Welcome to Cadogan House Sports Day
Today is a celebration of sport that encourages all pupils to take part and do their best. Each girl will take part in a variety of events throughout the afternoon to gain points for their house.
Year 3 and 4 pupils have already completed their High Jump and Vortex Throw in lessons, and the points have already been added to their totals.
Year 5 and 6 pupils have already completed their Long Jump and Rounders Ball Throw in lessons, and the points have already been added to their totals.
Timetable of Events
Time Event Year Group
Topaz and Ruby on High Jump Year 5 and 6
Sapphire and Emerald on Vortex Throw
1.30pm Topaz and Ruby on Vortex Throw Year 5 and 6
Sapphire and Emerald on High Jump
2.00pm Topaz and Ruby on Long Jump Year 3 and 4
Sapphire and Emerald on Rounders
Ball Throw
2.30pm Topaz and Ruby on Rounders Ball Throw Year 3 and 4
Sapphire and Emerald on Long Jump
Field Events
These will happen at the end of the event at 3.20pm, once the results have been totalled.
Individual Events: Pupils can score 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points depending on their time, distance thrown or height jumped.
Team Events: 4, 6, 8 or 10 points depending on their team position.
The Sports Day Shield will be presented to the House Captains of the winning house.
Gold medals will be awarded to all pupils in the winning house.
The Victrix Ludorum trophy will be awarded to the top scoring pupil in each year group, across all seven events. Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the pupils in second and third place.
Thank you for supporting the Cadogan House Sports Day 2024!