The Moorings, Issue #40

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15 March 2017

Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy


Shipmates Jim Hammond (pictured) and Gary Daisley undergo iPad training at the Strand iStore in London.

Incorporated by Royal Charter




Bob Hill

01268 780449


Jim Hammond

01268 414616

Vice Chairman:

Terry Barker

01268 456165

Hon. Secretary:

Gary Daisley

01268 555570

Hon. Treasurer:

Margaret Day

01702 524561

Membership Secretary:

Bill Vernon

01268 772775

Standard Bearer:

Dave Bishop

01268 770521

Welfare Officer:

Dave Mead

01702 307922

Social Secretary:

Audrey Blomfield

01268 781116


Mike Sandbrook

01702 801103


Revd. Canon Mike Lodge

01268 742151

PR Officer:


BRANCH DETAILS Bank Details: HSBC Rayleigh Royal Naval Association Rayleigh Branch. A/C: 81065955 Sort Code: 40-38-24. Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). 2

From the front page: Shipmates Jim Hammond and Gary Daisley embarked on iPad training supported by Project Semaphore, to assist members who may be digitally isolated from their Branch. Jim has already identified that shipmate and Branch Treasurer Margaret Day is to be the first recipient of his newly acquired knowledge. Meanwhile, Gary Daisley is to commence training of three shipmates local to the Rayleigh Branch within the next few weeks. The training was delivered by the aptly named Nicki Wise, who was brought in by Sharon Brown, Project Manager for RNA HQ and tasked with delivering the program. Gary Daisley will be supporting the project within south Essex initially, possibly extending this to Norfolk also.

Gary Daisley & Jim Hammond enjoying a pre-training coffee in the Strand (London) with Sarah Clewes from CONA and Sharon Brown from RNA HQ.


Extract from the Semaphore Circular March 2017. We have only had one bomb scare in the last week, as the dredgers for the HMS Queen Elizabeth move to deepen the central harbour area and the berthing pocket. Chatting to the Naval Base Commander last week, the preparations in Portsmouth Dockyard are going very well, with new logistics buildings completing each week and the major jetty work almost done. I hope you are enjoying the new look Semaphore Circular. We have been very lucky to have several days (free) help from the COBSEO Communications expert, Alice Farrow. The Circular is now much easier to use electronically, with hyper-links to make navigation easier and also with a modern slick look. May I please BEG all Branch Secretaries to pass the Circular out electronically to all Branch and club members, as well as covering the essentials at the Branch meeting. We put a lot of effort into producing an up-to-date and informative publication each month for the whole RNA and it is vital that it gets out. A big thank you to many Branches for getting their year-end returns in to us, don’t forget that at the same time you should complete your on-line form at the Charity Commission, a very easy and quick process for those with income under £5,000 in the year. You will be pleased to hear that I have my nose to the grindstone preparing the RNA’s annual report for the National Council on 11 March. I will be sending you a hard copy when it’s approved with the Conference Agenda and raffle tickets in time for your April meeting. Project Semaphore, the iPads for naval veterans without regular personal access to the internet is going along at a fast pace. Training in London, Harrogate and Hereford starts this weekend, when volunteers will receive their own iPad’s and those for their 4

candidates. I would love to see more applications for these iPads. I know from feedback than some Branches are not aware of this exciting programme. Can I please ask that all Branch Secretaries cover it at their next meeting. New applications to Libor Minibuses. We have ordered the three buses from a company in Essex and hope to have one or more at Perth for you to see and try out. The company does the adaption for a wheelchair hydraulic ramp. We will need a few RNA members to come on the build visit to see the buses and talk about fitting out. If interested give Nigel a ring. Some more bits and pieces: We had an excellent visit to Perth, for a planning meeting for the Conference on 3 June. Bookings have been coming in at a good pace. We think that some are making their own arrangements for accommodation (which is fine), but are not yet booked for the Gala Dinner on the Saturday night. You will not be able to get a ticket on the night and in fact you need to book the Gala dinner straight away with CONA travel and by 15 April. Don’t forget to get your conference delegate booked in asap. Please pass the word about the Biennial Parade on 10 September to your Branch and any local naval associations. This is a day for all Naval Associations and is a great reunion too. Kindest regards from the Central Office team Paul Quinn General Secretary

Diary Date:

RNA vs RBL Darts Match Friday 5 May 2017 First arrows at 8pm - free admission Royal British Legion, London Hill, Rayleigh. 5

Semaphore Circular The March issue of Semaphore Circular from HQ is now available to download from the RNA website at

Quiz Night Winners Congratulations to the ladies team for winning the RNA Quiz Night on 15 February for the second time in a row. Their collective skill and knowledge again beat the men’s teams without even breaking into a sweat. Well done ladies!

Diary Date:

GAMESHOW GAMES NIGHT!!! Friday 19 May 2017 (8pm) ÂŁ7 tickets from Mike Sandbrook 6

WRNS100 Anniversary Celebration Press Release from Stowmarket RNA WRNS100 is on the evening of Friday 5 May at the RBL Club in Stowmarket, with Stowmarket RNA hosting the event. The event is to not only celebrate the 100th anniversary of the formation of the WRNS, but also to recognise the role of the WRNS and demonstrate the way in which they have helped define the opportunities for women in today’s Royal Navy. We will also be recognising the same of women in both the Army and RAF, as well as the home-keepers who support their loved ones, particularly when they are away on operations or deployment. As you can see, the slant is very much towards the women, but this doesn’t of course restrict the men from accompanying / attending. The evening will include a buffet, though I cannot confirm at this time what charge there may be. We would ask those attending to arrive at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. If there is sufficient interest to attend this event, Rayleigh Branch will organise a coach for its members.

HMS Belfast Visit Plans are now underway to establish the feasibility, cost and timing for a Rayleigh Branch visit to HMS Belfast, the Royal Navy light cruiser permanently moored in London on the River Thames. Diary Date:

Mess Deck Supper Friday 14 July 2017 (8pm) Tickets on sale from Audrey Blomfield. 7


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