SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS UPDATE Friday 20th November 2015 This Half Term at a Glance… Here are just a few important forthcoming events—for our full calendar, click calendar Friday 20th—Sunday 22nd November Second Exeat Weekend Monday 23rd November Life Skills Evening—Bob Tait Tuesday 24th/Thursday 26th November Year 7 Meet the Tutor
Social Media RMS has both a Twitter account and a Facebook page—please do visit and follow/like them and watch out for up to date news, results, photos and more!
Tuesday 24th November Community Arts Concert
Mr Cox’s Surgery
Wednesday 25th November Year 7 to Stratford Upon Avon
Mr Cox, Assistant Headteacher, is making himself
Thursday 26th November Non Uniform Day
available every Friday from 8.15am and in periods
Friday 27th November Sixth Form depart for Aachen Christmas Market
come and have a short chat over any Senior
Saturday 28th November FORMS Christmas Fair Sunday 29th November Advent Service Ring Making Workshop Thursday 3rd December Year 12 At Home Sunday 6th December Christmas Print Making Workshop
1 and 2 to meet with any parents who would like to School question, issue or concern they may have. Please contact Mrs Hamoudi in the School Office via email to make an appointment. Parents who would like a longer appointment can, as ever, ring to arrange a mutually convenient time. ‘Cox’s Surgery’ appointments are intended for a quick discussion only, which may lead to a further meeting if the issue needs some further thought or investigation.
Monday 7th December Christmas Concert Thursday 10th December End of Term
INFORMATION Emails Sent this week If you have not received any of the emails listed below, please contact Pippa Hopkins Silver Duke of Edinburgh Participants
Further Information
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Participants
Further Information
Years 10-13
Additional Place on Vietnam trip letter
Years 7—11
Reminder about Life Skills Evening
Year 13
At Home date change reminder
Parent Portal queries & updating contact details To advise us of any changes to your contact details, change of boarding status etc., please contact . This is a group email address and your communication will be sent to all the relevant parties within the School. If you have any other questions relating to the Parent Portal, please contact our Data Systems Manager Mrs Bulow on
BIENNIAL SCHOOL CAREERS CONVENTION MARCH 2016 The Careers Convention will be held on March 8th 2016 from 7.00 - 9.00pm in the Great Hall. In previous years the Convention has been a great success and much appreciated by the students and parents of both RMS and other local schools. I would be delighted to hear from you if you would be prepared to provide a stand at the Convention where you could advise the students about your occupation / company. I would be particularly interested to hear from you if you would be able to advise on careers in; Law, IT, Engineering / Science, Marketing, Human Resources and PR. We can provide space for over 80 exhibitors with display boards, although corporate stands are very welcome if you wish to provide your own. The school will provide a buffet at the beginning of the evening by way of thanks for your valuable time. If you would like to attend /exhibit, please complete the attached slip and return it as soon as possible to Nicola Isherwood, Careers Department, to reserve a place.
Community Arts Concert The Community Arts Choir is putting on a show called “Around the World” in The Space on November 24th - at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. This is a free event (with a cash bar), although we do ask for a charitable donation to Community Arts and the School Charity.
SCHOOL NEWS Sweet Charity Congratulations to everyone involved in the fantastic production of Sweet Charity last week.
SCHOOL NEWS An Evening with Chris Hadfield Over 500 people braved the winds and rain on Monday night to come and listen to celebrated astronaut Chris Hadfield talk about his experiences on the International Space Station. It was a fascinating evening, and the audience was delighted when Chris got his guitar out at the end for a rendition of his now-famous version of Space Oddity. Here are some of the photos from the evening (including one of Head of Science, Mrs Timoney, meeting Chris!). Thank you to Chorleywood Bookshop for organising the evening—for more information about forthcoming events and author visits, do visit their website at
SPORT NEWS It has been a busy week in the PE Department gearing up for the Gymnastics Show tonight—full results from the week will be communicated along with next week’s.
Cross Country Results Congratulations to the Year 10 team who were placed 5th in the district. And to the Year 8 team who retain their title as District winners. A special mention should go to Grace who was crowned Year 8 Individual Champion Well done to everyone who took part.
FORMS NEWS FORMS Christmas Fair—Saturday 28th November 11.00am—4.00pm Huge events like this do not happen without HELP FROM PARENTS. If you missed the donation days, we are still in desperate need of various donations for the stalls... We are looking for donations of:
Shop-bought mince pies
Any chocolate items
Unwanted new/good quality second hand soft toys
Senior School—please leave any donations in the dedicated boxes in the New Mark Hall Raffle Prizes We have some wonderful prizes this year. Senior School girls will be able to purchase tickets all of next week at Centre Doors. Volunteers We are still looking for volunteers on: Friday 27th November from 2.30-4.00pm to help move tables and start the set up for the Christmas fair. Saturday 28th November during the fair to man for half hour stints on food stalls, the bar etc. And also to help clear away tables and chairs after 4.00pm – so some helpful strong dads would be great! Please get in touch with Teri at: THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! ICE RINK! We are very excited this year to have an ice rink at the Christmas Fair! To avoid disappointment, it is advisable to prebook your tickets so you can guarantee your preferred time slot. Tickets can be purchased on the day but we cannot guarantee spaces or times will be left… Please visit ASAP to book. Please note: Skates will be provided and it is advisable to bring gloves. Penguins and helpers will be on the ice, but we suggest an adult accompanies any Pre Prep girls on the ice
FORMS NEWS Fundraising Ideas: FORMS is pleased to introduce our ‘Gift Wrap Fundraiser’ via Northbrook Fundraising for all your Christmas and Gift requirements. Our school will receive 22% of the value of your purchase back for every item sold. Orders can be placed on simply select “Royal Masonic School for Girls” in the drop down box. Brochures have been distributed in school and we hope to run a stall at the Christmas Fair on Saturday 28th November.
Other dates for your diary Quiz Night – Saturday 5th March
Second Hand Uniform Thank you to the School for facilitating our exciting move to a permanent home for the second hand uniform store—details to follow shortly. However if you are able to donate any shelving or clothes rails we would really appreciate it. Please contact Abbey Joseph at The upcoming sale dates are; Friday 4th December - 8.00am to 9.00am – open cupboard and drop in coffee & mince pie session in the GDH.
Facebook and Twitter Don’t forget to ‘like’ our Facebook page to find out details about our events and news from the community. You can find us at You can also follow us on Twitter @FormsParents