RM Review April 2023

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The winners of the 2023 Ladies Bonspiel are:

with a

on March

that was organized by the

There were nine teams that took part in a fun-filled bonspiel. The Monday Night Ladies league members gathered sponsorship and donations and one of the teams made a fantastic supper that fed everyone on Saturday evening. Thank you to all the sponsors!! This event would not be the success it was without you! Thank you as well to the ice maker and caretaker, Wayne Starling, for all your work all curling season!

A Side Winner - Susan Starling 2nd place Delores Cunningham

B Side Winner - Shena Brassard 2nd place Carla Miller

C Side Winner - Laureen Major 2nd place Claire Pearson. Submitted by Delisle

Contact Us .................... p. 2 Council Reports ................ p. 4 Agriculture Reports ......... p. 10 May Issue Deadline Down the Road ................ p. 2 Community Reports ......... p. 6 Local Businesses ............. p. 11 For Submissions is Letters to the Editor ........ p. 3 Nick Kossovan .................. p. 8 Business Directory .......... p. 12 Friday April 21 RM Review Your COMMUNITY... Your NEWSPAPER Volume 24 Number 4 FREE INDEX Read the RM Review on your computer, tablet or phone with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net April 2023 Asquith, Borden, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Hanley, Harris, Kenaston, Kinley, Langham, Laura, Milden, Outlook, Perdue, Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Sovereign, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia Direct Mailed for FREE to over 6,000 Homes in these Communities Coming in the May Issue Delisle Curling Club Season wraps up with a Bonspiel
Curling Club wrapped up a successful season
Monday Night Ladies League.
Newest team at the Delisle Curling Club with their coach for the weekend bonspiel. Wayne Starling(Coach & Ice Maker) with Amy, Lilly, Haylee and Tia. Call or Text John 306-290-1772 LOCAL CARPENTER AVAILABLE RENOVATIONS AND BASEMENT DEVELOPMENT NO MILEAGE CHARGE IN RM OF VANSCOY Reasonable Rates Quick Service Free Estimates Deadline to Participate is April 21 Details on Page 2 Your Business or Organization can participate in this promotion by Contributing a product or service to the Prize package One of our Biggest Promotions of the Year !
Curling Club and Monday Night Ladies Laegue

Recently the buzz of crime in our local communities came to my attention through social media postings, coffee row gossip, a letter to the editor and my neighbours. Again, a lack of policing gets blamed. Maybe... let’s take a look at that.

West and south of Saskatoon, we are served by the following police forces...

RCMP, Corman Park Police, Vanscoy Police, Saskatoon Police Service and the Protection and Response Team (PRT), consisting of Saskatchewan Highway Patrol Officers/Conservation Officers.

Recently the Province announced funding to expanded crime fighters...

- Provincial Protective Services (PPS) will now use the Highway Patrol and Conservation Officers and Prisoner Transport/Court Security Sheriffs.

- Crime Reduction Team (CRT) targets street gangs, urban/rural crime surges

- Warrant Enforcement and Suppression Team (WEST) in Saskatoon which targets high-profile offenders

Most recently they announced the new Saskatchewan Marshals Service (SMS) tasked with responding to areas of high crime rates, executing arrest warrants and investigate farm theft/trespassing.

Holy crap... more crime fighters than a blockbuster Marvel movie !

I’m sure this will affect the lives of the criminals, but what about us ?

Rural Saskatchewan, with more miles of highways per capita than anywhere on earth, will never be effectively serviced by any amount of police services alone.

It is up to us to become involved in the solutions. We need to make use of the existing Rural Crime Watch programs, use social media in real time, and create effective two-way communication with the local police forces to prevent, not just react to local crimes.

Otherwise, just lock yourself in your house and watch another movie.


Currently we have several qualified Buyers looking for acreages in your area.

Minimum 40 acres up to 160 acres. If you currently own such a property and are considering your options please give us a call. We provide up to date valuations and would be pleased to provide a most probable market value.

All discussions are considered confidential, call Dwein Trask Realty! Dwein (306) 221-1035 www.traskrealty.ca

Promote in 2023 with the RM Review

We are in a grocery store in Mazatlan, Mrs. B and I, stocking up on a few groceries to take back to our rented condo.

At the check-out, we start taking groceries out of the cart and putting them onto the conveyor belt headed for the cashier.

Well, that is what Mrs. B does, anyway.

I am busy watching the young lady and infant child behind us. The baby is in a stroller and the mother is engaging with the baby, trying to make her laugh. And the baby is obviously delighted - she is laughing with her mouth wide open and nary a tooth in sight. I can’t help but be fascinated.

The mother turns and sees me looking and gives a slight smile of acknowledgment - which I take as my cue to practice my Spanish on her. So, I say to her, in Spanish, that she has a very cute baby. But the mother, instead of smiling and agreeing with my compliment, just sort of frowns and quickly turns away, averting her gaze.

This is not an unusual reaction to my attempts at charm, so I just mentally shrug, take the hint and step away, get busy bagging our groceries.

But then I begin to wonder if maybe my rudimentary Spanish and awkward pronunciation didn't quite convey what I intended. When we get back to the condo, I go on the computer to google translate and sure enough, instead of telling her that she has a very cute baby, I had told her that her bagel had a dirty face. Oops.

We're here in Mazatlan for a month, escaping the winter cold and snow and enjoying the beaches and the warmth of the tropical sun.


Summer STAY-cation Contest

June Issue - Participation Deadline May 26th

Make sure you have a successful summer by promoting your Products, Services and Events.

Contest runs May 28th - June 24th

Business Directory Special

List your business in our directory on th back page for only $50 per year !

Regular $65 - New listings only

mail@rmreview.net 306 - 668- 1312


(As an aside - for any of you gentlemen who go on hot tropical winter interludes with your wives: if your wife comes back to your hotel room feeling, um, a little 'out of sorts', shall we say, after spending too much time in the hot sun on the beach, don't (do not) joke that she is, perhaps, just feeling a little "beach-y". It will not go well. I assure you of this.)

We've been coming to Mazatlan during the winter for a few years, staying a little longer each time and once again, I am making a serious effort to learn the language, to learn to speak Spanish.

And other than the odd mishap, it's a very interesting endeavour, giving me a personal insight into what immigrants to Canada must experience and how they must feel having to cope with the difficulty of learning a new language.

Of course, It must be even harder for them than it is for me. I, at least, have the benefit of a warm, sunny climate acting as a counterpoint to the frustration of my inability to learn more quickly and remember more easily.

I spend a lot of time at the computer, using different programs, trying to learn the basic grammar of the language and trying to build a vocabulary, trying to remember it all.

When I am away from the condo, I try to speak Spanish, practicing, with store clerks and taxi drivers and even strangers in the street if they'll stand still long enough.

I have a standard little speech. I say"Hello, I am trying to learn to speak Spanish. I am a slow learner but I am trying very hard."

And I thank them for their patience in listening to the long pauses as I struggle to remember the words.

And Mrs. B, as always, is very supportive of my efforts.

That's okay, Mr. B, she says. You may not have a very good memory, she soothes, but you do have a very good forgetter.

Mexicans speak very quickly - very, very quickly.

They don't seem to leave pauses between their words and one word just slides into the next.

Part of that rapid speech is, I think, just out of the sheer necessity of timesome Mexican words are so long that if you don't say them quickly, you'll be at it all day.

For example, in English we have the word "parking" - two syllables. In Mexican, that word takes 8 (eight) syllables, with each syllable spoken at the speed of light.

I was talking to the receptionist lady at the condo - she was humouring me, letting me practice my Spanish with her, see if I could make myself understood. While I was standing there, and during one of my long pauses, one of the cleaning ladies came to speak with the receptionist. The cleaning lady let forth with a torrent of Spanish - she was speaking so quickly I couldn't understand a single word she said. Not. One. Single. Word.

After the cleaning lady left, I must have looked especially flummoxed because the receptionist confided to me that yes, sometimes the cleaning lady spoke so quickly it made even her head hurt. Meanwhile, my head felt like it had exploded.

But for as quickly as the Mexicans speak, and for as hurried as they may sound when they speak, what is truly remarkable is the patience each and every one of them shows me when I try speaking to them in their own language. I am always fully aware that I am a guest in their country and I try to behave accordingly. It appears though, from my experience with Mexicans, that they are also very aware of their role as hosts - their patience and kindness is always at the Olympic level.

Meanwhile, everybody, as I have said in Spanish to all the Mexicans I encountered on this trip - I am wanting for you a good day to will have.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,600 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area. CONTACTS Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0
ON-LINE VERSION Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net May Issue comes out April 26th - Submission Deadline is April 21st CONTACT THE RM REVIEW
Robbers ? RM Review 2 April 2023 www.rmreview.net Mother’s Day Contest May Issue - Participation Deadline April 21st Kick off Spring by Promoting your “Just for Mom” Products, Services and Events with us Contest runs April 24th - May
Learning Spanish Down the Road by Brian Brannagan Editorial More

to the Editor

To the Citizens of Vanscoy and Area, There are thieves on the loose. Do they live in our community or have they come in ?

In the early morning of February 16th in the Village of Vanscoy, thieves broke into our garage using pry bars, breaking door casings and door locks.

They not only stole our car, but came into the house and stole several tools, cell phones and an ipad, while we were in bed, asleep.

Our car was then used for a break-in at the local gas station. There were also other reported crimes in our Village the same night.

To add insult to injury, my husband was in Saskatoon six days later at the SaskTel Mobility store on Faithful Avenue, and his truck was stolen ! It was locked. An employee witnessed a tall, thin man get into the truck and drive away.


Be on the lookout for slow moving vehicles and get a license number if possible. LOCK YOUR VEHICLE, in or out of your garage.

Let’s make this a safe community. We have a lovely village and let’s keep it that way.

Lorraine L.

Concerned Citizen Vanscoy, SK

Retired CAF Warrant Officer Robert (Bob) McCrea of Delisle is awarded Quilt of Valour

On March 1st in Delisle, retired Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Warrant Officer Robert (Bob) McCrea and current president of the Delisle Legion received his quilt by Marcie Erick, the Area Coordinator of Quilts of Valour – Canada. Marcie graciously drove in from Swift Current to present the quilt in front of members of the Delisle Legion #184, family and friends.

These quilts are presented to members of the Canadian Armed Forces that were injured during their service.

Quilts of Valour is a volunteer group across Canada that create quilts and donates them to nominated serving and retired personnel.

RM Review 3 April 2023 www.rmreview.net
PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS Filed Online Discount for Seniors GOODNOUGH BOOKKEEPING Phone 306 - 493 - 2771 Cell 306 - 361 - 9767 bobgoodnough@gmail.com KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY !
Carbide Saw Blades Zamboni Blades • Chipper Knives • Paper Blades Hole Saws • Drill Bits • Router Bits Groat Knives • Planer Blades • Shaper Cutters Culvert Cutters Stump Grinder Teeth Meat Grinder Plates • Meat Slicer Blades • Chain Saw Blades Ice Auger Blades • Knives • Scissors Yard Tools • Clipper Blades • Clipper Repairmost parts stocked We sharpen other items - Call for Details Rick Hamilton (306) 270 - 8048 B-730 45th St. West, Saskatoon
Marcie Erick, Area Coordinator of Quilts of Valour – Canada (left) awards quilt to retired CAF Warrant Officer Robert (Bob) McCrea


Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.


Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on March 8, 2023. Attending was Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors Cecilia Mryglod, Wade MonksJanzen, and Darcy Stack. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts. The meeting was called to order by Deputy-Mayor Stobbe at 7:00 p.m.

A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the February 8, 2023, regular council meeting.

Council made a motion to accept the February 2023 financials and February 2023 bank reconciliations as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $87,553.09 and Accounts Payable of $17,868.28 was accepted as presented.

Did you know……that if you take out a building permit, the onus is on the property owner to contact the building inspector to make a final inspection and to close the permit. Failure to do so results in your permit being left open and as such could pose a real problem for you should you decide to sell your property.

If you are not sure whether your permit was finalized or closed, please feel free to contact the Asquith Town Office.

If you have recently changed your phone number, please contact the Asquith Town Office to update.

Spring is here and of course with spring comes issues of water and drainage. It is suggested that all residents ensure that there are no ice dams on their roof tops and that their eavestroughs are working correctly and that they are pointed away from the foundation of the home.

As of January 1, 2022, all pet licenses and business licenses were due.


Town Council held a regular meeting on March 14, 2023.

Council authorized the initiation of tax enforcement proceedings against Lots 16 & 17, Block 12, Plan G11.

Council passed a bylaw that will see residential sewer rates increase by $5/month. This rate increase will not show up on water and sewer invoices until the August mail out.


RM OF CORMAN PARK - April 24, 9:00am

RM OF DUNDURN - April 11, 8:00am

RM OF EAGLE CREEK - April 11, 9:00am

RM OF HARRIS - April 12, 1:00pm

RM OF MCCRANEY - April 13, 8:00am

RM OF MILDEN - April 12, 9:00am

RM OF MONTROSE - April 13, 8:00am

RM OF PERDUE - April 11, 9:00am

RM OF ROSEDALE - April 11, 8:00am

RM OF RUDY - April 12, 6:00pm

RM OF VANSCOY - April 13, 9:00am

TOWN OF ASQUITH - April 12, 7:00pm

TOWN OF BIGGAR - April 4 & 18, 7:15pm


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:

1) Councillor: Town of Delisle Number to be elected - 1 will be received by the undersigned on the 26th day of April, 2023, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Delisle Town Office, 201-1st Street West, Delisle, Sk. and during regular business hours on Monday, April 3rd to Tuesday, April 25th, 2023, at the Delisle Town Office.

Nomination forms may be obtained at the Delisle Town Office, 201 -1st Street West, Delisle, Sk.

A Public Disclosure Statement must accompany Nomination Forms or they cannot be accepted.

Dated this 3rd day of April, 2023.


NOTICE is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Village of Vanscoy for the year 2023 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the Assessor from 9:00 am to noon and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm on the following days: Monday to Thursday – April 3 to May 4, 2023

A Bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of the Municipalities Act has been passed and the Assessment Notices have been sent as required. Any person wishing to discuss the Notice of Assessment or Potential Appeal may contact the Assessor at the Village of Vanscoy, PO Box 480 - 109 Main Street, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

A notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100 appeal fee, which will be returned if the appeal is successful, must be filed with the: Secretary of the Board of Revision, Mike Ligtermoet, Nor Sask Board Services, 642 Agnew Street, Prince Albert, SK S6V 2P1 by the 4th day of May, 2023

Dated this 31st day of March, 2023.


Notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Village of Kinley for the Year 2023 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor, from:

8:30am to 4:00pm on the following days:

Tuesdays: March 31, 2023 to May 2, 2023.

A Bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required.

Any person wishing to discuss the notice of assessment or potential appeal may contact the assessor at the Village of Kinley, Box 51, Kinley, SK S0K 2E0

A notice of appeal, accompanied by a $250 appeal fee, which will be returned in the appeal is successful, must be filed with the Secretary to the Board of Revision - Kristen Tokaryk Western Municipal Consulting Ltd., Box 149, Meota, SK., S0M 1X0 by the 2nd of May, 2023.

Dated this 31st day of March, 2023.

Gaylene Quiring Assessor

TOWN OF DELISLE - April 11, 7:00pm

TOWN OF DUNDURN - April 11, 6:00pm

TOWN OF HANLEY - April 10, 7:00pm

TOWN OF LANGHAM - April 10 & 24 6:30pm

TOWN OF OUTLOOK - April 12 & 26, 7:00pm

TOWN OF RADISSON - April 19, 7:00pm

TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - April 9, 4:00pm

VILLAGE OF BORDEN - April 11 & 25, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - April 12, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - April 11, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - April 12, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF HARRIS - April 12, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KENASTON - April 11, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KINLEY - April 11, 6:30pm

VILLAGE OF MILDEN - April 19, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF PERDUE - April 27, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - April 12, 7:30pm

All regular Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply.

Rural Municipality of Perdue No. 346

The RM invites applications for the position of Full-Time Administrator

The ideal candidate will possess a minimum rural class "C" certificate in Local Government Administration with relevant office experience including municipal accounting, municipal law, payroll and munisoft programming. Competitive salary and comprehensive benefit package provided. Council would prefer a starting date for the new applicant at the beginning of September with the present administrator retiring the end of 2023. Interested candidates are encouraged to submit their resume with a cover letter and references to:

RM of Perdue No. 346 Box 208 Perdue, Sk SOK 3C0

e-mail: rm346@sasktel.net

Posting will remain open until a suitable candidate has been found. We thank all who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.


The R. M. of Harris No. 316 is accepting applications for the position of an Equipment Operator to handle various outside operations for the municipality. The successful candidate will also be required to carry out other duties as directed by Council or the Municipal Foreman. This is a seasonal position and usually runs from April to November each year. A valid 1-A Drivers License will be an asset as well as previous experience operating a gravel truck. The municipality offers a competitive benefits package including Pension Plan. Applicants should provide previous work experience, including types of equipment operated, 2 references and salary expected.

Applications will be received until 4:00 pm on Thursday April 6th at the following address:

R. M. of Harris No. 316

Box 146 Harris, Sask S0L 1K0

Ph: 306-656-2072

Fax 306-656-2151

Email: rm316@sasktel.net

RM Review 4 April 2023 www.rmreview.net

Vanscoy Senior Citizen Club Annual Membership Drive

Thursday, April 20 7:00pm Vanscoy Senior Centre

In 1974 membership cards were ordered and the Vanscoy Senior Citizens Club (VSCC) was formed. The original members wanted to start something for older adults in our community to do for recreation, or just gather for a visit and some coffee. In that same year the Village of Vanscoy decided that the large concrete roof of their reservoir for water supply would provide a foundation and floor for a new building. It was decided that as well as a village office, the additional space could be utilized for a Senior Citizen Centre. So with the help of the senior citizens, the building was constructed and completed ready for use in November of 1977. The Grandora Community Club disbanded that same year and contributed $3000 to VSCC. This contribution was a great boost along with smaller cash and article donations making it possible for the club house to officially open January 25, 1978. Some of the activities that are carried on to present day are: pool, shuffleboard, card games, suppers, bingos, and coffee time.

Everyone 55 years and older are invited to attend this meeting to see what the VSCC is all about. Membership is only $5.00 per year.

Road Restrictions Begin

Notice of Preparation of Assessment Roll VILLAGE OF HARRIS

Pursuant to subsection 204(1) of The Municipalities Act, notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Harris for the year 2023 has been prepared and is open to inspection by appointment only at Village Office from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Closed 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm) on the following days:

Tuesday through Friday, April 4, 2023 – May 5, 2023

A bylaw pursuant to Section 214 of The Municipalities Act, has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment to the Board of Revision is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by the required $50.00 fee with:

The Assessor, Village of Harris Box 124 Harris, Saskatchewan S0L 1K0 by the 4th day of June, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. sharp

Dated this 24th day of March, 2023.

Local Easter Church Services

Delisle/Vanscoy United Church

April 2, 11:00am Palm Sunday

April 6, 5:30pm, Maundy Thursday, Messy Church/Family Service

April 7, 11:00am Good Friday

Joint Service at Mayfair United

April 9, 11:00am, Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service at Knox United

Delisle Community Church

April 7, 10:00am, Good Friday

April 9, 10:00am, Easter Sunday

Coffee & Snacks, Service at 11am

St Francis Xavier - Vanscoy

April 6, 7:00pm

Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper

April 7, Good Friday

2:00pm Stations of the Cross


Celebration of Passion of Lord

April 8, 9:00pm, Easter Vigil

April 9, 10:00am, Solemn Mass

Easter Sunday Special Traditional Turkey Dinner


RM Review 5 April 2023 www.rmreview.net KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY ! Tax Enforcement List Village of Vanscoy Province of Saskatchewan Notice is hereby given under the Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land the title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 21st day of May, 2023, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of the Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. Total Cost Total Lot Block Plan Title No Arrears Advertising Due 3 19 83514875 142507683 $ 9,583.01 $ 33.33 $ 9,616.34 17 22 102030129 149638720 $ 5,752.61 $ 33.33 $ 5,785.94 10 15 75S33205 151423905 $ 3,538.46 $ 33.33 $ 3,571.79 Dated this 21st day of March, 2023. Dawn Steeves
With the spring thaw now upon us, many roads are subject to temporary weight restrictions. Check with your local Rural Municipality for details regarding which roads are affected in your area.
Mon-Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7 Vanscoy 306-931-6996
with Mashed
and your
or Soup 4:00pm - 7:00pm Sunday April 9th Dine In - Take Out - Reservations Recommended
Potatoes, Vegetables, Gravy, Cranberrys
a Large Event this Summer ? Rent Locally and Save Money Call Robin’s Nest Cafe 306 - 931 - 6996
BBQ Rentals Hosting

The Return of the Delisle Farmer’s Market

Delisle Farmers Market is returning this spring and is based as a make, bake, grow market. We’re so lucky to have such fantastic local vendors and this is a great way to support local farmers and crafters.

The market is always looking for new vendors and we’re pleased to announce the return of Schumacher Family Farm and Last Frost Farm.

The market is normally held twice a month on Saturdays between 9am-2pm on 1st Street West.

If you are interested in becoming a vendor or would like more information please contact – Carole at delislefarmersmarket@gmail.com or find them on Facebook @ Delisle Farmers Market.

2nd Annual Donavon Field Day June 24th

The 2nd annual Donavon Field Day is on being held on Saturday, June 24th at the old Donavon School.

The Donavon Community Club is working to raise funds to replace the windows and do repairs to that building to create a year-round community space for special events.

The Donavon School was built in 1931 and operated as a school for 40 years before it was closed. It was then purchased by the Donavon Community Club in 1990.

The current Donavon Community Club is working hard to preserve this historic building for future generations.

Two Events happening in Harris in April

The community of Harris is hosting two annual events in April. The Harris & District Lions Club is holding it’s 12th annual Fish Fry and the Harris Community Centre hosts a Dine & Auction fundraiser for the hall. Both events are held at the Harris Community Centre. Limited tickets are available at the Town & Country Store or 306-656-4300

12th Annual Lions

Fish Fry

Saturday, April 8

4:30pm - 7:00pm

Adults $25

Students $10

Preschool $5

Limit 300 tickets

Community Centre

Dine & Auction

Saturday, April 22

5:30 - Social

7:00 - Dinner

9:00 - Auctions $30 per person

Limit 180 tickets

On the Road with Emergency Vehicles

Pike Lake Fire Department Monthly Safety Tips

What to do when Emergency Vehicle is approaching with Lights and Siren.

• Pull over to the edge of the roadway, clear of intersection and stop.

• Remain there until emergency Vehicle has passed.

• Keep a foot on the brake so brake lights let Emergency Vehicle driver know you have stopped.

• Check to make sure the road is clear before merging back into traffic.

• Fire Emergency Vehicles responding to a scene with lights and siren will travel in outside (left) lane on a double lane highway.

What to do when you approach an Emergency scene.

• SLOW DOWN as you approach scene.

• Remain alert, don’t become distracted. Watch for emergency traffic personnel directing traffic. You may be directed to stop or move over and slowly pass the scene. ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. Stay safe and healthy !

If you have any questions or want more info contact: Fire Chief Mike Given (Delisle & District Fire Department) 306-493-7777 or Battalion Chief Wayne Pearson (Pike Lake Hall) 306-230-1544


April Happenings in Borden

RM Review 6 April 2023 www.rmreview.net COMMUNITY REPORTS KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY ! 01 – Burger & Pop sale at Community Centre – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Little Sprouts ; 12 team bowling tournament 02 – Palm Sunday services at local churches at regular times 06 – Borden Lions Chase the Ace Draw – Roadside Inn – 7:00 pm 07 – Good Friday services – Riverbend Fellowship Brunch @ 9:30, service; Anglican – 11:00 am – lunch to follow 07 -14 No school; classes resume April 17th 09 – Easter Sunday services at regular times 10 – Easter Monday- most businesses & offices closed 11 – Village Council meeting – at the office – 7:00 pm – on ZOOM 13 – Borden Lions Chase the Ace Draw – Roadside Inn – 7:00 pm 19 –Cash Bingo – Friendship Club Room – 7:00 pm- last one for season 20 – Friendship Club Music Night - 7:00 pm 20 – Borden Lions Chase the Ace Draw – Roadside Inn – 7:00 pm 22 – Community Supper – Remembering the Flood of 2013 24 – No School – Prep Day for teachers 25 – Village of Borden Council meeting in the office- 7 pm – Zoom available 27 – Friendship Club potluck supper, AGM & local talent – 5:45 pm 27 – Borden Lions Chase the Ace Draw – Roadside Inn – 7:00 pm 28 – Care Home Church service – Anglican/Lutheran – 2:00 pm

Delisle & District Health Council public meeting discusses the state of Local Rural Healthcare

In recent months the Delisle and District Heath Council (DDHC) and the Delisle Inter Agency Group (DIAG) expressed concerns about the lack of a physician and Nurse Practitioner services available at the Delisle Primary Health Centre since the retirement of the physician in 2019. For a short period of time the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) had provides an additional 75% NP services in the absence of a physician to only discontinue the services a year later. The recruitment of a physician to practise out of the local health centre has to date not been successful.

On March 3, 2023, the DDHC hosted a Town Hall Meeting to discuss health care concerns in Delisle and the district. Thanks go to: the Delisle Senior Citizens Club for the donation of the hall and assisting with setup and teardown: the local Delisle Coop for their donation of coffee; Colleen Carr for the donation of her sound system.

The front panel consisted of: moderator Deb Winder, Delisle Town Councillor and Chair of the DDHC; Carla Beck, MLA for Regina Lakeview, Leader of the Opposition; Vicki Mowat, MLA for Saskatoon Fairview and Opposition Deputy Leader, Critic for Health and Mental Health and Addictions; Matt Love, MLA for Saskatoon Eastview, Opposition Caucus Chair, and Critic for Rural and Remote Health, Seniors and Addictions.

All the panel members made opening remarks before Ms. Winder read the comments sent by Hon. Everett Hindley, Ministers of Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health. In part he stated that in addition to the existing full time Nurse Practitioner (NP), the SHA is hiring a NP to provide services in Delisle an additional two days a week. Interviews are underway. Officials will be monitoring utilization of NP services in Delisle so that further increases can be implemented in the future based on the data.

The public was then encouraged to share their concerns about health care in our area. The panel was given an opportunity to respond to the concerns raised. Community concerns included the need to restore services to where they have been in the past not just an additional 40% NP. Comments were made about the value of our present NP. The clinic needs to be accepting new patients. The new NP will be working

through the present waiting list but we anticipate the waiting list to increase. Some would like to see the Health Centre be expanded to a walk-in clinic.

Others were not completely aware of all the services that the Health Centre offers and others brought up concerns about Home Care in our area and the needto-know what services are now offered. Also discussed were additional services required like food prep and light housekeeping. This led to a discussion about Seniors Care and the gaps in the personal and long-term care needs.

Hospital services were discussed including ambulance attendants sitting in emergency rooms because the hospitals are short staffed. Wait times in emergency rooms and having to lay in a bed in the hallway due to lack of space in hospitals.

The LEAN program implemented in hospitals was discussed. The concern is that it has left hospitals working with the minimum of staff and often end up working short staffed or having to pay out overtime to an excess.

The transition between SHA and Social Services for children with special needs as they become adults and need to rely on different support systems. There appears to be a disconnect.

The NDP critics have been having town halls in many centres across the province. They reassured the citizens present that they would take the concerns to the government. They did have some petitions available for endorsement.

The DDHC will promote the services available at the Health Centre and continue to advocate on behalf of the Delisle and District. And they will continue to encourage everyone to use the local services available.

RM Review 7 April 2023 www.rmreview.net
Delisle area residents attend meeting with Provincial officials to discuss state of local healthcare
DARWIN’S LEATHERWORK Double Interlocked Hand Stitched Tack, Repairs, New Custom Items Call Darwin at 306 - 250 - 4810

Are You Willing to Pay for Social Media?

Are you willing to pay for access to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc. ?

The Internet was founded on the premise that information should be freely available, which ironically turned out to be one of the Internet's biggest drawbacks.

Only a decade ago, everyone was questioning how Facebook makes money. No one asks that anymore. We now know that "free" access to the Internet and social media platforms comes at a cost: Advertising and collecting your personal data.

The critical component of social media companies' business models is to micro-target individuals with ads. This requires massive user surveillance and using engagement-juicing algorithms to keep users onsite as long as possible. Hence, the Internet we have today: An advertising-dominated digital landscape filled with misinformation and privacy concerns.

Yes, Internet access is free; however, the trade-off is that you are the product.

Social media companies make their money in the billions off your attention, eyeballs, clicks and, most of all, the information you voluntarily provide. (Statista estimates in 2023, US companies will spend over $94.4 billion on social media advertising.) Influencing beliefs, desires, and behaviours is lucrative.

Obviously, not all Internet content is free. A thriving pay-to-play market (aka. subscription services) for music, books, movies and television exists on the Internet.

Consumers are comfortable paying for access to the content I just mentioned. So here is the million-dollar question: Would consumers pay for Facebook-style social experiences or LinkedIn-style networking with professionals in their field and industry?

Two more questions:

1. If we paid to access the Internet and social media, how would it change?

2. Would paying to access the Internet and social media solve its problems?

I can see the marketing strategy: Tired of the online cesspool? You can access a clean social media version for a nominal fee. Successful subscription models (e.g., Netflix, Bodyselfie TV, Amazon Prime, Scribd, Wall Street Journal) exist because subscribers feel they are getting something of value; access to films, games, news, TV series, books, or fitness instructors. With Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc., the "something of value" is largely intangible.

I will put aside the Internet's privacy issue everyone claims to be concerned about since the solution is simple: Stop freely sharing your personal information. Instead, I will speak to the Internet's and social media's real danger: We have lost our collective cool.

Online, anger is cheap and can be expressed autonomously. Taking advantage of how easily we get angry and offended, social media companies, using algorithms we train when we use social media platforms, repeatedly immerses us in tribal indignation to increase our screen time. Perversely, our outrage has become valuable because it serves the interests of advertisers who keep the Internet and social media free.

An Internet truth: Every lie on the Internet serves someone's purpose.

Next time you scroll through your social media feeds, envision yourself sitting in an algorithm-guided car, giving you a free ride through ad-filled digital landscapes. Imagine your car has learned which arguments push your hot buttons and presents them to you, enticing you to linger and engage.

If we paid for our social media presence, the outrage would cease to be cheap to us and valuable to social media companies. An additional benefit of paying to access social media is it would discourage trolls and malcontents since they would lose anonymity, which is what makes it easy to be a jerk online.

If you are wondering why social media companies are not working feverishly to make their platforms toxic-free: Ad revenue keeps them too well-fed to pursue alternative revenue streams seriously, such as charging their users.

Social media platforms are choosing to operate in ways that do not benefit our collective good but profit their business.

Would a pay-to-play social media structure affect user composition? Would social media become an extrovert's playground if autonomy were gone? (I assume many anonymous social media accounts are created by "shy people.")

Would a pay-to-play social media structure result in higher-quality content since users would be more invested?

Undeniably, the current state of social media has many people angry— namely, the rapid decline in civility. People are finally becoming aware that social media is destabilizing our mental health, fracturing our attention spans, and spreading misinformation globally.

Though it is impossible to say with certainty, I believe the Internet and social media would improve significantly if we had to pay for it; undeniably, it would be less toxic. On the other hand, would having to pay to access the Internet and social media turn many people away? Probably. However, I would argue that in a socially holistic sense, we would be better off spending less time online.

Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what's on his mind from Toronto. You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan

RM Review 8 April 2023 www.rmreview.net
RM Review 9 April 2023 www.rmreview.net

This Delisle Farmer’s Invention Saves

The Flo-Gate was designed by local Saskatchewan farmer Doug Stoll of Delisle. It is a simple durable solution for managing the movement of grain or fertilizer from hopper bottom bins.

Flo-Gate was initially developed to solve the problem of grain screenings getting hung up or bridged in the bin. All bulk products have some serging that occurs. Flo-Gate allows the bins' slide to be opened further, letting any bulk product flow unimpeded into the augers' hopper. The auger takes what it needs, this results in faster augering, eliminating the need for the operator to constantly adjust the bin slide and when the auger stops the product automatically stops flowing, no need to run and close the bins' slide.

As with any equipment always turn off the machine and motor before attaching or adjusting the Flo-Gate.

Flo-Gate is locally manufactured with polyethylene, recycling #4 and comes with two cold weather rubber straps and sock, which is made from UV resistant tarp material. Flo-Gate is now available for direct purchase on their website. Visit it to order or to see the product in action. www.flo-gate.ca

Co-op accepts any automotive battery returns for

FLO-GATE slides on hopper bottom bins to control the flow of product to the auger.

recycling year-round. Not only will you be helping the environment and contributing to the responsible use of resources, but recycling can also put a little money back in your pocket through the Battery Bucks Program.

Twice a year, in April and October, the Battery Bucks Program rewards customers with a $12 CO-OP® Gift Card for any automotive battery returned to a Co-op Home and Agro Centre, encouraging you to go through your shop or yard to dig out those used batteries for recycling.

Your local Co-op is pleased to offer your community access to a responsible recycling program for spent automotive batteries.

Be sure to stop by to learn a bit more about our battery products and the Battery Bucks Program that is coming up in April.

RM Review 10 April 2023 www.rmreview.net AGRICULTURE REPORTS 2 Bay Car & Truck Wash Groceries & Confectionary Gas Pumps & Card Lock Propane & Bulk Fuel 306 - 493 - 2212 Delisle Full Service Pumps Pay at the Pump Option Available Mon - Wed: 6am - 9pm Thu - Fri 6am - 10pm Sat 7am - 10pm Sun: 7am - 9pm Annual Meeting Wednesday April 12 Delisle Hall 7:00pm BUYING ALL CLASSES OF FEEDER & CULL CATTLE Pat “Duke” Bueckert 306-291-9675 Alvin Busby 306-227-0575 Alan Jackson 306-961-5682 Aiden Zwack 306-961-5198 Spencer Fox 306-361-9701 Lyal Fox 780-808-9731 (cull cows & bulls) Deryl Miller (Owner) 306-221-2106
Time by Controlling Product Flow from Hopper Bottom Bins Co-op Home & Agro Centres Pay $12 for any old Batteries
Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com W W Rock & Gravel Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095 A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel FOR ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS S ANDYRIDGE B AKERY & C AFE Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362 Gas, Premium & Diesel / Confectionary Grocery / ATM / Post Office Thank you for your support in 2022 and many Blessings to you all in 2023 Monday - Friday 6:30am - 9:00pm Sat, Sun, Holidays 7:30am - 9:00pm unless posted otherwise 306 - 237 - 7671 Troy May owner/operator tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan “Serving the Community Since 1983” TANK PUMPING & TOILET RENTAL Darrell, Penny & Chad Starling Office Cell 306 - 493 - 2241 306 - 370 - 2009 “Your Window to the Entertainment World” SATELLITE+ Residential Commercial Darcy Stack Journeyman Electrician 306 - 229 - 3813
VETERINARY SERVICE DR.H. DOMOSLAI AND ASSOCIATES BOX 60 SASKATOON, SK S7K 3K1 HIGHWAY 14 WEST Large Animal Pharmaceuticals and Appointment Bookings Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Office Phone Number: (306) 343-5773 Text: (306) 260-6729 Email: dorrie.cpvs@gmail.com Small Animal Services Including 24 Hour Emergency Services Clinic Hours: Monday - Tuesday 8am - 5pm Wednesday 8am - 7:30pm Thursday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturdays - 9am - 4pm Clinic Phone Number: (306) 384-7676 Email: cormanparkvet@gmail.com After hours emergency line: (306) 227-8062 STARLING’S SEPTIC darrelpenny@sasktel.net Like us on Facebook for Information and Updates Visit our NEW Webstore https://delislevet.clientvantage.ca Companion Animal Veterinary Clinic Located on Highway 7 service road in Delisle, SK #300 2nd Street East PO Box 246 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Wheel Chair Accessible Medicine General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Dentistry In-clinic Laboratory Digital X-ray Digital Dental X-ray Ultrasound Therapeutic Laser Therapy Nutritional Consultation Canine Reproduction “The Knee Clinic” Call for after hours Emergency Service NEW HOURS 9am - 5pm Mon - Sat LOCAL BUSINESSES RM Review 11 April 2023 www.rmreview.net T S Top Strand Fencing Top Quality Fencing / Corrals / Calf Sheds / Chutes Bobcat Available / Auger / Deck Piles Jesse Gessell 306.381.5745 jgessell@sasktel.net 25 Years Experience / Quality Work / Reasonable Rates KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY ! Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216 Certified Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed. PIKE LAKE LAWN & GARDEN FOR ALL YOUR SMALL ENGINE SALES, SERVICE, PARTS & REPAIRS Phone: 306 - 221 - 8558 Email: wattdave530@gmail.com Dave Watt Battery Powered - 56 Volt 5 Year Warranty www.egopowerplus.com Snow Clearing & Removal Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353 Acreages Driveways ParkingLots Binyards

Agricultural Delisle Agricultural Co-op

Delisle 306-493-2212

Orchard Transport - Ag Div.

Delisle 306-493-2406

Richardson Pioneer Delisle 306-493-1500


Flo-Gate simple solution for managing the movement of grain or fertilizer Delisle 306-493-7409 www.flo-gate.ca

Agricultural Mechanic

Northern Plains Equipment Repair Ag & Heavy Duty Asquith 306-496-7100

Air Conditioning & Heating

ATL Electric & Heating Boiler & In Floor Heat Specialists

Service all Furnaces/Air Conditioners

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs


24 Hour Emergency Service

Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Taylor Mechanical

Vanscoy 306-381-7998



Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration

Delisle 306-222-0456


Prairie Sun Bookkeeping

Vanscoy 306-230-1522



Flatlander Disposal

14 yard Roll-off Bins Delisle 306-493-7547

Duct Cleaning

Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com

Electrical & Satellite ATL Electric & Heating

Complete Electrical and Heating Service

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

BTE Trenching & Electrical 306-220-4377 or 306-220-5500

Asquith bte20@outlook.com


Electrical Troubleshooting and Service - Licensed & Bonded Asquith 306-229-3813

Embroidery Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751


Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401

Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949


Prairie Centre Credit Union

A full service financial institution that was born on the prairies. We are Saskatchewan’s largest rural based credit union and profits earned here, stay here. Members are owners which makes it highly motivating for us to help them achieve financial success at home.

Delisle Branch: 1-306-493-2414

Harris Branch: 1-306-656-4466

Website: www.pccu.ca


Schneider’s Gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty


Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486


Health & Nutrition Mentor Nutrition, detox & water therapy education, individual nutrition and lifestyle mentoring. Services based on reciprocity or donations. Carrie 306 - 329 - 4927

Health Foods

Darla Christopher Independent Epicure Consultant Delisle 306-493-2933 dsdt@ sasktel.net text 306-291-0298

Kristi Done Independent Epicure Consultant Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidone.epicure.com

OLD MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey FRESH HONEY... READY ! Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola 2023 Food Safe Certification Pike Lake 306-384-3092 mikesbees@sasktel.net

Massage Therapy

Jolene Thompson, RMT Delisle(Acreage) 306-260-5409 jolenethompsonrmt.janeapp.com

Kristi Done Massage Therapy Call or Text to Book Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidonemassagetherapy.com

Modular Homes Vesta Homes Inc. Vanscoy 306-242-9099 www.vestamfghomes.com

Online Shopping

Release Equine Horse tack, pet apparel and accessories. Shop online: releaseequine.com Email for more information: ReleaseEquine@hotmail.com

Painting / Decorating

Eugene’s Decorating European Designs Delisle/Vanscoy 306-229-7274 eugenegrenier8@gmail.com

Hillbillie Painting Biggar, Rosetown, Outlook, Delisle 306-381-3202 4bparker@gmail.com

Pet Care

‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Safety Training

Canadian Firearms Safety Courses/PAL Pete Heck -20 Years Experience as Firearms Officer Asquith 306-914-6677 pheck57@gmail.com


Red Eagle Contracting Inc.

Residential Construction Located in Asquith SK Contact Sean @ 306-491-8464 red.eagle.contracting306@gmail.com


RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Veterinary Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143

Eagle Creek Veterinary Services

Rosetown 306-831-8387

After Hours 306-831-9222 eaglecreekvet@gmail.com


Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

Water / Septic Burwell Trenching & Electrical Asquith 306-220-4377 bte20@outlook.com

Econo Septic & Sewer Services

Pump septic tanks, mud sumps, car wash, commercial/industrial tanks. Unplug sewer lines, replace and repair pumps, switches, alarms. 24-hour emergency service Saskatoon 306-384-6662 Econoseptic.ca

Care Home Chiropractor

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

it’s a DOODLE Labradoodle Puppies 306-220-8991 itsadoodlek9service@gmail.com

Borden Care Home Borden 306-997-2266 bordencarehome@gmail.com

Hammond Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Lisa Hammond, B.Sc., D.C. Hanley Community Centre

Tuesdays 2-6 PM

Hanley 306-544-2455

Cleaning Service

Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com


Flatlander Construction

Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547

DLN Construction Outlook 306-867-8334

Redberry Renovations Ltd.

Grandora 306-260-3778



Diamond Counselling Services

Accepting Adult/Family Clients Langham 306-283-4670

330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon

Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Garden / Yard

Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Gas / Confectionary

Delisle Ag Co-op

Delisle 306-493-2212

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Golf Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288


Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown


Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown


Gravel / Sand

Graham Contracting

Asquith 306-230-4653

Klassen Trenching

Delisle 306-493-7579

W.W. Rock & Gravel

Asquith 306-329-4768

Dignity Home Care Solutions Brandi Orth 306-230-0026 athomecaregiving@outlook.com

Home Care Products and Housewares


Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.cindythetupperwarelady.ca Excellence in service since 1989


PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555

HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260

Westland Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Lawn & Garden

Pike Lake Lawn & Garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558


Darwin’s Leatherwork

Tack, Repairs, Custom Items

Double Interlock Hand Stitched Vanscoy 306 - 250 - 4810

Plumbing & Heating ATL Electric & Heating

Complete plumbing & gasfitting

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998



Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Early Learning Centers

Vanscoy 306-668-6338

Delisle 306-493-6338

Real Estate

Boyes Group Realty 306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca

Dwein Trask Realty Inc.

Dwein Trask 306-221-1035 Office 306-653-4100

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty 306-867-8380 / 1-844-838-SOLD www.remax-shorelinerealty.com


Robin’s Nest Cafe

Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Links Water & Septic Services

Certified septic design/consulting. Acreage water/septic install and repair, water testing/treatment and septic system maintenance. Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Linksbackhoe.com

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 darrelpenny@sasktel.net

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Website Design

Whole Wheat Web DESIGN

Affordable and practical website design and maintenance services for small business, community groups and families since 2005. Delisle 306-493-3023 mail@wholewheatwebdesign.ca

Yardwork / Excavation

Barney’s Bobcat Vanscoy 306-270-4353 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Links Backhoe & Skid Steer Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410

RM Review 12 April 2023 www.rmreview.net
more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone
NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW SPECIAL Directory Listing $50 Call 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net First Time Listing Only KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake areas Book Your Garden TODAY !

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