Hind house friday 20th jan 2017

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Message from Mrs Freeman Last weekend I treated myself to a new Dyson (stay with me here...there is a point coming up….) and on the side of the box was written the following quote from James Dyson himself ‘making mistakes and taking risks: the fuel for inventiveness and problem solving at Dyson’. I decided that this was brilliant and summed up all the many times that I have told my pupils that it is OK to get things wrong or to fail at something. It is only by trying that we discover and by discovering that we learn how to do things differently or better. This stands true not just in education but throughout our lives. This has been a very busy week in the Sixth Form with Year 13 having their first Elevate skills session and a talk on Monday from Jo Russell at HART. Jo spoke about the work HART does in human rights and was inundated with interest from the girls afterwards. I really hope that many of the girls take on the challenge of the HART competition to develop their interest further. Next week Dr Esland begins her talks on mental health with the Sixth Form. She has done a lot of work in this area around Hind House and has created a well being board upstairs and published key support contact details in a variety of places around Hind House. During these talks she will launch a new initiative that we will be trailing to support our girls who may be concerned about friends and family. The issues of mental health were once again highlighted to me at the Head of Sixth Form HMC conference I attended yesterday and it is something that we should take seriously and take as many preventative measures as possible through promoting good well being in our students. Have a good weekend everyone….!

Message from Fenella Watkin­Hale, Hind House PR Personally, I feel this week has been extremely informative. Both Year 12 and 13 were lucky enough to be given a talk from Jo Russell who works for the Human Rights charity, HART. The talk was very insightful, and gave me a great deal of perspective. It was oddly coincidental that, later in the week, Reverend Quill’s assembly on refugees contained a stirring phrase: “we have lots; they have nothing.” I thought this linked perfectly with the message that Jo portrayed. Year 13 also participated in a talk on how to Elevate Study Skills. Not only was this incredibly useful, but greatly amusing to find out that the male speaker was a near­miss for the part of Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films. Our attention was perfectly captured from then on. I also predict there will be an inevitable swipe of A* across the board when Year 13 get there results in August (here’s hoping anyway…) Have a great weekend, everybody!

OTHER INFORMATION The Week Ahead Monday Year 12 ­ Common Room for talk on Mental Well­being with Dr Esland Year 13 ­ "Outside the RMS Bubble" Life Skills Carousel. Students to go to the following rooms depending on which session you have signed up for: Mr Grogan: H15, Mr Dowds: H14, Mrs Sears: H18, Mrs Reeves: H11. Mr Young: H16, Mr Broome: H03 Tuesday Year 12 ­ "Outside the RMS Bubble" Life Skills Carousel ­ rooms as above Year 13 ­ Common Room for talk on Mental Well­being Wednesday Chapel Thursday Year Assembly Carolin Bauer and Viktoria Rejzek will be talking about pole­vaulting and jiu jitsu respectively. 4.10pm LEAD (Hind House Common Room) ­ Mrs Heaffey will talk about Presentation Skills Friday Assembly ­ Question Time with RMS and John Hampden Prefects. Please get to the Hall quickly so we can start on time Common Room Duty: 6R1 Have a good week everyone! Dr Esland

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award If you would like to enrol on the Gold D of E Award, please be aware that you have two options available. At RMS, we do not organise any Gold expeditions. Therefore either: 1. Enrol through School. Please submit the usual enrolment form­ copies of this are available from Mrs Fryer in the Resource Centre. Enrolment through school costs £34 which can be paid via ParentPay. There will obviously be further costs involved depending on what sort of expedition you enrol on independently. Miss Reidie is able to recommend companies that offer independent expeditions/ open expeditions. Mrs Fryer, Miss Reidie and Miss Bench are available to you in School to sign off any sections as you complete them on eDofE 2. Enrol through an independent company, including full enrolment and expedition. By doing this, the School DofE staff do not have any access to your eDofE account and therefore cannot sign off any sections or offer advice. If you have any questions, please get in touch with one of us. Mrs Fryer, Miss Reidie and Miss Bench

CHARITY NEWS School Charity Updates We are excited to be beginning a brand new term, which we hope will be jam­packed with many fundraising ideas and events for Sparks. It is already looking very promising…

This week To kick­start the term, we held a cake sale and a non­uniform day, which both took place on Tuesday. This enabled managed to combine two things that RMS girls love to do – come into school in their own clothes and also eat cake! What more could an RMS girl wish for? Cake Sale: Thank you to our Sixth Form Charities Committee (Year 12), who created an array of home­made cupcakes, brownies, crispy bites and rocky road slices. Every contribution was extremely well presented, particularly the cupcakes that had some beautiful rainbow icing on them! This just goes to show how useful our Food and Nutrition lessons were in Year 7 and 8! It is safe to say that the sale went very well, with everything selling out before the end of break time. Thank you to everyone who made something for the sale and also to everyone who donated to the cause. Thank you also to Alex, Amber and Chineme in Year 12, who counted up the profits; we raised a very pleasing total of £258.40! Add a Non­uniform day: The ‘Come as Yourself’ theme seemed to be very well­received, which is good! Thank you to everyone who remembered to donate. The Sixth Form raised approximately £217.50, which is great! Thank you to Alex, Amber and Chineme who counted this up. An update on the total profit will hopefully be revealed next week!... bit of body text

Tie­Dye Success A big thank­you must go to Zoe, Maddy and Tegan in Year 8 who took the initiative to set up a Tie Dye service before Christmas. They advertised their business in the Assembly Notices and over the holiday they were hard at work, creating their personalized T­shirts and more. Overall, they raised a fabulous total of £289.01! This is extremely impressive and shows a great deal of creativity and imagination. Well done girls!

Email us your ideas! If you, like Zoe, Maddy and Tegan, have an idea about how we can raise money, please do let us know. We are very open to ideas and would love to hear what you have to say! Our emails are on the Charity Board, opposite room 13! We look forward to hearing from you!

OXFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICINE INSIGHT DAY SAT 25TH FEBRUARY This event, on Saturday 25th February from 9.30am until 1.30pm may be of high interest to any Year 12 planning on applying to study medicine at university. The event will take place at the Academic Centre of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford Information about the day is as follows: The day will look at how to direct reading and interest development by linking current medical research to GCSE, A Level and IB specifications in the sciences. This will guide students on how to build their individual story of interest and passion for their subject in preparation for the application and selection processes for entry to medicine. Students will be given examples of how to build their areas of academic interest and knowledge and how to incorporate these areas into their personal statements. The talks will be focusing on recent research developments in ovarian cryo­preservation ­ a technique used to preserve fertility in young people, particularly those undergoing cancer treatments which can cause infertility as a long term side effect. These talks will be delivered by doctors (from junior level to consultant level) along with current medical students of all year groups. Mid way through the morning there will be a poster walk detailing recent research ongoing in Oxford specifically chosen to link to the specifications of school science subjects. The timetable for the day is attached. The event will be free. However, students will need to cover their own travel costs. The talks of the insight morning will also be broadcast via web­ex link so students who live a significant distance from Oxford or overseas students can access live online. To sign up for the event please do so via the following online form: https://goo.gl/forms/eEBANVROgbM8JEhK2 Spaces are limited to two students per school ­ please speak to Mrs Freeman/Mrs Sears if you are interested in attending as it may be possible for more than two to attend.


National Medic Mentor Weekend is taking place on the 18th and 19th March in four locations across the UK: London, Cardiff, Lancaster and Birmingham In November, over 1000 students from across the UK attended and had the opportunity to network with 100s of doctors and medical students, who will be there to share their knowledge and experience with students. There will be a medical conference taking place on Saturday 18th March with 14 presentations from Royal Colleges, medical schools and a variety of doctors and medical students to help aspiring medics explore careers in medicine and help set up medical school societies at their respective schools. On Sunday morning (19th March) there is an optional UCAS lecture about applying to medical school which includes 3 textbooks, lunch and free parent registration. This comprehensive lecture will explain how enthusiastic students can make a competitive medical school application. Parents are also encouraged to attend as there will be dedicated talks for them too. It is a highly valuable opportunity for your students to network with doctors and medical students, learn about work experience opportunities and how to make a successful application. Registration is £25 for the Saturday conference and students can register on the medic mentor website and find out more about the events: http://medicmentor.co.uk/national­medic­mentor­weekend/ All proceeds from the weekend will be used to support our UK's medical students with scholarships, elective bursaries, free training and educational initiatives.

ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE TUES 11TH ­ WEDS 12TH APRIL This is an opportunity for Year 12 students to visit and stay overnight at one of the UK’s leading universities for engineering. You’ll take part in our annual, two day event, which will give you an insight into what it would be like to study engineering at Loughborough University. It’s your chance to experience first­hand the University campus and student accommodation. You’ll also have an opportunity to take part in a number of different ‘taster events’ within our engineering departments. Staff and students are on­hand throughout the two days to talk about the courses we offer and answer other questions you may have. There is a small charge for this event of £55 to take part, which covers meals and accommodation. What you will do: ­ Visit different Engineering Schools and Departments ­ Take part in exciting engineering experiences ­ Learn about different engineering options ­ Talk to lecturers about engineering courses ­ Stay overnight in student accommodation Department experiences include: ­ Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering ­ Architecture ­ Chemical Engineering ­ Civil and Building Engineering ­ Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering ­ Manufacturing Engineering ­ Materials Engineering ­ Mechanical Engineering ­ Product Design Engineering Apply for your place To apply for your place please complete this online application form. Details of the application process are below. There are 200 places available and we will use the information you provide on the form to determine who gets allocated a place. in the form we ask for a short (max 200 words) supporting statement. This will carry the most weight when we make decisions for places, so it is essential that you explain clearly why attending Engineering Experience will benefit you. You can prepare this before completing the application form and upload it directly from a word document if you prefer. There is a small charge for this event of £55 to take part, which covers food and accommodation. The University is pleased to be able to offer 20 of the places free of charge to students who would have difficulty in meeting the cost. These will also be allocated on the basis of the information provided on the form. The deadline for receiving applications is 12:00 midnight 20 January 2017 and successful applicants will be informed by the end of February.

MATHEMATICS SUMMER SCHOOL On this five­day Maths Summer School students will be introduced to undergraduate topics in pure and applied maths, examining challenging mathematical problems using both calculus and algebra. If you are interested in taking part in this Summer School, please contact Mrs Cubbon for guidance. The course content includes material that students are unlikely to encounter in detail while at school but that is frequently covered as part of first year university programs. As well as looking at maths in theory, we will also be covering key applications of mathematical tools in computing, economics, statistics and engineering. The 2017 course will include: Linear Algebra * Hierachies and the Google algorithm * Differential Equations * Financial Markets and the Black­Scholes Model * Integration and 3D Spaces * Vector Calculus * Vectors & Matrices * Proofs and Algorithms * Sets and Infinities * Cryptography Classes are small, typically containing twelve to fifteen students, all of whom should have a passion for mathematics, a curiosity to build on their existing knowledge and be keen to embrace and exchange new ideas. An expert Tutor will lead each session in a seminar format, but learning will be largely student­led wherever practical. Classes will focus on discussion and on problem questions and exercises, creating a comfortable environment for students to share ideas amongst their peers and to progress from their existing knowledge toward more challenging material. The Mathematics Summer School is only suitable for students who have completed AS­Level Mathematics (or the equivalent in another qualification structure) at the time of the course. We welcome any student aged between 15­18 who meets this requirement. This Summer School is particularly appropriate for students who may be considering further study of mathematics at undergraduate level, or who are interested in related disciplines such as physics, computing or engineering. Practical Details: The cost of the five­day course is £475, and will be held at the University of London in Bloomsbury (please note that these courses are not residential, and accommodation must be arranged independently if required). The course will be held on the 17th­21st July and repeated 7th­11th August and 21st­25th August. There will be a limited number of bursary spaces available for those who would otherwise have financial difficulty in attending – please see our website for details. To book a place please visit http://www.debatechamber.com/summerschools/maths­summer­school/ call us on 0845 519 4827, or email info@debatechamber.com. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.


Newnham College Subject Taster Days 2017 Our Subject Taster Days are opportunities for young women in Year 12 to visit the college for a day, to participate in a range of academic sessions introducing them to university study, and to hear all about the admissions process to the University of Cambridge. This year, we are holding Subject Taster Days in the following subjects: Classics – 16th February 2017 Human, Social and Political Sciences – 20th February 2017 History and Modern and Medieval Languages – 13th March 2017 (for students interested in studying History, Modern and Medieval Languages, or a combination of the two) Biological Natural Sciences – 31st March 2017 Further information about the Subject Taster Days, including the online booking form and application deadlines, can be found here: http://www.newn.cam.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduates/open­days/college­open­days/

Newnham Essay Prizes A reminder that all female students currently in Year 12 at a UK school may enter the prizes, which are being offered in Architecture, Engineering, History, Modern and Medieval Languages, Philosophy, Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences, as well as our annual ‘Woolf Essay Prize’ with questions inspired by Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own. The prizes are designed to give students the opportunity to think and work at a university level and in a university style. Each of the Newnham Essay Prizes has a first prize of £400, a second prize of £200 and a third prize of £100. There will be a prize­giving at Newnham College in July 2017. The deadline for all 2016­17 essay prizes is 12pm on Friday 3rd March 2017. Entrants should upload their submissions to the webform, found here: Essay Prizes Form. The cover sheet should also be uploaded to this webform. Please ensure that a school/college representative has completed the appropriate section. Entries will not be valid without this information. Questions for each individual prize can be found on the college website, at this address: http://www.newn.cam.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduates/newnham­essay­prizes/

OXFORD AND CAMBRIDGE STUDENT CONFERENCES These conferences are designed to provide up­to­date information on the application and admissions procedure at both institutions as well as providing an insight into student life. The events are aimed at students who have already completed their GCSE examinations (or equivalent) and are now undertaking further study. The conferences will cover: · Courses available at Oxford and Cambridge · Applying to Oxford and Cambridge (including Student Life) · Student finance and careers · Interviews · Oxford & Cambridge Admissions for Teachers and HE Advisors ­ new programme for 2017 at most venues Admissions tutors, academic staff and current undergraduates from both universities will also be on hand to answer students' questions. Please note: the Scottish Conference provides information specifically for students in the Scottish Education System. For 2017 we have updated the programme of sessions for teachers and HE advisors and encourage teachers to consider attending alongside students. Teachers are invited to book up to 25 Year 12 students and up to five accompanying members of staff to attend one of the Conferences. The events are for students based in the UK only and bookings must be made in school/college groups using the booking form for the respective conference. Admission is by ticket only and all bookings should be made through a teacher. Please do not arrive at a conference venue without having made a booking as you will be turned away. Booking forms can be found here: https://oxfordandcambridgeoutreach.co.uk/student­conference/introduction Emmanuel College East Asian Studies Taster Day Emmanuel College run subject Taster Days for Year 12 students. By attending lectures, visiting departments and speaking to current undergraduates we hope that attendees will get a taste of what it’s like to study at university. The East Asian Studies Taster Day (Chinese and Japanese) is taking place on the 10th March 2017. Full information including the timetable and booking form can be found here: http://www.emma.cam.ac.uk/admissions/access/tasterdays

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