Rms digital prospectus 2016 2017 updated may 17

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School Prospectus


Mission Statement


Mission statement


Why Choose RMS?


Ruspini House Pre School (boys & girls age 2-4)


Cadogan House Pre Prep and and Prep (age 4-11)


Senior School (age 11-16)

10-11 The Curriculum 12-13 Hind House (Sixth Form) (age 16-18) 14-15 Sport for all

Education at RMS is founded on core moral values that encourage pupils to be compassionate and tolerant; to do their personal best; to grow in integrity and responsibility and so ultimately to approach adulthood with interpersonal skills that reflect both empathy and selfconfidence.

16-17 The Arts 18-19 Enrichment 20-21 Beyond the Classroom 22-23 Pastoral Care 24-25 Other aspects of School life

RMS aiMS to:

26-27 Boarding 28

Moving on from RMS


2016 Examination Results

a) provide an enjoyable, stimulating and diverse educational experience, enriched by a wideranging extra curriculum

30-31 The next Chapter – Destination of Leavers 32

Essentials – How to find us


More Essentials

34-37 Your next Step – Admissions 38-39 Fees & Charges 2016/17

RMS strives to enable each and every pupil, regardless of background, to develop to the full their academic, personal and creative potential. RMS offers a nurturing, inclusive and supportive environment where each child is esteemed as an individual, capable of success.

b) provide the highest quality teaching and pastoral support c) provide a culture that is both happy and inspirational; that celebrates personal success and continues to value courtesy, dignity and kindness d) provide for the well-being, health and safety of all who attend and work here e) provide opportunities to develop spiritual awareness and an understanding of the importance of active personal contributions in solving the problems of a diverse and challenging world



School Prospectus 2016/17

Why Choose RMS?

there are many reasons why families choose RMS over other schools in the area. the school is dedicated to the education of girls between the ages of 2 and 18 years, and boys between the ages of 2 and 4. We welcome a broad range of children, from girls who thrive on academic study to those who love sport; from confident dancers and actresses to gifted painters, designers and engineers. Our curriculum is exceptionally broad and our ethos is highly inclusive; no girl is ever asked to leave for academic reasons. RMS is a school which values social and emotional intelligence as highly as academic intelligence. We pride ourselves on encouraging girls to excel at all that they do, but we do so through nurture and encouragement, rather than relentless pressure. Girls have the opportunity to challenge themselves, to realise their strengths, overcome their weaknesses and find their passion during these important years of discovery and development. It is our responsibility to educate the female role models of the future and our Sixth Formers demonstrate our success. They contribute to the team and take the lead; they learn compassion and respect for others; they learn resilience and reflectiveness and above all, they believe in themselves and their future. Not only will your daughter enjoy her education and thrive here at RMS, she will do so within 200 acres of beautiful parkland where nature, fresh air, grass and trees surround our exceptional buildings and facilities. From well equipped classrooms to a spectacular sports centre; from our science building to lathes and extensive equipment in the DT rooms; from organ recitals in the chapel to the planetarium and observatory; our buildings, space and teaching provision are there to provide your daughter, and our staff, with an inspiring environment in which to study and teach.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Ruspini House Pre School (boys & girls, aged 2 to 4)

Housed in totally refurbished, modern and bespoke facilities and sharing the stunning grounds of RMS, Ruspini House welcomes boys and girls from 2 to 4 years. the youngest RMS pupils settle quickly into the stimulating, happy and supportive environment, where all children are encouraged to reach their full potential through a healthy balance of learning and play. For working parents, we can offer a wrap around service from 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m. 50 weeks a year. We offer a morning or afternoon session, a pre-school day from 8.45 a.m. – 4.00 p.m., a full day from 8.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m, early and late clubs term time (38 weeks) and holiday camps (12 weeks); you can mix and match to suit your needs. We recommend a minimum of three sessions per week at the age of two, five sessions at the age of three, gradually increasing to ten sessions in preparation for the move to Reception. During their day with us, your son/daughter will benefit from our superb facilities and a rich and varied educational experience. French, Spanish, tennis, ICT and music lessons are optional and will be an additional cost. tRaNSitioN FRoM PRE-SCHooL to SCHooL We will ensure that all the children are informed about moving to Reception through stories, pictures and circle time. We will also encourage teachers from the children's future schools to visit them in the Pre-School environment. We will make sure that Learning Journals are passed to the child’s relevant school and will prepare any reports necessary to help the children’s transition.

For girls staying at RMS, we ensure that the move from Ruspini House to Cadogan House is as seamless as possible by allowing them to get to know Cadogan House and its teachers. This may be done in a number of ways, for example:Encouraging the Ruspini House children, accompanied by their teachers, to visit the Reception classes enjoying topic based, child initiated and adult led activities. The girls quickly become accustomed to their new environment and teachers get to know them. Sharing activities such as theatre workshops and special events - last year Reception were invited to see the chicks hatch at Ruspini House! Equally, Ruspini girls are invited to appropriate events at Cadogan House. Parents of Ruspini House children are welcomed and encouraged to participate in wider school events. The Reception class teachers visit Ruspini House on a weekly basis to observe the girls’ progress and attainment in their own environment. During the Trinity term, just prior to the move to Reception, the Reception teachers spend more time with the girls and work with the Ruspini House staff to ensure as smooth a transition as possible. For further information about joining Ruspini House, please click here

“Staff at Ruspini House go above and beyond their roles, providing children with a safe secure environment allowing them to flourish into well mannered, happy and confident beings.” Ruspini House parent 4

School Prospectus 2016/17

We are a small, friendly, caring community within the larger RMS family, guided by the same inclusive and nurturing ethos.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Cadogan House Pre Prep & Prep (age 4 to 11)

When you visit Cadogan House, you will enter a warm and vibrant environment which buzzes with the sound of happy, enthusiastic and motivated young learners. Girls benefit from a broad curriculum, recognised as “excellent” in our last ISI Inspection, with outstanding teaching and learning in all subject areas. Each girl is challenged to achieve her best; we nurture each girl as an individual with limitless potential. This is not measured simply in terms of academic results, but in human terms. We have an extensive extra-curricular programme enabling girls to become well rounded, independent young people, by developing their interests and talents. The extensive grounds offer opportunities for learning beyond the classroom. We have Forest School status, giving pupils experiences which complement traditional classroom learning, whilst building self-esteem, confidence and well-being. The outstanding facilities in our sports complex enable girls to participate and succeed in a wide range of sporting activities. Cadogan House girls are happy, modestly confident, well rounded and interesting young people who are compassionate and understanding of the needs of others and of the world around them. The Pre-Prep Department consists of three year groups; Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. There are parallel classes in each year. English and mathematics, as individual subject areas, are taught each day while other areas of the curriculum are covered through topic work. P.E. including swimming, gym, games and dance, computing, Spanish and music lessons are taught by specialist members of staff.

There are two parallel classes in Years 3 to 6. Currently all girls in the Preparatory Department study English, mathematics, science, art, DT, French, geography, history, computing, music, PE, Lifeskills and religious studies. Physical education, French and computing are taught by specialist members of staff. Class teachers in Years 3 and 4 have a substantial teaching commitment with their own class. In Years 5 and 6 subject specialists teach a greater proportion of the lessons. Girls in Years 5 and 6 are set in mathematics. Assessment is on-going, with end of topic and end of year tests in the core and other written subjects. The attainment of each girl is monitored closely to ensure that they are all making the progress of which they are capable. We offer a broad and extended curriculum combining traditional values and teaching methods with modern technology and innovation. As the girls progress through the Preparatory Department they are taught increasingly by specialist teachers, often familiar form staff who are able to use their particular knowledge and expertise to enhance the learning experience. Computing, music and PE are “whole school” departments and this provides continuity and a sense of security as the girls move into the Senior School. During these years we aim to offer pupils the broadest possible spectrum of experience and learning opportunities. For further information about joining Cadogan House please click here

“An enviably spacious facility, nestling in its own lush grounds, Cadogan House mirrors the grandeur of its big sister but maintains a safe and nurturing vibe” Good Schools Guide 6

School Prospectus 2016/17

“A school within a school� that shares the same ethos as the Senior Department and is accommodated in a superb building. We are the Preparatory Department of The Royal Masonic School for Girls.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Senior School (age 11 to 16)

at RMS we believe that creating a happy, positive environment for girls to develop and strive to reach their potential is essential. academic expectations are high, but so too is the emphasis we place on personal achievement and enjoyment. The girls learn how to learn, so that they can face the future with “greater confidence and capability in the face of real world uncertainty”. This includes the promotion of a “can do” approach to taking risks and persevering even in the most difficult tasks. Thinking Skills are introduced in Year 7, together with a range of learning and revision strategies such as mind maps. In addition, every four weeks, all Year 7 have a lesson in the Resource Centre for learning information, literacy skills and use of the library. Most importantly they are equipped with the skills and verbal tools to enable them to think about themselves as learners and the 4Rs (Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflectiveness and Reciprocity) are integrated and encouraged throughout school life.

At RMS, lifelong learning is not only for the girls, but also for the staff. The most recent inspection described the quality of teaching as ‘excellent, and ... highly effective in promoting pupils’ progress’. Nevertheless, we believe that improvement is always possible and teaching staff are given opportunities to refresh and develop their practice. Professional development is provided through an ongoing programme of workshops and internal training, while our association with the Herts & Bucks Teaching Schools Alliance enables staff to access the latest thinking in education and pedagogics and to apply this in their teaching. Projects that staff are undertaking include tracking the resilience of girls as they move from Key Stage 2 into Key Stage 3. We have a whole-school focus at present on formative assessment, the most effective means of ensuring progress in learning. One teacher is working with Year 9 teachers on enhancing girls' learning through GRIT – Guided Reflection Improvement Time, providing regular time in lessons for girls to act on feedback given to them in marked work. A Teacher Learning Community, consisting of experienced staff and subject heads, meet regularly to reflect on and further develop their own practice of formative assessment. For further information about joining the Senior School, please click here

“Our daughter has developed great determination as well as huge pride in achieving good marks against the odds and I know we have RMS to thank for this” Year 11 parent 8

School Prospectus 2016/17

Throughout RMS Senior School, girls will have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge by studying a wide range of subjects, whilst also developing skills and interests in many extra-curricular activities.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Curriculum Overview (age 11 to 16)

YEaRS 7 to 9 (aGES 11 to 14) Year groups are divided into four or five forms with 20-22 girls in each. Year 7, girls are taught in forms initially, but are set for Mathematics and French. In Year 8, girls are placed in two broad bands for English and are set for French and Mathematics. From Year 9 girls are set for English, French/Spanish, Mathematics and Science. In Year 7 girls currently study English, Mathematics, Science, French or Spanish, Latin, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Computer Science, Physical Education, Art and Textiles, and experience Music, Dance, Drama, Food & Nutrition and Design Technology. In Year 8 there is a choice of languages. All girls continue with either French or Spanish and they may also choose to continue with Latin or add Spanish, German or Mandarin. Girls who do not take a second language will follow an individual learning programme.

YEaRS 10 aND 11 (aGES 15 to 16) Girls take from nine to twelve GCSEs including the compulsory core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, a Modern Foreign Language and Double Award or Triple Science. In addition girls usually choose three options from Art, Business and Communications, Business Studies, Child Development, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Drama, Food and Nutrition, French, Geography, German, History, Latin, Mandarin, Music, Performing Arts (Dual Award), Physical Education, Religious Studies, Spanish and Textiles. Every effort is made to keep these choices as open as possible and girls receive plenty of advice. Parents are consulted and a Handbook details course content so that parents are well informed. Very small numbers may preclude a subject from running. Girls choose their options freely and then subjects are divided into blocks.

A programme of Life Skills (previously PSHCE) runs throughout Years 7 to 9.

“RMS has a clear point of difference in that it has an ethos which is lived and believed in - a philosophy based on nurturing and building on a student's natural talents� parent 10

School Prospectus 2016/17

At RMS we strive to cultivate in our girls the skills of reflective and responsible learners.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Hind House Sixth Form (age 16 to 18)

Whether you are new to RMS or not, Hind House represents a whole new experience; you will be taught in a dedicated Sixth Form Centre, and your teachers will come to you; class sizes are small, and you will be taught in a seminar style, which will prepare you well for university; and your position at the top of the School will bring with it numerous opportunities for leadership and responsibility. Hind House provides a welcoming hub for Sixth Form life and many girls choose to join at this stage each year. Whether you have come up from the Senior School and maybe even Cadogan House before that, or you join us new into Year 12 from another school, your contribution to RMS life and the School community will be valued and important. Academically, the RMS Sixth Form is attractive because it offers great choice. 32 subjects are on offer for study in the Sixth Form, including traditional academic disciplines alongside creative ones such as Textiles and Photography, as well as Applied A Levels in Business and Health and Social Care. Small group teaching, personal tutoring and excellent results pave the way for future success. 99% of our girls go on to university, many of them Russell Group; and over 90% gain a place at their institution of first choice. Our results represent exceptionally high value added scores, indicating outstanding progress made by pupils and our Sixth Form was rated “excellent” at our most recent inspection.

We will help you to be prepared for your transition to higher education - we will give you excellent careers guidance and Ms Weatherston, our Head of Sixth Form, and her tutor team will carefully manage the UCAS application process to ensure that your next move is a successful one. Mock interviews are arranged, and there are plenty of opportunities for relevant work experience, and we know that our girls go on to succeed highly in the world of work, gaining places on the most competitive graduate schemes. Above all, we want our Sixth Formers to fulfil their dreams, succeed and be happy. We believe that this is most likely within a traditional Sixth Form with high expectations regarding appearance, attendance and punctuality, combined with a more informal, seminar style approach to teaching that prepares students so effectively for university. We know that RMS girls go on to be successful undergraduates because they have been so well trained at school; they continue to add exceptional value to themselves! Click here for thoughts from our current and former Sixth Formers and here for more information about joining the Sixth form.

“Sixth Form at RMS doesn't just provide us with great academic support from a network of teachers, but allows us to develop in other areas, with fantastic socials and a very large variety of extracurricular opportunities” Year 13 pupil 12

School Prospectus 2016/17

An inclusive and vibrant community where each girl is challenged to fulfil her unique potential. The Sixth Form is comprehensive and all RMS girls have right of transfer from the Senior School.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Sport for all

Sport is an important feature of life at RMS and we promote both excellence in sport and sport for all. our indoor facilities are superb and complement the wealth of outdoor provision which now includes our stunning all Weather Pitch which was officially opened in July 2015. Traditional sports including netball, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, tennis, rounders and athletics are taught throughout as well as volleyball, basketball, squash, football, rugby and sports leadership. Senior girls may also opt for more recreational activities such as salsa or streetdance. Girls are encouraged to take part in leadership and coaching activities and links with many external sports clubs provide them with opportunities to pursue their interests, such as golf. Physical Education is offered at both GCSE and AS/A2 Level.

Throughout the year regular fixtures are arranged against numerous schools in all major sports, with girls competing in friendly, district and county leagues. As well as competitive team training, recreational clubs are provided in a range of sports accessible to all. Expert coaching in a number of sports is offered to the girls as part of the extensive extra-curricular sports programme and many girls pursue awards and qualifications in these sports, such as squash, badminton, kickboxing and taekwondo. For further information on our facilities, please click here

“Gymnastics, trampolining, dance et al take place in a jawdropping double sports hall that would give most public sports centres a run for their money� Good Schools Guide 14

School Prospectus 2016/17

The School took part in 496 competitive sporting fixtures in the last academic year, including all of our teams in all tournaments and competitions

School Prospectus 2016/17


Performing Arts

We are proud of our strong musical tradition; the enthusiasm for singing at RMS is reflected in the five different choirs available to the girls. Our senior singers and instrumentalists have undertaken international tours and a number of our musicians have succeeded in gaining scholarships at the prestigious Royal Academy Junior Department, as well as being selected for the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain. We provide a range of ensembles to suit all instrumental musicians, from rock bands to string quartets, and we give girls the chance to compose and explore sound-recording with Music Technology.

Many theatre trips are organised through the year and we participate in joint drama and musical productions with a number of local boys’ schools. Recent productions range from Sunset Boulevard and Oh! What a Lovely War to Kindertransport and The Demon Headmaster. RMS girls also have the opportunity to perform in and produce shows annually at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and girls take part in productions with the National Youth Theatre. Individual instrumental and vocal tuition is available for both beginners and experienced musicians, and extracurricular Speech and Drama lessons are available for girls wishing to undertake LAMDA examinations.

In addition to the full programme of large-scale concerts and productions we stage each year, all girls have the opportunity to take part in performing arts clubs and to perform in both formal and informal settings, from lunchtime concerts in the New Mark Hall to invited performances at the Royal Albert and Festival Halls. Our annual dance show is a highlight of the Performing Arts calendar.

“A school where girls can be girls, and sing, act and run their way to well-roundedness in a safe and nurturing environment� Good Schools Guide 16

School Prospectus 2016/17

All girls in Years 7-9 study Music, Dance and Drama on a Performing Arts carousel and they display their skills and talent in an annual Lower School Production.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Visual Arts, IT, Enrichment and Assisted Learning

ViSUaL  aRtS We endeavour to showcase all girls’ talents and achievements by regularly displaying their work. The artistic year for the GCSE and A-Level pupils culminates in a highly enjoyable exhibition in the School Sports Centre while the Key Stage 3 girls regularly enjoy seeing their Art and Textiles displayed in the corridors or as Artwork of the Month. All girls study Art and Textiles as part of a rotation in Years 7 to 9, and more than half the year group regularly goes on to take one of these subjects for GCSE. At all levels girls benefit greatly from small classes as this enables teachers to work individually with students, helping them to achieve their potential. There are scholarships available at 11+ and 16+ for girls who are particularly talented, an Enrichment programme for those who are able and interested, House competitions and clubs for day girls and boarders at lunchtimes and after school. Friends and family of RMS also have the chance to expand their creativity at our Art & Community workshops that are held throughout the year. To view our recent Art and Textiles Exhibition click here DiGitaL  LEaRNiNG Our provision for digital learning is outstanding and we have impressive suites of rooms which give all pupils easy access to Information Technology. Digital learning is integrated within the curriculum and all girls also learn keyboarding skills. All girls have their own passwordprotected personal directory to store their work and are able to access their own personal school files and email account from school and home. There are over 400 computers and the use of projectors and interactive whiteboards is standard in lessons. Digital learning and the use of IT is a rapidly developing area of educational provision and we are constantly striving to upgrade our facilities and to remain at the forefront in integrating IT efficiently into the girls’ learning; all girls from Year 6 to 10 are required to bring an iPad to School. 18

The digital learning environment is protected by appropriate filtering and anti-virus software and pupils are taught to be responsible users. Issues such as cyber bullying are taken very seriously but equally we recognise the positive potential of information technology and girls are taught to develop their skills of presentation, research and data analysis using the latest software. ENRiCHMENt All departments work to ensure that the most able girls are stretched and challenged both within and beyond the curriculum. Extension and enrichment opportunities allow able and interested pupils to fulfil their potential in all areas, both within the classroom and beyond. Girls are encouraged to enter national competitions and to display their exceptional talents, ranging from playwriting to engineering. Public examination programmes are tailored to offer greater flexibility to the most able, for example, in the Sixth Form where suitable girls may pursue the Extended Project Qualification. Able girls are encouraged to pursue YASS courses via the OU. Discussion forums, debating and themed study days all promote independent thought and challenge. aSSiStED  LEaRNiNG  SUPPoRt  & EaL PRoViSioN A qualified Learning Support Co-ordinator leads a team of specialists who offer individual and group lessons to girls who require learning support. All girls are screened to detect literacy difficulties and parents are kept closely informed. Appropriate accommodation is made for girls to use a laptop in class and all staff work to ensure that girls with Specific Learning Difficulties fulfil their potential. For girls with English as an Additional Language, specialist teaching is available in school. Girls are prepared for external qualifications, such as IELTS, as appropriate. All costs for this provision are detailed in the Fees section. For more information about Assisted Learning Support and English as an Additional Language click here

School Prospectus 2016/17

Take a walk around the School and you can see how valued and creative our artists and designers are.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Beyond the Classroom

EXtRa-CURRiCULaR CLUBS  & SoCiEtiES During her time at RMS, your daughter will have the opportunity not only to hone existing skills, but also to explore new experiences, take on new challenges, and discover new talents. An RMS education extends far beyond the confines of the classroom, and your daughter will be offered an array of options to complement her studies. Opportunties for leadership and learning, mental and physical challenges, all operate alongside the more traditional extra-curricular activities within the fields of sport and the Arts. From Debating to the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Astronomy to Aerobics and Taekwondo to Minecraft, there is truly something for everyone, and everyone gets involved – and if there isn’t a club that whets her appetite, your daughter will be encouraged and supported to set up her own.

The current list of extra-curricular activities is as follows: Aerobics / Anatomy Club / Army Cadets / Art / Astronomy / Athletics / Badminton / Basketball / Book Clubs / Chapel Choir / Chess / Chinese / Chinese Dancing / Choro / Classics Club / Community Service / Computer Programming / Critical Thinking / Debating / Design Technology / Digital Leaders / Drama / Duke of Edinburgh / Environmental Conservation Club / Film Club / Fencing / Forum / Fusion Dance / Gardening / Guides / Gymnastics / History Film Club / Kick-boxing / Maths Puzzles Club / Minecraft / Model United Nations / Modern Foreign Language / Philosophy Club / Photography / Podcasting Club / Public Speaking / Rock Band / Rounders / RMS Voices / Running / Science Club / Senior Choir / Squash / String Orchestra / Swimming / Taekwondo / Textiles / Trampoline / Volleyball / Wind Band / Young Enterprise.

“An excellent school, it feels like one big family” Parent 20

School Prospectus 2016/17

The current choice of extra-curricular activities stands at over 50!

School Prospectus 2016/17


Pastoral Care

Each RMS girl is cared for as an individual and in the Senior Department teams of form tutors are led by a Head of Year who co-ordinates pastoral care. In Cadogan House the class teacher oversees the wellbeing of the girls. Sixth Form Prefects are attached to form groups and to Cadogan House, and provide additional support. Sixth Formers are also trained as Peer Mentors and Year 9 girls act as Big Sisters for girls in Year 7. The House system further promotes community spirit between year groups and fosters competition in a spirit of fun. A qualified counsellor spends one day a week at RMS and girls can make confidential appointments with her.

RMS has a long and distinguished reputation with regard to pastoral care. We know and value each and every one of our pupils, and fostering their happiness and well being is our highest priority. We seek to cultivate the girls’ self esteem and self-confidence, but also to imbue within them an awareness of the wider community. Charity fundraising and voluntary service feature strongly, and we hope that our girls learn to appreciate what they as individuals can do for others, at home and abroad.

“The setting successfully provides a stimulating, happy and caring environment were all children are encouraged to reach their full potential” ISI Report 22

School Prospectus 2016/17

Like you, we want your daughter to achieve her very best at RMS, but most importantly, we want her to be happy.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Other aspects of School Life

CaREERS  EDUCatioN Careers education is of great importance and girls are clearly guided before making option choices. Careers profiling is offered if parents wish to take up this service and girls in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to engage in work experience. A biennial careers convention takes place where there is representation from a wide range of professions and occupations. Sixth Formers receive much personal advice regarding university choices and we promote attendance at open days and higher education conferences. LiFE  SKiLLS Life Skills are an essential part of the RMS experience. There is a greater emphasis than ever before on the School’s responsibility to promote the personal and social development of girls and a recognition of the link between this and academic achievement. The aims of the Life Skills programme are to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, emotional and physical development of the girls enabling them to become well-informed and active members of society. Girls develop, learn and explore their own values and beliefs, display a strong moral code and make responsible and reasoned judgements on moral, health and ethical issues. They have the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which will allow them to form positive relationships and show respect for diverse cultural traditions. Provision is coordinated through cross-curricular links with other subjects and additional curriculum experiences are provided by involvement in Life Skills days, assemblies, community projects and School Council. Girls study topics such as Personal Management; Emotional Health and Well Being; Healthy Living; Drugs Education; Personal Safety; Sex and Relationships Education and Social Awareness; Internet Safety.

aSSEMBLiES Assembly brings together the school community. Girls in Cadogan House enjoy their own assemblies and also join with Senior School on a regular basis. The whole school and wider community join in with our ‘Celebration’ assemblies each term. The Chaplain leads one of the weekly school assemblies and we aim to make the spirit and moral messages of these occasions meaningful to all girls, of whatever faith; representatives from other faith communities are welcome guests at assembly. Sunday evening services celebrate seasonal festivals and Remembrance Sunday is marked by a traditional service that fills Chapel. Girls who choose to be confirmed in Chapel are prepared by the School Chaplain for Confirmation by the Bishop of Hertford. MEDiCaL  CENtRE RMS has an exceptionally well-equipped and welcoming Health Centre staffed by three RGN Nursing Sisters. The School Doctor holds a weekly surgery for boarders who also benefit from the services of an optician and dentist. The Health Centre staff are actively involved in Health Education. StaNDaRDS  oF  BEHaVioUR Standards of behaviour at RMS are very high. We expect the best of RMS girls and we attach great importance to courtesy and good manners. Girls are expected to show respect for the privileged and beautiful environment in which they live and work. We recognise and reward behaviour which explicitly and overtly reflects the values for which RMS stands. The School Rules and Code of Behaviour can be read here. Positive rewards reinforce these high standards; negative sanctions are rarely required.

Regular Life Skills evenings are also offered for parents based upon ‘hot’ topics affecting young people today. RMS has Healthy Schools status.


School Prospectus 2016/17

Founded by Chevalier Ruspini in 1788, the School's original purpose was to educate the daughters of Freemasons who were unable to support their families through death, illness or disability. CatERiNG The standard of food at RMS is outstanding and there is plenty of choice. We adhere to Healthy Eating Standards and encourage girls to eat well. Girls in Cadogan House take lunch in the dining room under a family seating system, enjoying the full range of the excellent menu in the self-service cafeteria. We listen to girls’ views concerning food and we know that the quality of catering is much appreciated. Themed meals are offered to celebrate festivals such as Chinese New Year and Diwali and we attempt to accommodate health-related dietary needs. PaRENtaL  iNVoLVEMENt Parents of girls in Cadogan House are valuable helpers on educational visits, though they may not accompany their daughter’s year group. We welcome visits to the classroom when parents are able to share knowledge and expertise on topics related to the curriculum. All classes have a Form Parent who arranges social activities and meets termly with the Head of Cadogan House to discuss matters of general interest. In the Senior Department parents receive interim reports and a full written report each year and there is an annual ‘At Home’ for each year group. Girls’ progress and wellbeing are closely monitored and Form Tutors, Heads of Year and Housemistresses will make prompt contact with parents should the need arise. We also hope that parents will not hesitate to phone if there is a concern. A lively website and parent and pupil portal facilitate online communication. Parents are welcome to attend concerts, plays, sports matches and seasonal celebrations. FoRMS Friends of the Royal Masonic School (FORMS) is a thriving and successful Parents’ Association. Many enjoyable and well-attended social events take place throughout the year and new parents are warmly welcomed.

School Prospectus 2016/17



FLEXiBiLitY Boarding at RMS is flexible, fun and supportive. Full, weekly and flexi boarders thrive in three boarding houses where girls are allocated by year group. The school offers flexi, weekly and full boarding to girls aged 8-18, from Britain and overseas. Many day girls opt into boarding at some point during their time at RMS and families hugely appreciate this flexibility. BoaRDiNG  LiFE Each House is well appointed and staffed by an experienced team of resident staff who foster a homely and supportive community where girls settle quickly. Large, cold dorms are a thing of the past, and girls enjoy ample personal space and bright and inviting common rooms. Day girls have their own house – Devonshire – and some day girls regularly stay for supper and prep or overnight, subject to availability. Boarding life is active, structured and caring: girls learn independence and a sense of responsibility for others. Boarders have plenty of input into their routine and we try to be as responsive as possible to their feedback via House meetings and Boarders’ Council. Overseas boarders, from a wide range of countries, are made very welcome and are fully integrated; all overseas boarders are required to have a guardian in the UK. FLEXiBLE  BoaRDiNG – tHE  BESt  oF  BotH  WoRLDS? Boarding no longer means absence from family for weeks on end – it is highly flexible, and can be for one, two or three nights of the week. It is the modern response to parents’ desire to give their children the best all round school experience, whilst still spending quality time with them. Flexible boarding offers: – a practical solution to fit in with extracurricular activities – a constructive work/life balance during the week


– happy, relaxed weekends at home – a positive and friendly environment in which to make lifelong friendships – a perfect solution for busy working parents – reduced travel time and traffic jams during the week tEStiMoNiaL – MY  FiRSt  WEEK  aS  a  BoaRDER Initially I was apprehensive, but at the same time incredibly excited about the prospect of making friends with people from all over the country, as well as from overseas. The first day was strange... nerveracking and exciting. I had a ‘buddy’ assigned to me, and several years later, she is still my closest friend. What I enjoyed most was the feeling of inclusion. There was something for everyone, and everyone was made welcome. I know that I have formed friendships that will be with me for life. Sometimes people think it must be hard for boarders to watch day girls going home each day, but I think it is the other way round, and the day girls wish they could be boarding with us! tHE  EXPERiENCE As girls grow, the boarding experience equips them exceptionally well for university and they make deep and lasting friendships, forged during midnight feasts and pillow fights. Malory Towers may not have featured Facebook and Skype, but boarding at RMS recognises that for all their technological sophistication, children are still children and the longer we can protect their childhood by offering them a safe and nurturing environment where social activity with other children prevails over online substitutes, the better. All houses have internet access and girls may bring in a laptop or tablet of their own. Staff supervise homework sessions for younger boarders and girls from Year 10 and above study in their own rooms and the House is quiet during these times.

School Prospectus 2016/17

…flexible, fun and supportive “The boarding house staff are second to none and do an amazing job supporting, guiding and caring for the girls” Parent of a Boarder

aCtiVitiES Boarders benefit from a full and varied programme of after-school and weekend activities, ranging from museum visits to jewellery making. Our proximity to London allows the boarding community to take full advantage of the cultural life of the capital and girls suggest outings that appeal to different age groups. Rickmansworth town centre is a short, safe walk from school and this encourages girls to feel part of the local community. Sixth Form boarders experience an excellent balance between freedom and supervision that prepares them well for adulthood. PRoViSioN Boarding provision was rated outstanding by inspectors in 2011, and we are particularly proud of the standard of pastoral and medical care that girls receive, to say nothing of the excellent food. Special diets are catered for

and a Food Council gives girls the chance to have their say about meals. Our medical centre is exceptionally well equipped and staffed by fully qualified nurses, one of whom is always on call overnight and at weekends. A local GP holds a weekly surgery and a counsellor visits one day a week. aN  oPtioN? You may never have considered boarding as an option, but we believe that boarding at RMS can positively influence family life. We would encourage parents to see it as an ideal way to banish a little of the stress that modern parents sometimes feel in the daily battle to strike a work-life balance that incorporates giving their girls an active and happy childhood and adolescence. For more information about boarding at RMS, please click here

School Prospectus 2016/17


Moving on from RMS

The Leavers’ Supper, held before the girls go on study leave, marks the end of an era. It is a time to reflect on happy school years and contemplate the prospect of new beginnings. Ahead are examinations, results and


university, but on this last special occasion – as one year group – Year 13 Leavers dress up in their finery and kick off their school shoes, to celebrate with their parents, friends and staff, and to say thank you and farewell.

School Prospectus 2016/17

Examination Results Since 2001, the percentage of RMS students to have passed all A level and GCSE exams, taken in every subject, is 100. That’s every student, every exam taken, since 2001.


A Levels (2015) % pass rate at A* to A  grade

A Levels (2015) % pass rate at A* to B  grade

GCSEs (2015) % pass rate at A* to A  grade

GCSEs (2015) % pass rate at A* to B  grade


42.9 25.9 73.3 52.8 60.3




School Prospectus 2016/17


The next Chapter… This Autumn, in excess of 60 courses will be studied by this year’s RMS leavers, at over 60 different universities. Now that’s diversity.

Political Science, Marketing, Pharmacy, Psychology, Performing Arts, International Development, Geography, Graphic Design, Mathematics and Computer Science, International Business, English Language and Linguistics, natural Sciences, Philosophy and Mathematics, English with Creative Writing, Music, Film/Television and Digital Production, Fashion and Textiles, Primary Education, Architecture, Business, Accounting and Finance, English and Film Studies, Creative Music Technology, Physics, Chiropractice, Textiles, Communication and Media, American Studies, Human Biology, Environmental Sciences, Business and Management, Theatre Lighting Design, Art and Design, Ancient History and Classical Archaeology, Management, Television and Broadcasting, Modern Languages and Business Management, International Relations, Chemistry, Economics, Musical Theatre, Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, nutrition and Food Science, Social Sciences, Ancient History, Philosophy and Psychology, Chemistry and Mathematics, Theatre Design, English, Liberal Arts, Education, History of Art, Physiotherapy, Law and Spanish, History, nursing, Sports Science, Biological Sciences, International Event Management, French and History of Art, Environmental Earth Sciences, Chinese, Motorsport Engineering, Marketing Communications, Evolutionary Anthropology.


School Prospectus 2016/17

‌destination of Leavers

Anglo European College of Chiropractic (1)

Liverpool (3)

Bath (3)

Loughborough (7)

Bath Spa (1)

Manchester (1)

Birmingham (5)

Newcastle (2)

Bournemouth (2)

Nottingham (3)

Brighton (3)

Nottingham Trent (4)

Bristol (2)

Oxford (2)

British Columbia, Vancouver (1)

Oxford Brookes (2)

Canterbury (1)

Portsmouth (2)

Cardiff (1)

Reading (1)

Central School of Speech and Drama (1)

Royal Holloway (2)

Coventry (1)

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (1)

Durham (2)

Southampton (3)

East Anglia (1)

St Andrews (3)

Edinburgh (5)

Sussex (2)

Exeter (2)

Swansea (2)

Exeter (Malaysia Campus) (1)

UCL (1)

Glasgow (1)

Warwick (1)

Heriot-Watt (1)

Winchester (3)

Leeds (6) Leeds College of Art (1)

School Prospectus 2016/17


Essentials – How to find us

BY RoaD RMS is situated approximately half a mile from Junction 18 of the M25. Take the A404 (Chorleywood Road) towards Rickmansworth. The main school gates are on the left just under a quarter of a mile past the sign to Loudwater and immediately after the pedestrian crossing.

BY aiR Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton and Stansted Airports are all within easy reach by road. Transport for boarders, at the beginnings and ends of term or for other specific purposes during term time, can always be arranged through the Bursar’s PA.

BY RaiL Rickmansworth Station is a 10 minute walk from RMS and is on the Metropolitan and Chiltern Lines. There is a frequent Underground train service from London (Baker Street) and overground from London (Marylebone). The journey takes approximately 30 minutes.

BY CoaCH Our coach routes are under constant review and every effort is made to accommodate parents’ requests. All coaches are timed to reach RMS by 8.15 am. The coaches leave school by 4.15 pm. Details about costs are available on request. Please note that routes will only operate if there is sufficient demand to make it viable to do so.

. 40 M


Luton Airport













. .

Jct. 18




Satellite navigation systems should be set to postcode: WD3 4HF

M 25


Click on the postcode above to get directions from your chosen deaprture point to RMS. M23


Stansted Airport


The Royal Masonic School for Girls





Heathrow Airport




Gatwick Airport

School Prospectus 2016/17

NB: this map shows the position of significant towns, cities and international airports in relation to The Royal Masonic School for Girls. It is NOT to scale.

More Essentials

The following 5 coach routes are currently organised by the School: Radlett Route Radlett • Aldenham • Bushey and Oxhey Station • Watford Town Hall • Croxley Green

UNiFoRM We have high expectations with regard to uniform and appearance. School uniform is available for purchase from Pullens, Northwood. Sixth Formers wear a uniform suit, with either trousers or a skirt, and a blouse. tHE SCHooL DaY Pre-Preparatory Department: 8.20 am – 3.20 pm Preparatory Department: 8.20 am – 3.20 pm Senior School: 8.25 am – 4.00 pm

Gerrards Cross Route Chalfont St Peter • Gerrards Cross Stanmore Route Stanmore • Hatch End Station • Pinner Green • Northwood Chalfont St Giles Route Chalfont St Peter • Chalfont St Giles Beaconsfield Route Farnham Common • Beaconsfield • Seer Green • Little Chalfont

Girls in Cadogan House may stay until 4.00 pm if necessary. There is an after school club available until 6.15 pm which is subject to a small charge. Day girls in Cadogan House and Senior School may take advantage of day boarding and flexi-boarding options.

School Prospectus 2016/17


Your next Step

aSSESSMENt  FoR  ENtRY The School conducts assessment tests at all levels of entry. Academic ability is not the only criterion for selection, although girls must meet a standard that will enable them to cope happily at RMS. Family links, enthusiasm, a request or recommendation from the Headteacher of a previous school are all important factors in the selection process for a school where strong pastoral care is a traditional feature and from which we may consider that certain girls will benefit because of individual circumstances. Although children of the family are given strong preference, there is no guarantee of a place for a child of the family, as the academic standard must be met. Please note: a girl’s name is ONLY placed on the list of applicants for admission on receipt of the Registration Form. tERMS  oF  aCCEPtaNCE A copy of the full Terms and Conditions is available by clicking here. Our Admissions policy is available by clicking here. REGiStRatioN  &  ENtRaNCE  FoR  UK  StUDENtS A girl’s name is only placed on the list of applicants for admission on receipt of the Registration Form. This should be completed and returned to the Admissions Manager, together with a cheque for the Registration Fee. This enables a girl to be entered for the School’s entrance examinations in January, but does not constitute the offer of a place in the School. The Registration Fee covers administration costs and is not refundable. Girls from all backgrounds and faiths are welcome to apply for a place at the School. In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act, parents should provide details of any reasonable adjustments that their daughter may require in relation to the entrance examinations, Open Day or access to the School.


GiRLS  iN  tHE  CaRE  oF  tHE  RoYaL  MaSoNiC tRUSt  FoR  BoYS  aND  GiRLS A girl who, because of family or personal circumstances, is under the protection of RMTGB has automatic right of a place in the School, if the Trust recommends that she should come to RMS. Where possible an extended visit is made to gauge whether or not she will be likely to settle happily. Her previous school provides reports and she will be tested to ensure that she is appropriately placed. ENtRY  to  CaDoGaN HoUSE Girls enter the Pre-Preparatory Department in the September of the academic year in which they attain their fifth birthday, or the Preparatory Department at seven. There are a few places for girls at six, eight, nine and ten years of age. Admission is based on assessments, undertaken in classroom or small group situations, and by individual interview. With the rarest of exceptions, all members of the Preparatory Department Cadogan House are guaranteed a place in the Senior School at the age of eleven, but girls take the same entrance examination as external candidates; this enables them to be considered for awards at eleven plus. ENtRY  to  SENioR  SCHooL Most new girls join the Senior School at the age of eleven, but girls also join us at 12+, 13+ and 14+. Candidates for entry at 11+ spend a full day at RMS during which they take an online test, devised by the University of Durham, to assess their skills in English, Mathematics and Reasoning. This test was devised to assess academic potential and to promote equality of opportunity between children from maintained and independent schools. The entrance test enables us to gauge accurately the girls’ true potential rather than how well they have been prepared or tutored for entrance examinations. Girls also do a piece of creative writing and all girls take part in a small group discussion and

School Prospectus 2016/17


interview, as well as a chosen subject–based activity, so that they can get to know staff and get a feel for the School. The purpose of these activities is to make the day a positive, interactive experience; to put candidates at ease; to enable girls to display their strengths at interview; to ascertain individual interests; to observe girls in group activities; to observe behaviour.

At 11+ entrance, all candidates are considered as potential academic scholarship holders. Girls are invited to return for scholarship testing on the basis of their performance in the entrance tests.

School Prospectus 2016/17



ENtRaNCE  EXaMiNatioNS Entrance examinations take place in January of the year for which admission is sought. Firm offers are made on the basis of test results, a satisfactory Head’s reference and feedback from staff involved in the assessment day. Candidates for entry to Years 8, 9 or 10 will sit tests in English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Please note: it is possible to consider candidates at other times if there is a vacant place in the appropriate year group. Overseas candidates may sit entrance examinations in their home country under supervised conditions at any time. ENtRaNCE  EXaMiNatioN DatES  FoR 2017 Reception (4+): 19th & 20th January Years 1-6:

Individual assessment days will be arranged for available places

Year 7 (11+):

23rd, 24th & 25th January

Years 8-10:

27th January

ENtRY  to  SiXtH  FoRM For UK candidates and those from abroad with English as their first language, entry to the RMS Sixth Form will depend on appropriate testing and GCSE results. We expect successful applicants to have achieved 8 GCSEs/IGCSEs at grade C or above. Girls will be required to achieve at least a B grade in the subjects to be studied at A Level and for some subjects an A grade may be advised. Applied courses require at least a C grade in Maths and/or English Language and practical subjects require students to demonstrate by portfolio or audition their suitability for and commitment to study at this level. Students achieving five or more GCSE passes at Grade B and above will expect to study four AS Levels; those achieving three passes at grade B and above will study


three AS Levels, and those with fewer than three passes will study no more than two AS Levels. Girls may only transfer onto A2 courses in Year 13 if they have obtained at least a D grade in the subject at AS level. oVERSEaS StUDENtS In many cases it will be possible for overseas students to take the entrance examinations in their current school, or in a designated examination centre. Girls who have English as a second language will also sit an English Language Test including an oral interview; this may be conducted using Skype, if feasible. Sixth Form applicants will be expected to achieve Academic IELTS Band 6 or above or an equivalent English qualification and will require proof of attendance at an intensive language course, prior to entry, if this is a condition of acceptance. Overseas Sixth Form candidates will also be assessed in the subjects they wish to take to A Level. Language support lessons are offered in school at additional cost. If a request is made for entrance papers to be sent by courier, the full cost of using a courier service will be charged to parents. GUaRDiaNS Once a place is accepted, any students whose parents either live abroad or spend long periods of time outside the UK must appoint an official guardian resident in this country for their daughter, who will take full responsibility for her if they are not available. The guardians must be prepared to accommodate boarding pupils at exeat weekends and at half terms. All overseas boarders are required to have a guardian in this country who will act in loco parentis when necessary. The appointment of a suitable guardian is the responsibility of the family. All short-term non-EU boarders are required to have private health insurance. SCHoLaRSHiPS & BURSaRiES The Royal Masonic School for Girls is committed to demonstrating that we provide public benefit and we regard it as educationally beneficial to widen access to the education we offer; this has always been a distinctive

School Prospectus 2016/17

feature of RMS whose foundation was essentially charitable.

prevent her from doing so. (Typically this is limited to a maximum of 25% of fees payable).

Scholarships and exhibitions are offered to encourage and reward excellence; they are awarded in recognition of outstanding achievement or promise in a particular sphere and involve financial support up to a maximum of 25% of the annual fee. Scholars will be given regular opportunities for prominence and leadership within their given specialism. Academic scholars will be expected to maintain high standards across the curriculum.

Hardship Bursary Short-term means-tested assistance to help parents of an existing girl keep her at the School in times of unexpected financial difficulty (until such time as the full fees can be paid or the girl can move into the maintained sector with minimum disruption to her education).

Bursaries enable suitable girls whose parents could not otherwise afford the fees to benefit from an education at The Royal Masonic School for Girls; they may be awarded to girls who reach the School's required standards but who require financial assistance to take up a place. These awards are subject to means testing, under a standard formula widely used within the independent sector, at the time the offer is made and annually thereafter. The number of awards made in any one year will vary according to the quality and circumstances of candidates and the availability of funds. aWaRDS  at  11+ Awards are given in recognition of excellence with regard to academic achievement in the entrance examination, Sport, Art, All Rounder potential and Music.

Entrance Bursary In exceptional circumstances a very limited contribution towards fees may be made to assist a girl to take up a place in the School where, although not of scholarshipstandard, she has considerable ability and talent, or be in real need psychologically, so that she would particularly benefit from attending the School. For further details about Scholarships, please click here Application forms and further information can also be found on our website: www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk For information about Bursaries, please contact the Bursar (Mrs Diana Robinson): bursar@royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk

aWaRDS  at  16+ Awards are given for academic excellence, Music, Art, Sport and Performing Arts. BURSaRiES The School’s current criteria and priorities regarding the awarding of the limited funds available for bursaries are as follows: Scholarship Support Bursary Additional means-tested support to allow a new girl, who has been awarded a scholarship, to take up her place here, where financial circumstances would otherwise

School Prospectus 2016/17


Fees & Charges 2016-2017

REGiStRatioN  FEE  &  DEPoSit Registration Fee (non refundable)

£ 75.00

Deposit – UK Pupils


Deposit – Parents/Guardians resident in the EU


Deposit – Parents/Guardians resident outside the EU Term’s fees Please note that the deposit is refundable after all outstanding invoices have been paid

SENioR  SCHooL termly Fees


Full Boarding


Weekly Boarding




CaDoGaN HoUSE termly Fees


Full Boarding (Years 3 to 6)


Weekly Boarding (Years 3 to 6)


Day (Reception to Year 2)


Day (Years 3 to 6)




Individual Lesson


Paired Lesson


Small Group


Charges for this provision are for a 35 minute lesson


School Prospectus 2016/17

REDUCtioN  iN  FEES Sisters of girls already in the School will be eligible for a reduction of 5%. Full time members of HM Forces will be eligible for a 10% reduction in fees. NotiCE  oF  WitHDRaWaL Once the parent or guardian has accepted the offer of a place in the School, he or she is required to give the Head, in writing, at least one full term’s notice of the withdrawal of the pupil concerned, irrespective of whether or not the girl has joined the School, otherwise payment of the School fees for the following term will be due. In the event of the Head requiring a girl to be removed from the School for misconduct, no part of the current term’s fee will be refunded. iNtERESt  oN  oVERDUE  FEES As the School loses revenue through the late settlement of accounts, the Governors reserve the right to charge interest on overdue accounts at such a rate as may from time to time be decided and reserves the right to vary that rate without notice. FEES FoR  EXtRa SUBJECtS On request we will be pleased to supply you with information about fees for extra subjects in the School.

PERSoNaL  aCCiDENt iNSURaNCE  SCHEME All pupils are covered within the fees under the Personal Accident Insurance Scheme operated by Marsh Ltd (Education Practice). The insurance covers the risk of an accident happening to a pupil that causes bodily injury. It provides for a lump sum payment calculated with reference to a specified table of benefits based on the severity of the injury. The cover applies on a worldwide basis, 24 hours a day, in and out of school and during holiday periods. There are no restrictions regarding sporting or leisure activities. FEES REFUND  SCHEME The Fees Refund Scheme is offered by the School on an opt-out basis with the first fee notification on joining the School and is operated by Marsh Ltd (Education Practice). The absence of a pupil does not lessen the cost of running the School and fees are not refundable directly by the School if a pupil is unable to attend classes due to sickness, accident or quarantine. The School is however able to make refunds for such absences of at least 8 days for boarders and 5 days for day pupils through the Marsh Fees Refund Scheme with the cost to parents fees equating to 1% of the fees for boarders and 1.5% for day pupils. Full details of both schemes are available from the School Accounts Department.



Individual Lesson


Paired Lesson


Small Group


Study Skills


Charges for this provision are for a 35 minute lesson NB. It is expected that overseas students will need 4 lessons per week where appropriate and that this will be reviewed after the first 3 weeks.

otHER  CHaRGES Flexi Boarding (per night)

£ 45.00

Senior Tea


Cadogan House Tea


Packed Tea




After School Club (until 5.15 pm)


After School Club (until 6.15 pm)


School Prospectus 2016/17


Rickmansworth Park Hertfordshire WD3 4HF united Kingdom +44 (0)1923 773168 enquiries@royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk www.royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk The Royal Masonic School for Girls is a company limited by guarantee Registered No 1339867 – Registered Charity No 276784

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