OF THE SWEETS! Helpful tips for keeping healthy through Halloween (& into the holiday season!)
Dr. Kim Feinstein, Psy. D.
Clinical Psychologist & Weight Loss Specialist
October marks the beginning of the holiday weight gain cycle, which continues through Thanksgiving and Christmas. This season often results in average holiday weight gain of 7–12 pounds! Thankfully, there are ways to keep from gaining extra pounds. Below are some helpful tips that can help you to avoid the temptation of Fall treats. 1.
The grocery stores are filled with holiday-themed treats, so if you want to buy for kids or family always purchase kinds you do not like. This way you will not be tempted! If you are a skilled, mindful eater, savor ONE piece of your favorite treat or candy per day. Decide ahead of time what time of day you most crave the sweet treat and save your treat for that time. Then, slowly savor and experience it. Remember: It is ok to indulge in your cravings once in a while! Learning mindful eating behaviors is the secret to sustainable healthy living, but it takes some practice. If you know that you will be unable to just stop at one, do not try this exercise yet. Chew sugarless gum as a substitute for candy. Sugarless gum gives you a burst of sweetness for very few calories.
Did you know?
Often times, alternative names for sugar are used on ingredient lists! Familiarize yourself with these terms in order to avoid accidental consumption of excess sugar in your everyday foods. Glucose Maltodextrin Evaporated Cane Juice Molasses Fruit Juice Corn Syrup Fructose Dextrose Agave Nectar Maltitol
SWEET TOOTH Reeses-Inspired Protein Shake I N G RED IENT S 1 Serving RM Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake* 1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice (or desired amount) 8 oz water Ice (as desired) Note: 1 Serving RM Shake or Drink = 2 oz protein D I R EC T IO NS Combine ingredients in a blender, adding ice as needed until desired consistency is achieved.
NEW! SAMPLER PACKS Try 6 of our most popular protein shake & drink flavors with the NEW Sampler Pack – available online. Or, mix and match any flavor you’d like at one of our locations.
Healthy “Sour Patch Kids” ING R E D IE NTS 3 cups fresh blueberries 1 package Sugar-Free watermelon JELL-O® (powder) 1 package Sugar-Free lemon JELL-O® (powder) Note: ¾ cup blueberries = 1 fruit serving D IR E C TIONS Mix JELL-O® flavors (keep as powder) in a small bowl and set aside. Pour about ¼ of the mixture onto a plate. Rinse blueberries and pat until mostly dry. Add a few blueberries at a time to the plate of JELL-O® mix and roll around until completely coated. When coated, remove the blueberries and place in a separate bowl. Repeat the process, adding more JELL-O® mix to the plate as needed, until all blueberries have been coated. Place your bowl of JELL-O® covered blueberries into the refrigerator for at least one hour before enjoying.
Meringue Cookies INGREDIENTS 6 egg whites 1 tsp lemon juice ½ serving of 1 RM Vanilla Protein Drink* 6 Tbsp Swerve® Confectioners Sugar Note: 1 egg white = 1 oz protein; ½ Serving RM Shake or Drink = 1 oz protein Hint: add any sugar-free Jello® flavors for extra sweetness & taste if desired!
DIRECTIONS Preheat the oven to 210°F. Prepare a cookie sheet by lining with parchment paper. Whisk/whip the egg whites with a squeeze of lemon in a metal or glass bowl until you see stiff peaks. Beat in Swerve® Confectioners Sugar for approximately 15 seconds, being careful not to over-mix. With a piping bag (or plastic snack bag with a corner snipped off), pipe out 1-inch wide dollops onto the lined cookie sheet. Bake cookies for 45 minutes. When done, turn off the oven and allow the cookies to cool completely.
*RM Protein shakes & drinks are available for purchase in-location or online at
BASICS Anita Terlizzi, RM Fitness Expert & Certified Personal Trainer
If you don’t already exercise regularly, starting can be overwhelming. So, here are a few simple workouts you can do.
Side Lunges 1 Stand tall & step your right leg out to side. 2 Bend your right leg at the knee while keeping the left leg straight. 3 Imagine you are sitting into a small chair behind you, then push off that heel and stand tall again.
Squats 1 Stand with feet a little wider than hip width, toes facing front. 2 Drive your hips back — bending at the knees and ankles. 3 Sit into a squat position while still keeping your heels and toes on the ground, chest up and shoulders back. 4 Strive to eventually reach parallel, meaning knees are bent to a 90-degree angle.
Standing Bicycles 1 Stand tall, with both hands behind your head. 2 Rotate your right elbow as you raise and meet your left knee. 3 Return your leg back to the starting position, then repeat the movement on the opposite side.
High Knees For 30 seconds (or as long as desired), run or march in place, bringing your knees up to chest level. Speed will be dependent on your cardio fitness level.
*Always consult with your RM Medical Provider prior to beginning a workout regimen. RM3® patients are advised to limit their fitness level to 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise per day. For more fitness tips from Anita Terlizzi, visit
K EEP YO U M O TIVATE D Dr. Kim Feinstein, Psy. D.
Clinical Psychologist & Weight Loss Specialist
Positive Self-Talk Positive self-talk can boost productivity, motivation and confidence! When you speak to yourself in a way that builds up self-esteem, you are able to achieve feelings of renewal and confidence. How to do it: Become mindful of the way that you are speaking to yourself. For instance, do you ever think “I can’t do this,” or “this is too hard?” Once you become aware of the thoughts that are undermining your success, you can begin to look for opportunities to rephrase your negative thoughts into more positive ones, such as “I deserve a lifetime of health,” or “I can overcome my cravings”.
Goal Visualization Highly successful athletes & artists have been known to use visualization to help them achieve their ultimate goals. The science behind why visualization works is that imagining, or creating a mental image of success, helps us to improve confidence & resilience. When you have a mental image of your end-goal, you will feel empowered to keep working towards your goal!
The 5 Rs Method
Achieving a large goal can be overwhelming, but the 5 Rs method may help you put your efforts into perspective.
THE 5 Rs METHOD STEP 1 Establish Relevancy
STEP 2 Determine Risks
STEP 3 Consider Rewards
STEP 4 Identify Roadblocks
STEP 5 Remove Barriers
Define why achieving your goal is important to you.
List the negative effects of not achieving you goal.
List positive effects of achieving your goal.
List potential obstacles to achieving you goal.
Develop an action plan for overcoming potential roadblocks to success.
“To tolerate cravings, I will use the 5 Ds method (Delay, Distract, Distance, Determine, Decide)”
EXAMPLES Desire to live a long, happy life Be a better role model to your children Feel less tired
Improved body image
Mental Health issues
Less risk for health problems
Hypertension Type 2 diabetes Decreased mobility
More active social life Better mood
Negative self-talk Busy schedule Strong cravings
“ I do not have time to cook everyday, so I will meal-prep in advance of each week.”
Unsupportive peers
For more information on the psychology behind weight loss, motivation, and more, visit
DURING THE PANDEMIC Until menopause hit, Rose S. always loved her figure. The changes in hormones associated with menopause caused unexpected weight gain, which she tried to get rid of with a variety of diets. However, Rose did not have any success in losing weight & keeping it off. After going through the RM3 program, Rose S. has since lost over 55 pounds! Despite roadblocks such as hormone changes & the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, she continues to steadily lose weight & get closer to her goal.
Through video appointments, Rose continued to stay on track and didn’t slow down her progress. “It sounds dramatic, but I would have been absolutely devastated if I had been cut off from the support of the physicians and medical assistants at Red Mountain during this very difficult time. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re unable to exercise as usual and you can feel like you’re on a plateau. I know I have a tendency to want to cheat at night, so to counter that I’ve been encouraged to prepare healthy snacks ahead of time that are better for me to eat later in the evening. Not only did my team at Red Mountain give me recommendations on how I could overcome hardship, they also just showed a tremendous amount of empathy and care for my wellbeing and emphasized that I’m more than a number on the scale.
Weight loss is an extremely personal and emotional journey. It’s so wonderful to have the Red Mountain medical team’s professional guidance and support. It’s invaluable and the difference between finding success and falling behind.”
-Rose S.,
RM3® Patient