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Q1 Which bus company do you work for?
Answered: 508 Skipped: 8
Q2 What is your job?
Answered: 514 Skipped: 2
Prefer not to say
Q3 What is your gender?
Answered: 513 Skipped: 3
Q4 What is your age?
Answered: 514 Skipped: 2
Q6 Have you ever made a report via this system? If yes, please give
Answered: 197 Skipped: 319
Answered: 450 Skipped:
Regularly work more than 11 hours . I don't believe drivers should work more than 8-9 hours in a shift Driving or duty 2/27/2025 8:07 PM
On 4-day rota instead of 5-Day for the same pay of 39 hours
Our driving duties apart from one have no more than 4 5 hours of driving at one time 2/27/2025 1:05
I have but out of choice with overtime to help pay the bills I still feel that we are behind the wheel for too long sometimes and some duties have too many trips of the same route For me this causes accidents and the duties need variation I look forward to what the new duties will offer d 2/27/2025 12:52 PM
a few duties still running to 5 5 hrs although a lot now are nearer the 5 limiet before a break 2/27/2025 11:30 AM
On a weekend where we have to cover other groups being off equality doesn’t exist at stagecoach 2/27/2025 11:15 AM
To earn a wage that pays
2/27/2025 11:00 AM 48 drivers hours are a joke they led to a breakdown from burnout and I'm currently working on my own political campaign to get them reduced I am aiming for parity with domestic hours for hgv 2/27/2025 10:59 AM
drivers I e 10 hours max duty and 9 hours driving plus no more of this 13 days straight bullshit
49 I am a coach driver and am therefore governed by EU tachograph rules however when I’ve worked for a local bus company I was often subject to excessive hours.
2/27/2025 10:57 AM
Musculoskeletal problems
Other (please specify)
Q14 Do you think that requiring bus drivers to work excessive hours increases safety risks within the bus sector? Answered: 438 Skipped:
just excessive hours, but long stints in the seat with the absolute minimum rest break The 8 5 hour turnaround time needs extending to By the time you’ve driven home Had some dinner, wound down, gone to bed, drifted off to sleep. Got up next day, got showered and dressed, had some breakfast, driven back to work, you’re lucky if you’ve had 4 hours sleep which is know where near enough
Although a set amount is in order for rest periods between duties, the company push these resulting in fatigue and stress that may result in incidents that could be avoided given better rest periods.
11:55 AM
Q15 At work, do you receive sufficient time for rest breaks during shifts?
Answered: 427 Skipped: 89
on to be on time for next driver. 3/3/2025 11:01 AM
Yes and no! Breaks are legal length but I’m unhappy with when they are allowed to be taken when on a spare duty. 3/3/2025 11:01 AM 32 Some dutys
Most of the time, although there has been times where I've only had one official break in an 1112 hour shift 3/3/2025 10:58 AM
I am a duty and roster rep and I ensure drivers have adequate breaks during work hours 3/3/2025 10:58 AM
Some of the duty have just the requirement time ,so if I late I feel rushed even I'm taking the minimum break.
For the most part ,but when we are running late they push on that there is a Union agreement to take a 35 min break instead of 45 , mainly to the new starters 3/2/2025 9:04 PM
Some times 3/1/2025 7:42 PM 40 can be cut down to 30 mins if late back on previous run 3/1/2025 4:42 PM 41 I do but many get barely the legal time but legal is not moral
For the most part, there are some duties with very little time to rest
Some duties are tight with turn around times when driving a long run Taking a loo break can become desperate and if taken leads to lateness 2/28/2025 8:59 AM
Not always And at the wrong time Ie start 7 00 ,rest at 9 00 ,carry on for rest of shift until the end. 2/27/2025 9:46 PM
Some duties rest periods are shorter than others and also at wrong times during the day 2/27/2025 9:21 PM
1 hour break for 11 hour shift this is modern day slavery some bullshit fuck these cunts 2/27/2025 9:10 PM
Constantly losing break time Staff are told to claim for lost time through a delay form Forced to rush food and not relax
depends on the shift 30 mins on some duties can feel short
60 Controllers seem to think we should only take the remaining parts of our break if we’re running late into it, and pay us the extra but also being treated unfairly
Quite a few duties do not comply with regs 2/27/2025 1:08 PM 65 Often just get 45 minutes between 5 hours of driving. It's barely enough time to have a drink and get some food and unwind before you're driving again 2/27/2025 12:54 PM
66 Depends on the rostering. If it's the Falcon then not always.
make it
amount of time
68 In line with legal requirements as a minimum Often much longer 2/27/2025 12:34 PM
69 At present I am okay with the amount of breaks I recieve 2/27/2025 12:33 PM
70 Due to various reasons given by controllers ie lack of drivers they are unable to cover your after break run out They say they can only pay you and if you stand firm they say you will just have to go out late after your break When you’ve got a 40 minute break and you are around 10-15 minutes late for your break, many drivers will concede the break and get paid the 15 minutes, minus tax and minus NI. My breaks aren’t taxed and they are important to me. I need a sufficient break How can they justify a service deliberately going out late by 15 minutes (more by the time you get the bus ready and load up) plus having to deal with extremely angry customers And what about if a council official is waiting for you? 2/27/2025 12:32 PM 71 Sometimes 2/27/2025 12:12 PM
72 We don’t always get to take our full break if late running We do get paid, and always ensure we take the minimum legal rest 2/27/2025 12:11 PM
73 I have a fixed line 2/27/2025 12:08 PM
Sometimes 2/27/2025 11:46 AM
75 Some times 2/27/2025 11:42 AM
76 Sometimes,a bit too long 2/27/2025 11:33 AM
77 Sometimes 2/27/2025 11:30 AM
78 Some are the minimum which gives little time for food & toilet breaks 2/27/2025 11:28 AM
79 breaks too long , which make the working day too long Don't get paid for long periods 2/27/2025 11:20 AM
80 Most of the time 2/27/2025 11:20 AM
81 Varies 2/27/2025 11:16 AM
82 Legally they have to 2/27/2025 11:16 AM
83 Not always, sometimes you start a duty early in the morning, do a couple hours of work and come off around breakfast time, but jump straight on the next bus without breakfast for another 3 hours or so
2/27/2025 11:09 AM
84 Not on sum duty's 2/27/2025 11:08 AM
85 This isn’t the same for all drivers due to rotas and or late running due to no fault of anyone else 2/27/2025 11:06 AM
86 absolutely nor our shifts are often 13 hours + and while you get breaks they are not long or continuous enough to provide sufficient rest within the working day the company has now started putting shorter runs within what was a rest period, therefore breaking it up, they often require walking a fair distance to facilities or have no facilities at all at certain times of the day, I e nowhere to heat food or sit down I've stood in cold, wet and windy carparks for hours due to this or been forced to spend up to an hours pay to get lunch in cafes etc because it was that or nothing 2/27/2025 11:06 AM
87 Not always but occasionally…they know if your duties 9hrs 49mins you only need 30mins 2/27/2025 11:05 AM
88 But that is not true for everyone 2/27/2025 11:02 AM
89 20 mins only on some duties 2/27/2025 11:01 AM
90 Sometimes, no 2/27/2025 11:01 AM
91 But no places for toilet breaks on late shift after 9:30pm 2/27/2025 11:00 AM 92 I think so 2/27/2025 10:59 AM
93 Not always if late running 2/27/2025 10:57 AM
Answered: 428 Skipped:
do not provide support, mixed with the vibrations in the buses are a huge cause for back and shoulder pains as well as neck pains
the seats not changing very much from the 1970's and the amount of pot holes and vibration on buses cause stress to the body
get back pain from hard, poorly designed seats and use orthopedic cushions to help me The company will tell you they have installed driver seats that are ergonomically designed, but these seats are too cheap and not fit for purpose
12:17 PM
Get a lot of back pain
12:16 PM 79 Occasionally where due to late running I don’t get to take full breaks or loose periods of waiting time where I might be able to get out of the can and stretch etc 2/27/2025 12:12 PM
11:26 AM 84 Back and shoulder and trap nerve in back and down leg because of sitting in one position 2/27/2025 11:24 AM
85 In our Wright Streetlight buses, the seats do not pull far enough forward so I have to stretch to put my toes on the peddles Causing muscle ache and back pain 2/27/2025 11:21 AM
The drivers seats are terrible, I'm surprised this is even legal, when in poorer country like Poland or Czechia local bus drivers got seats similar to lorry and coach drivers
11:12 AM
I have used an oesteopath in the past, plus get constant neck, shoulder and achillies issues 2/27/2025 11:07 AM
Sciatica from seats and steering that do not adjust fully or have insufficient support but also tinnitus due to excessive rattling and vibration on poorly maintained buses
of the older buses with low back seats, give me backache not enough support
Knee pain due to position of lower portion of dashboard pushing against legs as only comfortable driving position for my height Frequent shoulder/neck pain if not sat in correct position 2/27/2025 11:04 AM
I do suffer back pain I had spinel surger y 2/27/2025 11:03 AM
Q17 Which of the following health and safety issues impact you at work? Please tick all that apply.
Answered: 417 Skipped: 99
Lack of access to toilets
Lack of adequate rest breaks
Long hours
Inadequate cooling systems in cabs
Inadequate heating systems in cabs
Inadequate ventilation in cabs
Work related musculoskeletal problems suc
Non-functioning radios
Workplace violence and/or abuse
Risk of road accidents/colli sions
Risk of bus fires
Exposure to (diesel) fumes
Other (please specify)
Workplace violence and/or abuse
Risk of road accidents/collisions
Risk of bus fires
Exposure to (diesel)
Other (please specify)
26 I work out of the Newton Abbot depot , which is located at the racecourse, ir has massive pot hple all over the yard , that are full of water, i actually fell over in there today , as i was walking to sign on, it is noy fit for purpose, but they do not give a shit , i was covered in mud and hurt my shoulder , but nothing will be done about it, it has been like that for 2 years.hit
when reported they are
33 There are lots of risks in working within the engineering department Working with vehicles with phneumatic suspension, lifting heavy items that we don't have correct lifting equipment for, incorrect/lack of tools for pressing bushes and things out can result in a danger while using the hydraulic press. Etc etc. There are lots of dangers/risks in the garage. 2/27/2025 12:02 PM 34 for me the biggest health and safety risk is the ideology of the companies and the ideology of the government we are expected to give our minds, bodies and souls to the industry and sacrifice our health, wellbeing, happiness, hopes and dreams in the name of duty to society regardless of the detrimental affects to us as individuals the working practices are antiproductive, anti-human and anti-life you won't change the working conditions unless you change the metaphysical views of the people hiding behind the working practices they force upon us.
2/27/2025 11:39 AM
35 Fumes when the ADL 400's are regenning 2/27/2025 11:36 AM
36 Lack of equipment to carry out job safely 2/27/2025 11:25 AM
37 The buses are never cleaned or disinfected meaning all sickness and bugs spread quickly and often 2/27/2025 11:21 AM
38 Old buses not maintained properly 2/27/2025 11:18 AM
39 Glare from interior lights on windscreen 2/27/2025 11:10 AM
40 Director made me drive a vehicle with fumes in the cab when he insisted it was fit for use 2/27/2025 11:06 AM
41 Diesel fumes very strong in buses doing DPF regen whilst operating 2/27/2025 11:04 AM
42 Insufficient heating in workplace 2/27/2025 11:03 AM
43 faulty diesel pumps that leak fuel and need to be kicked to start pumping 2/27/2025 10:58 AM
Q18 Is there anything else that you would like to say about health and safety in the bus sector?
Answered: 123 Skipped: 393
1 I am off with Stress for 3 weeks
Public awareness in abuse and violence We are not allowed to display and signs to inform public that violence and abuse will not be tolerated It’s all about the number of buns on seats little disregard for drivers West coast motors is ran like an iron fist if you don’t like it you are sacked if you speak up
3/5/2025 7:42 PM
3/5/2025 6:21 AM
3 Our bus seats now have no real back support so many drivers complain of back and knee pains 3/4/2025 9:30 PM
Health and safety and welfare costs money and therefore it's a up hill battle for the company to be proactive, instead they are reactive, this is expensive work environment when there's a breech,also what we need is for the cab to be recognised as our place of work also we should not be in charge of a vehicle for longer that 4 5 hours ,if its deemed dangerous for HGV or tacho driver's then it should be deemed dangerous to be allowed or forced into 5 5 hours in charge of a vehicle 3/4/2025 1:21 PM
5 The issue of inadequate driver protection, such as headrests for whiplash, seat belts for even low speed incidents and insufficient frontal impact crumple zones in bus cabs This has meant that few accidents, especially offset crashes with oncoming vehicles are likely to result in avoidable serious injuries to any driver. The non seat belt law, originally intended for 500m delivery drivers has been exploited by the industry for too long We receive no data on incidents or injuries, so we assume a mushroom existence Most bus journeys cannot be classified as short journeys, and we do not regularly (every 500m) need to leave our seats So we should be protected as an HGV or other road user Knee impact areas are also totally inadequate, and would result in disabling injuries even at low speeds of impact. As a former Chief Designer at Volvo, and have never driven any other vehicle unprotected, I see the attitude of the industry grossly negligent I would be happy to be part of a task force to campaign for these improvements to protect now and into the future
6 I strongly feel there is a lack of interest in the bus sector in general Stagecoach SW has a policy of never refusing travel to any kind of person which has given the signal to the drugged and drunk and other types that puts drivers regularly at risk and generally has made travelling by bus a lower standard than any other! We need more revenue inspectors and a more robust policy and drivers need to be supported more to prevent this, safety then may improve, over time Duty rosters by computer should be outlawed and selected drivers should be included in the planning at every stage in tandem with union reps As an outstation driver I feel ignored, segregated from the main company and any issues raised are usually dismissed or totally ignored from the outset
7 Na.
8 Lack of sick pay causes driver to come to work whilst ill This not only spreads viruses to more vulnerable colleagues but is dangerous when driving as not fully alert Not enough time between finishing a duty and starting one the next day is dangerous.
Most buses interior lights do not dim when the door is closed, on dark hilly country roads this is very dangerous for all involved as the interior reflection is ridiculously bright on the inside of the windscreen, thus constricts vision too a third of the whole windscreen, with on coming traffic restricts the use of main beam use which is the only way to better my view of the road I report each bus of this fault but not many of the fleet are actually functioning correctly
older buses in fleet and faults being rectified
Poor head lights and glare in windscreen
3/4/2025 12:30 PM
3/4/2025 9:26 AM
3/4/2025 8:55 AM
3/4/2025 12:36 AM
3/3/2025 10:48 PM
3/3/2025 10:15 PM
3/3/2025 7:47 PM
For our good buses to stop being taken and given to other depots only for them to be replaced with buses only fit for scrap
The busses rattle that loudly im worried about my long term hearing
Do blind people MOT buses, because our buses are so poorly maintained and unreliable it makes me and all my colleagues wonder
I feel it has always been a second thought We had an engineer die at work this last week 3/3/2025 1:40 PM
Night Buses should have security guard on each trip,for the bus drivers saftry
20 No health and safety measurements are done at bluestar ,unless the health and safety are costing that day, then they run putting everything right ,then it goes straight back to nothing ,I've spoken to management and was made to feel I a joke
As A 57 year-old woman, I feel very vulnerable if I’m required to do a midnight Plus, finish on my own When we got to choose a rota we wanted to go on I opted to do a four day week with the latest finish of 9:45 pm and now the management has changed it so that we now got to do midnight plus finishes
3/3/2025 12:39 PM
23 It’s a sham, it’s supported unfavourably by outdated legislation and is not regulated in support of staff or passengers, only on the side of money grabbing, selfish, uncaring company directors 3/3/2025 12:38 PM
Less hours and better pay equal better life with your family 3/3/2025 12:27 PM
The bus seats need to be monitored and changed regularly as they are having a huge impact on our health A lot of seats have never been changed and the seat cushions have perished on one side leading to multiple health issues Musculoskeletal problems are increasing because of the seats not being replaced when they are faulty.
3/3/2025 12:11 PM
Need longer break and only doing 4h 30min diving would make it much better Some of the seat on the buses are uncomfortable aswell 3/3/2025 12:11 PM
27 most buses have poor headlights 3/3/2025 12:06 PM
The minimum time between daily duties needs to ve at least ten hours to allow adequate sleep time and travelling to and fro to work 3/3/2025 11:54 AM
3/3/2025 11:52 AM
Something needs to be done about people parking cars illegally, I e in bus stops/double parking I also think that more needs to be done with regards to the maintenance if buses, there seems a "pit it on the defect card" then nothing is done 3/3/2025 11:44 AM
The mgt seem to want to avoid any driver input on these issues 3/3/2025 11:41 AM
Most companies promote health and safety as a priority and then use lip service rather than action to prevent illness or safety behaviours 3/3/2025 11:41 AM
National pay gap for same job 3/3/2025 11:38 AM
Recognise the cab as a place of work so equal regulation apply to all staff 3/3/2025 11:34 AM 35 Engineering lack of courtesy when attempting to fix a bus on the road Standard response is to perform a rest and continue 3/3/2025 11:30 AM
3/3/2025 11:25 AM 37 Cab flooring not clean enough to avoid mosquito and flea bites 3/3/2025 11:21 AM 38 I'm the health and safety lead rep for Poole and District Bus Branch. We bring up all these issues at H&S committee meetings The managers smile and nod and acknowledge all our 3/3/2025 11:18 AM
concerns but there's always excuses, usually around money
39 In my experience, the only safety issue at our depot is the uneven surface of the yard itself with large potholes in places
40 On the whole the company ensures you have breaks, yes I do feel though that if you’re on a spare duty (LD1 / LD2 / LD3 / LD4 & LD5) the company expects you to be on call at all times and this is wrong!! It’s a 10 5 hour duty I expect my break around the middle of my duty Not 2 or 3 hours after I start work and a second break a couple of hours before I finish my duty. The duty is more than 10 hours long the Government website says the legal break (at least 30 minutes) should be around half way through the duty We’re humans not robots!
41 Although I have not been a driver for long, it has become apparent that there is a disconnect between the drivers, inspectors and engineers Quite often there is an issue with a bus that should not be in service due to a mechanical issue, our first point of call is explaining this issue to an inspector or calling engineering. Both of which don't seem to be taken seriously. The same bus then is seen out in service with the issue clearly not fixed but as engineering can't replicate the issue in there testing, they deem it fine to be in service Even if drivers report the fault is still there to inspectors And then we have no action but to keep driving a faulty bus as the inspector has told the inspectors or whoever that it's fine to drive we then seem to have no other options but to use that bus.
42 The HGV industry have independent suspension on the cabs and also the seats whereas we bus drivers do not. I believe the is a huge possibility of RPS claims in the future if this problem is not corrected asap
3/3/2025 11:12 AM
3/3/2025 11:08 AM
3/3/2025 11:06 AM
3/3/2025 11:06 AM
43 Company reacts to incidents rather than trying to prevent them. No one listens to driver's/ reps 3/3/2025 11:03 AM
44 I am a new rep and I trying to learn they do and don't of what the role requires 3/3/2025 11:01 AM
45 Poor bus maintenance When heaters don’t work correctly 3/3/2025 10:59 AM
46 Drivers driving positions inadequate 3/3/2025 10:58 AM
47 Now that we are recieving new electric buses I hope some of the above to improve 3/2/2025 9:10 PM
48 My main concern is the condition of the drivers seats often broken and despite being reported never replaced or repaired. 3/2/2025 2:48 PM
49 Poor depot road surface, pot holes etc 3/1/2025 9:27 AM 50 Not having the cab as a defined place of work gives employers the opportunity to ignore certain H&S issues 2/28/2025 7:35 PM
51 No 2/28/2025 11:39 AM
52 The managers should not be allowed to continuously ask drivers to do overtime 2/28/2025 8:49 AM
53 The busses are so behind HGV’s in work space equipment like air conditioning. Heated mirrors A truck has 6 leagley required mirrors which are heated and a bus has two very small un-heated mirrors poor instruments I could go on freight there is no concern for the driver health and safety yet spend a lot on things like telematics 2/28/2025 8:18 AM
54 I would like something put in place that would prevent passengers from talking to me while I’m driving They break my concentration It’s a nasty accident waiting to happen 2/27/2025 10:07 PM
55 A vast majority of buses in our fleet have radios which do not work meaning you feel more vulnerable, unable to contact someone if and when something goes wrong The cab heating or fans are hit and miss and there is sometimes not much rest between driving stints Particularly if you run late due to issues out on the road or traffic. Currently I am dealing with an ongoing shoulder injury, which was jarred when I was attempting to open a cab window that was stuck shut This was the second time I have injured it thus It is frustrating how such a simple task can cause injury or strain to a driver 2/27/2025 9:50 PM
56 Dangerous routes are arbitrarily issued and when we point this out nothing changes If, as a result accidents happen , the drivers are then blamed and disciplined 2/27/2025 9:49 PM
57 Management need to involve employees when creating and/or changing duties There is a need for management to create a long term rota and stick to it so employees can have a better 2/27/2025 9:26 PM
58 Drivers allowed to work excessive hours It might be beneficial to employer and employee but I don't think it's healthy for drivers 2/27/2025 8:12 PM
59 There is no policy on vaping, several times I have had to take the bus out of service because people wouldn't stop vaping, making myself and passenger feel unwell 2/27/2025 7:35 PM
60 Disrespect and aggression from passengers 2/27/2025 7:10 PM 61 Driver fatigue due to split days off
4:49 PM
No 2/27/2025 4:44 PM 63 Poor driving seats no adequate lumber support 2/27/2025 4:13 PM
64 Bus old and unfit for purpose Regular breakdowns, buses have lack of heating and demisters Have to have drivers windows open to help demist in all weather's 2/27/2025 4:13 PM
65 The possible risk of a dvt with long shifts 2/27/2025 3:50 PM
66 No 2/27/2025 3:33 PM
67 Our yard is rammed full of buses early mornings I believe there are too many Minor accidents occur and buses get damaged. Also, during periods of cold weather, de icing is often done as an afterthought 2/27/2025 3:23 PM
68 I work on the falcon Megabus down in Plymouth always had problems with the seats where they don’t pump up or just in long journeys putting reports regarding this lack of time off in between breaks as I work nights example have two days off but my first day off is sleeping After the day we do not get any traffic updates or road closures until it’s too late Heating doesn’t work in cold weather so we sat there freezing with our coats on coach door is not shutting properly and making it very loud noises with the wind. Repairs to coaches being signed off without proper maintenance so when you get back in the coach, the problem still existing
2/27/2025 2:21 PM
69 Assault screens should becinstalled 2/27/2025 2:01 PM
70 Seat weight limits plus i believe there should be a life span on drivers seats 2/27/2025 1:48 PM
71 Neither operators or bus manufacturers care about the health and well being of drivers Maintenance kept to minimum quite often means no heating, water leaking in onto the driver. No air con in cab, some of town buses (Optares) are like driving a greenhouse! Nobody cares despite the box ticking exercises!
2/27/2025 1:13 PM
72 Eight hour working days without loss Of psy 2/27/2025 1:00 PM
73 Many buses don't have heating during freezing temperatures Many bus seats are worn and uncomfortable causes back and leg/foot pains. Long driving hours of 5 hours causes fatigue resulting in accidents Reduced rest times causes fatigue and accidents Lots of buses with small mirrors making it difficult to see your surroundings At night time the saloon lights glare onto your windscreen making it difficult and hazardous to see Often Many young people/drunks making you feel unsafe and scared. Many issues reported with bus about rough/dangerous breaking but problems are never fixed Routes are dangerous and not suitable for buses to travel on, causing further accidents on the road leading to stressed drivers 2/27/2025 1:00 PM
74 It is in a terrible state, as even when problems are brought up it’s all about how they can ignore them or manage to blame a driver/cleaner/mechanic or supervisor Upper management don’t give a shit, and it’s just trickle down economics ie pass the shit down and blame further down the chain
2/27/2025 12:44 PM
75 Look into the amount of drivers suffering from circulationary issues caused by driving long hours and bad seating in buses 2/27/2025 12:38 PM
76 5 5 hours is far to long to be driving a bus If you are driving a car you are told to take a break every 2 hours Years ago when all you had to do was drive and you had a conductor maybe But now drivers are expected to do more and more. There is far more traffic on the roads. You have ticket machine trying to get your attention every time it loses the GPS signal a voice warning of low bridges the voice for the next bus stop and the flash lights of green road That's 2/27/2025 12:36 PM
on top of having look for all other road users intending passengers and everyone on the bus So 5.5 hours is far to long.
77 I had a fall at work recently and the yellow warnin paint was so faded i couldnt see it on the raised kerb 2/27/2025 12:17 PM
78 We need more Toilet facilities Better pay shorter working hours Management that actually care about the Drivers and are willing to listen to its workers But we are not important were only numbers can easy be replaced . 2/27/2025 12:16 PM
79 Poor lighting on most buses 2/27/2025 12:12 PM
80 Busses need full assault screens 2/27/2025 12:12 PM
81 No 2/27/2025 12:11 PM
82 If your late on break they don't always give that time back to you if they do you sometimes run out late on your next part of duty this causes stress to driver, never is traffic taken in consideration when running boards are made, example school time traffic and tea time traffic, if violence is reported it gets turned around to be drivers fault saying we provoke it and if we are in right about anything we get no support and customer never gets told actually you were wrong Parking at work has become an issue to a lot of staff especially when starting a shift after 8 30am not so bad on weekends, would love it if all buses had air con and heating when needed, and forced overtime has become an issue to some drivers 2/27/2025 11:51 AM
83 There needs to be access to toilets especially on long runs doe females 2/27/2025 11:49 AM
84 Lack of lighting in garage area 2/27/2025 11:47 AM
85 They seem to ignore drivers issues with roots and timing delays when in traffic jam's and breaks due to payed breaks 2/27/2025 11:47 AM
86 Lack of repairs done to buses 2/27/2025 11:45 AM
87 In my view, the only way to make positive changes to the working conditions of bus drivers is a united front with all drivers and all unions from each company coming together for a prolonged and sustained national strike. 2 tier kier is a weak man, a communist that only cares about power and is the perfect prime minister to be subjected to thus kind of action He can barely hold a majority and is cancelling local elections in a vain attempt to hold on He would buckle to the changes just out of self interest Another aspect of health and safety that is either weak or nonexistent is responsibility and accountability I recently had an illegal duty changed at my workplace but needed to email legislation and dvsa guidance to the controller and then call him to tell him to get it legal or i would be going to the managing director and sending a copy to the dvsa for their opinion on the duty The duty had been in operation for 4 weeks before I got given it The inspectors knew it wasn't legal, the controller knew it wasn't legal, the schedulers must have known it wasn't legal and the area manager is no fool but not one of them took action until I kicked off This lack of responsibility and lassaize faire attitude to problems is no doubt endemic across the bus industry but within my company I won't put up with it Ultimately, the managing director or ceo, whichever name they choose is the individual with the final responsibility for health and safety but I think they avoid it and things are hidden from them intentionally. Severe personal financial penalties and the potential for prison time for serious breaches would address this and lead to a culture of responsibility moving downwards within companies that can only have positive affects on working conditions It has also been my experience that union officials there to support the workforce are given cushy numbers by the management and then work to protect their own position and perks rather than support the staff. I would like to see a union anticorruption unit set up, an independent group auditing the union reps and negotiators to ensure they live by the values the unions should be living and working to I would happily set this up and lead this group for you
88 Should bring back supervisor on school buses
89 Bournemouth Depot is in an appaulling state,uneven,breaking up and unsafe ground
90 I believe that the bus company should make sure all bus driver seats are checked to make sure they work properly and renewed if they don’t or are in bad condition. As we have to be in these seats for extended periods of time they should be comfortable and in working order
91 We as drivers are expected to get service delivered no matter what including pressure from managers to break legal time driving hours
2/27/2025 11:39 AM
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2/27/2025 11:36 AM
2/27/2025 11:36 AM
2/27/2025 11:32 AM
92 I have noticed my eye sight deteriorate since starting as a bus driver, my optician says it may have something to do with having to look down at a ticket machine which doesn't have an adequate display screen I'm sure in office working it's advised to have the monitor at eye level to avoid this 2/27/2025 11:32 AM
93 The turnover of staff & always wanting us to work days off tells you everything about the poor conditions & the holidays being so poor when other workplaces you can buy extra weeks
Repairs take excessive time after reporting, which can cause work place injuries and getting sick as a result Lack of an easy to access reporting system or training in such procedures means that they get ignored
Less hours fair pay, air conditioner, seat belt, working reverse camera and regular maintenance on the bus routes such as cutting trees bushes road surfaces etc
I feel pressure often from management and engineering to take buses that are in an unfit state All drivers have their worries dismissed and often registered defects are cleared on a tablet inside, without the buses being looked at by engineering 2/27/2025 11:21 AM
100 Buses being poorly maintained ie regen not being sorted causing drivers to drive at dangerous slow speeds on motorways and normal roads 2/27/2025 11:19 AM
What will the RMT do they take our money and only work for the rail service
The option of assault screens implemented on all vehicles
11:09 AM 107 Needs a total overhaul, we carry the most precious cargo of all but do longer hours for poorer pay than that of a truck driver, wuilst management gets paid more and more, making redundancies to fund it and cutting services for profit 2/27/2025 11:09 AM
11:07 AM
I’m in Devon so abuse is not rife here. The conditions of the vehicles and the blasé attitude of some management is a problem 2/27/2025 11:06 AM
Getting wet in cab when it's been raining. Water leaking in cabs
11:05 AM
Yes, some of our buses get fixed while we’re driving Apparently you put a bus fault down on the ticket machine half an hour will still driving it. It appears as fixed on The checklist other times you bring the bus in at night which is the last one so there’s no one around to fix it because everyone’s gone home by 5 o’clock in the morning 5:30 it’s fixed yet no one‘s been over to it as they only just started work so they can’t get over there 2/27/2025 11:05 AM
No 2/27/2025 11:03 AM 115 Nothing will be done concerning this survey, as its for bus workers not train workers who get full backing of the RMT 2/27/2025 11:03 AM 116 Headlights on buses inadequate. Mirrors in correct position. Adjustable seats. Cctv working on all buses No buses with warning lights on dash while in service 2/27/2025 11:01 AM
117 In some areas there is insufficient lighting. Loders Yard in Dorchester is pitch black at night and is unsafe when manoeuvring large vehicles in limited space
2/27/2025 11:00 AM
118 Allowing standing passengers on fast roads just seems crazy Adding more stress to the driver 2/27/2025 10:59 AM
119 Seems to be posters for H&S but companies generally only implement it when it suits them. 2/27/2025 10:59 AM
120 Remove covid screens They're as much use as a chocolate teapot 2/27/2025 10:58 AM
121 Management are not interested in helping you out - unless your face fits then they bend over backwards I was diagnosed with a disease which requires regular medication and regular start & finish times. Was told by management it wasn’t possible, a month later 2 different lady drivers were given exactly what they asked for 2/27/2025 10:58 AM
122 It really does need sorting out 2/27/2025 10:58 AM
123 No 2/27/2025 10:57 AM