Issue No: 40
Message from Mrs Freeman Whilst writing the Year 13 are enjoying their last ever lessons here at RMS. It has been an emotional day for many but a thoroughly enjoyable one. Last night I saw the 4Rs (resilience, reciprocity, resourcefulness, reflectiveness) in action as the girls worked together to put on a great display for the RMS community this morning. I would also like to add another couple of Rs; 'respect' and 'responsibility'. This Year 13 have been magnificent in maintaining a fun atmosphere over these two days and have really stepped up to having fun whilst responding to what we have asked of them. So, now it is over the Year 12 and the class of have big shoes to fill but I know from my experience so far that you will prove you are every bit a well rounded set of RMS students ready for the world ahead! Have a great weekend everyone! Mrs Freeman
Message from Miriam Coming to the end of one’s school career is undoubtedly daunting and is a time that has come unbelievably quickly for our Year 13 girls. Final goodbyes are taking place as study leave comes upon us once again and the population of Hind House will be temporarily halved for the rest of the term. It has been lovely to mix up the form groups with girls from both year groups, providing an extra source of friendship and guidance to the Year 12s as we joined the Sixth Form – despite the Iron Curtain separating the east and west ends of the common room! We have found your advice and reassurance invaluable and Hind House will seem far too quiet when you are gone. I hope you all look back on your time at RMS fondly and, as Dr Seuss advises, ‘Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.’ Year 13, we wish you all the very best. Miriam
The Rose Garden at Hind House On this lovely, not so sunny day in May we welcomed back our previous Head, Mrs Rose to open the new garden; The Rose Garden at Hind House. The Sixth Form were in good spirit as it was Year 13 leavers' day, meaning they were all dressed as zombies and fully ready to celebrate. The Sixth Form have already been enjoying the garden when the sun has shone, making the most of the lovely furniture created and built by our very own Billy Lees. Next year we are having a door knocked through from the common room directly into the garden so the inside outside experience can really be part of RMS Sixth Form for years to come.
Year 13 Leavers’ Day Photographs Here is a taste of the Zombie Hospital that took over School today… More photos can be seen here
Next Week in Hind House Monday
Year 12 Assessment Report Reading
Chat with Form Tutors/talk with Mrs Sears in the Common Room about CHQ and a walk if the weather is fine!
Year Assembly—TED Talk on Happiness
GAP Year Job Opportunity This is a fantastic opportunity to work with a highly sought-after, independent School based in Hertfordshire. You will need to carry out your professional duties as specified in the contract. In accordance with these terms & conditions you are responsible to the Headmaster:
To promote and understand the Aims, Values and Policies of the School
To work such hours as shall be deemed reasonable and necessary to discharge the GAP student’s duties efficiently and conscientiously. The GAP student may not engage in any employment or voluntary activity, which may interfere with the proper performance of the role
To assist in lessons both in and out of the classroom, including Games and other co-curricular activities
To be a positive role model for children in the school
To be willing to perform any duties as reasonably directed by the Head or other member of the SMT
To safeguard the well-being of children throughout the school
To assist the Head and SMT in ensuring high standards of discipline throughout the school
To be in school by 8am at the latest and on site until at least 4.30pm
To attend staff and other meetings as required
To be part of the duty rotas for the supervision of the children
Salary: £11,000
Should you be interested, please contact Mrs Clark (Headmaster’s PA) on:
University of Bedfordshire Summer Schools These programmes are an excellent opportunity to experience university with a full programme of both academic and social activities. In addition, they provide a great experience which students can draw upon in personal statements and interviews. Students can choose to experience specific subjects area through lectures, seminars and interactive workshops whilst networking with students and academics in the field. This academic year the following summer schools are on offer: Art and Design Taster Programme – 26th to 28th June 2017 Available to Year 12 and Level 3 students Held at the Luton campus (Non-residential)
Year 12 STEM Residential Summer School – 26th to 28th July 2017 Three subject strands available: Life Sciences, Robotics and Computing & Media and Technology Available exclusively to Year 12 students Held at the Luton campus (Residential)
The application forms courses are attached to this email and provide further information about each summer school. If you are interested, please return the application form by post or scanned to Both of the forms can be completed electronically too. It is expected that these subject areas will be extremely popular and as there are limited spaces on all summer schools, so if you are interested please sign up as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact Tamanna Sidika from the Access and Partnerships Team on 01582 489731 or email if you have any further questions about this opportunity or others that we offer.