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Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.

Town Of Delisle


Council held a regular meeting on July 11th. Arnold Earthmoving was hired to construct 225 feet of roadway on Potash Trail south of the Cominco Avenue intersection for the cost of $25,160 plus taxes.

The Town accepted Sask. Energy's quote of $96,754.37 plus GST for the provision of natural gas services to our Highway Commercial subdivision on the east side of town.

The regular meeting for the month of August will be held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 15th.

Town Of Asquith

Asquith Town Council held it’s regular council meeting on July 12, 2023.

Attending was Mayor Gail Erhart, Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors

Cecilia Mryglod, Darcy Stack, and Pete Heck. Councillor Jodi Nehring attended by video. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ehart at 7:00 p.m.

Councillor Pete Heck took his oath of affirmation.

A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the June 2023, regular council meeting.

Council made a motion to accept the June 2023 financials and June 2023 bank reconciliation as presented to them at the meeting.

Accounts Paid in the amount of $92,322.42 and Accounts Payable of $51,811.43 was accepted as presented.

2022 Audited Financials were presented to Council.

Gravel Crushing Tender


BOX 146


S0L 1K0

PH: 306-656-2072

FAX: 306-656-2151

Tenders will be received by the above until 4:00 pm, Friday October 27th, 2023. We would ask that contractors provide quotes on all 3 options with stripping costs broke out separately. We also ask that quotes be provided on both a winter and spring crush.

Crushing will take place in two pits, located as follows:

Pit 1 – Ardath Pit – NE 11-31-10-W3

Pit 2 – Page Pit – SE 14-33-12-W3


In the estate of Edgar A. Sargent, late of Borden, Saskatchewan. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 10 day of August, 2023. Brenda Osborne, Executor, PO Box 412, Borden, SK., S0K 0N0

Complete Fire Ban in the RM of Vanscoy

Effective August 2nd This does NOT include the Town of Delisle, Village of Vanscoy or Pike Lake Provincial Park

• The R. M. of Harris No. 316 is located approx. 30 miles southwest of Saskatoon

• Crushing to be completed by June 1st, 2024

• Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the contract to be provided with tender (Based on amount of ‘Option 1’ bid)

• Contractor will be required to provide a performance bond to the municipality within 21 days of tender award.

• Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all tenders

For additional information, contact the municipal office at the above number.

Town of Delisle 2022 Financial Statements

Upcoming Local Council Meetings

RM OF CORMAN PARK - August 28, 9:00am

RM OF DUNDURN - August 8, 8:00am

RM OF EAGLE CREEK - August 8, 9:00am

RM OF HARRIS - August 9, 8:00am

RM OF MCCRANEY - August 10, 8:00am

RM OF MILDEN - August 9, 9:00am

RM OF MONTROSE - August 10, 8:00am

RM OF PERDUE - August 8, 9:00am

RM OF ROSEDALE - August 8, 8:00am

RM OF RUDY - August 9, 6:00pm

RM OF VANSCOY - August 10, 9:00am

TOWN OF ASQUITH - August 9, 7:00pm

TOWN OF BIGGAR - August 1 & 15, 7:15pm

TOWN OF DELISLE - August 15, 7:00pm

TOWN OF DUNDURN - August 8, 6:00pm

TOWN OF HANLEY - August 14, 7:00pm

TOWN OF LANGHAM - August 14, & 28 6:30pm

TOWN OF OUTLOOK - August 9 & 23, 7:00pm

TOWN OF RADISSON - August 16, 7:00pm

TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - August 13, 4:00pm

VILLAGE OF BORDEN - August 8 & 22, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - August 9, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - August 8, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - August 9, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF HARRIS - August 9, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KENASTON - August 8, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KINLEY - August 8, 6:30pm

VILLAGE OF MILDEN - August 16, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF PERDUE - August 24, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - August 9, 7:30pm

Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply.

Notice of Call for Nominations Municipal By-Election VILLAGE OF KINLEY

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:

COUNCILLOR : Village of Kinley

Number to be Elected: 1

Will be received by the undersigned at the Village Office, located at 1123 Main Street, Kinley, SK during regular business hours on Tuesdays from 9:00AM to 4:00pm until September 13th, 2023. Nomination forms may be obtained at the Kinley Village Office.

Dated this 1st day of August, 2023.

Gaylene Quiring Returning Officer

Land For Sale By Public Tender Under The Tax Enforcement Act

Village Of Kinley

Lot 32-33* Blk 7 Plan A586

*Offered Together as one parcel. Will not split. TTP (Lot 33 is Tax Title Property) with Terms of purchase agreement including condition of sale being building a permanent dwelling/business of a minimum of 1,000 sq. ft. within two years of land purchase. Inquiries and Tender Documents can be retrieved from the Administrator at 306-237-4601 or villageofkinley@sasktel.net

All sealed tender bids must be submitted to the Village Office no later than 4:00pm September 30, 2023: Village of Kinley, Box 51 Kinley, SK S0K 2E0

Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. All bids will be open for consideration on October 10th at the Council Meeting at 6:30pm.

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