Parent Newsletter 27/11/15

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SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS UPDATE Friday 27th November 2015 This Half Term at a Glance‌ Here are just a few important forthcoming events—for our full calendar, click calendar Saturday 28th November FORMS Christmas Fair Sunday 29th November Advent Service Ring Making Workshop Thursday 3rd December Year 12 At Home Sunday 6th December Christmas Print Making Workshop Monday 7th December Christmas Concert Wednesday 9th December Senior School Christmas Lunch Senior School Carol Service

Absence Line unforeseen absence We expect a call before 8.30am on each day of absence for day girls unless previously agreed with the Head of Year. Please leave a message on the dedicated pupil absence voicemail 01923 725328 or email: An unexplained absence will be followed up.

Exiting from the school premises Please remember that when exiting the School onto Chorleywood Road, we operate a NO RIGHT TURN. This is to assist in the flow of traffic, and should be adhered to at all times. Thank you for your co-operation.

Thursday 10th December End of Term

Life Skills Evening

Friday 11th December Ski Trip Departs

attend the Life Skills evening this week.

Saturday 19th December Ski trip returns

the Parent Portal under Life Skills (formerly


Thank you to those parents who were able to Handouts are now available to download via PSHCE)/Bob Tait Information Evening November 2015

Tuesday 5th January Boarders Return Wednesday 6th January Term starts

INFORMATION Emails Sent this week If you have not received any of the emails listed below, please contact Pippa Hopkins Chapel Choir/Choro/RMS Voices

Choir Tour to Malta, July 2017

Whole School

FORMS Christmas Fair Reminder

Australia 2017 tour members


Barcelona Arts and Textiles

Passport/EHIC/Payment reminders

Iceland Trip

Payment reminder

Parent Portal queries & updating contact details To advise us of any changes to your contact details, change of boarding status etc., please contact . This is a group email address and your communication will be sent to all the relevant parties within the School. If you have any other questions relating to the Parent Portal, please contact our Data Systems Manager Mrs Bulow on

BIENNIAL SCHOOL CAREERS CONVENTION MARCH 2016 The Careers Convention will be held on March 8th 2016 from 7.00 - 9.00pm in the Great Hall. In previous years the Convention has been a great success and much appreciated by the students and parents of both RMS and other local schools. I would be delighted to hear from you if you would be prepared to provide a stand at the Convention where you could advise the students about your occupation / company. I would be particularly interested to hear from you if you would be able to advise on careers in; Law, IT, Engineering / Science, Marketing, Human Resources and PR. We can provide space for over 80 exhibitors with display boards, although corporate stands are very welcome if you wish to provide your own. The school will provide a buffet at the beginning of the evening by way of thanks for your valuable time. If you would like to attend /exhibit, please complete the attached slip and return it as soon as possible to Nicola Isherwood, Careers Department, to reserve a place. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


SCHOOL NEWS The RMS School Charity 2015-16—The Sohana Research Fund We are delighted to be supporting the Sohana Research Fund as our School Charity this year. There have been numerous events already this term (thank you for all your support with these!), and we have already raised over £2500 for this very worthwhile cause. Fundraising activities have included yesterday’s non-uniform day, cake sales, collections at the recent school production of Sweet Charity, the Community Arts concert and Gym Show, and the weekly activities in the “Four Weeks of Christmas”. We are also having a stall at tomorrow’s FORMS fair, selling pancakes and offering butterfly face-painting and henna tattoos—do come and see us then! We had the pleasure today of welcoming Mrs Sharmila Nikapota, Sohana’s mother, to RMS. She spoke in our school assembly about the work the charity is undertaking, and what it means for people like her daughter who suffer from this rare condition. Mrs Nikapota also told us about a medical focus being run on the BBC Health Report next week. Sohana and her family have been interviewed for this report, and will be featuring in the programme. The programme is due to air on either Tuesday 1st December or Wednesday 2nd December at both 6.00pm and 10.00pm as part of the news health report . Mrs Nikapota is pictured above with Mrs Baron, the School’s Charity Co-ordinator, and Deputy Head Girls for Charity Anoushka and Sarah.

SPORT NEWS RMS in Swimming National Finals Five girls from the junior swimming team swam at the qualifying event for the ESSA Secondary Schools' Team Championships earlier this term. They won both the freestyle and medley relays and qualified for the Nationals, which were held at the London Aquatic Centre. Thirty schools were selected for the heats of each relay and the girls comfortably qualified for the final of each. The medley relay was a closely fought final with the girls coming third. The freestyle relay was an even closer final, and the girls were placed an impressive second, knocking Plymouth down to third. Congratulations to Ellie, Mirabelle, Madeleine, Stephanie and Niamh for their hard work and dedication; An amazing achievement girls, well done!

Other Sports Results Netball



RMS vs St Helens

RMS vs Watford Girls

RMS vs St Margaret’s

Year 7 A Team won 24—4

Year 10 won 6—0

Seniors won 9—0

Year 7 B Team won 11—5

Year 10 won 4—0


FORMS NEWS FORMS Christmas Fair—Saturday 28th November 11.00am—4.00pm We are gearing up for the FORMS Christmas Fair TOMORROW! We still need your help—both donations and volunteers! Volunteers We would appreciate volunteers to help on the stalls on the day (in addition to the year/ class stalls) Donations 

Shop bought mince pies

Bottles of any kind (alcohol, shampoo, bubble bath etc)

Any chocolate items

Unwanted new/good quality second hand soft toys.

SKATING RINK! We are very excited this year to have an ice rink at the Christmas Fair! To avoid disappointment, it is advisable to prebook your tickets so you can guarantee your preferred time slot. Tickets can be purchased on the day but we cannot guarantee spaces or times will be left… Please visit ASAP to book Please note: Skates will be provided and it is advisable to bring gloves. Penguins and helpers will be on the ice, but we suggest an adult accompanies any Pre Prep girls on the ice WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU TOMORROW!

FORMS NEWS Fundraising Ideas: FORMS is pleased to introduce our ‘Gift Wrap Fundraiser’ via Northbrook Fundraising for all your Christmas and Gift requirements. Our school will receive 22% of the value of your purchase back for every item sold. Orders can be placed on . Simply select “Royal Masonic School for Girls” in the drop down box. Brochures have been distributed in school and there will be a stall at the Christmas Fair on Saturday 28th November.

Other dates for your diary FORMS Christmas Social Night We are planning a Christmas social next Wednesday 2nd December from 7.30pm for an 8.00pm start in the Cadogan Hall. The evening is a fabulous Christmas themed cupcake decorating session with the amazingly talented Lauren Whiteman (winner of Dacorum’s Den 2013) from Cake Stories Each person will get four freshly made Cake Stories cupcakes, in a cake box, and will learn piping, cutting and decorating techniques. Tickets are £20 each made payable directly to Lauren Whiteman. There are only 20 spaces available, so please book your place now, by emailing Abbey on Mulled wine and mince pies will be available on the night. FORMS are planning to run more smaller social evenings with different themes—please email any suggestions directly to Abbey. Quiz Night – Saturday 5th March—SAVE THE DATE!

Second Hand Uniform Thank you to the School for facilitating our exciting move to a permanent home for the second hand uniform store—details to follow shortly. However if you are able to donate any shelving or clothes rails we would really appreciate it. Please contact Abbey Joseph at The next opportunity to buy will be the Open Cupboard session on Friday 4th December from 8.00am—9.00am. Drop in coffee & mince pie session in the GDH.

Facebook and Twitter Don’t forget to ‘like’ our Facebook page to find out details about our events and news from the community. You can find us at You can also follow us on Twitter @FormsParents

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