March 2011 Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, I hope you enjoy your bumper Spring Circular. With it you will have the National Raffle tickets, with an increased first prize of £500 of a total prize fund of £1,100; remember that the profits from the raffle go to the Central Charities Fund. The printed yearbook is enclosed too, which was bang up to date when it went to the printers just a few weeks ago. There are lots of events coming up and it is worth your while having a think at this time of year about making a bid to the HQ for St Paul’s annual seafarer service, Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, Cenotaph parade and most important of all – the biennial Parade in September. Make your bids to Nigel please. We say goodbye to Ruth Walker this week who has been working as a volunteer intern and has smartened up the Circular for us and brought the office filing system into the 21st century. I am delighted to announce that the National Council has appointed Lt Cdr Helen MacKenow as the RNA Legal Advisor. Helen is a serving Lt Cdr Barrister who trained as a solicitor before joining, she runs the RN Casework Cell and is an expert on employment law. Better still she used to work for the Gen Sec and knows all his bad points!! The National Council has also appointed Warrant Officer Tim Bowers as a Vice President. Tim is the Command Warrant Officer for the Surface Fleet and is part of the Divisional and Regimental Support Team; he spends 60% of his year visiting ships and will be a great voice for the RNA in the front line. Tim is very keen to get involved with the RNA and sell the benefits of membership to the serving Navy. We hope that both Helen and Tim will be at the Conference so that you can meet them. I am pleased to report on the progress we have made with our marketing plans in this ‘Year of Recruiting’. There are four key projects that National Council gave the thumbs-up to this month: corporate materials e.g. logo, stationery, forms and collection tins to name but a few; refreshed website; a member-get-member recruiting campaign - aimed at those who have already left the service; and a shipmates recruitment campaign – aimed at those who are due to leave the service and would benefit from our help and advice. The designs for all four projects are in full swing and I am pleased to enclose a sample of designs for the corporate materials and website. Please note that the photographs used are not final, and we shall be arranging a photo shoot to start building a library of images that portray our four core values – unity, loyalty, patriotism and comradeship. If you have any highresolution photographs of you at social events, or helping service personnel i.e. not at ceremonial events, please do send them to me straight away. Mostly I’d love pictures of people enjoying themselves.
In the meantime our creative agency, MindWorks, are developing the themes for the two recruitment campaigns and will officially launch the campaigns – and the website and corporate materials – at National Conference. They look forward to seeing you there. The website will have this look (the images and links at the bottom are provisional only):
Letter and complement chits like this, which will be made available for all to use:
donation and finance forms:
I would also like to say a big thank you to 4 Area for the warmth of their welcome at their reunion weekend or Liz and I. I nearly lost several ribs during the sod’s opera!!!.
Best wishes from Semaphore Tower Paul Quinn General Secretary
Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NatCh NatVCh NP DNP GS Asap
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary As soon as possible
Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
SLJO (Temporary)
023 9272 3823
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to 4
Contents DAILY ORDERS 1. Conference issues 2. Gala Dinner at Conference 3. Conference – election of Standing Order Committee 4. Welfare Seminar 5. HQ Open Days 6. Standard insurance 7. IMC Sailing Camp 8. National Council Elections 9. Donations 10. Biennial Parade 11. Portsmouth Base Access 12. ICE Numbers 13. Templer Awards for Art 14. Veterans Mental Health Helpline 15. Two Fat Submariners Update 16. Pusser’s Rum 17. Welsh Coal Convoys 18. HMS Hood Commemoration Service 19. Shipmates 20. Jackspeak 21. Military Pensions petition 22. Welfare Update #6 SHORTCAST LONGCAST SHIP’S OFFICE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pusser’s Rum Competition Dits Area and Branch Updates Ships Bell IMC Sailing Camp programme
SWINGING THE LAMP FOR THE NOTICEBOARD (included loose-leaf): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Delegate/Observer Form Conference 2011 Conference Booking Form Branch requests for 2011 renewal cards Latest Slops Price List and Order Form Welfare Seminar booking Vacancy Membership offers
Daily Orders 1.
Conference issues
Branches and area trophy winners from 2010 should now return their trophies to headquarters for the next Conference. Please note that to comply with current security measures in the Plymouth Naval Base ALL attendees at the events in HMS DRAKE S/R Mess must arrive and park, or be dropped off at, Camels Head entrance. A Shuttle bus service will run to and from the Mess before and after the events. There is no access at the Old DRAKE Entrance under the Clock Tower. The agenda has now been agreed with one National Council motion and 7 Branch motions and will printed to be included in the April Circular posting. The report to conference has now also been agreed by the National Council and the accounts audited for FY2010. Following a comment last year it will be printed on A4 and circulated with the April circular ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.
Gala Dinner at Conference
The price of the Gala Dinner on Saturday night has had to be increased from £15 to £17 due to an unexpected increase in salary costs at HMS DRAKE. If you have already paid please send us the difference. If you are still to apply or pay, the new price has been reflected on the application form. Please remember if you haven’t filled in an event form you will not be able to gain access to HMS DRAKE on the night! Please note – Conference Buffet/Dinner there will be no refunds for cancellations after two weeks before the events. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Conference - Election to Standing Orders Committee 1. Two members of the SOC complete their two year tour of service at Conference 2011. Voting is limited to Conference Delegates only and completed Voting forms will be collected during the course of Conference proceedings on 11 June 2011. 2. A list of the candidates in alphabetical order with a brief CV will be enclosed with the April Circular and a voting form with the conference Agenda and should be given to branch delegates who will require them to vote at Conference. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.
Welfare Seminar - 16 April at WO and SR Mess HMS Nelson.
This will take place in the Senior Rates Mess HMS Nelson Conference room on Saturday 16th April 2011, hosted by Rita Lock the RNA National Welfare Representative. Timings 0930-1000- Coffee/tea--Bar Area 1000- 1100 SPVA 1100-1200 RNBT-Corinne Day – Philip Shuttleworth 1200-1230 Buffet-Lunch- Bar Area 1230-1330 Social Services - Carol Hourden 6
1330-1430 1430-1500
Pat Fitzsimons Chief Executive Community Network Wash-up
All those Regional or Branch welfare representatives who wish to attend please complete and return the form (in Ships Office section) by the 16th March. Please ensure that you include your car registration, telephone number, email address and accommodation requirements. The National Council has allocated a budget of up to £50 for one delegate from each Branch or Area, on production of receipts. Accommodation for those that require it will be booked in the Senior Rates Mess HMS Nelson. For any queries please contact Philip on or 02392 723823 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. HQ Open Days The HQ will be holding two open days in 2011 on Friday 20th May and Friday 16th September starting at 11am for about an hour and a half. Come along to Semaphore Tower for the chance to meet HQ staff. Please register your interest with Nigel. ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Standard insurance GS is pleased to report that the standard insurance price has been held at £8 for this year, and that Area standards are included in the insurance without further charge ____________________________________________________________________________ 7.
IMC - Sailing Camp
There is a last chance to bid for a place at the IMC Sailing Camp in Traunsee, Austria from 13 to 22 July 2011. The programme is below in the Ships Office section. Please let GS have your bid asap and before 10 April at the latest. ____________________________________________________________________________ 8.
National Council Elections 2011/2013
There is an election for the National Council member for 11 Area. Voting forms have been passed to branch Secretaries in 11 Area. Remember that all branches must return the form even if no votes are recorded. ____________________________________________________________________________ 9.
Donations received for the Charities Fund
Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central charities fund. RNA – Belfast £500.00 RNA – York £300.00 RNA – Greenford - £100.00 RNA – Orkney £ 30.00 RNA – Driffield £150.00 ____________________________________________________________________________ 7
10. Biennial Parade – 11 September 11 The Biennial Parade will be on Sunday 11 September 11. All Branches and Areas are invited to parade a contingent and their standard and are welcome to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph. There is a warm welcome to Naval and other Associations in sympathy with the objectives of the RNA. The format of the day will be: 0930 0930 1000 1015 1035 1100 1102 1115 1125 1140 1141 1142 1200
Parking for coaches and minibuses in Whitehall Place (Car pass required) Civil Service Club opens for coffee and toilets (80 metres from parking) Vehicles to be parked, Whitehall Place closes. Parade musters Parade steps off Service starts, 2 minute silence Service at Cenotaph led by the Chaplain of the Fleet Wreaths laid Parade steps off, review by First Sea Lord Parade dismissed in Whitehall Place Scrum for standard bearers tots Bar opens in Civil Service Club, all ranks finger buffet. 1SL meets Shipmates Loyal toast, tot provided by Pussers Rum.
Details will follow but parking will be restricted in Whitehall Place and we will need drivers name and registration. So it is worth starting to plan transport arrangements now. Please pass expressions of interest to Nigel. _____________________________________________________________________________ 11.
Changes to Portsmouth Naval Base Access
Visitors to HQ at Semaphore Tower on the Naval Base should note that pass issue for vehicular entry is now through Trafalgar Gate NOT Unicorn Gate as previously. Please also note that Marlborough Gate has closed permanently and Unicorn Gate is only open in working hours. ___________________________________________________________________________ 12.. Have you got an ICE number on your mobile? Apparently there is a standard procedure all paramedics follow at the scene of an accident when they come across your mobile phone ICE = In Case of Emergency We all carry our mobile phones with names and numbers store in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our nearest and dearest. The concept of ICE is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during an emergency. The idea came from a paramedic who found that, when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients but didn`t know which number to call. He thought it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognised name for this purpose. In emergency situations Emergency Service personnel and Hospital staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as ICE. All you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name “ICE”. For more than one contact enter ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc.
Lets all store an ICE number in our Mobile phones today – It might save your life, and would certainly put a loved one`s mind at rest. ICE can speak when you cannot S/M Dr. Darby Allen Welfare Officer Ashford Branch RNA ___________________________________________________________________________ 13. Templer Awards for Art The Trustees of the National Army Museum Development Trust are making two awards annually to budding painters or sculptors through the Armed Forces Art Society. One is for £500, the other a £1000 travel scholarship. The aim of the awards is to enable the recipient to gain valuable training, experience and encouragement. Those serving (regular or reserve) or who have left the Armed Forces within the last five years are eligible to apply. The awards are particularly aimed at those who have come to art as a result of rehabilitation after an injury or post traumatic stress. Applications must be received by 1st June. Further details and an application form can be found online at: (see ‘Stop Press’ section) or write to Morgan Llewellyn, Llangattock Court, Llangattock, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1PH ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. Veterans Mental Health helpline launched Veterans with mental health problems can now receive targeted support with the launch of the Combat Stress Support Helpline, delivered by Rethink Mental Illness and funded by the Government. The 24-hour freephone helpline number, 0800 138 1619, is available to help veterans and their families access expert advice from people trained and experienced in dealing with ex-servicemen and women and their often complex mental health needs. ___________________________________________________________________________ 15.
Two Fat Submariners Update
As part of their bid to raise £50,000 in a year for charity, the Two Fat Submariners (TFS) recently held the first ever Ladies Speedway School. Several brave females, including SKYSPORTS presenter Charlie Webster, received expert tuition in riding a 500cc fixed gear brakeless speedway bike around a loose shale oval circuit. Grins all round by the end of the day. Don’t forget the TFS golf day being held on the 26th May. ___________________________________________________________________________ 16. Pusser’s Rum President Honoured by H.M. The Queen Charles Tobias, President of Pusser’s Rum was awarded the MBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List. The Award is for Charles’s services to the Royal Navy and to the community of the British Virgin Islands. Charles has lived in the BVI for many years, where he is a leading benefactor through his involvement with local employment and tourism. He served for 6 years 9
on the BVI Tourist Board as Director of the Marketing Committee, and for 3 years on the first board of governors of the local Community College. Charles also assisted the late Admiral of the Fleet Lord Lewin of Greenwich in the founding of The Friends of the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich, where he served as Vice President for more than 10 years. Pusser’s Rum is based in Tortola, BVI, and along with Pusser’s Landing, its restaurants and bars and a range of nautical clothing, Charles employs about 250 people. He is also responsible for saving the Pusser’s product and brand identity following Black Tot Day by making the rum available to the public. Charles gets his MBE on 1 June 11. ___________________________________________________________________________ 17.
WW 2 Coal Convoys
Tony Yeadon, a Senior Producer from the Serendipity Picture Company, would like to make contact with any former Merchant or Royal Navy personnel who served on the Coal Convoys that sailed from South Wales or the North east of England to London via the English Channel or from North England to London/Southampton during WW2, to find out if they would be interested in featuring in a television documentary. He can be contacted on his email address or on his mobile 07889 615 453 or 0117 908 2711. _____________________________________________________________________ 18. HMS HOOD Commemoration Service The annual HMS HOOD Commemoration Service to be held at the church of St John the Baptist, Boldre at 11:00 on Sunday 15 May 2011. Our guest preacher this year is Reverend Julian Richards who is no stranger to Boldre. Julian Richards joined the Navy in 1943 retiring as a Commander in 1971. In 1973, he was ordained and had various postings in East Yorkshire including as parish priest and prison chaplain. In 1982 he moved south to serve as vicar of Boldre and South Baddesley where he remained until his retirement in 1993. The Royal Navy will be represented by the Commanding Officer of HMS COLLINGWOOD, Commodore Tim Lowe RN. Other guests will include members of the HMS HOOD Association (including Admiral Philip Wilcox (President) and Commander Keith Evans (Vice-Chairman)), British Legion, Royal Naval Association, a contingent of City of London Sea Cadets, some current naval and community 'VIPs' including our local MP (Julian Lewis), relatives or friends of those who served in HOOD, and members of our local congregation. During the service a memorial plaque will be dedicated. This plaque formed part of the original mould for the bronze memorial laid on the wreck of HMS Hood in July 2001 by the late Ted Briggs and was donated to the church by the artist the late Sally Hersh and her husband Tony Brooks. Many members of the congregation proudly wear their decorations at the service and I would encourage those that wish to join them, to do so. 10
We extend a warm invitation to join us for the service and to stay on afterwards when coffee, tea and biscuits will be served and there will be an opportunity for a chat. Nigel Henley ___________________________________________________________________________ 19.. Shipmates Mick Farrington Mick crossed the bar on 25th February 2011. He was a Life Member of the Royal Naval Association and, with his wife Pat taking the minutes, was Secretary of the York and District Branch of the RNA for the last ten years. He was Chairman of the Yorkshire Branch of the Fleet Air Arm Association. Mike was a proud family man and had many and varied interests including: Ships Bottler, Fly Fisherman, Home brewer and Pusser’s Rum Tester. He even made the Branch Rum Barrel! Mick’s main passion was being the proud owner of the prize-winning “Beechwood” herd of Pedigree Tamworth pigs. At the 2010 Great Yorkshire Show he showed two pigs and won the cup for the Tamworth Breed Champion (best in show). Trafalgar Night Dinners will not be quite the same again. Mick used to organise the after dinner entertainment with readings taken from the officers log books, which covered the battle of Trafalgar. And finished off with his own rendition of the battle, playing Nelson and Hardy, but after the toast to the Immortal Memory, not always in the correct order. The Friday lunchtime Club, who meet in the Yorkshire Terrier pub in Stonegate, will be one light from now on. Mick would always be there putting the world to rights and swapping stories of our time in the service. I think Mick would like the last word to come from Crossing the Bar by Alfred Lord Tennyson: “Twilight and evening bell, and after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell, when I embark” Sydney Willcox The Reverend Canon Sydney Willcox, Branch Chaplain to the Bridport Branch of the Royal Naval Association crossed the bar on Friday 18th March 2011. Syd (as he was known) was born in North Wales on Boxing Day 1936 and was very much a family man, he and Jenny were married in Beaumaris, Anglesey. He gained a BA at the University of Wales in 1958 and began his clerical career in 1960. He held various appointments ranging from Deacon, Curate, Rector and Team Rector to Rural Dean and the Reverend Canon in such diverse locations as Pwllheli, Marlborough, Cockermouth, Derwent, Carlisle and Chalke Valley Sarum, he also joined the Royal Army Chaplain’s Department where he served as a Padre with the Territorial Army from 1978 to 2001. Syd retired to Bridport in 2002 where he became part of the local ministerial scene. In 2005 he took on the role of Chaplain to the Bridport Branch of the Royal Naval Association and was made an Honorary Shipmate that same year, this led to his appointment as the No.4 Area Chaplain in 2008. Syd played a major role in Branch activities and even though he was not from a naval background he always “did his homework” and tailored his sermons, prayers and readings to the Royal Naval Association, the Royal Navy and the sea. He will be missed greatly. __________________________________________________________________________
Is there anyone out there that hasn’t got a copy of Rick Jolly’s much acclaimed book JACKSPEAK? It has been a huge best seller for him (and us!) but all good things have to come to an end at some stage. It’s a hilarious reference guide to the vivid and colourful slang and usage of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. Completely cross-referenced, and includes the terms and words unique to the Fleet Air Arm and Submarine Service as well. Over 500 pages and well illustrated by the famous naval cartoonist – Tugg. We have the copies of his last print run as Rick is retiring so we can offer them to you at the bargain price of £9.99 including UK postage (Was £12.95) First come – first served. When they are gone...they’re gone!! How to get a copy....Ring Maritime Books (01579 343663 ) with your credit card......order from their web site at or via your local bookshop __________________________________________________________________________ 21.
Military Pensions Petition
Changes to the Armed Forces Pension Scheme will align it with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rather than the Retail Price Index (RPI) effectively devaluing it. As a result, thousands of veterans stand to lose out. The ‘Protect Our Military Pensions’ petition aims to voice these concerns (including observation of the Military Covenant) to the Government. The petition currently has over 4000 signatures and is available to sign online using the following link: (further information can also be found on this page). __________________________________________________________________________
22. Welfare Update #6 My apologies for the recent absence of reports due to work and illness but back in print now. This month I ask would you like some “free” cash in these difficult economic times? Of course you would and “free” got your attention. However the reality is that I am talking about the many different grants available to all that can help you improve or change your situation. Some are given here. More sources and other help next month. State Pension Credit top-up. The government guarantees a minimum total retirement income of £132.60 per week against a pension of £97.65 currently. Pension Credit is what you need to get this (assuming other income does not take you past the qualifying level). Details are at or call 0845 601 2923. Crisis money. The government offers interest-free repayable loans in emergency situations. You do not have to be on benefits for this and cannot have other funds. It is to help in emergencies, disasters or risk to you or family. Access this source via your local Job Centre. Budgeting loans. The government offers loans for things like school uniforms, furnishings etc. You have to be receiving benefits for these loans. Access this source via your local Job Centre (details in library). Funds to help you get work. This will provide up to £300 as grants for transport, childcare or work clothes. You have to be on Jobseeker’s Allowance for this. The Advisor Discretion Fund is accessed via your local Jobcentre Plus (details in library). In arrears with gas and electricity? Grant information and details of reduced tariffs are on the web at or call free on 0800 336 699. Problems with water bills? Water-Sure provides help if you are struggling with high meter bills due to high usage (as in families) and/or low income. Contact your local Water Company for details of their scheme (contact details on your bill). Money from small charities Help is available from small charities for many different things if you meet their criteria and are on low income. Look at the charity to see what is available and/or use their on-line benefits checker or call 0808 802 2000. Energy grants. Save cash by making your home more energy efficient with grants for new boilers or improved insulation. Look at or call free 0800 512 012 to find out what you can get. Children/family costs. Grants of £100-£300 are available for clothing, furniture, electricals etc for those with mental health, sickness and other problems. Look at or call 0207 241 7459. Get what you are entitled in full state benefits. Many do not claim or do not know their full state benefits. Find out what you are entitled to at, local council, local Citizen’s Advice centre, Welfare Officer Also.
Geoff Apperley, Royston RNA Branch and Area 6 Welfare officer ___________________________________________________________________________
Shortcast HMS Hermes Association Reunion: 7-11 April 2011 Annual Reunion to be held at the Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth. All Ranks, ratings, all Commissions welcome. Contact Richard Tipping for more details: V & W Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011 The next reunion will take place at Weston-Super-Mare. Further details from the website: or Bill Forster: The Fourth Destroyer Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011 HMS Agincourt, Aisne, Alamein, Barrosa, Corunna, Jutland, Matapan and Dunkirk are holding their Annual Reunion from April 8 to 11 at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham. All ex-ships companies welcome. Contact Terry Parker for more details: HMS Cossack Association Reunion: 8-11 April 2011 This will take place at the Royal Beach Hotel Southsea. Any ex Cossacks or their families wishing to attend please contact secretary Peter Harrison on or 01252 613052. A Church service commencing at 10am followed by a parade led by TS Cossacks band (weather permitting) will take place at St Ann’s Church, HM Naval Base Portsmouth. Standards welcome. Those wishing to attend the service should contact Chairman Ken Satterthwaite for a security pass: or 01923 269714.
Trowbridge and District White Ensign Association: 10 April 2011
The Association will be re-dedicating its Standard on 10th April. A parade will form up at 1415hrs in Roundhouse Street, march to a service at the United Church, then parade back to the Polebarn Hotel. There will be ‘Up Spirits’ and refreshments at the Lovemead House Conservative Club, Trowbridge to end the day’s events. Royal Marines - Mountbatten Festival of Music: 14–16 April 2011 The Booking for the Festival of Music is now open: Phone bookings on 0845 401 5018 (can pay by cheque this way) On line at (£2 booking fee) Box office in person. 10% reduction for bookings for more than 15 Prices from £12 (behind a pillar) to £45/seat for a box (ear defenders required) HMS Decoy Association Reunion: 14-17 April 2011 The 24th Annual Reunion takes place at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport. New members of all commissions welcome. Come and claim your 'tot'. For details contact Malcolm (Dobbo) Dobson: HMS Cumberland Association: 15-17 April 2011 14
Annual Reunion at The Langham Hotel Eastbourne from April 15 to 17. For details contact Sam Watson, Chairman: HMS Newfoundland Veterans Reunion 15-18 April 2011 There will be a reunion of former shipmates in Stafford. Details from Alan Waite: HMS Duke of York Association Reunion: 15-18 April A mini reunion will be held at the Stretton Hotel, Blackpool. Loch Class Frigates Association Reunion: 15-18 April 2011 Takes place at The King Charles Hotel, Chatham, Kent. All Members of the Association welcome. Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA: HMS Dunkirk Association Reunion: 16 April 2011 Reunion at the Ramada Encore Hotel, Chatham. Contact Jackie Carroll: HMS Peacock Association U/F96 and P239 Annual Reunion: 23 April 2011 To be held at the Royal Naval Association Club, Riverside, Adelaide Road, Royal Leamington Spa. AGM at 12 noon, Reunion Lunch at 14.00, evening entertainment from 19.00 with buffet provided. On Sunday 24th April at approx 10.00, there will be a HMS Peacock Memorial Service at the club. Fuller details and list of local accommodations can be obtained from S/m Dave Pearson: 01442 862274.
50th Anniversary of the closing of HMS Harrier/Goldcrest, Kete: 29 April – 2 May 2011
Coastlands Local History Group welcomes you to an exhibition of memoirs, photographs, reports, displays etc on the 29th April – 2nd May in the Coronation Hall, Dale. There will also be a service of thanksgiving/commemoration at Dale Church on 30th April at 2.30pm. For further details please contact Margaret Copley: 01646 636295 or Harriet Bishop: 01646 636668 HMS Protector Association Annual Reunion: 29 April – 2 May 2011 To be held at the Royal Court Hotel, Coventry, April 29th to May 2nd 2011. A memorial and Dedication service to be held at the National Arboretum on Saturday 30th April. Further details available from Doug Harris on 01495 718870 or or via the web site at to download booking forms. HMS Tenby Association Reunion: 29 April-2 May 2011 18th Annual reunion at the Arlington Hotel, Bournemouth, all members are most welcome. For more information and a booking form contact Ken Jones: HMS Newcastle Stokers Mess (M/L) 1988-1992: 30 April 2011 A mini reunion of old mess mates will be held at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth at 1500 on April 30. For further details contact Jonathan Legg: 15
HMS Dreadnought Association Reunion: 6 May 2011 All ex serving members of the boat including their families and friends are invited to attend at the Bosworth Hotel and spa near Coventry. Full details available online: HMS Glasgow (C21 and D88) – 6-9 May 11 The 31st reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Paignton 6-9 May 11. Details from S/M Gary Eaton 10, Elderwood Ave, Thornton, Cleverleys FY5 5EQ. Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association: 6-9 May 2011 Will be holding a Mini Reunion at The Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Great programme including a bit of time afloat. More info on website: Rosyth & West Fife Branch: 7-8 May 11 The Diamond Jubilee will be celebrated over the weekend 7-8 May 2011. Saturday 1900 Dinner Dance till 2359, in the Carnegie Conference Centre Dunfermline Fife. Rig Formal; anticipated cost, £25 including wine at the table. Sunday – Inverkeithing Fife, for a Church service at 1030; including the rededication of the Branch Standard. Followed by a march past led by the National Standard and the Royal Burgh of Inverkeithing Pipe Band. North Russia Club Reunion: 7-14 May 11 The reunion will be held in Jersey from 7-14th May at the Westpark Hotel, St Hillier, JE2 3HB. For more info contact S/M Harry Allen 01843 832943 or S/M Austin Byrne 01274 881821 Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association: 13 May 2011 AGM & Reunion Weekend at South Downs Holiday Village, Bracklesham Bay, Chichester, commencing May 13. Three night package including Gala Dinner & entertainment for just £119. Please contact the Secretary Denis Askham: HMS Cambrian Association Reunion: 13-15 May 2011 Our next reunion for all who served on board the ship at any time will be at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham. HMS Phoebe Association - Cruiser (C43) and Frigate (F42): 13-16 May 2011 Have their annual (15th) reunion from May 13 to 16 at Hinton Firs Hotel in Bournemouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary Roy Pavely: Royal Naval Engineroom Association Reunion: 20-21 May 2011 19th Annual Reunion at the Nautical Club, Birmingham. Details from Bob Styants: HMS Saintes Association Reunion: 20-23 May 2011 Reunion at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford. All former shipmates and guests are welcome. HMS Leeds Castle First Crew Reunion: 27-29 May 2011 16
Takes place at the Liner Hotel, Lord Nelson Street, Liverpool, L3 5QB. Guests/Partners are welcome. For more information contact Mark Winn: HMS Cavalier Association: 27-30 May 2011 Annual reunion and AGM at the Britannia Hotel, Coventry from May 27 to 30. For full details contact Dave Shardlow: No 2 Area Standard Bearers Competition: 28 May 11 No 2 Areas biennial Standard Bearers competition will be held on Saturday 28 May at the Royal Engineer’s Gymnasium Brompton Kent. This will be hosted by the Chatham branch. The Gym will be open from 1000 completing about 1630 after the award of trophies. There will be an Open, Area and novices competition; standard bearers from outside the area may enter the Open competition. Applications to ; S/M Chris Durban, 48 Fox Hollow Lane, Bexleyheath, DA7 4UR. Closing date for applications - 12 March 2011 Exeter 82 Association: 28 May 2011 A reunion is planned at the W/O & Chiefs mess at HMS Excellent from 1930hrs. The invite is open to all ex Exeter crew members. For more information contact Reg Cornall:
HMS Euryalus Association: 4 June 2011
AGM and Reunion Dinner to be held at the Rutland Square Hotel, Nottingham. Ring the hotel on 0115 941 1114 quoting 64968 or contact Barbara Cotton: 01386 438434.
Federation of Old Comrades Annual Parade: 5 June 2011
The 151st Annual Parade is being held on Sunday 5th June. There will be a wreath laying ceremony at 1030 hrs followed by a march from the Royal Exchange, London to the Hon. Artillery Barracks, Moorgate. This is followed by a service and then a luncheon (with wine) for £16.50. Eating is not mandatory. The inspecting officer is a Vice Admiral so it would be nice to have some RNA Standards on parade. If interested and wishing to dine please contact Alan Peatling: 01376 514761 or Alternatively, for the parade and service only, just turn up on the day. Grenville 23 Mess, HMS Ganges, 14 Recruitment 1958 Reunion: 10 June 2011 A reunion for the boys who joined HMS Ganges on June 10, 1958 and lived in Grenville 23 Mess, will take place at Chatham on June 10. Anyone who lived in that mess at the time is very welcome to attend. Please contact Bill Rosewell: HMS Liverpool Association Reunion: 11 June 2011 The 28th reunion takes place at the GIs Association, Whale Island, mustering at 1200. Our association is made up of those who served on the Cruiser and the Type 42 Destroyer and new members are always welcome. For more information and membership details contact John Parker: 17
HMS Hecla Gulf Deployment 1990 Reunion: 17-19 June 2011 A reunion is being planned for June 17 to 19. Please contact Colin Bodenham: so that an idea of numbers can be gained. Alternatively, you can search Facebook for HMS Hecla Reunion. HMS Belfast Reunion: 18-19 June 2011 A 50th Anniversary reunion of the 1961-1962 commission is being held aboard HMS Belfast 1819 June. Contact Tom Liddiard, Mansfield Branch.
Armed Forces Day at Staple Hill: 25 June 2011
There will be an Armed Forces Day parade and events at Staple Hill. These are being jointly organised by the South Gloucestershire Council, The Royal British Legion Staple Hill and District Branch and Kingswood and Hanham Branch. D-Boats Association Reunion: 2-3 July 2011 Annual reunion will take place in the WO, SR & SNCOs Mess, HMS Nelson. The salute will be taken by a CO from one of the new type 45s. After the march past, tot time and lunch in the mess with invited guests. Further details on the reunion or how to join the Association can be obtained from Mike Smith: or visit the website:
Littlehampton Sea Sunday: 17 July 2011
Meeting at 1300 in Norfolk Road carpark. March to River Arun and cast wreaths followed by a club buffet. HMS CERES Reunion: 12-14 August 2011 Reunion 12-14 August ’11 the The Crown Hotel Harrogate, contact - Richard Knight on 01937 581404 for more details. S58 Class Reunion: 17 September 2011 Calling all members of S58 Class. To commemorate the 45th anniversary of our joining the Royal Navy in September 1966, a reunion is to be held on September 17 in Portsmouth. Those interested please contact Colin Stokes: CT/Special Communications Unit Reunion: 22 September 2011 Reunion to be held in the WO & Sgt's Mess, Ayios Nikolaos, Cyprus on the evening of September 22. Final details and price to be agreed in the spring. The evening will include an informal buffet. Wives and partners will be welcome. Own accommodation to be arranged individually by attendees. Anyone desiring to attend please contact Eddie Clamp: HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 Annual Reunion to be held in Bournemouth. For details contact Tim Jenkins: or see the website: 847 NAS (1969-1971) Reunion: 23-25 September 2011 18
This will take place at the Bosworth Hall Hotel from September 23 to 25, 2011. For more details contact Cliff Jones: HMS Churchill Reunion: 24 September 2011 7th Reunion Dinner Dance takes place on September 24 at the Queens Hotel, Chester. The fee is £40 per person and rooms can be booked direct. For more details contact Andrew Broadbelt: or visit the website: HMS Alert 1961-63 Commission Reunion: 1 October 2011 The next reunion muster, which will be the 50th anniversary of the commission, will be held at 7.30pm on October 1 at The Angel Hotel, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Enquiries to R Howard MBE: HMS Ajax and River Plate Veterans Association Reunion: 5-6 October 2011 46th Annual reunion will be held at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham, Kent. Open to all who served in the cruiser 1937- 48 or frigate 1963 - 84 or relatives of those who did so. For further details please contact Malcolm Collis: HMS Tartar Association Reunion: 7-8 October 2011 8th Reunion and AGM at The Red Lea Hotel. All former members of HMS Tartar F133 and her WWII predecessor and their spouses are most welcome to join us for a great weekend. Numbers have increased at every reunion, so make the effort, you will be guaranteed a warm welcome. For further details please contact: Keith Helliwell: HMS Morecambe Bay Association Reunion: 14-16 October Reunion at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay. All Bay Class frigate men are welcome. FAA Safety Equipment & Survival Association Reunion: 14-16 October Reunion to be held at Bosworth Hall Hotel, Market Bosworth,Leicestershire. Please contact Secretary Gordon ‘Pixie’ Parks: RNA Plymouth: 14-17 October 2011 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe 14-17th October 2011. 3 days £110, 2 days £75. Details from Sue Gutteridge, Plymouth Social Secretary (01752) 849176. Email
HMS Naiad Reunion: 21 October 2011
Reunion being held on 21st Oct 2011 in Chatham. Please see website for details or call 07833948080. 822 Royal Marine Recruit Squad Reunion: 21-13 October 2011 A 4th reunion for the Squad (formed January 1965) is planned at the Barcelo Imperial Hotel, Blackpool. At present there are 17 squad members "signed up" including 12 who are attending with their respective spouses. Are there any more "822ers" out there? If so contact Bill Wood: 19 Llanelli Branch: 23 October 2011 The Llanelli Branch are going to hold a memorial service on 23rd October by the town hall in Llanelli and unveil a stone dedicated to all shipmates that have “crossed the bar�. This will form part of the branch celebrations for 35 years in commission. HMS Lowestoft Reunion: 28-29 October 2011 To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first commissioning a reunion has been arranged to take place at Chatham on 28/29 October. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Ian Mckenzie: or visit the website: HMS Llandaff Annual Reunion: 28-31 October 2011 All ex Llandaff crew members, family and friends are welcome to attend a reunion at the Britannia Airport Hotel, Ponteland, Newcastle Upon Tyne. For more information contact Ken Rutherford: HMS Cavalier 1970-72 Commission Reunion: 4-6 November 2011 Reunion at The King Charles Hotel. It would be nice if family members and friends can also join us on this occasion. A booking form is available from the hotel: 01634 830303. Please also let David Thompson know your interest so that he can gauge numbers:
Longcast 2011 2 April 8-11 April 9 April 16 April 15-18 April 22 April – 2 May 29 April 4 April 7 May 7 May 7-8 May 20 May 21 May 27 May 30 May 3 June 10 June 10-12 June 16 June 18 June 22 June 25-26 June 11-29 July 17 July 17 July 27 July – 15 Aug 1 Aug 12-14 August 13 August 13 August 20 August 5 -18 Sept 10 September 11 September 11 September 16 September 6 Oct 14-17 October 15 Oct 21 October 5 November 5 November 5 November 10 November 13 November 15 November
9 Area AGM – Lincoln and meeting Nat Ch and NVCh 3 Area Reunion 4 Area meeting – Liskeard (Nat Chair and Nat Vice Chair) Welfare Seminar – HMS Nelson No.10 Area annual Reunion & Conference weekend at the Adelphi Hotel Liverpool Gen Sec and Michelle on leave RNA Netley Anniversary Dinner RNA presentation onboard HMS St Albans 5 Area meeting – Beccles - Nat Ch and NVCh 3 Area meeting – Horsham (11am) Rosyth Diamond Jubilee – National Standard paraded (NP, GS) HQ Open Day 2 Area meeting (UJC) NCM 11 Area election forms due at HQ Gravesend Branch Celebrations. Pusser’s Rum presentation HMS VICTORY (GS) AMC/FAC and National Council (Plymouth) RNA Conference – Plymouth RNA presentation to CO Desig course Stirling RNA Parade (National Standard) RNA Hull Dinner (DNP) Armed Forces Days Nigel on leave Falmouth RNA Sea Sunday parade (GS) Littlehampton Sea Sunday march GS on leave RNA presentation to EWO course (GS) HMS CERES Reunion (The Crown Hotel Harrogate) AMC (now TBC) 2 Area meeting (UJC) FAC Michelle on leave National Council (UJC - London) Biennial Parade in Whitehall Bridgewater RNA dedicating new Standard at St Mary’s Church HQ Open Day RN CEO meeting (GS) RNA Plymouth 9th Biennial Trafalgar Weekend Ferndown Trafalgar Dinner (GS) Driffield Trafalgar dinner (GS) AMC Selsey Trafalgar Dinner (GS) 2 Area meeting (UJC) Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey (NP, NCh, GS) Cenotaph Parade – RNA squad RNA Budget and audit planning meeting 21
26 November 25-27 November 3 December 23- 3 Jan 12
FAC Portsmouth Dockyard’s Victorian festival of Christmas National Council (Portsmouth) HQ closed for Christmas and New Year
Area Secretaries are invited to submit dates for Area meetings for inclusion.
Ship’s Office Pusser’s Rum Competition Outrageous dits concerning rum related fun may be entered for a prize of blue label Pussers Rum. Entries to: The General Secretary at Room 209, Semaphore Tower, PP70, HMNB, Portsmouth PO1 3LT. A dit will stand a 50% chance next month since I only have one for the next bottle of Pusser’s! Have a go.
___________________________________________________________________________ Call Centre Calls Customer: 'I've been ringing 0800 2100 0800 2100 for two days and can't get through to enquiries, can you help?' Operator: 'Where did you get that number from, sir?' Customer: 'It was on the door to the Travel Centre'. Operator: 'Sir, they are our opening hours'. ---Samsung Electronics Caller: 'Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?' Operator: 'I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand who you are talking about'. Caller: 'On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly states that I need to unplug the fax machine from the AC wall socket and telephone Jack before cleaning Now, can you give me the number for Jack?' Operator: 'I think you mean the telephone point on the wall'. ---RAC Motoring Services Caller: 'Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I am travelling in Europe. Operator: ' Doesn't the product name give you a clue?' ---Caller (enquiring about legal requirements while travelling in France ): 'If I register my car in France , do I have to change the steering wheel to the other side of the car?' ---Directory Enquiries Caller: 'I'd like the number of the Argoed Fish Bar in Cardiff please'. Operator: 'I'm sorry, there's no listing. Is the spelling correct?' Caller: 'Well, it used to be called the Bargoed Fish Bar but the 'B' fell off'. ---Then there was the caller who asked for a knitwear company in Woven. Operator: 'Woven? Are you sure?' Caller: 'Yes. That's what it says on the label; Woven in Scotland '. ---On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator: 'I haven't got a pen, so I'm steaming up the window to write the number on'. ---Tech Support: 'I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop'. Customer: 'OK'. 23
Tech Support: 'Did you get a pop-up menu?' Customer: 'No'. Tech Support: 'OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?' Customer: 'No'. Tech Support: 'OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?' Customer: 'Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click''. ---Tech Support: 'OK. In the bottom left hand side of the screen, can you see the 'OK' button displayed?' Customer: 'Wow. How can you see my screen from there?' ---Caller: 'I deleted a file from my PC last week and I have just realised that I need it. If I turn my system clock back two weeks will I have my file back again?'. ___________________________________________________________________________ Formula Fun
___________________________________________________________________________ Ship’s’ Bell When is a Ship’s bell not a Ship’s bell? A bell was spotted in the West Brom RNA club by S/M Rabone from Sheldon branch marked ‘AM’ with the King’s Crown and a date of 1945. He wondered what ship it was from (normally the bell has the ship’s name and sometimes the builder). Investigations with the RN and RAF museums revealed that it is an alarm bell fitted in RAF pinnaces and launches for the Air Ministry (AM) – and there is one on display at the RAF museum at Hendon. If it is rung in the club does the ringer have to walk sideways to the bar and buy everyone a pint of Whatney’s Red Barrel??
___________________________________________________________________________ Area and Branch Updates Area 4
Branch Plymouth
Change Please Note that the correct e mail address for Suzanne Gutteridge is New Meeting place from 12 April St Johnstone Supporter’s Club, Brossa Street, Perth. 24
International IMC-Youth Sailing Camp Austria 2011 International youth sailing camp of the maritime confederation from Austria, Belgian, Croatia France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and the Netherlands operated by ÖMV with FERIENREGION TRAUNSEE on behalf of IMC ÖMV-Supervision: Col.Karl SkrivanekPresident ÖMV, Hans Müller( MkPrinz Eugen,Ried) Sen. Wolfgang Steinhardt,Obmann Mk Ehzg Ferdinand Max , Christoph Ptak Mk Ehzg Ferdinand Max-Vienna). Program for 40 young people (aged 15 to 19) 13-22 July 2011 Accommodation in double or three bedded rooms (split according to age and gender) including full board and soft drinks with the meals (on full day excursions a lunch bag will be provided). Also including a sailing course, excursion program and leisure program as follows: 13th to 22nd July 2011 Day 1 13th July 2011 Individual arrival Day 2 14th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Visit of the paddle Steamer Gisela and a boat trip on Lake Traunsee afternoon Day 3 15th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Trail lessons in water skiing and surfing Day 4 16th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Guided tour of the medieval town of Gmunden, visit a ceramics workshop and the town museum Day 5 17th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Trail lessons in water skiing and surfing Day 6 18th July 2011 Sailing course in the morning Visit the bicycle and transport museum in the afternoon Day 7 19th July 2011 All day excursion Salzkammergut with a visit of the Emperors palace in Bad Ischl and of the World Heritage Village of Hallstatt Optional: visit of the ice caves and mammoth caves incl. cable car ride up to the mountain. € 29,00 per person. For further information visit: :// Day 8 20th July 2011 Hike up the Grünberg Mountain Day 9 21st July 2011 Admiral’s day with Brass Band and visit of Dignitaries from Upper Austria ( Mayor and Representatives of the Upper Austrian Government, Honorary Member ÖMV-Mag.Markus S. Habsburg-Lothringen, Bad Ischl) Regatta sailing competition with the participating youths Laying of a wreath in memory of the Austrian- Hungarian Imperial Navy Participation of visitors from ÖMV-regional Associations and Delegates from Austrian Armed Forces . 25
Day 10 22nd July 2011 Departure -------------------------------------The Hotel will be Hotel Pension Bruderhofer, Altmünster (4 Km from Gmunden) For details please visit The following will also be provided for: · Transfers from and to the hotel to the sailing course and to all official excursions · Transfers from the local railway stations on arrival to the hotels. For airport transfers there would be an additional charge depending on arrival time and numbers of persons to be transported. · Non alcoholic beverages during meals · English speaking camp supervisors, sailing course tutors and guides during excursions · Excellent medical facilities are available in Gmunden and will be provided if needed. However each participant must have medical insurance and will need to provide proof of this on arrival. · A swimming test will be held on the first day after arrival · The sailing boats to be used will be 10 brand new Laser SB3, see picture below and the course will be carried out by the Celox Sailing School Ferienregion Traunsee:Andreas Murray, Managing Director
– Salzkammergut regional tourist board Internet Homepage:
Swinging the Lamp 1 Apr 1859
Capt Mansfield Cumming, RN, born, founder and first director in 1909 of the Secret Service Bureau, later MI6 and the Secret Intelligence Service. His code name C and the use of green ink adopted by all later Directors of the Secret Intelligence Service.
2 Apr 1957
RN handed over Simonsown Dockyard to South S African Navy 143 years after its opening. Seven British submarines destroyed at Helsingfors to avoid capture: E 1, E 9, and E 19; E 8, C 26, C 27 and C 35 some days later.
3 Apr 1918
4 Apr 1854
Landing parties of Encounter, Grecian and the USS Plymouth defeated Chinese Imperial troops at Shanghai.
5 Apr 1942
Minesweeper Abingdon sunk and destroyer Lance badly damaged in dry dock by Italian aircraft at Malta.
6 Apr 1776
Glasgow fought off five American ships under Cdre Esek Hopkins 24 miles S.E. of Block Island.
7 Apr 1875
Launch of Alexandra. The first ironclad to be launched by a member of the Royal Family, the first with a religious launch ceremony conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the last to carry a central battery and the only one to serve as a flagship throughout her entire active service.
8 Apr 1930
Explosion of depth charges in destroyer Sepoy off Hong Kong. Six men killed.
9 Apr 1982
P&O Liner Canberra, taken up from trade, sailed from Southampton, with most of 3 Cdo Bde embarked, for the South Atlantic. Operation Corporate.
10 Apr 1938
Carrier Courageous launched successful exercise strike against battle cruiser Hood despite the latter’s fighter screen.
11 Apr 1940
Submarine Spearfish torpedoed the German pocket battleship Lützow (exDeutschland) north of the Skaw.
12 Apr 1779
Court martial at his own request of Adm Sir Hugh Palliser on his conduct at Ushant in 1778. Verdict was that he was not ‘chargeable with misconduct or misbehaviour’.
13 Apr 1885
White helmet replaced cap in tropical rig.
14 Apr 1944
Midget submarine x24 laid two charges under the floating dock at Bergen. Dock undamaged, but the German SS Bahrenfels lying alongside was sunk.
15 Apr 1941
RAF Coastal Command came under operational control of admiralty.
16 Apr 1918
Submarine H 1 inadvertently sank Italian submarine H-5 in southern Adriatic.
17 Apr 1796
Capt Sir Sidney Smith (Diamond, 38), having taken the privateer Vengeur by boarding, was swept up the River Seine and taken prisoner with Mid Wright. Escaped 1798.
18 Apr 1797
Spithead mutineers petitioned the Board of Admirality.
19 Apr 1917 20 Apr 1940
Peak of Merchant Ship sinkings by U-boats. Pansy, Flower-class corvette, launched at Harland and Wolff. Promptly renamed Heartsease.
21 Apr 1945
Frigate Retalick engaged several German explosive motor boats 210° Ostende 28 miles, sinking four.
22 Apr 1793
All captains became entitled to half-pay when not actively employed.
23 Apr 1856
Queen Victoria reviewed Fleet at Spithead; 240 ships, many having just returned from Baltic and Black Sea.
24 Apr 1867
Murder of Frances Adams, aka Fanny Adams, in grisly circumstances at Alton, Hampshire. The lower deck wondered about the provenance of their newly tinned meat, first introduced a week later. Her killer executed in Winchester’s last public hanging. The tins became useful containers, hence fannies for mess traps/
25 Apr 1908
Cruiser Gladiator sunk in collision with the American SS St Paul in Solent with the loss of twenty-seven men.
26 Apr 1940
German patrol boat VP-2623 boarded en route to Narvik. An intelligence haul spoilt by looting but still of great value. First break into the German naval Enigma.
27 Apr 2002
Enterprise, multi-role surveying ship launched at Appledore.
28 Apr 1943
Submarine Unshaken sank the Italian TB Cimene in three minutes off Punta Libeccio, W. Of Marettimo.
29 Apr 1867
Canned meat added to ships’ victualling stores.
30 Apr 1954
HM The Queen embarked in Britannia for first time at Tobruk, Libya.
Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2011 Branch
Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address
telephone No
Post Code
Delegate’s Vehicle Reg No If appropriate
Number of Observers Names of Observers
Vehicle Registration Nos for observers If appropriate
Group Bus Registration Number Driver’s Name Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)
*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers and their vehicle details Travel details will be sent to a single point of contact for your branch Delegate and observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2010 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2011 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12©). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.
2011 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2011 Conference will be held in The Guildhall Royal Parade Plymouth. Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Plymouth Tourist office on 01752 306330 or their website. The welcome buffet and Conference dinner will be held in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. Access to HMS DRAKE will be by the main gate on Keyham Road for those in cars and minibuses only. Acccess for coaches is by the Camels Head Gate. Access to HMS DRAKE can only be guaranteed for named persons and their vehicles. It is therefore vital to provide Vehicle Registration details and names with your booking details; or at least two weeks before conference, to HQ. Those travelling by coach must provide details of your coach and driver’s name. There will be a welcome Buffet and entertainment on the Friday night in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. The Conference Dinner will be held at (1930) in the Senior Rates Mess HMS DRAKE. On Sunday 12 June the conference service will be held in the Church of St Andrew. This service will also see the rededication of a new National Standard. After the service there will be a march past and salute. Following this Delegates are invited to fall in on the Hoe at the National Naval War memorial for a short act of Remembrance on the Hoe. Following this there will be a bar and light buffet lunch in the Guildhall. Cost payable over the bar.
Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to facilitate planning for the appropriate numbers. Those events annotated ’pay on the day’ please indicate anticipated numbers of diners.
Friday 10 Welcome Buffet in HMS DRAKE
Anticipated Cost £5/head
Saturday 11 Conference lunch
Pay on the day
Saturday 11 Conference Dinner
Sunday 12 Post march past lunch
No of members attending
Total cost
Pay on the day
Please Note...... Conference Buffet/Dinner, there will be no refunds for cancelations later than two weeks before the events......
Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name.......................... Please send completed booking form to HQ. 30
Jack Dusty’s Corner
Royal Naval Association Goods order form 2011 Send completed order form to; RNA HQ, Room 208, Semaphore Tower, Via PP 70 HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, PO1 3LT
Catalogue Number Description
2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 11 11 5 5 5 6 6 8 70 70 9 10 17 17 17 17 17 30 24 24a 69 69a 23 23 a 23 b 64 64 a 64 b 64 c
Tie Pin gilt finish L £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish F £1.50 ........ Tie Pin gilt finish A £1.50 ........ Lapel Badge L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge A £2.00 ........ Lapel badge H £2.00 ........ Lapel badge COA £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish L £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish F £2.00 ........ Lapel Badge gilt finish A £2.00 ........ Miniature Lapel Badge F £1.50 ........ Miniature lapel Badge A £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin L £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin F £1.50 ........ Enamel Tie Pin A £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back L £1.50 ........ Enamel Lapel Badge Clutch back A £1.50 ........ Standard bearer Ensign Badge £5.50 ........ Standard bearer Branch bar £2.50 ........ Standard bearer Area bar £2.50 ........ Blazer Button Large £1.10 ........ Blazer Button Small £1.10 ........ Blazer Badge L £12.00........ Blazer Badge F £12.00........ Blazer Badge A £12.00........ Blazer Badge H £12.00........ Blazer Badge COA £12.00........ Beret Badge £8.00 ........ RNA Tie £8.00 ........ RNA Tie clip on £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie £8.00 ........ Alternative Tie silk £16.50........ Pewter Pint tankard Traditional £22.50 Pewter Pint tankard Georgian £28.50 Pewter half Pt tankard Georgian £22.50 £22.50 Pewter 6 0z hip flask £22.50 Pewter 4 0z hip flask Pewter Quaich £22.50 Pewter round trinket box £16.50 All with engraved RNA crest.
................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ........ ......
19 18 20 21 22 12 33
Marcasite Anchor brooch Marcasite Crown brooch Marcasite crown earrings Marcasite anchor earrings Cufflinks black enamel L/F/A Silver Anchor on chain Place cards (10 pack)
....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... .......
£58.00 £58.00 £27.00 £27.00 £8.50 15.50 £1.10
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
34 62 63 42 71 72 73 55
Card RNA crest Standard bearer Certificate Standard bearer retiring Cert Guide to ceremonial booklet Serviettes (100 pack) Shirt Badges Car tax disc holder Pencils inscribed with RNA Ladies Headscarf Bowties Metal Car badge
£1.10 £1.10 £1.10 £2.10 £9.00 £0.75 £1.10 £0.25 £14 £8 £12
....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......
All prices in Sterling and includes P&P
See the website or Diary for pictures of all the goods. Copies of the Royal Charter and rule book are in the 2009/10 Yearbook, or available on line.
Cheque to the value £....................... enclosed For credit/debit card users Card Type ..................................................... Cardholder’s Name ..................................................... Address ..................................................... .................................................... ..................................................... .................................................... Post code .......................... Phone No ..................................................... Card Number ..................................................... Expiry date ........................... Security number ........................... Issue Number ........................ Amount to be deducted £.......................... Authority to deduct from Branch Account On behalf of................................ Branch, I authorise you to deduct £.............From our account. Signature............................................
Dated ...................................
Please send Goods to; Name .................................................... Address .................................................... .................................................... ................................................... ....................................................
BUYING YOUR OWN HOME IS NO LONGER A PIPE DREAM The LIFT Open Market Shared Equity Scheme welcomes applications from social renters, members of the armed forces, veterans who have left the armed forces within the past year and widows, widowers and other partners of service personnel killed in action for up to one year after their partner has been killed. If you meet this criteria please contact the LIFT team on 08451 550019 or look on our website ( For more information about the LIFT Shared Equity Scheme - Link currently operates the LIFT Open Market Shared Equity Scheme on behalf of the Scottish Government across 25 council areas in the Scottish Central Belt extending from Argyll & Bute to the Scottish Borders, Angus to Dumfries & Galloway. The scheme is available to people who may not be able to afford to buy on the open market without financial assistance. Our target priority groups are social renters, members of the armed forces, veterans who have left the armed forces within the past year and widows, widowers and other partners of service personnel killed in action for up to one year after their partner has been killed.
Grant funding from the Scottish Government is available to eligible applicants of between 10% to 30% of the purchase price for a property for sale on the open market. Applicants must be able to raise the remaining amount by way of a mortgage and any savings or capital available above a ÂŁ5000 threshold. Additional grant funding of up to 49% may be made for applicants with a disability to secure suitable accommodation. Further Details and Application Form Please contact the LIFT team on 08451 550019 or look on our website ( For more information about the LIFT Shared Equity Scheme -
“The Evolution of the 20th century Gunboat” There will be a one day conference organised by the Society for Nautical Research (South) in the Princess Royal Gallery of the National Museum of the Royal Navy at the Portsmouth Dockyard on Sat 9 Apr 2011. There will be three papers in the morning and three papers in the afternoon, separated by a buffet lunch. In the Conference area there will be displays of model gunboats by the Surface Warfare Association and the Coastal Forces Heritage Trust. It is also hoped that there will be the opportunity, maybe in limited numbers, for guided tours of MGB81 during the lunch break.
Papers 1000: Sign on and coffee 1045: Origin and evolution of the Coastal Motor Boat (CMB), Lt Cdr Mark Brady 1140: Deployment and operations of the CMB, Cdr Rodney Agar 1230: “Short” boats in Channel waters, Antony Hichens 1310: Lunch 1430: “Dog” boats in Mediterranean waters, Sir Derrick Holden-Brown 1520: Introduction of the Swedish SPICA missile boat, Keith Hope-Lang 1600: Tea 1620: Reminiscences of WW2 gunboat Commanding Officers John Field, James Shadbolt, Sir Derrick Holden-Brown Moderated by Dr Dominic Tweddle
Tickets The charge will be £30 for the conference and the buffet lunch with wine. Tickets are available from the SNRS Treasurer Stephen Payne, 5 Blount Road, Pembroke Park, Old Portsmouth PO1 2TD. Phone: 023 9282 9639. Email .payne@talk21. Please include an SAE if you want a receipt and an email address if you want updated news of the Conference plans. Keith Hope-Lang Organiser and Secretary to SNRS E-mail .
Phone 01 243 811 388