RM Review February 2024

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RM Review


Direct Mailed for FREE to over 6,500 Homes in these Communities

Arelee, Asquith, Borden, Broderick, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Hanley, Harris, Kenaston, Kinley, Langham, Laura, Milden, Outlook, Perdue, Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Sovereign, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Volume 25 Number 2

February 2024


Vanscoy Senior Citizens Club sees Membership Growth in 2023


023 has seen a new age of seniors step up to revive and encourage all agefriendly individuals to come out to support and participate in activation of the Vanscoy Senior Citizens Club. A membership drive and Spring meeting was held March/April of 2023 where 52 members in the community signed on. The executive are: Cal Abel, President; Raylene Boyle, Vice President; Julie Nelson, Secretary; Janice Cassidy Treasurer; Linda Wright, Prov. Director.

In the fall they held a Bingo, a Thanksgiving pot luck supper, a Kaiser tournament and a Christmas pot luck. They also have ladies playing cards Wednesday afternoons. They held a cleaning bee in December in preparation for renovations and painting in 2024. Come out! Get involved! Stay tuned for the Spring membership drive and get together. Watch for posters and emails. For more information contact: $10 Membership: Raylene 306-230-5042 Booking Senior Hall: Julie 306-491-9410

Festive Ukrainian Valentine’s Day Lunch & Supper Specials Perogies, Sausage and Cabbage Rolls Supper also includes...

Beet Borscht Hot Vegetable Valentine’s Dessert Eat In or Take Out 11am - 8pm Limited Quantities - Call ahead to book a table or order take out

Old Favorites...

New Items...

Cinnamon Buns

Chicken Wings

Baked Fresh in Store

Vanscoy 306 - 931 - 6996

any flavours you like

Mon-Fri 7am - 8pm Sat-Sun 9am - 7pm

KENNY’S CULTIVATING Asquith, Delisle Book r You n Vanscoy and 306 - 281 - 4111 de Gar Y ! Pike Lake areas TODA CALL OR TEXT TODAY


Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard

Contact Us .................... p. 2

Nick Kossovan ................. p. 3

Parenting for Learning ... p. 6

March Issue Deadline

Down the Road ................ p. 2

Council Reports ............... p. 4

Local Businesses ............. p. 7

for Submissions is

Letters to the Editor ........ p. 3

Community Reports ........ p. 5

Business Directory .......... p. 8

Friday March 1, 2024

Read the RM Review on your computer, tablet or phone with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net


February 2024

RM Review


Down the Road by Brian Brannagan

Nancy Durham’s in Vanscoy, SK


Lake Havasu City

few years ago Mrs. B and I flew down to Las Vegas, got a rental car and then drove south towards Palm Springs, California, making sure to keep the cold Alberta winter in the rear-view mirror and the more distant the better. On our way we stopped off at Lake Havasu City - which turned out to be another one of those places where I could happily live forever. Lake Havasu City is also the place where the London (England) Bridge ended up. London Bridge had been slated for demolition (remember that nursery rhyme/song "London Bridge is falling down, falling down . . . ?) but instead was sold to an American business man and developer, a gentleman by the name of Robert McCulloch.


50 - 75% OF 2023 Ladies Fashions Sizes


4 - 24

All Shopping is by Appointment Only Please text or call to book your day and time to come and shop

306 - 370 - 4949 Designs by Nancy Durham on Facebook

Robert McCulloch was the guy who founded and owned the chainsaw company. He was married to Barbara Briggs whose family, along with the Stratton family, were the lawn mower folk - that's where the money came from. (Notice how all those money folk stick together - and when they marry, they improve their stock price and gene pool all at the same time.) Mr. McCulloch was building a new town, to be named Lake Havasu City, and was looking for something unique that would attract buyers for the houses he was building and for the businesses he was encouraging, something that would stimulate the economy and entice tourists. And London Bridge was that unique attraction. Mr. McCulloch had the bridge dismantled, piece by piece, all the parts numbered and then shipped via the Panama Canal to Arizona, where it was then, piece by piece, reassembled - this was back around the late 1960's. (There was a rumour going around at the time that Mr. McCulloch thought he was buying the iconic Tower Bridge which crosses the Thames River just about half a mile downstream of the significantly less scenic London Bridge. That would have been a pretty big ''oopsies' on Mr. McCulloch's part but fortunately, for Mr. McCulloch, anyway, the rumour wasn't true.) Lake Havasu City, before Mr. McCulloch and the bridge got there, was better known as Middle-of-the-Damn-Desert, Arizona. It was used as a military barracks and air force landing strip during World War II. The site is about 150 miles pretty much due south of Las Vegas on the banks of the Colorado River. (The Colorado River runs west out of the Grand Canyon before turning south at Las Vegas and continues past the site of Mr. McCulloch's development and further south to Yuma, Az before meandering across the border into Mexico.)

The site was decommissioned after the war but then the US Federal Government didn't know what to do with the land. So they gave it to the State of Arizona. But the State of Arizona didn't know what to do with the land, either. So they gave it Mr. McCulloch, the developer. And Mr. McCulloch, it turns out, knew exactly what to do with it - build a city. And you gotta hand it to him - he did a very fine job (there's a Starbucks right in the middle of town - you can't fault a place like that). There is sort of a quirky story about the bridge, beyond the rumour of it not being the bridge it was thought to be. When the bridge was re-assembled it wasn't spanning anything - there was no water underneath, no street, no train tracks – nothing. The plan was to assemble the bridge close to the river and divert water from the river by dredging a channel from the river and underneath the bridge. Further dredging would then re-connect the channel back to the river, about a mile further downstream. The channel was to be dredged so that it cut across a natural peninsula, turning the peninsula (Latin for "almost island') into an insula (Latin for "island') of about 2 square miles. But somehow, the bridge still ended up being 3 feet too short and had to be extended – go figure. When I do dumb stuff like that, I try to keep it quiet unless it's something heroically stupid, like going through the car wash with the windows down - in Calgary, in January. Epic. And that's what the bridge-builder guys realized at the time, that they had done something so heroically stupid it should be bragged about. So they put a plaque on the western, down-stream side of the bridge to commemorate their own moron moment digging the channel too wide and having to lengthen the bridge. All along the channel, on both sides, are beaches and parks, marinas and restaurants and various other businesses, all catering to the tourist trade. The Colorado River at that point is wide and lazy - up to almost 3 miles wide (Parker Dam is about 20 miles further downstream causing the back-up) - and is referred to as Lake Havasu - hence the name of the town. That whole part of the river - the lake - is bordered by sandy beaches and rock cliffs and has many quiet, almost hidden inlets and small islands where you can boat and swim and picnic and camp - absolutely beautiful. And best of all - it's warm. Good information for this time of year.




Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0

Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net

6,700 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

March Issue comes out March 5th - Submission Deadline is March 1st

RM Review


February 2024


Letters to the Editor SaskPower pushes misinformation about carbon charge Dear Editor, As a SaskPower customer I am frustrated to see political propaganda on monthly utility bills. SaskPower falsely labels the carbon charge as a “FEDERAL CARBON TAX”. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled in March 2021 that Federal GHG pollution pricing is regulatory charge – not a tax. Furthermore, on November 22, 2022, Saskatchewan's proposal for an updated Output-Based Performance Standards (OBPS) program was approved. As a result, the 2023-2030 carbon charges collected by SaskPower are paid to the provincial government, effective January 1, 2023. An announcement on December 4, 2023, stated that carbon charges collected by SaskPower would be remitted into a Saskatchewan nuclear energy investment fund.

Some customers are confused thinking that they are being charged double GST on the carbon charge! The GST will be remitted to the Federal Government and the carbon charge will be remitted to the Saskatchewan Government. So, the line item for “Total federal carbon tax” which includes GST is very misleading. (image of utility bill below) Cheap, clean, renewable energy is the key to a better future and pollution pricing is an important part of encouraging collective action for Environmental Protection. SaskPower insists on blaming the federal government for these carbon charges rather than being transparent with customers about what their carbon charge clearly represents. Shannon Wright, Vanscoy, SK

SaskPower also confuses customers by including 5% GST in a line item labelled "total federal carbon tax" followed by another section labelled "Surcharges and taxes".

You Have a Role in Social Change, if You Want It ! By Nick Kossovan amn! Last week, while giving spare change to a homeless person, I forgot to take a selfie. Who knows how many likes I would have received on Instagram!


If everyone who claims to be appalled by homelessness put their money where their mouth is, homelessness would be eradicated.

For some reason, no one was videotaping me as I was delivering a food donation to my local food bank. I would have loved to post such a video on Facebook and receive endless digital "way-to-go!"

If everyone who raises a fist against corporate greed stopped supporting corporations with their consumerism, corporations would be more inclined to be good social citizens.

I recently came across a quote by Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, a book I strongly recommend that resonated with me, "Be skeptical of boasts; they are often about the people we wish we were, rather than who we actually are." In Western society, we boast. Our goal is to project an image that will be applauded, envied, and celebrated.

There's always been much more talk, acting outraged, fist-raising, finger-pointed, and fashionable protesting than any real action. We know what needs to be done, but we don't do it. The changes we say we want — the examples I gave — don't need government permission to be eradicated or at least mitigated.

You're not your thoughts. You're not defined by what's inside your head or what you tweet, post on Facebook, or say to family and friends. You're what you actually do. Your actions, not your words, advertise who you are. Those who don't speak of their accomplishments and good deeds exude quiet confidence. They seem satisfied knowing they did something kind or accomplished something impressive; as a result, they do not look for external validation. Shifting in high gear — we're in the middle of some serious social surgery. I question those whose most radical act is temporarily changing their profile picture on Facebook. You have probably done this. We have the virtue-signalling down pat and the talk, saying what we think will make us fit in. Especially in our younger years, we go along to get along. Currently, I'm seeing two key insights into social behaviour. First, people conform to other people's actions and opinions; they often say and do what others say and do. Second, when it comes to many issues, most people don't know what others think, making conformity a guessing game. Case in point, in 2016, polls predicted Hilary Clinton would be the 45th President of the United States, and then Donald Trump won. Evidently, many Trump supporters kept their support to themselves. Our inability to have a civil discourse without judging, labelling, and insulting those with opposing viewpoints and beliefs creates silent majorities who make themselves heard in voting booths. I believe the silent majority will win the next Canadian federal election. What are you afraid to say because you fear being labelled? As social norms shift, individuals shift with them, metaphorically adopting popular opinions and behaviours and dropping ones that fall out of style. Let's not kid ourselves; it's all about style and not what serves our collective best interest, which defaults to the sick game of identity politics. The left exploits those they characterize as being oppressed, while the right plays on nationalism and cultural pride. The civilized political game is one where you focus on your life and take responsibility for your actions. Imagine what our world would look like if you and I walked our talk. Saying, posting, tweeting, commenting, you care is meaningless. Your actions reveal what you're concerned about. Our planet would be able to breathe again if everyone who claimed to be concerned about climate change adopted an environmentally friendly lifestyle. (READ: consume less) If everyone who claims to be against systemic racism addressed the racism surrounding them, there wouldn't be any systemic racism.

A shameful truth: we benefit from the social injustices and planet-destroying activities we say offend us. The hypocrisy we use to defend our right to live an undeniably environmentally destructive and financially wasteful first-world lifestyle is astonishing. Google "a smartphone's environmental damage" and see how hypocritical those who claim to care about the environment are, whom I guarantee own a smartphone, along with driving a fuel-burning automobile, using one-use plastic and eating blueberries imported from a different hemisphere. I've yet to meet a selfproclaiming "environmentalist" whose lifestyle had a negligible carbon footprint. Are you really against capitalism if you're using your Apple iPhone to post anti-capitalism rants on a social media platform owned by a billionaire while sipping a Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte? People say, "We stole this land from the natives!" and then continue to live on it. If you are so offended by your ancestral guilt, why not give the land back? Is there any movement to give back large chunks of Canada to its indigenous people? If your white privilege offends you, then why do you continue to take advantage of it? Answer to the above: As I said earlier, we benefit from the social injustices and planet-destroying activities we say we oppose. Hence, we theatrically display outrage — facilitated by social media — while avoiding meaningful change since meaningful change would go against our self-interests. Fiji, Evian, Aquafina, Dasani, Smartwater, Arrowhead, Poland Spring, et al., aren't going to suddenly stop selling bottled water, no matter how much you say bottled water are nails in the environment's coffin. Corporations will stop producing bottled water when people stop buying it. All the garbage floating in our oceans, littering our land, is the result of our consumerism and one-use plastic, neither of which has ever been mandated by any government. Most people avoid responsibility by avoiding taking meaningful action. It's much easier to say you are against corporate greed than it is to not participate in our consumer society, which creates corporations. Values only exist if they're lived. You say you value honest communication and open discourse. Until you've dealt with unpleasant and difficult conversations that you hate hearing in a mature way that allows others to have opinions and beliefs that differ from yours, you don't. What's an uncomfortable conversation you've been avoiding? If you find yourself preaching, tweeting your social consciousness, or offering uninvited opinions, ask yourself why you feel your actions aren't enough to speak for themselves. Your actions have a meaningful role in social change. Your outrage is you going along to get along, which explains our current state of affairs.

Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what's on his mind from Toronto. You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan


February 2024



RM Review

Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.



squith Town Council held its regular council meeting on January 10, 2024. Attending was Mayor Gail Erhart, Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors Darcy Stack, Pete Heck, Cecilia Mryglod, Jodi Nehring, and Wade Monks-Janzen. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Erhart at 7:02 p.m. A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the December 2023, regular council meeting. Council made a motion to accept the December 2023 financials and December 2023 bank reconciliation as presented to them at the meeting. Accounts Paid in the amount of $202,650.38 and Accounts Payable of $100,644.55 was accepted as presented. Council made the following 2024 appointments: Auditor – Jensen Stromberg; Fire Chief – Colin Graham; EMO Coordinator – Lois Walker; Building Inspector – BuildTECH; Board of Revision – Western Municipal Consulting Did you know…the Town of Asquith pays a library levy of over $5,000 a year? Anyone living in Asquith can go to the Wheatland Regional Library and receive a library card that will let them access any Wheatland Librarys (i.e. in Perdue or Delisle), plus a Wheatland card will get you a Saskatoon Public Library card. There are also many online applications that one can access through the Wheatland Regional Library. If you have recently changed your phone number, please contact the Asquith Town Office to update. As of January 1, 2024, all pet licenses and business licenses are due.



eminder to residents to renew dog licenses; as well as Home Based Business Licenses prior to the end of the month. The Year End penalties have now been added to the Taxes of property owners with arrears, and become subject to Tax Enforcement. The Vanscoy Recreation Board has a new executive. The Board is responsible for maintenance/operations of the Arena, Hall, Archery Range and Ball Diamond. The kitchen has been certified and is now open also. Thanks to the volunteers who have put in many hours getting the arena ready and open for the season. Please support these facilities when possible, the RM of Vanscoy will not support Rec Boards with grants. The next Council Meeting will be February 13 instead of the normal second Wednesday of the month.

PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS Filed Online Discount for Seniors

GOODNOUGH BOOKKEEPING Phone 306 - 493 - 2771 Cell 306 - 361 - 9767 bobgoodnough@gmail.com

Sonningdale Seniors Lounge Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm Pie and Coffee Fridays 2pm - 4pm Cookies and Coffee



own Council held a regular meeting on January 9, 2024. The Town will purchase a new man basket from Certified Sales and Rentals that can be used with the New Holland tractor. A new Town website will be created through website provider OmniOnline. Watch for its launch in the coming months! The Town approved the concept of a non-profit organization leasing some Town land north of the Co-op along Valleyview Drive for the establishment of an outdoor skating rink and an accompanying warm up shed. The non-profit would be responsible for all capital and operating expenses and its general maintenance. The hope is that this rink would be available for next winter. Effective April 1st, the Town will enter into a real estate listing agreement for 1 year with ICR Commercial Realty for the sale of Town land in the Highway Commercial and South Industrial subdivisions. The following appointments are in effect until the first meeting of the new council to be held later this year: HEALTH & WELFARE 1)Delisle & Dist. Health Council – Winder & Brunett 2)Interagency Group – Peakman (Alt. Worth) 3)Cemetery – Brenda Laing PERSONNEL – Winder (Chairman), Worth, Brunett, Vandenameele PARKS & RECREATION 1)Wheatland Regional Library – Amanda Alkestrup (Valerie Dyck, Member at Large) 2)Recreation Assoc. – Alkestrup (Alt. Vandenameele) 3)Recreation Facility Management – Brunett (Chairman), Cisecki, Alkestrup AUDITOR – Jensen Stromberg SOLICITOR – Kim Anderson BOARD OF REVISION – Tim Furlong, Kirby Fesser, Glen Neuert, Sabrina Succucci BOARD OF REVISION SEC. – Mike Ligtermoet POLICE COMMISSION – Brunett (Chairman), Cisecki, Worth FIRE COMMISSION – Cisecki & Alkestrup (Alt. Worth) FIRE CHIEF – Mike Given EMO CO-ORDINATOR – Mark Dubkowski EOC – Mark Dubkowski, Mike Karakochuk, Teresa Shirley, Conrad Andres VMAD (EMO) – Peakman & Dubkowski PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE – Worth (Chairman), Cisecki, Winder, Alkestrup & Vandenameele 1)Commercial Building Inspector – Dale Wagner, Ryan Shepherd, Raymond Humenny, Jerry Wintonyk 2)Residential Building Inspector – Dave Hartley 3)SREDA – Worth (Alt. Dubkowski) PEST CONTROL OFFICERS – Mike Karakochuk, Caley Dokken

REGULAR LOCAL COUNCIL MEETINGS RM OF CORMAN PARK - February 26, 9:00am RM OF DUNDURN - February 20, 8:00am RM OF EAGLE CREEK - February 13, 9:00am RM OF HARRIS - February 14, 8:00am RM OF MCCRANEY - February 8, 8:00am RM OF MILDEN - February 14, 9:00am RM OF MONTROSE - February 8, 8:00am RM OF PERDUE - February 13, 9:00am RM OF ROSEDALE - February 13, 8:00am RM OF RUDY - February 14, 6:00pm RM OF VANSCOY - February 8, 9:00am TOWN OF ASQUITH - February 14, 7:00pm TOWN OF BIGGAR - February 6 & 20, 7:15pm TOWN OF DELISLE - February 13, 7:00pm TOWN OF DUNDURN - February 27, 6:00pm TOWN OF HANLEY - February 12, 7:00pm TOWN OF LANGHAM - February 12 & 26 6:30pm TOWN OF OUTLOOK - February 14 & 28, 7:00pm TOWN OF RADISSON - February 21, 7:00pm TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - February 11, 4:00pm VILLAGE OF BORDEN - February 13, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - February 14, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - February 13, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - February 14, 7:30pm VILLAGE OF HARRIS - February 14, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF KENASTON - February 13, 7:00pm VILLAGE OF KINLEY - February 13, 6:30pm VILLAGE OF MILDEN - February 21, 7:30pm VILLAGE OF PERDUE - February 22, 7:30pm VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - February 13, 7:30pm Regular Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply. Dates may change. Check with local Councils.

NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Municipal By-Election VILLAGE OF KINLEY PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:

COUNCILLOR: Village of Kinley Number to be elected: 1 Will be received by the undersigned at the Village Office, located at 1123 Main Street, Kinley, SK during regular business hours on Tuesdays from 9:00AM to 4:00pm until March 13, 2024. Nomination forms may be obtained at the Kinley Village Office. Dated this 1st day of February, 2024. Gaylene Quiring Returning Officer

RM Review


February 2024



Angel Tree Program is another Success


nother Christmas season is in the books and a new year is well underway. We want to send out A HUGE THANK YOU to our 2023 Business sponsors! Without the assistance from these businesses there wouldn't be an Angel Tree Program - please support them throughout the year, so that they can keep on supporting us! AGT Foods Barrich Farms Can Am Truck Export Ltd. Creekside & Cam Fraser Delisle Composite School Delisle Co-op Delisle & District Fire Department Delisle & District Health Council Delisle Elementary School Delisle Veterinary Services Drake Meats Home Depot HUB International Keybrand Foods Inc. Joop Huninga Linde NSC Minerals Nutrien Old Dutch Parrish & Heimbecker Prairie Centre Credit Union Richardson Pioneer RM Review Rona + Ron Brown Implements

SaskEnergy Small Town Strong St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Three farmers Also a just as HUGE THANK YOU to all the individuals in our community that step up year after year buying gifts, donating food and money. Pouring their time, effort and love into our community with their support. Our town might not look like the North Pole- though it has been feeling a bit like it lately, but our town is in fact full of secret Santas wanting to help out their neighbours! We had another heartwarming season and are blown away by the generosity of our community. 2023 was a great year for the Angel Tree, supporting households in need, spreading Christmas cheer throughout Delisle and the surrounding communities and towns – and also embarking on a some fundraising! We are looking forward to doing it all again in 2024. We are also right now starting the process of becoming a registered non-profit organization, with a goal of being able to provide support throughout the year. Submitted by Ann Kielo

February Happenings in Borden

Tax Title Lot for Sale Now Accepting Tenders Lot 26 Block 1 Plan 101579867 320 First Street Tenders must be received by Municipal Auditor by February 23, 2024 2:00pm Submit tender to Melissa Bewer, CPA Jensen Stromberg Chartered Professional Accountants #300 - 165 3rd Avenue S, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1LB p. 306-665-8191 f. 306-665-1415 melissa@jensenstromberg.ca For information contact the Town of Dundurn at 306-492-2202

05 - St Johns Anglican Church Luncheon - Lower Hall - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 05 - Radisson Senior's Club Cash Bingo - Goodrich Centre - 7:00 pm 13 - Shrove Tuesday Pancake/Sausage Supper - Senior's Room 4:30 - 7 pm 14 - Ash Wednesday Service - St. John's Anglican Church - 11:00 am 14 - Valentines Day ! Friendship Club business meeting - 2:00 pm 14 - Radisson Senior’s Club Music Night - Goodrich Centre - 7:00 pm 15 - Last Draw for Chase the Ace - get your tickets before 6:00 pm 16 - Friendship Club Telemiracle Tea - Club Room - 2:00 pm Prizes, 50/50 19 - Family Day Holiday - most business closed 19 - Radisson Senior's Club Cash Bingo - Goodrich Centre - 7:00 pm 21 - Health Talk - Eating Well with Aging - Borden Health Centre 1:30 pm 21 - Friendship Club Bingo - Club Room - 7 pm - everyone welcome! 24 - Radisson Senior's Pancake Breakfast - Goodrich Centre - 9 am-11am 27 - Museum Annual Meeting - Museum Schoolhouse - 7:00 pm 29 - Friendship Club Potluck Supper - BCC - 5:45 pm - with Celtic Country


February 2024

RM Review


Spark the Joy of Learning Parenting for Lifelong Education


nderstanding your pivotal role in fostering a love for learning in your children is the first step toward their educational success. As parents, you have the unique opportunity to cultivate curiosity and enthusiasm for learning that lasts a lifetime. In this article shared by the RM Review, we will explore various strategies that can help ignite a passion for knowledge in your children, ensuring they remain lifelong learners.

DELISLE CO-OP ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday April 24, 2024 7:00pm at Delisle Town Hall Call for Nominations Three Director Positions Please submit your signed nomination papers to the Delisle Co-op by March 22, 2024

For further information please call Darin Sekulich General Manager or Michelle Rathgeber Office Manager at


BUYING ALL CLASSES OF FEEDER & CULL CATTLE Pat “Duke” Bueckert 306-291-9675

Spencer Fox 306-361-9701

Alvin Busby 306-227-0575

Lyal Fox 780-808-9731 (cull cows & bulls)

Alan Jackson 306-961-5682 Aiden Zwack 306-961-5198

Deryl Miller (Owner) 306-221-2106

Lead by Example Show your children the value of learning by being a curious learner yourself. If you engage in further education or pursue new skills, your children will see learning as a continuous and enjoyable part of life. Your personal commitment to education serves as a powerful model for them, demonstrating that the pursuit of knowledge is both rewarding and fulfilling. Witnessing your learning journey can greatly inspire and motivate your kids to follow suit. Create an Enriched Learning Environment Transform your home into a hub of learning by surrounding your children with educational resources. Stock your space with books, art supplies, educational toys, and tools that spur creativity and exploration. Such an environment not only fuels their curiosity but also reinforces the idea that learning can happen anywhere. A stimulating home setting plays a crucial role in developing a child's love for learning. Cultivate a Reading Culture Instilling a love for reading from an early age is foundational to lifelong learning. Encourage regular library visits and support their journey into independent reading as they grow. Selecting age-appropriate books and establishing a reading routine are pivotal in developing a strong reading habit. A reading culture in your home paves the way for knowledge and imagination.

Full Service Pumps Pay at the Pump Option Available

NEW Vanscoy Location Full Service

Mon - Fri 6a m - 8pm Sat - Sun 8a m - 8pm

2 Bay Car & Truck Wash Groceries & Confectionary Gas Pumps & Card Lock Propane & Bulk Fuel Monday - Friday: 6am - 10pm

Make Time for Learning No matter how hectic life gets, it's crucial to carve out time to support your children's learning. Establishing a well-thought-out plan can create meaningful opportunities for engagement, ensuring your children receive the attention they need while also easing the pressure you might feel during these teaching moments. For those particularly tight on time, utilizing bedtime as a chance to nurture a passion for reading and books can be an effective and enjoyable strategy, turning those quiet moments into a rich learning experience. Lead by Example: Head Back to School Your pursuit of higher education, particularly in acquiring these psychology degrees online, is a powerful demonstration of your curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. This endeavor allows you to explore the intricate world of cognitive and affective processes, equipping you to aid those in need while managing your other responsibilities. Most importantly, this commitment sets an inspiring example for your children, fostering a desire for learning and personal growth in them. Engage in Fun Learning Activities Incorporate playful and interactive activities into your child's learning process. Games, experiments, and hands-on projects make education an enjoyable experience. Engaging learning methods like educational apps or websites can also be highly effective in maintaining their interest. These activities are crucial in developing a positive attitude toward learning.

Encourage the Pursuit of Passions Pay attention to your children's interests and hobbies and provide opportunities for them to delve deeper into these areas. Whether it's sports, arts, sciences, or any other field, supporting their passions can lead to more engaged and profound learning experiences. Passion-driven learning not only enhances knowledge but also builds confidence and self-expression. This approach can greatly influence their educational and personal growth. Celebrate Achievements Recognizing and celebrating your child's educational achievements, no matter how small, is vital in fostering a positive learning environment. Positive reinforcement boosts their self-esteem and motivation, encouraging them to continue their learning journey. Creating an atmosphere of support and encouragement is essential in nurturing their confidence and love for learning. Fostering a lifelong love for learning in your children is important and fulfilling. Lead by example, create a stimulating learning space, and support exploration and reading. Your involvement and encouragement are key in shaping their learning attitude. Embrace these practices, and witness your children becoming curious, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic lifelong learners. Daniel Sherwin Creator of dadsolo.com

Snow Clearing & Removal Vanscoy and Surrounding Area Ca ll Bo to ok NO W

ges a e s r Ac eway ts v o Dri ing L ds rk Pa inyar B

306 - 493 - 2212


Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm

Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353

KENNY’S CULTIVATING Asquith, Delisle Book r You n Vanscoy and 306 - 281 - 4111 de Gar Y ! Pike Lake area TODA CALL OR TEXT TODAY

Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard

RM Review




Large Animal Pharmaceuticals and Appointments

Medicine General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Dentistry In-clinic Laboratory Digital X-ray Digital Dental X-ray Ultrasound Therapeutic Laser Therapy Nutritional Consultation Canine Reproduction “The Knee Clinic”

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Small Animal Services Including 24 Hour Emergency Services Clinic Hours: Monday - Tuesday 8am - 5pm Wednesday 8am - 7:30pm Thursday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturdays - 9am - 4pm NOW OPEN - Biggar Vet Clinic 501 - 1st Ave East, Biggar, SK Biggar Clinic Phone: (306) 948-3642




All clinics after hours emergency: (306) 227-8062

for Information and Updates

BBQ Rentals Hosting a Large Event this Summer ? Rent Locally and

Save Money Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil

30 6 - 230 - 4653

Call Robin’s Nest Cafe

306 - 931 - 6996

Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen

Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135

RR1 Box 15

Delisle, SK S0L 0P0


Your e s i t r ace p Adve S s i in th s s e $47 n i y l n Bus o t g a - 1312 startin 68 6-6 Call 30 review.net rm mail@

W W Rock & Gravel

SATELLITE+ Residential Commercial


Darcy Stack Journeyman Electrician

Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095

306 - 229 - 3813

A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel

“Your Window to the Entertainment World”




we NEW Blo ge Sta

Gas, Premium & Diesel / Confectionary Grocery / ATM / Post Office

Monday - Friday 6:30am - 8:00pm Sat, Sun, Holidays 8:00am - 8:00pm

Battery Powered - 56 Volt 5 Year Warranty www.egopowerplus.com

unless posted otherwise


Thank you for 17 years of support !


306 - 221 - 8558

New Owners, Matt & Joyce, starting December 1st

Dave Watt



306 - 668 - 4362

New EGO Battery Operated Snowblowers and Blowers are in... Give us a call

Snow Clearing & Removal ges rea ays c A ew ots v Dri ing L s k rd r Pa inya B

Call Barney at 306 - 270 - 4353 Certified

Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan

Troy May owner/operator tmay@hotmail.ca

Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216



Call for after hours Emergency Service

NEW HOURS 9am - 5pm Mon - Sat

February 2024

306 - 237 - 7671


“Serving the Community Since 1983” Darrell, Penny & Chad Starling Office Cell 306 - 493 - 2241 306 - 370 - 2009 darrelpenny@sasktel.net


February 2024

RM Review



Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations


Your Heading Here

Lawn & Garden


Delisle Housing Authority

Diamond Counselling Services Accepting Adult/Family Clients Langham 306-283-4670

Your Business Here

Pike Lake Lawn & Garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558

Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Providing Safe and Adequate Housing to Individuals and Families in need. For more Information regarding availability and qualifications:

Call/Text Sue Stene 306-370-6306 sstene.delisle@housingauthoritysk.com

Duct Cleaning Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com

Jeanie’s Place in Delisle NEW Short/Long term accommodations $300/week or $1100/month Electrical & Satellite All taxes & fees included. Darrell call/text 306-717-0841 ATL Electric & Heating Brent call/text 306-380-9664 Complete Electrical and Heating Service Advertising Specialties Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs ARQ Custom Concepts BTE Trenching & Electrical Screen Printing, Embroidery, 306-220-4377 or 306-220-5500 Promotional Products Asquith bte20@outlook.com 306 - 381 - 3731 NEW R + L Electric Industrial, Commercial Agricultural and Residential 24 HR Emergency Service Delisle Agricultural Co-op Saskatoon and Area Delisle 306-493-2212 306-260-7063 Innovative Ag Performance www.rl-electric.ca Group Ltd. (IAP) EW SATELLITE + Ag Retail & Custom N Electrical Troubleshooting and Seed Treating Services Service - Licensed & Bonded Delisle 306-493-3167 Asquith 306-229-3813 www.innovative-ag.ca Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2406


ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY

Government Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233 Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447

Gravel / Sand Graham Contracting Topsoil also available Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 W.W. Rock & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768

Grocery Schneider’s Gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty

Richardson Pioneer Delisle 306-493-1500 www.richardsonpioneer.ca

Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751

RODAN + FIELDS Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca

Flo-Gate simple solution for managing the movement of grain or fertilizer Delisle 306-493-7409 www.flo-gate.ca


Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486

On Demand Ranch Hand Farm, Acreage, Homestead Services Ranch hand for contract hire 438 - 389 - 6986 taylorjwood213@yahoo.com

Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401 Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949


Prairie Centre Credit Union A full service financial institution that was born on the prairies. We Agricultural Mechanic are Saskatchewan’s largest rural based credit union and profits Northern Plains Equipment Repair earned here, stay here. Members Ag & Heavy Duty are owners which makes it highly Asquith 306-496-7100 motivating for us to help them achieve financial success at home. Delisle Branch: 1-306-493-2414 Air Conditioning & Heating Harris Branch: 1-306-656-4466 ATL Electric & Heating Website: www.pccu.ca Boiler & In Floor Heat Specialists Desjardins Financial Security Service all Furnaces/Air Conditioners Investments Inc. Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002 Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

Automotive Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456

Firearms Safety Courses

Garden / Yard

Prairie Sun Bookkeeping Vanscoy 306-230-1522 prairiesunorchard@sasktel.net

Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Care Home

Gas / Confectionary

Borden Care Home Borden 306-997-2266 bordencarehome@gmail.com

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle and Vanscoy Locations 306-493-2212

Cleaning Service

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com


DLN Construction Outlook 306-867-8334 Redberry Renovations Ltd. Grandora 306-260-3778 redberryrenovations@sasktel.net

ory L Direct ull year !!! 12 for a f 68 - 13 6 6 0 .net Call 3 review m r @ l ly mai ting On ime Lis First T egular $65) (R

Health Foods Darla Christopher Independent Epicure Consultant Delisle 306-493-2933 dsdt@ sasktel.net text 306-291-0298 Kristi Done Independent Epicure Consultant Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidone.epicure.com

Canadian Firearms Safety Courses/PAL OLD MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey Pete Heck -20 Years Experience FRESH HONEY... READY ! as Firearms Officer Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola Asquith 306-914-6677 2023 Food Safe Certification Pike Lake 306-384-3092 pheck57@gmail.com mikesbees@sasktel.net



G SPRIN L A SPECisI ting $50

Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288

Your Heading Here

Your Business Here ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY

Home Care Dignity Home Care Solutions Brandi Orth 306-230-0026 athomecaregiving@outlook.com

Home Care Products and Housewares Tupperware Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.cindythetupperwarelady.ca Excellence in service since 1989

Insurance PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555 HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260 Westland Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Massage Therapy Jolene Thompson, RMT Delisle(Acreage) 306-260-5409 jolenethompsonrmt.janeapp.com Kristi Done Massage Therapy Call or Text to Book Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidonemassagetherapy.com Shania Meyer NEW Registered Massage Therapy Find me on Facebook or website shaniameyermassagetherapy.ca Direct billing & online booking Borden 306-768-4252

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Sharpening RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Veterinary Biggar Vet Clinic 501 - 1st Avenue East Biggar 306 - 948 - 3642 Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676


Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143


Eagle Creek Veterinary Services Rosetown 306-831-8387 After Hours 306-831-9222 eaglecreekvet@gmail.com www.eaglecreekvet.ca


Avery's Guitar Shop Certified Luthier, Instrument Repair, Recording Studio, Music Lessons Sovereign (306) 250-2297

Online Shopping Release Equine Horse tack, pet apparel and accessories. Shop online: releaseequine.com Email for more information: ReleaseEquine@hotmail.com

Painting / Decorating Digger’ Painting Serving all communities in the RM Review distribution area Delisle 306-231-4258

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

Water / Septic Burwell Trenching & Electrical Asquith 306-220-4377 bte20@outlook.com Econo Septic & Sewer Services Pump septic tanks, mud sumps, car wash, commercial/industrial tanks. Unplug sewer lines, replace and repair pumps, switches, alarms. 24-hour emergency service Saskatoon 306-384-6662 Econoseptic.ca

GED Painting & Decorating Links Water & Septic Services European Designs Certified septic design/consulting. Delisle/Vanscoy 306-229-8743 Acreage water/septic install and repair, water testing/treatment eugenegrenier8@gmail.com and septic system maintenance. Hillbillie Painting Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Biggar, Rosetown, Outlook, Linksbackhoe.com Delisle 306-381-3202 Graham Contracting 4bparker@gmail.com Asquith 306-230-4653

Pet Care Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143 Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Plumbing & Heating ATL Electric & Heating Complete plumbing & gasfitting Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

PreSchool Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164 Early Learning Centers Vanscoy 306-668-6338 Delisle 306-493-6338 Asquith 306-329-6338


Real Estate Apex Home Inspections Specializing in Rural Property 306 - 371 - 6939 dbohle50@gmail.com

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579 Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 darrelpenny@sasktel.net Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Website Design Whole Wheat Web DESIGN Affordable and practical website design and maintenance services for small business, community groups and families since 2005. Delisle 306-493-3023 mail@wholewheatwebdesign.ca

Yardwork / Excavation Barney’s Bobcat Vanscoy 306-270-4353 Big Country Landscaping & Maintenance Delisle 306 - 203 - 6618 big country.ltd@gmail.com Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Boyes Group Realty 306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca

Links Backhoe & Skid Steer Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410

Dwein Trask Realty Inc. Dwein Trask 306-221-1035 Office 306-653-4100

Your Heading Here

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty 306-867-8380 / 1-844-838-SOLD www.remax-shorelinerealty.com

Your Business Here ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY

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