SIXTH FORM WEEKLY BULLETIN Friday 10th February 2017
Issue No: 31
Message from Mrs Freeman It is an exciting time in the Sixth Form; mocks for Year 13 are after half term and Prefect voting for staff has commenced! After half term the girls themselves will be voting. This can be a very tense time for the girls and I would urge everyone to try not to discuss it constantly so that it becomes all consuming. Unfortunately there will be a number of disappointed girls, including many who feel they have put their all into Sixth Form life. As the girls know, this is something that I experienced myself at their age, so I can say with experience that you do survive! It is the bigger person who has involved themselves in Sixth Form life for the sake of the experience and personal development rather than doing it for the purpose of self promotion. I for one will be spending plenty of quality time with my family this half term; trips to the zoo, walks in the Chilterns and trying to teach my 5 year old how to ride her bike. Year 13, yes you need to be revising, but Year 12 do take the opportunity to leave your mobile phones and laptops behind to get some fresh air and spend time with your family; all too soon you will be spreading your wings and heading off into the big wide world (which will be the first time you really start to appreciate everything your parents have done for you!). Have a great half term.
Message from Fenella Watkins-Hale, Hind House PR There’s a sense of empowerment throughout the Common Room, having just received a talk from Lucy Bonnamy and Hannah Roberts in Year 13 about FemSoc, Feminist society; a club that is held on Wednesday lunchtimes. They highlighted perfectly the fact that feminism is not about favouring women over men but emboldening both genders, and giving them both equal rights and opportunities. Even though women’s equality has improved greatly since receiving the vote in 1928, we still have a long way to go in terms of equal rights: equal pay, for example, as highlighted by Dr Esland shortly after the talk ended. Being part of a girls’ school, and continuing to uphold a sense of enthusiasm and curiosity, I feel it is important for us Hind House girls to keep up with the world’s advancements – particularly the aspects that are relevant to us. Personally, I am keen to further my knowledge about matters concerning feminism, since there may be future modifications that will affect us all in years to come. It would be wonderful to know that it was an RMS girl who was responsible for progressing women’s status to be equal to that of a man…FemSoc may be a good start, Sixth Form! Have a lovely half term, everyone!
Year 13 Mocks
For Year 12 Monday
Individual talks with students
Prefect Voting
House Assembly 4.10pm LEAD Session with Old Girls who will be discussing employment/life lessons they have learned—New Mark Hall
Common Room Duty: 6M2
Year 12 Assessments Year 12 internal assessments will take place immediately after the Easter holidays, starting on Wednesday 26th April. Students will be off timetable for the duration of these and will have timetabled exams. The purpose of these exams is to see how you are progressing as well as to help guide your teachers so that they can provide you with predicted grades for UCAS later that term. Many girls will be taking external exams later that term. During this time lessons will continue as normal. Girls are permitted to take the day off prior to an external exam but must ensure that they inform their teachers of their absence and catch up on any missed work. Mrs Freeman
New Careers Books in Resource Centre Many new Careers based books have arrived in the Resource Centre. Students, please come and take a look (and parents, please encourage your daughters to do so! )Here are a few of them. Mrs Isherwood Head of Careers
Information Evening for Parents of students considering Accountancy Please follow this link for information about an evening session on March 9th in London