The creature opened its mouth. Was this it? Would Anna finally be able to learn more about the fairy world? The creature took in a deep breath. With cautious eyes and a rather scared expression, it said, “Look, I'm just here to collect some teeth, so cough them up and I can be on my merry way, alright?” It has a surprisingly low voice. Anna was startled, tooth…creatures were not supposed to be rude! She didn't know what to say. She was in shock. “Either tell me where the teeth are, or close your mouth. You look like a trout.” This was unbelievable, a rude fairy? “T-There should be a tooth under the pillow,” she stuttered. Anna was too shocked to speak clearly. She just wanted to get the rude fairy to go, before it could ruin any of her other ideas about the fairy world. Maybe meeting the fairy had been a bad idea.
“Oh get over it!” the creature snapped. It paused and seemed to look at her properly for the first time. Maybe noticing her distress, it sighed. “Fine, here.” The creature snapped its fingers and instantly the snow globe was fixed. The fairy climbed down the bedside table, using knobs and pulls as ladders, and crawled under the bed. A few moments later it emerged with a perfectly white (though slightly dusty) molar in its tiny hand. “Now I can finally go.” The creature jumped from the floor to the windowsill in one enormous leap and then jumped right out the window, disappearing entirely. Anna was simply in awe. What an insane experience.
“Well it's not there, is it?” “I - um - I don't know why that would be, maybe it just fell under the bed?” Honestly, Anna had no idea if it was under the bed or not. “Oh okay - I'll look under the bed then,” said the tooth-creature, in a very sarcastic and mocking tone. “I just adore it when annoying children make my job harder and take even longer.” The creature jumped onto the bedside table, knocking over her snow globe on its way. “Hey, watch it! My mum got me that!” She couldn't believe this: the fairy broke into her room, told her she looked like a fish and broke one of her prized possessions. By Flo Samuels