5 minute read
Delisle Senior Citizens’ Club Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Seniors Centre Construction
by RM Review
On Saturday June 17, 2023, the Delisle Senior Citizens’ Club hosted an open house and supper to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the construction of its Seniors Centre.
The event was hosted by Mrs. Ellen Fraser, the current club president. Greetings and congratulations were given on behalf of the federal government by the Honorable, Kelly Block, MP. The Honorable Jim Reiter, MLA, sent his regrets, and Her Worship Cary Brunett, brought greetings and congratulations on behalf of the Town of Delisle. Mrs. Fraser shared some of the history of the club and the building and recognized past presidents and the members of the original building committee that were attendance.
On display were two quilts made by local residents. One was made in 1935 and will be framed and on display at the Seniors Centre, and a second one was made in 1994. Both quilts have names of local residents embroidered on them.
Photo albums and records from years gone by were on display and sparked many conversations by those in attendance. There was coffee, juice and cake in the afternoon and to end the event we had a wonderful buffet supper.
The Delisle Recreation Association was promoting the sale of bricks, shrubs, and trees for Harold Worth Park. The Delisle Branch of the Prairie Centre Credit Union had a display about services available locally.
The sponsors (Town of Delisle, Bear Hills Media Group, and the RM Review) were also acknowledged for their assistance.
For more information on the Delisle Seniors Citizens Club contact delisleseniors@sasktel.net

August Happenings in Borden

The Delisle Co-op has now opened its new location north of Vanscoy on Highway 7.
The location features pay-at-the-pump or full service gas pumps as well as a 24 hour cardlock.
The cardlock includes, not only high speed diesel pumps for truckers and farmers, but also a low speed pump with regular and premium gas, as well as diesel for retail customers that need 24 hour access.

The site also features a convenience store with coffee service, snacks and basic groceries. A second building on the site houses washrooms and a shower house and rest lounge for truckers.

Vanscoy location is open 6am-8pm daily.
If you have any questions regarding this new location, contact the manager of the Delisle Co-op, Darin Sekulich at 306 - 493 - 2212.
July 27th, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) - Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) welcomes the appointment of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay as the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. With the transition of the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau to the National Revenue portfolio, MacAulay takes on the role once again, having previously served as the Minister of Veterans Affairs for five years.
MacAulay's return to the agriculture portfolio brings with it a sense of familiarity and a strong foundation of experience. During his previous tenure, GGC established a close working relationship with the Minister, characterized by open dialogue and collaboration. According to Andre Harpe, Chair of GGC, "The Minister's open-door policy and willingness to engage in partnership were instrumental in maximizing the potential of our sector. Such collaboration is vital to ensuring the growth and prosperity of Canada's grain farmers."
GGC eagerly anticipates collaborating with Minister MacAulay on various critical issues, including innovation, transportation system reliability, and particularly sustainability. These issues play a pivotal role in unlocking the grain sector's full potential and meeting Canada's net-zero goals. In this regard, GGC looks forward to engaging with Minister MacAulay on our "Road to 2050" climate solution initiative, aimed at developing practical and proactive approaches to tackling climate change.
Harpe also extends sincere gratitude to Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, acknowledging her significant contributions during her tenure as Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. "Over the last five years, GGC has developed a positive relationship with Minister Bibeau. Her legacy is apparent in many aspects of the portfolio, most notably sustainability. We want to express our appreciation for the Minister and look forward to working with her in her new role."
Canadian Agriculture holds immense potential for both economic and environmental growth. GGC is committed to working with Minister MacAulay and the new cabinet to position Canada's grain farmers for success.
July 26, 2023 - Today, the National Farmers Union (NFU) and the Wheat Growers Association (WGA) sent a joint letter to federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAuley asking him to halt the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) decision to impose export grade standards on wheat delivered to country elevators. The new rule will have a massive and long-term negative impact on prairie wheat farmers' incomes. Calling this a heavy-handed move, both organizations demand the change be stopped, at least until the full impacts on all stakeholders are presented to the CGC’s Western Standards Committee.
The NFU and WGA disagree on many policy matters but are united in their opposition to the decision to harmonize primary and export standards for wheat.
In spite of opposition from virtually all the farmers on the CGC’s Western Standards Committee, the CGC has decided to 'harmonize' primary and export standards for wheat as of August 1, 2023. The Western Standards Committee includes members of both the NFU and the WGA.
“When a farmer brings their grain to the elevator, there are several different measurements taken in order to grade it,” explained the NFU’s Glenn Tait, who sits on the Western Standards Committee. “These measurements include bushel weight, number of wheat kernels of other classes, total foreign material, and so on. Grades reflect quality, and largely determine the prices paid to farmers. Grades are regulated by the CGC to uphold Canada’s grain quality standards in export markets.”
“Farmers across the prairies will soon be harvesting wheat that under the current rules would be graded as #1, but as of August 1, 2023 they will be forced to sell it at lower prices as a #2 instead, if the changes set by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) come into effect as planned,” explained Daryl Fransoo, WGA Chair.

The Council of the RM of Dundurn No. 314 declared an agricultural disaster as a result of the ongoing drought in 2023.
The RM is is calling on the various levels of government to provide disaster relief to farmers and ranchers.

The new harmonized test weight standard means that CWRS wheat (hard red spring wheat used for baking bread) must weigh at least 63.3 lbs/bushel when delivered to the elevator instead of the current standard of 60.1 lbs/bushel or it will be downgraded to a #2.
Currently, the benchmarks for country elevator grades are slightly lower than the official export grades for bulk wheat when it is loaded onto ships.
“Due to variations in growing conditions, and thus for wheat crop quality across the prairies, loads that grade #1 under current rules often exceed the minimum standards, allowing grain companies to blend country deliveries to ensure the export standard is met when they assemble shipments at their port terminals,” noted Terry Boehm, former NFU President.

“The new CGC grade standard change will take money from farmers pockets.”
The CGC is adamant about their move to “harmonize” country elevator and export grading standards, but has been unable to provide historic cost-benefit analysis on the impacts of this change on either the producer or the grain handlers.

“We are particularly concerned with the Chief Commissioner’s remarks stating that the Western Standards Committee’s input is not binding on the CGC, and there was no indication that there would be any further review of the serious and legitimate concerns raised by producer representatives,” added Fransoo. Producer members of the Western Standards Committee are active farmers who take time away from their operations to provide their insight on behalf of prairie farmers. It is not acceptable for the Committee to be used, as it appears in this case, as a means to rubber stamp a decision already made by the CGC.
Both the NFU and the WGA urge Minister MacAuley to put a halt to the impending grade standard change immediately.
If local producers require the RM to submit documentation of this declaration to attain assistance, please do not hesitate to call the office or email the request to rm314@dundurnrm.ca