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Jim Philp of RMT’s branch secretaries conference reports from Walsall


This year’s branch secretaries conference meeting in Walsall proved to be a success with guest speakers, superb hospitality from the branch and a full house of delegates plus extra on zoom.

Richard Rose of Unity Bank held a surgery on Saturday morning explaining how it had changed the process making it easier to add and subtract signatories to accounts plus a union dedicated helpline.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch gave a full account of the union’s activities over the last year and praised the branch secretaries for their work and leadership through

Dave Bossons 50 Years

Long-serving member

David Bossons picked up his 50 year membership badge from RMT general secretary Mick Lynch and incoming regional organiser Steve Shaw at Unity House recently having been on the tools the whole time. Dave started at Crewe works as an apprentice in 1973. He currently works as a cleaner for Atalian Servest on the Avanti West coast contract.

Engineering Awards

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch made presentations for long service awards for members of LU Engineering branch. 25-year badges were presented to Paul Grant, Paul the branch and on the picket line. RMT education officer Michael Cudojge spoke and delegates raised questions about courses that were required for new secretaries.

O Brien and Derek Lewis.

40-year awards were given to Michael Valbonesi, Len Ebanks, Clive Kelly, Hedley Francis, Christopher Gilbert and John Burke.

After 104 years conference has now opted to go into the Rule Book which will mean a slight change to its constitution and standing orders. We hope to see a further increase in the number of delegates next year when we will be having our first conference under rule in Swansea. I'm sure it will be a great success with Mandy and her team leading the way.

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