RNA HQ Andy & Phil at the Helm “Sailing through Stormy Waters” – also this month’s caption competition!
Branch Circular No 623 October 2012
Dear Shipmate Branch Secretary Welcome to the October Circular which is a bumper edition. Apart from some great stories and news from the branches we have some important business for you. So, the important stuff first: • • •
• •
If your branch has a club you must apply for a permit to operate on the C3 Form at the back
of the Circ, deadline is 7 December. Without a permit your club cannot trade in 2013. This is the law. The calling notice for branch motions is attached, deadline 22 Feb 13. I appreciate that I haven’t yet sent out the minutes of the 2012 Conference, we have had trouble finding a transcribing typist this year. – I hope to get these to the printers in the next few weeks. Election forms for NCM and DNCM in the following Area: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and Scotland. I appreciate that we are in the middle of an election for 11 Area DNCM (Due 27 Nov) – covers to June 13 only; also applies to DNCM2 who will have to be re-elected at the same time as NCM2. The annual return will be in the next Circ, we plan to make the members return much simpler for those who provide members details as we asked for last year. I indicated in the last Circular that we would be mailing out the Rule Review changes in late October/early Nov. This is now running late, due to drafting issues, date of printing not yet known. The impact on whether this will be ready for conference 2013 will be known once the revisions are complete.
Our Christmas cards and diaries are going like hot cakes, so please get your orders in – just in case we need to go for a re-print. The new waterproof jackets and RNA logo jumpers and fleeces are proving extremely popular – the National Council encourages Branches to have a more informal rig for Branch meetings with the blazer for more ceremonial occasions – after all we are chilling out together!! 10% reduction for HQ pick up. I am also delighted to say that our main sponsors, Pusser’s Rum, have donated a bottle of rum for the caption competition. So for a bottle of blue label 54%, the best caption for out title picture this month on the front page with Phil and Andy and a Ships Wheel. A reminder that time is running out if you want a ticket for the RNA platoon at the Cenotaph, we still have some tickets left, contact Nigel or Phil. A sandwich lunch in the Civil Service club afterwards. The Field of Remembrance tickets have now all been allocated. Also I would like to remind you of the great deal that we have done with the dockyard for a 2 for 1 offer for entrance to all attractions in the Historic Dockyard until 31 December. This chimes in with the new Forces Discount scheme that is available for all veterans – details in the Circ but sign on now, great value. The highlight since the last Circ (apart from Trafalgar dinner at RNA Dorchester) was the presentation of the Masefield poem to Her Majesty the Queen, represented by her Assistant Private Secretary Mr Doug King LVO. The presentation was made to Mr King at lunch with the National President and members of the National Council. The presentation consisted of the lost Masefield poem, the accompanying note from the poet and a letter of Loyal Greeting signed by S/M National President. The poem was taken immediately by Mr King to Balmoral for Her Majesty to see in her post-Jubilee rest time. We have had a wonderful note back which is reproduced below.
Another reminder that we have Jubilee certificates with the full poem reproduced free of charge for all members, just give us a call and we will put them in the post. Apologies for the rubbish pictures, I have already had my bo****king from the HQ lads and Michelle!!
Mr King with the National President
Yours sincerely Paul Quinn General Secretary
The framed poem, letter of Loyal Greeting and note from John Masefield
Daily Orders 1. Cenotaph Ceremony 2. Field of Remembrance 3. Historic Dockyard – 2 for 1 Attraction 4. RNA Annual Conference – Liverpool 2013 5. Charter Challenge 2014 6. Merchant Navy Day – Prime Ministers Message 7. RNA Dagenham – Jubilee Pins 8. Civil Servants – Reserves Training 9. RNA Haverhill 10. RNA Congleton 11. Donations Received 12. RNA Falmouth -30 Anniversary 13. RNA Gloucester – Ships Crest 14. Finance Corner - Michelle 15. Pause for Thought! 16. RNA Wigston 17. Guess Where? 18. Documentary on the Battle of Chosin 19. Commander Bill King 20. 70 Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic 21. Credit Card Scam 22. HMS Fife – Ships Bell 23. “Up Spirits” 24. MOD – Discount Service 25. RNA Dartford 26. Ordeal by Exocet 27. Pickle Night – Toast 28. Imperial War Museum – Manchester 29. From Nelson to Vanguard – Book review 30. HMS Curacao – 70th Anniversary of the Tragedy 31. Royal Naval Dress Sword for sale 32. Irish Naval Association 33. RNA Pembroke Dock & District 34. RNA Londonderry – Battle of the Atlantic – Programme 2013 35. RNA Margate – Trafalgar Photos 36. RNA Dublin – Trafalgar Dinner 37. RNA Moraira (Spain)
Ship’s Office 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Area and Branch updates Swinging the Lamp Slops – Jack Dusties Corner 2013 Diaries 2012 Christmas Cards
6. 2013 Conference booking form 7. Application – Permit for RNA Clubs 8. Nominations Form – National Council 9. Proposed Amendments for Annual Conference 2013 10. Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 11. Courage and Strength 12. WRNS BT - 70 Anniversary Book
For the Branch Secretary and notice-board Glossary of terms NCM NC AMC FAC NCh NVCh NP DNP GS AGS Asap
National Council Member National Council Association Management Committee Finance Administration Committee National Chairman National Vice Chairman National President Deputy National President General Secretary Assistant General Secretary As soon as possible
Throughout indicates a new or substantially changed entry Contacts: Financial Controller
023 9272 3823
023 9272 3371
Assistant General Secretary (Membership & Slops)
023 9272 3747
AGS (Events/Marketing/Shipmates)
023 9272 0782
General Secretary
023 9272 2983
023 92 72 3747
RNA HQ Staff continue to attempt to build a library of e-mail addresses within the Association. It would be extremely helpful if those Branch Secretaries able to communicate by e-mail would forward a short e-message to HQ to nigel@royalnavalassoc.com
Daily Orders 1. Cenotaph Ceremony – Sunday 11 November 2012 After the Cenotaph Service there are some sandwiches being put on in the Civil Service Club for attendees, these are on a first come first served basis, so be Quick !!! The Royal British Legion will once again be co-ordinating the Ex-Service Contingents attending the Cenotaph Ceremony & March Past on Sunday 11 November 2012. All those who have served in Her Majesty’s Armed Forces under British Command as well as War Widows / Widowers are eligible to take part. If any Shipmate would like tickets for this year’s Ceremony (limited number available) please let RNA HQ know (by letter or email) by end of October at the latest, please include your name, address and telephone number and a list of those attending. If any of your members require a carer for the day (one carer per participant) they must also be in possession of a ticket. RNA will be at the Head of Column E Please note that there is no parking in the immediate area of House guards Parade, and those parading are likely to be standing in Whitehall for at least 1½ hours prior to the March Past then marching for a distance of over 1 mile, and possibly in inclement weather (pretty well guaranteed this year!!!!!). Further parade instructions will be sent with your tickets which will be despatched towards the end of October. If you have any queries regarding the Cenotaph Ceremony then please contact Nigel, Andy at RNA HQ. Also note; RNA tickets will only be available for members and it is expected that those with RNA tickets will march with the RNA squad.
2. Field of Remembrance – Thursday 8 November If branches wish to place a cross in the RNA Garden of Remembrance Plot 285, please place your orders with Nigel at HQ. Those who have been allocated tickets will be required to bring a form of ID with you, and you will need to be through the garden gate by 1015 and muster at the RNA plot, where there will be followed by a short service. The National President and General Secretary will be in attendance and the GS can be contacted on his mobile – 07850 646755 (if required)
2 for 1 on All-Attraction Tickets to Portsmouth Historic Dockyard for RNA Members!
RNA HQ have negotiated a great deal for members; show your membership card in the Visitor Centre of Portsmouth Historic Dockyard between now and 31st December 2012 and get two 'All-Attraction' tickets for the price of one! Your All-Attraction ticket gives unlimited entry for 1 year to HMS Victory, National Museum of the Royal Navy, HMS Warrior 1860, Mary Rose, Action Stations and a boat trip of Portsmouth Harbour. One free ticket is offered when a full price All-Attraction ticket is purchased, free ticket must be of equal or lower value. Offer not available 30th November – 2nd December 2012. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Offer not valid for single attraction, event or loyalty club tickets. The Mary Rose Story closes on 4th November, the new Mary Rose Museum is due to open early 2013.
4. The 2013 Annual Conference will be hosted by Area 10 and will held in Liverpool from Friday 14 to Monday 17 June 2013. The Conference will be held in one of the rooms of the fantastic St George’s Hall. It is a building in Neoclassical style which contains concert halls and law courts (no longer in use), and has been designated by English Heritage as a Grade I listed building. On the east side of the hall, between it and the railway station is St George's Plateau and on the west side are St John's Gardens. The hall is included in the William Brown Street conservation area. The architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner expressed his opinion that it is one of the finest neo-Grecian buildings in the world. In 2004 the hall and its surrounding area were recognized as part of Liverpool's World Heritage Site. Accommodation has been arranged in the renowned Adelphi Hotel at a minimal cost of £129 per person for three nights Bed Breakfast and evening meal, the Saturday night being a Gala Dinner. Also included are three night’s of live entertainment, no extra cost for Friday’s get together or the Saturday night Gala Dinner, all are included in the price. Places are going fast with over 400 booked already, so get your booking in!! The booking form for the weekend is at the rear of the circular and also available on the RNA website!
Charter Challenge 2014
Introduction 1. The year 2014 is the Diamond Jubilee anniversary of the RNA being awarded its first Royal Charter. As one celebration of this milestone year the National Council (NC) have approved the installation and dedication of an RNA Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) at Alrewas in Staffordshire during 2014. At their recent September meeting the NC also confirmed acceptance of the provisional bid made at Conference 2012 by No 8 Area to host the 2014 National Conference, which will be at the Royal Court Hotel in Coventry, a single venue for all Conference events. This will be a Friday to Monday event similar to that in Liverpool next year, with similar inclusive facilities and costs. The NMA is just 25 miles from the Royal Court and Area 8 have also proposed that a parade and memorial dedication be held there on the Conference Sunday, rather than in Coventry itself. Coach transport will be provided from the hotel, and there will be time for many members and guests who have not visited the NMA before to enjoy a walk around the site to explore this excellent memorial venue, which is continually expanding. Memorial Design Competition 2. The NC is keen to ensure that all members and branches of the RNA have the opportunity to contribute ideas, suggestions, comments and even possible designs for an RNA Memorial, rather than have its own ideas imposed upon the membership. It has therefore been decided that a competition will be held, open to the whole Association, to submit possible designs, or ideas for designs, to HQ. The NC will set up an assessment panel to review the entries and extract what they feel are the best to present to the full NC to consider. The NC will then recommend a final shortlist to present to Conference 2013 in Liverpool for the delegates to vote upon their preferred choice. This will leave a year in which to get the memorial created and installed ready for Conference 2014, a timescale which memorial masons that have been contacted assure us will be ample time. The National Chairman and General Secretary are visiting the NMA on 8 October to discuss the project with the CEO. 3.
Design considerations should include: a. b. c.
The proposed timetable is as follows, all dates in 2013 unless otherwise stated: a. b. c. d. e.
Size, shape and material (granite, Portland stone etc) Type of Data and images to appear on the memorial Specifics regarding close areas around the memorial (pathways etc)
1 Feb Mid Feb March End March June
Final date for submission of design ideas. NC Memorial Assessment Panel meets NC selects final designs shortlist Final designs sent out to branches Conference selects preferred design
f. July Memorial commissioned g June 2014 Memorial unveiled and dedicated 5. A prize of £250 and two bottles of Pussers Blue Label Rum will be awarded to the member/branch submitting the winning design and that member, or member of that branch, will be invited to share in the unveiling of the memorial. Fundraising 6. The NC has already allocated a budget of £50,000 towards this RNA Memorial project. This will be a memorial not only to all former RNA shipmates but to all former Naval personnel, irrespective of arm, branch or rank. All RNA members and branches, friends of the RNA, ex-Naval personnel and any interested naval organisations are invited to share in this memorial by sending donations to RNA HQ. The more donations we receive the more impressive a memorial we can create. New techniques are now available which can provide special carved codes on memorials to make them interactive. It is hoped to include at least one such code to enable visitors to the memorial to see a list of all those donors who have contributed to its creation. Charter Challenge 2014 Launch 7. This note forms the formal launch of Charter Challenge 2014 and all those interested in being part of this project, as designers or donors, are now invited to make their contributions to HQ. If you are submitting a donation to HQ please be sure to mark your donation as being to Charter Challenge 2014. 8. The National Memorial Arboretum is now a major visitor centre in the UK for service and exservice personnel, with some 300,000 visitors a year currently, and increasing annually. For those who have not been there, or know little about it, the link http://www.thenma.org.uk entered into the address line of your internet browser will take you to the NMA website. 9. It is hoped that an RNA memorial will provide yet another opportunity to put the RNA in high profile with those members of the public with a strong interest in the ex-Service community, amongst whom will be many who could swell our membership ranks. Please support this project as positively as you can, and encourage any others you think might be interested to give their support too.
6. Merchant Navy Day - 16 September– Prime Ministers Message “Today we honour the memory of the many thousands of Merchant Seafarers of many faiths and nations who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of this country, during the second World War and in other conflicts, including the Falklands war thirty years ago this year. We owe them a debt of gratitude The bravery and loyalty of those Merchant Seafarers of the past will never be forgotten. As an island nation, we continue to rely on the sea for most of our foreign trade, and merchant shipping remains crucial to our economy and defence. We humbly remember those who died in defence of the nation, and did so much to ensure its very survival. This annual Service, and the Merchant navy Day itself, ensures that their memory lives on”.
7. RNA Dagenham – Jubilee Pins Many of you may remember, back in March I posted to our Patron a pair of pins for Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh. Today, Saturday 15th September, I received the attached reply. The Branch have asked for the Queen's response to be shared with all RNA members in the Branch Circular. Well done from the HQ to Dagenham branch for their enterprising idea. What a wonderful letter from Her Majesty!!
8. Government to give Civil Servants a minimum of 10 Days’ Special Paid Leave a year for Reserves Training. The Secretary of State for Defence has announced that, from December, the Government is to give Civil Servants in central Government departments1 a minimum of 10 days’ Special Paid Leave a year to attend the mandated annual period of continuous Reserves training. This will provide an example to other employers of how positively to support reserve service. In the future the Reserves will form an integral and integrated part of the Future Force. We will need greater assurance that Reservists will be available when needed and trained to the necessary levels. To achieve this we will need a closer more mutually supportive relationship between the employer and Defence. Central Government departments have also committed to demonstrate visible leadership through promotion of the benefits of reserve service for employers and Reservists and to introduce enhanced guidance for line managers in order to deliver this. Following the publication of the forthcoming Green Paper on Future Reserves 2020, the 10
Ministry of Defence will begin a formal period of public consultation on the measures to achieve our vision for the Reserves. Detail: Civil Service departmental policies on the amount of Special Paid Leave granted for Reserves’ training have historically varied, averaging between 8 and 10 days per year. Whilst most of the training undertaken by Reservists takes place in the evenings and at weekends, a continuous period of training, typically of 15 days (including weekends), is a mandated obligation. In cases where Reserves have not been able to benefit from sufficient Special Paid Leave in the past, they have had to make the choice to forego annual leave to satisfy their Reserve training liability. Following direction from the Prime Minister that the Government should lead the way as an employer of Reserves, the Head of the Civil Service has agreed with Departments to introduce a policy providing a standard minimum of 10 days Special Paid Leave for Reserves training across central Government Departments. This will allow Reservists to undertake their mandated annual period of continuous training without needing to sacrifice their annual leave entitlement. Civil Service Reservists should speak to their line managers for more information.
9. RNA Haverhill It is with great sadness that I report the Crossing the Bar of Joe (Joseph) Warren. Very little is known about Joe other than he was a Commando during his service and that he was a reclusive and very private man who did not speak of his service career (like many others of that era), but he was a loyal member of the RNA. S/M Helen Beaumont – Vice Chairman
10. RNA Congleton We had 11 shipmates at our meeting Thursday 20th September, including a widow and daughter of former shipmates. When we set out our social programme as follows: Thursday 18 October we are having a Trafalgar Night sandwich and chips social at the Cignet Club, Congleton. Sunday 11 November is our Laying Up service at Christchurch, Eaton with refreshments to follow, Sunday 9 December is our Christmas Lunch at the Cheshire Tavern, Congleton. At our age it's all eat and drink! Yours Aye, Norman
11. Donations received for the Central Charities Fund J H Clarke RNA Harlow A Casdagli T Tarling 11
in memory of Ted Smith in memory of Jim Smith in memory of Bob McQueen in memory of a Brave sailor and friend
£20.00 £25.00 £25.00 £25.00
M Freeman A Gough M Campbell S Stoker S P Smith A Smith
- in memory of Bob McQueen - in memory of Bob McQueen - in memory of Bob McQueen - in memory of Dickenson Stoker - in memory of Edward Bertie Smith - donation to the RNA
£25.00 £20.00 £100.00 £103.00 £25.00 £55.00
Thank you for the donations received this month to the Central Charities Fund. 12. RNA Falmouth Branch’s - 30th Anniversary The Branch has marked another significant milestone in its history, with two important events to mark the thirtieth anniversary of recommissioning. A celebratory lunch on Saturday 22 September was followed on the Sunday with the re-dedication of the Branch Standard during the Mayor of Falmouth’s Civic Service, by kind permission of the Mayor, Cllr Geoffrey Evans. The service was conducted by our Branch Chaplain, Rev. Stephen Tudgey. First formed in 1950, the Branch closed in about 1958, probably due to a lack of members. In 1982 Shipmate Douglas Gough, a National Vice President of the RNA was asked to try to re-form the Branch. With the help of Shipmate Harold Thompson, then a member of Truro RNA, and later Chairman of Falmouth Branch for twelve years, and following a series of open meetings, the Branch was re-commissioned on 23 September 1982. As well as Branch members, the lunch at the Falmouth Hotel was attended by the Mayors of Falmouth and Penryn, representatives of Cornwall Council and Falmouth Town Council, Falmouth & Penryn Sea Cadet Corps, and the Chairman of Cornwall Branch of RAFA. Branch Secretary Ron Burdekin read a letter from Her Majesty the Queen, Patron of the Royal Naval Association, and some of the numerous messages of congratulation that had been received. Deputy National Council Member for Area 4, Shipmate Bill Dent presented the Branch with a framed Certificate, and said that, whilst the Royal Navy of today was much smaller and different to what it had been in ‘’our day’’, this was no reason why we should abandon our core values of Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism and Comradeship, and we should continue to support to our serving colleagues of today. In replying, Branch Chairman Shipmate Mick Stevens spoke of the founders of the original Branch, details of whom had only recently come to light, and of the links that we still have with those instrumental in re-forming the Branch 30 years ago. Shipmate Harold Thompson, who was present at the lunch; Vice President Ted Turvey, approaching 95, and Shipmate Don Herbert, both members since those early days. At this time, we should think of those who had gone before, and those who, for varying reasons, could not be with us today, and Mick asked those present to drink the toast to ‘’Absent Friends.’’ On the Sunday, greeted by atrocious weather, the Mayor’s Civic Parade was somewhat depleted in numbers, but stalwart members of the Branch marched, with Standards of the RBL, Merchant 12
Navy Association and Royal Engineers Association, to the Church of King Charles the Martyr for the Civic Service, and the re-dedication of the Branch Standard, thirty years to the day since the Branch was re-commissioned. Our thanks are due to Mayor Geoffrey Evans for kindly allowing us to do so, on such an important and significant date in our continuing history. Hon. Secretary: Ron Burdekin.
13. RNA Gloucester – Ships Crest When the 10th Gloucester was decommissioned the Ships Bell, Name Plates and Ship’s Crest were returned to the City. The bell and the nameplates were received by the City’s Museum and the historic crest to the Gloucester branch of the World Ship Society for a suitable resting place. The Crest bearing a 16th Centaury version of the City Crest of Arms, was carved by Tom Askew from a piece of scrap from the Cathedral timber and has been onboard the Gloucester since her commissioning in 1985. The local World Ship Society together with the Gloucester Cathedral has agreed for the Crest to be placed in the Cathedral, for permanent safe keeping. At evensong on Wednesday 10 October 2012, the Crest was dedicated in its permanent position in the Gloucester Cathedral where it can be seen and admired by the general public. The dedication service was attended by the Gloucester Branch of the Worlds Ship Society, who organised the service, the Lord Lieutenant, the Mayor and Sheriff of Gloucester and the Gloucester Royal Naval Association, who were invited by the World Ship Society, as their guests. S/M Fred Goode – Gloucester Branch PRO
14. Finance Corner – From Michelle We have received a letter from MBNA, stating the RNA will not be receiving any more discounts from MBNA credit card holders under the Royal Naval Association, they are ending the agreement on 5 January 2013. Branch Sec please tell anyone that has an RNA MBNA card. POSTAL The boys in the office are giving me earache! Can I please ask a favour from anybody who is sending documents to me, can you please write ‘Finance Department or Accounts’ on the envelope then HQ’s address. Thank you. I will be producing 3rd Quarter Accounts at the end of this month; Pooled Fare Invoices will be included in your 3rd Quarter. Novembers Circular I will attach your Branch Year End Balance Sheets along with a flow chart to help any Treasurer / Secretary in completing your returns.
How to Tell the Sex of a Fly
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her Husband stalking around with a fly swatter "What are you doing?" She asked. "Hunting Flies" He responded. "Oh. ! Killing any?" She asked. "Yep, 3 males, 2 Females," he replied. Intrigued, she asked.
"How can you tell them apart?" He responded,
"3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone. 15. RNA Falmouth - Exactly what it says on the Tin ! In his speech at our 30th Anniversary Lunch at Falmouth Branch the Chairman Mick Stevens said the following, which may give some pause for thought...... ‘’What of the future? There are those that will tell you that the Royal Naval Association will eventually wither and fade as numbers dwindle. I am not one of them. Yes, we should be concerned at our numbers, but we should remember that we come from a very different service from the other two arms, the army and the air force. We are veterans of a disciplined service, but a service where individuals are encouraged to think for themselves and have initiative. Therefore, if you say to Jack ‘Join the Royal Naval Association’ he won’t – well, not immediately anyway. He will have had enough of the Mob for the time being. But he will join, probably about ten years after discharge. He will join for that which he misses most, and which in modern speak are our Core Values; we know them as a way of life; UNITY, LOYALTY, PATRIOTISM and COMRADESHIP. In today’s world of taglines, everything has to have a label. It does not matter to those of us fortunate enough to have served in the Royal Navy whether you served in Arctic or Atlantic Convoys; Korea; Suez; Biera Patrol; Northern Ireland; The Gulf; The Falklands or in Drake or Nelson on the Main Gate, we have a bond that those outside our service must envy. As it says on the tin - “Once Navy – Always Navy.’’
16. RNA Wigston - S/M Jimmy James At our September Committee meeting, the Branch Standard Bearer, S/M Jimmy James, at the age of 85 is stepping down from this duty after parading the Standard for over twenty one years. With the true professionalism and dedication of all Standard Bearers, Jimmy has travelled far and wide parading the Standard on behalf of Wigston Branch at funerals, dedications, the laying up of standards as well as conference parades. He has carried the Standard in such diverse places as, London (Silver Jubilee),Caen (France), Aberyswith, Bridlington, Queensferry, Liskeard, Chatham, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Pangbourne, Reading, Yeovil and Newcastle. The list seems endless. On all these occasions he has been accompanied and supported by his wife, Sylvia, who he says has been an inspiration to him. He has now retired (through ill health) and in appreciation of his long service to the Branch and the RN. The Committee has invited him to become a Life Vice President of the Branch, which he has accepted. On behalf of his friends at the Branch, "Thank You Jimmy" Ivan Batt - Hon. Branch Secretary. 17. Guess Where? An Establishment! Can you name the establishment and where it is? Please forward any other pictures to the HQ that you may have for ‘Guess Where’ so that we publish them in forthcoming Circulars. Answer again in next month’s edition. Last month’s answer! The Quarterdeck - HMS Excellent
18. Documentary on the Battle of Chosin I am writing from a television production company based in London called Arrow Media. We have been commissioned by The Military Channel (part of Discovery networks) to produce a ten part history series called Ultimate Warfare (working title). The series traces decisive missions during the most famous battles in history whilst illuminating the major turning points that led to the battles' ultimate outcomes. The series will use first hand testimonies of participants that can help us understand some of the battles' turning points, which will be supported by a look at weaponry and how this fitted with the demands of the battle, as well as reconstruction and CGI. All this will be sewn together through the contributions of academics or other experts that can support our narrative with analysis. I am contacting you because I am currently working on one 15
of the episodes that looks at the battle of Chosin which the Royal Marines had an important role in. We are looking for veterans from Chosin who would be interested in talking to us within the next couple of weeks about their experiences during the battle, to advise us on this project and help us with our research and to really help us provide an accurate account of how things were for the guys on the ground. It would be great to find veterans and experts who would be keen to help us out by taking part in some on-camera interviews at some point in the next few weeks. Due to our time constraints it would be great to be able to talk to veterans directly on the phone and if you were able to ask any veterans you pass this email on to, to provide a number on which I can call and also a time that would be convenient for me to call them on that would be fantastic. If you feel that you could help in any way then I would be extremely grateful. Please feel free to pass on my contact details and this email to anyone you feel may be able to help us and if you are able to provide us with any contact details / phone numbers of people you think I should contact then this would be fantastic. Anyone wishing to take part please contact Ali direct on: 0207 489 6230 or by email: alasdair.may@arrowmedia.com 19. Commander Bill King Commander Bill King, who has died aged 102, was the only man to be in command of a British submarine on the first and last days of the Second World War; he later circumnavigated the globe solo at his third attempt, passing five of the great capes. During the war King commanded the submarines Snapper, Trusty and Telemachus, his world bounded, as he put it, “by the chart table, the periscope and the bridge, hardly daring to sleep, a most disagreeable place, smelling of diesel oil, chlorine and unwashed bodies”. His first war patrol ended badly when he was attacked by the RAF off Harwich — though he suffered a direct hit, he was able to return to harbour. Then, between December 1939 and July 1940, in a number of aggressive patrols King’s Snapper sank six ships, including, in the Kattegat, the German tanker Moonsund; off southern Norway he torpedoed the merchant ship Florida, the minesweepers Jan Behrens and Carsten Janssen, and the armed trawlers Portland and Cygnus. In May 1940 he was awarded a DSO . Another patrol was eventful in a different way. After days without a navigational fix, Snapper grounded on sandbanks off the Dutch coast, but by skilful maneuvering King managed to bring his boat back to sea. Instead of being court-martialled, he was invited by Winston Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, to recount his experiences over brandy and cigars, and in September 1940 he was awarded a DSC . King’s next command, of the newly built Trusty, which he took over in February 1941, was less noteworthy as he achieved what he described as a “disappointing bag”. On his first patrol in the Mediterranean he provided cover for Operation Halberd, the resupply of Malta, and he conducted three war patrols from Malta as part of the “Fighting Tenth” submarine squadron based at the island. On Boxing Day that year he was sent to the Indian Ocean to help stem the advance of the Japanese. In Singapore he was bombed while supposedly in a safe anchorage, and he found the admiral depressed about the state of the island’s defenses. Without any clear orders, he carried 16
out two fruitless patrols in the South China Sea, and after the fall of Singapore entered Surabaya for repairs to a potentially fatal oil leak which was betraying his presence to ships and aircraft. Later in 1942, however, he sank the 7,000-ton transport Toyohashi Maru and the troop carrier Columbia Maru. King was promoted to commander in June 1943 and might have expected a staff or squadron appointment. Instead, in January 1944, he took command of the new Telemachus, which then deployed to the Far East. On July 17, on his first war patrol, King surprised the Japanese submarine I-166 in the One Fathom Channel off Singapore, sinking it with a salvo of torpedoes. Compared to “Trusty’s dreary record,” he wrote, “my green crew tasted success early and I felt the confidence rise in them. They looked at Telemachus with new eyes – the damn thing worked!” For his outstanding courage, skill and determination King was awarded a bar to his DSO. William Donald Aelian King was born on June 23 1910, the son of Lt-Col William de Courcy King, DSO, who was killed on the Western Front in 1917. Bill was brought up by his mother and his grandmother, who in her seventies took up sailing in the Western Isles in a 54ft yawl called Imatra. His mother, believing that young Bill required some discipline in his life, packed him off to Dartmouth when he was 13 years old. His first ship was the new battleship Nelson, but, needing the extra six shillings a day for serving in submarines, King volunteered for “the Trade” in 1931. His first boat was the submarine Orpheus on the China Station, where he spent four years. Next he served in Starfish during the Abyssinian crisis, and by 1936 he was second-in-command of Narwhal. He passed his “perisher” in 1939, then took command of Snapper. In 1946 King declared himself fed up with postwar rationing, and took a trials submarine to Northern Ireland to feast his crew on un-rationed steak, eggs and bacon. But the visit had an ulterior motive: he crossed the border with the Republic to woo the “tall, slim, and willowy” Anita Leslie, whom he had met three years earlier while skiing in wartime Lebanon. His visit came as a surprise to Anita, as his telegram announcing his intention to come had not been delivered. His protracted service in the war had left King feeling “like an overwound clockwork mouse”, and he decided to resign from the Navy. Years later he would remark that all his friends had died in the war, and ended after-dinner speeches by asking “What was the point?” of the conflict. He and Anita — an author and a distant kinswoman of Winston Churchill — married in 1949 and embarked on an extended honeymoon sailing around the West Indies in the yacht Galway Blazer, an idyll that came to an end when their firstborn learned to climb out of his basket and threatened to crawl over the side. They bought the romantic — but roofless — 12th-century Oranmore Castle on the shores of Galway Bay along with 150 acres which King reclaimed from bog and rock to start an organic farm. They also enjoyed hunting with the Galway Blazers. In August 1968 he set off from Plymouth to circumnavigate the world single-handed, in the junkrigged Galway Blazer II. He described his odyssey as “a lonely venture intended to unwind the springs of tension which had never quite been eased out of my deepest being since submarine days”. In submarines he had lived on “a soaplike meat substitute” (Spam), the smell of which haunted him still, and on this voyage he subsisted on a diet of raisins; whole meal biscuits; almond nut paste for protein; and, for vitamin C, cress grown in jars. This was supplemented by the occasional flying fish which landed on board. For drinking, he took with him instant coffee and water — including one bottle of water from St Brendan’s Well (“which I could never find, but whenever 17
danger threatened it would fall on my head as if from nowhere reminding me of the 10th-century Irish navigator”. King’s voyage ended on October 30, when he was dismasted in the worst storm he ever witnessed in his lifetime at sea; he had to be towed into Cape Town. He made two further attempts to circumnavigate the globe: in 1970 he got as far as Perth, Western Australia, where ill health caused him to abandon the journey, but in 1971 he finally achieved his ambition. King believed in extrasensory perception and in the so-called “Third Eye”, which he thought (from reading John Bleibtreu’s The Parable of the Beast) might be situated in the pineal gland; on several occasions, he said, he had been able to sense imminent danger, saving not only his own life but the lives of those around him. On his journey in 1971 he was below deck, in the cabin of Galway Blazer II, when his “Third Eye” made him turn towards the lee side of the boat just before it bulged inwards as it was struck by a giant shark. King rushed on deck to see a swirl of water and a trail of blood astern as he quickly tacked, to bring the hole out of the water. The new tack meant that there was “nothing between me and Antarctica”, and for three days he struggled to make a repair which would enable him to turn back. King finally reached Plymouth in 1973. During his successful circumnavigation, under the Irish tricolor, he had rounded the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia; South-East Cape in Tasmania; the South-West Cape, Stewart Island, New Zealand; and the Horn. For five months and one day he was out of radio contact. It was during this extended period of isolation that King realised that it was no longer painful to recall his submarine years; that he was just living for fun; and that all he had to do was to stay alive. King wrote several books, including two autobiographies: The Stick and the Stars (1958), which was principally about his war experiences, and Adventure in Depth (1975), about his sailing exploits. His wife predeceased him in 1984, and he is survived by their son and daughter
20. 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Atlantic - Commemoration Service - May 26 - 2013 I am co-ordinating within No10 Area the numbers of shipmates who have expressed a wish to attend the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Atlantic commemoration service at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on May 26th 2013. As you are no doubt aware because of the high profile nature of this event, admission to the cathedral service will be by ticket only. Might I suggest those shipmates outside No.10 Area who wish to attend (with or without Standards) and take part in the subsequent parade should contact the Naval Regional Commander (Northern England) Brunswick Dock Liverpool, L3 4DZ email nrcne-ps@mod.uk quoting their branch name and Area, numbers wishing to take part in the Cathedral service, and the numbers who would also wish to take part in the parade following the service. I can if you so wish generate a form covering these points for inclusion in a forthcoming Circular Letter to Branches if this would help. As the occasion will cover most of the Bank holiday weekend I have made enquiries at the Adelphi Hotel about a special hotel rate for the period in question. They have agreed the following: 18
3 nights 3 nights
(Friday24th May to Monday 27th May 2013 (Friday 24th May to Monday 28th May 2013
Dinner Bed & Breakfast £159.00 pp Bed & Breakfast only £129.00 pp
2 nights 2 nights
Friday 24th May to Sunday 26th May 2013 Friday 24th May to Sunday 26th May 2013
Dinner Bed & Breakfast Bed & Breakfast only
£106.00 pp £ 86.00 pp
When Booking please quote - BAAD 2405 (most important) The address of the Adelphi hotel is: (Reservations Dep't) Britannia Adelphi Hotel Ranelagh Place Liverpool L3 5UL Tele: 0151 709 7200 Charles Hutton NCM 10
21. Credit Card - Scam There is a new and very clever credit card scam - be wary of those who come bearing gifts ! Please circulate this to everyone you know, especially your family and friends. It just happened to someone a week or so ago in St. Albans, and it can pretty well now be happening anywhere else in the country. It works like this: Wednesday a week ago, they had a phone call from someone who said that he was from some outfit called "Express Couriers" asking if they were going to be home because there was a package for them, and the caller said that the delivery would arrive at their home in roughly an hour. And sure enough, about an hour later, a Delivery man turned up with a beautiful Basket of flowers and wine. they were very surprised since it did not involve any special occasion or holiday, and they certainly didn't expect anything like it. Intrigued about who would send them such a gift, they inquired as to who the sender was; The deliveryman's reply was, he was only delivering the gift package, but allegedly a card was being sent separately; (the card has never arrived!). There was also a consignment note with the gift. He then went on to explain that because the gift contained alcohol, there was a £3.00 "delivery charge" as proof that he had actually delivered the package to an adult, and not just left it on the doorstep to just be stolen or taken by anyone. This sounded logical and they offered to pay him cash. He then said that the company required the payment to be by credit or debit card only so that everything is properly accounted for. The husband, who, by this time, was standing beside his wife; pulled out of his wallet his credit/debit card, and 'John', the "delivery man", asked the husband to swipe the card on the small mobile card machine which had a small screen and keypad where he was also asked to enter the card's PIN and security number. A receipt was printed out and given to them. To their surprise, between Thursday and the following Monday, £4,000 had been charged/withdrawn from our credit/debit account at various ATM machines, particularly in the Midlands area! It appears that somehow the "mobile credit card machine" which the deliveryman carried was able to duplicate and create a "dummy" card(?) with all their card details, After the husband swiped their card and entered the requested PIN and security number. Upon finding out the illegal transactions on their card, of course, they immediately notified the bank which issued them the card, and the credit/debit account has been closed. 19
They also personally went to the Police, where it was confirmed that it is definitely a scam because several households have been similarly hit. WARNING: Be wary of accepting any "surprise gift or package", which you neither expected nor personally ordered, especially if it involves any kind of payment as a Condition of receiving the gift or package. Also, never accept anything if you do not personally know and/or there is no proper identification of who the sender is. Above all, the only time you should give out any personal credit/debit card information is when you yourself initiated the purchase or transaction!
22. HMS Fife’s – Ships Bell – Whereabouts! I am trying to locate or seek information as to what has happened to the Ships Bell from HMS Fife since her being sold to Chile. It has been requested for display at the intended re-union in 2013. If anyone knows of what happened to the Bell or can divulge any information as to its whereabouts I would be eternally grateful! I can be contacted by email; Deraek@aol.com
23. Nelson has looked down on a year of national Pride – We look up to his memory“Up Spirits” London 26 September 2012: This year has seen a great surge of pride in being British from the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee to the Olympics and Paralympics, especially for the extraordinary achievements of our athletes and sportsmen and women. From atop his column Lord Nelson has looked down and no doubt smiled at the events of this year. As one of our greatest heroes it is fitting we also remember his life and times, especially his victory at the Battle of Trafalgar. On Trafalgar Day 21 October, the Senior Rates Mess on HMS Victory, Nelson’s Flag Ship, drank a toast in ‘Nelson’s Blood’* - Pusser’s Rum, the traditional rum of the Royal Navy. They were joined in the toast “Up Spirits” by people around the world who remember this famous hero. Rum was issued to sailors of the Royal Navy for over 300 years, going back before Lord Nelson’s time. That rum was Pusser’s Rum blended to the specification laid down by the Admiralty. Pusser’s is a corruption of the word ‘Purser’ who was responsible for issuing the daily rum tot. The daily rum tot was abolished on 31 July 1970, forever known as Black Tot Day and mourned by many serving and former sailors. Pusser’s was the only rum ever served in the Royal Navy and nearly disappeared after Black Tot Day. Fortunately Canadian entrepreneur, Charles Tobias, a keen ocean going sailor, obtained the Admiralty’s consent to produce Pusser’s Rum to the original specification. It is a blend of five different pot-stilled Caribbean rums.
He started distributing Pusser’s Rum in 1980. In return he donated a royalty to the Royal Navy Sailors’ Fund, known as the Tot Fund, which provides amenities for serving personnel. To date Pusser’s donations have topped well over £1 million. From company headquarters on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands Pusser’s Rum is distributed in the UK by Cellar Trends. It retains the original navy strength of 54.5% ABV and retails at around £30 a bottle. For all sales and distribution enquiries contact:- sales@cellartrends.co.uk www.cellartrends.co.uk For further information contact: Colin Lewis- 020 7731 4489 colin@voice-pr.co.uk Eugene Bacot 020 7731 4526 eugene@voice-pr.co.uk VOICE PR Suite 402 Riverbank House 1 Putney Bridge Approach London SW6 3JD
24. MOD Launches a new Defence Discount Service The Defence Discount Service is open to members of the Armed Forces community including: Serving and Reserve personnel, Armed Forces veterans, spouses/partners of Service personnel and bereaved spouses/partners. It is also open to MOD civil servants, members of the cadet forces and NATO personnel serving in UK-based posts. Many high profile companies are engaged with the Defence Discount Service such as; Vodafone, KFC, Vue Cinemas and a number of major supermarkets, clothing stores and technology companies. They are offering discounts on cars, lap-tops, supermarket shops, holidays and mobile phones. The list is growing and we anticipate many more companies will now come forward to add their support to those already committed to helping make life a little easier for our Armed Forces community and our MOD civilians too. A wide range of discounts and privileges can be accessed online immediately at www.defencediscountservice.co.uk, on the DDS Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/defencediscountservice and via the DDS Twitter feed https://twitter.com/discounts_mod. For further information about the Defence Discounts available please visit the following website; www.defencediscountservice.co.uk
25. RNA Dartford Annual Dinner This was once again held at the home of Dartford FC, The Princes Park Stadium on 19th September. Shipmates, their ladies and guests were once again treated to a wonderful meal which was served by the local cadets from T/S Anson who later benefited via a Pennies From Heaven collection. Entertainment was provided by a comedian and the evening was rounded off with a grand raffle which raised funds for the branch coffers. Special thanks go to S/M Tom Eastwood for his devotion to duty and organisational skills.
Visit to National Memorial Arboratum 21
On Sunday 30 September, we set off by Charabanc for Staffordshire, a round trip of about 300 miles, which caused some consternation regarding the bladder capacity of some of the shipmates. Fortunately, the weather stayed dry for us but we did have to put up with some very windy conditions. Having enjoyed a tasty roast lunch, we then embarked on a land train tour of the grounds, which proved not only beneficial with regards walking but also gave a running commentary of the various memorials. I should point out that it is not only the armed forces who are represented here but numerous civilian ones too. The grounds are huge, and consequently, plenty of time is required to do the place justice. They cater for those who have difficulty regarding mobility, with scooters for hire and wheelchairs available for a small donation. We had a splendid day and recommend the visit to all shipmates should they have the opportunity to pay their respects. At this point I would like to thank our Treasurer, S/M Reg Moon for his efforts in organising the day, and Dartford Council who kindly funded us. Yours aye, S/M Barry Somerset (Hon Sec)
26. ď ? 'Ordeal by Exocet - HMS Glamorgan and the Falklands War 1982' – by Cdr Ian Inskip He received a Mention in Despatches for his actions and adds this personal comment: 'GLAMORGAN was in the first group of 6 ships to be diverted south (all of which were either seriously damaged or sunk!!) We were Admiral Woodward's Flagship until HERMES reached Ascension, and then became the leader of the Surface Attack Group (The Three Musketeers!) In 1977, I was taught by Jas Briggs in APOLLO to use 35 degrees or rudder - at the time everyone else used 30 degrees. This saved GLAMORGAN as I applied full rudder when I spotted the missile on the bridge radar, and this lowered the ship's side just enough for the missile to clip the sperm water and bounce off the upper deck before exploding, instead of going through the ship's side and exploding in the Seaslug main missile magazine. Had the missile been just three inches lower, we would have blown up, so for me every day now is a bonus!!' Synopsis: 'HMS Glamorgan was in the thick of the fighting throughout the Falklands War. Her role for most of the time was that of an expendable escort and she became the only ship to survive an Exocet hit. Incorporating vivid first-hand accounts and illustrated with photographs, the book also portrays the daily life of an escort under wartime conditions and describes only too clearly the tension, fear, storm, cold, disaster and sorrow which were so close to hand. 22
New light is shed on the "BELGRANO" affair and startling facts are revealed about other incidents including the high level conduct of the war. There is a detailed account of the successful deception plan "Operation TORNADO", and the impact of the war on families left at home. Whilst attacking the enemy, GLAMORGAN faced missiles, bombs, shells and rockets. Personal accounts recall these attacks, and other operations including the Pebble Island raid. All the Exocet attacks on the Battle Group are included, culminating with the desperate fight to save the ship, which came perilously close to sinking. The aftermath and trauma experienced by those who lost shipmates brings home the gruesome reality of war. Written by one who experienced at first hand that reality, "Ordeal by Exocet" is a gripping read for historian, enthusiast and general reader alike.' HMS GLAMORGAN and the Falklands War 1982' was re-launched earlier this year. Ian is offering discounted signed copies to members and can be contacted at iinskip@talk21.com 28. Saving Lives exhibition at IWM North – The Quays Manchester- Free Entry Just wanted to let all Shipmates know about an upcoming exhibition at IWM North, part of Imperial War Museums, at The Quays in Manchester. Please see further details below. Saving Lives: Frontline Medicine in a Century of Conflict Saturday 14 October 2012 until 1 September 2013 Free Entry Discover dramatic experiences from the last 100 years of conflict, highlighting the unique tension between the desire to preserve life and the destructive nature of war. Find out how military medicine has evolved since the First World War and how development such as blood transfusions, penicillin, X-rays and plastic surgery have shaped the medical care we all receive today. More information is available here http://www.iwm.org.uk/exhibitions/iwm-north/saving-lives Sam Howard Marketing & PR Co-ordinator IWM North
29. Nelson to Vanguard – by D K Brown ISBN-9781848321496 RRP - £19.99 - from most good book shops or online. The third volume in D K Browns bestselling series on warship design and development looks at the Royal Navy s response to the restrictions placed on it by the Washington Naval Treaties in the inter-war years, and analyses the fleet that was constructed to fight the Second World War. He focuses on the principal pre-war developments such as the first purpose-built aircraft carriers and the growing perception of the threat of air attack to warships. 23
All the wartime construction programmes are covered, such as the massive expansion in escort ships to counter the U-boat menace, and the development of the amphibious warfare fleet for the D-Day landings in 1944. Full analysis is also provided of the experience of wartime damage, as well as the once top secret pre- and post-war damage trials. Illustrated throughout with a superb collection of contemporary photographs and numerous line drawings, this now classic work is required reading for naval historians and enthusiasts. D K Brown led a distinguished career as a naval architect. He published widely on their subject of war design and built a reputation as a clear and brilliant commentator on the development of the ships of the Royal Navy. He died in 2008.
30. HMS Curacao – 70th Anniversary of the Tragedy Apparently this incident happened on a clear October day (02/10/1942) off the Bloody Foreland, Co.Donegal, Ireland when this RN Light Cruiser, accompanied by six Destroyers, joined the Queen Mary who was on her return journey from New York to Glasgow with 20,000 (approx) American Troops destined to join the Allied Forces. The Warship Escorts Duty was to provide Air & Submarine Defences for the Liner. The Group began the carefully choreographed Zig-Zag manoeuvres designed to confuse the U Boats. (8 minutes to Port then 8 minutes to Starboard then resuming 4 minutes on original course). On one occasion the Cruiser came to close to the Queen Mary (who at the time was doing about 25/28 knots), resulting in the inevitable collision slicing the Warship (Ships Conpany 338) in two causing her to sink with the loss of 237 men. She sank in 6 minutes. Allegedly there were 101 survivors. Due to War Time Policy and the risk of enemy attack the Queen Mary did not stop to pick up survivors but continued her journey at full speed to Greenock. Survivors were picked by some of the Escort Vessels. Bodies from this tragedy were washed up in various places along the West Coast of Scotland including sixteen on the shore at Elgol in the South of the Isle of Skye. These bodies were eventually laid to rest in the Cemetery at Ashaig (Nr. Breakish) on the Isle of Skye. Mr. Crisp’s Step-Father - Yeoman of Signals RN C/JX.132321 P.V. CORNELL aged 29 years was one of these unfortunate sailors. Many years later, in 1949, when the Case went to Court the Queen Mary was exonerated of all blame and the whole unfortunate accident forgotten about. In response to Mr. Crisps enquiry, on Tuesday 02/10/12 (in atrocious weather conditions) five of our Branch Members (BOB – Parading the Area Standard) (Gordon – Parading the Branch Standard) accompanied by Brian Chambers, John Gordon and Roger Bidwell joined Paul Crisp in a short Commemorative Service at the Graveside. As well as verbal tributes from Paul Crisp the event included the laying of a RNA Wreath accompanied by The Last Post followed by a two Minute Silence concluding with Reveille. A Photographer/Journalist from the West Highland Free Press was also present resulting in our attendance being front page Headlines in their weekly publication dated Friday 5th October 2012. . Mr Crisp was delighted with the response he received from our Branch.
31. Royal Naval Dress Sword for sale Would any Shipmate be interested in purchasing my Lions Head Sabre sword which is available for sale. It is complete with Gold Knot & carriage belt. The whole assembly is in excellent order. It is a Victorian Officers 1827 model. I would rather it went to a naval home rather than hanging on some ones wall just for show. I’ve set a reasonable price of £250 because of its fantastic condition. If you would like any further information about the sword then please contact; John Dean at; john_dean@ntlworld.com 32. Irish Naval Association – 50th Anniversary On 12 October the Irish Naval Association celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a formal dinner at the Greshams Hotel in Dublin. Chris Dovey, the National Chairman, was invited to represent the RNA and was made extremely welcome. The INA have had close links with individual RNA Branches over recent years and in 2011 they had a very strong contingent, together with their National Standard, which participated in the RNA Biennial Parade in Whitehall. Since then strong ties have been Gerry Kennedy presents Chris Dovey established between the RNA and the INA at with the Crystal bowl National level, and the INA will be attending the RNA National Conference in Liverpool and attending the Biennial Parade in Whitehall again next year, with sizeable contingents at both events. Chris congratulated the INA on their anniversary and said it was the sincere hope of the RNA that the strong ties that had developed between the two associations would continue to flourish in the years to come. On behalf of the RNA he accepted a Waterford crystal bowl engraved with the INA crest from the INA President Gerry Kennedy, and a similar bowl was presented to the US Defence Attache in Dublin. Chris said he had a great night and had received individual invites to return to Waterford, Limerick and Dublin again. He said he looked forward to having an RNA contingent attending some of the INA events in the future.
33. RNA Pembroke – Remembrance Service to Capt William Cumby RNA Pembroke & District held their annual service in the Pembroke Dock Cemetery to remember the burial of Captain William Cumby 175 years ago. After the battle of Trafalgar in which he served very bravely he was promoted for taking command of his Ship HMS Bellerophon when all the other officers were killed. HMS Bellerophon was the RN ship which brought Napoleon to England as a prisoner. S/M Norman Clegg
34. RNA Londonderry – Battle of the Atlantic – Programme 10th, 11th, & 12th May 2013 Shipmates, 2013 will be an extremely important year for the Londonderry Branch. We will be unveiling a Statue of a Sailor in the old HMS Ferret/Sea Eagle site in memory of all those who gave their lives during the Battle of The Atlantic 1939-1945. The eight foot high Statue will be made of bronze and will be mounted on a granite plinth. We are very grateful to all those branches of the Royal Naval Association who have sent donations towards this very worthwhile project. We would like to have as many of you as possible join us for what will be a great weekend of Commemoration and Comradeship. If you are interested, please contact the Londonderry Branch Secretary as soon as possible but no later than 31st January. Due to limited numbers Tickets for the Gala Dinner on Saturday 11th May will be issued on a first come, first served basis (Tickets are £35.00 per person payable when booking). If you do wish to join us, you will need to book your accommodation early as room numbers will be very limited due to Londonderry being the UK City of Culture in 2013. To see the proposed programme of events for the weekend you can find it on the HQ Website www.royal-naval-association.co.uk (Monthly Circular). Should any Shipmate wish to join us or have any questions then please contact; S/M. F. J. Brown, 4, Myrtlefield Road, Kilfennan, Londonderry, BT47 5PG. Email: - frankj-brown @ntlworld.com F.J.Brown,Hon. Secretary, Londonderry RNA.
35. RNA Margate Margate branch Trafalgar celebrations started on Friday 19 October with a four course dinner at The Swan Inn Westgate-onsea the loyal toast was proposed by shipmate chairman Harry Allen and the immortal memory by S/M Mick Cox NCM2 . There was a short talk by our branch historian S/M Brian Cole on the local men who fought at Trafalgar and are buried in St John’s churchyard. On Sunday we were joined by the local sea scouts, and Viking venture corps for our annual Trafalgar Day parade much curtailed by the police and Kent highways somehow they still believe the Olympics are still going on. With the rain To the left of Mayoress is councillor John holding off we proceeded to the RBL to get Watkins a full member. wet on the inside. We were joined by the mayor councillor Will Scobie, Mayoress Jodie Hibbert (possible the youngest to hold this position in the country! and some of the charter trustee. As in past years the party got underway with their introduction to “Pussers rum” although this year the mayoress was able to leave standing up. Our lady shipmate provided an excellent buffet to mop up any excess. Mick Cox NCM2.
36. RNA Dublin – Trafalgar Dinner The Dublin RNA Branch held its Trafalgar Dinner in the Royal Irish Yacht Club in Dun Laoghaire on Friday 19th October. The Guest Speaker was the RNA President Vice Admiral John McAnally. The Dinner was very well attended by the Dublin Members and as evidence in the Photos a good time was had by all. Our Thanks to Cellar Trends in providing Pussers Rum Free of Charge. A Ships decanter was presented to the RNA President by the Dublin President Dr Dermot Stones, also on the night a painting of a sailing ship was presented to the Dublin Chairman on the occasion of his 40th wedding anniversary, which he duly reminded the guests that the RN played a large part in organising his honeymoon in Gibraltar. Best Regards, Paul Stephenson, Chair Dublin Branch.
37. RNA Moraira & District Members and their guests gathered in style at the Oliva Nova Golf Hotel Oliva, to remember Vice Admiral of The Blue, Horatio Nelson and to toast the Immortal Memory, in traditional Royal Naval custom, at a four course dinner accompanied with the appropriate wines. The meal concluding with the Passing Of The Port Ceremony, the port being passed on three occasions; The toast To The “Immortal Memory” was proposed by the branch chairman. The dinner concluded with sunset with the colours lowered, and most stayed at the hotel overnight and enjoyed an excellent breakfast before departing.'' Very many thanks, John Sanderson Hon Sec RNA Moraira & District (Spain) 0034 96 647 4532
Shortcast 789 Squad RM 50th Anniversary Reunion: - 1/11/2012 A reunion is being planned for November 2012, to be held near Northampton, to mark the 50th anniversary of the formation of 789 Squad. It would be appreciated if all former members (or their close relatives) of the squad could contact one of the addresses below, with your address details, so that if you wish to attend we can plan accordingly, or - at the very least - to put you all into contact with other members of the squad, if you so wish. It would be nice to hear from you all. Contact Brian Bartlett brianbartlett@gmx.co.uk or Allan Short allanshort@btinternet.com or Skid Barden john.barden@blueyonder.co.uk HMS Albion – 1962/64 Commission - 3/11/2012 The next reunion takes place on November 3 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea, Portsmouth. It will be 50 years to the day that Albion sailed for the Far East. Seeking shipmates from that commission, Ken Richardson, David Burton and Tony Hingston. The 2012 Devon County Festival of Remembrance: - 8/11/2012 Taking place at the Great Hall, Exeter University on November 8 at 1900. Tickets Royal British Legion Members £10. Featuring The Muster of County Standards, Band of HM Royal Marines, RM Commando Training Centre, Lympstone, The Military Wives Choir CTC Lympstone and solemn service of remembrance. Further details from HQ Devon County RBL, Aldens Business Court, 7a Chudleigh Road, Alphington, Exeter EX2 8TS or tel: 01392 273111 or 272211 Veterans Remembrance Festival - 9/11/2012 The Federation of Plymouth & District Ex-Services Associations, Veterans Remembrance Festival 2012 takes place on November 9 at Plymouth Pavilions, doors open 1845 for 1930 start. Programme includes; The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines, City of Plymouth Pipe Band, Plymouth Youth Concert Band. Children's Choir, Military Wives Choir and Cadet Unit Displays. Free entry to serving & Reserved Armed Forces and their direct families on providing Service ID Card details when booking. Tickets on sale at Pavilions Box Office 90 minutes before any shows or online at www.plymouthpavilions.com or by phone on 0845 1461460. Priced at £9.00 to include Programme and Union Flag. HMS Sirius Reunion - 10/11/2012 HMS Sirius will reunite on November 10 in Plymouth. Details available after 17 June from Andy Ayres (work) hmsexpt-xo@mod.uk or (home) andyayres@blackberry.orange.co.uk or on the website. Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) Reunion - 17/11/2012 Eddie Clamp’s final, final Communications Technician/Radio operator (Special)) reunion in Selsey takes place at the Selsey Golf Club on 17th November 2012, commencing at 1830 hrs. All those interested in attending please contact Eddie Clamp on 01243 605832 or email edward.clamp@btinternet.com. Partners and wives welcome. Rig – smart, relaxed. More details at either: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Squirrelshack/ or http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/142012109170944/ 28
The Neptune Association - 17/11/2012 Hold their next AGM at the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, Staffordshire on November 17. A short service will be held at the Memorial at noon followed by the AGM at 1345 in the Rose Room. We will remember the 836 men lost on HM ships Neptune and Kandahar on the 19 December 1941 - the Royal Navy’s 5th worst loss of life in WW2. Relatives and friends welcome. More information on the website Submarine Renown Association - 23/11/2012 2012 reunion will take place in Leicester over the weekend of November 23 to 25. Further details: Email subrenown@ntlworld.com 128 Mechanics Qualifying Course - HMS Sultan- Jan 1972 to Dec 1973. A reunion of this course is held biennially at a venue yet be decided. Any members of the above course who have not yet attended this event are most welcome; it would be good to see a few new faces from the past. If you are interested then please contact; Peter Shoesmith, Tel; 01305 826747 or email; petershoesmith318@gmail.com or Dave Batchelor on 02392 716472 email; batchdj@ntlworld.com
2013 HMS Fisgard Series 32 Reunion - 4/01/2013 A Reunion to celebrate the 55th Anniversary of Series 32 joining HMS Fisgard is planned for January 4 to 7, 2013, with a dinner on the Saturday evening. The chosen venue is the Queens Hotel in Southsea, which many will know is close to the war memorial on Southsea Common. In addition to those of us that joined as S32, we would like to extend a welcome to any other Fisgardians that may have spent a goodly part of their Part 1/Part 2 training with us, having been back-classed into our little fraternity (many long-standing friendships will have been forged during our 12-term sojourns in Fisgard, Collingwood, Caledonia and Condor). The Portsmouth area offers masses of attractions including the Spinnaker Tower/Gun wharf Quay and in the adjacent Dockyard area HMS Victory, HMS Warrior, the Mary Rose and the Maritime Museum. HMS Sultan is closed down until Jan 7th, but some may wish to extend their stay to the Monday when a visit may be arranged to the Fisgard Museum. Contact Mike Welfare at mike126@mwelfare.plus.com Russian Convoy Club (North Wales Branch) - 8/02/2013 Veterans from North Wales are having a re-union trip to Blackpool. Staying at the Edwardian hotel from February 8 to 11. Any shipmates wishing to join us please phone hotel on 01253 346 492 ASAP, and mention that you are joining North Wales Russian Convoy Club. The Penelope Association: - 22/02/2013 Annual Reunion in Blackpool from February 22 to 24. For details of membership and the reunion, contact the Secretary, Mike Bee mike.bee@ntlworld.com or the website
HMS Undine & Urchin Association - 15/03/2013 HMS Undine & Urchin Association: in company with Ursa, Ulster, Ulysses, Urania and Undaunted are holding their next reunion from 15 to 18 March 2013 at the Bosworth Hall Hotel & Spa, Market Bosworth, Warwickshire. CV13 0LP. Tel: 0871 474 2755 Website: It is a large good quality hotel. Details available from Secretary Chris Heslop chris@cheslop.plus.com Minewarfare Reunion - 16/03/2013 Minewarfare Reunion: This will be held at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth on March 16. Serving and ex Minewarfare Branch members most welcome. Full details of the event are available at the website. Tickets are £35 for Minewarfare Association Members, £40 for nonmembers/guests. Contact Taff Reader or Dixie Dean at; fost-mpv-mwotc-man@nrta.mod.uk The Double Seven Re-union – Mill Ryth- Hayling Island - 12-15 April 2013 Shipmates the next Double Seven re-union weekend will take place at MILL RYTHE Holiday Village Hayling Island and is booked for the weekend 12th -15th APRIL 2013.Total Price £96.00pp as before half board [Deposit £25.00 PP@ time of booking,] there is an option £4.00 insurance if you feel you need it] Bookings to - Katy Lansley 02392 460044 (Mill Rythe).Any Queries contact S.M. Mrs Ann Creswell by phone or Text 07743576861 - Home phone only after 1900hrs, 01962 880198 Email; don2pounds123@btinternet,com S.M. Mick Withington 91795875084 or mickRNA0603@aol.com HMS Newfoundland Veterans - 26/04/2013 HMS Newfoundland Veteran’s weekend will be held from April 26 to 29 at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea. Details available from Alan Waite alan04@live.co.uk HMS Protector Association - 26/04/2013 14th Grand Annual Reunion and AGM is to be held at The Aztec Hotel, Bristol from April 26 to 29 2013. Early booking is highly recommended. Forms and further details available from Doug Harris dougatspindrift@aol.com or downloadable in due course from the website HMS Phoebe Association - 3/05/2013 HMS Phoebe Association, Cruiser (C43) & frigate (F42): Have their annual (17th) reunion from May 3 to 6 at the Nelson Hotel, Great Yarmouth. All ex crew are welcome to join us. Please contact the secretary, Roy Pavely r.pavely@ntlworld.com HMS Fisgard Series 33 - 4/05/2013 55th Anniversary Reunion will be held at the Queens Hotel, Southsea on May 4, to celebrate the young lads who joined Fisgard on 5 May 1958, and those who dipped back into our class. There will be a pre-dinner gathering followed by the dinner. Contact Bill Rayner bilsyl@sky.com HMS Bulwark, Albion, Centaur Association - 11/05/2013 Did you serve on any of these light fleet carriers? Our association is open to anyone who served at any time on these ships. We send a magazine three times per year and run events including AGM/Social, sea trips with our current ships Albion & Bulwark and anniversary commemorations 30
at home and abroad. Whilst our ‘Home Port’ is Pompey, this year’s AGM/Social was held at the Hilton Hotel, Blackpool. Next year we will be at the Royal Beach Hotel, Southsea on May 11. We also sponsor sea cadets from our affiliated SCCs on one sail and tow motor Training Ships. Membership is all of £8 per annum. Enquiries to Leigh Easton ngsfo@tiscali.co.uk or the website Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association - 17/05/2013 Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association. The next reunion will take place at the Sherborne Hotel, Sherborne Dorset from May 17 to 20. Special arrangements are also available for those who are joining the group on an Official Association Visit to HMS Collingwood on May 21 to witness the present day training facilities. Details of the very full reunion, the Official visit and of membership of this Association for anyone who served at HMS Collingwood at any time, in any capacity such as Cooks, Stewards, Wrens, Stokers, Seamen etc. Contact Mike Crowe mike.crowe1@btinternet.com or visit the website Festival of the Forties 26th -27th 28th July 2013, We have been lucky enough to get the former airfield site at North Luffenham for next year’s festival. Yes.... It was very sad that this year’s event could not go ahead. But, lessons were very quickly learned... Things were put into place and with a group of very loyal family and friends... Festival of the Forties has risen from the ashes very quickly indeed.!!! We want you ALL to come back and give us another chance.... We are going to hold the very best new, bright and innovative 1940s festival in the UK. in 2013. With a completely blank canvas.... Lots of Hard Standing... Free Parking and new, fresh ideas. There will be Public Camping. There will be fantastic displays. The Event will be Free to all Armed Forces and Veterans all Weekend ! There will be top entertainment for you to see and hear. Plus several Invited guest Displays and Groups. We have taken the "True British Bulldog Spirit" from this year’s national events "Going for Gold" will be our slogan for the 2013 festival and to be honest..... What better way to do it!!! After last year’s very successful themed emailing campaign, we have decided to use the "Commando Comics" Front pages Theme this year and hopefully you will all enjoy them. If you require more information please contact; Matt Page, 2013 Festival of the Forties Organiser, 07771 668924 Type 42 Association Reunion – July 2013 There are plans hold the first Type 42 Association in Portsmouth – more information as it firms up. RNA Plymouth – Trafalgar Weekend -11-14 October 2013 The RNA Plymouth Bi-ennial Trafalgar Weekend will be held at the Sefton Hotel, Babbacombe from Friday 11th October to Monday 14th October 2013. Gala Dinner. Formal Dress. 2 Nights £75.00, Three Nights £110.00. Anyone wishing to attend then please get the details from: Sue Gutteridge. (01752) 849176. email: suzannegutteridge@ymail.com
RNA Longcast 4 Nov 8 Nov 11 Nov 13 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 24 Nov 25 27 Nov 8 Dec 21 Dec – 2 Jan
National Standard – CWGC Re-dedication Service - London Field of Remembrance - London Remembrance Sunday NCh and GS at Cenotaph Budget Meeting GS, Hon Tres, Accountant AMC meeting FAC Meeting Dagenham Branch annual Dinner GS National Standard – Laying up of the Burma Star Standard - Folkestone Christchurch Branch - Trafalgar Dinner National Council Meeting HQ - Closed for Xmas (Back to work on 2 Jan 2013)
14 Feb 16 Feb 23 Feb 9 Mar 24 Mar 7 Apr 9 May 24-27 May
Audit Meeting at Semaphore Tower AMC Meeting FAC Meeting – Annual Report EOY Figures – Motions deadline NC – Trustee Report and Motions for Conference SOC - Consider Motions Bourne Branch 50th celebration - NP IEST meeting at Haig House -GS Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic – Liverpool - GS National Conference - Liverpool NC, AMC and FAC SOC - Conference Wash Up AMC Meeting FAC Meeting National Council Biennial Parade (TBC) Crosby Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS Frome Branch Trafalgar Dinner - GS FAC Budget Meeting AMC Meeting FAC Meeting Budget for FY 2014 NC – Budget for FY 2014
14-16 June 14 June 16 June 17 Aug 24 Aug 7 Sep 8 Sept 19 Oct 21 Oct 12 Nov 16 Nov 23 Nov 7 Dec
Ship’s Office Area and Branch Updates Area 4
Branch Redruth & District
Change Please note that the Hon Sec S/M Jim Watkins has changed his email address to; jimwatkins12@binternet.com
Harwich & District
The monthly branch meetings will commence in November, and will meet on the last Tuesday of the month at 1930 at the new venue; The United Services Club Barrack Lane Harwich CO12 3NS Hon Sec; John Cowan john03cowan@btinternet.com
Please note that the branch now meet at the; Rose Public House High Street Biggleswade on the third Tuesday of every month at 2000hrs; Hon Sec -S/M Bob Garner 01767 681685
Merther Tydfil
The new Hon Secretary is; Fredrick A read 9 Ynysowen Cottage Cardiff Road Merthyr Vale CF48 4RX
The new Hon Sec is; Rev Duncan Harris 12 Ings lane Partington HU12 0ND Tel; 01964 630366 email; ancient.mariner64@hotmail.co.uk
Grantown on Spey
For your information, Grantown on Spey Branch will not be meeting in December, January and February. This is because of the weather, we end up having to cancel so many meetings that we decided not to meet during the winter months. We already have snow down to the bottom station of the Cairngorm and I was watching it creeping down the Cromdales yesterday. Helena (Hon Branch Secretary) (For information) please be aware the branch meeting place is the Haugh Hotel in Cromdale, which is about 3 miles from Grantown on Spey.
Swinging the Lamp November 1. 1959 2. 1966
3. 1948 4. 1994 5. 1854
6. 1778
7. 1975
8. 1916 9. 1805
10. 1928
11. 1902 12. 1992
13. 1941
14. 1988
15. 1898
16. 1693 17. 1787
RN Hospital Hong Kong transferred to the Army The first Wrens to be drafted to Singapore since the end of the Second World War left London Airport. DWRNS, Commandant Dame Margaret Drummond, saw them off. All naval chaplains entered on or after this date to wear naval uniform. Chaplains already serving to have the option of wearing naval uniform or civilian clerical attire. RN Cookery School at St Omer Barracks, Aldershot, ceased training and moved to Raleigh, Torpoint, recommencing training on 4 January 1995. Battle of Inkerman. VC: Capt William Peel and Mid Edward St John Daniel (Diamond), Lt William Nathan Wrighte Hewett (Beagle), Seamen Thomas Reeves, James Gorman, Mark Scholefield, Cpl John Prettyjohn, RMLI, the first Marine recipient of VC. Prettyjohn, having been cut off with his party by a strong Russian column and having run out of ammunition, drove off the Russians by heaving stones down the hill at them. Reeves, Gorman and Scholefield repulsed a Russian attack at Inkerman, exposing themselves to heavy fire. Admiralty ordered first two frigates with a main armament of 18-pdr guns; 12-pdrs hitherto the heaviest guns carried by frigates. Minerva built at Woolwich, Flora at Deptford. Another black day for the Royal Navy. The ‘infamous’ DCI T641/75 announced that black nylon stockings for Wrens (Vocabs 45500-05) were to be replaced by black tights. ‘BR81 and BR96 will be amended’. The Navy had not fully recovered from the withdrawal of the Rum ration in 1970 when this further blow landed. A vigorous but futile ‘Fight Tights’ campaign was led by the FAA. The black stockings calamity ‘had a devastating effect on morale’. Destroyer Zulu mined off Dunkirk (51.04N,02.04E): stern blown off. Forepart later joined to after part of Nubian, the composite destroyer being named Zubian. Three days after the news of Trafalgar reached London, Prime Minister William Pitt, in his speech at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet, said ‘England has saved herself by her exertions, and will, I trust, save Europe by her example.’ White Ensign raised on board ships of the Royal Indian Marine ‘which were fully equipped with guns’ and the RIM was given combat status. See 1 October 1934, 14 September 1939. First regulations for QARNNS published. Plans to transfer RN Operational Sea Training from Portland to Devonport and the closure of Portland Naval Base by April 1996 announced by the Armed Forces Minister. Ark Royal torpedoed by U-81 off Gibraltar (36.03N, 04.45W) while returning from Operation Perpetual. Sank next day, and might have been saved by better damage control, from which many lessons were learned. Commander HRH The Prince of Wales RN promoted captain on his 40th birthday; rear-admiral on his 50th birthday, 14 November 1998; vice-admiral on his 54th birthday, 14 November 2002, and admiral on 14 November 2006. Lt David Beatty RN, aged 27, promoted to commander in recognition of services ashore in Sudan. Promoted to captain 9 November 1900, aged 29, for services ashore in China. Promoted to rear-admiral 1 January 1910. A promising start. Bombardment of St Malo by Capt John Benbow (Norwich) with a squadron of fourth rates and bomb vessels. Warrant officers given a uniform blue coat for the first time and masters’ mates a single-breasted jacket instead of midshipman’s uniform.
18. 1911
19. 1915
20. 1935
21. 1997
22. 1857
23. 1939
24. 1939
25. 1983 26. 1921 27. 1939
28. 1914
29. 1950 30. 1816
Cdr Oliver Schwann – later Air Vice-Marshal Sir Oliver Swann (he changed his name in April 1917) – in a 35hp Avro Type D biplane became the first British aviator to take off from water – on his 33rd birthday. VC: Sqn Cdr Richard Bell-Davies, RNAS, at Ferrijik Railway junction, Bulgaria, for landing behind enemy lines while under heavy fire during an air attack to rescue a colleague who had been shot down. Admiral of the Fleet the Rt Hon. John Rushworth Jellicoe, First Earl Jellicoe and Viscount Brocas of Southampton and Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa, died. C-in-C Grand Fleet 1914–16 and at Jutland, First Sea Lord 1916 until Christmas Eve 1917, he was buried in St Paul’s Cathedral on 25 November. Royal Yacht Britannia sailed from London on last voyage to Portsmouth. Flew short payingoff pennant (227ft) in river but down-channel changed to her 412ft-long entitlement. VC: Mid Arthur Mayo, Indian Navy (received award while an undergraduate at Oxford). No. 4 Detachment, Indian Navy, defeated and dispersed a superior force of sepoy mutineers at Dacca. First German magnetic mine, Type A, located at Shoeburyness. Rendered safe by Lt-Cdr J.G.D. Ouvry and CPO C.E. Baldwin, assisted by Lt-Cdr R.C. Lewis and AB A.L. Vearncombe. First German magnetic mine, Type A, located at Shoeburyness. Rendered safe by Lt-Cdr J.G.D. Ouvry and CPO C.E. Baldwin, assisted by Lt-Cdr R.C. Lewis and AB A.L. Vearncombe. First OASIS accepted afloat, in Exeter. Luddites have construed the acronym to represent ‘Only Adds Stress In Ships and Submarines’. Foul-weather funeral rig for all officers to be greatcoat and cocked hat. RNR and RNVR officers changed their indigenous buttons to RN for first time. First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, minuted his Secretary: ‘I notice that in the Air Ministry every room is provided with candles and matches for use in emergency. Pray take steps immediately to make similar provision in the Admiralty.’ VC: Cdr Henry Peel Ritchie (Goliath) at Dar-es- Salaam during search and destroy operation. Ships: Fox, Goliath, Dupleix and Helmuth: three German ships disabled, and harbour installations wrecked. Ritchie’s was first naval VC won in the First World War. Battle of the Chosin Reservoir, Korea; 41 Independent Cdo RM present, under command of 1st US Marine Division. Later awarded the Presidential Unit citation. Trials of water tanks, fitted with syphon, advocated by Lt W. Rodger to replace casks which, with the acceptance of tanks on board, were kept for emergency watering parties – and spirits
Jack Dusty’s Corner New Slops Items As requested by many shipmates we now have available to order;
Blue jumper £25
Sleeveless jumper £23
These prices include postage and packing. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL These are encouraged for wear for branch meetings, outings etc, leaving the Blazer for more formal occasions. This Weatherproof jacket is now available from HQ. It can be embroidered with the name of your branch, which is included in the cost or whatever you want within reason, which may incur an extra charge. The jacket features a concealed hood in the collar, 2 side pockets, 1 chest pocket, inside zip and pocket and elasticated cuffs. It is available in various sizes starting at XS 34” chest up to 3XL 54” chest (for the fuller figure) A bargain at £38.00 (including VAT and postage) Give Nigel a ring at HQ and order one soonest
Polo Shirt £20
2013 Diaries To make the most of the new style of diary provided for shipmates and allow members to keep their covers and RNA insert / address book; the 2013 diary will be sold as the diary part only, price £5. If you need a complete new diary eg Cover, RNA insert and Diary, they can be ordered at a price of £8. Cost includes P&P within the UK. Orders should be sent to the address below and be accompanied either by a cheque for the total value or instructions to debit a Branch Account.
To: Royal Naval Association, Room 209 Semaphore Tower (PP70) HM Naval Base Portsmouth PO1 3LT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Order form
From: .................................................................Branch Please provide ……………… 2013 RNA insert Diaries @ £5 .00 each £ ...................... Please provide ……………… Complete 2013 Diaries @ £8 .00 each
£ ......................
TOTAL £............ Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Account No .................................. . Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ................................ Expires ..................................................... . Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………………… --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Received.................................................... Sent out.................................................
2012 Christmas Cards
Orders should be sent to HQ Semaphore Tower and be accompanied a cheque for the total value.
From: .................................................................Branch/Member Please provide.......................... Cards @ £5 per pack of 10 ............
Deliver the order to S/M………………………………………………………… Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:…………………… Find enclosed a cheque to the value of - £ ..................made out to The Royal Naval Association OR debit the ..........................................Branch for £.................. Or charge to my Credit Card/Debit Card; the details of which are: Credit Card/Debit Card Type ........... ...... Card No ................................................................... Card in the name of :................................................................. Valid From: ......................... Expires .............. Three Digit Security Code (where applicable) ............................................... Card holder’s address of different from delivery address Address ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………...... Post Code:……………………………
Britannia Adelphi Hotel
Royal Naval Association National Conference weekend
Friday June 14th --- Monday 17th June 2013 Adelphi Hotel Ranelagh Place, Liverpool L3 5UL
Hotel Accommodation Booking Form To make a reservation, simply complete this booking form and return it to the address below
Name................................................... Address.................................................. ..........................................................Postcode................................................ Tele No...........................................
RNA Branch.......................................
Type of card. MasterCard.............................
Card No...................................
Expiry date...................................
I enclose a Cheque made payable to Britannia Hotels to the value of ...£......................... THE PACKAGE RATE OF £129 per person for Three nights. Two nights £108 per person Deposit required of £20 per person The Balance of this account must be settled in full by 1st June 2013 Friday Guest check in 1430hrs onwards 3 Course table d'hôte dinner Entertainment by Area 10 Overnight En Suite Accommodation Sunday Full English Breakfast Church Service and March Past 3 Course table d'hôte dinner Entertainment provided by the Area 10 Overnight En Suite Accommodation
Saturday Full English Breakfast Conference Five Course Gala Dinner Entertainment by Area 10 Overnight En Suite Accommodation Monday Full English Breakfast Guests depart
Special Requirements i.e diet, allergies, wheelchairs Etc;................................................................................ Booking forms to be sent to Adelphi Hotel, Ranelagh Place, Liverpool L3 5UL Tel: 0151 709 7200. Persons not resident at the hotel during the above period but wish to attend the Saturday Gala Dinner (price.£25......) Please indicate number here ............. Must be paid in advance., and prior to 1st June 2013 39
FORM RNA C/3 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL PERMIT FOR A REGISTERED ROYAL NAVAL ASSOCIATION CLUB (To be submitted to RNA Headquarters by 7 December 2012) PART I 1. Name of Club in full ..............................................................................................................(a) 2. Registered Office Address ........................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... Tel.............................................Post Code...................................... 3. Premises owned by : Club/Branch/Other.................................................................................. 4. Membership as at 31 October 2012 : Life........................Full........................Assoc........................ ANNUAL PERMIT 2013 5. The Club committee hereby applies for the renewal of the Annual permit and undertakes to comply with all the conditions therein. Dated ........................ Signed by Hon Secretary................................................................ Dated ........................ Signed by Chairman....................................................................... PART II The Committee of the ................................. Branch of the Royal Naval Association has examined the above application and supports it. The present paid up membership of the branch is: Life......................Full...................Assoc...................... (a)(b) Signed by the Branch Hon Secretary............................................... Dated............................ PART III Number.......... Area in which the ....................................Branch is situated recommends that National Council approves this application. Signed by the Area Hon Secretary.....................................................................Dated.............................
PART IV This application is approved by the National Council. Signed on their behalf...................................................................
FORM RNA C/3 Notes (a)
Under Association Rule 16 the National Council requires all Branches forming a club to register it and its name with the appropriate authority through RNA headquarters, and thereafter to apply for an Annual Permit
The application for the Annual Permit should be submitted by the Club through the Branch and Area for their endorsement and onward transmission to RNA Headquarters by the 7 December 2012. If either the Branch or the Area cannot support the application, it should endeavour to resolve the reasons with the Club, but failing this should report full details to the General Secretary with a copy to the National Council member for the area.
RNA Headquarters will issue the permit dated 1 January of the following year as soon as practicable. The administrative charge is £3 which will be automatically debited to the Branch account for the quarter ending 31 December. If premises are not owned by the Branch it is a condition that adequate facilities be provided by the owner for the conduct of Branch business.
If the Hon Secretary’s address for correspondence is not the same as the Registered office for the club, this should be shown after their signature The conditions specified on the Permit as being accepted by the Club include the following:
1 All members of the Club shall be members of the Association with not less than 20 being Full and or Life members as defined by clause 9(a) of the Royal Charter. 2 The Club will, in general, do all possible to further the objects of the Association and will support and encourage the work of the Branch with which it is associated. 3 The Club will abide strictly by its registered rules which shall not be amended without the prior consent of the National Council. 4 Two copies of the audited accounts of the Club shall be forwarded to the General Secretary each year. 5 The National Council shall be entitled to appoint a representative to inspect all documents, accounts and books of the Club on giving seven days notice. 6 The national Council and the appropriate Area Committee may from time to time pay a visit of inspection to the Club. 7 The National Council can give seven days written notice of cancellation of the permit and the Club shall thereupon cease to use the words “Royal Naval Association” in the title of the Club.
NOMINATION FORM ELECTION OF MEMBERS AND DEPUTY MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL COUNCIL (June 2012 to June 2014)(Revised RNA Bye-Law 7) For the attention of All Branch Secretaries in Areas. 2,6,7,8,9,11 Scotland
Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member from any Branch within its own Area, as a Candidate for election to the National Council, and one full or full life member for election as the Deputy National Council Member subject to the approval of the Branch to which both persons belong. (See Note Below) Name of Nominee NCM...............................................DNCM................................................. Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee NCM……………………………………........................................................................................... DNCM........................................................................................................................................... Brief history of nominees in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary NCM
Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ............................................(dated) Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ...........................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many National Council Meetings as is possible and to sit on any Committees to which I may be elected.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR NATIONAL COUNCIL and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 22nd February 2013. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot 42
PROPOSED MOTIONS AND AMENDMENTS FOR ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2013 Proposals must reach The General Secretary by 1600 22nd February 2013 Name of Proposing Branch: ........................................................................................... Motion / amendment
Explanation of the Motion / Amendment (Notes for Conference)
I certify that this Motion / Amendment represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will propose it to the Annual Conference. Signed: ...........................................Hon. Secretary: ...........................................Date In seconding this Motion / Amendment I certify that it represents the views of the Members of this Branch, approved at a Branch meeting by at least two thirds of those members at the meeting. If accepted, the branch delegate will second it at the Annual Conference. Seconded By: ..................................... Branch. Signed ...........................................Hon Secretary ...............................................Date Notes a. A separate form is required for each Motion or Amendment b. A manuscript copy is acceptable for additional Motions or Amendments if the printed form is not available. c. The Motion or Amendment should be as short and precise as possible avoiding ambiguity. A Motion should normally start with the word `THAT' d. The explanation is to assist the Standing Orders Committee in understanding the intention behind the Motion so that they may be able to consider acceptance and the wording under Rule 15. e. Motions may be submitted at any time but must reach the General Secretary by 22nd February 2013. f. Motions of Extreme Urgency should reach the General Secretary not less than 48 hours before Conference. (In accordance with Standing Orders S8(7) as amended at 1996 Conference.) g. Amendments to Motions should also normally reach the General Secretary not less than 7 days before Conference. However they can be submitted in writing direct to the Standing Orders Committee during Conference. h. Bye-Laws - Under Rule 19 only the National Council may make a Bye-Law. A Motion to Conference may propose that a Bye-Law be set aside or it may ask the Council to consider making or amending a Bye-Law. i. The Branch Proposing a Motion must have it Seconded by another Branch before forwarding it to the General Secretary (as carried at item 4 of 1995 Conference.)
Nominations for Standing Orders Committee 2013 For the attention of All Branch Secretaries To reach the General Secretary no later than 1600 22nd February 2013 Two members of the Standing Orders Committee are to be elected at Conference 2013, those standing down are eligible to be re-elected. (S/M Peatling and S/M Lyons). Each Branch may nominate one full or full life member as a Candidate for election to the Standing Orders Committee, subject to the approval of the Branch to which the candidate belongs. A nil return is not required. Name of Nominee ................................................................................................ Proposed by Branch ....................................................................... Area .......................... Address of Nominee …………………………………….......................................................................................................... ..................................e-mail ....................................................
Brief history of nominee in the Association. Continue on separate sheet if necessary
Branch Chairman ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) Branch Secretary ...................................................... (signed) ......................................(dated) ___________________________________________________________________________ If the Candidate by the proposing Branch is not a member of that Branch, this section is to be completed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Candidate's own Branch. Candidate's Branch ......... ............................................................................ We certify the acceptance of the nomination by the Candidate’s Branch. Signature of Chairman (Candidate's Branch) ............................................................................. Signature of Secretary (Candidate's Branch) .............................................................................. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Candidate I accept the nomination and promise to attend as many Standing Orders Committee Meetings as is possible.
Signature of Candidate Dated ___________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Forms The envelope containing this completed form should be marked NOMINATIONS FOR STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE and must reach RNA HQ no later than 1600 22nd February 2013. Only one nomination is needed for a candidate to be included in the ballot. Nominations received after the deadline will not be included in the Ballot.
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Book orders: Kingston University Press, Room 310, Main Building, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston on Thames KT1 2EE email fasskup@kingston.ac.uk