26 April 2017
Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy
Shipmates Terry Barker, Tony Reekie, Jim Hammond, Dave Bishop, Gary Daisley and Phil Edwards at the Southend Naval & Military Club.
Incorporated by Royal Charter
Bob Hill
01268 780449
Jim Hammond
01268 414616
Vice Chairman:
Terry Barker
01268 456165
Hon. Secretary:
Gary Daisley
01268 555570
Hon. Treasurer:
Margaret Day
01702 524561
Membership Secretary:
Bill Vernon
01268 772775
Standard Bearer:
Dave Bishop
01268 770521
Welfare Officer:
Dave Mead
01702 307922
Social Secretary:
Audrey Blomfield
01268 781116
Mike Sandbrook
01702 801103
Revd. Canon Mike Lodge
01268 742151
PR Officer:
BRANCH DETAILS Bank Details: HSBC Rayleigh Royal Naval Association Rayleigh Branch. A/C: 81065955 Sort Code: 40-38-24. Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). 2
From the front page: Rayleigh Branch members joined the Southend Branch of the Royal Society of Saint George for it’s annual St.George’s Day Parade and Church Service on Sunday 23 April. The short march from the Naval & Military club, along the Royal Terrace and into Church Road ended at St.John the Baptist’s Church. Here, the combined Standards formed a guard of honour for the assembled ranks of veterans and cadets as they entered the chapel which was built in 1840. The motivational drumhead service included bible readings and passages from ‘Genesis’ and ‘Revelations’. Rousing hymns including ‘I vow to thee my country’ and (of course) ‘Jerusalem’ were supported by the Southend Boys’ and Girls’ Choirs. On the way to the church, the ranks of veterans were infiltrated by one of the St.George officials, who unfortunately, lacked the ability to march in-step, to recognise that he was out-of-step, or the ability to change step once pointed out. On the return to the Naval & Military Club we made him march on his own and surprisingly, remained perfectly in-step all the way! The parade finished with a short address by the Worshipful Mayor Judith McMahon, Sir David Amess MP and James Duddridge MP.
Uckers Update The next Uckers training night will be held on Wednesday 24 May. Jim Hammond has promised to keep the meeting part of the evening as short as possible to help give as much time as possible for the training. Invitations will be sent to Basildon, Southend, Chelmsford, Brentwood, Romford and Dagenham RNA Branches to invite shipmates along to join the training. This is in preparation for a future RNA (only) Uckers tournament, which is planned for later this year.
A Night at the Museum Shipmate Bill Vernon has arranged a very special visit for Rayleigh Branch to visit the Rayleigh Town Museum on Wednesday 21 June. Starting at 7:30pm, Mike Davies, (Chairman of the Rayleigh Town Museum) will give us a talk about the museum and show us around some of its many artefacts. Mike Davies has been a frequent visitor to Rayleigh Branch over the years, presenting interesting talks and slideshows from his archives. It’s now our turn to return the compliment and find out what he and his team have been up to at their new museum above Pizza Express at 91 High Street, next to Rayleigh Lanes indoor market. 4
Project Semaphore Continues Shipmate Ken Rydings (HQ Roll), seen here with his wife Deirdre, nearing completion of his iPad training at their home in Orsett. The iPad was supplied as part of the Project Semaphore initiative from the Royal Naval Association as a lifeline to liberate the digitally isolated. Let’s see how quickly we can get him on to Facebook! Ken previously served on board HMS Anson as Quartermaster during his time as a National Serviceman in the RN. Les Holyome also received part one of his training from Gary Daisley on Monday 24 April. Further applications for iPads under the Project Semaphore scheme have been sent by Jim Hammond on behalf of shipmates Phil Edwards, Alan White and Cliff Severn. Sharon Brown from HQ will shortly be advising if their applications have been successful. Project Semaphore volunteer and trainer shipmate Gary Daisley said that he was pleasantly surprised at how easily the candidates have taken to the new technology. 5
Diary Date:
HMS Belfast Branch Visit Friday 28 April 2017 Coach & admission £33 Tickets from S/M Mike Sandbrook Timings as follows: 09:15 - Coach pick up from Rayleigh Weir 09:25 - Coach picks up from Royal British Legion. 10:45 - Coach arrives at Tooley Street (Near HMS BELFAST). 10:55 - Muster on jetty (Mike Sandbrook will acquire tickets). 10:55 - Met by Wally Filby ex-HMS BELFAST rating (1962-63). 11:00 - Commence tour. 14:45 - Muster on jetty for walk back to coach.
Diary Date:
RNA vs RBL Darts Match Friday 5 May 2017 First arrows at 8pm - free admission Royal British Legion, London Hill, Rayleigh. Names to Dave Bishop as soon as possible please (all welcome).
Diary Date:
GAMESHOW GAMES NIGHT Friday 19 May 2017 (8pm) £7 tickets from Audrey Blomfield A fantastic night of fun and games has been arranged by Dave Smith. Tickets cost £7 and will include a six game bingo book. There will be Higher and Lower, Open the Box, Roll-a-coin and a raffle. All are welcome to attend so bring all your friends and family with you. Tickets on sale now. 6
Diary Date:
Mess Deck Supper Friday 14 July 2017 (8pm) Tickets on sale from Audrey Blomfield.
Diary Date:
Rettendon ‘Living Memorial’ Re-dedication Service Tuesday 8 August 2017 Service starts at 12 noon.
Diary Date:
Rayleigh Branch RNA Formal Mess Dinner Saturday 19 August 2017 The Saxon Hall, Aviation Way Rochford, SS2 6UN. Tickets £40. Names to Mike Sandbrook as soon as possible to reserve your seats. (all welcome). Max. 10 seats per table. £40 per person. Tickets on sale now.
The planning for our annual Mess Dinner is going well. Booking forms were given out in March (more available if required), and need to be completed and handed back with payment (£40.00 each) ASAP. The closing date for RNA Members will be 30 April 2017, at which point if there are spaces left the book will open to other Branches.
Diary Date:
RACE NIGHT!!! Friday 8 September 2017 (8pm) £TBA tickets from Mike Sandbrook. 7