SEMS Newsletter Fall 2014

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School of Engineering, Mathematics & Science FALL


> Student Achievements

> From the Dean It’s hard to believe but SEMS is 15 years old this year! For SEMS 15 Celebration, we have exciting events happening on campus over the next few months: ORBCRE Water Conference, Homecoming, Actuarial Science Career Day, RMU Family Weekend, and Science Bowl.

In response to industry demands new curriculum was developed: Land Management and Nutrition Certificates; Energy and Additive Manufacturing Certificates, done in collaboration with the Energy Innovation Center. Articulation Agreement with NYCC has been finalized and this is an opportunity for pre-med students to have a chiropractic option in New York State. Scholarly Achievements in SEMS total 47 publications in peer-reviewed journals plus two grants submitted to National Science Foundation. SEMS is building strong international connections with universities in Scotland, Slovakia, Ireland and Germany. So, SEMS 15, it is quite a milestone and we want to celebrate with you this important and exciting occasion! My Best Wishes,


SEMS is the fastest growing school at RMU and Engineering is the fastest growing major. Currently SEMS has 972 students, in 1999 we had 22. SEMS is getting ready for two very important re-accreditations: Actuarial Science, fall 2014 and ABET-engineering, fall 2015. Engineering is expanding its laboratories: Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering and 3-D Printing Labs. The increase in laboratory space is about 1,500 sq. ft. Next year the renovated JJ Building will support strong academics, promote workforce development, increase our competitiveness for grants and research money, and attract fervent students and faculty.



>> New chapters: Engineers for World Health (EWH), Engineers for Sustainable World (ESW), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) >> Lawton Crentsil was admitted to NASA Summer Undergraduate Research Program. >> Biomedical students were accepted to the Coulter College Workshop at Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting. >> A capstone (IED) student team filed for a provisional patent. >> A mechanical student team won the International Utility of Tomorrow Competition organized by SAP. >> Multiple poster presentations were made at the BMES Annual Meeting and ASEE Conference. >> Redwana Tabassum contributed to a paper for the 2014 Composites Manufacturing Conference. >> John McCutcheon presented his research work at the RESNA Conference. He also earned Honorable Mention with his co-authors and $500. >> A mechanical engineering student team presented their work on an anaerobic digester they built at the Learning Factory at a conference in Chicago. >> Lawton Crentsil and Michael Beamer were awarded national scholarships from Society of Manufacturing Engineers. >> Maritza Jimenez was awarded National Institutes of Health (NIH) Cardiovascular Fellowship for Ph.D. study at Pitt. >> Sarah Robb was awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship for Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University. >> Benjamin Smith became the 4th RMU student to be awarded the prestigious $500 American Society of Metals (ASM) Scholarship.

For the full list of student achievements see SEMS and departmental websites. M A R I A V. K A L E V I T C H , P H . D . , DEAN & UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR

> Leadership Pittsburgh Leadership Pittsburgh Inc. (LPInc.) is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a diverse group of leaders. A focus in multi-disciplinary leadership identification and enrichment makes LPInc. one of the foremost networking organizations in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Working in close collaboration with RMU's School of Engineering, Mathematics & Science, LPInc. designed a program for female high school students. “Transforming Gritty to Sassy: Introducing Girls to Appealing Opportunities in Manufacturing” showcases the value of pursuing a career in Manufacturing Engineering and related fields. As the only accredited Manufacturing Engineering program in PA, RMU will use University students to inspire a new generation of female engineers. These future leaders will bridge the gap between the needs of the growing, regional manufacturing sector and the skills of the local workforce. RMU and LPInc. recently hosted a workshop at Penn Hill Senior High School. The event kicked off a social media campaign to keep students engaged in the future. During WWII, Rosie the Riveter inspired many women to take on manufacturing jobs. Can RMU students create a 21st Century “Rosie” to inspire a new generation of women?

> SEMS History SEMS was founded in 1999 by building upon the existing Department of Quantitative and Natural Sciences. In the late 1990's, the Board of Trustees, in response to regional needs, initiated the idea for a new school that would embrace degree offerings in engineering, mathematics and science as a new and strategic direction for the University. Small class sizes, hands-on learning, the personal attention from our dedicated faculty and staff who bring a combination of academic and industry experience to the classroom, close ties to industry, a student-centered private university community, and an integrated, industry-focused curriculum are hallmarks of our School.

> Energy Innovation Center The mission of the Energy Innovation Center is to contribute to socially responsible workforce development, foster energy and sustainable technology advancement, and assist in job creation through a commitment to diversity, innovation and comprehensive education. The Energy Innovation Center is actively working with employers and educators to identify, structure and deploy industry-informed education and training programs that advance the skills and knowledge of incumbent workers and meet the needs of those individuals seeking entry to the energy industry and related career paths. Several stakeholders including RK Mellon Foundation, CJL Engineering, Bayer and others are interested in the project. SEMS and EIC worked on three certificates to be offered at both institutions. Certificates included two undergraduate and one graduate certificate in energy and additive manufacturing. The undergraduate certifications are named: Energy Engineering Technology and Manufacturing Engineering, both 12 months long. Advanced Additive Manufacturing Certificate is a 12 month long graduate certificate.

> Center For Actual Excellence The RMU Actuarial Science Program holds the designation of Center for Actuarial Excellence (CAE). RMU was among the first cohort of only 10 United States schools to receive this designation in 2010. The CAE designation is based on a rigorous evaluation of a wide range of quantitative and qualitative characteristics by the Society of Actuaries, which is the largest North American actuarial science profession. Matt Corkery and Aaron Hartman participated in the CAE student summit in Chicago, August 14-15th. This was a two day conference where student representative from all 25 CAE schools meet and discuss various aspects of their programs. Kayla Newman, C'14, recently became a member of the "SOA Candidate Connect Advisory Board". This is a new initiative by the Society of Actuaries whose goal is to make actuarial candidates feel more connected to the SOA and to help them become successful actuaries.

> Founding Dean

> New Labs RMU’s Engineering Department has been busy updating its facilities to accommodate its rapidly growing student population. John Jay Center office space was transformed into multiple laboratories. Each includes strengthened hardware and software components and is furnished with benches and stools, storage cabinets, wireless HDTVs, and wheeled white boards. JJ 123 houses the 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Laboratory, containing specialized printers including RMU-built Mendelmax 1.5+, 3D Systems Projet 460 Plus, a multi-color 3D printer ideal for printing assemblies, and low-cost welding based printers. Designated as a Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, JJ 124 is stocked with 11 PC work-stations and bench top equipment from HBM and PASCO. This space can be reconfigured as a class room to serve 30 students. Modifications are in process to turn JJ 106 into a Biomedical Engineering Laboratory while JJ 254 will house the Industrial Engineering Laboratory. The Software Engineering Program will be receiving new servers and additional software tools.

> 3D Printing Arif Sirinterlikci, university professor of engineering, will give a presentation titled "Rapid Prototyping, Tooling, and Manufacturing – A Practitioner's Experience Spanning Almost 20 Years" at the 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Forum on Nov. 12 in Harrisburg. He also will be part of a panel at Bio-Printing: 3D Printing of Live Cells, a two-day forum in Atlanta, Nov. 13-14. Sirinterlikci will take part in a panel titled "Software for 3D Bio-printing: Integrating BioMedical Imaging to CAD Systems." Students, alumni, and faculty in the School of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science published an article in the inaugural issue of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing. The article "3D Printing (Rapid Prototyping) Photopolymers: An Emerging Source of Antimony to the Environment" was co-authored by student Daniel Volk (environmental science), alumnus Phil Salerno (also earning a master's degree in engineering management), and alumnus Jason Melzer, who earned both undergraduate and graduate engineering degrees. Faculty Daniel Short, Paul Badger, and Arif Sirinterlikci also contributed to the article.

A distinguished engineering educator, Dr. Omurtag is a retired professor of Engineering and Science at Robert Morris University where he served as the Founding Dean of the School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science from 1999 to 2005. Under Dr. Omurtag’s leadership, the engineering programs were established and obtained ABET accreditation in record time. He also led the efforts to establish the MS program in Engineering Management and an innovative non-residential PhD program in Engineering. A Research Center was also established to provide outreach services to industry. Prior to RMU he was at the University of Missouri-Rolla where he served as a Department Head and a Professor of Engineering Management. During his tenure as Head, the Department of Engineering Management achieved rankings among the top tier schools of Industrial Engineering and Management. Throughout his service at Rolla, he directed and mentored over 50 PhDs some of whom are now serving as faculty, department heads, deans and top level administrators at universities throughout the world. A registered Professional Engineer, Dr. Omurtag holds a Mechanical Engineering Bachelor’s degree with Co-op from Iowa State University, a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Turkey and a PhD in Industrial Engineering from Iowa State.

> SEMS Community and Outreach Directed by Dr. Matthew Maurer and Sarah MacDonald, the Outreach program has been very active in promoting STEM to students and teachers in grades K-12, as well as to those at the post-secondary level. A wide variety of events have been created to engage students and teachers in specific STEM disciplines, careers, and problem-solving experiences. New offerings since 2012 have included: Elementary Family STEM Night, Girls in STEM, Zombie Apocalypse Summer Camp, Electo-optics Summer Camp, Alternative Energy & Sustainability Workshop. SEMS Outreach staff regularly attend and present at local, state, and national conferences to promote SEMS, as well as to network and collaborate with STEM professionals. We are looking to explore more online outreach offerings in the near future. If you are interested in volunteering at our events, please contact us. Connecting with alumni is a great way for RMU students to grow and learn about their future careers, and alumni are a valuable professional resource for our STEM initiatives.

> The SEMS Center for Research and Outreach Created in 2010, is home to the SEMS faculty, staff and students who are engaged in a wide variety of research, development and outreach activities which enrich the educational experience at Robert Morris and connect our School to the region, the nation, and the globe.

> New Faculty Dr. Rika Wright Carlsen was hired as an Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Wright Carlsen holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from University of Pittsburgh, MS and Ph.D. also in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Most recently Dr. Wright Carlsen was a postdoctoral researcher at the Nanorobotics Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). Her previous experiences include a Research Internship at Sandia National Laboratories as well as Graduate Research Assistantship at JHU.

Dr. Ergin Erdem was hired as an Assistant Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. Dr. Erdem holds BS and MS degrees both in Industrial Engineering from Middle East Technical University (Turkey) and a Ph.D. in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from North Dakota State University (NDSU). Most recently he was a researcher at the Veterans Engineering Research Center at NDSU. He previously worked as a lecturer in the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department.

Dr. Heather Hunt was hired as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Dr. Hunt holds a BS in Mathematics (minor in Statistics), MA in Mathematics and Ph.D. in Applied and Industrial Mathematics from the University of Louisville, Kentucky. Her areas of concentration are Functional Equations and Group Theory. Her focus of dissertation is solving functional equations on noncommutative groups using ideas from analysis, abstract algebra, calculus, and differential equations.


> Letter from the Board of Visitors 15 Years + 400 hundred graduates. Fantastic! After my retirement from Bayer MaterialScience, I had the opportunity to be one of those adjunct professors in SEMS. I taught introductory Chemistry and environmental science. Several things struck me in that experience; first, how very demanding and challenging the work of educating is. Every Board member should take some time, if not to teach a full class, at least to prepare and give a lecture or two. The second point that strikes me

is the intense personal commitment of the faculty. They care about these students as people. It is palpable in the classrooms and in the private one on one conversations. Third, the students are eager to learn and vested in the process. Come prepared to be challenged and reaffirm your own knowledge. As a board member I have also been allowed to witness the results of the Staff and faculties constant striving to build this program at RMU. Serving on the Visitors Board for the School of Engineering, Mathematics & Science has been a pleasure. And most importantly of all the pleasures is to see the product; bright, motivated, engaging, and well prepared students. We have seen progress on student numbers, student test scores, and facility and

equipment improvements. We have seen new and seasoned faculty working together to move the SEMS agenda forward. We have seen awards and recognition. Sometimes though looking at all those achievements is like looking at something too close. But every once in a while, you can step back and look at the credentials, experience , and resume of one student and you go, Wow! Better yet, you hear them describe their own journey, gratitude, and hopes. And you go Wow! JAMES KASSNER J A M E S E . K A S S N E R C O N S U LT I N G CHAIR OF FUNDRAISING SEMS BOARD OF VISITORS

> Internships and Real-Life Experiences

> Workforce Development and Training of Future Professionals In Southwestern Pennsylvania SEMS is involved in growing a strong workforce for Southwestern PA in engineering especially manufacturing and biomedical, and in sciences including environmental sciences for shale and gas industry development.

The newly developed Energy and Sustainability curriculum (15 credit minor) has gained international recognition with course offerings in Ireland and Germany. Another opportunity is to develop international exchanges at ENU, Scotland. The course “Renewable Resources” had a study abroad component and SEMS students and faculty traveled to University of Bremen, Germany. SEMS also developed an Energy track on the graduate level, MS Engineering Management.

> Workforce Development and President Obama Advanced Manufacturing Initiative RMU, along with several industries and leading universities in Pennsylvania and Ohio (Carnegie Mellon, Pitt, PSU, Case Western, Youngstown State Universities, Lorraine County Community College), was part of the proposal by the National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining, who is the leader of this Alliance. This proposal is in response to President Obama’s call for Manufacturing Renaissance in the country. SEMS already has a manufacturing engineering program in place and it is the only ABET accredited program in the state of Pennsylvania and among only a few in the nation. On Thursday, August 16, in Youngstown Ohio at the factories of the M-7 manufacturing company, an announcement was made by the Obama administration officials that this Alliance was the recipient of a five year grant totaling over $60 million. This grant was in support of establishing a pilot National Advanced Manufacturing Institute.

We provide education and training to attract and retain talented workers in the region of SWPA, thus building a workforce of future professionals in the region.

> Program Focus and Industry Connection Our programs focus on communications, business, and enterprise skills in addition to the technical content within a given discipline. This enables our graduates to hit the ground running upon graduation or advance their education in graduate school. Our programs are guided by active Program Advisory Committees and the School itself is guided by the SEMS Board of Visitors. The feedback from these leaders drawn from various sectors of the "real-world" ensures that our programs remain relevant and competitive.

Contact Us MARIA V. KALEVITCH, PH.D. Dean, School of Engineering, Mathematics & Science 412-397-4020

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The grants are designated for workforce development and applied research that SEMS is already well known for in the region. The most important impact this grant will have is the national recognition of SEMS Engineering and the benefit it brings to students, faculty and alums.


SEMS continues to have the Center of Actuarial Excellence designation, ABET re-accreditation till 2016, and strong enrollment with higher academic quality of incoming freshmen. Since 2008 SEMS tripled its enrollment from 337 students to 900+ students.

Within six months of graduating, SEMS student internship and job placements are close to 96% with 100% placement in manufacturing engineering. Last year SEMS students had internship experiences with prestigious companies both regionally and nationally. The distinguished list of hosting organizations includes, but is not limited to: NASA, Boeing, Lokhid Martin, US Steel, Bayer MEDRAD, Neurokinetics, Westinghouse Electric, Console Energy, Kenson Plastics, Allegheny Plastics, Hartford Life, Humana, Nationwide, Highmark, W.K. Merriman, Wheeling Hospital, and Wilderness Chiropractic Health.

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