’toon on hwy 7. $319900 MLS Asquith – 4 approx. 40 acre parcels 2 miles west of Asquith. $99900.00 -$109900 MLS. Morrison Acreage – 3 bedroom bung. On Beam Road just west of S’toon. $399900 MLS

Delisle/Vanscoy 39.93 acres just out of Delisle. Fully subdivided and ready to build $74900 MLS 28.96 acres with hwy 7 frontage just west of Delisle $67500.00 MLS 10 acres west of S’toon ready to develop. $69900 MLS Harris – 2nd. Ave. 1826 sq.ft. Immaculate condition extreme character. $159900.00 MLS

Delisle Elementary School Thanks... these Volunteers & Supporters! Gamble Family Sinclair Family Cooper Family

Darla Christopher Delisle Ball Tournament Sands Family

Perpetual Donations Delisle Co-op - monthly quota of milk Delisle Credit Union - case of fruit monthly Delisle Royal Bank - case of juice monthly Agrium Community Investment Program Department of Community Resources Phipps & Rempel Denture Clinic - cheese

Thank YOU!

Colborn Farms- monthly quota of eggs Vetter Enterprises/Delisle Hotel - cereal The Pink Chair - yogurt Delisle Senior Centre Agrium - breakfast meat for the month Schumacher Farms - Angus Beef



November 2012

RM Review

11th Annual Cowboy Poetry Dinner



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he Vanscoy Catholic Church hosted thier 11th annual Cowboy Poetry supper and show. This years show featured two poets, Ed Brown and Lee Bellows, both of whom had performed at this event in years

past. There were about 140 people in attendance to enjoy the traditional Beef & Beans meal and over two hours of Cowboy Poetry performances. The event raised about $2,000 which will be used for maintenance

on the Vanscoy Catholic Church. Some of the proceeds also go to the Vanscoy Early Learning Centre for their help with the event. Here is a taste of one of the poets: What's your thoughts on gun control?

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They ask, but they don't hear. They run 'round ``chicken little style'' and share with us their fear. I've done a bunch of ponderin', and its become plain to see the controlling of my old rifle would be the best if left to me. Your logic misses the point, my friends. Don't inflict your values on to me. Life's different where the pavement ends and you know what's bothering me Well, I'll tell you with this rhyme, You've went and gone and convicted me, before I done the crime. Lee Bellows © All rig


Food Safe Course

he Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society sponsored a Food Safe Course on Saturday Sept 22, 2012. We had 32 registrations with 26 taking the course. We had participants from many of our local communities including Delisle, Asquith, Grandora, Pike lake , Vanscoy and Saskatoon West. Organizations taking the course were 4-H clubs, Church groups, Fund-raising groups, and the Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society. The instructor, Russell Scott, kept us entertained and engaged as we learned about food safety. The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society served goodies and beverages for nutrition breaks. This was a full 8 hour day course. The goals

and objectives of the course were: • Train individuals to become responsible food handlers in the food industry by using safe food handling methods and food preparation techniques • Promote worker health and safety • Emphasize food safety in a fast-paced, growth industry • Encourage prevention of foodborne illness • Protect the public and workers from harm • Apply safe procedures for receiving, storing, preparing and presenting food • Reduce common errors in handling potentially hazardous foods • Create an awareness of the Top Six job hazards and techniques for reducing risk of in-

jury and illness This was a great opportunity for those volunteering in the community, cooking at home or working in the food industry. This was a very beneficial course, and successful participants received a “Food Safe Handling Certificate”. The Food Safe Level 1 is deemed to meet the requirements of the Saskatchewan Food Safety Regulations. Food Safe Level 1 is nationally recognized and provincially accredited. Members of the Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society would also like to thank the Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions (SAASE) for their help in sponsoring this event.

RM Review

Ancestors of Delisle’s Founder Visit When the Town of Delisle began planning a celebration in honor of their 100th Birthday, they extended an invitation to the entire Delisle Family. The invitation included a request that they research their family tree that could be displayed during the celebration. The descendants tackled this challenge with enthusiasm, spending many hours on the project. The story begins in early 1904, when Mrs. Pierre Delisle (Lenora) along with one daughter, Marie Louise and four sons, Amos, Fred, Eugene and Edward left Pembina, North Dakota to pursue new ventures in Canada. The journey landed them 20 miles west of Saskatoon, where the brothers soon established their own businesses. Initially they took up homesteads, where Fred opened a small store and a Post Office. By this time, the community included a Community Hall and a Roman Catholic church. Then, when the railroad was built, the town was picked up and moved to its present location along the tracks. There, Amos and Edward opened the Delisle Brothers Hardware in 1908 and Eugene opened a Livery Stable. On December 29, 1908, the community became a village that was named for the Delisle family. Lenora Delisle passed away in Delisle

in 1918. met with warm and them with an amazing As times became diffigenuine smiles from opportunity to reunite cult with drought and everyone. with those they had depression, the Delisle The History Display only heard about or family left and the Mural of Main met briefly; and for enSaskatchewan and disStreet Delisle and the abling them to celepersed across Canada Heritage Walking brate the heritage of and the United States. Tours offered a glimpse the Family Delisle with The invitation to atof the past. The many enormous pride. The tend the celebration planned events concelebration also offered was the catalyst that tributed to a wonderful an opportunity to introbrought the family totime for everyone. duce their present day gether once again. The The Delisle family confamilies to the legacy of history project sugcluded their visit with four gallant men and gested by the Centena heartfelt ‘Thank You’ their adventurous nial committee was a to the Centennial Com- mother! Again, they journey back in time mittee and the Town of thank, Delisle! for the descendants of Delisle for providing Lenora’s family. They became acquainted with the four brothers, their mother and the many family members that they had never met. After many hours of locating and contacting the families The memorial for matriarch Lenora Delisle, for whom the Town of Delisle is named was dedicated during the of the four 100th anniversary celebration in 2008. brothers, then sending information, collecting photos and preparing the final family tree, they travelled from many distant points to the place that had the same name. When they arrived at the Centennial, they found welcome signs, flowers, and most impressive, their name was on every building! They were so impressed by the commitment of the The back of the Delisle memorial in Delisle displays town! They were the names of the five children of Lenora Delisle.

Business as Usual


he Community Players will present a new dinner theatre production, ‘Business as Usual’ in Delisle November 23 and 24 and Pike Lake November 30 and December 1. Set in Southern West Virginia in the 1990's when the last coal mines were closing, Business as Usual is a hilarious slice of human comedy based on economic hardship. Tom Woolwine, who entered the coal mining business at 16, is out of work after the closing of his mine in rural Gary, West Virginia. Despite facing poverty

and an uncertain future, Tom does not want a severance check, nor welfare, nor a handout; he wants a job. He and his son Joey have tried everything but to no avail, leaving Tom to wonder ‘just how far a man will go when he has nowhere to go’. Gran, a true mountain mama with the spirit of ‘grits’, answers that. "There's one business that never closes... Then, the human comedy begins. This hilarious and touching play from West Virginian writer Jean Battlo is one that you can’t miss!

November 2012

Thunderhead Archers

302 1st Street Delisle Everyone welcome!

Winter Shooting begins Wednesday, November 7 Wednesdays JOP Program 6:30pm - Beginner Lessons & Shooting 7:30pm - Intermediate & Advanced Shooting Tuesdays 8:00pm Mail Matches Senior Shooting on other evenings For memberships and further information: Gib Henderson 493-2906 Darrell Richmond 493-2314

Vanscoy Fall Trade Fair Sun, November 18 10am - 2pm 20 local & non-local vendors, home based businesses, baking...

Chili on a Bun Concession by Vanscoy Early Learning Centre

No - hassle Christmas Shopping! Admission: non-perishable food item or cash donation for the Food Bank



November 2012

RM Review

Living Library provides Living Books

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Delisle Branch 201 - 1st St W 493 - 8288

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n Friday, September 28th the Delisle Library presented a Living Library at the United Church. Many people were uncertain as to just what a Living Library was, but were pleasantly surprised when they arrived and signed out a Living Book. Seven books were available for loan: Glenn (Tour du Canada: The Road Less Cycled) was available to share his experience of bicycling across Canada in 1988. He pedaled from Vancouver, B.C. to St. John’s, Newfoundland. Chris (Where There’s Smoke… There’s Firefighters) told of his experiences during his twenty years of volunteer firefighting in various communities around Saskatchewan. Joan (They Called Them Angels) was one of the most popular

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books. Joan was a student nurse during the Blitz in London. Joan had photos and other memorabilia available for Readers to view. Doris (Two Plus Two Wheelchairs) was another title with a lot to share on her experience raising twin sons in the late 1950’s with a disability.

Carlin (The Buzz On Bees) had his Readers swarming around him as he had samples of the honey that has been produced in his hives. Deanna (Mommy Mayhem) shared a few laughs as she told of her experience with three small children under the age of two,

and a professional hockey player husband. Debbie (Never Too Old For Barbies) was a hit with boys and girls alike with her display of Barbies, their apparel and accessories. Around 60 Readers registered with the Librarians, Susan Bayne, Carole Merkosky and Mary Thunstrom.

RM Review

November 2012

Kirstin Sparrow travels to Jamaica with International Youth Exchange


have been a 4-H member for 11 years and this summer I won an International Agriculture Youth Exchange through Canadian 4-H to Jamaica. I travelled to Jamaica, along with five other delegates from across Canada for four weeks. It was an opportunity of a lifetime and I am so thankful for the experience. We travelled to different Parish’s throughout Jamaica, experiencing the culture and the way of life of Jamaicans. I stayed at host families and was involved directly with Agriculture across their country. Because of the climate and various other factors in Jamaica, agriculture is less apparent than in more developed countries. I was fortunate enough to be in the region of Jamaica with the most sugar cane production, which was very interesting. Sugar is Jamaica’s largest agriculture export, also used for the production of molasses and rum. I tasted every fruit tree imaginable, and I really miss the fresh fruit. My favorites were the Mangos and Pineapple. Ja-

Sandy Hills Light Horse 4H Club 4H members got their year rolling by heading out on the trail and riding the back hills of Gardner’s acreage on September 23. Members enjoyed some new and challenging obstacles such as the Curtain of Fire and the Wee Pee Tee Pee. Members filled out registration forms and planned to attend a General Meeting on Wednesday October 3. At this meeting elections were held and the new executive was put in place. Congratulations go out to Club Executive: President – Taylor Gardner Vice President – Kabrina Corey Secretary – Carli Patenaude Treasurer – Lauren Ryan Reporters and Web Page Managers – Ashleigh and Tieg Yanko. The Club held another ride on October 14 and worked on ground skills and bomb proofing horses with some more fun obstacles such as big bouncy balls and tarps. Everyone saddled up for a ride and worked on getting the correct lead on

maica exports coconuts, citrus fruits, ginger, yams and tobacco to name a few. Jamaica is a major producer of marijuana, which, however, remains illegal. As for animals, I was surprised to see goats wandering the roads and cows in short supply among the countryside. We visited many 4-H centers that own the animals for the 4-H members. Due to expense and limited facilities, 4-H members that are in projects with animals have to travel to the 4-H farms to work on their projects. Examples of the projects we saw are Apiculture, Pig Rearing, Poultry Care & Management, and Goat & Rabbit Revolving. Cattle are not found on every farm in Jamaica and are only found in herds of five to ten. Beef is mostly imported, and dairy cattle are more popular. We also got to take in some tourist activities as well, such as resorts and beaches. I recommend any youth to apply for an International Agriculture Exchange such as the one I had; it was an experience of a lifetime.

4 - H News

their horses. Everyone had a nice ride and then put the horses away in order to sort recyclables for SARCAN. Dues to the nasty weather the club will hold their next ride indoors at Tom Walkers arena on October 28. This will also be the Halloween Party so look forward to showing the pictures of costumes in the next edition of the RM Review. Welcome to our new 4H members, Kabrina Corey, Keela Corey, Avery Patenaude and Siana Ryan. Also welcome to new Project leaders Cori Patenaude and Michaela Keet. We look forward to an outstanding year in 4H once again.

Laura Multiple 4-H The Laura Multiple 4H is gearing up for another great year. Our projects this year include: Cloverbuds (6-8 year olds), Drama, Photography, Scrapbooking and Sewing. The drama and sewing projects will start to have meeting in January. We welcome new members and our first meeting is November 4th at the Laura Hall. If you are not sure, you are welcome to come and check us out. If you have any questions, please contact Phyl at 493-2601 or Barb at 493-9091

Vanscoy Multiple 4-H Vanscoy Multiple 4-H Club held their first meeting on September 24 with over 40 members registering. Election results were: General Leader-Kyla Shea; Assistant General Leader-Joanne Richmond; PresidentJaden Wood-Sparrow; Vice-President-Ella Rose; Secretary-Kathy Pirlot;Treasurer-Zach Lions; Reporter-Alexia King. Meetings are held on the last Monday of each month. The next meeting will be October 29.


22 Games, Raffles & Door Prizes Hotdogs... Donuts... Popcorn Bring your Bingo Dabbers Thank YOU to our sponsors!

Sat, Nov. 17 @ 7 pm Vanscoy Circle Hall A Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society Event

Dec 7 6-9pm Dec 8 1-9pm

Vanscoy Ph: 683-5024 Fax: 683-6307

F ULL SERVICE - GAS & DIESEL Confectionary Post Office

Lottery ATM

DVD’s Coffee

C ONVENIENCE every day of the week!

Gas & Diesel $25 Gas Draw (with 30 litre fill)

Sandy Hills 4-H ride in September




November 2012

RM Review



"Working together to be Life Long Learners - Building our Future" Congratulations to Mrs. Lalonde on the birth of her daughter, Emily Marie. We are so happy for you! Also, congratulations to Mrs. Kielo who is working in a career guidance position at the division office until the end of January. Ms. Friesen will be picking up Mrs. Kielo's classes and Mr. Schlosser will be working with the senior students for career guidance. The library club is up and running, and going strong with 10 regular members! We are always accepting new people. The library club is a great place to learn new skills, make new friends, and just hang out and talk about books! We have been working on many things, like bulletin boards, processing new books, book display, weeding the collection of old books that don't get signed out anymore, and having a used book sale. Grade 7s and 8s participated in a Bookmark contest; the winner was Sydney from grade 8. Congratulations, Sydney!! For library week, students were invited to participate in a "My Favourite Book" contest. Upcoming events will include a SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Nov 15-18. The book fair will be set up in the foyer during parent-teacher interviews, so we hope to see everyone!! Something new we did this year was to begin a "BOOK CLUB." Fifteen students and five staff members, including interns, read the novel "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas" and met over lunch and snacks to discuss the novel. We are going to be viewing the movie as a group. Our first book club experience was a great success. You don't have to be in the library club to participate, and we will be starting another novel soon. The SRC held another successful Terry Fox Walk. Quite a few students also completed a 10km run. Thanks to everyone for their support! The SRC's annual magazine sale is just wrapping up. This is the only fundraiser that the SRC does all year to raise funds for school activities. Thanks to everyone who 'saved their subscriptions' to renew or purchase new through the school sale. Finally, the SRC had a reverse dressup day with students dressed as staff and staff as students! There will be a spirit week with more dressup days in the last week of October. Looking ahead to November, the drama group has started meeting at noon. They will be performing a short play at the Legion Tea evening on November 7 at 7pm. The Legion Tea is an annual evening concert in support of the Delisle Legion. The handbell and choir groups will also be performing. All ages are welcome! The school Remembrance Service will be held in the gym on November 8, beginning at 10:45am. Students from DCS and DES will come together for the service, and community members are welcome to this event as well. Delisle students were involved in "Culture Days in Canada" with senior art students invited downtown to do sidewalk chalk art! It was a beautiful day and some very colorful and interesting art was created. In other art news, last year's grade 9's and senior art students competed in a contest with several other schools for the "" group to supply artwork for their digital Holiday Guide highlighting small businesses in Saskatchewan. Congratulations to Rachel P for winning the Cover Page with her digital photo, and to Rachel B for her watercolor painting of trees which was also selected. Great work! In sport, the Senior Girls volleyball team has been busy! They received 4th place out of 12 teams at Warman Invitational, losing in the bronze medal match to Rosetown. At the Duck Lake tournament, the girls lost out in the semi final to St. Wahlburg in two sets, but both games were close with the second game 26-24. They finished 4th out of 12 teams. Finally, the Senior Girls lost to Outlook in finals at a tournament in Hanley. They lost in the third set: 15-13. Very close games! Good work Mrs. Kooy and the girls. The "black" and "red" junior girls teams have also been very busy with league play. They went to a tournament in Martensville, and got some experience playing some of the best junior teams in our league and beyond. Thanks to Ms. Hill and Mrs. Landry for coaching the girls. Playoffs are the last week of October. The grade 7 team has travelled to Vanscoy twice for games. Thanks to Vanscoy for hosting us, and to Mrs. Colborn who has filled in to coach, as Mrs. Landry was travelling with the 'red' team on those days. The cross country team would like to send a big thank you to the Delisle golf course for allowing them to do the local Rebel Run meet there. Districts were Oct. 3rd in Hanley. Here are the results. Bantam: Chayla 7th, Megan 10th, Midget: Christian 14th, Jordyn 4th, Eliisa 7th, Senior: Amee 3rd, Amy 7th, Sonja 10th, Julia 14th. Students in grade 9 and above were then eligible to proceed to provincials at Qu'appelle, with a top ten finish at the district meet. Jordyn ran a great 3 K race in 13:47 and earned 34th place out of 101 competitors. The senior girls ran 4 K and there were 108 competitors. Amee received 54th place with a time of 18:52; Amy received 89th place with a time of 21:14; and Sonja received 98th place with a time of 22:39. Congratulations to Mrs. Wirz and all of the runners on a fantastic season! In the final sports note, the senior girls soccer team lost 3-2 to Constable Robin Cameron School in regional playoffs. The girls played a strong game but just couldn't get the lead. Also, good luck to the Rebels Football team as they face Meadow Lake in first round playoff action. Finally, congratulations to the September Rebels of the Month: senior Rachel B; junior Kyle M; and the group to our three exchange students from Germany, Julie, Julia, and Sonja! Good job!

We are in the full swing of learning at Pike Lake School. September flew by in a blur and October continues to be filled with activity and learning as we have celebrated Library and Education Week, and we have ventured out on a school-wide field trip to visit the Pike Lake Provincial Park and participate in the Ginormous Walk. What a busy and exciting time for learning! In recognition of Education week, Pike Lake School hosted READ Saskatoon’s Family Learning Olympics program on October 18th, 2012. The event which was sponsored by the Pike Lake School Community Council consisted of twelve Olympic themed stations but with a literacy twist! The goal of the event was to demonstrate for caregivers, educators, and children alike the fun of learning together and that literacy is more than reading and writing. Some of the stations included numeracy, map reading, crafts, physical activity, family traditions, storytelling and culture. Of course the numeracy station was the big hit of the night, as families were provided with a monopoly money budget to spend in the literacy café. Families visibly enjoyed building their own snack and purchasing trinkets from the literacy café. This being said one of the main highlights of the evening for all who attended was the participation of former Pike Lake students and other young people from the community. The eleven to fifteen year old aged volunteers came to Pike Lake School in the evening and took a leadership role as they guided the literacy stations. Seeing former Pike Lake students and other young community members acting as leaders for the literacy event truly captured the essence of the theme of this year’s Education week, “Learn today…Lead Tomorrow”. Pike Lake School is continuing the tradition of collecting phone books as part of our school’s recycling plan. We are asking that you send any phone books to the school beginning now until December 3rd, 2012. Ask your neighbours, grandparents, and friends to start saving their books for you! If your place of business recycles their books, check and see if they will donate those numbers on behalf of our school! Every book helps us and the environment! Phone books are used to make things like egg cartons, ceiling tiles, cereal boxes, toilet paper and even your new phone book! As always Pike Lake students are excitedly watching to see how many books our “little school with a big heart” can save from the landfill! On Wednesday, November 7th our school will be holding our Remembrance Day Assembly to honour our Veterans and Peacekeepers. We encourage you to join our school as we acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of those who served their country and as we reflect on our responsibility to continue to work hard for the peace so many have fought so hard to achieve.

PIKE LAKE PRESCHOOL October has flown by! The preschool classes have done well with their listening skills and following directions. Most of the 4 year olds can now spell and print their names without help and a few of them know their phone numbers as well. We learned about the number 2 and had fun with orange day in both classes, making different pumpkin crafts to hang on our walls. Come upstairs and check them out! We are very grateful to Pike Lake School, especially Mrs. K, for setting up an area where the preschoolers could have school pictures taken. Thank you also to Mrs. Milton for offering to take the pictures. The 4 year olds didn’t start a theme on health because we were asked by Mrs.Robertson at Pike Lake School to join in the Rocks and Rings Program on Friday, October 19th. The children were introduced to curling and we all had so much fun, especially doing the happy dance when our rocks were closest to the button! The 4 year olds also learned about opposites, and we had lots of fun celebrating Halloween. What fantastic costumes the children had! I received a notice from Scholastic that Clifford, the Big Red Dog, is turning 50 this year. Both classes will be making him a birthday card to try and win a Clifford Birthday Party, complete with books for the classroom and each student, and a visit from Clifford himself! What a great day that will be if we win! In November, as well as both classes learning about the number 3 and the colour black, the 4 year olds will start that theme on health – including germs, eating properly, exercising, and dental health. The 3 year olds will spend a day learning about shapes. We are having our 2nd annual Indoor Drive-in Theater on Saturday, November 17th at 3:30. Please join us for Madagascar 3 and Brave. Donations will be received at the door. Look for posters around your community.

RM Review On-Line School Page Calendars, Announcements, Links

RM Review

Delisle ‘Does’ Remembrance Day "Make remembrance more than something you feel. Make it something you do.” These words are from Veterans Affairs Canada, encouraging people across the country to remember our veterans in meaningful ways. Each year, the students at Delisle Composite School and Delisle Elementary School strive to make remembrance something that they ‘do’. This November marks the seventh year that the Delisle Legion and local students have worked together for the annual Legion Tea evening. This year it will be held on Wednesday, November 7, 7pm

at DCS gym. Although the program differs slightly in the specific content, the studentled concert sticks to a similar format. There is singing: classic war songs from WWI and WWII, easily recognizable to many in the crowd such as “White Cliffs of Dover” and “Till We Meet Again.” Modern songs are often chosen as well, highlighting themes of peace and tolerance. The DCS handbell group prepares a few numbers to ring, the beautiful sounds reminiscent of bells ringing out to celebrate the end of the two world wars. Students often read their entries in the Le-

gion essay and poetry contest, and artwork for the poster contest are always on display. In the past, there have been dramatic readings of letters written by Canadian soldiers, mixed with short history excerpts reminding us of Canada’s role in past conflict. This year, we are excited to mix it up with something a bit different. Under the direction of two intern teachers at the school, students are preparing a play “The Peace Giver.” The basic synopsis is of a young person on their first day on the job as a ‘peace giver’, giving peace to the world, but who quickly realizes

that the job is not a simple one. The evening is also a social event, as the Delisle Legion prepares coffee, tea, and cake, as well as door prizes. There is a silver collection at the door, and it is an evening for all ages to enjoy, and remember, in a meaningful way. The students at DCS and DES also come together for a school Remembrance Service. It will be held on Thursday, November 8, beginning at 10:45am at DCS. Community members are welcome to this event as well.

November 2012


WANTED Your Favorite Christmas Recipes To be published in the

December RM Review

Special Holiday Section

Deadline: November 15 Submit recipes to: RM Review - Holiday Recipes Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 or Fax to: 978-4481 email:

Delisle Students to Travel to Peru


he Delisle Composite School student service group will be travelling to Peru in 2013. While there, they will be working in a local school improving the infrastructure, preparing healthy meals for the school children, and teaching English alongside the teacher through conversation and play. Fundraising plays a large part in making this service trip possible. One

such fundraising opportunity is a bottle drive. The students will be coming home to home in Delisle, Pike Lake and Vanscoy the week of Nov. 25 to meet the community and pick up donations of bottles for their bottle drive. They would greatly appreciate any donation you can give them as they seek to become better global citizens and widen their horizons while on this trip. The students under-

stand if you would find keeping these recyclables cumbersome and would be willing to come early and pick up what you have. If you would like someone to swing by your home before Nov. 25, please call one of the three following numbers to arrange pick up: 493-8267, 493-8158, or 4932397. The DCS student service group thanks you greatly!

Stop Signs Stolen in Pike Lake


he Vanscoy RM Police is asking for the public's help with a rash of Stop Signs stolen in the past few months in the Pike Lake Area. They were all replaced recently however within a week one at Highway 60 and the Delisle pavement was taken again. It takes time to get the signs replaced and temporary signs have been put up but they also have been stolen. Both the post and signs are being taken.

This is a serious theft and criminal charges could be laid against those person(s) responsible. The most serious thing about these thefts is they may cause a serious collision which could result in serious injuries or death. If this happened, the person responsible for the theft could face very serious charges and will have to live with the result of their actions for the rest of their lives. We ask for your help in stop-

ping these thief's before someone is killed. Parents, if you find Stop Signs in your teenagers room or car, please talk to them about what their actions could result in. As well, if you find 4 x 4 posts, that the signs mount on, in your yard find out how they got there. If you see or know of anyone involved or can get a license number of a vehicle involved please contact the Delisle RCMP or Vanscoy Police service.



Grey Cup Specials! November 13 Semi-Finals

VANSCOY Our first couple months of school have been a great success! Our cross country season has now come to an end, but it was a great experience. Thank you to all of the cross country runners. Our annual Terry Fox fundraiser set a new record at over $6000.00! The students all did an excellent job raising money and because of the large total the whole school visited the CFL Train and went to the Shaw Center for an afternoon of swimming. The boys and girls volleyball seasons are coming to a close. Congratulations to both volleyball teams for having a great season. Basketball season is just around the corner and students are anticipating the start to that. We are currently fundraising for UNICEF. This fundraiser has been going well so far and will end on October 31st. Our fall Book Fair was at our school the week of October 15th. Again we had huge sales, so thank you to all who supported the book fair and our library. By: Keesan Corey, Braden Rein and Amy Blom77


2 FREE Pop with 16” Pizza November 20 Finals

2 FREE Pop with 16” Pizza November 27 Grey Cup

2 FREE Pop with 16” Pizza Remembrance Day November 11th Open 9am - 4pm “Lest We Forget”

Book your Christmas or Holiday Party soon to avoid disappointment! Vanscoy 931-6996 Mon - Fri 7 - 8

Sat 8 - 8

Sun 9 - 7


November 2012

MP REPORT Marketing Freedom Celebrated in Western Canada Western Canadian farmers now have the freedom to sell their wheat and barley on the open market thanks to the support of the Harper Government. Member of Parliament Kelly Block joined in the chorus of celebration to mark the historic announcement that took place August 1, 2012, in Kindersley Saskatchewan.

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora, SK

Leo Stobbe 668-4289 Installation of Rural Water & Sewer Systems

“Our Government has delivered on our longstanding commitment to give Western farmers the marketing freedom they want and deserve,” said MP Block. “Thanks to the leadership of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Agriculture

RM Review

dom. “Farmers know how to run their own businesses, and with the support of the Harper Government, they now have the freedom to do so,” concluded MP Block.

Minister Gerry Ritz, our farmers can finally choose how they market their own crops.” The passage of the Marketing Freedom for Grain Farmers Act paved the way for Western Canadian grain farmers to finally have marketing freedom. On the start of the new crop year, August 1st, the act fully came into effect. Farmers are now free to sell their wheat and barley to any buyer as they

The Harper Government’s top priority continues to be the economy, and the agriculture industry plays an important role in creating jobs and keeping the economy strong. Canada is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of agriculture and food products, with last year’s exports hitting an all-time high of more than $40 billion.

see fit. The Harper Government continues to work with its provincial counterparts, producer groups, the CWB and the entire value chain to ensure an orderly transition to an open and competitive Canadian grain market. The voluntary CWB remains a viable marketing option for Canadian farmers and is poised to compete for farmers’ business in this new era of marketing free-

Additional information on marketing freedom can be found at

Pumps - Tanks - Switches - other Trenching & Excavation

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Service Boarding:

Medium & Large Dogs

Assisted-dog Grooming Services by appointment - reasonable rates Delisle, Sk 220 - 4727

Please support our armed forces personnel & law enforcement officers

Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine

384-7676 24 hr Emergency Services Drs. Harvey Domoslai - Wally Kononoff Blair Simonson - Lisa Wayman Megan Dolan

Hot Wheels Night


he rev of cars (toy cars) could be heard down the streets of Vanscoy as Hot Wheels Night roared at the starting line on October 12th. More than 75 people attended the popular family night that the Vanscoy United Church holds each year. Special thanks go to the Dusty Wheels Car Club and the Draggin’s Car Club and the

many who generously donated time, prizes and lunch! Each child received a free Hot Wheel car, shopped until they dropped, entered prize draws, colored, played games and gobbled lunch before ‘driving’ home with their re-newed Hot Wheels driver’s licence. They will all arrive again next year on October 11, 2013... until then... all is quiet...


Delisle Electric & Heating ELECTRICAL - HEATING - A/C - REFRIG.



Gas Furnaces Air Conditioners

Tim Shostal

Mel Swyryda of the Dusty Wheels Car Club in Rosetown presents raffle draw winners Cooper Keet & Ethan Lauen with their prizes!

Phone or Fax


242 - 2268

Rick Maines (306) 493-2637


P.O. Box 729

Delisle, SK

S0L 0P0

Salon 360 Hair Design & Esthetics Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135

Your Certified Empyre Dealer Vincent Keindel Phone (306) 382-0878 Fax (306) 978-8718 RR #3 - Site 318, Box 3, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J6

Take time to remember...

November 11 493 - 2486 201 Main St., Delisle

(across from Esso)

It’s never too early to start...

Christmas Shopping!

Tue: 10am - 8pm Wed: 10am - 6pm Thu: 10am - 8pm Fri : 10am - 6pm Sat: 9am - 3pm

RM Review

November 2012


October 17, 2012 Randy Weekes, MLA

Saskatchewan Plan for Growth Without question, the last five years have been good ones for Saskatchewan. We are leading the nation in economic growth. Our population is at a new record high. This growth has meant we could afford to cut income, property and business taxes, reduce surgical wait times and help people with disabilities. The question now is: do we want this growth to continue? The answer MLAs heard when they consulted with constituents this summer was a resounding yes. But you also want your government to address the challenges arising from growth and ensure the benefits are shared with everyone. To that end, Premier Brad Wall has announced The Growth Plan for Saskatchewan: Vision 2020 and Beyond. The Growth Plan begins with a goal – that Saskatchewan will be a province of 1.2 million people by 2020. There are six components to the Growth Plan. The first component is infrastructure. In order to address that challenge, we have created SaskBuilds – a new government organization to drive infrastructure innovation, financing, design and delivery. Our focus over the next two years will be on renewing

roads, water systems, health care facilities and schools. The second component of our growth plan is keeping the Saskatchewan economy competitive. Our government will lower the business tax rate from 12 to 10 per cent by 2015. This fall, we will introduce the Saskatchewan Employment Act, which will clearly outline the rights and responsibilities of employers, employees and unions in the workplace. The third component of The Growth Plan for Saskatchewan is fiscal responsibility. Over the next five years, we will pay down another $400 million on the provincial debt - meaning we will have cut the government’s debt in half since 2007. And we will balance the budget each and every year. The fourth component of the growth plan is education and training. In addition to continuing to invest in postsecondary education, we will also add 300 more apprenticeship spaces and create more apprenticeship training opportunities for high school students. We will work to increase high school completion rates. We will ask businesses to invest more in training. The fifth component of the plan is innovation. We will continue to support world leading research in agriculture and energy. Our goal

is that by 2020 we will increase crop production by 10-million tonnes and increase exports of agri-food products by 50 per cent – to $15 billion. The sixth component of the growth plan is strengthening Saskatchewan's role on the world stage. Our government will appoint a Premier's Advisory Committee on Asia, as part of our strategy to double Saskatchewan's exports by 2020. We will work to develop new markets in Central and South America. Under the new "Saskatchewan International Future" scholarship, 20 students a year will study business at an international institution with government support. In return, they will agree to live and work in Saskatchewan for five years after they graduate. The Growth Plan for Saskatchewan: Vision 202 and Beyond also includes targets. Those targets include: • By the end of 2014, no one will wait longer than 3 months for surgery. • By 2017, no one will wait to receive emergency room care. • By 2020, Saskatchewan will have the highest Grade 12 graduation rate in the country. The Saskatchewan economy is being propelled by our natural resource wealth. There’s been a lot of de-

Randy Weekes

bate about what we should do with royalty revenues once the debt has been paid off. Premier Wall has asked former University of Saskatchewan president Peter MacKinnon to look at that question, by leading the Saskatchewan Heritage Initiative. Professor MacKinnon will develop and recommend options on what Saskatchewan should do with its resource revenues after we pay off the provincial debt. After years of stagnation, Saskatchewan is growing. But we need to do the right things to sustain growth, to deal with challenges of growth, so our children and their children can build a good life right here. We need a plan. This government has one.

MLA Biggar Constituency 106 - 3rd Ave, West Box 1413 Biggar, SK S0K 0M0

Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Phone: (306) 948 - 4880 Fax: (306) 948 - 4882 Toll Free: 1 - 877 - 948 - 4880 E-mail:

Vanscoy Hotel

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668 - 2124

Mon - Thur 11am - 12 midnight Fri/Sat 11am - 2am Sunday 12 noon - 10pm

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New Menu Items

Delisle Chiefs Junior ‘B’ Games

Nov 14 - 7:30pm Nov 17 - 7:30pm Nov 18 - 2:00pm Nov 27 - 7:30pm Join us for post game drink specials

Join us Nov. 11 for a ‘Jimmy Special’

Calling all Hunters.... OM


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SAUS Call for info about Emergency Services on holidays & after hours

Spring puppies & kittens will soon be in heat. It’s time to

Spay & Neuter

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Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 6:00pm Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Vanscoy Sausage & Meats Ltd. Custom Cutting - Sausage - Slaughtering Vanscoy


Rob Thompson & Jane West

668 - 4742


November 2012

RM Review

Donnas Care Home Set to Open in Delisle April 2013

A year ago Donna Dreher found herself needing to locate a care home for her aging mother. She wanted to keep her mother in Delisle but there were no such facilities there. She decided that needed to change and that she would be the

one to do it. Before long she had the Town of Delisle providing a lot, The Delisle Credit Union providing a mortgage and her brother from Howe Homes lined up to do the build. The 10 person facility will provide a home-

like setting providing an independent lifestyle. Features include: -Fully trained staff 24 hours -Home cooked meals and baking - Medication Management - Hairdressing Service - Daily Recreational Activities Donna also plans on holding regular social activities including: - crafts - reading

Colin Graham 230 - 4653

By Curt Gessell


group of local residents have discussed opportunities to raise money that could be put toward recreation facilities in Delisle. A committee was formed to oversee the project consisting of: - A local producer - Delisle Rec Board Box 130, Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Member - Town Resident and Business Member Certified - Town Council Member - A member from the Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Delisle Ag Ventures Samples Available Crop Production and Your satisfaction Marketing Club. is guaranteed. The Town of Delisle recently purchased approx. 200 acres of farmland east of Sparlyn Organic Farm 668-4216 Delisle for future development. A committee of volunteers approached the town of Delisle at NNUAL ENERAL EETING their August council meeting seeking their ECEMBER 7:00 PM support to allow Vanscoy Senior Citizen Centre the land to be farmed with the We’re Celebrating our 30th Anniversary! understanding Help plan a Special Summer Fair -Aug 17 & 18! that all of the profits/proceeds

Ag Services Division

493 - 2408

Organic Beef

Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society






Riders Gear Headquarters

struction is well underway and Donna expects to be open for business by April 1st.

Sod Turning with Ed Howe, Cheri Boeschen, Mayor Rita Pfoh and Donna Dreher

from the crop would be put toward purchases of recreation facilities. The town of Delisle agreed to the proposal for 4 years and agreed that they would donate the use of the land to the committee, rent free. On September 6th two of the Delisle Crops For Community committee members met with Agrium to share the project idea and to find out if Agrium would be interested in participating. On October 10th Agrium gave us written confirmation that they would cover the input costs such as seed, fertilizer, crop protection products, for the next four years. With this level of support in place for the next for years it allows the committee to make some long term plans. The committee is extremely excited about having Agrium's support. They are an amazing contributor to our town and surrounding area and the residents are truly grateful

for their contribution. We have the town's commitment for the land, Agrium's tremendous support for the crop inputs, the next step will be working with local producers and equipment suppliers to get the crop in the ground, protect through the summer and get it harvested. There are a number of local producers that share the same type of community spirit that the committee members do so we know that getting the support to grow the crop will be possible. It is our experience that people enjoy being part of something as successful as this will be. Once the crop has been harvested and the proceeds of the crop collected from the sale of the grain, the allocation of funds will begin. Depending on yield, grade and price of the grain, the amount of funding for our community could be very significant. There are often match-

ing gov't funds for shovel ready projects. By having money raised and available for new projects, it will allow our town to seek some of those matching grants. The allocation of funds will happen the following way: 1) Committee will determine the amount of funding available once crop revenue has been determined. 2) Funding Application forms will be submitted to the committee for review 3) Committee will review applications and select which project(s) to fund 4) Town council will need to approve infrastructure project 5) Application of funds will be granted in February of 2014, and in that month for the upcoming years The application forms will clearly spell out which type of projects the funds will be allocated for. Money will be used for facilities improvements or new builds.


Backhoe & Skidsteer Services

Before you pack away your camper...

be sure to clean it up at our Car Wash Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel

is exciting...for me and this community. The sod was turned this summer and con-

Delisle Crops for Community Project

Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

- live music - summer bbq’s - baking - movies - bingo - annual Christmas Party and many other events and activities for the residents. “This dream and labour of love could not have happened if I was not lucky enough to surround myself with a caring and supportive team’ says Donna “This


Monday - Friday: 6am - 10pm Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm 493-2212

o ce t ays n a w h t C rive r Las EL D inte eW AV GR Befor



Serving Delisle & Area


RM Review

November 2012



Visit our On-Line Calendar for Event Details or Scan QR Code with your phone October 26 Friday 5:00pm Haunted House (Lite) Pike Lake Hall

November 3 Saturday 10am-3pm Royal Purple Craft Fair Asquith

November 9 Friday No School

November 17 Saturday 10am-2pm Vanscoy Fall Trade Fair Vanscoy Hall

October 26 Friday 8:00pm Progressive Bingo Asquith Senior Centre

November 3 Saturday 7pm-2am Texas Hold’em Tournament Pike Lake Hall

November 11 Sunday Remembrance Day

November 20 Tuesday Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

October 26 Friday 8:30pm Halloween Dance (Adult) Delisle Curling Rink

November 3 Saturday 8:00pm Roughriders @ Lions Vancouver

November 12 Monday No School

November 23 Friday Friday Night Concert Series Delisle United Church

October 27 Saturday 5:00pm Haunted House (Scary) Pike Lake Hall

November 4 Sunday 4:30-6:30pm Vanscoy Fall Supper Vanscoy Hall

November 13 Tuesday No School (Pike Lake, Vanscoy)

November 23 Friday Dinner Theatre Delisle Town Hall

October 27 Saturday 2:00pm Argonauts @ Roughriders Regina

November 4 Sunday Daylight Savings Time Ends

November 13 Tuesday Asquith/Delisle/RM of Vanscoy Council Meetings

November 24 Saturday Dinner Theatre Delisle Town Hall

October 28 Sunday 10:00am-3:30pm Skate Delisle Craft Sale Delisle Curling Rink

November 6 Tuesday Country Quilters Vanscoy Senior Centre

November 14 Wednesday Village of Vanscoy Council Meetings

November 25 Sunday 100th Grey Cup TSN

October 30 Tuesday 5:30pm-8:00pm Boo Town Western Development Museum

November 7 Wednesday 7:00pm Legion Tea Delisle Composite School

November 14 - 15 Wed - Thur Parent Teacher Interviews Lord Asquith School

November 30 Friday Dinner Theatre Pike Lake Hall

October 30 Tuesday 7:00pm Vanscoy SCC Meeting Vanscoy School

November 7 - 8 Wed - Thur Parent Teacher Interviews Vanscoy School

November 16 Friday No School (Asquith, Delisle)

December 1 Saturday Dinner Theatre Pike Lake Hall

October 31 Wednesday Halloween

November 8 Wednesday 10:30am Remembrance Day Service Vanscoy School

November 17 Saturday 3:30 & 6:00 Indoor Drive-in Theatre Pike Lake Hall

December 1 Saturday DMHA Ref Clinic Delisle School/Delisle Arena

October 31 Wednesday 4:30-7:00pm Community Halloween Party Vanscoy Hall

November 8 Wednesday 1:00pm Remembrance Day Service Delisle Elementary School

November 17 Saturday 7:00pm Vanscoy Ag Society Turkey Bingo Vanscoy Hall

December 3 Monday Vanscoy Ag Society AGM Vanscoy Senior Centre

Promote Your Event Here For FREE - Call 668-1312 or

The Community Players Present... Business as Usual

Dinner Theatre Nov 23 & 24

The Bidders’ Choice

Licensed, Bonded,Insured Auction Company


per person

Delisle Town Hall

Mobile Auction Equipment Computerized Auction Software

Doors Open: 5:30pm Dinner: 6:30pm Theatre to follow

Thinking about having an Auction Sale? Call Frederick and take advantage of our extensive advertising campaign by booking early!

Delisle Town Office & Vanscoy Hotel or call 493-2751

Tim Darke 321-2919 or 384-6807

Your 1st Stop Service Centre Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work


Rear Ends Transmissions


V ANSCOY 668-2013



On-site Credit Card & Debit Professional Service & Staff


Tickets Available at:

Sid’s Auto Service

SOLD on Service

SK Sew Kleen

Leask Fall Antique & Collectibles Saturday, October 27th 9:00 am Coins Selling at 11:00 am Leask, SK Fall Wild Rose Antique & Collectible Auction Saturday, November 3rd 9:00 am Blueberry Community Hall Stoney Plain, AB

SepticTank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services

MacDowall Fall Antique & Collectibles Saturday, November 17th 9:00 am Second Ring of Coins - 11:00 am MacDowall, SK

Portable Toilet Rentals 283 - 4406

(306) 227-9505

Member of Sask, Man, Alta Auctioneer Assoc. & Better Business Bureau PL #318200 SK PL #324317 AB


November 2012

RM Review

DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Check out the On-Line Directory on your iPhone or iPad - Just Scan the QR Code now ! Accommodations

Gravel / Sand



Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Angus Insurance Harris 656-4555

Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Delisle Agencies Delisle 493-2260

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Mooney Agencies Ltd. Railway Ave Vanscoy 668-2181


Lorna’s Bed & Breakfast Grandora 668-4434

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

Jeannie’s Place Delisle 493-2489/380-9664


Vanscoy Hotel Vanscoy 668-2124

Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 493-2414


Edward Jones -Colleen Schneider 234 First Ave S Saskatoon 244-0398

Accountsability Vanscoy 292-4085/668-4216

MGI Financial -Norma Sparrow 330 - 20th St. E Saskatoon 242-1188

Lyndsay Lee Pike Lake 244-2777 Papertrail Legacy Vanscoy 931-2153

Agricultural Horse Transport-Barry Dearle Pike Lake 978-5798/292-6253 Larson Custom Fencing Delisle 934-3185 / 403-664-8252 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 493-2408 Viterra - Delisle LSO Delisle 493-8188

Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 493-2709

Flood First General Services Saskatoon 979-3205

Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 931-8960

Garden / Yard

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 493-3288

Blue Heron Arboretum Pike Lake 227-8733

Grocery Epicure Selections - Vanscoy Kristi & Sydney 668-9389

Like A Rock Grandora 382-3978

Gas / Confectionary

Scouts Auto Parts Donavon 493-2637

Amsoil - Roland Rusnell Delisle 220-3357


Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 493-2212

Marriage Commissioner of Marriage Lorna Davies 668-4434


Golf Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 221-0842


Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 668-4218

Rice Lake Sand & Gravel Asquith 329-4768

Epicure Selections - Vanscoy Brandi Orth 382-2220 Prairie Sun Orchard Ice Cream Vanscoy 242-7573 Schneider’s Gourmet World Delisle 493-3199

Hairstylist / Beauty

Jillian Walker Massage RMT Vanscoy 242-7780 LindseyKocayTherapeuticMassage Delisle 493-8247

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 220-4727

Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 270-5831



Gold Canyon Candles Delisle 493-8146

The Pink Chair Delisle 493-2266

Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 978-8164

Pampered Chef-Esther Penner Delisle 493-3188


Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 668-6338

G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583

Electrical Delisle Electric Delisle 668-4465

Kelly Block, MP 904E 22nd St W, Saskatoon 1-888-590-6555

Government Provincial Randy Weekes, MLA 106 3rd Ave W Biggar 1-877-948-4880

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737 Starlings Septic Services Delisle 493-2241 Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 283-4406

Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160

STP Mobile Welding Saskatoon 280-9368

Potash Mine


Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 668-4343

Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 230-7399


Diamond O Acreage Services Grandora 281-2764 Dirt Digger Bobcat & Hauling Pike Lake 978-5798/292-6253


Eaton Snow Removal & Excavate Saskatoon 227-1614

Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 493-2452

Robin’s Nest Cafe Railway Ave Vanscoy 931-6996

Fontana’s Snow Clearing Pike Lake 290-5716


Sisters Two Restaurant & Catering Delisle 493-2239

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

The Britannia Restaurant Asquith 329-2496

KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 867-3770


Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Vesta Homes Vanscoy 242-9099

Government - Federal

New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 329-4610 Victoria’s Design 370-9399

Silpada - Marilyn Hungness Asquith 329-4768

Klassen Trenching Delisle 493-7579

Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 380-7525

Salon 360 Delisle 493-2486

Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 380-2327

Graham Contracting Asquith 230-4653

Plumbing & Heating

Whole Wheat Web Design Vanscoy 493-3023

Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853

Water / Septic


Julie’s House of Style Delisle 493-2950

Partylite Gifts -Cindy Hanson Vanscoy 978-0219

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 867-8777

Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 382-6224

Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 683-5024

Flatlander Construction Delisle 493-7547

Fafard’s Mobile Vet Service Grandora 371-4534

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 493-3143

Hair by Dawn Vanscoy 384-6807

Dexteriors Vanscoy 934-3048

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 493-3143

Pet Care

Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 668-4362

Computer -Web Design

Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 384-7676

Vanscoy Sausage & Meat Vanscoy 668-4742

Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 493-2467

Mary Kay - Laurie Kubik Vanscoy 384-4889


Meat Cutting

Pipp’s Place Hwy #60 668-7728

BeautiControl-Rose-Anne Kielo Delisle 493-2233

Vehicle Repair Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 668-2013

Home Care Products Norwex - Carla Lee Delisle 493-8276 Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 382-1284 Watkins - Darla Christopher Delisle 493-2933

RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 270-8048

Sign Painting

Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 222-9737

Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 493-3011

Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 668-4289

BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS Check out... WWW.PIN.CA Several Local Properties Available “For Sale by Owner” Land in local R.M.’s of: Vanscoy, Montrose, Eagle Creek and Aberdeen Businesses in: Delisle, Saskatoon, Harris Asquith and Rosetown etc. To List Yours Call: Merv Easton - Vanscoy 934-1814

This SPACE is saved for you! Place your Business Classified HERE TODAY!

L’IL BIT OF COUNTRY Antiques & Collectibles

Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more Come In, See What’s New & Old

1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

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Run Your Ad Here Starting at Only $10

Farm / Acreage / Ranch / Recreation Buying? / Selling? Sask. Land Sales Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty Real Estate Specialist TOM NEUFELD 306-260-7838

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Call 668-1312 TODAY !

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