SENIOR SCHOOL NEWS UPDATE Friday 4th December 2015 End of Term Events and Next Term at a Glance… Here are just a few important forthcoming events—for our full calendar, click calendar Sunday 6th December Christmas Print Making Workshop
Social Media RMS has both a Twitter account and a Facebook page—please do visit and follow/like them and watch out for up to date news, results, photos and more! A good way to keep in touch over the School holidays!
Monday 7th December Christmas Concert Thursday 10th December End of Term
Tuesday 5th January Boarders Return 5.00-7.00pm Wednesday 6th January Term Starts
End of Term Arrangements
Wednesday 13th January Cake Sale for School Charity Tuesday 19th—Friday 22nd January Year 7 Entrance Examinations Thursday 28th January Non Uniform Day
Please note that the Resource Centre and Devonshire House will be closing at 2.30pm on the last day of term (Thursday 10th December). Coaches will leave School at 2.50pm
Friday 29th —Sunday 31st January Exeat Weekend Second Hand Uniform Sale
Concert next Monday
Saturday 30th January Year 11 At Home
Don’t forget to come to the Christmas Concert
Wednesday 3rd February Year 9 Options Evening
next Monday at 7.00pm in the Great Hall!
Monday 8th February Life Skills Evening
School’s choirs, orchestras, ensemble groups
Free Admission and performances from the and soloists!
Tuesday 9th—Thursday 11th February The Wizard of Oz—KS3 Performance Friday 12th February Year 9 At Home Saturday 13th—Sunday 21st February HALF TERM
INFORMATION Emails Sent this week If you have not received any of the emails listed below, please contact Pippa Hopkins Year 9
GCSE Options Information
Whole School
Second Hand Uniform Information
Whole School
Reminder about Christmas Concert 7th December
Year 12
Information about EPQ
Whole School
Advice regarding School trips
Iceland 2017 Participants
Reminder regarding next payment
Parent Portal queries & updating contact details To advise us of any changes to your contact details, change of boarding status etc., please contact . This is a group email address and your communication will be sent to all the relevant parties within the School. If you have any other questions relating to the Parent Portal, please contact our Data Systems Manager Mrs Bulow on
Message from the Chaplain regarding Confirmation Classes The Christian rite of Confirmation is a service that welcomes a person into the Christian Church - and specifically in this case into the Church of England. It is often used when a person who was baptised as a baby chooses to make promises for themselves and confirms the promises that mum and dad made for them. The Bishop of St Albans is coming to School on 20th March to take a Confirmation Service, and I am writing to explain that Senior School girls are old enough to decide to be confirmed if that's what they would like. I will prepare any girls who do want to be confirmed between our return to School in January and March. Clearly this will not apply to you if you follow another religious path; it probably won't apply if you regularly attend a church because it may be more appropriate for your daughter to be confirmed there. However if you and your daughter have enough interest but are maybe not so regular at a church I would be pleased to prepare your daughter for Confirmation here; if she is not baptised then that can be done at the same time as the Confirmation. Indeed if any of this applies to you as an adult then we could discuss that possibility as well. Please let me know if you are interested in this for your daughter by emailing me at And if you'd like to talk to me about any of this to get more clarity then email and I'll be pleased to discuss the matter. Rev'd John Quill School Chaplain
Carol Service, All Hallows by the Tower, 8th December RMS has been asked to provide the choir for the Carol Service of the Worshipful Company of Bakers and the Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames.—those girls who have been asked to take part have already been informed The carol service is at All Hallows-by-the-Tower, a beautiful church by the Tower of London at 6.00pm on Tuesday 8th December. Parents and friends are very welcome to join us at the church for the service if they wish.
SCHOOL NEWS Community Arts It has been a busy few weeks for the Community Arts Choir, visiting local residential homes to sing for the residents. Thank you to those who took part—we know that the audiences are very appreciative. Pictured here is the Lunch Bunch singing at the Watford Blind Centre and the Sunrise Residential Home in Chorleywood
STOP PRESS! Congratulations to Amelia in Year 8 who, with her team, has just been crowned EUROPEAN CHAMPION in the European TeamGym Championships in Gran Canaria. More information to follow, but in the meantime HUGE congratulations to Amelia...
SPORTS NEWS HOCKEY Year 9 vs Sir John Laws School RMS won 3-0. MVP Ella G
FORMS NEWS Christmas Fair We would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the parents that supported the Christmas Fair last weekend. The feedback has been phenomenal. We could not do this huge fundraiser without the help of so many parents that helped us throughout the event - from setting up to running stalls and clearing up after everyone else had left. Thank you, Thank you , Thank you. Once we know the final amount made, we will let you know. The FORMS Committee
FORMS NEWS Fundraising Ideas: FORMS is pleased to introduce our ‘Gift Wrap Fundraiser’ via Northbrook Fundraising for all your Christmas and Gift requirements. Our school will receive 22% of the value of your purchase back for every item sold. Orders can be placed on . Simply select “Royal Masonic School for Girls” in the drop down box. Northbrook currently have a BOGOF offer for anyone who want to order their Christmas wrapping paper/ribbons etc.
Other dates for your diary Quiz Night – Saturday 5th March
Second Hand Uniform From next week onwards, the School’s Second Hand Uniform room (in its new home, next door to Ruspini House) will be now open every Friday (8.00-9.00am except for exeat weekends where we will open 3.00-4.00pm to accommodate boarding parents) Forthcoming dates are as follows: DATE
School Note
11/12/2015 08/01/2016 15/01/2016 22/01/2016 29/01/2016 05/02/2016
Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday
3.00-4.00pm 8.00-9.00am 8.00-9.00am 8.00-9.00am 3.00-4.00pm 8.00-9.00am
If you have any queries about Second Hand Uniform, please email
Facebook and Twitter Don’t forget to ‘like’ our Facebook page to find out details about our events and news from the community. You can find us at