The Moorings, Issue #25

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3 August 2016

Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy


Rayleigh Branch members; shipmates Alan White, Tony Reekie, Phil Edwards and Cliff Severn at the new War Memorial in Thundersley Village on 22 July 2016 (photo courtesy of Kerry Green Photography).

Incorporated by Royal Charter



Cover story… A community celebrated the opening of a memorial Thundersley residents were joined by councillors and the MP Rebecca Harris to mark the opening of the memorial in Dark Lane, Thundersley. Julie Ebbs, Secretary of the Thundersley Memorial Trust said the event went really well. She added: “The event was attended by over 100 people and enjoyed a lot of interest. We must thank Essex County Council for a grant of £8,000 which helped build it”. From the Trust’s Facebook page…

The Thundersley Memorial Trust has been formed to refocus efforts to install a fitting public memorial. Plans are now in place for a new Memorial to be erected in the heart of Thundersley village. The Memorial is intended to be the focal point for anyone that wishes to commemorate loved ones lost or affected by all conflicts, past or future. The Monument is expected to cost in the region of £6,000 in total. Therefore, The Trust has formed a committee to fundraise then source, supply and arrange siting of a remembrance Memorial.

Extract from the Semaphore Circular August 2016 Dear Shipmate, Welcome to the August Circular – well what a four weeks since my last introduction! The referendum result announced and wholesale change of leaders at the top, including the Prime Minister. Much more important, however, is the fact that summer has arrived and we have been enjoying some lovely warm days. Portsmouth has been a-buzz with the America Cup races, with a narrow win for Team GB. I had the great privilege to represent the RNA at the National Armed Forces Day event at Cleethorpes. Over 200,000 turned up for 2 days of events and the main parade salute was taken by the Duke of Kent and David Cameron when he was PM! A big Bravo Zulu to the excellent turn-out of RNA standards and marchers in the 100-strong naval squad. Also a big BZ to S/Ms Steve Caulfield, Keith Crawford and Yvonne Crawford at the RNA gazebo. Steve nabbed a brilliant spot and Keith spent the whole weekend folding the extremely popular RNA hats. The Branch news section has some great reports on AFD in the main regional centres – a big thank you for representing the RNA and the Royal Navy on this important day. I have had the privilege of presenting to the massed Warrant Officers of the RNR three Saturdays ago, I extended a warm invitation for Reservists to join the RNA – and to be candidates on our successful Shipmates and Oppos programme. It was good to hear that many of them knew their local RNA and wanted to work closely.

Some post Conference details: ► A welcome to S/M Dave Ambrose onto the National Council as the new NCM for 5 Area. I have met and briefed Dave, who is a most enthusiastic and experienced RNA shipmate. ► The annual subscriptions go up to £14 with effect from 1 January 17. I know some branches like to pay subs early, but if you do it will have to be at the new rate, no discount for early payment I am afraid. ► The admin charge introduced for the Certificate of Appreciation will not come into effect until the Privy Council has approved the changes to the Rules passed at Conference. I will let you know when that is, but will not be before the beginning of October ► The NC is VERY keen that the new admin charge for the CoA should not stop someone being put forward because of cost reasons. Branch secretaries needing help should contact their NCM, with the application, for assistance from the Club and Branch Support Fund. ► I have now produced the Conference minutes and these will be e-mailed to you with this Circular. Hard copy to those branches still off-line. The minutes are also available on the website at conference-minutes/ On the subject of Conferences, I am aware that some branches are concerned about getting to Perth for the 2017 Conference. Final details are to be decided, but we hope to run coaches to Perth using CONA Travel Services. We will have to see what the demand is. Our first thoughts are to run coaches from Portsmouth and Plymouth (possibly more) with pick up points on the way. Delegates will not be charged to travel on the coach and observers and others will have a subsidised fare (not yet known what it will be). Please Contact CONA travel to register interest, use the contact details on the Conference booking Form, telephone is 01603 886742. Once we have an idea that this could be a runner from your registration of interest, then we will harden up on the details. More info in next month’s circular. But please give them a ring asap so we can book the coaches, if this is wanted by the membership.

Each branch should have received a hard copy mailing with details and applications for iPads under Project Semaphore. Please read the article in this Circ. I would ask branch and Area Welfare Officers to really get weaving on encouraging volunteers to sign up and candidates who want an iPad to apply. I’d also like to draw your attention to the article from SAIL, the Sailors Advice Line. This successful service has now been extended to serving and veterans members of the Naval Service. This is accredited by the Citizens Advice Service, and means that you can get top quality advice on the phone for free. You will also be receiving a mailing regarding a new veterans counselling service being run by our partners at Blind Vets UK. This is for everyone, not just for those with vision issues. This might be for you if you have suffered traumatic stress during your service, bereavement, divorce or other major loss. This is a top quality programme and the RNA is partners in its delivery with BVUK. A reminder that we are in the summer leave period and the team is depleted between now and September. In particular Nigel conducts a number of CCF leadership camps and is not around for slops or membership queries. May I ask you please to hold off if you can? If not then we will do our best, but we cannot manage Nigel’s exceptional 24-hour turnaround service. Finally, we will do a Circ for September, but not for October, since Andy is off on leave. All the best from me and the Central Office (HQ) team Paul Quinn General Secretary

Pirates Land at the Museum of Power!

Shipmate Dave Mead led an invasion of Pirates at the Langford Pumping Station’s “Museum of Power” near Maldon in Essex on Sunday 26 June. Dave took a break from his role as the Welfare Officer for Rayleigh Branch to keep adults and children entertained at the family fun day. Dave Spends much of his spare time with s/m Alan Walker (Basildon Branch President) building and maintaining a model village at the Museum.


Bob Hill

01268 780449


Jim Hammond

01268 414616

Vice Chairman:

Terry Barker

01268 456165

Hon. Secretary

Gary Daisley

01268 555570

Hon. Treasurer:

Margaret Day

01702 524561

Membership Secretary:

Bill Vernon

01268 772775 Contact details

Standard Bearer:

Dave Bishop

available 01268 770521on request.

Welfare Officer:

Dave Mead

01702 307922

Social Secretary:

Iain Hendry

01268 655800


Jack Harrison

01268 743100


Revd. Canon Mike Lodge

01268 742151

PR Officer:


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