Issue No: 39
Message from Mrs Freeman I am looking forward to next week with great excitement, worry and sadness. Leavers' Day is always one which brings heightened emotions as well as a sense of great satisfaction; we have done our bit in helping turn a group of teenagers into a set of wonderful young women who now move onto the next exciting stage of their lives. It is with great sadness that I say goodbye to my first set of Sixth Formers, and I have to say what a superb set of young ladies they are. As a parent with a daughter in Year 1 I look at how RMS really is a special school in how it nurtures each student to be an individual and strive for what they believe in and want out of life. If my daughter turns out like the Year 13s in twelve years time I will certainly be a very proud mum. Class of 2017, make sure you take this last opportunity to thank all of those who have made your journey at RMS so special (including your parents who have paid the fees) and always remember those who have helped make a difference to your life. Parents, I thank you for putting your trust in RMS to help develop your most precious possession. Certainly from where I am sat, I think between us we have done a pretty good job! Best of luck to everyone for a happy and successful future.
Message from Miriam Undertaking great change is rarely easy, especially as it can take a lot of courage to initiate it. Deniz gave an extremely eye-opening assembly this week on the topic of the Environment, presenting a well-informed view of the issues our planet faces as the human population continues to take it for granted. Her final message, a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, was: ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Making progressive change is something I encourage you all to strive for throughout life. Whether your passion is climate change, gender equality, ending world hunger or something on a slightly smaller scale, never doubt the value of your contribution. Your voice alone may feel insignificant, however perseverance and a powerful message can travel a long way. Take Deniz’s assembly as an example; her voice was heard by an entire audience, many of whom I am sure will continue the discussion among friends and family, spreading her sentiment further. All change requires is a voice and an audience. Martin Luther King and Malala Yousafzai are examples of single people using their voices to attract attention and gain support for their cause, even in the face of great opposition. I hope that you look up to them, just as I do, and that their example gives you the confidence and selfassurance to stand up and speak. Miriam
Next Week in Hind House Monday
Talk at 2.10pm in the NMH by Lindsay Weinstein who is a specialist prosecutor (Counter-Terrorism) for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
Form photos on the Quad or in the garden, followed by a walk. If you would like to bring in their own cameras to take photos, that would be great. They need to kept in lockers the rest of the time.
House Assembly
Leavers' breakfast P1/2 for Year 13s; Year 12s in lessons 2.00pm Leavers' Powerpoint and speeches
Year 13 Instructions for next week All next week you can wear your hoodies/leavers' tops. Thursday 18th - 7.00pm - 9.00pm you can come into School to 'decorate'. I understand the theme is “Zombie Hospital�; remember it is important to make it fun for the littlies rather than cause anyone any kind of distress or worry; Dr Esland and I will be around, so if you aren't sure if something is 'allowed' just shout - we are pretty free with what you can do but just don't want any surprises or any damage/upset to members of the RMS community. You will need to leave the site at 9pm, so ensure as much preparation is done before the evening session - the corridors are longer than you might think! Friday 19th - You can arrive from 7:30am to do your dancing/singing/etc at the entrance to School 9:00 - 10:00 Leavers' breakfast for Yr 13 and tutors. Mrs Rose will be returning to officially open Hind House garden. 10:15 - 11:30 Year 13 lessons p3/4 11:30 - 12:00 Year 13 lesson p5 12:00 Year 13 to clear up mess followed by lunch; please remember this is EVERYBODY'S RESPONSIBILITY 2:00 - power point (some great pictures of some of your favourite teachers...) and talks by some girls 2:45 - 3:30 Year 13 lesson 7/8 3:30 - Goodbye Saturday 20th - Leavers' Supper. Starting at 6:30pm in the Dining room quad for drinks. We will begin to move to Chapel at 7:00. Following week: Your teachers will be in their usual classrooms for your lessons, so if you want help with something or just want to work with your teacher please just turn up. Following half term you will need to make an appointment to see your teachers as they may well be used for exam invigilation during your normal lesson. For some of you your teachers may request that you attend lessons the week following leavers' day, so please follow their direction. I wish you all an enjoyable, fun, productive and safe last week....we will miss you!
Hind House News Congratulations I have once again been feeling hugely proud of the numerous successes of our Sixth Form students this week..... Turaya:
Runner up at Regents University design competition
Finalist for the Duke of Westminster Awards
Mia and Elizabeth:
Organising an amazing charity fundraiser quiz night raising over ÂŁ400
Organising a charity professional make up class...and in doing so teaching Mrs Freeman a thing or two!
There were also a great number of stars of the fortnight awarded this many that we have now run out of star badges...which I think says it all!!
CHARITY NEWS This will be our final Newsletter segment as the Deputy Head Girls of Charities for 2016/17. This year has flown by faster than we could ever have imagined. Although this role has come with its challenges, we would not have had it any other way. It has pushed us to our limits but we have gained so much in return, particularly in terms of our confidence, organisation levels and communication skills. It has been thoroughly enjoyable and we feel honoured to have been given the opportunity to carry out such a diverse and rewarding role. Special thanks must go to our wonderful Charities Committees in Years 7-11 and Year 12. Both Committees have given us tremendous support during the course of this year, providing us with fundraising ideas and inspiration, as well as volunteering their time, either selling things at Centre Doors, or representing the charity at various events. Working with them has been a great opportunity to get to know younger year groups, and we have learnt a lot through the sharing and developing of our ideas, as one collective unit. We must also thank all of the members of staff who have been equally as supportive and encouraging throughout the course of this year. Many lunch times were sacrificed, namely in aid of the annual Staff Bleep Test, and a number of staff members also helped us to run after-school fundraising events, such as the Quiz Night and Make-up Masterclass. In particular, we would like to thank our mentor and overseer, Mrs Baron, who has been there as a source of guidance and support throughout this year. In addition, thank you to all of the parents and guardians, who have so generously donated to our bucket collections at events like the Christmas Fair, Prize Day and Drill performances. No matter what the donation, whether it be big or small, it has all made a great deal of difference to our overall total. Like they say: ‘Every little helps!’.
CHARITY NEWS Quiz Night Victory: Before we reveal our final total, we would like to say a big well done to Elizabeth W and Mia R, in Year 12, who planned and carried out the Charity Quiz Night last Friday evening. It was a huge success and they managed to raise a staggering £450! We were thoroughly impressed by their tenacity, innovation and drive; from the marketing process, to the night itself, they did everything with a great deal professionalism and attention to detail. Well done and congratulations to the very talented PALS team who managed to win overall! Make-up Masterclass Success: Thank you also to Rosie N and Nikki G in Year 12, who ran a Make-up Masterclass on Wednesday. It turned out to be a very insightful and unique event, which managed to raise an impressive £130! Special thanks must go to Mrs Narden, an RMS mother and professional TV make-up artist, who very kindly offered to host and run the event. Her expertise and insight into make-up and the industry itself were absolutely fascinating and everyone came away with a great deal of knowledge and wisdom.
£2 Challenge Triumph: Well done to all of the girls in Years 7 to 9, who partook in the £2 Challenge. Girls who volunteered were given £2, being given the task of ‘growing’ this through fundraising events during their Easter holiday. Upon our return to School, we were extremely impressed by their efforts and by the large number of girls who managed to raise over £100. Well done in particular to Annabelle T, who raised £208. Well done also to Montana G, Isabelle H, Maisie L, and Maya S in 7R, who raised an incredible £508.79! This has been a fantastic example of the sheer entrepreneurial and tenacious spirit of the younger years and there are clearly some leaders-in-the-making who are starting to emerge!
CHARITY NEWS The Final Total! The moment that everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived… the unveiling of the grand total of this year’s fundraising efforts! At the beginning of this academic year, we set ourselves the ambitious goal of being the first team to raise over £10,000. This seemed like an almost impossible target and by Christmas time, with £4000 in the bank, we were convinced that this aim was merely an unrealistic aspiration. However, alongside the entire RMS Community, we continued to fundraise throughout the year, to raise as much money as we could for Sparks. Now, we are absolutely delighted to reveal that we have managed to achieve our goal of £10,000! In fact, we have raised a staggering £12,000 in total! This is an RMS first; never before has this amount of money been raised by the Deputy Heads of Charities and we could not be prouder. This total has certainly surpassed our original expectations of what this year had in store for us. We must say that the greatest reward of all is knowing that this year’s efforts are being put towards such a worthwhile charity, Sparks. It is wonderful to know that this money will go towards helping to fund the research behind some of the rare diseases that currently affect the lives of thousands of children in the UK on a daily basis. We honestly cannot thank everyone enough for their support and encouragement. This has been an experience that we will never forget and we know that we will come away from it not only with a fine-tuned skillset, but also with a number of fantastic memories that we will be able to look back on with great fondness and nostalgia. We wish next year’s Deputy Head Girls of Charities, Elizabeth and Caitlin, all the best of luck for the coming academic year.
Katie and Hannah