JUNE 2019
Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy
D-DAY 75
Seventy five years on from Operations ‘Neptune’ and ‘Overlord’, the country pays tribute to the sailors, soldiers and airmen who fought and died for the liberation of France and an end to the Nazi occupation of Europe.
Incorporated by Royal Charter
Bob Hill
01268 780449
Jim Hammond
01268 414616
Vice Chairman:
Terry Barker
01268 456165
Hon. Secretary:
Gary Daisley
01268 555570
Hon. Treasurer:
Joan Crick
01268 741303
Membership Secretary:
Bill Vernon
01268 772775
Standard Bearer:
Dave Bishop
01268 770521
Welfare Officer:
Dave Mead
01702 307922
Social Secretary:
Mike Sandbrook
01702 801103
Rev. David Oxtoby
01268 971814
BRANCH INFORMATION email: tweet: @RNArayleigh
Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). Registered Charity: Registration Number 1069148 2
Celebrating our D-Day Veterans 6 June 1944 not only saw the many sacrifices of British Commonwealth and American forces at sea, in the air and on the beaches of Normandy, but the battle to win Europe back from the grip of the Nazis was fought across huge areas of the continent which was to become known as the Eastern Front. With the Axis powers beaten in Northern Africa in May 1943 and the Italian campaign underway since its invasion in September 1943, plans were also being drafted for ‘Operation Dragoon’ and the scheduled invasion of Southern France on 15 August 1944. Meanwhile, British Arctic Convoys were keeping Stalin’s Russian forces supplied for their assault on Germany’s Eastern Front. Each of these campaigns played their part in the eventual overthrow of the Third Reich. We salute the men and women who were involved and who gave everything for King and Country. The nation gives thanks for those who survived and celebrate the fact that seventy five years on from D-Day itself, some of these Veterans are still with us today. To that end, Rayleigh Branch will host a public Open Day on Wednesday 24 July to celebrate those who took part 1944. Shipmates Len Hobbs, Ted Hurley, Les Holyome and Jack Harrison will be guests of honour at the event and have agreed to share some of their experiences with us as part of the open evening itself.
Extract from the Semaphore Circular May 2019 Dear Shipmates, First things first. On behalf of the RNA, our National President has taken the opportunity to write a note of congratulations to the Right Hon Penny Mordaunt MP on her elevation to Secretary of State for Defence. She is a Royal Navy reservist, a former minister for the armed forces and the MP for Portsmouth North, home of Portsmouth Naval Base so we’re delighted that someone so close to the Royal Navy now holds such an important office of state. Secondly, if you have not heard this through other means, I am absolutely thrilled to announce that the RNA’s Project Semaphore won first prize in the Soldiering On Awards ceremony in London on 5 April as the People’s Choice for a project that has provided a significant contribution in support of the Armed Forces community. This is fitting tribute to our Project Semaphore Project Manager, Sarah Clewes and her close team of S/m Julie Royston and S/m Alan Magrath who have worked tirelessly to help naval veterans realise the benefits of being online and to address the issues of social isolation and loneliness. We remain entirely thankful to the Aged Veteran Fund for funding the project and of course the team of 15 or so S/m volunteers who have worked with Sarah, Julie and Al to deliver the project so successfully. A big BZ to all involved and there is an article later in this month’s Semaphore Circular with more detail. I also take great pleasure in welcoming both Greenwich Hospital and AW Ship Management Ltd as our latest Corporate Sponsors. We are of course no strangers with Greenwich Hospital who, as a key naval charity, have already supported the RNA over the years and, indeed, continue to do so now. AW Ship Management however found us on the web and have been keen to support the Objects of our Charity. The sailing of HMS Queen Elizabeth 4
afforded us a fine opportunity to invite the new sponsors to the Naval Base and we were able to raise a glass of fizz to toast the occasion. We look forward to extending the relationship in the future and hope to see representation at the Annual Conference in Wyboston. As stated, QNLZ made it out of Portsmouth on time but had more of a struggle getting into Rosyth at the other end. The whole procedure is a Navigator’s nightmare with finding the right tides to get under the Forth Rail Bridge and over the bar into Rosyth before squeezing into the basin with 15” spare on either side. Anyway, it was all completed and safely docked albeit on the third day of waiting for the wind to be within an acceptable limit. On the commemorative front, I must thank the Irish Naval Association for turning out with the 12 Area RNA at the recent event in Dublin at the British War Memorial to mark the centenary of the disbandment of the RND after the Great War. Meanwhile, planning for D-Day 75, although a little late in being gripped by the relevant authorities is now in full swing although it appears that the event at Portsmouth on 05 June has been Trumped by a Heads of State visit! Notwithstanding, the RNA will be represented and, it is hoped, that some of our veterans will meet those Heads of State. Ahead of the D-Day commemorations, we had an interesting sight in the Naval Base today as they placed the huge statue made of the very famous photograph taken in New York at the end of the war of a sailor heartily kissing his bonnie lass. I hope you get a sense of the scale from the photograph – that’s VICTORY’s bowsprit you can see in the picture. There’s another exciting anniversary on the horizon. Next year, 2020, sees the 50th Anniversary of the cessation of the Rum Ration which we are already in cahoots with Pussers Rum and the RNRMC to commemorate appropriately. By 1970, for matters of safety and for general health, in a modern, high tech and nuclear Royal Navy, it was clearly no longer appropriate to continue to issue the rum ration. And, with this in mind, this commemoration will seek to celebrate the opportunity that “Up Spirits” brought to bring people together. This year however on 30 July 2019, as a “dry run” for the following year’s event, it is proposed to have a 3-course luncheon in HMS Belfast where the 5
order “Up Spirits!” will be re-enacted. Each Area has been allocated 4 single tickets each and Areas should use their own discretion for the worthy allocation of tickets but should keep in mind that the 4 tickets include spouses/carers. I have reserved 8 tickets for HQ Role members and would invite applications for the ballot by close of play Monday 10 June. While the lunch is all kindly paid by the sponsors, using a funding model akin to the Welfare Seminar, the RNA will offer a contribution towards travel expenses for all members, which will be capped at £50. Unless in exceptional circumstances, there is no funding budgeted for overnight accommodation. On the day, the Ship will be open from 1200 for a 1230 start and participants are encouraged to wear RNA rig. The meal will conclude with a talk from the Belfast’s Yeoman and for those who wish, a tour of the ship. Finally, as at 1 May, I must confess I am a tad disappointed that we only have some 48 delegates registered for this year’s National Conference in Wyboston especially as it is a relatively accessible location in the country and we have some interesting things on the agenda including a briefing by the Naval Secretary, Admiral Mike Bath and a presentation from 2nd Sea Lord’s Personnel Liaison Team as well as a full social programme. Can I urge you therefore to consider your attendance and support this event which 6 Area have gone to great lengths to put together for us. See you there! Best wishes from the Central Office Team, Bill Oliphant General Secretary
RNA Rayleigh OPEN EVENING: On Wednesday 24 July, Rayleigh Branch is planning to host an Open Evening. For the first time since 2013, we will have the opportunity to showcase our activities and events, together with the support that we offer each other through the Association. It is also a chance to demonstrate to the general public, some of the naval and military history that binds us together. 6
24th July 2019 8-10pm
Royal British Legion Memorial Hall, 2 London Hill, Rayleigh, Essex. SS6 7HP
St George’s Day Flag Raising: 23 April 2019
RNA Rayleigh was again invited to take part in this year’s St. George’s Day celebration with Rayleigh Town Council and their annual flag raising event at their Offices in KGV Playing Field. The delegation included S/M’s Jim Hammond, Cllr. Jack Lawmon, Eddie Dray, Harry Irons, Ian Ward, Dave Smith, Linda Wilson, Jon Crick and Branch Standard Bearer Dave Mead.
St George’s Day Parade: 28 April 2019 The Southend-on-Sea branch of the Royal Society of St George once again played host to the St George’s Day Parade and Church Service. The parade itself was led by the band of the Air Cadets and was supported by Sea Scouts, Scouts and other youth organisations, armed forces veterans, Standard Bearers and local dignitaries. MPs David Amess and Mark Francois took the march-past salute together with the mayor of Southend.
RBL vs RNA Darts: 3 May 2019 With RNA Rayleigh’s name engraved twice on the interdepartment trophy, the RNA were ready to take on the RBL with a track record of consecutive wins. However, the RBL had other ideas to knocked the wind out of the sails of the RNA. Although the RNA scored a couple of early victories at the start of the evening, the RBL came back strong and left the RNA in their wake as they stormed to a four-game overall victory.
Do we look the least bit concerned? - the RNA Team
Victorious! - the RBL Team
No.5 Area Q2 Meeting: 4 May 2019 The crew at RNA Norwich put on a great spread and show for the ten Delegates from across East Anglia that answered the Roll Call. Their hospitality was greatly appreciated to those in attendance, as many had travelled a great distance and the weather had been positively atrocious. The official Minutes from the meeting have now been distributed to those with email. A further printed copy is available at Rayleigh Branch meetings for anyone else wishing to read them.
Following the formal meeting preamble, the body of the Agenda got underway with S/M Hon. Secretary Paulette Rose outlining details of forthcoming events within No.5 Area, including; 16 June (Shotley) a service celebrating 100 years of the Submarine Service. 6 June (Stowmarket) D-Day75 service at St.Peter & St.Mary’s church. 27 June (Rayleigh) Korean Vets Association service (by invitation only). S/M June Ray, the Area Treasurer continued by declaring the balance of the bank accounts held by No.5 Area, adding that income had been received due to Capitation and Gift Aid. There was a further report relating to changes of the Public Liability Insurance and that Branches need to be aware of the changes to the Brokers currently providing cover. The report from S/M Jim Hammond as the National Council 11
Member for No.5 Area followed, reminding Branches of the rules for the application of funds from Branch Support Fund to cover advertising costs and display equipment etc. There are also loan opportunities for special needs, including buying new Branch Standards as an example. 2020 will be the 50th anniversary of the abolition of the Rum Ration. Known as ‘black tot day’, the anniversary will see a special event aboard HMS Belfast. Applications are invited from anyone who served during the time of the tot issue. There was some disappointment with the number of applications for the forthcoming National Conference & Reunion in Wyboston. Branches were encouraged to support. It was suggested that the low uptake could possibly be due to the proximity of the D-Day75 anniversary events. As the meeting was about to close, the Rayleigh Branch Delegate S/M Gary Daisley introduced S/M Mike Burnham to the meeting. The meeting recognised that S/M Burnham is to be the Area Assistant to the National Recruitment and Retention Advisor for No.5 Area.
Top notch hospitality - the RNA Norwich crew
Games Night Preview: 15 May 2019 The precursor to the ‘official’ Games Night was put in place to give Rayleigh Branch Members a flavour of what to expect at the evening planned for 24 May. The change in format with S/M Mike Sandbrook as Bingo Caller really helped to speed things up and the Higher/Lower game (a spin on the Play Your Cards Right TV Show) proved to be a great crack, with thrills and upsets at every turn of the cards. S/Ms Eddie Dray and Dave Smith are looking to Branch Members to support their efforts to make these evenings a success. Let’s hope we can continue to ’pack ’em in’ and help to raise funds for the Branch.
S/M Mike Sandbrook: A Natural Born Bingo Caller!
S/M Linda Todd, helping herself to the contents of S/M Eddie Dray’s chocolate box (again)!
Quiz Night Winners: 29 May 2019 The ladies have it again! The ’Three Degrees+1’ team of S/Ms Alma Walton, Mauveen Tanner, Cherry Ablitt and Joan Crick romped home to win with a clear ten point victory over the second placed team lead by S/M Terry Barker.
Team ‘Three Degrees +1’ ended up as +2 with S/M Gary Daisley joining the quartet shortly after the start, offering many wrong answers and alternative opinions. You’d think he was doing it to put them off their stroke - Not a chance! A richly deserved win ladies - well done!
FREE RUM: The prize draw for the FREE Rum Raffle held at the Rayleigh Town Trinity Fair on 9 June, will be held at the RNA’s Open Evening on 24 July. Watch this space to see who our VIP guests will be for the evening. It is hoped and planned that we will also have a number of guests from the Trinity Fair to join us to see what we’re up to and what we have to offer our branch members too. 14
Diary Dates
Rayleigh Trinity Fair Sunday 9 June 2019 (11am-4pm) Rayleigh High Street Stall location: the Pink Toothbrush Night Club
Korean War Veteran’s Service Thursday 27 June 2019 (10:30 for 11am) The Living Memorial, Rettendon
RNA Rayleigh Branch - 33rd Anniversary 27 June 1986-2019
A date to remember!
Mess Deck Supper Friday 28 June 2018 (8pm) Tickets from S/M Mike Sandbrook.
Armed Forces Day Flag Raising & Reception Monday 24 June 2019 Castle Point Council Offices, Kiln Road
Armed Forces Day Canvey Island Parade Saturday 29 June 2019 (10:30 - 14:00) Long Road, Canvey Island
Annual Sea Service Sunday 15 July 2018 (2:30pm) RNA Maidstone (No.2 Area) Kent. S/M Mike Sandbrook for details 15