Bedfordshire 2015 Festival Brochure

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2015 Festival

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From the Provincial Grand Master When I was invited to take on the responsibility for the 2015 Festival in aid of The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys (RMTGB), I accepted the challenge without hesitation well knowing how the Brethren of Bedfordshire always ‘come up trumps’ in times of need. As most Brethren know, the four Masonic charities rely on the Festival System to raise the funds necessary for them to offer assistance to Freemasons, their families and dependants in times of need. You only have to read about the tremendous help given over many years by all of our charities to realise the amount of money needed to carry out their duties. The RMTGB, as the fund is popularly known, is very worthy of our support to enable the work of looking after the children left behind when a parent, and sometimes both parents, have sadly passed away prematurely either through illness or accidents or when families fall into poverty as a result of breakdown of marriage, ill-health or unemployment. It does not matter what age the children are at the time, the Trust is always there to help them right through their full-time education until they start work after leaving school, or university. This booklet has been prepared to give you an insight into the history and work of the RMTGB and to make you aware of the need for our continuing support. It is very important that we raise as much money as quickly as we possibly can to assist with the wonderful work of the Trust.

RW Bro Michael J. Sawyer, Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Bedfordshire Our appeal will be launched in the spring of 2009 after which we will be finding all sorts of interesting and unusual ways of raising money and hopefully exceeding our target to help those less fortunate than ourselves. As I have already said, I know that I will be able to rely on the support of my Brethren of the wonderful Province of Bedfordshire. I am proud to be your Provincial Grand Master and even more proud of you as Members of my Province. Michael J. Sawyer Provincial Grand Master

Front cover: Joseph and Holly, beneficiaries since March 2005 when their father became ill and unable to work.


Before even Bedfordshire’s first Craft Lodge was consecrated in 1841, it appears that two Provincial Grand Masters had previously been appointed. The first was William Gill, who was appointed in 1799 and attended Grand Lodge as PGM for Bedfordshire in 1802 and 1805. The second PGM was an Irishman, Col. Andrew Denis O’Kelly, who was appointed in 1812, a year before the Union, attending Grand Lodge as PGM for Bedfordshire between 1812-14. It seems the two appointments were made to ‘keep an eye on things’ in the area. The formation of a Lodge in Luton apparently first arose in 1840 from a visit of a Bro Weekers of Mayence, Secretary of the Lodge of The Friends of Concordia in Germany. He is reported to have said to Bro Williamson that the “best wish he had for a town in which he had been so cordially received and had spent so many happy hours was to see a Lodge of Freemasons established there and to know that his friends were enjoying the blessing of the Royal Art.” Shortly afterwards Bro Williamson and six other Freemasons joined in signing a petition to Grand Lodge for a Warrant and the Bedfordshire Lodge of St John the Baptist No.475 was Consecrated on 29th July 1841. Bedfordshire Freemasons started to canvas for a Provincial Grand Lodge in 1875 when the number of Lodges had reached five, evenly distributed throughout the county, namely Luton (St John the Baptist), Bedford (Stuart), Biggleswade (St Andrews), Leighton Buzzard (Beaudesert) and Dunstable (Chiltern). That there would be a Provincial Grand Lodge of Bedfordshire was not a foregone conclusion by any means. Indeed, a suggestion was


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The Masonic Province of Bedfordshire


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received in 1860 that the county be united with the then Province of Berks and Bucks, but the PGM for Hertfordshire, RW Bro William Stuart advised against the move. Later still, the PGM for Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire revealed after the Inauguration that he had once been asked to take Bedfordshire ‘under his wing’, but had declined because he felt that the county was destined to comprise a Province ‘sooner or later’. In 1885 a petition to Grand Lodge was presented by the Brethren “That the county of Bedford be formed into a separate Province” and at the Inaugural Meeting on 29th October 1885 Col. William Stuart PSGW was Installed as Provincial Grand Master. His successor was to be Col. Robert Lindsell, but he sadly passed to the GLA before he was Installed, so Bedfordshire’s second PGM, from 1892-1935, was Lord Ampthill, who was also appointed Pro Grand Master in 1908, a truly proud moment for a Province that then numbered just seven Craft Lodges. The practice of also supporting mainly local non masonic charities gained momentum during the 1914-18 war and has continued unabated ever since. On Lord Ampthill’s death, he was succeeded by his SGW, The Earl of Courtown who as PGM led the Province through the trials and tribulations of WWII and the immediate post-war years. Following the Earl’s death in 1957, Sir Gilbert Inglefield was Installed as PGM. In 1967 he was elected Lord Mayor of London and asked all Lodges in his Province to support his civic charity “War on Want” by leaving a collecting plate in the place of an absent guest and also donating the cost of


the absent guest’s meal. Over £48,000 was raised by Brethren. Sir Gilbert surrendered his Patent in 1978 and that same year RW Bro Cyril Robinson was Installed as his successor – the first fully Bedfordshire Freemason to be so honoured. Under his stewardship the new Provincial headquarters at The Keep was opened and the Centenary of the Province was commemorated. RW Bro Robinson retired in 1990, to be succeeded by RW Bro John Hindle, a much loved and respected PGM.

Martin Foss who, like his predecessor, had been a Consultant at Luton & Dunstable Hospital. He soon gained a warm reputation in the hearts of Bedfordshire Brethren. On RW Bro Martin’s retirement in 2007 (to be so quickly followed by his sudden death) the Province of Bedfordshire’s Provincial Grand Master is a ‘pure’ Bedfordshire Freemason once more. In his inaugural address to the Province RW Bro Michael J Sawyer expressed his full intention that Bedfordshire Freemasons will continue to demonstrate: “that we really are a kind, caring and thoughtful organisation.”

Following the sad passing to GLA of RW Bro John in 1997, he was succeeded by RW Bro

The Keep, Kempston, Bedford – the Provincial headquarters




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Relieving Poverty …

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Marcus is six years old and his sister Isabella is 11. Their father died in 2001 at the tragically young age of 37. The RMTGB started helping the family shortly afterwards. Both children receive a termly maintenance allowance and help with the cost of swimming lessons. Isabella is also learning to play the clarinet and the cost of her lessons are paid for by the RMTGB. We will continue to support these children as long as there is need. Nothing can ever make up for the loss of their father but we will do all it can to help these children fulfil their potential. Will you help us in our mission and support the Trust?

… Advancing Education Christopher and Nicholas are the sons of a Freemason. Their father died of a heart attack. At the time, Christopher, then aged 17, had tried to resuscitate his father. Their mother had given up work when her children were born. The RMTGB accepted a Petition on the boys’ behalf. Christopher, an academic high-flyer, is now studying to be a large animal vet at the Royal Veterinary College, London, and is in receipt of a RMTGB Scholarship. Nicholas, who was on the special needs register at school due to his Dyspraxia, now attends a local college where he is studying Motor Vehicle Maintenance. This will allow him to develop and utilise his practical skills. He continues to be supported by the RMTGB. With our support both these boys will be able to follow their chosen careers and become valued members of society. Each year we spend in the region of £9 million helping young people like Christopher and Nicholas. Right now we face a stark choice: to raise more money or to cut back our support for the distressed children of Masonic families. For today’s Freemasons to fail the distressed child of a Masonic family would be unthinkable.

“A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child” 5

The RMTGB in Action Today £18,000 Will provide an orphaned beneficiary with the stability and security of a boarding school environment for a year £2,300 Would pay for a medical student to complete an elective period in a foreign hospital and assist in his/her qualification as a doctor £1,000 Will provide a scholarship for one year for a beneficiary from a low income family while attending University

£800 Would allow a child to receive counselling following the death of a parent

£770 Will provide an 11-year old with one term’s maintenance allowance where family income after housing costs is less than £10,000 p.a.

£750 Would purchase a desktop computer with printer, software and a 3-year warranty

£420 Will pay for an Educational Psychologist Assessment to identify and help with a child’s learning difficulties

£400 Would pay for one year’s music lessons for a child who is working towards graded examinations

£350 Will buy a complete school uniform for a child to make sure they fit in with their peers on their first day at school

£300 Would allow a child to join classmates on a school organised educational visit abroad

£260 Will pay for a child to go on an activity holiday as respite from their responsibilities at home, where their parent or sibling is disabled

£250 Would buy a flute for a child to develop their musical interest

£200 Will pay for one term of specialist tuition for a child with learning difficulties

£130 Would provide a Christmas Grant to a low income family

£60 Will provide an achievement award in recognition of at least 6 GCSE passes at ‘A’ Grade

What Your Support Can Do!



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During 2008 the RMTGB supported 796 girls and 766 boys at schools, colleges and universities. In addition, 62 young people received grants under the TalentAid scheme. Many others benefited from grants from the subsidiary funds. In all over 1,700 were supported. We also provide bursaries for choristers at many cathedrals. Last year 24 choristers benefited. Over the last five years over £1.1M has been spent by the RMTGB in connection with the Choral Bursary scheme.

Our Presence in Bedfordshire

Grand Patron (Lodge) £25,000

Patron (Brethren) £1,000

Vice-Patron (Brethren) £500

In the last 12 months grants in excess of £64,000 have been awarded to 8 girls and boys from the Province of Bedfordshire.

Donations 2015 Festival

In the last 5 years we have disbursed over £113K to beneficiaries within the Province.

Ben aged 12. His Masonic father was forced to take early retirement on health grounds. A Petition was accepted on behalf of Ben and his sister Sally in 1998 when Ben was only one year old. Ben and his sister each receive maintenance allowances.


Making it Happen – Raising the Money Regular Giving Pays Dividends

Legacy Giving

The easiest way to make a real difference is to take out a monthly Standing Order and sign a Gift Aid declaration. Your money is credited to the Festival Account and interest is added.

By remembering the RMTGB in your Will you can make a real difference to the level of support provided. Legacies are immensely important to our work. Making a Will is a simple but very important step. It is the only way of ensuring that you decide who will benefit from your estate after your death.

We actively encourage all eligible donors to complete a Gift Aid declaration, this enables the benefit of your donation to be maximised. For your donations to qualify for Gift Aid you must pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the Trust reclaims on your donations in the appropriate tax year (currently 28p for each £1 you give). Please ensure that you contact the Trust if your tax situation changes or if you change address.

Gift Aid Envelopes Gift Aid envelopes are also available. The envelopes enable the RMTGB to reclaim tax on donations made through alms collections, festive boards and at Ladies’ nights.

JustgivingTM We have teamed up with Justgiving™ to provide an easy way for Provinces, Lodges and individuals to donate especially when using Credit or Debit Cards and to assist event organisers to market their event and encourage sponsorship. A Bedfordshire 2015 Festival Event Page is available to link events to. Please contact the Trust for details of how to use the Justgiving™ site www.justgiving. com.


Planning an Open Day? Did you know that we have a professional presentation stand, which can be used to illustrate some of the important works carried out by this charity?

Guest Speakers We will, on request, arrange for a speaker to attend Lodge meetings to talk about the work of the Charity. Please contact the Fund-raising Manager, Bro Ray Collings at the Trust on 020 7405 2644 or

Support the RMTGB and Come to the Festival Once every year the RMTGB holds a Festival, at which the total amount achieved, including promised donations, is announced. On each of these occasions a distinguished Brother, usually a Provincial Grand Master presides and the Brethren of his Province and their Ladies are invited to support him to the utmost of their ability. In 2015, the Anniversary Festival is being held under the Presidency of the Provincial Grand Master for Bedfordshire. Please support your Provincial Grand Master and qualify as a Steward of the 2015 Festival (see page 10).

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Festival: Bedfordshire 2015

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Lodge No. & Name


60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ




Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys

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Registered Charity No. 285836

GIFT AID DECLARATION Details of Donor (Please use Block Capitals) Title



Home Address

Post Code

Contact Telephone Number

E-mail Address

I want the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys to treat all donations I have made since 6th April 2002 and all donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid donations. I understand that I must notify the Trust if I no longer pay an amount of Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax equal to the tax the Trust reclaims on my donations in the tax year (for 2008/2009 this is 28p for every £1 I give). I must also notify the Trust of any change of address.



(Signature of taxpayer named above) Unless this declaration relates to a donation/s already received by the Trust please complete the Banker’s Order below or alternatively attach your cheque for: £ Important Note: The Trust will reclaim tax on specific donations only if notified in writing. It is important that you read the Gift Aid explanatory notes available from our web-site. Details of your donations and RMTGB Status will be stored and processed by the Trust in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Donor details will only be shared with relevant bodies connected with the Masonic Charities Festival system. Higher rate taxpayers may nominate the RMTGB to receive any additional tax relief due by entering the unique code VAE64YG when completing their tax return.

BANKER’S ORDER To: The Manager

Bank PLC

Account No

Sort Code

Address On the 1st day of


and thereafter at Monthly/Yearly intervals*

For SIX* years until 2015*

please pay the sum of £


pounds (words)

(figures) p (words))

*Please alter and initial as appropriate

To: THE FESTIVAL ACCOUNT, ROYAL MASONIC TRUST FOR GIRLS AND BOYS (A/c No. 36123560) at the National Westminster Bank PLC, (60‑30‑06) Bloomsbury Parr’s Branch, 214 High Holborn, London WC1V 7BX and DEBIT my account.






Please do not detach Banker’s Order from Gift Aid Form. This Banker’s Order will be forwarded to your Banker by the Trust.


Festival Honorifics

Become a Steward of the 2015 Festival by paying a minimum of £100 towards the Festival Appeal. Once qualified, you can apply to receive your Festival jewel.*

Qualified Stewards may wish to become a Vice-Patron of the 2015 Festival by paying or promising to pay a minimum of £500 towards the Festival Appeal, this includes the £100 already paid to become a Steward.

Ladies may obtain Honorific Ranks in the Festival for half those amounts shown for Brethren.

Lodge Honorifics Qualified Stewards may wish to become a Patron of the 2015 Festival by paying or promising to pay a minimum of £1,000 towards the Festival Appeal, this includes the £100 already paid to become a Steward.

Lodges may obtain Honorific Ranks in respect of the 2015 Festival Appeal as follows: Subscriber – £5,000 Vice-Patron – £10,000 Patron – £15,000 Grand Patron – £25,000

Pay by Regular Giving to “Ease the Pain and Spread the Gain” Through regular giving you can attain the Festival Honorific of Vice-Patron for as little as £10 per month over 5 years. If you are an eligible tax payer and you sign a Gift Aid declaration you can increase the benefit of your contribution to the RMTGB.


* Jewel design to be confirmed



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Our History...

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HRH the Duchess of Cumberland (below) was the Trust’s first Royal Patroness. With Chevalier Ruspini, a prominent 18th century Freemason, she founded The Royal Cumberland Freemasons’ School in 1788. Under the firm direction of the Duchess, King George III’s sister-in-law, the school educated and cared for poor and orphaned girls. Out of that school grew both the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys and The Royal Masonic School for Girls at Rickmansworth. This contemporary engraving, after a painting by the fashionable portrait painter Richard Cosway, is in the possession of the Trust.

The picture of about 1802 shows Chevalier Ruspini, one of the founders of the first Masonic school, leading the pupils into Grand Lodge in the presence of HRH George, Prince of Wales.

... Their Future When James’ parents separated, we were able to assist with a Maintenance Allowance. James (right) now aged 18, has spastic quadriplegia. Despite hearing difficulties, he enjoys music, especially playing his electric guitar and a range of percussion instruments. James enjoys being out and about and has recently participated in an activity week away where he thoroughly enjoyed learning to canoe.

Thank you for your support


Mission Statement To continue to relieve poverty and provide an education and preparation for life for the children of the family of a Freemason and, where funds permit, for any children, as their fathers would have done, had they been able so to do.

Danial, Adeelah and Alisha’s father suffered severe burns in an accident and was unable to work because of his injuries. The RMTGB provides Maintenance Allowances for all three children. Danial is a keen golfer and receives assistance towards the cost of his golf lessons. In addition, we assist towards the costs of dancing lessons for Alisha.

Will you, in turn, support the RMTGB?

Grand President HRH The Duke of Kent KG GCMG GCVO ADC, Grand Master President Mike Woodcock, DLitt, ClntMC, JP Chief Executive Les Hutchinson, MBA, BA (Hons), MCMI Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys 60 Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ Telephone: 020 7405 2644 Facsimile: 020 7831 4094 Web-site: Registered Charity No. 285836

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