Hind House Sixth Form Bulletin Friday 26th May 2017

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Issue No: 41

Message from Mrs Freeman Slip Slap Slop...this is the message I have been shouting out my office window this week! As the sun shines down on Hind House garden please can I remind everyone of the importance of protecting your skin with sun cream so that we can enjoy the sunshine safely. On Thursday this week I spoke to the students about the UCAS process and how to get logged on. They will be spending time in their forms working on this and looking at courses on line. This is just the start of the process and it will then continue in earnest following the UCAS forum day on 19th June. Just to make you aware, I will be on Jury service over half term and the first week back at school, so if there are any Sixth Form queries or concerns, please direct these to my Deputy, Dr Esland (kesland@royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk). I wish you all a restful half term and hope the sun continues to shine for the Bank Holiday! Mrs Freeman

Message from Miriam Keen to make the most of this week’s very welcome burst of sunshine, Sixth Form girls have been making full use of The Rose Garden behind Hind House. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful, private space for us in which to extend the facilities of the common room for working and relaxing in the fresh air. In fact, the weather has been so kind to us this week that on more than one occasion girls have turned the garden into a lunchtime ice cream parlour and Mrs Freeman has subsequently enjoyed the benefits of an office with a window leading directly into it! The Rose Garden has been especially appreciated by girls with AS Levels as a peaceful haven in which to escape the stress of exams – the oriental ‘Zen Garden’ has evidently had the desired effect! I, for one, find it difficult to believe that this half term has gone so quickly; I wish you all a restful half term. Miriam




Week after Next in Hind House In the week back after Half Term, Year 12 students will spend each afternoon on UCAS. There won’t be any Chapel or Assembly as it is Exam Week for the rest of the School. Mrs Freeman will not be in School as she will be on jury service. Any questions in her absence should be directed to Dr Esland (kesland@royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk)

GAP Year Job Opportunity This is a fantastic opportunity to work with a highly sought-after, independent School based in Hertfordshire. You will need to carry out your professional duties as specified in the contract. In accordance with these terms & conditions you are responsible to the Headmaster: 

To promote and understand the Aims, Values and Policies of the School

To work such hours as shall be deemed reasonable and necessary to discharge the GAP student’s duties efficiently and conscientiously. The GAP student may not engage in any employment or voluntary activity, which may interfere with the proper performance of the role

To assist in lessons both in and out of the classroom, including Games and other co-curricular activities

To be a positive role model for children in the school

To be willing to perform any duties as reasonably directed by the Head or other member of the SMT

To safeguard the well-being of children throughout the school

To assist the Head and SMT in ensuring high standards of discipline throughout the school

To be in school by 8am at the latest and on site until at least 4.30pm

To attend staff and other meetings as required

To be part of the duty rotas for the supervision of the children

Salary: £11,000

Should you be interested, please contact Mrs Clark (Headmaster’s PA) on: headspa@york-house.com




A Level and GCSE Art, Textiles Exhibition This year’s A Level and GCSE Art and Textiles Exhibition will be opening on Friday 9th June. If you can’t make it that day, the exhibition will also be open on Sports Day on Saturday 1st July. We look forward to sharing our students’ fabulous work with you! Mrs Kingston Head of Art


Mrs Coffey Head of Textiles



A Level Photography Exhibition This year’s A Level Photography Exhibition will open on Thursday 15th June, with a private viewing from 6.00-8.00pm. The Exhibition space will then be open until the end of term including on Sports/ Prize day on 1st July.




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