Hind house sixth form weekly bulletin friday 3rd february 2017

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SIXTH FORM WEEKLY BULLETIN Friday 3rd February 2017

Issue No: 30

Message from Mrs Freeman One of my 'fun' parts of the week is always teaching Year 7 on a Thursday just before lunch. 7S is a very excitable and enthusiastic form who I thoroughly enjoy teaching along with the help of one of my Year 12 students. This weekend I gave their books a really good going through and read their evaluations of the map skills topic. Low and behold two of them commented on how Daniella had really helped them learn the topic effectively. Not being one to take offence that my Year 12 student was of more use to them than me, I took great pride in the fact that RMS had developed a Sixth Form student who not only could do map skills, but also who could make a difference to the education of others (that key reason why most of us go into teaching!). Daniella is just one of many members of the Sixth Form who do this on a daily basis and you (parents and girls alike) should be very proud of everything you are doing to help others; this is what makes RMS such a special community. Have a lovely weekend.

Message from Fenella Watkins-Hale, Hind House PR I’d say approximately a third of Year 13 have come down with some sort of illness this week, and I suspect Year 12 share a similar figure. I guess we can blame it on the very cold and icy weather we’ve been experiencing lately, and I think we can all agree that some sort of break is in order – although, personally, my half-term will be filled mostly with revision notes and past papers in preparation for mocks. On another note, our two Year 12 Young Enterprise Groups – Spectrum and Baggle – are paying Intu Watford a visit this weekend to sell their products. Good luck to you both, your merchandise looks fab! Have a great weekend, everyone!

What’s On Next Week? Monday

Individual talks with students


'Outside the RMS bubble' - second talk on Finance by Ms Solomons in the NMH




Year Assembly—Lucy Bonnamy will be doing a presentation on FemSoc 4.10pm LEAD Session with Sally Lane, who will be discussing CVs—in NMH



Common Room Duty: 6M1




MESSAGE FOR YEAR 13 FROM OMGA Dear Year 13 Students, My name is Kate Sullivan and I am Chairman of the Old Masonic Girls’ Association (OMGA). I left the Royal Masonic School for Girls in 2000 and went on to study Metallurgy and Materials Science and Engineering at Liverpool University. I am now a Mechanical and Projects Engineer for an automotive company in Gloucestershire where I live with my husband and two children. I am writing this email to you all so that you are more aware of the Association and what we do. We are a network of old and new School leavers and staff, who want to keep in touch. There are reunions throughout the year in different regions and we get invited back to School to help celebrate your achievements in all aspects of School life, including watching School Drill which is a particular favourite of mine. Remembrance Day is of special importance to us as it has become ‘our Day’; Old Girls come back for chapel, a memory jerker, Drill and lunch in the Dining Room, which again always brings out some interesting anecdotes. Very shortly, you will be receiving a copy of Masonica 2016. In the meantime, please find attached some information about the Association and the benefits of being a Member. I would particularly draw your attention to the discounts that we have negotiated with the Chorleywood Bookshop and the Nuffield Health Fitness and Sports Centre at RMS. These are a new initiative for 2017, as is the ‘flip-book’ version of Masonica 2016 that will be made available on our website. As Chair of the OMGA I am keen that the Association should take a more active role in how you, the current girls see us. We look forward to welcoming you as a Member of the Association (unless you choose not to join, the subscription for a 20 year membership will be added to the School’s invoice for next term). Please do keep in touch; we particularly welcome any stories of your own that you would like to share as Members love to know what others have been up to. Any thoughts on the content of Masonica or future ventures for the Association would be appreciated. If you would be interested in joining the Committee to help ensure the future of the Association, please get in contact with us (all our details are in Masonica). I look forward to meeting you soon. Best wishes for your future and good luck with your exams. Kate




PARMITER’S SCHOOL MEDICINE CONFERENCE 1st July 2017 Parmiter’s School will be hosting a conference on Saturday 1st July 2017 for Secondary School and Sixth Form students who are thinking about a career in Medicine. In a time of change in the NHS, this conference helps these young people explore not just how to get into medical school but whether Medicine is the right career choice for them. We deserve the best doctors but those who aim to enter this profession should also be aware of the issues they will face and arm themselves with the tools to ensure a happy and healthy career. The programme will be led by medical students, clinicians and educators in the medical field. There will be a mixture of talks and interactive small group workshops on a wide range of issues. These will range from the qualities required for good medical practice through to practical clinical skills. The feedback from the 2016 conference included: 

Very clear. Nothing was boring. (Good Medical Practice)

I learnt a lot, like how to tie knots, what the needles are like, how tight to do the stitches etc. It was really fun. (Suturing Skills)

I loved the interaction and practicality of the session. (Blood Taking and Blood Pressure Measurement)

Opened my eyes how my actions are affected by my attitude and emotions. (Resilience Skills)

Found this the most useful part of the day as I got to find out lots about personal experiences of medical school. (Life as a Medical Student and Junior Doctor)

Very useful, lots of tips on interviews. Speaker was friendly and helpful. (Interview Skills)

Fun and interactive, I liked discussing medical ethics. (General Q&A)

The cost of the conference is £35.00. Please send a cheque made payable to Parmiter’s School with the student’s FULL NAME, SCHOOL, YEAR GROUP and ‘Medical Conference 2017’ on the back of the cheque, and return the payment to the address on the attached reply slip. By paying you are consenting for your child to attend the above event. Please ensure the school is fully aware of any medical concerns you may have under separate cover. If you would like further information please email Mrs Anne Green, a.green@parmiters.herts.sch.uk , Head of Careers at Parmiter’s School.










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