RM Review
Asquith, Conquest, Delisle, Donavon, Grandora, Harris, Kinley, Laura, Milden, Perdue, Pike Lake, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia
Volume 18 Number 10
How I Urn a Living
uniquely designed for the special people or pet that the urn is intended for. She has become well know for her individual personalizations.
$25 Entry
udrey started Audrey’s Ceramics as a home based business in 1980, and has grown it into a full-time business with unique market opportunities. As peoples interest in cremation urns has grown, so has Audrey’s Ceramics business opportunities. The fastest growth has been in the pet cremation industry.
Pick one player from each team
Uniqueness is the name of the game in this business. Audrey has created some beautiful containers that are
The growth of this business is limited only by your desired to carry on what Audrey has already started.
Season Draft
21 Forward,10 Defence
October 2017
Audrey is looking at future retirement and now is your opportunity to share the love and earn a respectable and significant living doing something you will truely love.
This business is reasonably priced and is complete with all of the equipment and tools required, as well as some existing inventory to get you started on your first day. Contact Audrey Summach Phone 306-329-4644 Cell/Text 306-221-1394 Fax 306-329-4644 audrey@yourlink.ca www.audreysceramics.com
100% Payout 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Special Monthly Prizes for Top Teams! Teams
“Supplier of Finished Ceramic Products”
Pick-up your Entry Form by October 7th at the Delisle Bar or call Kenny... 306-241-3725
Live on TV
Pay - Per - View
Ferguson vs Lee
Saturday Oct 7th ‘No Cover Charge’
12 Wings $6 Dry Ribs $8 Cafe Open till 9:30pm
Delisle Hotel
Garbage Dumping in Pike Lake Area
ince August, Pike Lake community members have noticed an increased amount of garbage collecting in the ditches around our area. On a recent trip to RM of Vanscoy dump I stopped to pick up 1 chair, 2 tires and 2 pallets. I was also made aware of residents picking up a toilet and various other large pieces of refuse. Please be considerate of others and report any vehicles you see dumping garbage in our community or ones with blowing trash out of their vehicle. Suggestions to curb this issue: 1. Take a picture of the vehicle’s plate and driver dumping any garbage, 2. Contact the police and/or the RM of Vanscoy Office and report what you witnessed. There are many options available for the proper removal of debris. If you have questions, please ask. Let’s keep our community’s environment as clean as possible. Brian Lee, Co-editor PLCSA Newsletter
Editorial........................... p. 2 Letters to the Editor........ p. 3 Red Williams.................... p. 4
RM of Vanscoy Landfill The RM of Vanscoy Landfill hours are 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday Membership with RM of Vanscoy Required. A container system must be used for household waste. The fee is $1/bag There are containers onsite for cardboard, paper, clean plastic containers The Landfill can accept strap iron, steel, washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, concrete, non painted or treated wood, at no cost.
A Blue Bin Recycling Container is available for the following allowable items: Recycle number items: 1 Pete, 2 Hope, 3 V, 4 LDPE, 5 PP, 6 PS, 7 Other. Containers—please rinse and reuse all caps/lids. Place the items loosely into the bin. Items include; water bottles, soft drink/beer cans, milk jugs/cartons, detergent bottles, plastic bags, clean food wrap, windshield washer bottles, tetra pack boxes, tin cans, juice containers, yogurt and margarine containers. Please do not put in the following items; diapers, scissors, furnace filters, hard plastics, batteries, light bulbs, paint cans, toys, shoes, used Kleenex, paper plates, food cardboards, or paper towels.
Wire (page, barbed, chicken, electric, etc.) is to be placed West of the Metal pile Treated/Painted Wood, non burnable, is $30 for a level 1/2 ton full. Anything with paint, varnish, stained, treated wood, fence posts, decking materi- als etc. are considered as painted wood. Anything with glue, including plywood, MDF, chip- board, laminated flooring, countertops with Arborite, are considered Painted Wood. Drywall disposal is $65 for 1/2 ton truck load. No commercial dumping allowed.
Other Items NOT ALLOWED: motor oil jugs, plastic toys, lawn furniture, contaminated food wrap, wire clothes hangers, hazardous chemical jugs, glass cups/dishes, ashtrays, window glass, auto parts, scrap metal, Styrofoam, plastic pipe, light bulbs, containers without the recycling arrows and a number inside.
You will be charged fully at the site for all chargeable items.
Please ask Landfill Manager, Marjorie Crockett for more information.
Council Reports................ p. 4 RCMP Reports.................. p. 5 School Reports.................. p. 6
MP Report........................ p. 7 Farm Reports................... p. 8 Consumer’s Corner.......... p. 9
Community Reports.......... p. 10 Community Calendar........ p. 11 Business Directory............ p. 12
Read us on your computer, iPhone or iPad with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net
October 2017
RM Review
Prediction is very Difficult, Especially when it is about the Future !
oomsday predictors have been coming out with recent vigor. Some predicting that the invisible planet Nibiru will be colliding with the earth on September 23rd (nope, not this year at least), others suggesting the imaginary planet will only pass nearby the earth later this year, causing earthquakes and flooding. With all the recent destruction in Mexico, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and other islands, I don’t think a magical cosmic fly-by can make things much worse there.
But he was willing to use that stage, and Twitter, to poke the bear in North Korea with talk of total destruction, elimination, fire and fury, etc. Whatever he can fit into 140 characters. Sad (and now Twitter is going to double the limit to 280 characters, Yikes !)
I don’t put much credence in these flaky sooth-sayers, but I did make a bit of a prediction myself last January... I predicted Donald J. Trump would not last one year as President before he was either removed or just packed his bags and left, likely after pardoning himself. He seems to be taking the world down his own path of destruction with earlier acts of ‘bold leadership’, like pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, threatening the end of the Iran Nuclear deal, renegotiating NAFTA (slapping a 220% duty on Bombardier jets from Canada just the other day, insuring Boeing the US contracts), the numerous Muslim travel bans, or ripping the United Nations a new one, even criticizing the marble tiles that form the backdrop for the stage that leaders give their speeches from, suggesting that he would replace them with ‘big beautiful tiles’ if they asked him. They won’t. (Believe me !)
But most recently he has decided to go after the professional athletes in the United States for using the singing of the national anthem at a game, as a platform for voicing their concerns about injustice for people of color in their country. For some time there has been a few players from various teams ‘taking a knee’ to draw attention to their plight, but once the Donald worked his magic thumbs on his Iphone, entire sports leagues, not just players, but managers and owners have now joined the ranks. Plus, the Donald has recently ‘uninvited’ the NBA champs from a visit to the Whitehouse. This surely will push him closer to the end ! Living in ‘the Trump times’ (as Historians will come to say), may improve the odds for a doomsday predictor, but hopefully it will not come down to that. I am however, sticking to my one year tenure prediction about Trump. With now 280 characters for him to say how he really feels, he can only speed up his own demise. Ken Sowter Editor
SALE BY TENDER 1. Under the provision of The Tax Enforcement Act, the Town of Asquith offers for sale the following property: Lot 24, Block 2, Plan F1840 Parcel #119275678 Lot 25, Block 2, Plan F1840Parcel #119259131 Lot 26, Block 2, Plan F1840Parcel #119275689 Civic Address 510 Main Street, Asquith, SK
Rural Municipality of Montrose No. 315 ELECTION APPENDIX C Form H (Section 66 of the Act)
NOTICE OF CALL FOR NOMINATIONS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:
Councillor: R.M. of Montrose No. 315 Division No. 1 Number to be Elected: One (1) Will be received by the undersigned on the 18th day of October, 2017, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the RM of Montrose No. 315 Office, 1st Avenue North, Donavon, SK. and during regular business hours on September 28th, 2017, to October 18th, 2017, at the RM of Montrose No. 315 Office, 1st Avenue North, Donavon, SK. Nomination forms may be obtained at the following location: RM of Montrose No. 315 Office, 1st Avenue North, Donavon, SK. Dated this 28th day of September, 2017 Desiree Bouvier, Returning Officer
SALE BY TENDER 1. Under the provision of The Tax Enforcement Act, the Town of Asquith offers for sale the following property: Lot 14, Block 6, Plan F1840 Parcel #119275308 Lot 15, Block 6, Plan F1840Parcel #119275296 Civic Address 545 Main Street, Asquith, SK 2. The lots are to be sold as a package and can not be sold separately. The size of the lots in entirety is fifty feet (50’) frontage and one hundred and twenty feet (120’) flankage. 3. This is a commercial property and only commercial buildings will be allowed to be built on it.
2. The lots are to be sold as a package and can not be sold separately. The size of the lots in entirety is seventy-five feet (75’) frontage and one hundred and twenty feet (120’) flankage.
4. A condition of the sale is that a building permit needs to be taken out within one year of purchase, and a commercial building needs to be built within two years of purchase. Failure to meet either of these criteria could result in the title being transferred back into the Town’s name and all monies, less the deposit, being refunded to the purchaser.
3. This is a commercial property and only commercial buildings will be allowed to be built on it.
5. This property has some limitations and it is suggested that a potential bidder contact the Asquith Town office for further information, 306-329-4341.
4. A tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Property Tender” addressed to Town of Asquith, Box 160, Asquith, SK S0K 0J0.
6. A tender must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Property Tender” addressed to Town of Asquith, Box 160, Asquith, SK S0K 0J0.
5. Tenders must be postmarked by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 24, 2017.
7. Tenders by be postmarked by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 24, 2017.
6. A cheque for the municipality for 10% of the amount of the tender must accompany the tender. Tenders submitted without funds will not be considered.
8. A cheque for the municipality for 10% of the amount of the tender must accompany the tender. Tenders submitted without funds will not be considered.
7. Highest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted.
9. Highest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted.
8. Upon notification, the successful bidder will have 7 days to provide the balance of cash to complete the purchase. The deposit will be forfeited if the successful bidder does not finalize the agreement for sale within the required time.
10. Upon notification, the successful bidder will have 7 days to provide the balance of cash to complete the purchase. The deposit will be forfeited if the successful bidder does not finalize the agreement for sale within the required time.
9. All legal costs, title transfer fees and applicable taxes are the responsibility of the purchaser and are in addition to the bid price.
11. All legal costs, title transfer fees and applicable taxes are the responsibility of the purchaser and are in addition to the bid price.
Dated this 25th day of September 2017
Dated this 25th day of September 2017
Holly Cross C.A.O. Town of Asquith
Holly Cross C.A.O. Town of Asquith
Phone: 306-668-1312 Every issue is available for free, in full color Fax: 306-978-4481 mail@rmreview.net with our online reader. www.rmreview.net Click on the link on our website at... Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 www.rmreview.net
DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,500 issues of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to all homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. As well, it is available for free pick-up at various news stands throughout this distribution area. Out of area subscriptions are available for $30/yr.
We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.
Next Issue comes out October 26th - Submission Deadline is October 20th
RM Review
Letter to the Editor
October 2017
Seniors are Victims of Government Cuts
t this time we wish to comment on how the governing Sask party has treated the seniors of this province since they have been in power. Our seniors in this province worked hard to ensure Saskatchewan was a good place to live. The first thing that happened is they increased the cost of prescriptions for seniors by $10.00 per prescription. There are numerous seniors in this province that have to make a choice whether they can pay for food or the prescriptions their doctor ordered for their health. They are now stating that they are going to sell off the affordable housing used by seniors on low income, especially in rural areas. This places undue stress on many as to where they could relocate to something they can afford. In May of 2017, seniors in Long Term Care received a letter on Government letterhead that the rate for them was increasing by $600.00 a month. This increase has nothing to do with level of care and the money collected goes to Government not to the facility. They have taken away the low income housing allowance that was available to those who qualified for it. Seniors that live in rural Saskatchewan and small towns have lost their ability to travel to other Centers for medical reasons with the closing of the Sask Transportation Bus routes. This is causing them to move from the communities which they have called home, causing them to lose support in their daily lives of family and friends.
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Open until 8pm Oct 7 & 28 for Chiefs Games
Be sweet... Be bold... Be inspired... Call or Text for pre-orders & reservations 306 - 313 - 9172
208 - 1st Street West, Delisle www.simplygroundedcoffee.ca
They have added the PST to any benefit life insurance plans that seniors on fixed incomes may have, which causes a financial burden to many. It is time that seniors unite and speak up to injustice of the Government trying to lower the deficit they created on the backs of the seniors. Stand up and be counted and talk to your MLA and get them to wake up and treat with respect those who were the ones who worked so hard to make Saskatchewan the great province it is, and to stop the privatization of what we own as citizens. Ron Monk, President Saskatchewan Union Retirees Federation Box 620, Regina Beach, Sask. S0G 4C0 Phone 306 729 4478
Dinner Theatre Performances Benefit Local Organizations
he annual fall Community Players dinner theatre event not only provides an exceptional opportunity for theatre go-ers to enjoy an evening of dining and live theatre, it also provides support for local organizations through the donation of the proceeds from the event. Recently the Vanscoy Playground Project, Delisle Library and Delisle Ball Diamonds each received $500 from the Community Players. The theatre troupe’s success comes from tremendous community support and generous donations
from Delisle Agencies and the Delisle Ag Co-op. If you have never attended this annual dinner theatre event you are missing out on one of the best events in the community. The many hours of practice put in by our local thespians, results in exceptionally entertaining performances. The sets, lighting and sound are always well done too, making for a very professional show. Socializing during the cocktail hour and dinner is a great way to catch up with friends before the performance.
This year the Community Players are presenting "Let's Murder Marsha" by Monk Ferris. There are two dinner performances on November 3rd and 4th at the Delisle Town Hall with doors opening at 5:30pm. Ticket prices are $30 and include dinner at 6:30. A matinee Dessert Theatre performance is held on November 5th at 1:30pm for only $18. Tickets are available at the Vanscoy Hotel, the Delisle Town Office or call David Pattison at 306.493.2656.
Fall Suppers Directory
Food for Thought
Solving the Insolvable
he political chaos just won’t settle down. The ISIS issue seems to be beyond reason while country after country stumbles into dictatorship. The ethnic cleansing in the old Burma is another blot on the horizon. In a more logical process the members (without the US) are seriously attacking the issue of climate change. Canada, the good scout, is providing leadership among the western nations. Even China, which so often is an outsider, is pitching in to reduce green-house gas emissions. Trump as usual is off-side in the matter of slowing climate change.
Millions of immigrants are trying to escape the political turmoil in their home countries. Killings by the local armies and police forces make finding solutions near impossible.
Delisle Oct. 1
Asquith Vanscoy Oct. 15 Oct. 4
Delisle Asquith Town Hall Elks Hall
At home in Canada, the political conflicts seem to be significant even though we, among nations enjoy the best governance. We must guard our freedom and rights of individuals. C.M. (Red) Williams
Opinions expressed are solely those of author.
Perdue Oct. 15
Harris Oct. 22
Vanscoy Community Community Hall Complex Centre
DRAGON’S DINER 10am - 8pm Tues - Sun
Chinese and Canadian Food
Closed Mon & Holidays
100 - 2nd Street W.
Dine In or Take Out 306 - 493 - 2022
October 2017
squith Town Council held its regular council meeting on Wednesday, September 13, 2017. Attending were Mayor Gail Erhart, Councillors Sue Sawicki, Dylan Claypool, Harold Edwards, Jordan Claypool, Ted Goodnough, C.A.O. Holly Cross, Foreman Darren Kraft. A resolution was made to accept the August 16, 2017 minutes as presented. Council moved that the August treasurer’s statement of receipts and expenditures and the bank reconciliations for the month of August be accepted as presented. The accounts paid in the amount of $31,458.86 and the accounts payable in the amount of $23,329.95 were accepted as presented. The 2017 List of Lands in Arrears was presented to Council. The Town of Asquith will be sponsoring the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Crime Prevention Guide by purchasing an advertisement for one hundred and eighty-five dollars.
Summertime meals cool... fresh... salads & more Air conditioned comfort Mon-Fri 7 - 8
Sat 8 - 8
RM Review
Sun 9 - 7
306 - 931 - 6996
Credit Union Day Thursday October 19th Celebrate with us... Stop in for a Treat ! Delisle Credit Union
210 - 1st Street West, Delisle
There have been some concerns raised about individuals speeding down Lunn Street. Please keep in mind that the speed limit through most of Town is 40 kilometers, or 30 kilometers in the school zone. New speed limit signs will be installed on Lunn Street. Please adhere to the speed limits. Sask Health has decided not to hold a Flu Clinic in Asquith this year. Although phone calls were made to protest this, their decision remained final. If there are any individuals who are unable to make it to Saskatoon to attend a flu clinic or to see their doctor or pharmacist for a flu shot, please contact this office at 306-329-4341. If you are not happy with this decision to cut the Asquith Flu Clinic, please contact your MLA to voice your opinions. Asquith Town Council asks individuals to not park vehicles of any kind in the back alleys. This impedes the ability of emergency services to access back alleys in the case of a fire.
elisle Town Council held a regular meeting on September 12, 2017
Prairie Roofing Systems was hired to install on the Town Shop a new metal roof along with eavestroughs for an estimated cost of $17,225 plus taxes. Dave Anderchek was appointed as an alternate representative for the Town on the Regional Emergency Management Planning Committee. The Town entered into a Construction Partnership agreement with the Ministry of Highways which outlines who is responsible for what costs in connection with the construction of the new service road on the east side of Delisle. Easements were obtained from land owners in connection with the storm drain project being built along the new service road. October 1st will be recognized annually as the United Nations International Day of Older Persons. Delisle Citizens On Patrol will be having their first meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall to discuss the roll out of the new Citizens On Patrol program. If you’d like to have some input or to learn more about this great community program, you are encouraged to attend!
ouncil held a regular meeting on September 13, 2017.
Taxes paid in October will receive a 4% Discount; November a 2% discount. Any outstanding utility amounts will be transferred to the tax roll, and if remaining unpaid at December 31, will be subject to a 10% penalty. Back lane pickup will be finished for the year on October 31. Be sure to put out any yard or garden waste prior to that date.
The Asquith Fire Department was busy at the end of August and the beginning of September with motor vehicle accidents and grass fires. As of September 19, 2017, the Asquith fire ban has been lifted. Thank you to all for adhering to the ban during the dangerously dry period that we experienced.
Tax Enforcement List TOWN OF ASQUITH PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN Notice is hereby given under The Tax Enforcement Act that unless the arrears and costs appearing opposite the land and title number described in the following list are fully paid before the 15th day of January, 2018, an interest based on a tax lien will be registered against the land. Note: A sum for costs in an amount required by subsection 4(3) of The Tax Enforcement Act is included in the amount shown against each parcel. Description of Property Assessment Number
SNOW REMOVAL TENDER The Village of Vanscoy is now accepting tenders for snow removal. Tenders will be received at the Village Office until Tuesday October 17th at 5:00 p.m. Tenders can be mailed to PO Box 480; dropped off at 109 Main Street or Emailed to vanscoy@sasktel.net
505002350-01 505002350-01 505002450-01 505002450-01 505005350-01 505005350-01 505006500-01 505006500-01 505006500-01 505007900-01 505007900-01 505007900-01 505008150-01 505008150-01 505044700-01
Title Number
Total Arrears
27 28 29 30 27 28 7 8 9 17 18 19 22 23
2 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 40
F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 F1840 101435059
140824975 140824986 143561831 143561842 141531331 141531342 127661519 127661553 127661586 127730718 127730741 127730774 111988514 111988525 139602944
$2,380.59 $2,380.59 $1,274.17 $1,274.17 $1,822.25 $1,822.25 $1,842.79 $1,842.79 $1,842.79 $ 507.58 $ 507.58 $ 507.58 $ 800.24 $ 800.24 $1,469.76
Dated this 13th Day of September, 2017 Holly Cross, Treasurer
Costs Advertising $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40 $15.40
Total Arrears and Costs $2,395.99 $2,395.99 $1,289.57 $1,289.57 $1,837.65 $1,837.65 $1,858.19 $1,858.19 $1,858.19 $ 522.98 $ 522.98 $ 522.98 $ 815.64 $ 815.64 $1,485.16
RM Review
Warman, Martensville, Delisle and Radisson Detachments September 4, 2017 to September 25, 2017 - Total of 642 Calls for Service Accident in Delisle September 6, 2017 at 5:10 p.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident in Delisle. Police attended and issued a ticket to the 37 year old male from Sovereign for failing to yield to the right of way. An 18 year old female from Swift Current received minor injuries. Theft in Borden September 6, 2017 at 4:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of an attempted theft from a residence in Borden. The caller reported seeing 3 individuals attempting to steal property from her residence. Police attended the scene, but did not locate any people matching the description provided. Invisible Man September 4, 2017 at 11:40 a.m. Police received a complaint of a male on the bridge on Highway 16 near Borden. Police attended the scene. No one was located on the bridge. Police spoke with a number of people that were in the area. They did not see anyone on the bridge. There were no charges.
Mischief in Borden September 8, 2017 at 10:45 p.m. Police received a complaint of a suspicious male at a business in Langham. Police attended the scene and arrested a 39 year old male from Fort Saskatchewan. He was released on documents for an upcoming court date on mischief and breach of condition charges. There were no injuries. Accident at Asquith September 11, 2017 at 3:55 p.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident on Highway 14 near Asquith. Police attended the scene and found that a male youth driving one of the vehicles received minor injuries. Investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing. Accident at Langham September 14, 2017 at 10:55 a.m. Police received a complaint of a 2 vehicle accident on Highway 16 near Langham. Police attended the scene and found that a 21 year old male from Brandon, Manitoba hit the back of a slow moving semi.
The driver received minor injuries. Charges are pending on this matter. Driving NOT Drinking September 17, 2017 at 3:15 p.m. Police received a complaint of a possible impaired driver on Highway 7 near Delisle. The caller advised they observed the driver of the vehicle drinking something while they were driving and was concerned that they were consuming alcohol. Police attended the scene and located the vehicle. They spoke with the 45 year old male driving the vehicle and found that he was not consuming alcohol. There were no charges or injuries. Langham Car Stolen September 15, 2017 at 12:55 p.m. Police received a complaint of theft of a vehicle from a rural property near Langham. The caller advised that the vehicle was taken while parked near his property. The vehicle was located abandoned a short time later by Battlefords Detachment. Investigation into this matter is ongoing.
RM of Vanscoy Crime Watch
group of interested Vanscoy citizens gathered in June 2017 to learn about the RCMP’s Rural Crime Watch program. The meeting included local police, Vanscoy Community, and the Regina RCMP, Vanscoy Reeve, and a few of the Vanscoy Council Members. We learned that by making small efforts we could assist in keeping our neighbourhoods safer. A public informational meeting was held in the Vanscoy Circle Hall in July. It was clear that the support was strong and that our community had been touched by crime. A Rural Crime Watch Volunteer Committee began meeting. The committee are collaborating with the RM of Vanscoy Administration, the RM Council and the original Rural Crime Watch committee first organized in approximately 1999. We have learned that the key element to how we, as a community, can support the reduction
of crime is to connect! Connect with our neighbours, be aware! We also learned from the RCMP that we can all, at a minimal cost and effort, connect and put up a Rural Crime Watch sign to tell visitors to the area that you are connected and that you watch out for one another. The RCW committee are working with the RM to create a simple process for people to get involved and receive signage for their property. We are working on some social media options to connect with the Vanscoy community so please watch the RM Review as we will keep information updated as we progress. If you have a desire to be a supporter in your neighbourhood’s Rural Crime Watch efforts, we welcome an email.... rm.345crimewatch@gmail.com. Please let us know what Division you are living in and if you would be willing to assist in the efforts to reduce crime and create a stronger connected society!
Asquith Fire Fighters Receive Protective Services Medal
n Tuesday, September 19, 2017 two Asquith Fire Fighters became the newest recipients of the Saskatchewan Protective Services Medal. The Saskatchewan Protective Services Medal honours pro-
Graham (l) & Bueckert (r)
October 2017
tective services providers and focuses attention on the efforts and work of police, fire and emergency professionals, and others working in the field of safety and security. Established in 2003, recipients receive a circular medal surmounted by the St. Edward’s Crown, which bears a shield with a lion on a stylized western red lily and the motto, Qui civitatem teuntur (who guard the citizenry). Receiving the Medal was Asquith Fire Chief, Colin Graham. Colin joined the Asquith Fire Department in September of 1991 and in January of 2008 he took over as Fire Chief after the previous Fire Chief, Tom Morrison, retired. Also receiving the Medal was Captain, Rick Bueckert. Rick joined the Asquith Fire De-
partment in January of 1990. Both men have been integral parts of the Asquith Fire Department and it is with pride that the community sees them being recognized for having been part of Emergency Services for over 25 years.
Read WEEKLY RCMP Reports at
www.rmreview.net Pike Lake Assault September 12, 2017 at 8:10 p.m. Police received a complaint of an assault at a residence near Pike Lake. Police attended the residence and arrested a 46 year old male from Saskatoon. He was released on assault charges for an upcoming court date. The 61 year old female victim was not injured. High Speed Driver September 18, 2017 at 3:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of an erratic driver on Highway 7 near Saskatoon. The caller reported that the vehicle was driving at a high rate of speed & cutting off other drivers on the Highway. Police attended the scene, but were unable to locate any vehicles matching the description provided. Erratic Driver September 22, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. Police received a complaint of an erratic semi driver on Highway 16 near Radisson. The caller reported that the semi was driving at a high rate of speed. Police attended the location, but were unable to locate any vehicle’s matching the description provided Male Killed on Highway 7 September 23, 2017 at 4:10 a.m. Police received a complaint of a vehicle vs pedestrian accident on Highway 7 outside of Saskatoon. Police attended the scene and found that a 37 year old male had been struck by a vehicle and was pronounced deceased at the scene. Investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing. Accident on RR 3062 September 23, 2017 at 12:30 p.m. Police received a com-
plaint of a single vehicle accident on Range Road 3062 near Saskatoon. Police attended the scene and found that a 31 year old female from Saskatoon received minor injuries in the accident. Investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing. Theft from Vehicle September 18, 2017 at 10:35 a.m. Police received a complaint of theft from a vehicle in Radisson. The caller reported that their vehicle was entered and are missing some credit cards and other items. Investigation into this matter is ongoing. RCMP Remove Female September 19, 2017 at 1:10 p.m. Police received a complaint of a female causing a disturbance at a business in Radisson. The caller reported that the female was causing problems and when asked to leave, she refused. Police attended and removed the 37 year old female from Edmonton. There were no injuries or charges. Female Held in Disturbance September 21, 2017 at 2:50 a.m. Police received a complaint of a disturbance at a residence in Asquith. The caller reported that there was an intoxicated female in the residence who refused to leave. Police attended and arrested the 53 year old female from Asquith and lodged her in police cells until she was sober. There were no injuries. If you have information regarding any crimes contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
October 2017
Halloween Family Fun Night Saturday, October 28 6:00 - 9:00 pm Vanscoy School Gym Treats, Costume Contest, Pumpkin Decorating and More! Fundraiser in Support of the Vanscoy Community Playground More information to come, on the Vanscoy Playground Facebook page.
Delisle Branch 201 - 1st St W 306 - 493 - 8288 Request/Renew Books at www.wheatland.sk.ca Monday Noon - 4pm
Wednesday Noon - 4pm & 7pm - 9pm
RM Review
Friday 10am - 5pm
elcome to the 2017-18 preschool year! This year, we have eight 3-year olds and eight 4year olds. They are separated into two separate classes. The 3-year olds come on Friday mornings from 9:15-11:30 and the 4-year olds come on Tuesday mornings from 9:15-11:30 and Friday afternoons from 12:30-2:45. We have a lot of fun at preschool - the kids learn routine, songs, important issues, how to share and take turns, how to print their names and what letters are in their names, and much more! We also go on field trips once or twice a year. Everyday we start off with a book exchange, then the students play for a bit. We then head to our "learning corner" where we learn our names, count the days on the calendar, talk about the weather, and have show and tell. After that, it's time for some singing! We always sing the alphabet as well as some theme songs (fall, Halloween, Christmas, etc.) or other popular songs like Head and Shoulders. Then it's time for the theme of the day. This might be the season, a number or colour, safety, health, plants, or any other number of topics the students might be interested in. There is always a craft to go along with the theme, and then it's snack time (the students' favourite part of the day!) After snack, there is playtime again, but I also work one on one with the students. We then either head outside to the playground or play some games inside, either upstairs or downstairs where there is lots of room to run. We end the day with a story and stickers. Due to the number of students, there is always a helper parent who stays and helps get the craft ready, helps at snack time, cleans up after snack, plays with the children, or does whatever is needed to help keep the classroom running smoothly. There is a signup sheet so every family can help out the same number of days. The helper parent doesn't have to just be the parent. In the past, there have been grandparents, aunts (no uncles yet), babysitters, or family friends. We do a fundraiser each year to keep our name out in the community. We sell baking at the Community Christmas Craft Sale, usually held in November. We try to also sell gifts made by the preschoolers or sell tickets to a raffle basket or something similar. At our meeting in August, parents sign up for the different committees including fundraising, Christmas, and graduation. If you, or someone you know, is interested in sending a child to preschool, please contact Wendy Schoonbaert by calling 306-978-8164,texting 306-222-2748, or emailing wschoonbaert@yourlink.ca. The child must be 3 or 4 by December 31st and be toilet-trained. The cost is $65/ month for once a week and $85/month for twice a week, plus a $20 PLCSA membership. Consider preschool as a way to introduce your child to new friends and to a school environment!
PAL/Hunter Safety Course Mondays and Thursdays October 16th - November 3rd 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Ag Quest Research Station - Hwy 14 $150/person - Minimum 11 Years of Age Contact paul.happ@agquest.com or 306-230-8792 after 6pm
ur new academic year is about to begin with some wonderful and exciting activities in store through-out the year! With last year now in the background, we successfully and actively familiarized our school and community families with our place based learning model. From the feedback we have received, all the team partners were very happy with the outcomes of our introductory first year. This year we are even going to be better with all we learned from and with our students and staff ! We warmly welcome Corinne Dutka as our Principal for this upcoming year. Corinne is on board as our new team leader and is enthused to carry on and expand this model of education in our school. Over summer, Corinne has been actively pursuing the best ways to connect curriculum and kids through nature. We also look forward to hosting a new intern, Chelsea Braybrook who will begin on the first day of school and will be staying with us until the end of December. Chelsea will be learning with us, as well as teaching students in and out of doors. These ladies have some wonderful ideas to share so be sure to watch what our school will be learning in the next 10 months. We hope you join us as we journey with our learning this year. If you have a hobby or leisure activity that you are interested in sharing with us, we invite you to give us a call and we can make arrangements to have you share your knowledge with our students. You don’t have to be a professional – just someone who is passionate about what they do in any capacity. It can be birdwatching, wild flower enthusiast, mushroom scavenger, environmentalist, sport guru, rock or bug collector, calligrapher, paper quiller, miniature artist, gemologist and the list goes on. Anything a student can learn about will be welcomed and we would love to have you connect with us! Just call us at 306-668-4808 for more information. Our School Community Council (SCC) set the date for the annual Welcome Back to School BBQ. In cooperation with the Pike Lake Community and School Association (PLCSA) there was a FREE burger/ hotdog supper for ALL school families and community members which was held on Thursday, September 14th, 2017 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the school. The community came out to meet the staff, tour the school and get the low down on what we eagerly do in a school day! Households were also able to purchase their membership to the PLCSA and register their your young ones for the various ac vi es that PLCSA has acquired this year! Watch for us out and about in our community as we inquire, discover, build, study and absorb all there is in our own rich backyard environment! Dates to Remember Sept 26, SCC Meeting 3:30 PM at the School October 6, No classes October 9, Thanksgiving Day November 10, No classes November 13, In recognition of Remembrance Day
ES school year will has started for the 2017/2018. We welcome back the students, teachers, SCC, community leaders, parents and others who will assist in the education process. To find out more about the Delisle Elementary School please visit http://blogs.spiritsd.ca/delisleelementary Dates to Remember Mon. Sept. 25 to Fri. Sept 29th – Book Fair Tues. Sept. 26th – Picture Day Thurs. Sept. 28th – Terry Fox Run Thurs. Sept. 28th – Book Fair 5:30pm – 7:30pm Fri. Oct. 6th – Teacher Prep/Prof. Dev. – No Classes
Let the RM Review On-Line keep you up-to-date on all the Activities at Your School by visiting our SCHOOL PAGE at www.rmreview.net
RM Review
Kelly Block, MP September 22, 2017
Liberals Taxing the Farmer, Not the Millionaire
wo weeks ago I wrote to you on the Liberal’s latest tax grab on small businesses. I told you about how Justin Trudeau believes that small businesses are tax shelters. I told you how Finance Minister Morneau set a time limit on the review, giving little time for farmers in the middle of harvest to have their say. Since then, their plan has been criticized by tax experts, the former Chrétien Government’s Finance Minister, and even several of their own members. Despite this, the Liberals have doubled down. In Question Period on Wednesday, I asked the Minister why it is that Darrel and Kathy, who farm near Borden, will pay 73% combined tax, while multi-million dollar companies like the Minister’s family business, Morneau Shepell would be exempt from this increase.
October 2017
His condescending response was far from satisfactory. Minister Morneau began his answer with: “Mr. Speaker, a tax system that favours the wealthy over the middle class is not one that we see as fair...” Yet that is exactly the kind of tax system they are proposing. Amazingly, Minister Morneau believes that it is “fair” that the mom and pop stores I spoke about two weeks ago will pay a third higher taxes than the Minister’s own multi-million dollar family business. This tax grab would punish the small business owners who risked everything to follow their dreams. They create jobs and boost the local economy, and they do so without the benefit of sick days, maternity, and EI.
The Liberals are going to increase the tax burden on these job creators while protecting the millionaires who can afford to pay $1500 to lobby Trudeau to keep their tax rate untouched. That isn’t fair.
October 13
These are just a handful of examples of the kind of reckless Liberal pet projects on which Justin Trudeau is wasting our tax dollars.
Only $2 / PeRsOn
The Liberals have run out of money because of their profligate spending, and now, sadly, they are going to make the middle class pay.
Exciting Additions to the Delisle Playschool
he Delisle Playschool is excited to present our new outdoor area to the children for the 2017/2018 school year! The playschool was able to purchase a shed from the Delisle Composite school with the generous donations received from the Delisle CO-OP and Crop Production Services Delisle who each donated $500 for this project. The shed will be used to store outdoor toys and features a new portable music wall which our teacher, Ms Janelle Stevens, has put together. Along with the shed, we were able to build a two sided fence, as a means of an outdoor play area for the children. The playschool would like to
thank the Town of Delisle for approval and letting us build our outdoor space and a thank you to Flatlander Construction for donating all of the lumber for our fence. Scott Zoerb from Flatlander Construction and Drew King, from Noble Contracting, graciously offered their time and skills in building the fence. Thank you to CanAm for moving the shed for us. We really appreciate everyone’s hard work and are so excited to see the children play and learn there! Also new this year, the Delisle playschool is offering an exciting new adventure for 4 year olds to join in on a third day of class, as compared to the general twice a week of-
fering. This third day will run a little bit different then the regular classes. Ms. Janelle plans to use this time to do more active/team building activities. This means spending less time in the class room and more time outside and using the hall space downstairs. If you would like more information regarding the Delisle playschool please feel free to contact us at delisleplayschool@live.ca . Our current board members consist of Ann Kielo and Kaila King as copresidents, Molly Wadin, Zabrina Zoarb, Kim Doig, Sara Vandenameele and Anita Roston. Submitted by Kim Doig on behalf of the Delisle Playschool
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The Liberals have been on a two-year spending spree, charging taxpayers $20,000 for SnapChat filters, handing the Clinton Foundation $20 million, subsidizing Bombardier to the tune of $370 million, and worst of all, giving away $10.5 million to an admitted terrorist, Omar Khadr.
DVD’s Coffee 306-683-5024
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October 2017
Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan
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Travis Peardon Regional Livestock Specialist
ith few producers reporting an abundance of hay this year many will be stretching these supplies out with straw in their daily rations. Straw can make up a large portion of the ration when hay is in shortage as long as it is accompanied with a concentrate such as oats, barley or grain screenings pellets. It is important to plan a
BARNEY’S BOBCAT Yard Clean-up & Landscaping Dump Trailer for Rent We Deliver and Pick-up Vanscoy and Surrounding Area
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306 - 270 - 4353
Variable Rate Technology Seed Chemical
RM Review
Stretching Hay Supplies with Straw
winter feeding ration as straw does have its limitations when used in beef cattle diets. Straw does not contain adequate levels of energy, protein, minerals or vitamins to be a sole source of winter feed. Cows cannot eat and digest enough straw to meet their nutritional requirements. Since straw is digested at a slower rate than hay, cows consume less straw than hay on a daily basis. Grinding or processing straw will increase intakes, but without proper and balanced supplementation of energy and protein, problems such as malnutrition, impaction, reduced milk output and lowered conception rates can result. In most instances, straw has a lower energy content than grass hay and is very low in digestible protein. Adequate protein levels in a straw diet are necessary to avoid impaction. Rumen microbes require a certain level of crude protein just to maintain their important function of fiber digestion. Diets low in protein lead to lower dry
matter intakes and lower fiber digestibility. Due to straw's higher fiber content, it takes longer for a cow to digest straw than it does to digest hay or grain. This results in limited intakes. For example: a 1,200 lb. cow may be capable of eating 25 or 30 lbs of straw in a 24 hour period. The microbes in a cow's rumen are only capable of digesting 15 to 18 lbs of straw in that same time period. Impaction can and does occur. Feeding limited amounts of hay, even poor to medium quality hay, will improve any straw ration. The cheapest source of protein will likely be from alfalfa or alfalfa-grass hay. It is advisable to feed cows hay instead of straw starting at least six weeks prior to calving and throughout the lactation period (until the cows are turned out to spring pasture). A mature cow can safely consume about 8 to 9 lbs of concentrate such as grain or pelleted screenings at one feeding. If the level of
concentrate being fed each day exceeds that amount, consider dividing the concentrate and feed equal portions twice per day. Ionophores may be added or mixed with the concentrate to reduce the incidence of bloat. Ensure that adequate and balanced levels of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sulfur), trace minerals (copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, cobalt, selenium) and vitamins A, D and E are incorporated into the ration. These requirements change throughout the various stages of pregnancy and lactation. Developing a balanced ration is the key to success when feeding straw. It is important to understand straws limitations in a daily ration. A little planning can go a long way in making straw stretch out other higher quality feed sources. For more information or for assistance with winter feeding plans contact the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866457-2377 or your Livestock Specialist.
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Highway 7, 1.5 miles west of Delisle
Fire Safety Prevention
Riders Gear Headquarters Thank you for supporting our Fundraiser Friday BBQ’s, helping raise money local organizations. Enter to WIN tickets to Saskatchewan Rush games with a $50 Car Wash Card purchase. Groceries & Confectionary - Truck & Car Wash Gas Pumps & Card Lock - Propane & Bulk Fuel
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Sat - Sun: 7am - 10pm
Fire prevention at Agrium is part of our safety program and we take it seriously. It means planning and practicing for the worst. And we do this because we are committed to the safety of our employees and our community.
Vanscoy Potash Operations Vanscoy, Saskatchewan S0L 3J0 Phone: (306) 668-4343; Fax: (306) 683-1362
RM Review
October 2017
egal Expense is a unique insurance coverage that helps an individual defend or pursue legal action if they have a dispute with another party. With Legal Expense coverage from SGI CANADA, you have access to legal advice plus security of knowing expenses related to pursuing legal action will be covered. Legal costs include lawyers’ fees, charges for disbursements and your opponent’s legal costs should you lose and be required to pay them. In addition, any legal expense claims or general inquiry calls will not affect your policy claims-free status. Legal Expense insurance was added as an included coverage on most SGI CANADA property insurance policies in November 2014 (subject to limits as indicated within your particular policy). This coverage empowers you when you are faced with unexpected legal issues by paying your legal costs to pursue or defend your rights for issues surrounding contract disputes, property protection, employment disputes and tax protection. Included is unlimited access to a free telephone helpline (1-855-953-1430) to speak with a lawyer regarding general legal advice whether or not it is included in your coverage.
Some common covered examples include: 1) Your neighbour cuts down a tree on your property without your permission 2) You disagree with the tax assessment you receive from Canada Revenue Agency 3) Your contractor stops working in the middle of your basement renovation and asks for more money 4) Your employer lays you off because of a hearing disability Conditions of coverage exclude any willful acts (that you do on purpose), late reported claims (must be reported within 120 days of occurrence) and disagreements between tenants and landlords. Any fraudulent claim, defamation, disciplinary hearings or worker compensation board disputes are also excluded. Certain types of legal disputes that are not covered include criminal and family law, contract review, wills and power of attorney and any pre-incurred costs. In addition any actions taken against SGI or SGI CANADA are not covered. Note with Agro Pak coverage, legal protection and advice is provided for your home and personal property only (excluding farm property and farming exposures).
The average rate for an experienced lawyer in Canada is $379 per hour. Potential court costs for a two-day civil trial are over $37,000. In the last five years, 55% of Canadians who accessed the legal system were not represented by a lawyer and 63% did not meet with a lawyer because they thought it would be too costly. Many Canadians are too wealthy to qualify for legal aid but not wealthy enough to afford a lawyer. Legal Expense insurance is your access to justice. Mooney Agencies is a locally owned independent insurance broker, working for you rather than an insurance company or financial institution. We will properly assess your general insurance needs, shop for the best value in coverage and help you in the event of a claim. Mooney Agencies provides specialized advice for your farm or acreage, along with providing home, auto and commercial insurance solutions anywhere in Saskatchewan. We are available to meet at your home, acreage, farm or business by appointment. Please introduce yourself to your Mooney Agencies insurance team – Stephanie & Landry Klapwijk, Della O’Hara and Courtney Klapwijk.
SaskAlert App for your Smartphone SaskAlert is the Government of Saskatchewan’s emergency public alerting program that provides critical information on emergencies in real time, so you can take action to protect yourself, your family and your property. An emergency alert issued though SaskAlert will let you know: what the emergency is, where it is happening, provide instructions for you to follow to stay safe, and advise you when the incident is over. Alerts can be issued by: Environment Canada, Government of Saskatchewan ministries, Crowns and agencies as well as participating local governing jurisdictions. The Environment Canada weather alerts that SaskAlert carries are Tornado - watches and warnings and any warnings issued for blizzards, blowing snow, dust storms, extreme cold, freezing drizzle, freezing rain,
heat and rainfall, severe thunderstorm, snowfall, wind, and winter storm Government of Saskatchewan alerts are Ministry of Government Relations Emergency Management and Fire Safety, Ministries of Environment, Health, Social Services, Highways, Parks Culture and Sport, SaskPower, SaskTel and Water Security Agency
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Local Governing Jurisdiction alerts come from Cities, Towns, Villages and Resort Villages, Rural Municipalities and First Nation Communities. BEFORE B E FO R E
Recently the Town of Asquith EMO members and Town administration have received training on the SaskAlert system and they encourage all community members to download the app which can be found at: emergencyalert.saskatchewan.ca
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15% 1
October 2017
Youth Group meets every 2nd Sunday at Noon in the Delisle United Church October Dates are 8th and 22nd Everyone age 12 - 18 is Welcome !
Sunday, October 15th, 2017
RM Review
PLCSA Chairperson Report
ummer of 2017 has passed rather quickly meaning the students are back in school and fall activities like harvest in full swing. It continues to be extremely dry conditions and hopefully everyone is very astute in adhering to the fire bans. It also is the start of some hunting seasons so hunters have to be cautioned not to drive in long dry grass areas as exhausts on ATVs and catalytic converters of cars/trucks are extremely hot and have been known to ignite tall dry grass, etc. PLCSA is again hosting two ‘Tailgate’ Garage Sales/Swaps and Market Gardens this past August and these experienced some success. MJ Convenience Store also hosted a Community Garage Sale on Sept.4th that proved to be very successful. The PLCSA is happy to have again acquired some fall and winter activities. For the young 2 – 5 year olds Jessie Wheler will be instructing Tots/Kinder indoor soccer, beginning September 12th. For the older youth, Bryana Calynuik will be instructing Dance and Cheer beginning September 18th. Pike Lake School’s Welcome Back School Barbeque and PLCSA membership/activity signup, was held on Sept. 14th, starting at 5:30 pm. The event was well supported and a number of people/businesses purchased their 2017/2018 PLCSA Memberships. PLCSA had planned to host another Community Potluck, on September 22nd, but due to some changing
circumstances regrettably this has had to be postponed to later date which be announced once it is determined. The PLCSA Board is holding a General Meeting on October 12, 2017 in the upper hall, starting at 7:00 p.m. This is a very important meeting and the board needs a good turnout of community members. An increase in hall demands, along with anticipated significant change in the Board come January, 2018, does require input/ideas to keep both the hall and the board viable. PLCSA’s final Texas Hold’em is scheduled for November 4, 2017 starting at 7:00 p.m. PLCSA continues to pursue an advertising incentive for our area. We are asking businesses/groups to consider advertising around our soccer field via banners. Hopefully the banners already up are getting your attention, and you spread the word to others that may have an interest. Finally, the PLCSA 2017 - 2018 Memberships are now available. Memberships support our Hall. Don’t forget to renew yours as soon as possible. The PLCSA Board wish that all students experience an enjoyable and prosperous year, our farming community have a successful harvest and that there be rain in our forecast. Bill Thon, PLCSA Chairperson
Vanscoy Community Recreation Board Report
he Vanscoy Rec Board will not be hosting a Quad Rally or Community Halloween Party this fall. The Fall Supper will be held on Sunday October 15, at the Vanscoy Circle Hall, beginning at 4:30pm. Please call the Village Office if you would like to volunteer your time to help with this event. Volunteers will soon be calling to ask for donations of potatoes, carrots, pies
Nature Notes
Annual General Meeting
Join Us
October 19th,18th, 2016 2017 October Vanscoy Circle Hall - 7:00 pm
Positions of President, Vice-President Positions of Vice President and andSecretary Secretarywill willbe be appointed. appointed. Positions require that members attend monthly Rec Board meetings, and various involvement with community events.
Everyone welcome! Have time to volunteer for your community? Want to meet the Rec Board Members? Want more community programs?
Battle against buckthorn no short-term skirmish
askatoon is beautifully perched on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River. Walking the Meewasin trail as it winds through forest patches along the river is a real treat in the fall. Is there any better place to be? Saskatoon really does shine.
Changes to the riparian forest are unfortunately underway. While these changes are too slow for most valley visitors to notice, they are real and signal a foreseeable end to many forest patches. As with all biological invasions, one species tends to out muscle the others. In this case, a particularly invasive shrub, European buckthorn, is the culprit. Dr. Vern Harms initially brought the problem to the attention of Meewasin in 1996 when he commented on the findings of Maurice Lineman, a grad student who was measuring the naturalness of the river valley at various locations. “The rapid invasion of our woodlands by European buckthorn may represent a more serious and imminent threat to Saskatoon’s natural areas than do such media-publicized possible threats as purple loosestrife or Dutch elm disease�.
Regular meeting to follow at 7:30 pm Volunteers do not necessarily have the time: they have the
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Vanscoy Community Recreational Board
Skate Delisle Annual Craft & Trade Show Sunday Nov.19th Delisle Town Hall & Curling Rink “Currently Seeking Vendors� To Rent a Table please email
and buns; as well as turkey cookers. The Vanscoy Rec Board AGM will be held Wednesday October 18 @ the Vanscoy Circle Hall. The meeting will start at 7:00pm. The Board will hold elections for President and Secretary. Please plan to attend. Thank You to the Vanscoy Chiefs who will be managing the Vanscoy Arena for the upcoming 2017 – 2018 season!
Brought in from overseas innocently enough and tested as a potential shelterbelt species in the 1930’s at the Dominion Tree Nursery - now evolved into the Forestry Farm - it was never officially released due to its role as alternate host for oat crown rust, a virulent disease that affects oat seed yield. The local birds, especially waxwings, made buckthorn’s escape and spread into the adjacent river valley a reality.
second passes, the number of fruits collapsed 120-fold. Removal of seed producing stems targets the weak point in the reproduction cycle, as this shrub does not reproduce from vegetative parts. European buckthorn is listed on Saskatchewan’s noxious weed list. Landowners who live on the fringe of the affected area can greatly assist in controlling its spread. The low numbers there make it practical to dig out or to use a technique called shallow girdling. In this case, the outer layer of bark is removed but the inner layer is left intact resulting in the slow starvation of the plant. But, cut too deep and the plant will vigorously re-sprout from the crown. These shrubs can be easily spotted in early October as they remain green well into the month, while most other trees and shrubs have turned colour or lost their leaves. A common question is, “Why is buckthorn grown by some groups while Meewasin is removing it?� In fact, the plant being grown is sea buckthorn, a valuable nutraceutical. Sea buckthorn has grey leaves and orange berries whereas European buckthorn has green leaves and black berries. Resemblance is in name only. Nature Notes reprints are provided by the Saskatoon Nature Society (please visit us at saskatoonnaturesociety.sk.ca and on Facebook at Facebook.com/SaskatoonNatureSociety).
By Luc Delanoy
Today, some 80 years later, its distribution closely follows the riparian zone of the river valley from up to 56 km north of the city to 21 km south. A main concern is its impact on biodiversity as it is able to displace trees, shrubs and even groundcover wildflowers and grasses. With this we loose fall colour, wildlife habitat and berry picking opportunities. Efforts to control European buckthorn are showing some promise but the results are painfully slow. Beginning in 1997, a program to remove seed producing stems was implemented by Meewasin. While seed producing stem numbers did not drop much between the first and
European Buckthorn is an invasive shrub (photo by Luc Delanoy)
RM Review
October 2017 Scan Code to go to Online Calendar
October 1 Sunday 4:30pm FALL SUPPER Delisle Town Hall
October 13 Friday 7:00pm REDBLACKS @ RIDERS Regina
October 20 Friday 7:30pm ALOUETTES @ RIDERS Regina
October 2 Monday Ham & Turkey Bingo New Horizons Hall, Harris
October 10 Tuesday 7:00pm Town of Delisle Council Meeting Delisle
October 15 Sunday 4:30pm FALL SUPPER Vanscoy Circle Hall
October 22 Sunday 5:00pm FALL SUPPER Harris Community Centre
October 4 Wednesday 5:30pm FALL SUPPER Asquith Elks Hall
October 10 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Kinley Council Meeting Kinley
October 15 Sunday 5:00pm FALL SUPPER Perdue Community Complex
October 26 Thursday 5:30pm Messy Church Delisle United Church
October 4 Wednesday 7:00pm Village of Harris Council Meeting Harris
October 11 Wednesday 7:00pm Town of Asquith Council Meeting Asquith
October 17 Tuesday 7:30pm Village of Perdue Council Meeting Perdue
October 6 Friday NO SCHOOL
October 11 Wednesday 7:00pm Village of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy
October 18 Wednesday 7:30pm Village of Milden Council Meeting Milden
October 28 Saturday 6pm - 9pm Halloween Family Fun Night Vanscoy School Gym
October 7 Saturday Deadline for NHL Draft Delisle Hotel
October 12 Thursday 8:00am RM of Montrose Council Meeting Donavon
October 19 Thursday Credit Union Day Delisle Credit Union
October 31 Tuesday HALLOWEEN
October 7 Saturday 2:00pm RIDERS @ ARGOS Toronto
October 12 Thursday 8:00am RM of Vanscoy Council Meeting Vanscoy
October 19 Thursday 2pm - 4pm Agrium Open House Vanscoy Circle Hall
November 1 Wednesday 7:00pm Village of Harris Council Meeting Harris
October 7 Saturday 3:00pm Saturday Jam Session Delisle Hotel
October 13 Friday 7:00pm Hot Wheels Night Vanscoy Circle Hall
November 3, 4, 5 Community Players Dinner Theatre Delisle Town Hall
Find More Event Details at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone
Call John 306-881-8260
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Sid’s Auto Service Oil Change/Lube Job Clutch & Brake Work
Rear Ends Transmissions
cOMPlete seRVice on FaRM MacHineRy enGines Gas & Diesel
VaNScoy 306-668-2013 or 306-229-2016
Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil
306 - 230 - 4653
Septic Tank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services 306 - 283 - 4406
Box 60 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3K1 Large & Small Animal Medicine
Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling
306-384-7676 24 hr Emergency Services
Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15
Delisle, SK S0L 0P0
Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com
October 2017
RM Review
DIRECTORY TO BUSINESS Find more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code with your phone Accommodations
Pet Care
Delisle Hotel Delisle 306-493-2462
ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410
Clubs Driving Range Valley Road 306-221-0842
‘A’ Deb’s K-9 Kennelling Delisle 306-220-4727
Great North Storage Company Delisle 306-202-8140
Moon River Golf Club Valley Road 306-931-8960
Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143
Oasis Golf Resort Perdue 306-237-4653
Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335
Valleyview Golf & Country Club Delisle 306-493-3288
Lynne Road Kennels Grandora 306-270-5831
Lynn Ross Dog Grooming Vanscoy 306-382-6224
Crop Production Services Delisle 306-493-8188
Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751
Delisle Agricultural Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212
Innovative Ag Performance Group Ltd Delisle 306-493-3167 Orchard Transport - Ag Div. Delisle 306-493-2408 Air Conditioning & Heating Extreme Hi-Tech Furnace & Duct Cleaning Experts Vanscoy 306-220-8349 PLAINSMAN HVAC-R Ltd 24 Hour Emergency Service Vanscoy 306-242-3002
Automotive Sid’s Auto Service Vanscoy 306-668-2013 Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456
Beauty Arbonne Intl - Kerrie Sparrow Vanscoy 306-668-4218 www.kerriesparrow.arbonne.ca
Chiropractor Dr. Jolene Palmer, BSc. Community Health Chiropractic Clinic Delisle Primary Health Centre 306-493-2800
Cleaning Service Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com
Computer Service Catprint Computing Delisle 306-230-8783
Construction Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547 G & L Drywall Delisle 493-8228 / 668-4583 Larmar Contracting Services Vanscoy 306-380-2327 New Age Foundations Plus Grandora 306-329-4610 Twin Painting Vanscoy 934-5803 / 261-0689 Victoria’s Design 306-370-9399
Disposal Flatlander Disposal 14 yard Roll-off Bins Delisle 306-493-7547
Delisle Credit Union 1st St, Delisle 306-493-2414 Cooper Schneider Private Wealth at Scotia McLeod Colleen Schneider 306-664-1860 Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. 330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188
Schneider’s Gourmet World Neunlage 306-225-5764
Plumbing, Heating, A/C
Hairstylist / Beauty
ATL Electrical, Heating & A/C Delisle 306-493-2410
Delisle Hairstyling & Barber Delisle 306-493-2467
Thermal Mechanical Vanscoy 381-7998/270-0160
Julie’s House of Style Delisle 306-493-2950
Potash Mine
Fire & Flood
Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486
Saskatoon Fire & Flood Saskatoon 306-934-7477
The Pink Chair Delisle 306-493-2266
Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164
ServiceMaster Restore of Saskatoon 306-374-0941 1-877-448-6673
Health Air & Alkaline Water Purifiers Perdue 1-877-652-6853
Vanscoy Early Learning Center Vanscoy 306-668-6338
Kenny’s Cultivating Professional Garden Rototilling Call or Text 306-281-4111
Reflexology - Carrol King Delisle 306-493-2452
List your Business here !! Only $5/month
Gas / Confectionary Delisle Ag Co-op Delisle 306-493-2212 Delisle Esso Delisle 306-493-2251 Sandyridge Gas & Grocery Grandora 306-668-4362
Home Care Products
Vanscoy Tempo Vanscoy 306-683-5024
Watkins - Anne Plummer 725 Valley Rd 306-382-1284
Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233
Cindy the Tupperware Lady 306-716-2515
Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447
Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653 Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579
Sign Painting Kim’s Signs That Sell Vanscoy 306-493-3011
Travel Ryjo Tours Inc. Tessier 1-866-656-4786
U - Pick Prairie Cherry Pit Vanscoy 306 - 934 - 6727 1 - 866 - 816 - 7968
Veterinary Cattle Care Hwy #14 343-5773/260-6729
Corman Park Vet Services Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676 Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143
Pressure Washing
Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777
Markuss Power Wash 306-371-2409 markusspowerwash@gmail.com
Water / Septic FRP Manufacturing (2010) Inc. Asquith 306-329-4884
C & S Promotions Delisle 306-493-3191 candspromotions@sasktel.net
Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579
One Percent Realty Sue Stene REALTOR® Delisle 306-370-6306
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737
RE/MAX Shoreline Realty Jocelyne Petryshyn - Owner Outlook 306-867-8380
Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406
Royal Lepage Saskatoon Real Estate - Lisa Aron Saskatoon 306-850-0320
Arc-Fab Industrial Pike Lake 306-221-6692
Britannia Restaurant Asquith 306-329-2496
Delisle Hotel Cafe Delisle 306-493-2462
Big Pines Services Inc. Vanscoy 306-230-7399
Dragon’s Diner Delisle 306-493-2022
Delisle Agencies Delisle 306-493-2260
Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653
Robin’s Nest Cafe Vanscoy 306-931-6996
Mooney Agencies Ltd. Vanscoy 306-668-2181
Vanscoy 306-260-0671
Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653
Real Estate
PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555
Massage Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Esthetics & Massage by Sarah Delisle 306-493-7840 W.W. Rock & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768 Jillian Walker Massage RMT Westland Enterprizes Ltd Delisle 306-493-2709
RixEdge Sharpening Services Saskatoon 306-270-8048
Promotional Items
Like A Rock Grandora 306-382-3978
Gravel / Sand
Agrium Potash Mine Vanscoy 306-668-4343
First General Services Saskatoon 306-979-3205
Garden / Yard
KBM Earthmoving Vanscoy 306-867-3770
Subway Delisle 306-715-1111
Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579
Roofing Home Building Centre Saskatoon 306-220-2191 Little Rainbow Roofing & Exteriors Inc. Saskatoon 306-382-4884
Link’s Backhoe & Skidsteer Delisle 306-222-9737 Markuss Landscaping Services 306-371-2409
Stobbe’s Backhoe Service Grandora 306-668-4289
Classified Ads
$20/Month Business Directory Listing (above)
Call the RM Review at 306-668-1312 or visit our website www.rmreview.net
Antiques & Collectibles
Gifts, Memorabilia & so much more Come In, See What’s New & Old
1st St. W, Delisle Mon - Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
DAY MON Beef t Roas 14 $
Milden Hotel
FR Stea iDAY k nig ATM, Liquor Store, VLT’s $18 ht Family Dining, Bag lunches, Full Menu until Close
Help Wanted - Evening Shifts lD” Shared Rooms for Rent “CBOEER” Accommodation “ - own bathroom - 3 bedroom house - wi-fi and cable laundry Service - internet & satellite - microwave Available - utilities included - mini-fridge Mon - Sat 9:30am - 10:00pm Sun 9:30am - 8:00pm
Phone 306 - 935 - 2051
Check out our FREE Community Bulletin Board at www.rmreview.net
306-260-7838 tom@saskfarmland.com