RMYC 2022 Annual Report

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Chief Executive Officer


Chief Operating Officer


Chief Financial Officer


Chief Program Officer


Conservation Corps Assistant Manager


Operations Manager


Youth Programs Assistant Manager


Natural Resource Internship Manager


Data Systems Manager


Accounting Director


Youth Programs Manager


Youth Programs Manager


Human Resources Director


Conservation Corps Manager


Assistant Program Director


Development Manager

Board of Directors


FRANK MAYER Vice President


PAUL SACHS Secretary











Annual Report 2022

Rocky Mountain Youth Corps engages young people in the outdoors, inspiring them to use their strengths and potential to lead healthy, productive lives. We teach responsibility for self, community and environment through teamwork, service and experiential education.


Rocky Mountain Youth Corps will be the leader in NW Colorado to provide diverse opportunities for young people to participate in outdoor based service and education for their growth, respect and responsibility to self, community and environment. We will do this through strong sustainable collaborations with projects, programs, and funding partners.

Dear Friends of Rocky Mountain Youth Corps,

We finally feel like things are getting back to normal after an interesting couple of years dealing with Covid and the many impacts it had on so many young people. Our programs continue to grow in both capacity and scope of services. Our year-round staff structure continues to expand to maintain and increase our high quality of service to our participants and land management agencies. We are now a 15-person crew of senior staff members!

Our board and staff are making great progress on our four strategic plan focus areas:

• Vision, Mission, Goals, Core Values

• Succession Planning

• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity

• Financial Sustainability

We have implemented many strategies to engage a broader spectrum of participants by providing our materials in both English and Spanish; focusing recruitment on females, veterans, and opportunity youth & young adults; providing gear and fee scholarships to all in need; and expanding our mental health support services.

Our Natural Resource Internship program is rapidly establishing as one of our largest as we provide conservation career opportunities to more young adults in collaboration with our land management partners.

We are growing our endowment! We are making progress on our goal to attain an endowment balance of $3.5M as we have received generous donations/pledges of over $1.5M over the past 2 years.

Our ability to empower young people to lead healthy and productive lives continues to be our primary focus with service and community engagement as the medium through which this is achieved.

Thank you for your support, and please enjoy this Annual Report highlighting the youth, projects, and accomplishments of 2022, RMYC’s 30th program season!

Project & Program Partners

RMYC values the many agencies that we partner with to fulfill our mission. We would not have success for our participants or the communities and environments we serve without our diverse and strong collaborative partnerships.

Basalt State Wildlife Area

Bears Ears Ranch

Bee Grateful Farm

Bee The Future

BLM Colorado River Valley Field Office

BLM Kremmling Field Office

BLM Little Snake Field Office

BLM National Operations Center

BLM White River Field Office

City of Steamboat Springs

Colorado Department of Natural Resources

Colorado Fourteeners Initiative

Colorado Mountain College

Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Colorado Youth Corps Association

Conservation Legacy

CPW - Colorado State Forest State Park

CPW - Little Hills State Wildlife Area

CPW - Stagecoach State Park

CPW - Steamboat Lake State Park

Denver Water

Eagle County

Eagle Valley Outdoor Stewardship Coalition

Friends of the Dillon Ranger District

Friends of the Eagles Nest Wilderness Friends of Wilderness (Zirkel)

Garfield State Wildlife Area

Grand Lake Metropolitan Recreation District

Hayden School District

Headwaters Trails Alliance


Main Street Steamboat

Mountain Bluebird Farm

Murphy Larson Ranch

National Forest Foundation

Natural Resources Conservation Service

North Routt Charter School

Northwest Colorado Health Aging Services Coalition

NPS - Rocky Mountain National Park

Oak Ridge State Wildlife Area

One Track Mind Foundation

Partners for Youth

Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts Camp

Public Lands Service Corps

Roaring Fork Mountain Bike Association

Roaring Fork Valley Horse Council

Roundup Riders of the Rockies

Routt County Council on Aging

Routt County Humane Society

Routt County Riders

Soda Creek Elementary School

Sonny Petrie

South Routt School District

Steamboat Montessori School

Steamboat Ski & Resort Corp.

Steamboat Springs School District

Summit County

The Corps Network

The Haven Assisted Living

The Nature Conservancy Carpenter Ranch

Town of Breckenridge

Town of Eagle

Town of Frisco

Town of Hayden

Town of Oak Creek

Town of Silverthorne

USFS - Arapaho - Roosevelt NF

USFS - Bridger-Teton NF

USFS - Medicine Bow-Routt NF

USFS - Pike-San Isabel NF

USFS - White River NF

Warhorse Ranch

Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Yampa River Botanic Park

Yampa Valley Austism Program

Yampa Valley Sustainability Council


Major Partners

RMYC values the many organizations and agencies that we partner with to fulfill our mission. We would not have success for our participants or the communities and environments we serve without our diverse and strong collaborative partnerships.

AMERICORPS We are proud to partner with AmeriCorps by engaging young adults in service work with the goal of meeting the critical needs of the community and environment.

COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT (CDPHE) provides public health and environmental protection services that promote healthy people in healthy places. Guided by prevention science, RMYC’s programs lower risk by building protective factors and proven strategies that help young people bond with families and communities, promoting healthy and successful adulthood.

COLORADO YOUTH CORPS ASSOCIATION Transforming lives and communities through service, personal development, and education statewide, CYCA aspires to be the leader in conservation and service and empowers corps to change lives statewide.

THE CORPS NETWORK The Corps Network provides critical leadership to the corps movement and to the nation’s service and conservation corps as they tackle some of America’s greatest challenges.

21ST CENTURY CONSERVATION SERVICE CORPS RMYC is proud to be a member of this bold national effort to put thousands of young Americans and veterans to work protecting, restoring, and enhancing America’s great outdoors and cultural and community resources. This public-private partnership between government, industry, non-profit and community organizations works together to foster the next generation of community leaders and resource stewards.

GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO (GOCO) invests a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s park, trails, wildlife, rivers, and open spaces. RMYC receives both project funding and program support.

NATIONAL FOREST FOUNDATION Engages Americans in promoting the health and public enjoyment of our National Forests, which are at the core of America’s natural riches, and yet, today these treasures are threatened by unprecedented challenges.

US FOREST SERVICE For more than 100 years, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service has brought people and communities together to answer the call of conservation, caring for shared natural resources in ways that promote lasting economic, ecological, and social vitality. RMYC has partnered with the US Forest Service across Colorado, Wyoming, and neighboring states on hundreds of projects over the years.


The BLM mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. RMYC has partnered with the BLM in Colorado since 1993!

TOTAL REVENUE $5,070,417


Revenues & Expenditures
Total Revenues do not include a $200,000 donation to RMYC's Endowment Fund


Youth Corps provides leadership and hands-on workforce experience for youth ages 14-18. Service Learning Crew engaged 109 participants ages 11-13 through a comprehensive community service program that provided 3,000 volunteer hours in Routt, Moffat and Jackson counties. 104 Community Youth Crew participants ages 14-15 were paid while gaining valuable skills. Camping throughout northwest Colorado, 56 Regional Youth Crew participants ages 16-18 camped 24/7 with our Long-Term (4-week) crews receiving CPR/First Aid Certification. Our Junior Leader opportunity attracted 6 Routt County teens ages 16-19 to develop leadership skills while working with youth crews ages 11-15.


YVSS is a place-based and hands-on experiential science program that sparks excitement for learning for Routt County sixth graders. After a two-year hiatus due to COVID19, YVSS once again included an overnight component in 2022. 249 6th graders demonstrated an increase in education understanding of 65% based on the pre-post education test results. RMYC partnered with Yampatika to upgrade the curriculum.

“He seemed to love going. A few days later, he explained the entire food chain cycle. The camping option was also incredible, his first experience doing that, and it was a great 'toe in the water' for future overnight kid camps or camping away from Mom and Dad.”



Service Learning Crews removed vegetation from trails, stabilized barbed wire and built a quarter mile of single track bike trails. Participants also helped Senior Citizens in Moffat and Jackson counties maintain their yards through pulling weeds, planting and yard cleanups.

Community Youth Crews in Routt County protected and maintained 430 trees, maintained and widened 1 mile of trail and removed 25 bags of invasive species. Bike trails in Steamboat Springs were made more accessible by hauling and smoothing dirt, ADA trails were improved, and 10 feet of rock walls were installed.

Regional Youth Crews enhanced bike and pedestrian trails in Frisco, CO by widening the trail, improving switchbacks, installing rocks steps and seeding 2,700 square feet of backslope, removing 35 plants and trees and collecting 4,050 square feet of rocks.

“Getting to walk on the trails we build gave me a sense of accomplishment that was unlike anything I've felt before. It was just pride and happiness and gratitude that I could be a part of this adventure.”

Alison joined RMYC as a crew member in 2020, returned as an Assistant Crew Leader only to be promoted to Leader during training in 2021, and then returned as a Crew Leader in 2022. Alison explained the main reason for returning was to “shake the dust from their life” and further declared, “Camping for 11 straight weeks seemed crazy to me at that point so naturally I applied. Thank goodness I did! I attribute so much of who I am now to RMYC.”

Alison says that self-doubt was the biggest obstacle to overcome as a Crew Leader in 2022. “Going into the season, I was nervous about always making the right decisions for my crew and leading them the ‘right’ way. In the past, it was this kind of self-inflicted pressure that often prevented me from taking any action at all. I realized this season that messing up is inevitable, so I should lead with my gut, enjoy the successes and learn from the mistakes.”

The chainsaw certification and Wilderness First Responder training received opened up new job opportunities for Alison, and they attribute their RMYC experience as the catalyst for changing their college major to Conservation and Natural Resources, which was funded in part with their AmeriCorps Education Award. Alison’s impact on their 2022 Crew Members is impressive as several members are returning in 2023 in leadership roles, and they cite Alison’s influence and guidance as the biggest reason why they feel confident in doing so.

To say that Alison is dedicated to the corps life and the ideals which make RMYC what we are would be a huge understatement!



The Conservation Corps fielded 15 Summer and 7 Fall crews with a total of 205 crew members ages 18-25 years.


162 participants received AmeriCorps Education Awards for completing their full season totaling over $352,000! Crewmembers demonstrated significant increases in resiliency, confidence, job skills, problem solving, decision making, and healthy lifestyle choices.


Three crews working in Arapaho Roosevelt National Forest totaled 35 weeks in continued efforts to rehabilitate the extensive Stillwater Pass and Grand Lake trail systems after the East Troublesome fire of 2020. Last year our adult Conservation Corps crews focused on stabilizing trails and adding substantial drainage for the inevitable flooding that would occur post-fire. They built bridges designed for OHVs, and countless feet of buck and rail fencing to keep users on the trail and out of delicate areas.

Our new, smaller Strike Teams made up of 5 people worked in some incredible locations! Combined, our two Strike Teams worked in all 6 ranger districts of the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest in addition to the Pinedale Ranger District of the Bridger-Teton National Forest. They cleared 1,500+ trees on many miles of the Continental Divide Trail and improved a whole network of trails in the Mount Zirkel Wilderness.

Project partners reported satisfaction rates over 95% for the work these crews performed!

“I loved working on a CFI (Colorado Fourteeners Initiative) crew. The work was incredibly demanding, but it left me with such a profound sense of accomplishment. Our project partners were kind and enthusiastic and they made me super excited and passionate about our project. This really pushed me physically and mentally, but I loved it and feel stronger as a result ”


Our Natural Resource Internship program is designed to engage youth and young adults in valuable hands-on work experiences within natural resource public land management agencies and nonprofits. In 2022 we hosted 77 total interns in fifteen locations giving us our biggest year yet!

Positions included Archaeology, Hydrology, Wilderness Characteristics Surveying, Forestry Technician, Wilderness Ranger and Trail Crews, Recreation & Interpretation, Sage Grouse Monitoring, Visitor Information Services, Vegetation and Soils Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM), Oil and Gas Monitoring, and Survey/Cadastral assignments in collaboration with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the United States Forest Service (USFS).

These diverse opportunities allow participants to advance their educational knowledge through experiential work while exploring career opportunities in natural resources.

“Surveyors are needed everywhere, and my knowledge of Trimble equipment, GIS, and GPS systems has set me up, maybe for the rest of my life, in the natural resource world.”




Myrtle Atkinson Foundation

James & Katherine Boyle Charitable Trust

City of Steamboat Springs

CO Dept of Public Health & Environment/OBH

Craig-Scheckman Family Foundation

Daniels Fund

Education Fund Board

Bill & Debbie Feiges



Grayson Bauer

Peggy Berglund

Big Agnes & BAP

Ben Blair

Jacquelin Buratovich


Colorado Gives

Brad & Lara Craig

Susan Dreska

Donna Garth

Gerber Berend Design Build, Inc.

Glas Deffryn Ranch

Richard and Lori Grant

Robin & John Hanley

Rob Harris & Shelly Dermody

Valerie Gates

Iron Horse Family Foundation

Routt County

Routt County United Way

Tony & Emily Seaver

Marilyn Staff

State of CO Attorney General

Steamboat Springs Rotary Club

The Summit Foundation

Yampa Valley Community Foundation


360water, Inc.

Alpine Bank

Russ & Shine Atha

Jim & Anita Balthaser

BJT Foundation of the YVCF

Tim & Janet Borden

Business for Isness

Colorado Mountain

News Media, CO

John & Mary Ann Duffey

Fair & Square Construction

Allan & Gretchen Horner


Lauinger Family Fund

Randy & Lisa Lewis

Luck Family Foundation

Bob Maddox

Carole Milligan & Jack Dysart

Pattie Moon & Three Moon Fund

Michael & Gillian Morris

Suzanne Munn

Native Excavating

Old Town Hot Springs

Katie & Rick Riemenschneider

Bill & Barbara Sanders

Hans & Susan Schell

Steamboat Ace Hardware

Steamboat Pilot & Today

Steamboat Ski & Resort Corp

Steamboat Sticker

Denny & Joy Swanson

The Nature Conservancy

The Robert J Dowling Revocable Fund

The Roberts Family Fund

Robert Weiss

William & Judith Emerson Charitable Fund

Abel Wurmnest

Kate & Malcolm Hawk

KFMU Radio

Susan Larson

Ryan Link

Robert & Sue MacCarthy

McNeely Family Endowment

Moniker Foundation

Mountain Home Stove & Fireplace

Todd & Kathryn Pedersen

Point 6

Tim Redmond

Robison-Bouquet Fund

James & Barb Ross

Jack Sprengle

Kelly & Brandt Vanderbosch

Stephanie & Todd Wilson

Yampa Valley Bank




William & Mickey Badaracca

Carol Baily

Bryan & Karen Bomberg

Bren, LLC

Jenny & Sean Carey

Central Park Management

Barry & Robin Crossan

Desposato Giving Fund

Leslie & John Dorman

Bob & Audrey Enever

Scott Erickson

Ron & Lisa Famiglietti

Bridget & Paul Ferguson

Soniya Fidler

Greg & Kate Friedman

Erin Gallagher

Girls Scouts Troop 58027

Greg Henion

Kathy & Brad Hoefer

Polly Holyoke


Wayne & Lisa Adamo

Kathleen Alexander

Adonna Allen


Ann & Alexander Ayad

Tom Baer

Paige & Brad Baker

Heidi Barbee & Sam

Cam & Jill Boyd

Margi Briggs-Casson

Jeff Burger

Yvonne Canner

Patricia Carney


Sally Claassen & Mark Darlington

Kerry & Ron Contarino

Pat & Martin Craighead

Kristen & Fred DeMicco

Win & Elaine Dermody

Chris & Eileen Diamond


Julie Alkema

Adam & Pearson Alspach

Amazon Smile Foundation


Katie & Joe Armstrong

Liz & Tim Baldwin

Steve & Janet Banks

William Bedell

Rachel Bellis & Harv Holtzman

Lynne & Joe Bier

Beau & Nancy Bush

Jack & Diane Carter

Center for Sports Medicine

Patty & Dan Chovan

Hannah Clark

Susan & Kelly Colfer

Elizabeth Diamond

Camille Ditrani

Trish Donahue

Cher & Dan Dooley

Nate Douglas

Joan Dobkowski

Vanda & Mark Dyson

Eide Bailly LLP

Fred & Keren Emerich

Avrom Feinberg & Erica Gallagher

Paul & Barb Feinberg

Richard Florence

Sherrie & Scott Ford

Kimberely Fox

Marda Frazer

Dana Fujita

Kendall & Chapman Geer

Ted & Patricia Grossman

Jennifer Hamann

Ann Hanrahan

Doug & EllenHayes

Lauren & Cole Hewitt

Britta Hiester

Grace Holt

Barb & Mike Hughes

Chris Iohne

Michelle Isaeff

Laura & Christian Karch

Jeanine Keating

Angela Kennedy

Natalya Kiley

Jan Kinsley

Thomas Krabacher

Bob & Melrose Kuusinen

Susie Leeson

Kim & Dan Lemmer

Jan Levy

Walter & Christina Magill

Janette Manke

Leah Wolf Martin

Sheila Martin

Ren & Heather Martyn

Frank & Kim Mayer

Jane Howell

Terry Huffington & Ralph Dittman

Nancy & Bart Kounovsky

Les & Mackenzie Liman

Stephanie Mandle

Sharon & Bob Mattison

Loretta McEllhiney

The Robert and Louise Messner Fund

Danielle & Mike Nelson

Karen & Charlie Pharris

Deb & Ken Proper

Susan & Dale Richey

William Schell

Benjamin Schutt & Alpenglow Engineering

Heather & Peter Sloop

Arianthe & Paul Stettner

Mike & Fran Stoltz

Laura Stout

Melanie & Norbert Turek

Mona Warren

Tara Weaver

Josh & Colleen Miller

David & Tresa Moulton

Mountain Tap Brewery

Lucas & Shay Mouttet

Network for Good

Dave & Monica Niedermeier

Erin & Rob Perlman

Maria & Chuck Porter

Barbara & Mo Quirk

Curtis Rogers

Bud & Jane Romberg

Pam & Tom Ruehle

Paul & Annie Sachs

Dennis Savage & Julie Guda

Thomas Schlicht

Lesley Schuldt

Amanda Shephard

Brian St. George

Adrienne & Ben Stroock

Rosalie Summerill

David Tegtmeyer

Kathleen Titus

David & Shannon Tridle

Wesley Trimble

Robin Tucker

Eric Uhlberg

USB Financial Services

Kaitlin Vacca

Ian & Karlyn Wagner

David Wallace

Carrie Warren-Gully

Jim & Susannah Webster

Cathy & Randy Wert

Pam & Steve Williams

Scott Wither

Pinky & Steve Downs

Patrick & Mary Duddy

Rob Duddy

Mark Fisher

Caroline Fisher

Gardner & Millie Flanigan

Laura Foulk

Deb & Pascal Ginesta

Kendra Gleffe

Deborah Gooding

Pamela Graham

Samuel & Sarah Grayson

Julie Hagenbuch

Nick Hamar

Karla Harding

Liliana Hargis

Jennifer & Tom Henninger

Emily Hines

David Huntley

Franni Jenkins

Sarah Katherman & Robert Ellsworth

Katie & Steve Keller

Sue Kerrigan

Katie Konold

Angie Krall

Stacey Kramer

Janine Lodica

Chrissy & Kerry Lynch

Jeanne Mackowski & Len Zanni

Kevin Marks

Laraine Martin

Angela Martorano

Karen & Dean Massey

Marta Miskolczy & Callum Becvarik

Lois Mitchell

Maureen Mullen

Nelly Navarro

Georgianne Nelson

Raymond Olexa

Rob & Stephanie Orozco

Emily Osterman

Victor Padilla & Laurene Maxwell

Susan & Billy Petersen

Mike & Michelle Petix

Amy Phillips

Pam & John Pitchford

Sara Redmond

Denis Rey & Patricia Llanes

Dean & Ann Rosemeyer

Jacob Rotmensch & Nadine Foster

Betsy & Rob Schwartz

Wendy Smith Mikelsons

Dancy & Johnny St John

Michelle & Nathan Stewart

Kara & Andrew Stoller

George & Jenny Tempest

The Savory Family Giving Fund

Katherine Thomas

Kristina Tratiak

Gretchen & Pete Van De Carr

Kay Van Ness

Lauren & Jimmy VandenHurk

Kate & Skip Warnke

Mark Wertheimer & Kim Brooks

Nancy White

Holly Wilson

Cindy Wither

Wade Wykert

Howard Zavell


We want to extend our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all our crewmembers, participants, leaders, field coordinators, camp specialists and interns. Our success is a direct result of your hard work, dedication and passion!


2022 Happy Trails Challenge

2ND ANNUAL HAPPY TRAILS CHALLENGE RAISED $16,000! Participants traveled 2,369 miles hiking, biking and running on trails coast to coast to support our program. We would like to graciously thank our presenting sponsor, Alpine Bank of Steamboat Springs and our Top Sponsors: ACE Hardware, Native Excavating, Steamboat Pilot, Glas Deffryn Ranch, Gerber Berend Design Build, Noah Wetzel, Chaos Link, Yampa Valley Bank, Big Agnes, KFMU Radio, Point 6, Old Town Hot Springs, Steamboat Sotherby’s Realty, and Fox Construction.

991 Captain Jack Drive Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

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RMYC 2022 Annual Report by RMYC - Issuu