“Off to Sea” HMS DARING, first operational deployment to the Gulf
Branch Circular No 615
January 2012
Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary, Happy belated New Year and a very warm welcome to the January circular. We are entering an extremely busy period with loads to do! Please ensure that you brief your branch carefully: This year’s Conference will be held in the Assembly Rooms Newcastle on the weekend of 8th 9th 10th of June and plans have now firmed up for what looks like a super weekend of business and fun. The Conference will kick-off with a Welcome Reception buffet in the Assembly Rooms on Friday evening kicking off at 1900 and will cost £13. On Saturday the Conference starts at 1000 and delegates need be seated by 0945, the venue opening for 0845 for delegates and observers, coffee/tea and a bikkie will be available. On Saturday evening there will be a Gala Buffet Dance, with Tyne Branch keeping the cost down to a very affordable £16.00. On Sunday the Church service will be held in St Nicholas Cathedral at 1145 which will be followed by a parade to Eldon Square , for info the march is some 700 yards. On completion Shipmates will be free to carry on in the many taverns, café and shops within a few yards. Please see the article for more. The HQ staff would be very grateful if the Conference Booking form and Delegate’s form, attached to this circular, is completed fully and is signed and payment attached. Motions and Elections. Please remember the deadline for forms for election of NCM/DNCM/SOC and Branch motions to Conference is 1600 17 February 2012 at HQ. This year there will be 3 HQ Open days which will be held on 27 April, 6 July and 5 October. They are great fun and a fantastic day out but unfortunately we are limited to numbers so please book as early as you can. For those of you not familiar with the programme: Shipmates arrive at the HQ at 1100 where they will have an opportunity to look around the HQ, meet the staff and more importantly buy lots of ‘Slops’, and see Michelle modelling our new RNA Foul Weather jacket. At 1130 we move up to the Semaphore Arms with views over WARRIOR and the Port, receive a brief on current RNA issues and a sandwich lunch. Then we depart for a one hour MOD boat trip around the harbour, which always sparks many memories and often see ‘s the General Secretary passing around his hip flask! for purely medicinal purposes. It is with great regret and deep personal sadness that I have to inform you that Shipmate Bill Murray, the National Council Member for 2 Area has crossed the bar. His funeral took place in Chatham and was attended by the National President, National Chairman and General Secretary and many members of the National Council and Areas, 17 Standards including the National, paraded. Bill did marvellous work in his home branch of Chatham and 2 Area; and was a great representative for overseas branches. His legacy in the Conference Study Group report, which I sent you just before Christmas, will live on. The DNCM for 2 Area Shipmate M Cox joins the National Council. Another date for your dairies has now been confirmed the Biennial National Standard Bearers Competition will be held this year in HMS Temeraire Portsmouth on 12th May from 1000-1400. Completion more details will be in next month’s circular. There are also two seminars in the Spring. The Welfare Seminar due to be held in Royal Leamington Spa on 31 March and the Clubs Seminar which will be held in Uxbridge on 21 April 12.
Yours in comradeship
Paul Quinn General Secretary
Ch a irm a n ’s Ch a t - J a n u a ry 2012 The start of a new year for us, Shipmates, and I send you all by best wishes that it will bring success, good fortune and the continued fun and friendship that we all enjoy so much. Over the past 15 months I have visited 11 of the RNA Areas to attend delegate meetings and to meet with many of you. I have enjoyed interacting with you and giving many of you the chance to put your own views and questions directly to your two most senior elected members in the RNA, having been accompanied on all but one occasion by the National Vice Chairman, Keith Crawford. We are off to Belfast for a 12 Area Meeting in February and hope to complete the “Grand Slam” with an invitation to Scotland in March. These have been successful visits, welcomed by all Areas we have been to, and I would certainly welcome the opportunity to continue them in the future. Unfortunately, we start the new year on National Council without the long-serving and very dedicated support of S/M Bill Murray, the late NCM 2 Area. Bill crossed the bar, suddenly and very unexpectedly, just four days before Christmas, and the thoughts of all RNA members will be with his widow Sheila, his daughters, and his wider family as they enter 2012 without his huge presence. Bill was a great family man, and had given the RNA, at Branch, Area, National and even International level great service for many years, and his commitment and influence will be difficult to replace. Bill was always a very vigorous and persistent advocate of his views on the running of the RNA. But he was also very generous in accepting the majority view when it went against him on National Council, and when I put forward at the NC meeting in December some new proposals for the running of National Council he gave me his full support. All members of the National Council will miss his presence and we welcome Mick Cox onto the Council as the new NCM 2 Area. The General Secretary and I had a recent discussion with the RN on reviewing the MOU, which went very well, and the outcomes will be put to the National Council for approval in March. Further talks are planned in the near future at establishing a positive line of communication with the RN, and through it the MOD, on Naval Veterans affairs. The Shipmates Campaign is going very well and we are getting great support from the regional resettlement offices. Andy Christie is spending some 75% of his time on keeping abreast of the flow of data and making contact with the redundees. As I write this I have just heard from the GS that we have had the go-ahead to extend our Phase 2 mentoring services to HMS SULTAN, which will include fireside chats with young officers. We are now offering a great service to nearly all new-entrant trainees, and to Service leavers, and now need to establish much closer links with those serving in between. Yesterday I attended the funeral of one of my Area 8 Shipmates, Albert Webb. He crossed the bar quite unexpectedly having been a very fit and well 89 year old. My first official duty as National Chairman just days after being elected in September 2010 was to present him and his great friend Mick Razey with Malta Cross medals. The two had been inseperable oppos as stalwarts of Lichfield Branch and when Mick crossed the bar in December Albert felt the loss of his great pal. Maybe that special comradeship that only true shipmates really feel drew something in Albert to join Mick. We shall never know. I hope you all have many such special oppos which the RNA can provide, and I offer you a poem below which, for me, highlights that extra something that I get out of my contact with the many very good friends and shipmates I have met in RNA. A happy new year to you all.
Chris Dovey
The Thous a ndth Ma n ONE ma n in a thous a nd, S olomon s a ys . Will s tick more clos e tha n a brothe r. And it’s worth while s e e king him ha lf your da ys If you find him be fore the othe r. Nine hundre d a nd nine ty-nine de pe nd On wha t the world s e e s in you, But the Thous a ndth Ma n will s ta nd your frie nd With the whole round world a gin you. ‘Tis ne ithe r promis e nor pra ye r nor s how Will s e ttle the finding for ‘e e . Nine hundre d a nd nine ty-nine of ‘e m go By your looks , or your a cts , or your glory. But if he finds you a nd you find him, The re s t of the world don’t ma tte r; For the Thous a ndth Ma n will s ink or s wim With you in a ny wa te r. You ca n us e his purs e with no more ta lk Tha n he us e s yours for his 4pe nding, And la ugh a nd me e t in your da ily wa lk As though the re ha d be e n no le ndings . Nine hundre d a nd nine ty-nine of ‘e m ca ll For s ilve r a nd gold in the ir de a lings ; But the Thous a ndth Ma n he ’s worth ‘e m a ll Be ca us e you ca n s how him your fe e lings . His wrong’s your wrong, a nd his right’s your right, In s e a s on or out of s e a s on. S ta nd up a nd ba ck it in a ll me n’s s ight With tha t for your only re a s on! Nine hundre d a nd nine ty-nine ca n’t bide The s ha me or mocking or la ughte r, But the Thous a ndth Ma n will s ta nd by your s ide To the ga llows -foot – a nd a fte r! Rudyard Kipling
Contents Daily Orders 1. Conference 2012 2. Welfare Seminar – Leamington Spa 3. Clubs Seminar 4. HQ Open Days 5. National Standard Bearers Competition 6. Mentoring Initiative-Victory Squadron HMS Collingwood 7. Newark RNA- Pickle Night 8. WWII Genealogy Television Series – Royal Navy Veterans 9. Cheltenham Branch- Standard bearer retirement. 10. “77” Weekends, Reborn and Revisited 11. Donations Received 12. RMR Mersyside – Ships Bell needed. 13. Limavaady branch – Rathlin Island 14. “Fathers and Sons – Falklands to Helmand” 15. HMS Victory to be restored. 16. Finance corner from Michelle 17. Armed Forces Covenant 18. RNBT – Trustees wanted 19. MOD gives Community Projects a helping hand 20. New NHS treatment centers for Military Heroes 21. Devonport Field Gun Association- Fundraising 22. Best ever Senior Citizen Joke! 23. Guess Where? 24. Seaford Branch at St Dunstans 25. Book reviews 26. Can anyone help- 12 Oared Cutter needed. 27. Online Donations 28. Culdrose Based Squadrons – 30th Anniversary of the Falklands 29. SAMA (82) Sponsored Concessionary Flight Scheme 30. Sea Power – Libya 31. Malta’s “Best kept Secret” 32. Relate – Counselling 33. Hereford Branch – an evening with Shep Woolley 34. Irish Naval Association – Unveiling of Memorial 35. Arctic Convoy Veterans – What’s your Opinion? 36. Can you help Find ? 37. RNA Ex-Pats Help Lifeboat Station Appeal 38. Store all your personal information on your PC 39. IMC 40. City of Inverness Branch 41. Up Spirits; Ode to a tot of Rum
Shortcast Longcast Ship’s Office 1. Branch membership renewal forms 2. Area and Branch updates 3. Club C3 application forms (loose leaf)
Swinging the Lamp For the Branch Secretary and notice-board (included loose-leaf):
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Nomination form for NCM and DNCM Proposed motions for Conference Nominations for Standing Order Committee Bankers Order for 2012 Diaries Welfare Seminar application form Clubs Seminar application form Delegates/Observers Returns Conference Information and Booking Forms
Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible
Throughout ď ? indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts:
Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747 nigel@royalnavalassoc.com
AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to nigel@royalnavalassoc.com
Daily Orders 1 Conference 2012 THE CONFERENCE BOOKING FORM IS INCLUDED WITH THIS CIRCULAR, BOOKINGS SHOULD NOW BE MADE AND DELEGATE/OBSERVER FORMS RETURNED. The 2012 Conference programme will be: Friday 8 June All day: 1900-2300
AMC, FAC and National Council meet in Thistle Hotel Welcome reception at the Assembly Rooms, Newcastle (Cost £13/head)
Saturday 9 June 0945 1900-2300
All to be seated for Conference in the Assembly Rooms (Start 1000) Gala Buffet Dance at the Assembly Rooms (Cost £16/head)
Sunday 10 June Parade forms and marches to St Nicholas Cathedral 1145 o/c
Church Service at St Nicholas Parade forms at Bigg Market, salute at Grey memorial and Laying of wreath at Eldon Square memorial.
Please note that there will be no central booking of accommodation or travel arrangements, accommodation may be tight in Newcastle about this time, so worth starting to enquire soon. We have agreed with the Newcastle Convention Bureau that we will have a dedicated webpage for RNA bookings, this is the link www.NewcastleGateshead.com/NAVAL2012 A new hotel is opening next to the Assembly Rooms, The Indigo. Mention you are from the RNA for the Conference and the manager will give you a good rate. Parking available. Contact is Adam or Laura on - 0191 3009222 www.hotelindigonewcastle.co.uk The local branch contact is Shipmate Ian McQueen, his e-mail is themcqueens@talktalk.net 2. Welfare Seminar - 31 March 2012 –Leamington Spa The RNA Welfare Seminar will take place in the RNA Leamington Branch Club on Saturday the 31 March 2012, and hopefully it will encourage those “North of the Watford Gap” to attend. Please note that the seminar was to have taken place in Liverpool, but had to be changed due to the sad death of their secretary and Leamington Spa very kindly filled the breach. The seminar will be hosted by Rita Lock our National Welfare Advisor. There are many changes happening in the approach to welfare and benevolence and the way forward within the RNA. It would be great to know that all welfare officers were aware of these changes and be able to disseminate the information to their respective areas and branches. All Area, Branch Welfare Officers, nominated attendees and observers who wish to attend are to complete the attached form (at rear of circular) and return to HQ by 16 March.
(For catering and seating purposes) Please ensure that you include your full name/address, phone and mobile numbers, also an email address if possible, on the return. Should your branch not have an official welfare officer then please try and send a designated shipmate or an observer to represent the branch. The National Council have approved travelling expenses of up to £50.00 to be paid to one person per Branch and one person per Area. Any other Branch members (Observers) are more than welcome to join us, just complete the enclosed form and return it to HQ Accommodation. Those requiring an overnight stay will have book their own accommodation. If you go to the website –www.4Hotels.co.uk/uk/leamington-spa it has a list of hotels and B&Bs within the town itself all with the various prices. There are a number of places on Adelaide Road and Avenue Road, which are within 2 minutes walking distance of the club. (Victoria Park Hotel, The Adams, Avenue Lodge Guest House and Buckland Lodge Hotel) The Best Western – The Falstaff is 5minutes walk downhill to the club but probably more on the way back!! A number of reunions stay at the Angel Hotel, at the end of Regent Street – 10 – 15 minutes walk (with Car Park). Timings 1000 – 1530 (there will be four speakers) Meals – Refreshments Tea and Coffee will be available from 0915 onwards A Buffet Lunch will be provided
3 Clubs Seminar The RNA Clubs Seminar will take place in the RNA Uxbridge Branch Club on Saturday the 21 April 2012, and there will be a full programme. Those requiring an overnight stay will have book their own accommodation, but Tea and Coffee will be available on the day and a Buffet lunch will be provided. Please fill in the attendance form at the rear of the circular and ensure that you include your full name/address, phone and mobile numbers, also an email address if possible, and return the enclosed form to Nigel at HQ. 4 HQ Open Days – 2012 The HQ will be holding 3 open days this year on, 27 April, 6 July and 5 Oct. Open days will start at 1100 at the HQ where we will have a small brief and a chance to buy Slops and meet the staff. There are also sandwiches for lunch in the Semaphore Tower Mess, with tea/coffee after the boat trip, to warm up if needed. Again we have managed to book a MoD boat for a tour of the harbour and dockyard from 1230 to 1330 and the GS cold dead fingers might be prised away from a tot or two of Pusser’s. (Don’t forget your camera) Come along to Semaphore Tower for a chance to meet the HQ staff and have a day out. Please register your interest with Andy or Nigel; you will need to have your vehicle registration details and names of those wishing to come, to enable swift passage into the naval base.
(30 places available – each day) 5 National Standard Bearers Competition The National Standard Bearers competition will be run on Saturday 12 May in HMS Temeraire starting at 1000. Competitors and officials will have to be clear of the establishment by 1400. Please ensure that you book your accommodation in time. For information the Maritime club telephone number is 023 92 824231 Competition entry and further details will appear in the February Circular. 6 RNA - Victory Squadron (Phase 2) HMS Collingwood Mentoring Initiative The RNA Mentoring scheme got underway with the very first session on Wednesday 17 November featuring S/M Bob Jones Havant Branch Hon Secretary who set the ball rolling with a class of Warfare Specialists, who are training to be Aircraft Controllers. There will be two types of Mentoring which will see a number of Shipmates Mentoring either in Collingwood or in the HQ. Mentors join the ‘their’ Class for an hour ‘pull up a bollard’ and ‘swing the lamp’. Whilst describing their experiences and providing the trainees with a true life perspective and provide trainees with excellent examples of RN leadership and grit who have been employed at the ‘sharp end’ in many operational scenarios. On completion of the session S/M Bob commented “that he found it very rewarding and really enjoyed the face to face time with young serving sailors and is already looking forward to meeting them during their HQ visit.” Anyone interested in becoming a mentor please contact Andy on 02392 720782 7. Newark RNA Pickle Night Sat 19 Nov 2011 The sale of tickets and raffle tickets for the Pickle Night, held at Staythorpe Club on Saturday 19th November raised £1142 for Newark Patriotic Fund. Guests, including the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Patriotic Fund, Mr Patrick Mercer and Mr Keith Girling, the Mayor and Mayoress of Newark and Commander Eric Langley RN, heard the story of HMS Pickle’s race to get the news of Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar, but also his untimely death, to the Admiralty in London. The story was told through a series of readings by members of the RNA dressed in 1805 period dress. The ceremony of Colours started the formal part of the evening and Sunset brought the evening to a close. During the evening the Sea Cadets of TS Newark Castle spelt out Nelson’s famous signal using semaphore flags, each movement timed to correspond with appropriate nautical music. Mr Mercer proposed the toast to the immortal memory of Lord Nelson and responded to a speech from the Secretary of the RNA, Kevin Winter, who thanked all those local businesses and people who had donated prizes for the raffle or their time in order to raise money for this fund, which helps injured servicemen and their families locally. Mr Girling spoke about how the fund came to be started and Mr
Mercer praised the people of Newark for looking after their own injured servicemen. The Newark Patriotic Fund is currently the only one of its type in the country; however Mr Mercer hopes that after briefing fellow MP’s other towns may follow Newark’s example
8. WWII Genealogy Television Series – Royal Navy Veterans 360 Production is looking for Royal Navy veterans who served during WWII onboard the vessels listed below who would be happy to talk about their experiences with a view to possibly taking part in a television series featuring twelve well-known people that are on a personal journey to trace their family’s involvement in the Second World War. HMS Cambridge (Gunnery School), HMS Swift, HMS Cumberland, HMS Orwell HMS Albury and HMS Bedouin. We would also be interested in speaking to anyone who knew or served with the following people during WWII, Lt. Commander Ernest James Luscombe, Captain John D. Gower and William Tee (Stoker). If you can help then please contact; Henrietta Mitchell, Assistant Producer, 360 Production, 58 Davies Street, London, W1K 5JF T: +44 (0) 207 408 2559 www.360production.com _________________________________________________________________________ 9. Cheltenham Branch-Standard Bearer retirement Cheltenham branch have announced that their long serving Standard bearer S/M George Griffiths has retired. George has been a branch stalwart for many years, more than anyone in the branch can remember. He has taken off his beret, bucket and white gloves for the last time and handed over to S/M Martin Schuck. On Remembrance Sunday, 90 year old George carried our standard high and proud in his usual Duty First manner for the last time. The EX-Forces community of Cheltenham and area 7 will miss his appearance at future military events.
10. "77" Weekends, reborn and revisited - Mill Rythe 23 – 26 March 2012 As a good many of you know and remember well the great weekends very many of us had at Mill Rythe Holiday village in Hayling Island, this in the main due to the hard work and leadership of S/m. Derek Munn and his committee, unfortunately Derek Munn ‘Crossed the Bar ’last year and the committee disbanded, so as a consequence the Double Seven Weekends ceased. As well as having phenomenally enjoyable weekends over some twenty plus years, we raised a terrific amount for Charity. However since then, through the extremely hard work of Shipmate Ann Caswell a revival weekend was launched in October 7- 10, 2011 and very successful it was too, about 74 of us managed to attend and a committee founded in an endeavour to make it a permanent fixture for the future, to do so we need your support. The weekends were aimed in the beginning at Areas 1 & 6, 5 & 2 hence the term Double Seven, we are again looking forward to seeing all those who attended before, and also to welcome new shipmates and friends. To that end Mill Rythe has been booked again for the weekend 23 – 26 March 2012.at the princely sum of £89.P.P. half Board. (£25.00 deposit ASAP) the balance needs to be
paid eight weeks before (23 March). Mill Rythe is very keen to accommodate us in every way possible and make this a permanent fixture on their Calendar Please contact Katy Lansley @ Mill Rythe or Ann Caswell on 01962 880198 but not after 1900 after that time please use 07743576861 - 53 Wrights Close, South Wonston, Winchester Hants SO21 3HD. LET’S RECOMMISSION
11. Donations received for the Charities Fund Mrs V Penfold RNA – Waterlooville RNA – Wigston RNA – Carshalton (In memory of Eric Collins) RNA – Riyadh RNA – Wisbech In memory of Robert L Capindale In memory of Ronald J Tremlett In memory of Desmond Myers In memory of Ronald Garrett St Barbara’s Garrison Church Chatham
£25.00 £150.00 £170.00 £25.00 £2000.00 £25.00 £250.00 £105.78 £188.00 £243.78 £160.00
Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund.
12. RMR Merseyside- Ships Bell Needed I am writing to you to ask if maybe one of your members may have a Ships Bell for our Mess. I am forming a Liverpool Detachment Mess at NRHQ in Liverpool we are looking for a 7 - 8 inch bell (or bigger), hopefully, something with some history behind it so that we can continue to keep the name going as well as keeping the history alive. If you can help then please contact; C/Sgt Andrew Carmichael ULO / DSM Liverpool Detachment, RMR Merseyside, NRHQ, East Brunswick Dock, Liverpool, L3 4DZ. Tel: 0151 707 3413. 13. Limavady Branch - Rathlin Island Members of Limavady branch of the R.N.A attended a remembrance service and wreath laying service on Rathlin Island on Sunday 20th November 2011 as guests of R.B.L Ballycastle. A church service of remembrance was held in St.Thomas Church of Ireland, followed by a wreath laying service at the Royal Navy war graves in the adjoining graveyard. Seven standards were paraded including Limavady R.N.A standard, and eight wreaths laid on the war graves. The Limavady wreath was lay at the grave inscribed, Three Sailors of the Great War H.M.S Viknor 13th January 1915. On the return ferry journey to Ballycastle a Poppy wreath was cast into the sea at the site of the wreck of H.M.S Drake, torpedoed and sunk in Church Bay Rathlin Island on the 2nd October 1917.
14. “Fathers and Sons – Falklands to Helmand”
I am making a documentary for BBC Radio Four to mark the anniversary of the Falklands War. I'll be looking at recent conflicts through generations of the same families. I would like to contact men who served in the South Atlantic in '82 and have had sons who have since served in any service in other theatres of war. If you are interested, please email me at, gareth.jones-cf@bbc.co.uk or call me on 07712 137298.
15. Keeping it Shipshape – HMS Victory to be restored HMS Victory, the world’s oldest commissioned warship, is to be returned to her former glory thanks to a 10-year restoration programme. It will be the most extensive restoration of the 246 year old warship since she was repaired after the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 as Lord Nelson’s flagship. The work has begun by BAE Systems Surface Ships at Portsmouth Naval base under a £16M contract awarded by the MOD. The restoration will include: the ship’s masts, rigging and bowsprit; replacing side planking and removing decayed timber to replace with hand-fitted teak to maintain the structural integrity and the unique profile of the vessel. Captain John Newell, Head of the HMS Victory support team at the MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support organisation in Bristol, said: “This is a great opportunity to carry out the repairs needed to preserve the ship for the nation long term. BAE Systems Surface Ships has assembled a very experienced and world class team and we look forward to working with them.” Vice Admiral Charles Montgomery, Second Sea Lord and Commander in Chief of HMS Victory, said: “HMS Victory is an icon for the Royal Navy and the nation as a whole. This restoration project will enable future generations to experience for themselves a warship that has an enduring and far reaching effect on national and international history.”
16. Finance Corner – From Michelle HAPPY NEW YEAR, to you all. I will be producing 4th Quarter Branch Accounts next week. I know all the Treasurers / Secretaries will be busy number crunching over your Branch Annual Returns for 2011 but if any of you are struggling on how to complete your Annual form please don’t sit there and worry just contact me and I will be more than happy to help. Please note (below) AUDIT/INDEPENDENT EXAMINATION THRESHOLDS INFORMATION Branch (Registered Charity) Income less than £25,000 No external scrutiny required (i.e. No audit or independent examiner) Where income exceeds £10,000 an Annual return must be filed with Charity Commission within 10 months of year end
Income between £25,000 - £250,000 Independent Examination or Audit required unless Governing document stipulates one or the other Accounts must be filed with Charity Commission within 10 months of year end Income between £250,000 - £500,000 Independent Examination (but independent examiner must belong to a specific body) or Audit required, unless Governing document stipulates one or the other Income in excess of £500,000 Audit is required Club Are not Charities and should be registered under the “Friendly and Industrial Provident Societies Act 1968”. In line with Companies registered under the Companies Act 2006, a club is only required to have a statutory audit when it’s Turnover (income) and Gross assets exceed the following threshold: Income £6.5 million Gross assets £3.26 million Answer to Novembers Mensa Test – Fairy Cake, Chelsea Bun, Lemon Meringue & Drop Scone This month’s Mensa Test Rearrange the letters of ‘I AM A MERRY ODD BUNDLE’ to give three precious stones. What are they? Answer in next month’s Circular
17 Armed Forces Covenant - recognised in Law for the first time The principles of the Armed Forces Covenant have been enshrined in law after the Armed Forces Bill received Royal Assent. This is the first time the existence of the Covenant has been recognised in statute. The new Armed Forces Act 2011 creates the requirement for an annual Armed Forces Covenant report to Parliament each year. This will set out how the Government is supporting our Armed Forces, their families and veterans in key areas such as healthcare, housing and education. Prime Minister David Cameron said: "We made a promise to do more for our armed services and to put the military covenant at the heart of our national life. Today we are delivering on that promise - the principles of the covenant are now part of the law of our land and the value we place on our Armed Forces is clear for all to see." "We must now live up to these obligations, not just Government but society as a whole, and ensure that our armed forces and their families have the support they need and are treated with the dignity they deserve."
It will be for the Defence Secretary to present the annual Armed Forces Covenant report to Parliament. An interim report will be delivered by the end of this year, with the statutory requirement coming into effect from 2012.
18. RNBT Trustees - Wanted The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust (RNBT) was formed under Royal Charter in 1922 to provide for those who are serving or have served as Warrant Officers and below, and their dependants, who find themselves in need or distress. The Trust’s beneficiaries are referred to as The RNBT Family. Every year, more than 4,000 applicants are assisted, for further details go online: www.rnbt.org.uk A founding principle of the Trust is that it is predominantly run by serving and retired Sailors and Royal Marines. Accordingly 11 of the 17 trustees (including the Trust’s Vice President) that form the RNBT’s governing body are drawn from serving and retired RN ratings and RM other ranks and are known as Ordinary Member Trustees. Vacancies will occur for 5 Ordinary Member Trustee positions with effect from 1 April 2012 as part of the RNBT’s routine governance ‘refreshment’ programme. The election of volunteers to fill these positions, including those who are standing down but may wish to stand for reelection, will happen in the first week of March Are you interested; can you contribute; do you want to find out more? If so contact the RNBT’s Portsmouth based Head Office on 02392 690112 or apply on-line for an Application Pack to: rnbt@rnbt.org.uk 19 MOD gives Community Projects a helping hand The first batch of Community Covenant Grant Scheme projects that have received funding from the Ministry of Defence have been announced today. More than £423,000 has been given to 13 bids from across the country to help fund local projects that increase the understanding or support for Armed Forces in the community in which they live. Each project benefits both Armed Forces Personnel and the civilian population. Encouragingly, these bids are supported by over £300,000 in matched funding from bid originators. Since launching the £30M grant scheme in August, 38 applications have been received by groups across the country. Some of the remaining bids are still being considered by the Community Covenant Grant panel but, if successful, over £1m in funding could be issued from this first round alone. Further panels will be held to consider new bids in December, March 2012 and thereafter quarterly. The £30m funding has been allocated to be spent up to the financial year 2014/15. The grant scheme will consider applications for funding between £100 to £250,000, to be spent on projects which promote closer ties or a greater understanding of the Armed Forces within the local community. Further detail on the grant criteria can be found on the MOD website.
20 New - NHS Treatment Centres for Military Heroes
The Government has announced that it is investing up to £15 million to support the recommendations to improve prosthetics services for military veterans who have lost a limb due to activities while serving their country. In January, the Government asked Dr Andrew Murrison MP to lead a review into the prosthetic services currently offered to veterans by the NHS. This followed concern by service charities and some serving personnel who have been seriously injured that the NHS may not be equipped to provide prosthetic services to the same standard as the Defence Medical Service at Headley Court. In response to Dr Murrison’s key recommendation, the Department of Health will now introduce a number of national specialists prosthetic and rehabilitation centres for amputee veterans across the country. The Government will work with service charities, including Help for Heroes and BLESMA (The British Limbless Ex-Service Men’s Association) as well as specialists within the NHS to ensure that high quality NHS facilities are available to our military heroes. The Department of Health will also use the experience and feedback from providing these specialist services to veterans and apply these to the wider NHS, so that all patients will benefit in the future.
21 Devonport Field Gun Association - Fundraising The Devonport Field Gun Association’s museum – formerly housed in HMS DRAKE – has been compelled to vacate those premises due to the MOD’s redevelopment plans. So committed was the association’s committee to safeguarding the heritage of Command Field Gun that they took on the responsibility of opening a Heritage Centre within the confines of Crownhill Fort, Plymouth which is part of the Landmark Trust. Unlike the MOD the Landmark Trust is a commercial enterprise, which demands a substantial rent for space within the fort. In addition, the Council demands business rates, BT and the Gas and Electric companies want their pound of flesh also, so the association’s costs are very high. The Royal Tournament has gone and so too has the spectacle of the RN’s field guns crews flying across the chasm, but with your help the memory can still live on. The trustees of the Heritage Centre are all ex-field gunners and volunteers, whose only wish is to keep the memory of field gun alive. This you can help to achieve by a donation of whatever sum you can afford. As the saying goes: ‘Every little helps’. Barney has recently resigned as Association Secretary in favour of the role of Project Manager. He has, therefore asked me to update his original appeal letter which I have attached and is at the rear of the circular. May I take this opportunity to thank you and your members for their amazing support. Our Treasurer informs me that nine branches have donated the sum of £750 which has made a great difference. Please see the form at the back of the circular. Many thanks, David Worrall, Secretary
22 Best ever Senior Citizen Joke! A little silver-haired lady calls her neighbour and says, "Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can't figure out how to get started." Her neighbour asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"
The little silver haired lady says, "According to the picture on the box, it's a rooster." Her neighbour decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do, we're not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster." He takes her hand and says, "Secondly, I want you to relax. Let's have a nice cup of tea, and then," He said with a deep sigh ........... "Let's put all the Corn Flakes back in the box."
23 Guess Where? An Ex RN Establishment Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month edition.
Last Month’s answer!
Main Gate - Portsmouth Dockyard
24 RNA Seaford Branch at St Dunstans
The sun finally set on the Royal Naval Association Branch at Seaford on saturday the 3rd December 2011 as they laid up their standard at St Dunstans. Last year Seaford RNA celebrated their 25th anniversary but with members from the D Day landings to the youngest a Falklands veteran they were running out of people and found that this year they could not form a committee so the decision was made to disband and lay up the standard. They decided on St Dunstans with its ties to the armed forces and a total of 12 standard bearers accompanied the Seaford standard into the chapel, they marched in to Jeruselem and the service was conducted by the Area 3 Padre David Farrant, two more hymns Eternal Father and I vow to thee my country followed with the reading by shipmate Ray Miles of Matthew 14 verses 22-33 the standard was finally laid to rest and would be joining Brighton and Hove's standard the Last Post and Reveille were played by Heidi Watkins. Seaford RNA were the last remaining RNA in East Sussex in Area 3 so shipmates will now have to choose between Eastbourne in area 2 or Worthing in area 3 or join Headquarters branch. After the ceremony photos were taken and a small buffet lunch was laid on by St Dunstans, A couple of speeches by the Chairman Eon Matthews and Lt Cdr Andy Christie from HQ then the final Seaford RNA plaque was presented by the Chairman St Dunstans standard bearer ex POMA Nigel Whiteley who then gave everyone who wanted to a tour of St Dunstans.
25 Book reviews – Citizen Sailors – by Glyn Prysor - Available in any good bookshop or online. Prysor's debut is a fascinating, brilliantly written account of naval warfare in the Second World War. His treatment of this intriguing topic is immediately engaging and takes the reader on a vivid voyage through the turbulent waters of life as a Royal Navy sailor throughout the War. Once this book is picked up, it is difficult to put it down, so interesting and rich are the human stories told. It is a book based upon many hundreds of letters written home during the years leading up to WW2 and the end by sailors of all ranks. . There have been many accounts of WW2 but this is the only one that I have come across which gives the personal aspect of the Navy at war. Highly recommended by S/M David Price
26 Can anyone help us find us a “12-Oared Cutter” ? I was recently asked if I knew the whereabouts of a 12-oared cutter anywhere in the UK, I am ex RN (33 years) and an ex CO of Dartmouth Sea Cadets, but struggling to find one. Someone somewhere might just know of one, it is for a big charity drive here in Dartmouth. If you can help then please contact; Paul Fitzgerald, Honorary Treasurer, Dartmouth Branch on, 01803 394090
27 On-line donations
You can now make an on-line donation to the RNA at http://www.bmycharity.com/charities/rna This may be passed to family, friends or when a memorial donation is a good idea. 28 Culdrose based Squadrons - 30th Anniversary of the Falklands I am organising the events at RNAS Culdrose, near Helston, Cornwall for the 30th anniversary of the Falklands conflict. We are planning a week from 10 – 15 Jun 2012 and am particularly looking to trace members of Culdrose based Squadrons who participated in the conflict. Please contact; Lt Mark Sharples 824NAS-obs15@mod.uk Mil: 93781 2938 Civ: 01326 552938 29 SAMA (82) Sponsored Concessionary Flight Scheme Under the current Indulgence scheme, holders of the South Atlantic Medal (SAM) are eligible to apply for an indulgence seat on the MOD air bridge. There is no guarantee of a seat and confirmation of a seat is only given 48hrs before the departure date. Following discussions with the MOD, a new scheme is to be introduced which will allow those eligible to purchase a ticket for the air bridge which will guarantee a seat. It should be noted however that the emergency movement of military personnel will continue to have priority over fare paying passengers. The new scheme has been extended to allow family members to visit the Falkland Islands. Eligibility is as follows:Holders of the SAM Holders of the SAM + 2 immediate family members; for example wife plus son or daughter. NOK of holders of the SAM + 1 immediate family member, for example widow plus son or daughter. Cost. The cost of a return ticket will be £275, to be paid at RAF Brize Norton, most major credit or debit cards will be accepted. (This fare is due to increase on 1st April 2012). Two months notice is required for application for a flight and confirmation of the seat will be given two weeks before the flight date. Documentation. Passengers must be in possession of a current passport plus comprehensive travel insurance which specifically includes medical repatriation from the Falkland Islands. Full information and application forms can be found on the “Falklands Concessionary Flights” page in the Drop Down menu of the “News & Events” tab. Click here: http://www.sama82.org.uk.dnnmax.com/NewsEvents/FalklandsConcessionaryFlights/tabid/150 /Default.aspx
Sea Power played an Indispensable role in the Libya campaign.
Fleet Air Arm - Aircrew Battlefleet head-to-heads like Trafalgar and Jutland are long gone. Today’s Royal Navy has to deal with the more subtle applications of sea power that are required in a fragmented multi-polar world of competing interests, instant communications and heightened public concerns about ethical conduct, global resources and the environment. The Royal Navy’s contribution to the recent Libyan campaign was thus an expression of modern sea power – flexible, hi-tech, indispensable and in today’s jargon, a unique source of both hard and soft power. Sixteen warships and Royal Fleet Auxiliaries were deployed. The first task was the rescue by the frigates Cumberland and York of some six hundred civilians, both British and foreign, as well as landing medical and food supplies to agencies in Benghazi. Cumberland was returning from the Persian Gulf to be de-commissioned under Defence Review plans while York was diverted from her passage to the South Atlantic. Harder sea power was exercised by the early, stealthy presence of the nuclear attack submarines Triumph and Turbulent which with the US launched salvoes of Tomahawk cruise missiles against Ghaddafi’s air defence missile sites, helping to make the sky safe for Nato strike aircraft. By Day 3 – 21st March – all fixed anti-aircraft missile sites were neutralised and, using the capabilities of US electronic surveillance, intelligence gathering and target-indicating assets, Nato aircraft, which included the RAF’s gallant Tornadoes and Typhoons, started the process of eliminating the regime’s capability to oppress its own citizens. President Obama having decided to keep a low national profile, the US navy did not deploy a large aircraft carrier, but the US Marine Corps used AV-8B Harrier jump-jets from the USS Kearsage assault ship. Britain was unable to use its own Harrier aircraft because they had been withdrawn from operational service by October 2010’s Defence Review. France and Italy also used their carriers. However, for the first time, Army Air Corps Apache gunship helicopters joined the force embarked in the helicopter carrier Ocean. The air group commander, Jolyon Woodard, said: “The challenges of integrating the Apache into the naval air group and the Ocean were fewer than we anticipated. With an outstanding team of detachment commanders combined with a well drilled ship’s air department, we faced down pretty much everything that came our way. Thus I could relax, look busy and take all the glory”. Escorted by Fleet Air Arm Sea Kings, Apaches attacked 107 targets and flew as far as 50 miles inland, averaging about an hour’s flying time per target. Here once more is the well-worn argument; a moveable deck in international waters does not need the proximity of a friendly country, basing rights, overflying rights, Status of Forces Agreements, ‘boots on the ground’ sensitivities and hugely expensive in-flight refuelling. Meanwhile several Royal Navy destroyers and frigates patrolled the coast to enforce the embargo on arms sales in accordance with UN Security Council Resolutions, a wellpractised activity which involved countering attacks by armed small boats and boarding and inspecting merchant vessels. Command and landing ship Albion carried a contingent of Royal Marines in case of need. During her 147 days of operations close to the enemy coast, the destroyer Liverpool, with for periods the frigates Iron Duke and Sutherland, came under fire on ten occasions and with her phenomenally accurate gunnery system, fired more rounds at shore batteries than any British warship since the Falklands War thirty years ago. “It was very humbling to see my young ship’s company working so calmly and quietly” said Commander Colin Williams; “There was no jingoism, no shouting, the atmosphere was cool and professional”. When enemy forces were spotted laying mines off the port of Misrata, threatening the flow of humanitarian aid and evacuation of civilians, the mine-hunters Brocklesby and Bangor painstakingly cleared them using their mine detection and destruction systems. World-wide,
coastal waters and major ports are inevitably in water shallow enough for ground mines; mine countermeasures is a particular Royal Navy expertise. Invaluable logistic support was provided by stores ship Fort Rosalie and tankers Wave Knight and Orange Leaf. Libya was conducted over and above the regular drumbeat of naval operations around the globe; ships, helicopter and submarines are on operations east of Suez from the Horn of Africa to the Persian Gulf, providing reassurance and security; the multi-national anti-piracy campaign now has 1200 Somali pirates incarcerated or awaiting trial; from April to October, 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines was deployed in command of Helmand, with the percentage of naval personnel serving in Afghanistan peaking at 25%; ships are on patrol in the North and South Atlantic; and somewhere out there, in its 43rd year, is our guard against a ‘break-out’ from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 31 Malta’s “Best kept Secret” London had some in World War II. They were so secret that only a few people knew about them. Churchill spent many hours in there. Where? “In the War Rooms”. What many people don’t know is that Malta had War Rooms too which are located deep in the bastions of the capital city Valletta. If proof were needed that they were so secret, back in the 1990’s a German visitor said that Germany thought they had the A to Z of the Mediterranean but only had the A to Y because they didn’t know about the Lascaris War Rooms. They also featured in the film, The Malta Story. Originally dug out of the rock by the French knight Jean Lascaris around 1650 it was initially used to house Turkish prisoners who built the fortifications around Grand Harbour & Valletta. The site has had a chequered history since which culminated in them becoming operational as the War Rooms in mid-1941. An old communication tunnel, built by the Knights of St John, was used and further chambers were excavated deep into the rock and converted into a Sector Operations Room by the Royal Engineers for Royal Air Force use. From here the movements of enemy aircraft could be tracked and plotted on large maps to facilitate air and ground defence coordination. With the intensity of the war, additional space was excavated to make more room underground for communications and radar tracking facilities. Late in 1940, the Royal Navy war room at Fort St. Angelo made its way to this complex along with that of the artillery's anti-aircraft defence. The coast artillery room remained where it was in the crypt under the then Garrison Church now the Exchange Building at Castille Place, Valletta. During this period, the situation under the Upper Barracca was described as cramped and unbearable. This led to the authorities converting a massive underground tunnel across from the Lascaris Tunnel in the Main Ditch into a new and modern war room complex. This tunnel was originally excavated by the Royal Engineers as an underground dormitory for those working at the War Rooms. The long tunnel allowed for the placing of all necessary operation rooms parallel to each other supported by as many offices as necessary. Each one of them was provided with a separate entrance to preserve secrecy. In the new war room complex there were Operations Rooms for the Royal Navy, Anti-aircraft Artillery, Royal Air Force and a Combined Operations Room along with a Filter Room for the sifting of radar traffic and a Combined Operations Room for all services:. The new complex opened for business in February 1943 in time for Operation Husky - the invasion of Sicily in July 1943. These new Lascaris War Rooms served as the joint Allied HQ under the Command of the US General Eisenhower. Assisting him were Generals
Montgomery and Alexander, Admiral Cunningham and Air Marshal Tedder in command of the allied navies and air forces respectively. Following the end of the War it became the Mediterranean Fleet Headquarters. In 1967 it was taken over by NATO to be used as the strategic communications centre for the interception of Soviet submarines in the Mediterranean. It remained in that role for the next ten years when it was finally closed down. The War Rooms played an active part in the Anglo-French invasion of Egypt during the Suez crisis in 1956 and went into full alert for a number of days during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 when a Soviet missile strike against Malta was expected. In 2009, a Maltese Heritage Trust called Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna embarked on the restoration of this historic complex. Since then its volunteers have spent many selfless hours in painstakingly getting it back to its former glory for the enjoyment of the visiting public. Visitors are able to: • • • • • •
enter into the most closely guarded underground spaces in Malta learn how the air defence of Malta was minutely controlled from here combining the use of optical observation, radar, aircraft, searchlights and artillery see from where the first stages of the invasion of Sicily – Operation Husky - was directed. go into the very rooms in which the ultra-secret Enigma information was received and processed. view original film footage of the time that shows how the Fighter Operations Room functioned and from which modern flight control has evolved. share even if for a while the same space which once saw the presence of some of the wartime allied top heroes such as Field Marshall Montgomery, US Generals Eisenhower and Spike, Admiral Cunningham, Royal Navy and Air Marshall Tedder, Royal Air Force.
View Web site: www. wirtartna.org for more information
32 Relate - Counselling Managing a relationship when one or both of you is deployed for long periods of time can be difficult. But Relate’s friendly and professional counsellors can help you to work through any issues you might be facing at your own pace. Why not start by taking our Heart to Heart health check at www.relate.org.uk/hearttoheart which will help you to think about your relationship and take action if things aren’t quite right. Or you can call us on 0300 100 1234 to talk to a trained Relate consultant to find out about our wide range of services. 33 Hereford Branch - An evening with “Shep Woolley” The Hereford Branch of the Royal Naval Association have organised an evening with Shep Woolley on Friday 30 March 2012 commencing at 2000. The venue is the GWRSA, Barton Yard, Hereford, HR4 0AZ, which has ample parking and a well-stocked bar where drinks are very competitively priced. Ticket price is £10.00 which includes a lucky ticket draw for a bottle of Pusser’s Rum. All profit will be divided equally between the Hereford RNA and SSAFA Forces Help.
To obtain tickets please contact Hereford Branch Hon Sec S/M Margaret Trigg, at The Flat, Fawley Court, Fawley, Hereford, HR1 4SP and forward a cheque made payable to Hereford RNA for the full amount of the required tickets. Upon receipt of monies tickets will be forwarded to you. For further enquiries nigmartrigg@btconnect.com or 01432 8408 34 Irish Naval Association – Unveiling of Memorial – 26-27 May 2012 The last weekend in May the President will unveil a memorial to one if our colleagues, leading seaman Michael Quinn DSM who died during a crew rescue attempt off a Stricken Spanish Trawler on rocks off Co Cork. It will be a very big affair for all attending and the surrounding area. The ceremony and the unveiling of the memorial will take place in Drogheda at 1300hrs on Sunday 27th May. As part of the ceremonial weekend many will stay in the D Hotel on Sat 26th and Sun 27th May for a combined cost of €99 per person sharing which includes the Black tie dinner on the Saturday which will be a fairly big affair and also very enjoyable. See http://www.thedhotel.com/location-drogheda.html this Hotel is opposite the area where the memorial will be placed and opposite to where one of our Naval Ship will come alongside and be present for the ceremony. Please remember the price above is Euro so when converted to sterling might seem very cheap and some might think the price is wrong but be assured it is correct as the Hotel and the local community are very excited at this event and proud that one of their sons is been honoured for his brave deed which cost him his young life. Please also note if we have some RNA members coming over I will arrange transport for them from their arrival in Dublin on Saturday to Drogheda and back on Monday in time to travel back to the UK. If you require any more information then please ring Terry Cummins: 00-353-879873884 http://homepage.eircom.net/~navalass42/drogheda2.htm 35 Arctic Convoy Veterans – What’s your Opinion? Arctic Convoy Veterans will recall our campaign for an Arctic medal, but after eight years all that a reluctant Government gave us was an Arctic Emblem. The campaign restarted soon after the present government came to power because the Prime Minister and three other MP’s whilst in opposition gave us a promise that if they again got into power they would give us the medal without review, and we are expecting the PM to honour his promise. The MOD and the present Minister for Veteran Affairs state that we have been issued with the Emblem there is no need for a medal, besides the Emblem was a popular issue, and all who received it are happy. We deny this, and that the MOD records are false. What is your opinion?? We would like to know without any further commitment on your part, except for a telephone call to, 01256 893750 at any time or better still a short letter addressed to ; S/M R F Dykes, 54 Lynch Hill Park, Whitchurch, Hants, RG28 7NF.
36 Can you help Find? Naval Airman (Aircraft Handler) HAY
Insight into the request - during a recent Aircraft Handlers Association re-union I meet up with one of my old course members whilst viewing some of his photos we came across our 1965 Airmanship course picture and this started the pair of us off in the search to see how many of us were still about with the view of getting together one day. Unfortunately two of our members have crossed the bar. During the last 3 years the search using National Newspapers, computer sites, area telephone books and censor lists as taken us to all corners of the UK and even finding one of ours that had emigrated to Australia over 30 years ago. We still have a couple of years to go for the re-union; however, we are running out of ideas to complete our quest. NA(AH) HAY was part of and attended the School of Aircraft Handling Airmanship Course 7/65 at HMS Seahawk, RNAS Culdrose, Helston, Cornwall. I was also part of that course and I have been able to track down all course members apart from NA HAY with the view of celebrating our 50th re-union in 2015. If you can help we would be very much appreciative any information given will be treated with the greatest respect. stanx@btinternet.com 37 RNA Ex-Pats Help Lifeboat Station Appeal Members of the Riyadh branch of the Royal Naval Association have helped contribute towards the cost of a new lifeboat station back in the United Kingdom. While making a short visit to Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, Andrew Cubbage, the business development manager of BAE in Saudi Arabia, delighted local RNLI lifeboat station manager, Mark Southwell, by presenting him with a cheque for £1,000. The money, he explained, had been raised by members of the Riyadh branch of the RNA, which is the largest RNA branch outside the UK. The money was going towards the £1-million appeal for the new Cowes lifeboat station, proposed for the old Custom House beside The Parade. The RNLI's sponsor and appeal manager, Andy Whyte, disclosed that since the appeal was launched early in 2011 a total of £662,709 has so far been raised. The Cowes RNLI guild chairman, Anna Morgan Crockett, indicated she was even more hopeful that the full £1-million target could be reached in the coming months, as a result of the many other fundraising initiatives in the pipeline. Warm tribute was paid by the appeal's hon treasurer, Mark Wynter, to the long list of contributors. "I am stunned at the variety of sources the money has come from," he said. "It amounts to so much human activity, both small and large." The RNA presentation was made beside Cowes lifeboat in Shepards Wharf Marina to by Andrew Cubbage, Riyadh-based business development manager for BAE, while taking a short break at his home in Cowes. "When I worked for BAE at Cowes between 1988 and 2003 I regularly sailed from the port, and appreciated the work of the local lifeboat," he said. "I still have a half-share in a motor launch based at Cowes Corinthian Sailing Club and a flat at Osborne Court on The Parade." Meanwhile mainland contractor Raymond Brown is making good progress in the construction of the boat slipway at the new station, with some help provided by local diving firm, MMC. An
Isle of Wight company, Imphouse, has just started work on converting the Custom House. The whole project is programmed to be completed by the end of April. Caption to photo: Mark Southwell thanks Andrew Cubbage for the money donated by the Saudi Arabiabased members of the Royal Naval Sailing Association. The current Cowes RNLI lifeboat station is within Shepards Wharf Marina, but the RNLI is refurbishing the old Custom House building, near the mouth of the River Medina, to create a new lifeboat station. This will bring the lifeboat four minutes closer to the open sea and allow the crew to reach casualties more quickly. For more information or to find out how you can support the Cowes Lifeboat Station Appeal, visit www.rnli.org.uk/cowesappeal RNLI media contacts For more information please telephone George Chastney, Cowes RNLI Press Officer on 07530 254052; or Tim Ash, Divisional Media Relations Manager (south east and London) on 0207 6207426/ 07785 296252, email tash@rnli.org.uk alternatively contact RNLI Public Relations on 01202 336789 RNLI online For more information on the RNLI please visit www.rnli.org.uk. News releases and other media resources, including RSS feeds, downloadable photos and video, are available at the RNLI Press Centre www.rnli.org.uk/press Key facts about the RNLI The RNLI charity saves lives at sea. Its volunteers provide a 24-hour search and rescue service around the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland coasts. The RNLI operates over 230 lifeboat stations in the UK and Ireland and has more than 100 lifeguard units on beaches around the UK. The RNLI is independent of Coastguard and government and depends on voluntary donations and legacies to maintain its rescue service. Since the RNLI was founded in 1824 its lifeboat crews and lifeguards have saved over 137,000 lives. The RNLI is a charity registered in England, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.
38 Store all your personal information on your PC “Honey, where did you put my Passport...?” Sound familiar? In today’s world of passwords, pins and account numbers it’s very easy to let a tidal wave of information knock us to the deck. ArrangeMyWorld may just be the perfect solution for you! Store all your personal and family information safely on your own PC for quick 24 hour access at your fingertips. Take the fuss out of organisation with ArrangeMyWorld for less than £40! “...here it is dear – thanks to ArrangeMyWorld!” Use the discount code ‘RNA’ at www.arrangemyworld.com
39 IMC – Sailing Camp
The annual IMC Sailing Camp will be held in Ostend in the summer, The GS will be calling for names in a month or two, now is the time to find a young person 14-19 who might be interested in an international sailing camp for 10 days or so. This need not be a Sea Cadet, could just be a Shipmate’s granddaughter or grandson. The camp is heavily subsidised by the IMC and the RNA, with parents meeting the subsidised cost and travel Please contact Paul if you would like to know more, or have a name in mind.
40 City of Inverness Branch It is with deep regret that I inform you that S/M Raymond Moore MBE (City of Inverness Branch) crossed the bar on January 1st 2012. Raymond was a founder member and treasurer of our branch. He joined the Royal Navy in 1946 , served home and abroad, and joined HM Civil Service in 1953 and became a manager within the DHSS. Raymond's voluntary work took up a lot of his time. He was a case worker and chairman for SSAFA, Trustee of Highland Society for Blind People, Secretary of Highland Children's Fund, Secretary of Inverness Christian Aid, Treasurer of the North Amateur Fencing Union, Director and Board of Birchwood Inverness, Convenor/Secretary to the Scottish Episcopal Church (Moray Diocese), and chairman of Inverness Citizens Advice Bureau. The above is just a few of his voluntary work in which Raymond was involved. Raymond was a man who liked no fuss (and hated the word "absolutely" as a response to a question) and got on with what was needed to be done. He was awarded a MBE for his service to SSAFA in June 2009. Evan Jessiman (PRO) City of Inverness Branch RNA.
41 Up Spirits: Ode to a tot of Rum There once was a time in H.M.Ships, When the magic hour had come. The leading hands of every mess Prepared to collect the rum. The smell of Jamaican filled the air As the ritual began A daily tot of Nelson’s Blood Was a favourite to every man. When the Rum Bosun stood, his measure poised To serve every man his tot. Two fingers always in the ‘cup ‘ Making sure that the ‘Queen ‘got her lot.’ The ‘ticker off’ was there, of course His pencil at the ready, With a sipper given from each man’s tot His hand was no longer steady.
The rum rat sat, his eyes aglow His whiskers twitching well He liked his rum so much it seems He could get pissed on the smell. Sometimes the tots were passed around As each man paid his debts Favour, rubber, game of crib Could cost a couple of wets. Then came the time to sup the ‘Queens’ “God Bless Her “was the toast A watchful eye, as each man supped. So the Rum Bosun got the most. Once the rum had been consumed And nothing left to pour; The dits began, as the ‘Grog’ took charge, Of favourite runs ashore. A feed, a fight, a couple of pints Was part of a run ashore. A game of darts was in there too Then all night with a Pompey Lill. No longer though, does the scent of rum Pervade her Majesty’s boats. No more to sup Lord Nelson’s Blood And give the Queen her toasts. So to all who drank Lord Nelson’s Blood And heard the Klaxon’s blast May old shipmates meet and share a wet Spinning dits of the good times passed. A toast then to Horatio And another to the Queen. And may we all, wherever we are Remember where we’ve been! Welfare Report
My apologies for a recent lack of Welfare Reports in Circular due to personal reasons but I am better now. This month the focus is Benefits and Help are available for Carers and Cared For. Many think Carers are the relatively healthier partners in older relationships but there are Carers young and old who do a magnificent job. Everyone’s circumstances are unique so this article can only give general advice. This is Part 1. Whether your situation is sudden or gradual first please do take care of yourself since there are many stresses and lack of sleep and not looking after yourself will affect your ability to care. There is lots of help and support out there but you need to be clear and decide what you want. It ranges from a little
(how to get equipment or help with benefits) or more specialist services in which case you will need a Carer’s Assessment. Let’s start with you the Carer. Are you working and want to carry on working? If yes, then you have right to request flexible working arrangements, such as changing hours or working from home. Also if you have been with your employer for at least a year then you are entitled to take a reasonable amount of time off to deal with emergencies. See the “Carers and Employment” section on web of direct.gov.uk Are you going to be a full time carer? Make sure you see your GP at your Surgery to be registered as a Carer on your Medical Records. You then get the information you need and help to get suitable times for appointments etc. The GP can also refer you for the Carer’s Assessment against criteria which is necessary for access to specialist services. Also your local Adult Community Services may help in the home. If you get written permission from your other half, the GP is able to discuss your spouse’s/partner’s health needs and treatment with you otherwise patient confidentiality rules apply. Do not forget Carers are a priority group for the flu jab, get yours from your GP ASAP so you can carry on caring. A large stress for Carers and Cared For is finance so What Benefits can you get? The Carer’s Assessment decides if you will get help from Social Services and helps you to work out what you need. Contact your County Council. You are entitled to have a relative; friend or Advocate present at an assessment to make sure you understand what is said and are treated fairly. Two pairs of ears are worth having present! If the assessment is agreed you or person being cared may get a Personal Budget which is money to be used to provide support. Support services can be paid for directly by Social Services or bought by you using your budget money. The Carer’s Allowance is for people older than 16 who care for someone more than 35h hours a week. The person being cared for must be receiving Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance (at the middle or higher rate), Constant Attendance Allowance at or above the normal rate with an Industrial injuries Disablement Benefit or basic rate with a War Disablement Pension. If you are on a state pension and the rate of pension is the same or higher than the rate of Carer’s Allowance you may get not get a payment but still have an “underlying entitlement”. The importance of that is it helps you get an extra Carer Premium in any Income Support, Housing benefit or Council Tax benefit. So do apply for this! – 0845 608 4321 or dwp.gov.uk/carersallowance/ Part 2 follows next month. Geoff Apperley, Royston RNA and Area 6 Welfare officer
Shortcast 83 Recruitment, HMS Ganges 1966 - 3/02/2012 Looking for members of 332 Class for a reunion with their Chief, Harry Burgon. Those not yet found are Ken Hall, Jim Hutchison, Steve Jenkins and John Clarkson. The reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5QT from February 3 to 4. Please get in touch with Keith Morison. keithmorison@msn.com
HMS Penelope Association Reunion - 17/02/2012 The 26th Annual Reunion at the New President Hotel, Blackpool FY1 2LG from February 17 to 19 (open to all who served in the cruiser 1938/44 or frigate 1963/92, or are relatives of those who did so). For details of membership and the reunion, contact the Secretary, Mike Bee or visit the website HMS Andromeda Association - 24/02/2012 Annual reunion at the Britannia Hotel, Birmingham from February 24 to 26. Full details from Rick Matthews rickmatthews@btinternet.com HMS Ariadne F72 Reunion - 02/03/2012 The former crew of HMS Ariadne F72 are planning a reunion in Plymouth over the weekend of 2nd-3rd-4th March 2012. This coincides with the 39th Anniversary of HMS Ariadne's First Commission into the Royal Navy on 2nd March 1973. The reunion will be held in the Invicta Hotel, Plymouth. please book early by contacting Roy at the hotel or S/M Francis Brown on 01236 603663, City of Glasgow Branch R.N.A. All Branches and All Commissions Welcome. HMS Undine & Urchin Association - 9/03/2012 HMS Undine & Urchin Association in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next AGM and Reunion at the Inglewood Hotel, Torquay from March 9 to 12. Contact Secretary, Chris Heslop. chris@cheslop.plus.com HMS Duchess Association - 9/03/2012 Hold their next reunion from March 9 to 11 at the Tillington Hall Hotel, Stafford. All commissions are welcome. For full details contact Sharky Ward - adie.ward@ntlworld.com HMS Brilliant 30th Anniversary Reunion - 23/03/2012 The reunion takes place from March 23 to 25 at Livermead House Hotel, Torquay. Further details at www.hmsbrilliant.com HMS Indefatigable Association - 23/03/2012 Celebrates its 25th anniversary at its 2012 annual reunion, from March 23 to 25, at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth. The special silver anniversary dinner will be on March 24, and members of the association will be attending morning service at Portsmouth Cathedral the following day. All are welcome at part or all of the reunion weekend. Those wishing to attend are asked to book in advance through Reunion Secretary Mrs Anne Richards. annerichards@btinternet.com To book accommodation at the RMC, please phone them direct on 023 9283 7681, mentioning the Association reunion when you do so. HMS Hermes Reunion and 30th Falklands Anniversary - 5/04/2012 The reunion and anniversary will take place between the 5-8 April at the Royal Maritime Club Portsmouth. T0 join the association and more information please contact the Secretary on ; 01752 787997 or email; richard.tipping@blueyonder.co.uk Captain Class Frigate Association - 12/04/2012 Reunion at the Warwick Hilton, Stratford Road, Warwick. Book direct on 01926 499555. The reunion runs from 12 - 15 April.
HMS Loch Fada Association - 13/04/2012 Reunion and AGM at Dauncheys Hotel, Weston Super Mare from April 13 to 16. All ex-F390s welcome & any who can’t make the ‘Lockie’ 2012 reunion. Details and booking forms from Frenchy at frenchy.delah HMS Aisne, last commission 1965-68. HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 13/04/2012 The weekend will be held from April 13 to 16 at the Bancourt Hotel, Torquay. Details available from Alan Waite - alan04@live.co.uk HMS Aisne, last commission 1965-68 - 13/04/2012 The 3rd reunion will take place at the Maritime Club, Portsmouth from April 13 to 14. All ranks, rates and partners welcome. For full details contact Nigel Jest - nigeljest@hotmail.co.uk HMS Protector Association - 20/04/2012 2012 Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Suncliff Hotel, Bournemouth on the weekend of April 20 to 23. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris at dougatspindrift@aol.com or downloadable from the website at http://www.hmsprotector.org/ Espana Levant Branch Submariners Association - 20/04/2012 2012 AGM in Benidorm, Spain. Weekend of 20-22 April 2012. For further information please visit Espana Branch Submariners Association or visit Submariners Association Website http://www.submarinersassociation.co.uk/ If you have any questions related to the above, please contact: Bob Head Esq, Hon Secretary, Espana Levante Branch, Submariners Association. bobhead737@yahoo.co.uk HMS Glasgow (C21/D88) - 20/04/2012 32nd reunion will take place at the Haddon Hotel, Eastbourne from April 20 to 23. All ex-crew are welcome. Timings- 1400hrs, Location- BN21 4AJ - Tel +44 (0)1323 640953 HMS Hermes, Chefs 1968/70 - 21/04/2012 This years get together was a great success. The guest of honour was our Cookery Officer, Fred Motley who will be there again next year. The reunion will take place at the Royal Maritime Club on April 21. For more details contact Scouse ‘Ruby’ Enright. scouseenright@hotmail.co.uk Loch Class Frigates Association - 27/04/2012 Annual Reunion takes place at The Ramada Bristol City Hotel, Bristol from April 27 to 30. All Members of the Association welcome. For details please contact Andrew Nunn Hon. Sec. LCFA at andrew.nunn@blueyonder.co.uk or see the website . Membership is open to all who served on any of the Loch Class ships or their variants (Bay Class, Admirals Yachts, survey ships and repair ships). Some of these types of ships have their own ‘Associations’ but you can always join both.
HMS Fisgard Series S41/44 - 27/04/2012 A 50th Anniversary Reunion for those who trained in HMS Fisgard in 1961/62 will take place at the McDonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham B2 4JQ from April 27 to 28, 1930 for 2000. Please register your interest and for further information contact Dave Uden dave-uden@talktalk.net HMS Fisgard Series 41 - 45 Artificers A Reunion is planned for the weekend 27th-28th April 2012 in Birmingham. For more details please contact; Bob Mason Bobmason65@btinternet.com HMS Sheffield 30th Falklands Reunion 2012 - 4/05/2012 Calling all HMS Sheffields D80,1982. HMS Sheffield 30th Reunion May 4 - 6 2012 at the Royal Maritime Club, Queen Street, Portsmouth. Any interest in this event, please contact Guy ‘Tug’ Wilson at guy4god.wilson@hotmail.com Royal Naval Hospital Haslar - 4/05/2012 The 2nd RNH Haslar Reunion for all RN Medics and Naval Nurses who trained or served there between 1955 and 1985 will be held in Gosport over from May 4 to 7, 2012. A Minimum of three separate events over the weekend, including a Sunday DTS with Shep Woolley. Tickets £25 per head for the weekend, with all Profits to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Contact David Rawson via Facebook.com/RNH Haslar Reunion Group or by email to david@sudcotes.karoo.co.uk HMS Ganges Association - 11/05/2012 The H.M.S Ganges Association will be celebrating its 30th Reunion at The Adelphi Hotel Liverpool from. Friday 11th May to 14th May 2012. All ex Ganges personnel and guests are invited. Full disability facilities and car parking available. For more information please contact Frank Parker on 01744 886366 or John Kennedy by email at communications@hmsgangesassoc.org HMS Cleopatra Old Shipmates Association - 11/05/2012 Seeking new members to join us from both the cruiser and frigate. Wives/partners are also very welcome. We have 230 members and the subscriptions are only £6 per year. Our 27th AGM and Reunion is being held at Babbacombe, Torquay from May 11 to 14, 2012. If you are interested in joining the Association then contact the Secretary, Warwick Franklin at warwick_franklin@hotmail.com Bulwark, Albion & Centaur Association - 11/05/2012 The 2012 AGM & Reunion Weekend is confirmed for the Hilton Hotel, North Promenade, Blackpool commencing May 11. Three night package including Private Dinner & entertainment for just £130. Pool/Sauna available and on site parking. Please contact the Secretary, Denis Askham - DnsAskhm@aol.com HMS Minerva Reunion - 18/05/2012 This will take place on May 18 at the Commissioner’s House in the Historic Dockyard, Chatham, where there will be an afternoon reception followed by an opportunity for a less formal get-together in a local hostelry. For more information contact Barry Miller at barrymiller166@btinternet.com
HMS Cavalier Association - 18/05/2012 Reunion will take place from May 18 to 21 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Further information can be obtained from David Shardlow at davemooseman@aol.com HMS Danae First Commission - 18/05/2012 Reunion from May 18 to 19 at the Chesterfield Hotel, Chesterfield. Details on the website Further information from Dave Shoemaker dfedcrusher25@hotmail.com HMS Solebay Association - 18/05/2012 Will be holding it’s 15th annual reunion from May 18 to 21, at the De Vere Barony Castle Hotel, near Edinburgh EH45 8QW. A full weekend of activities is planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the ship paying off for the last time. All ex-Solebay’s and their guests are welcome. For further details contact Malcolm Clarke 0117 9622500-or email at; Malcolm@solebay.org HMS Dainty - 25/05/2012 HMS Dainty, AGM and Reunion will be held at the Holiday Inn Harrogate w/e commencing May 25, 2012. Please contact David Erwin daviderwin@talktalk.net or HMS Dainty website for further details. HMS Antelope 30th Reunion -26/05/ 2012 The 30th anniversary of HMS Antelope will take place on SS Great Britain on the 26 May 2012, anyone interested please contact Dorothy Benn, Hon Sec, Stroud Branch ; 01453-757 984 dorothyandtimbenn@gmail.com Glorious, Ardent & Acasta Association (Glarac) - 10/06/2012 To commemorate the 72nd anniversary of the sinking of these ships and the loss of 1531 men, a Memorial Service is to be held at St Nicholas Church, HMS Drake, Devonport, Plymouth on June 10. For more details contact Vince Marcroft clarionst@yahoo.co.uk Gib '78 - Reunion 16/06/2012 Gib '78 reunion will take place on Saturday 16th June 2012 at the Ambassador Hotel Llandudno. A reunion for all branch's RN/Wrens who were based in Gibraltar between the dates Jan 1977-Dec 1979. Details from Jeff(taff)Thomas 07837 386244 thomas_thomas1@sky.com or download a booking form for accommodation etc www.gibraltarcomcen.com A Night at “The SODS Opera” 2012 Coming to the Kings Theatre Southsea Sunday 29th July 2012. “A Naval Review” Last Year It Was “A Right Rum Do” This time it will be “A Night At The SODS Opera” Wanted from the local area, acts and volunteer crew to assist. email.guy4god.wilson@hotmail.com HMS Invincible Communications Association (Falklands) 82 - 21/09/2012 It being the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands the Communications Association which meets every year would like to invite any crew members or air crew who served on board HMS Invincible during the Falklands to a reunion. Annual Reunion to be held in Barrow-in-Furness from September 21 to 23. For details contact Tim Jenkins or see the website
HMS Ganges - 28/09/2012 HMS Ganges, 38 Recruitment, 1972. Frobisher 17 Mess, Boy-entry Junior Seamen 2nd Class, later Comms ratings. Instructor was CY Geoff Hone. A 40-years reunion is planned for the September 28 to 30, 2012, at the Union Jack Club, Waterloo. Please contact Jenks at mark.jenkinson@europe.ups.com for further details and registration HMS Arethusa Association - 5/10/2012 24th annual reunion from October 5 to 8 at the Three Queens Hotel, Burton upon Trent. All welcome. Contact Tom Sawyer, Honorary Secretary rolandsawyer@sky.com Bay Class Frigates Association - 12/10/2012 Reunion at the Esplanade Hotel, Scarborough from October 12 to 14, 2012. All ex-Bay Class welcome. Contact Doug Turk for details. doug.turk@ntlworld.com HMS Lowestoft Association - 26/10/2012 Reunion will take place at the King Charles Hotel, Gilingham, Kent from October 26 to 28. All who served in HMS Lowestoft during her 25 years in service (1961-1986) are welcome to attend. For further details please contact Richie Farman richiefarman@googlemail.com or the website 2013 128 Mechanics Qualifying Course - HMS Sultan- Jan 1972 to Dec 1973. A reunion of this course is held biennially at a venue yet be decided. Any members of the above course who have not yet attended this event are most welcome; it would be good to see a few new faces from the past. If you are interested then please contact; Peter Shosmith, Tel; 01305 826747 or email; petershoesmith318@btinternet.com or Dave Batchelor on 02392 716472 email; batchdj@ntlworld.com
RNA Longcast 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 18 Feb 21 Feb 25 Feb 10 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar- 2Apr 31 March 12-14 Apr 21 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 28/29 Apr 2-5 June
Audit meeting HQ Motions, NCM & SOC election nominations Deadline AMC Meeting SOC Meeting Presentation to Commanding Officers (Desig) GS, AGS FAC Meeting National Council Naval CEO meeting (ST) Andy on Leave Welfare Seminar 40th Anniversary of the Mountbatten Festival of Music-London Clubs Seminar - Uxbridge HQ Open Day - 1 Portland Branch Annual Dinner (GS) 10 Area meeting and reunion weekend Diamond Jubilee - Weekend
8 June 0900 - 1200 8 June 1300-1630 8-10 June 2012 10 June 25 – 30 June 30 June 2 July 6 July 4 Aug 25 Aug 7 – 8 Sept 5 Oct 20 Oct 8 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 8 Dec
AMC and FAC National Council National Conference - Newcastle on Tyne SOC Conference - Wash Up Seafarers Awareness Week Armed Forces Day Mid Year budget review HQ Open Day - 2 AMC Meeting (TBC) FAC Meeting National Council (Includes one day on Rule Review) HQ Open Day - 3 Dorchester Branch Trafalgar Dinner (GS) Field of Remembrance Remembrance Day Budget Meeting GS, Hon Tres, Accountant AMC meeting FAC Meeting National Council
Ship’s Office 2012 Branch membership renewal forms. The branch membership renewal form is included with the Circular this month. Branch Secretaries should note that this year we are asking for name, address, telephone and e-mail details for each member. It is absolutely essential that this information is provided, it is hoped that this will make renewal in future years much easier. Secretaries should note that to conform with the new membership cards the annual renewal card has changed to a small self adhesive holographic sticker with 2012 on it. There is a small box on the new membership card designed for the sticker, or stick it on the old membership card where it says ‘return to Chelsea Manor Street’. Beware They are easy to lose! Area and Branch Updates Area 10
Branch Liverpool
Change New secretary of the Liverpool branch until their AGM in March 2012. Contact details are: S/M J Ince 27 Oakhill Park LIVERPOOL L13 4BL Telephone: 0151 254 1914 email joecassandra@hotmail.co.uk Mobile telephone: 07855 299 618
Area Seven
S/M John Clarke was successfully nominated as Area Seven Hon Secretary. His contact details are as follows;
The Tuffets Broadstone Catbrook Chepstow NP16 6ND Tel; 01600 869038 Mob; 07802 737978email, john.jt.clarke@btinternet.com S/M Ron Pearson asks that for the coming months please pass any important branch communications to S/M Alan Robinson (Branch Chairman & No1 Area Chairman); S/M Charlie Doherty (Branch Treasurer); or S/M Maurice Foley (No 1 Area Secretary); until somebody steps in to fill the breach. The new temporary secretary is Ron Carr who is also the Chairman of the RNA Colchester Branch. Could all correspondence go to him at: 7. Adelaide Drive, Birch Glen Estate, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8UB Tel: 01206 512109 e-mail address: roncarrx@yahoo.co.uk
Swinging the Lamp - February 1
1806 Naval Academy at Portsmouth renamed Royal Naval College at request of King George III.
1971 Imperial Defence College renamed Royal College of Defence Studies and began its first course. Opening speaker was the Prime Minister, Mr Edward Heath.
1885 Capt Lord Charles Beresford (Safieh) rescued Col Sir Charles Wilson’s party on River Nile. Unsuccessful in attempt to relieve General Gordon at Khartoum.
1793 Capt Nelson, on half-pay since December 1787, left Burnham Thorpe for the last time, to join Agamemnon.
1918 Royal Air Force established by Order in Council, formed on 1 April 1918 by amalgamation of Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Flying Corps.
1845 Terrible (sixth of the name), wood paddle frigate, launched at Deptford. First fourfunnelled ship in RN.
1944 Midget submarine X 22 sunk in collision with Syrtis in Pentland Firth. During towing exercise, OOW in Syrtis washed overboard and while turning in rescue effort Syrtis sank X 22 with loss of CO and three crew. Syrtis lost, probably mined, off Bodo, Norway, 23 March 1944.
1942 Alysse (Free French) torpedoed by U-654 off Newfoundland, having left convoy ONS61, Taken in tow but foundered two days later.
2008: Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher GC, 40 Cdo RM. L/Cpl Croucher, serving in 40 Cdo Group’s Cdo Recce Force in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, tripped a wireconnected grenade booby trap during a night-time reconnaissance of a suspected Taliban IED-making compound. He shouted a warning to the men in his section and threw himself on top of the grenade, pinning it between his day sack and the ground.
The grenade exploded, ripping the sack from his back and pitting his body armour and helmet with grenade fragments. Miraculously, Croucher survived. ‘His magnificent displays of selflessness and gallantry are truly humbling and are the embodiment of the finest traditions of the Service’ 10
1715 First diving equipment demonstrated in Thames and accepted into service (Andrew Becker, first naval assistant to the Hydrographer’s Department).
1841 Order in Council authorised a £50 pay rise to the Surgeon of Pembroke Dockyard to ‘enable him to keep a horse for the purpose of visiting his distant patients, in consequence of many of the men being obliged to reside at a considerable distance from the yard’.
1931 Admiralty Librarian, William Gordon Perrin, died. Buried at Haywards Heath 16 February and, at the Admiralty’s request, the coffin was covered with the Union Flag.
1940 The Admiralty appealed for the services of 10,000 fishermen for minesweeping. See 21 February 1940.
1858 Naval Brigade, landed from wood screw corvette elorus, arrived at Meaday, Burma.
1968 First British Polaris missile fired, by Resolution, Port Crew, Cdr M.C. Henry RN, at 1115 EST submerged 30 miles off Cape Kennedy. The second firing made by Starboard Crew, Cdr F. Frewer RN, on 4 March 1968.
1916 War Office took over the anti-aircraft defence of United Kingdom from the Admiralty.
1858 Pearl’s Naval Brigade, with detachments of the 1st Bengal Military Police Battalion and Gurkha allies, destroyed the fort at Chandipur, Gogra River. Indian Mutiny Medal.
1861 Landing parties from Arrogant and Torch, with detachments of the 1st and 2nd West India Regiments, burned two towns up the Gambia River.
1979 First appointment of a WRNS officer as First Lieutenant of an RN establishment – First Officer R.N. Ball, Mercury.
1998 Ocean named by HM The Queen at yard of prime contractors, Vickers, Barrow. The first purpose-built Helicopter Carrier in RN.
1779 Remains of Capt Cook buried at sea from Resolution off Kealakekua, Hawaii.
1862 First officers commissioned in RNR.
1633 Samuel Pepys born.
1857 First awards of the Victoria Cross announced in the London Gazette; twentyseven RN and RM names out of eighty-five listed.
1915 Bombardment of Dardanelles forts resumed. Outer forts partially destroyed by the 26th. Battleship Queen Elizabeth, in action for the first time.
1814 Dryad (36) received the surrender of the French Clorinde. Eurotas was fast coming up under jury rig, having been dismasted in the action on the previous day.
1847 Senior Engineers became commissioned officers by Order in Council; still ‘civil’ officers and non-combatants
1996 Service at St Paul’s Cathedral in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen to dedicate a memorial to the forty-seven British servicemen who died in the Gulf War August 1990 to July1991.
1940 A white ensign ’torn and tattered’ which the heavy cruiser Exeter wore as a Battle ensign at the Battle of the River Plate, was presented to the City of Exeter by Capt FS Bell RN
NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL 2012/2014 (Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 1,3,4,5,10 and 12
Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or full life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………............................................................................................ DNCM............................................................................................................................................ Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM
Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 17th February 2012. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot
PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2012 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1600 17th February 2012 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment
Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (Notes for Conference)
I certify that this Motion / Amendment represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will propose it to the Annual Conference. Signed: ...........................................Hon. Secretary: ...........................................Date In seconding this Motion / Amendment I certify that it represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will second it at the Annual Conference. Seconded By: ..................................... Branch. Signed ...........................................Hon Secretary ...............................................Date Notes a. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment b. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. c. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' d. The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. e. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 17th February 2012. f. Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) g. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. h. Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. i. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.)
Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2012 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2012, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Victor Allen and S/M Tony Avery). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. A nil return is not required. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee …………………………………….................................................................................................... ........................................e-mail ....................................................
Brief history of nominee in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary
Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as is possible.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 17th February 2012. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot.
Subscription to : The Royal Naval Association................................................... BRANCH To: The Manager..................................Bank FULL ADDRESS ............................................ ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Post Code
Please pay NOW the sum of £10 Ten Pounds and then £10 Ten Pounds annually on the first day of January until further notice starting 20....... the sum of
To the credit of The Royal Naval Association ............................................ Branch Bank .......................................................... Sort Code ....................................... Account Number ......................................... Address........................................ ...................................... Quoting my name and initials: ............................... ................. (Block capitals) And charge my Account; Bank ................................................... Sort code ................................................... Account No .................................................. Signature ............................................................ Date ............................................................ Address ............................................................
Post Code Telephone
........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... ........................................................... No ...........................................................
2012 Diaries There are still a few Shipmates who have not yet bought their 2012 Diary. I still have some in stock just for you!
Diary insert only £4.00 or if you need a complete new diary eg Cover, RNA insert and Diary, they can be ordered at a price of £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account.
To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Order form From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2012 RNA insert Diaries @ £4 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2012 Diaries @ £8 .00 each
£ ...................... TOTAL £............
Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Card No ........................................................................ Card in the name of:................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………
Sent out.................................................
Welfare Seminar- Sat 31 March 2012 Leamington Spa - Application form Branch
Name Address
Post Code Telephone & Mobile No’s Email-address Vehicle Registration No If appropriate Welfare trained RBL-SSAFA Other associated Qualifications
Position- (ie – Wel Off/ Obs/Nominated
Clubs Seminar- Sat 21 April 2012 RNA Uxbridge - Application form Branch
Name Address
Post Code Telephone & Mobile No’s Email-address Vehicle Registration No If appropriate
Delegate/Observers for the Annual Conference 2012 Tyne Branch
Name of Delegate Delegate’s Address
Telephone No
Post Code
e-mail Number of Observers Names of Observers
Name of Branch Hon Secretary Contact telephone No: (if not branch Hon Sec) Contact e-mail address Name and Address for correspondence (if not branch Hon Sec)
*Please continue on a separate sheet with all your branch observers. This will be the Branch secretary unless otherwise indicated. NB: A Delegate will not be confirmed as such unless or until the Branch Balance Sheet for 2011 and Annual Subscriptions for Branch Members for 2012 have been received in RNA Headquarters (Rule 12Š). Should either not have been received in HQ, the Delegate's Status will be deemed to be that of an Observer.
2012 Conference Information and Booking Form The 2012 Conference will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 5DF Delegates have expressed a preference to book their own accommodation. Anyone wishing assistance should consult the Newcastle Tourist office on https://www.conferencebookings.co.uk/delegate/NGINAVAL2012. And see the RNA conference web page at www.royal-naval-association.co.uk What’s On - LongcastNational Conference Weekend. The Welcome Buffet and Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held in The Assembly Rooms Newcastle. www.assemblyrooms.co.uk
There will be a Welcome Buffet with entertainment on Friday night from 1900 – 2300. Tickets will be sent out on receipt of payment Annual Conference day; Complimentary Tea and Coffee will be available from 0845 in the Assembly Rooms, prior to the Conference, when the venue opens for Delegates and Observers. The conference venue is accessible by wheelchair or smaller mobility scooters The Conference Gala Buffet Dance will be held on Saturday night from 1900 – 2300. (7pm -11pm) On Sunday 10 June the Conference service will be held in St Nicholas Cathedral at 1145. After the service there will be a March Past and Review accompanied by a Sea Cadets Band, with a wreath laying at the memorial in Eldon Square, followed by a short act of Remembrance. Disabled Parking is very limited, only 3 places outside the Assembly Rooms, but there is ample in surrounding car parks. Early bids to HQ for a parking permit. Booking form, for events only. Please complete the booking forms to book your place. Please Note: You must be in possession of a ticket to gain entrance to the Welcome Buffet and Gala Buffet Dance; it will not be possible to pay at the door. Cost Event Friday 8 Welcome Buffet Reception Saturday 9 - Conference Gala Buffet Dance
No of members attending
Total cost
£13.00 (per head) £16.00 (per head)
Please Note (allergies etc)................
Please include a cheque for the full amount with your completed application form. Approved on behalf of ........................ Branch ............................................. Name..........................
Please send completed booking form to HQ.
Cancellation: There will be no refunds for cancellations made after 18 May 2012. * The bar in the venue will be open from 1300 – 1350, there are numerous local Sandwich bars and cafe’s for lunch, not available in the Assembly Rooms.