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About this consultation
We want to know what you think about our strategic approach – this is not about the timetabling of individual services, but about proposed frequencies, route by route. These changes require us to consider our whole network.
We are considering a specification for services rather than specific trains or a timetable. It is for that reason that we are consulting with a defined set of organisations, which have a strategic or representative role rather than the wider community. You may wish, of course, to canvass opinion before responding to this consultation. This document provides more context to our approach and sets out the planned frequencies on each route.
There is a set of FAQs and also a number of questions which we invite you to respond to. You are welcome to tell us what else you think we need to know, as we finalise our plans for submission. Full details on how to respond are set out later in this document. Between SWR and Network Rail, we are committed to delivering the best service we can for our customers and communities. We want to make best use of our investment in new trains that offer so much more in terms of capacity, reliability and comfort. We have a real opportunity now to make our network fit for purpose – and we want you to help us shape that future. Please take the time to consider what we are proposing and let us have your feedback by the closing date of 19th September 2021.