RM Review June 2023

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All Good Things Must Come to an End

They say that all good things must come to an end. After a combined total of 43 years at Vanscoy School, Kevin Derdall and Lois Smith are ready to put down the chalk and start their muchdeserved retirements.

Kevin’s teaching career started in 1992 in North Battleford. In 1999 he and his family made the move to Vanscoy and he joined the Vanscoy School staff as a classroom teacher. Kevin was the go-to guy when it came to extra curriculars. It’s likely that every student to have gone through Vanscoy School since he started has either been coached by him or part of an activity that was led by him. Kevin became the Vice principal in 2001 and made the move to principal in 2007. Kevin has been such an integral asset to Vanscoy School in all facets of education, extra-curricular activities and community involvement.

Lois’ teaching career started in 1987 as a substitute teacher in Saskatoon. After moving to the Vanscoy area and having her family, she started working as an EA and teacher substitute. At that time, Lois also began driving the school bus which she did for 9 years. She accepted her first teaching contract in 2002 and spent the following 2 years at Vanscoy School. Her next contract took her to Pike Lake School where she taught for one year before rejoining the Vanscoy School staff which she has been a part of ever since. During her time at school, Lois has taken on many roles and has taught every elementary grade. From coaching, to providing leadership, to organizing events, there isn’t much going on at the school that she

WINNERS on Page 2

isn’t involved in! Lois’ love for the school and community is evident in all that she does and is something that we admire.

The commitment and dedication these two have for our school is paramount. They have coached numerous sports teams, planned hundreds of field trips, and spent countless hours organizing and attending school functions.

As we count down the final weeks of the school year and our time with Kevin and Lois, we know that they are already dreaming up their next big adventures. Kevin’s days will likely consist of hockey, golf, con-

Coming in July RM Review High School Grad Photos Class of 2023

In the wake of the recent RM of Vanscoy Council announcement of their intention to withdraw from the Delisle and District Fire Commission, concerned citizens held a couple of public meetings to discuss their opposition to the decision and to demand more transparancy and consultation before any such decision is implemented.

The citizens decided to organize a petition to force a resolution on council to cease proceeding with thier intention to withdraw and hold public meetings to discuss what steps have been taken, if any, to provide alternate solutions for relacing the current firefighting services.

About 45 residents are collecting signatures for the petition. They were recently set-up in Delisle on May 13th and have already collected about 200 signatures, half of what is needed for the resolution.

struction projects, and quality time with his family. Lois will likely be found in her garden, tackling new projects, with her grandkids, and crossing travel destinations off her list! We invite you all to join us in celebrating these incredible educators and their career achievements at a come and go celebration at Vanscoy School on Tuesday, June 27th from 6:30-8:30pm.

We are also looking for any photos of Lois or Kevin from their time at Vanscoy School. Please email them to vanscoyschool@spiritsd.ca

Contact Us .................... p. 2 Council Reports ................ p. 4 STAY-Cation Agriculture Reports ......... p. 10 Down the Road ................ p. 2 STAY-Cation Guide p. 6 - 7 Local Businesses ............. p. 11 Opinions .......................... p. 3 Contest p. 5 Community Reports ......... p. 8 Business Directory .......... p. 12 RM Review Your COMMUNITY... Your NEWSPAPER Volume 24 Number 6 FREE INDEX Read the RM Review on your computer, tablet or phone with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net June 2023
Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Hanley, Harris, Kenaston, Kinley,
Milden, Outlook, Perdue, Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Sovereign, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia
Mailed for FREE to over 6,000 Homes in these Communities RM of Vanscoy Residents Petitioning RM Council over Fire Commission Withdrawl
Summer STAY-Cation Guide on
Arelee, Asquith, Borden, Broderick, Conquest, Delisle,
Langham, Laura,
Page 6-7
Page 5
bt Lois Smith Kevin Derdall

Congratulations to the Winners of our Annual Mother’s Day Contest

Grand Prize Winner is Annissa Ness

The Trumpet

Mrs B and I went to a concert the other night - Herb Alpert, the trumpet player guy - remember him? Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass?

Mr Alpert is 88 - yes, 88 - and still touring. It was a pretty relaxed and informal concert - he doesn’t need the money, or the exposure, it’s all just fun for him - and he made it fun for the audience, too.

The band consisted of Mr Alpert and a piano player and a drummer and a guitarist. It also included Mrs Alpert (Lani Hall), his wife of 50 years, who provided vocals (and a fair bit of kissing and hugging stuff on stage, too).

Mr Alpert explained he had first met his wife when he was putting together a tour to promote one of his new albums. He was adding singers and musicians to his core group and the future Mrs Alpert was selected as one of the singers. They were all going to tour in a big bus.

Mr Alpert described how he cautioned all the men in the tour, cautioned them several times, in fact, to not get involved with the women in the tour - it just wouldn’t be professional, not professional, at all. He then admitted to us, he had put out that caution just to clear the field for himself, reduce the number of competitors for his potentially future wife.

(When it comes to affairs of the heart and getting the girl, ethics are not one of the primary considerations.)

I wasn’t reluctant to accompany Mrs B to the concert, but I have to admit I had some reservations - I'm not much on concerts, in the first place, and besides, the trumpet has never been my favourite instrument. Well, I guess I can’t say never. It was at one time, my instrument of choice, you might say - until . . .

I got expelled from band class in grade 8. That was the first year of high school. The class was designed to introduce us to playing real instrumentsclarinets and trumpets, drums and French horns - no kazoos or recorders.

We got to choose what instrument we wanted to play and Lyle, one of my neighbourhood buddies, and I, had decided on the trumpet - we figured it was easy to carry and it was loud and with only 3 buttons (or whatever you call those things) how hard could it be to learn? (We also thought it was cool that there was a fourth button, a valve, on the bottom of the trumpet to drain the spittle that formed when blowing into the trumpet. I told you we were 13, right?)

What we did learn - and right smartly at that - is that the trumpet is a very difficult instrument to learn to play and that you actually had to practiceand somewhere in the nebulous fog of our unformed brains we realized that this was not good, not good at all, sorta seemed like homework.

So, we didn’t, Lyle and I - we didn’t practice, that is. We missed a few practice classes and as a result, at the beginning of the next class, in front of the whole class, the instructor told the two of us, just the two of us, that we wouldn’t be allowed to play in the upcoming school assembly.

The instructor, Mr Wragg or Captain Wragg, as he liked to be called (he’d been in the military) was more or less middle-aged. He was not a tall man and a fair bit on the roundish side. He wore his thinning grey hair combed straight back and held down with Brylcreem (remember that stuff? A little dab will do ya?)

He also wore his shirt tucked inside his boxers so when he put his hands in his pant pockets, as he was inclined to do, his pants, elasticized suspenders notwithstanding, would slide down a tad or so, exposing the top few inches of his florally decorated under-shorts. Major gross-out and snicker time for a class full of adolescent 13-year-olds.

When Captain Wragg declared us as personas non grata at future band events, Lyle and I, sitting next to each other, exchanged goofy self-conscious grins and high-fived each other. Totally juvenile, no question - but from 13-year-olds, not a complete surprise, either.

Captain Wragg, however, seeing our display of obnoxious immaturity, flushed fire-engine red and went immediately and totally ballistic.

And he took a run at us - he wanted a piece of us, he wanted to lay hands on us, and it wasn’t going to be for a friendly hug. But Lyle and I were sitting in the second row of chairs and Captain Wragg had to bull his way through the first row, the clarinet players, mostly girls, to get at us.

And he almost made it.

But he got hung up on the chairs and the music stands and the clarinet players in the first row and tripped and fell, ending up on his face right in front of Lyle and me, right at our feetsprawled out on his face right at our feet.

Fortunately, and I’m mostly guessing here, no shorts got soiled - not even Captain Wragg’s - but again, just guessing.

As you might expect, that pretty much put paid to my musical career - a total and spectacular flame-out.

Other than that, my memory draws an absolute and complete blank at the aftermath that ensued - can I claim trauma induced amnesia? - yeah, I think I’ll go with that.

Herb Alpert first started playing the trumpet at age 8.

If only I had been lucky enough to get that kind of an early start . . .

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,700 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area. CONTACTS Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0
ON-LINE VERSION Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net July Issue comes out June 28th - Submission Deadline is May 23rd CONTACT THE RM REVIEW
RM Review 2 June 2023 www.rmreview.net Get your business direct mailed into of 6,000 local mailboxes for a full year for only $50 Contact Us Today 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net Business Directory Special RM Review Distribution Area mail@rmreview.net 306 - 668- 1312 www.rmreview.net
Down the Road by Brian Brannagan
you to everyone that entered and to the generous sponsors that made it all possible. The winning continues this month with our Summer STAY-Cation Contest Details can be found on page 5
Bonus Pize Winner is Kimberley Puckett Thank


Is the RM of Vanscoy Council seriously prepared to rip apart our current Fire Protection Service and leave the entire RM at risk? As for me, I believe they have not even begun to contemplate the consequences of withdrawing from the Delisle & District Fire Commission.

In my opinion our current fire Protection Service is very well trained, dedicated and has a passion for the service they volunteer to provide our community. They give freely of their time to attend community events, provide education, and participate in our local schools. I can not begin to tally the number of properties they have protected and the lives they have saved. My own child is still with us because of their amazing dedication.

So why would the RM of Vanscoy council want to effectively put an end to this Department? As time has passed since I first became aware of this decision and started to investigate, I have been able to gather a few clues to some of the underlying “issues”. In April and May I attended both RM council meetings and both Delisle & District Fire Commission meetings. As a resident looking in I feel a majority of this decision comes down to personality conflicts, people wanting call all the shots and adults acting like children. I believe this decision was made from anger, decisions were made in haste and not thoughtfully contemplated. The RM of Vanscoy Council has failed to adequately formulate a plan. The RM Council has shared that there has been no analysis of how this decision will impact RM residents or the larger community as a whole. They have no costing projection even though they have told RM residents there will be no tax increases. This is a great example of why there needs to be a feasibility study and business plan before this major decision is made.

My opinion of the RM leaving the Delisle and District Fire Commission is that it is a short sighted and fool hardy move. Communities are always stronger working together towards a common goal. The Town of Delisle, Village of Vanscoy and the RM as a whole are our

community. Our children go to school together, We gather to support sports teams and families in crisis. It doesn’t matter where exactly our houses are we are a community! So how does the RM council think it will build a stronger fire service by itself ? When you are part of a community you work together to make things better. Are there improvements to be made ? Possibly. Should those not be brought to the people who represent us at the Commission and be worked on together ? You don’t just stomp your foot because you don’t get your way and then storm off on your own. You sit at the table and work out your differences. Then you work together to improve the community.

With their lack of foresight, the RM council ensures our fire service will be inferior to what we have today if they follow through on leaving the Delisle & District Fire Commission at the end of the year. They have yet to negotiate coverage with bordering fire departments. Where will the volunteers come from ? It takes 6 months to a year to train a new volunteer to the provincial standard. There is literally no time to do this before the end of the year. In my opinion it will take years and tens of thousands of dollars to train a group of volunteers that will meet the skill, knowledge and experience we already have. The other issue is that they will leave the current Fire Department with a lack of equipment and resources. This puts our community members in Delisle and Vanscoy at risk as well. I believe every major decision comes down to the Pro’s and Con’s of that choice. In my opinion the Pro’s of the RM staying a part of the Delisle and District Fire Commission far out way the Con’s.

So, I am left with this question: Is the RM of Vanscoy Council seriously prepared to put an end to our current Fire Protective service and leave all of us at risk ? For what ?

For What It Is Worth, My Advice to the Graduating Class of 2023

Dear Class of 2023:

Had my priorities been in order when I graduated, my career compass would have been:

Love what you do.

Love the people you do it with.

Love what you leave behind.

We live in a complicated world, especially when it comes to work. There are usually established, but not hard and fast rules, prerequisites to meet, such as obtaining an education, to begin moving towards your career aspirations. However, even when the prerequisite is met, success is not guaranteed.

Do not expect your degree to be enough.

After graduating from college, I stumbled through my twenties, unsure of myself and my place in the world. At the time, I did not fully grasp who I was or how my Social Science diploma would contribute to my career. Ultimately, I had to figure out the world and the workplace on my own.

Undeniably, the past three years have been tough. The pandemic redesigned student experiences, and social media became more "social" than it was pre-pandemic. You are not the first graduating class to face a world full of turmoil and uncertainty. Imagine graduating in 1942 and months later finding yourself fighting somewhere in Europe or graduating in 2008 amid what is known as The Great Recession.

You have challenges; a tight labour market, widespread layoffs, rapid technological advancement, particularly in artificial intelligence, technology that has the appearance of not being designed to enhance productivity but has an end goal of employee replacement, and hyperinflation making employers rethink how they do business.

Like every graduating class before you, you, and only you, are responsible for your career trajectory, so take full responsibility for it.

• Talk to everybody.

Opportunities are all around you; there is just one caveat: they are attached to people.

The adage, "It's not what you know, but who you know," is more relevant today than it ever was. Networking is the key to attaining a successful career. American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Jim Rohan summed up the importance of cultivating and maintaining a professional network, "Your network is your net worth.”

Recently I came across a troubling headline, Americans More Than Ever Have No Friends. The article's author, Elizabeth Gilbert, states that Americans are experiencing a "friendship recession."

Today, many people participate in digital communities but have few real-life relationships. Instead of talking to people, texting has become the norm. Many employees advocate working from home so they can work in isolation. As an escape, binge-watching has become a trend.

Human contact is decreasing as more people use technology to communicate or avoid dealing with their surroundings. As a species, we are rapidly becoming unsociable. Do not be part of this decline!

Do not think you are above anybody. Give someone your undivided attention, and you will be amazed at what you learn. As much as possible, talk to people who have been there and done that. The best conversations I have ever had have been with people who had already travelled the path I was on or were where I wanted to be.

Back to the job search and career thing, I can tell you from experience that opportunities pop up from the most random conversations.

When meeting new people, remember that showing interest is a massive gesture. Place your attention on the other person by asking open-ended questions.

TIP: When meeting someone for the first time, ask yourself, "How can I help this person?"

• Do not feel entitled to anything.

Getting rid of any sense of entitlement is imperative; otherwise, you will be holding yourself back trying to fight the fundamental universal truth that the world does not owe you anything, not even to make a living.


Having a sense of entitlement is a turnoff. Not expecting anything from anyone is how you become an independent adult and earn respect. When you stop feeling entitled, your self-esteem will soar, and you will start upping your game.

• Become a person who adds value. Make "Always add value" your personal mantra. Employees who contribute measurable (keyword) value are highly regarded and likely to enjoy job security.

• Read these books.

1. How to Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

2. The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience, by Carmine Gallo

3. 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing: Proven Professional Techniques for Writing with Style and Power, by Gary Provost

Regarding how rapidly AI is emerging, keep a close eye on it! Nobody, not even the Internet talking heads who are suddenly "AI experts," knows where AI is heading. One thing is certain: Many jobs will be eliminated as employers identify which jobs they can delegate to AI. Hence, avoid positions that AI is likely to be able to do in the future.

Volatile economic conditions coupled with rapid technological advancements have created a job market in flux like never before; hence, my last piece of advice: Never lose sight of your career goals.

Despite all the job market volatility, building a career you love is still possible by focusing on what you are good at while embracing lifelong learning.

Nick Kossovan, a self-described connoisseur of human psychology, writes about what's on his mind from Toronto.

You can follow Nick on Twitter and Instagram @NKossovan

RM Review 3 June 2023 www.rmreview.net


Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.


Asquith Town Council held its regular council meeting on May 10, 2023. Attending was Mayor Gail Erhart, Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors Cecilia Mryglod, Jodi Nehring, and Darcy Stack. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ehart at 7:00 p.m.

A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the April 2023, regular council meeting. Council made a motion to accept the April 2023 financials and April 2023 bank reconciliation as presented to them at the meeting.

Accounts Paid in the amount of $26,946.23 and Accounts Payable of $23,698.28 was accepted as presented.

Spring Clean Up will take place again on May 27 and 28, 2023 with Loraas having bins out for Town of Asquith residents to dispose of large waste. The old landfill will be open on Saturday, May 27 for clean waste disposal.

The Asquith Fire Department will be hosting their annual Pig Roast/Show and Shine and Dance on June 3, 2023, in the Town of Asquith.

Street sweeping will take place on June 7, 2023. Please refrain from parking on the street on this day.

There will be a Canada Day Celebration on July 1, 2023, in the Town of Asquith. More details of this event will be forthcoming.

A reminder goes out to all individuals that the Town of

Asquith has a Burning Bylaw which dictates that one can have a fire in town for recreational use only. Only clean wood/firewood can be burned in your fire pitsno painted/treated wood, refuse, leaves, etc. should be burned. Be kind to your neighbor and to the environment and burn only clean wood materials. Also, no bonfires are allowed - please keep the size of your backyard fires moderate.


Council held a regular meeting on May 9th. Northern Blacktop will be hired to resurface Railway Avenue from 1st Street West to 3rd Street West. The front parking lot of the Town Office will be repaved as well.

Hemsing & Sons Construction will be hired to replace approximately 60 feet of sidewalk in front of 217 and 219 1st Street West.

The Town will purchase a new Kubota skid steer from Kubota of Saskatoon. $1,000 will be donated to STARS Air Ambulance Service.

The Town will allow for the temporary closure of 1st Street West from 1st Avenue to 3rd Avenue as well as half a block in either direction on 2nd Avenue on Saturday, July 8th in order to accommodate the annual Show & Shine.

Permission was granted to Delisle Minor Ball to hold an outdoor liquor function at Harold Worth Park on June 10th.

The Town of Delisle passed a resolution offering to enter into mediation with the R.M. of Vanscoy and the Village of Vanscoy to determine the future of the Delisle & District Fire Commission.



Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll of the Village of Tessier has been prepare and is open to inspection at the Village office until the time for lodging appeals has expired, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon on Mondays or by appointment at other times on the following days, by calling the administrator:

May 8, 2023 to June 12, 2023

A Bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and assessment notices have been sent as required.

Appeal documentation is to be sent to:

Kristen Tokaryk

On Behalf of Regan Raynor Western Municipal Consulting Box 149, Meota, SK. S0M 1X0

$50 Appeal Fee is to be paid to: Village of Tessier Box 34, Tessier, SK. S0L 1K0

Dated at Tessier, Saskatchewan, May 4, 2023

Lisa Trask, Assessor 1-306-831-7133

OF RADISSON - June 21, 7:00pm

TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - June 11, 4:00pm

VILLAGE OF BORDEN - June 13 & 27, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - June 14, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - June 13, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - June 14, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF HARRIS - June 14, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KENASTON - June 13, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KINLEY - June 13, 6:30pm

VILLAGE OF MILDEN - June 21, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF PERDUE - June 22, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - June 14, 7:30pm

Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply.

June Happenings in Borden

Happy Father’s Day

RM Review 4 June 2023 www.rmreview.net
OF CORMAN PARK - June 19, 9:00am RM OF DUNDURN - June 13, 8:00am RM OF EAGLE CREEK - June 13, 9:00am RM OF HARRIS - June 14, 8:00am RM OF MCCRANEY - June 8, 8:00am RM OF MILDEN - June 14, 9:00am RM OF MONTROSE - June 8, 8:00am RM OF PERDUE - June 13, 9:00am RM OF ROSEDALE - June 13, 8:00am RM OF RUDY - June 14, 6:00pm RM OF VANSCOY - June 8, 9:00am TOWN OF ASQUITH - June 14, 7:00pm TOWN OF BIGGAR - June 6 & 20, 7:15pm TOWN OF DELISLE - June 13, 7:00pm TOWN OF DUNDURN - June 13, 6:00pm TOWN OF HANLEY - June 12, 7:00pm TOWN OF LANGHAM - June 12 & 26 6:30pm TOWN OF OUTLOOK - June 14 & 28, 7:00pm TOWN
Mon-Fri 7 - 8 Sat 8 - 8 Sun 9 - 7 Vanscoy 306-931-6996 Win a BBQ Tool Set by entering the RM Review “Summer STAY-cation” contest at www.rmreview.net
Highway 60 (Pike Lake Highway) - Just South off Highway 7 10:00am - 5:00pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holiday Mondays 01 – Borden Lion’s meeting @ 7:30 pm & Chase the Ace Draw at 7 pm 02 – Borden Farmers’ Market – Senior’s Room – 10 am – 3 pm 03 – Diefenbaker Daze – Slopitch, Kid’s Zone, Concession, beer garden, Craft & Bake sale, Petting Zoo, Steak supper, Cabaret 04 – Diefenbaker Daze - Pancake breakfast(8 -11 am), slopitch, concession, beer garden, Kids Zone, Teen Zone(Lazer tag) 06 – Radisson Senior’s Cash Bingo – Goodrich Centre – 7 pm 08 – Seniors Supper for invited Senior Clubs – Borden Hall – 6 pm 08 – Music Night – Troubadour Shoppe – 7 pm, Chase the Ace draw @ 7 pm 09- Borden Farmers’ Market – Senior’s Room – 10 am – 3 pm 09 – Borden Grad Exercises – School Gym – 7 pm –Dance to follow 14 – Friendship Club business meeting – Club Room -2 pm 14 – Senior’s invited to Radisson Seniors for supper & program – 6 pm 15 – Borden School Awards Night – School Gym – 6:30 – 7:30 pm 16 – Borden Farmers’ Market in Senior’s Rom – 10 am – 3 pm 22 – Lions Chase the Ace Draw @Roadside Inn – 7 pm 29 – Friendship Club potluck at Hall – 5:45 pm; Chase the Ace Draw 7 pm 30 – Care Home Church Service – Anglican/Lutheran – 2 pm
RM Review 5 June 2023 www.rmreview.net E nt e r t o W i n S TAY - C at i o n P r iz e s ! CONTEST PRIZE Package Draw Date is June 25th 6 Admission Passes SaskatchewanRailwayMuseum Large Sub & Medium ConeSandyridgeBakery&Cafe 5 Mini Golf Passes Pike Lake Mini Golf - Pike Lake Park $50 Car Wash CardDelisleAgCo-op Entry is FREE Scan code or enter at www.rmreview.net Father’sDay Bonus Draw June 18th BBQ Tool Set from Robin’s Nest Cafe inVanscoy Pike Lake Mini-Golf Delisle Watch for our Vanscoy Location Opening in June Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe

Your Summer ‘STAY-cation’

Unique Weekend Tour June 24 - 25

River and Rail ArtVenture, June 24 & 25… We are ready for you! Many of you already know that this is no ordinary gallery art tour. This is an immersion into the soul of communities in West Central Saskatchewan. As you talk to our Makers, you get a glimpse of their passion and rural roots. The welcome will be warm, the people engaging. This event would not be possible without our generous sponsors and volunteers.

We do it all to support the local artists, artisans and entrepreneurs, some established and some emerging but all looking forward to seeing you. Come with your friends and family to catch the ArtVenture, to meet new friends and to enjoy all that our people and region have to offer. Shop local, share the experience…join us!

For complete details and to plan your free, self-guided tour, check out www.riverandrailartventure.ca

June 2023 Events Calendar

RM Review 6 June 2023 www.rmreview.net
Your guide of some of the local June activities and destinations. July events will be in next issue. Enter to WIN our ‘STAY-Cation’ Package Enter at www.rmreview.net or Scan Code Details on Page 5 Submission Deadline for July RM Review July RM Review in Mailboxes Taco Salad Thursday Robin’s Nest Cafe Borden Farmer’s Market Fridays 10-3 Delisle Co-op Friday BBQ’s Delisle Co-op Friday BBQ’s Access Comm. BBQ in Dundurn 11 - 1 Borden Farmer’s Market Fridays 10-3 RM Review STAY-Cation Draw FATHER’S DAY Pike Lake Fun Run Big Mur’s Fish Fry Dalmeny Days Davidson Days Davidson Days Donavon Field Day Dalmeny Days Dalmeny Days Big Mur’s $2 Burger Big Mur’s $2 Burger Big Mur’s $2 Burger Taco Salad Thursday Robin’s Nest Cafe Big Mur’s $2 Burger Taco Salad Thursday Robin’s Nest Cafe Big Mur’s $2 Burger Big Mur’s Fish Fry Big Mur’s Fish Fry Big Mur’s Fish Fry Big Mur’s Fish Fry ECRP Fish Derby Asquith Fire Dept. Car Show/Pig Roast Conquest Fire Dept. Fundraiser Concert Delisle Senior’s Open House & Supper FIRST DAY OF SUMMER Borden Diefenbaker Daze DMBA First Annual Softball Jamboree Harold Worth Park Men’s Fastball Delisle June 2-4 Diefenbaker Daze River & Rail ArtVenture Motorcycle Sunday Delisle 11am Delisle Elementary Fun Night Roughriders Season Opener Delisle Library Story Time 1pm Rosetown Library Story Time 10am River & Rail ArtVenture

‘STAY-cation’ Nature Activities

Calling all Private Eyes!

Spring is Here and It’s Time to NatureWatch!

With all the little ninjas and private eyes in and around their yards this spring, the coming weeks will be a perfect time to get them engaged in NatureWatch! This citizen science project gives public of all ages an opportunity to learn about their environment while contributing to a data set that scientists need to monitor and protect it. This data is being used to add to our knowledge of the effects of climate change and other impacts on biodiversity.

People of all ages and skill sets can participate in NatureWatch. The four programs allow you to participate at your own pace and chosen locations, even in your own backyard. While the monitoring protocols are scientifically rigorous, they are quick and easy to follow, and cater to beginner and expert alike. Some of the NatureWatch programs are PlantWatch, FrogWatch, and WormWatch.

PlantWatch participants observe the first bloom, mid bloom and leaf out of 18 native or 2 non-native plants in their area.

Observations of a plant at the same location over many years will help us understand how climate change is affecting the blooming times of specific plants in Saskatchewan.

FrogWatch participants listen for toad and frog calls during mating season in the springtime. Frogs and toads can be used as indicator species of a healthy environment, because they are vulnerable to changes in the atmosphere, the land, or the water. By participating in this program you will help increase our knowledge of frogs and toads in Canada.

WormWatch participants record how many and what species of earthworms are located at their site. The number of worms in a specific volume of earth can tell us a lot about how the habitat is being managed, because earthworms are very sensitive to soil disturbance.

All of these monitoring programs can be found on the website www.naturewatch.ca

For more information on how to participate follow Nature Saskatchewan on Facebook and Instagram.

You can email Rebecca rmagnus@naturesask.ca

Happy NatureWatching !

Sonningdale Seniors Lounge

Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm

Pie and Coffee

Fridays 2pm - 4pm

Cookies and Coffee

‘STAY-cation’ Water Safety

Pike Lake Fire Department Safety Tips

For many families, summer includes boating and swimming. Unfortunately, each year tragic and avoidable water related fatalities occur.

Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional death for children ages one to four. A small child can disappear in seconds and can drown in only a few centimeters of water – enough to cover the nose and mouth. Other factors for adults in water related fatalities include water current, and alcohol consumption.


• Supervision The absence of adult supervision is a factor in most child drownings. Always watch children around water even if they can swim. Never swim alone. If a child is missing always check the water first.

• Diving Avoid diving headfirst into water unless you are properly trained and sure the water is deep enough. Serious injuries, including paralysis can occur from diving headfirst into unknown water.

• Open Water Never underestimate the power of currents. Swimmers or Waders can be swept away in an instant. Always be aware of currents in rivers and abrupt drop-offs. Know your limits!

Drowning doesn’t look like Drowning!

• Drowning persons aren’t usually able to speak or call out for help because their breathing is impaired.

• Drowning persons usually cannot wave for help. Instinct forces them to press down on the water surface so they can keep their mouths out of the water to breath.

• Drowning persons bodies remain upright in the water, with no evidence of a supporting kick. Unless rescued, they can only struggle for 20 to 60 seconds before submersion occurs.

Stay safe and healthy! If you have any questions or would like more info contact: Fire Chief Mike Given (Delisle & District Fire Department) 306-493-7777 or Battalion Chief Wayne Pearson (Pike Lake hall) 306-230-1544


RM Review 7 June 2023 www.rmreview.net
Farmers Market Borden Community Centre
10am - 3pm


Donavon Field Day is June 24th

Planning for the second Annual Donavon Field Day, taking place on June 24th, is well underway with many events planned throughout the day. Events will include a Show & Shine Car Show, Craft & Tradeshow, Kidz Zone with bouncy castle and games, Silent Auction, Slo-Pitch Tournament, Concession and Beer Gardens.

The Community Club Committee is very excited to present this event for the second year as the main fundraiser with funds going towards preserving the historic school house in the Hamlet of Donavon. The Committee is pushing towards a goal of being able to open the building year round to be used as a community centre for special events to promote community involvement and togetherness.

Eagle Creek Kids

Fishing Derby

June 4, 10am -3pm

Free for all kids under 15

Prizes, Hotdogs, drinks

Eagle Creek Regional Park

Pastor Herb C. Anderson Retires

On June 30, 2023 Pastor Herb C. Anderson of Delisle Community Church will retire. Seven years ago Herb arrived from Kentucky with his motorcycle to become Lead Pastor of DCC. He also brought with him a wealth of life experiences, including pastoring other churches for almost 20 years, owning a BMW motorcycle dealership, managing a motorsports factory, and even managing a food relief program in Zambia with his wife.

Herb Anderson loves preaching, teaching and leading this church in the town where he graduated from high school in 1972. His parents Eilif and Martha Anderson lived in this area for several years, and some of Herb’s early work experiences included a potato farm in Broderick, and the Cominco (now Nutrien) mine.

Herb and his wife Ruth “Reno” plan to return to warmer climes as they retire in Tennessee, 5 miles from where they lived in Kentucky before arriving in Delisle. During Pastor Herb’s time as Lead Pastor of DCC, the church building has been renovated inside and out, an elevator has been installed to assist people with mobility issues to access the Fellowship Hall on the lower level and new windows, new siding, new steps, new a/c, and new landscaping are now a part of the original building. Delisle Community Church started over 100 hundred years ago and has been a spiritual foundation of the Delisle area. Herb Anderson has been a vital part of the Delisle community, leading inter-denominational church services on Remembrance Day, Good Friday, and Christmas Eve, and is a part of the Inter-Agency Committee. He was there to talk to the local hockey teams after the Humboldt crash, he cheers on the Delisle Composite Football team, and supports the many First Responders that are a part of this lively congregation. Beside weekly Sunday services where kids have their own Junior Church with stories and crafts, DCC has VBS (Vacation Bible School) for community kids in August, Women’s Retreats and Craft Nights, Men’s Fishing Trips, and Men’s Bible studies which are held in the local Creekside Café.

“Church is for people of all ages,” says Pastor Herb. “We have young families with noisy kids, very active men’s and women’s groups, and we even hold an annual Motorcycle Sunday with a big BBQ.” Herb Anderson is proud to have started this tradition and has helped some new riders emerge from the church. Riders will be coming from all over to attend the June 18th event on a variety of motorcycles. As the spiritual leader of the congregation, Pastor Herb has encouraged the members to remember that this church exists for the purpose of “Loving God, Loving People, and Making Disciples.”

While Pastor Anderson will enjoy his retirement in a warm place where he can ride twisty roads all year long, he and his wife, Ruth “Reno” will be leaving behind many wonderful people in Delisle. They will be heading south in mid-July, and will welcome friends to visit them in Puryear, Tennessee.

Delisle Community Church

Delisle Senior Citizens’ Club

Celebrating 30th Anniversary of our Building on June 17, 2023

2pm - 5pm - Open House

Displays of Albums, Quilts, Socializing 3pm - Program 5pm - Catered Supper

Limited Reserved Seating Only

Reserve supper tickets before June 1st by contacting one of the following:

Ellen Fraser 306 - 290 - 7052

Iris Peakman 306 - 381 - 9113 irispeakman@gmail.com

Cindy Climenhaga 306 - 493 - 8219 clclimenhaga@gmail.com

RM Review 8 June 2023 www.rmreview.net

Delisle Sports Celebrity Dinner on August 10th

The Delisle Sports Celebrity Dinner is quickly approaching and organizers are announcing that they have secured four keynote speakers for the event. Attending will be former Philadelphia Flyers of “Broad Street Bullies” fame Brian Propp, Orest Kindrachuk, Dave Schultz and Don Saleski.

Attendees of the dinner will have an opportunity to bid on one of the four front row tables and sit with their favorite celebrity for dinner, as well as receive a cus-

tom made, stainless steel Flyers logo sign which will be al;so autographed by the celebrities.

Only advance tickets will be sold are on sale now, and some sponsorship packages are still available. Sponsors will be treated to a VIP Lounge experience ahead of the dinner, where they will rub shoulders with the celebrity speakers and will have an opportunity to receive once in a lifetime autographs and photos with the celebrities.

Everyone who attends this event will be able to take part in both live, and silent, auctions featuring unique NHL memorabilia, as well as dining with the NHL celebrities.

Tickets always sell out, but a sponsorship guarantees your entry to the event as well as the VIP lounge.

This fundraiser supports local sports, culture and recreation organizations in and around Delisle.

To get your tickets or more information call Kenny at 306-241-3725 or Dan at 306-260-3367 or visit them on Facebook.

Delisle Elementary School is hosting a FUN NIGHT on June 21st at 5:30 – 8:00 at the school grounds.

There will be lots of fun stations to visit like the dunk tank, the cake walk, dino dig, pet bunnies, face painting, sports games. 10 activities for $5 and a chance to win some awesome prizes. Supper available for purchase too provided by the Delisle Community Chapel. The event is open to everyone and we are hoping to fill the school grounds! So come out for a fun evening!

We are also still in need of volunteers – if you can spare some time please contact Christine at cefast@yahoo.ca and/or if you like to bake we are looking for cakes for our Cake Walk. Any kind of baking as long as it is nut free works. Contact Ann at fromokholm@gmail.com if you can donate.

Thank you in advance!

RM Review 9 June 2023 www.rmreview.net
Delisle Elementary School Fun Night on June 21st
Wanted Fuel Truck Driver / Salesman with the Delisle Co-op Valid Class 1A License Required. Benefits Package, Flexible Hours Apply to Darin at 306-493-2212 or delisle.coop@sasktel.net Carbide Saw Blades • Zamboni Blades Chipper Knives • Paper Blades • Hole Saws Drill Bits Router Bits • Groat Knives Planer Blades Shaper Cutters • Culvert Cutters • Stump Grinder Teeth • Meat Grinder Plates Meat Slicer Blades • Chain Saw Blades • Ice Auger Blades Knives Scissors • Yard Tools Clipper Blades Clipper Repair - • We sharpen other items - Call for Details Rick Hamilton (306) 270 - 8048 B-730 45th St. West, Saskatoon most parts stocked BBQ Rentals Hosting a Large Event this Summer ? Rent Locally and Save Money Call Robin’s Nest Cafe 306 - 931 - 6996
Tickets Now on Sale

Producers across Saskatchewan continue to make tremendous progress with their seeding operations. Currently, 68 per cent of the 2023 crop in the ground. This is still behind the five-year average of 76 per cent, but it is a very good sign that many producers in the western half of the province have wrapped up seeding or are only a few days away from finishing. Some producers would like to see some rain to ensure their crop has the moisture needed to emerge evenly and not be held back by dry conditions.

Producers in the northwest are almost done seeding with 84 per cent of their crop now in the ground followed by the west central with 81 per cent, the northeast with 76 per cent, the southwest with 73 per cent, the east-central with 58 and the southeast with 51 per cent. Producers in the southeast and east-central are still struggling with excess moisture hindering field operations.

There were small to moderate rain showers across the province over the week with close to an inch falling in some areas. The Rosetown and Livelong areas received 21 mm, the Kenaston area 15 mm, the Hafford and Hazenmore areas 10 mm, while other parts of the province received anywhere from 1 to 8 mm. For the most part, the rain was not enough to relieve the dry conditions that some producers are facing. This issue is greatest in the west central region where topsoil moisture has quickly dropped after weeks of minimal precipitation.

After another warm, windy week, topsoil moisture ratings have continued to drop in many regions. Province wide, crop land topsoil moisture is rated as 2 per cent surplus, 63 per cent adequate, 29 per cent short and 6 per cent very short. Hay and pasture land is rated as 59 per cent adequate, 31 per cent short and 10 per cent very short. The driest regions are the northwest, west-central and southwest, where some producers are worried their newly emerging crop will not have enough moisture to make it through the heat of July without a good soaking of rain.

Pasture conditions have improved this year from previous years due to some late spring storms bringing much needed moisture. Overall provincial pasture conditions are rated as 6 per cent excellent, 45 per cent good, 29 per cent fair, 14 per cent poor and 6 per cent very poor. Livestock producers are happy to see their pastures green up and improve after two challenging years in many parts of the province. More livestock producers will be moving the re

Early seeded crops have emerged and are looking good across the province. Producers are reporting that crop development is around 70 per cent normal for spring cereals, oilseed and pulses. In parts of the west-central and northwest, some are behind in development due to dry growing conditions, while in the southeast and east-central crops are delayed due to the excessive moisture conditions.

Most of the crop damage this week was due to minor flooding, light frosts, drought conditions and flea beetles.

Some producers have reported short term delays in seeding due to an inability to access phosphate fertilizer. However, as supply increases, they have been able to proceed with seeding as

planned. Now that seeding has wrapped up for some producers, they will be busy conducting their infield herbicide applications, as well as scouting for pests that pose a risk to their crops.

With the dry conditions, producers are reminded to stay vigilant about fire risk and to have fire prevention equipment at the ready. Stress is high this time of year and producers are reminded to take safety precautions in all the work they do. The Farm Stress Line can help if you are managing farm difficulties by providing support for producers, Toll Free: 1-800-667-4442.

RM Review 10 June 2023 www.rmreview.net AGRICULTURE REPORTS 2 Bay Car & Truck Wash Groceries & Confectionary Gas Pumps & Card Lock Propane & Bulk Fuel 306 - 493 - 2212 Delisle Full Service Pumps Pay at the Pump Option Available Monday - Friday: 6am - 10pm Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm NEW Vanscoy Location Opening in June BUYING ALL CLASSES OF FEEDER & CULL CATTLE Pat “Duke” Bueckert 306-291-9675 Alvin Busby 306-227-0575 Alan Jackson 306-961-5682 Aiden Zwack 306-961-5198 Spencer Fox 306-361-9701 Lyal Fox 780-808-9731 (cull cows & bulls) Deryl Miller (Owner) 306-221-2106 Crop Report for Week of May 16 - 22 Denise Ward RM of Milden No. 286 Agent for Please contact me to discuss your Hail Insurance needs (306) 935-2181 Well Aged Compost $50 per Loaded 1/2 ton Truck Pick-up near Grandora - Delivery is Available Call or Text Cliff at 306-371-4396 Adrienne Urban RM of Harris No. 316 Agent for (306) 656-2072 (office) (306) 831-9298 (cell) PIKE LAKE LAWN & GARDEN FOR ALL YOUR SMALL ENGINE SALES, SERVICE, PARTS & REPAIRS Phone: 306 - 221 - 8558 Email: wattdave530@gmail.com Dave Watt Battery Powered - 56 Volt 5 Year Warranty www.egopowerplus.com BARNEY’S BOBCAT Yard Clean-up & Landscaping Compost and Topsoil Delivered ! Vanscoy and Surrounding Area Call Barney 306 - 270 - 4353
Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com W W Rock & Gravel Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095 A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel FOR ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS S ANDYRIDGE B AKERY & C AFE Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362 Gas, Premium & Diesel / Confectionary Grocery / ATM / Post Office Thank you for your support in 2022 and many Blessings to you all in 2023 Monday - Friday 6:30am - 9:00pm Sat, Sun, Holidays 7:30am - 9:00pm unless posted otherwise 306 - 237 - 7671 Troy May owner/operator tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan “Serving the Community Since 1983” TANK PUMPING & TOILET RENTAL Darrell, Penny & Chad Starling Office Cell 306 - 493 - 2241 306 - 370 - 2009 “Your Window to the Entertainment World” SATELLITE+ Residential Commercial Darcy Stack Journeyman Electrician 306 - 229 - 3813
VETERINARY SERVICE DR.H. DOMOSLAI AND ASSOCIATES BOX 60 SASKATOON, SK S7K 3K1 HIGHWAY 14 WEST Large Animal Pharmaceuticals and Appointment Bookings Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Office Phone Number: (306) 343-5773 Text: (306) 260-6729 Email: dorrie.cpvs@gmail.com Small Animal Services Including 24 Hour Emergency Services Clinic Hours: Monday - Tuesday 8am - 5pm Wednesday 8am - 7:30pm Thursday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturdays - 9am - 4pm Clinic Phone Number: (306) 384-7676 Email: cormanparkvet@gmail.com After hours emergency line: (306) 227-8062 STARLING’S SEPTIC darrelpenny@sasktel.net Like us on Facebook for Information and Updates Visit our NEW Webstore https://delislevet.clientvantage.ca Companion Animal Veterinary Clinic Located on Highway 7 service road in Delisle, SK #300 2nd Street East PO Box 246 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Wheel Chair Accessible Medicine General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Dentistry In-clinic Laboratory Digital X-ray Digital Dental X-ray Ultrasound Therapeutic Laser Therapy Nutritional Consultation Canine Reproduction “The Knee Clinic” Call for after hours Emergency Service NEW HOURS 9am - 5pm Mon - Sat LOCAL BUSINESSES RM Review 11 June 2023 www.rmreview.net T S Top Strand Fencing Top Quality Fencing / Corrals / Calf Sheds / Chutes Bobcat Available / Auger / Deck Piles Jesse Gessell 306.381.5745 jgessell@sasktel.net 25 Years Experience / Quality Work / Reasonable Rates KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY ! Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216 Certified Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 306 - 283 - 4406 SK Sew Kleen Septic Tank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil 306 - 230 - 4653


Agricultural Delisle Agricultural Co-op

Delisle 306-493-2212

Orchard Transport - Ag Div.

Delisle 306-493-2406

Richardson Pioneer Delisle 306-493-1500


Flo-Gate simple solution for managing the movement of grain or fertilizer Delisle 306-493-7409 www.flo-gate.ca

Agricultural Mechanic

Northern Plains Equipment Repair

Ag & Heavy Duty

Asquith 306-496-7100

Air Conditioning & Heating

ATL Electric & Heating Boiler & In Floor Heat Specialists Service all Furnaces/Air Conditioners

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs


24 Hour Emergency Service

Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998



Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration

Delisle 306-222-0456


Prairie Sun Bookkeeping Vanscoy 306-230-1522 prairiesunorchard@sasktel.net

Duct Cleaning

Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com

Electrical & Satellite

ATL Electric & Heating Complete Electrical and Heating Service

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

BTE Trenching & Electrical

306-220-4377 or 306-220-5500

Asquith bte20@outlook.com

R + L Electric Industrial, Commercial and Residential 24 HR Emergency Service

Saskatoon and Area 306-260-7063 www.rl-electric.ca


Electrical Troubleshooting and Service - Licensed & Bonded Asquith 306-229-3813


Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751


Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401

Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949


Prairie Centre Credit Union

A full service financial institution that was born on the prairies. We are Saskatchewan’s largest rural based credit union and profits earned here, stay here. Members are owners which makes it highly motivating for us to help them achieve financial success at home.

Delisle Branch: 1-306-493-2414


Schneider’s Gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty


Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca

Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486


Health & Nutrition Mentor

Nutrition, detox & water therapy education, individual nutrition and lifestyle mentoring. Services based on reciprocity or donations. Carrie 306 - 329 - 4927

Health Foods

Darla Christopher Independent Epicure Consultant Delisle 306-493-2933 dsdt@ sasktel.net text 306-291-0298

Kristi Done

Independent Epicure Consultant Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidone.epicure.com

OLD MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey FRESH HONEY... READY ! Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola 2023 Food Safe Certification Pike Lake 306-384-3092

Massage Therapy

Jolene Thompson, RMT Delisle(Acreage) 306-260-5409 jolenethompsonrmt.janeapp.com

Kristi Done Massage Therapy Call or Text to Book Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidonemassagetherapy.com

Modular Homes

Vesta Homes Inc. Vanscoy 306-242-9099 www.vestamfghomes.com

Online Shopping

Release Equine

Horse tack, pet apparel and accessories. Shop online: releaseequine.com

Email for more information: ReleaseEquine@hotmail.com

Painting / Decorating

Eugene’s Decorating European Designs Delisle/Vanscoy 306-229-7274 eugenegrenier8@gmail.com

Hillbillie Painting Biggar, Rosetown, Outlook, Delisle 306-381-3202 4bparker@gmail.com

Pet Care Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

it’s a DOODLE Labradoodle Puppies 306-220-8991 itsadoodlek9service@gmail.com

Safety Training

Canadian Firearms Safety Courses/PAL

Pete Heck -20 Years Experience as Firearms Officer Asquith 306-914-6677 pheck57@gmail.com


Red Eagle Contracting Inc. Residential Construction Located in Asquith SK Contact Sean @ 306-491-8464 red.eagle.contracting306@gmail.com


RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Veterinary Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143

Eagle Creek Veterinary Services

Rosetown 306-831-8387

After Hours 306-831-9222 eaglecreekvet@gmail.com www.eaglecreekvet.ca

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

Water / Septic Burwell Trenching & Electrical Asquith 306-220-4377 bte20@outlook.com

Econo Septic & Sewer Services

Pump septic tanks, mud sumps, car wash, commercial/industrial tanks. Unplug sewer lines, replace and repair pumps, switches, alarms. 24-hour emergency service Saskatoon 306-384-6662 Econoseptic.ca

Care Home Chiropractor

Harris Branch: 1-306-656-4466

Website: www.pccu.ca

Borden Care Home Borden 306-997-2266 bordencarehome@gmail.com

Hammond Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Lisa Hammond, B.Sc., D.C. Hanley Community Centre

Tuesdays 2-6 PM Hanley 306-544-2455

Cleaning Service

Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com


Flatlander Construction

Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547

DLN Construction Outlook 306-867-8334

Redberry Renovations Ltd. Grandora 306-260-3778 redberryrenovations@sasktel.net


Diamond Counselling Services

Accepting Adult/Family Clients

Langham 306-283-4670


Flatlander Disposal

14 yard Roll-off Bins

Delisle 306-493-7547

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon

Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Garden / Yard

Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978

Gas / Confectionary

Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362


Valleyview Golf & Country Club

Delisle 306-493-3288


Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown


Kelly Block, MP

4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown


Gravel / Sand

Graham Contracting

Topsoil also available

Asquith 306-230-4653

Klassen Trenching

Delisle 306-493-7579

W.W. Rock & Gravel

Asquith 306-329-4768

Home Care

Dignity Home Care Solutions Brandi Orth 306-230-0026 athomecaregiving@outlook.com

Home Care Products and Housewares


Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.cindythetupperwarelady.ca Excellence in service since 1989


PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555

HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260

Westland Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Lawn & Garden Pike Lake Lawn & Garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558


Darwin’s Leatherwork Tack, Repairs, Custom Items

Double Interlock Hand Stitched Vanscoy 306 - 250 - 4810

Plumbing & Heating

ATL Electric & Heating Complete plumbing & gasfitting Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998 taylormechanical@sasktel.net

PreSchool Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Early Learning Centers Vanscoy 306-668-6338 Delisle 306-493-6338

Real Estate

Apex Home Inspections

Specializing in Rural Property 306 - 371 - 6939 dbohle50@gmail.com

Boyes Group Realty 306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca

Dwein Trask Realty Inc.

Dwein Trask 306-221-1035 Office 306-653-4100

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty 306-867-8380 / 1-844-838-SOLD www.remax-shorelinerealty.com


Robin’s Nest Cafe

Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Links Water & Septic Services

Certified septic design/consulting. Acreage water/septic install and repair, water testing/treatment and septic system maintenance. Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Linksbackhoe.com

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 darrelpenny@sasktel.net

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Website Design

Whole Wheat Web DESIGN

Affordable and practical website design and maintenance services for small business, community groups and families since 2005. Delisle 306-493-3023 mail@wholewheatwebdesign.ca

Yardwork / Excavation

Barney’s Bobcat Vanscoy 306-270-4353 Big Country Landscaping & Maintenance Delisle 306 - 203 - 6618 big country.ltd@gmail.com

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Links Backhoe & Skid Steer Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410

RM Review 12 June 2023 www.rmreview.net
Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone
NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW SPECIAL Directory Listing $50 Call 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net First Time Listing Only KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake areas Book Your Garden TODAY !

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