RMS Sixth Form Bulletin Edition 1: 4th March 2016 Message from Ms Weatherston... Dear Parents, Guardians and Sixth Formers, Welcome to the inaugural Sixth Form Bulletin. I hope that this document will prove to be a useful addition to the communication you receive from us. It is an opportunity for all members of the community to share information not only about forthcoming events in School but also about things happening outside of School that may be of interest to the girls. If there is something that you would like to share please do not hesitate to email the details to me (nweatherston@royalmasonic.herts.sch.uk). I would ask that I receive information by 4.00pm on Thursday for inclusion on Friday. As always, feedback gratefully received! Best wishes, Head of Sixth Form
Important Notices for next week… Personal belongings Please can students be sure look after expensive items such as cameras and iPads and not leave them in the common room. There are plenty of lockers available where items can be left securely. In order to use a locker, you need to bring a £5 deposit to Mrs Freeman in exchange for a key. This money will be returned when the key is returned at the end of Year 13.
Examination Information You should now have received a paper copy of their Examination Timetable. If you have an examination clash please make sure that you read your individual message carefully! Please contact Ms Smith, as soon as possible, if you have been given the option to choose which order to do the exams in.
Hertfordshire UCAS Exhibition, Friday 18th March Please ensure that your parents complete and return the confirmation slip to your Form Tutor by NEXT FRIDAY (11th March) AT THE LATEST.
Trip Cancellation— Royal Holloway It is with regret that I have to inform you that the trip to RHUL on Monday has been cancelled. Unfortunately not enough of you signed up to make the trip viable. I would strongly advise you in the future to take such opportunities up, especially when they are directly linked to the syllabus you are studying. Mrs McMonagle
RMS Careers Convention—Tuesday 8th March, 7.00-9.00pm, Great Hall The RMS Careers Convention is a great opportunity for students and parents to talk informally to representatives from many career areas and companies. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible! Friends and siblings in Year 9 and above are also welcome to attend.
Forthcoming Events Below is a series of forthcoming events that may be of interest to you—these are not ones to which the School is organising trips, but ones that you may choose to attend independently. If you do so, please could you report back to a member of staff of the relevant department so we can gauge how useful the experience has been, which will be valuable in future years.
Further Maths - What Next? Wednesday 16th March 2016 Studying Further Maths A-level, but not sure what you want to do at University? Want to know a bit more about Maths–related degree subjects that don't appear on the school curriculum? Oxford's Mathematical Institute, Departments of Computer Science, Statistics and Engineering Science, are delighted to welcome A Level students from UK schools, to the “Further Maths — What Next?” event. The day draws together subject areas from across the University that are looking for prospective students with a real aptitude for Maths. Attendees will attend a range of short taster sessions on subjects that list Further Maths as either a 'highly desirable' or 'helpful' A Level for Oxford applicants to have. This event is open to high-achieving Year 12 students from UK schools who are taking Further Maths at A Level. (Year 13 students taking a gap year before applying to university also welcome.) Students should be on course to receive a minimum of AAA, with at least an A in both Maths and Further Maths. If a student already knows which subject they wish to apply for at university this is not the event for them. Further information and applications at: www.cs.ox.ac.uk/FurtherMathsWhatNext/
Open days are held at the Department to provide prospective students (and their families/teachers) with an opportunity to meet current staff and students, to find out about the courses and the research work of the Department. Delegates attend sample lectures and to get answers to any questions you have. The talks in the department are written with students in mind, but are also suitable for parents and teachers. The open day is not a university-wide open day. It is just Computer Science and the Mathematics Institute that is open, and you must book. You can: 1) attend Maths sessions in the morning and Computer Science ones in the afternoon (if you want to apply for a Maths & Computer Science degree). The afternoon timetable can be found here: http:// www.cs.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/open_days/Open_Day_timetable_Joint_Honours.pdf. Please book here: https://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/study-here/undergraduate-study/open-days. 2) spend the whole day with Computer Science (if you want to apply for a Computer Science or Computer Science & Philosophy degree). The timetable for this event can be found here: http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/ admissions/undergraduate/open_days/Open_Day_timetable_Computer%20Science.pdf Please book here: www.cs.ox.ac.uk/events/eventOpenday.jsp?chosenEvent=131. 3)spend the whole day with the Mathematics institute (if you want to apply for a Maths, or Maths and Philosophy degree). Booking can be found here: www.maths.ox.ac.uk/study-here/undergraduate-study/open-days
Forthcoming Events continued
Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences (Years 12 – 13) Wednesday 23 March 2016 – Greater London, Epsom Downs Racecourse The conferences are designed to provide up-to-date information on the application and admissions procedure at both institutions, across all subject areas, as well as providing an insight into student life. The events are aimed at students who have already completed their GCSE/examinations are now undertaking further study. The conferences will cover: Courses available at Oxford and Cambridge; Applying to Oxford and Cambridge; Student life; Student finance and careers; Interviews. Admissions tutors, academic staff and current undergraduates from both universities will also be on hand to answer students' questions. Admission is by ticket only. Further information, and booking, can be found at the Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences website: http://oxfordandcambridgeoutreach.co.uk/student-introduction.php
PROMYS Europe – Six week summer school (Year 11 – 13) 10th July – 20th August 2016 PROMYS Europe at the University of Oxford is an intensive six-week summer immersion in Mathematics for mathematically talented pre-university students. Need-based financial aid and travel reimbursement are available thanks to support from our partners. We seek European students aged at least 16 who would benefit from the opportunity to delve deeply into fundamental mathematical questions within a richly stimulating and supportive community of fellow first-year students, returning students, undergraduate counsellors, research mentors, faculty, and visiting mathematicians. First-year students focus primarily on a series of very challenging problem sets, daily lecture, and exploration labs in Number Theory. Advanced seminars and numerous mini-courses and guest lectures tackle a wide range of topics. Guest lecturers in 2015 included Professors Sir Andrew Wiles and Ben Green. The application deadline is 31st March 2016. The application is available on the PROMYS Europe site (www.PROMYS-Europe.org) and includes a challenging problem set. PROMYS Europe 2016 will run from 10 July to 20 August at Wadham College, University of Oxford.
Forthcoming Events continued Open Day at Northwick Park and St Mark’s Hospital for prospective medical students and other allied medical professions—Thursday 7th July Northwick Park and St Mark’s hospital are proud to present an Open Day, introducing you to many aspects of the medical profession. Experts from all different sectors of the profession will be joining a lively open forum about their medical careers, specialist areas of expertise as well as trainee and junior doctors talking about their university medical experiences. The day will culminate in being able to watch some visual live surgery! This is your chance to ask and discover everything it takes to become a doctor. The whole day, including refreshments, will only cost you £20. Please bring money for lunch (up to £5) or a packed lunch. To sign up, please click here http://www.stmarksacademicinstitute.org.uk/courses/openday-for-prospective-medical-students/ Places are guaranteed to fill up quickly, so be sure to register early to guarantee your attendance. We look forward to welcoming you and we know that this will be a very enlightening experience! For more information, please email alex.samuels@nhs.net
John Hampden Grammar School Question Time—14th April JHGS Question Time is back and with an exceptional panel: Isabel Hardman is assistant editor of The Spectator and editor of the magazine's Coffee House blog. She also writes a weekly column for The Daily Telegraph Roger Helmer MEP is a Member of the European Parliamnent for the East Midlands region. He was elected to the European Parliament in 1999, 2004, and 2009 as a member of the Conservative Party and in 2014 as a member of UKIP, having defected from the Conservatives to UKIP in March 2012. Gisela Stuart MP is a British Labour Party politician, who has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for Birmingham Edgbaston since1997. Born and raised in Germany, she moved to Britain in 1974. She increased her majority in 2015 in what was a traditional Tory seat. Tom McNally, Baron McNally, PC was the former leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords. He served as Minister of State at the Ministry of Justice during the last Colation Government. He is currently Chair of the Youth Justice Board. Dan Hannan MEP is a Member of the European Parliament, representing South East England for the Conservative Party. The evening will be chaired by Baroness D'Souza, CMG, PC, who is a scientist and life peer in the House of Lords. She is currently Lord Speaker, having taken office on 1 September 2011. Tickets are available via the Box Office
Uni Taster Days Below is a selection of university and college taster days, workshops, open days and outreach events. Some can be booked by parents and/or students, others are for school groups. More are listed on the UniTasterDays website (www.unitasterdays.com). If you are interested in any that need to be booked by School, please speak to Ms Weatherston or Mrs Freeman
Money Matters Workshop, University of Hull Each year the Student Recruitment Service delivers a range of talks for Year 12 and 13 students in support of higher education guidance programmes in schools/colleges. Talks are also available for younger age groups (Years 9 – 11), and for parents at parents Evenings etc. Oxford Brookes University Undergraduate Open Day. Oxford Brookes University Take the opportunity to visit our amazing campuses to see for yourself what Oxford Brookes University has to offer. Aston Progression Pathways (APP) Summer Project , Aston University The Aston Progression Pathways (APP) programme seeks to empower year 12 students who are considering studying a STEM subject at university to confidently make decisions about their progression to Higher Education. UCA Epsom Easter School, University for the Creative Arts The UCA Easter Schools are the perfect way to support the development of your portfolio for FE or HE study. They are suitable for students considering studying creative courses at college or university. Tuesday 29 March - Friday 1 April 2016 at UCA Epsom. University Open Day, University of Greenwich Our Open Days give you the chance to gather as much information as you need about university and provide you with opportunities to view specialist facilities, learn about student support and hear about student life. University information evening for Parents (Canterbury Campus), University of Kent Held at our Canterbury Campus, this event provides an opportunity for parents and guardians to find out valuable information regarding Higher Education.
More events are available, click here to see them.
Useful Links Get the Latest Medical News Read our weekly News Summary blog and discover the latest news on Jeremy Hunt & the BMA's battle over the junior doctors contracts, the swine flu outbreak in Leicester and the petition to protect children from meningitis. Stay informed and get into Medical School! https://www.themedicportal.com/medical-news-summary-22-february-2016/
Hear about Liam's medical placement in Tanzania Are you looking for the ultimate medical work experience? Read Liam's success story and see how his Gap Medics placement in Tanzania helped his application stand out from the crowd - he's successfully going to uni to become a paramedic
Welcome to the Medical School Jungle Our newest student blogger is introducing you to the Golden Goose Consultant to help all aspiring medics prepare for what's to come. Tune in every Friday and discover what creatures you could meet at Medical School, and learn what it's like to be a student!
Oxford Mathematics Alphabet Want to find out more about the exciting research happening at the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford? We are delighted to announce the launch of the new Oxford Mathematics Alphabet, which starts with A is for Aperiodic Tiles (by Professor Roger Penrose). Each letter comes with a printable A3 poster, as well as links to further blogs and articles. www.maths.ox.ac.uk/r/alphabet
Useful Links continued Win a week of work experience at City & Guilds! All job roles and sectors are increasingly relying on digital skills get ahead of the game with work experience at City & Guilds! You’ll learn about how digital is used in business, and we'll aim to tailor your week of work experience around your interests, letting you get the most out of the opportunity.
The scenario: You are an employer and you’re looking for ways to communicate digitally with young people so they consider a career with your company. The challenge: Create an online campaign or message that will inspire young people to want to work for you. We’re looking for an idea that is interactive, innovative and appeals to the target audience. Improve your CV, gain valuable skills and experience the exciting world of work in the digital sector. Apply here: www.mykindafuture.com/Challenges/my-digital-future
DEADLINE: Midnight Sunday 6th March. APPLY NOW