our school | alumnae news
Thank you
Alumunae Mentoring
Thank you to all the Old Girls who have volunteered or taken part supporting pupils, alumnae and the school in 2020.
In 2020, when we were all told to stay at home, many of us looked for new ways to connect with others, and we quickly became adept at meeting virtually through a myriad of apps and websites.
Lockdown forced us to work in new ways and this has opened up so many opportunities to connect. Whether you spoke to students about your career, completed a survey giving advice to pupils about your time at university, took part in the session with Year 13s applying to Oxbridge, helped create the ‘alumnae’s perspective on RMS’ video, or have opted in to take part in our alumnae mentoring scheme, thank you. We have a wonderful, supportive alumnae community and are hugely grateful to you.
With technology our new aide, not to mention the economic challenges that the pandemic has created, this was the perfect opportunity to start the RMS Alumnae mentoring programme. Scores of Old Girls working in a huge range of professions, including the Arts, Science, Finance, Medicine, the Civil Service, Law, Education and many more besides, have opted to take part and offer their support, advice and insights. Old Girls from all over the world have been able to connect, offer advice and support each other.
This is such an amazing opportunity to get advice from someone with my dream job!
We have made some brilliant matches so far and currently have more mentors who would love to help. Whatever career you are considering, whether you are at the early stages or are a career changer, do tell us more about yourself by completing the form at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/y9r5eg98. Wherever you are based, we would love to hear from you and hope that you will make the most of our amazing network of Old Girls.
Recent changes to our Old Girls’ Association Everyone is automatically a member In 2019, everyone who was ever a pupil at RMS for Girls automatically became a member of our alumnae association. In the last 18 months it has been wonderful to reconnect with so many Old Girls of all vintages, many of whom haven’t been in touch with the school since leaving.
email us at development@rmsforgirls.com
or visit our website at rmsforgirls.com/alumnaedetails
If you are in touch with school friends who never became OMGA members, please let them know that RMS would love to hear from them. They can either email us at development@rmsforgirls.com or simply complete the online form by visiting our website at www.rmsforgirls.com/alumnaedetails.
No subscription fees There are now no subscription fees to pay; if you have a standing order set up to pay membership fees to the OMGA, you can cancel it – you will not lose any of the benefits of being a member of the association. However, any standing orders that continue to be added to the OMGA account will be treated as donations to the RMS Bursary Fund unless we hear from you otherwise.
34 | Masonica 2021