1 February 2017
Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy
S/M Alan Iles to receive his Legion of Honour medal at a ceremony in Rayleigh on Friday 3 February.
Incorporated by Royal Charter
Bob Hill
01268 780449
Jim Hammond
01268 414616
Vice Chairman:
Terry Barker
01268 456165
Hon. Secretary:
Gary Daisley
01268 555570
Hon. Treasurer:
Margaret Day
01702 524561
Membership Secretary:
Bill Vernon
01268 772775
Standard Bearer:
Dave Bishop
01268 770521
Welfare Officer:
Dave Mead
01702 307922
Social Secretary:
Audrey Blomfield
01268 781116
Jack Harrison
01268 743100
Revd. Canon Mike Lodge
01268 742151
PR Officer:
BRANCH DETAILS Bank Details: HSBC Rayleigh Royal Naval Association Rayleigh Branch. A/C: 81065955 Sort Code: 40-38-24. Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). 2
From the front page: A Legion of Honour medal (Légion d’honneur), is to be presented to S/M Alan Iles during a ceremony at the Royal British Legion in Rayleigh on Friday 3 February at 10am. The French government has been awarding the Légion d’honneur to D-Day veterans from many different countries for several years as a way of honouring and thanking those who fought and risked their lives to secure France’s liberation during the Second World War. On the 70th anniversary of D-Day in June 2014, the French President announced that the distinction would be awarded to all British veterans who fought for the liberation of France during the Second World War (veterans must have taken part in military operations in France between 1944 and 1945). Since June 2014, more than 4,100 medals have been awarded. S/M Alan Iles has been a Full member of Rayleigh RNA since its inauguration in 1986 and is one of our longest serving members.
Just for the record... 2017 sees the following shipmates celebrate more than 25 years as members of Rayleigh Branch RNA. Bob Hill (1992), Bill Pye (1991), Len Hobbs (1987), Alan Iles, Roy Swain and Anthony Paxton (1986). The following shipmates celebrate more than 15 years membership; Joan Crick, Margaret Day and Les Holyome (2002), Jack Harrison (2001), Helen Hill (1997), Audrey Blomfield and George Sage (1994). Celebrating more than 10 years RNA membership are; Jean Barker, Iain Hendry, Dave Mead and Harry Potter (2007), Lilly Irons (2006), Harry Irons (2005), Dave Bishop and Terry Barker (2004) and Cherry Ablitt and Joan Sage (2003). Well done to you all! 3
The Falklands conflict - 35 years on
1:72 scale models and terrain by S/M Gary Daisley
On 8 June 1982, four ‘Grupo-5’ Skyhawks flew their second mission of the day each loaded with a single 500lb anti-shipping bomb. At the mouth of Choiseul Sound, the Argentinian pilot Vazquez finds the HMS Fearless landing craft (L-703 Foxtrot 4) and hits it with one bomb which explodes and sinks the craft. The British Harrier Combat Air Patrol (CAP) then discovers the Skyhawks and dives at high speed towards the Argentine formation. British Flt Lt. Dave Morgan in the Harrier ZA177 shoots down a Skyhawk with a Sidewinder missile and the pilot is killed. A second Sidewinder from Morgan destroys C-228 flown by Vazquez and he is killed. A third Skyhawk is also shot down by cannon fire from Morgan or a missile from a second Harrier. Only one Skyhawk escaped the attack by the British CAP and left the area. It was very very low on fuel and a KC-130H Tanker had to fly into the British CAP to refuel the fighter. Both the tanker and Skyhawk were able to return to base. Diary Date:
Rettendon ‘Living Memorial’ Rededication Tuesday 8 August 2017 Service starts at 12:00 (noon) 4
AGM photo call Digital photos will be taken at tonight’s AGM (1 February). After the event, the images will be available by email (free of charge). However, if you would like colour prints of your photos, orders will be taken at the following Branch meeting on 15 February.
Leather RNA key rings A small number of ‘limited edition’ RNA key fobs will be available to buy at tonight’s Branch AGM. They feature an acrylic RNA logo set in a ’roped’ stainless steel surround on a leather backing, with a stainless steel spiral ring. Priced at just £3 each, get ‘em while you can! See S/M Gary Daisley. 5
Slimy Pollywogs and Trusty Shellbacks The Royal Navy is chock full of myth and tradition, and what happens at sea even affects our language. Many naval traditions, from the Sirens and Sea Monsters of the Odyssey to the boatswain’s call, date back hundreds and even thousands of years. The Line Crossing Ceremony might just be the most interesting of today’s naval traditions. No-one is really sure when or how the Line Crossing Ceremony, “Order of Neptune”, came about. The ritual dates back at least 400 years in Western seafaring. The ceremony observes a mariner’s transformation from slimy Pollywog, a seaman who hasn’t crossed the equator, to trusty Shellback, also called a Son or Daughter of Neptune. It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. When a ship crosses the equator, King Neptune comes aboard to exercise authority over his domain and to judge charges brought against Pollywogs that they are only posing as sailors and haven’t paid proper homage to the God of the sea. High ranking members of the crew and those who have been Shellbacks the longest dress up in elaborate costume and each play the part of King Neptune’s court. For instance, the ship’s captain might play the part of King Neptune himself. What proceeds is a day of festivities, which builds camaraderie among the seafaring crew. Many accounts dwell only on the final, elaborate ceremony that takes place on the day a ship traverses the equator, but the month leading up to King Neptune’s arrival, when the Pollywogs are separated off from the Shellbacks, is also significant. The Shellbacks plan the coming festivities, but they also spend the entire month taunting the Pollywogs until a mock mutiny is staged by them on the day before the Equator crossing (Pollywog Day).
A typical “Crossing the line” certificate from King Neptune’s Court: