7 June 2017
Core Values: Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism & Comradeship - Once Navy, always Navy
Shipmates Jim Hammond, Dave Mead, Dave Bishop, Terry Barker and Tom Hurley getting to grips with the Mk3 training boards and revised RNA Rules in spite of the sweltering heat and ineffective air conditioning.
Incorporated by Royal Charter
Bob Hill
01268 780449
Jim Hammond
01268 414616
Vice Chairman:
Terry Barker
01268 456165
Hon. Secretary:
Gary Daisley
01268 555570
Hon. Treasurer:
Margaret Day
01702 524561
Membership Secretary:
Bill Vernon
01268 772775
Standard Bearer:
Dave Bishop
01268 770521
Welfare Officer:
Dave Mead
01702 307922
Social Secretary:
Audrey Blomfield
01268 781116
Mike Sandbrook
01702 801103
Revd. Canon Mike Lodge
01268 742151
PR Officer:
BRANCH DETAILS Bank Details: HSBC Rayleigh Royal Naval Association Rayleigh Branch. A/C: 81065955 Sort Code: 40-38-24. Meeting Venue: Royal British Legion 2 London Hill, Rayleigh SS6 7HP Tel: 01268 776503 Meeting Dates: Fortnightly (see back cover). 2
From the front page Wednesday 24 May saw our second Uckers training night. Word had obviously spread that this was a board game worth learning (or re-learning for those who’d played before). Invitations had been sent to Basildon, Brentwood, Dagenham, Romford & Hornchurch and Southend Branches to join us this time and we were delighted to see 32 players (plus supporters) turn up for the event.
It was a long way from the deck game played on board HMS Verity during WW2, but it was played with just as much vigour and enthusiasm. Roll on 20 December for our first ever Uckers tournament!
Terry’s Travels Shipmate Terry Barker has been on his holidays again (all right for some)! This time he’s been to the Greek island of Crete looking into some of its wartime history. Here’s what he found out… The Naval battle for Crete covered the period from April to June 1941 and fell into two phases, the evacuation from Greece to Crete then the evacuation from Crete. These operations involved virtually the whole of the Mediterranean Fleet. Suda Bay was used as a base for the Navy and a staging post to repatriate troops to Egypt. By 3 May the evacuation of Greece was concluded with about 50,000 men taken off, much of the time under severe air attacks. On 20 May the anticipated attack on Crete began with a bomb attack, followed for the first time in history, by paratroopers and gliders also seaborne invasion forces. The main role for the Navy was to intercept and destroy the seaborne forces. Admiral Cunningham had two battleships, eight cruisers, and 17 destroyers in the vicinity of Crete that morning. The ships were dived into five task groups and ordered to close Crete. From 2131 May all groups came under heavy and constant air attacks many Navy ships were either sunk or damaged. On 27 May the decision was made to evacuate the Army from the island, estimated to be 22,000 men. With continuous heavy air attacks the last evacuation took place on the night of 31 May with 6,500 men left ashore. Total casualties: 1,032 dead, 1,244 missing presumed killed in action and 488 wounded. 54 warships participated in the battle and only 20 were not lost or damaged. 4
Gameshow Games Night Report Despite being sparsely attended by branch members, the fun evening hosted by shipmates Eddie Dray and Dave Smith still managed to raise over ÂŁ400 for branch funds. Well done and thank you for those that gave generously on the evening and made it a success.
Shipmates in action - Eddie Dray playing his cards right and (below) Dave Smith getting his numbers right.
Extract from the Semaphore Circular June 2017. Welcome from a warm and sunny Portsmouth. I write this as we observe a minute’s silence for the events in Manchester this week. A sobering reminder of the changing threats we face in our land. The heightened security state has seen armed soldiers guarding the dockyard entrance gates and a more visible presence. Please take all precautions in public places. We also face a General Election on 8 June. The RNA is not a party political organisation but we are allowed by the Charter to be passionate advocates for the Royal Navy. Therefore do press your election candidates on their plans for the Royal Navy and press for at least 2% for the Defence budget. We had a great Open Day on 12 May with Christchurch, Edinburgh, St Neots and HQ roll members. The highlight was the return from a nine month deployment of HMS Daring, with Shipmates allowed to join families on the jetty. I did notice that several (including our NCh) took advantage of the subsidised bar to buy a pint! After lots of planning and preparation our first LIBOR bus is nearly ready. Sarah Clewes and I visited Stanford Coachbuilders yesterday to inspect our first bus and to get some pictures for Conference. I am absolutely delighted with the quality of finish, the ease of operation of the wheelchair lift and the crisp RNA logo. There are a number of tests to be done and registration before delivery, but we plan to have all three at the Biennial Parade in September. We have secured some great registration numbers SM17RNA (Shipmate 17), SM10RNA and RN10RNA. The buses will be based in Salford (with Alan McGrath), Central Office and Liskeard Branch (under the supervision of 4 Area). Booking and other details shortly. 6
Project Semaphore bounds on apace with iPads now delivered to the Royal Star and Garter home at Surbiton for naval veterans and training in Holyhead. Please contact us if you have a naval veteran who does not have regular personal access to the internet. Preparations are now all but compete for our Conference at the Station Hotel in Perth. It is a great venue and the City will be making us feel very welcome. We shall be parading through the city centre to St John’s Kirk. I greatly look forward to meeting lots of old friends there. Finally the dredging in Portsmouth Harbour, new electrical substation and new Princess Royal Jetty are all complete and CO staff enjoyed a tour of the facilities (in torrential rain). They are very impressive arrangements and now under strict security. Kindest regards from the Central Office team, Paul Quinn
RNA and Naval Associations Biennial Parade The RNA / Naval Associations Biennial Parade will be held at Whitehall on Sunday 10 September 2017. The Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral Jonathon Woodcock OBE has confirmed as the Guest of Honour and the VIP party will include the Minister for the Armed Forces, Rt Hon Mike Penning MP, Flick Drummond MP, (Portsmouth South), Captain Andy Jordan ADC Royal Navy, Commanding Officer HMS Collingwood and Mrs Gillian Molyneux and her daughter Bethany, Mrs Molyneux is the widow of Lt Cdr Dean Molyneux who was killed whilst serving in HMS Astute. It is envisaged that that over 500 personnel both Veterans and Serving will be on parade. As well as representatives from the many naval associations, including from Belgium and the Republic of Ireland. Trainees from HMS Sultan and HMS Collingwood will parade, as will members of the Sea Cadet Corps. Music will be provided by the volunteer band from HMS Collingwood. 7
Project Semaphore continues Shipmates Phil Edwards and Cliff Severn continue to receive 1-to -1 training. Phil was fascinated with the inbuilt forward-facing camera for taking selfies and Skype, whilst Cliff came a little unstuck whilst playing with the Settings controls and somehow managed to invert all of his screen colours and remove his email application software (all part of the learning curve - well done all).
Shipmate Alan White has now joined the ranks of the iPad initiated and is making great leaps to catch up with the others. Meanwhile, Les Holyome’s skill levels go from strength to strength. Now if I can just get them all team to link up on Skype! 8
Shipmate Alan White, joining the ranks of the iPad initiated.
Chatham Dockyard Visit - Thursday 6 July Continuing on from our very successful visit to HMS Belfast, we are now putting together a visit to Chatham Dockyard. This is a fantastic nautical/historical day out with much to see including HMS Ocelot, the last Submarine built at Chatham Dockyard for the Royal Navy, HMS Cavalier, the last surviving WW2 Destroyer and HMS Gannet, a sailing ship, the ropery that is still used today and many other attractions. The price for this visit (entry and coach travel) will be between £32 to £37 depending on how many people attend. The concession ticket price for entry is £19.50 but is valid for a year. Obviously those less able bodied may not be able to visit the submarine or ships, but the Dockyard has made extensive efforts to be as accessible as possible. Pick up will be around 09:00 and the coach will leave Chatham Dockyard at 17:00. S/M Mike Sandbrook will be taking names for those wishing to attend on Wednesday 7 June 2017. 9
Guess Who? Can anyone put a name to this handsome chap’s face? There aren’t any prizes for guessing correctly, it’s just for fun! As a clue, our mystery junior rating has been a regular attendee at Rayleigh Branch meetings since joining in 2004 and recently joined us on our visit to HMS Belfast. The answer will be published in the next issue of The Moorings. Last issue’s Guess Who was Shipmate Phil Edwards.
Diary dates Following the success of the recent Branch visit to HMS Belfast, further day trips are currently being planned by Shipmate Mike Sandbrook. More details to be published as soon as available.
Chatham Historic Dockyard Thursday 6 July 2017
IWM DUXFORD Tuesday 12 September 2017
Diary Date:
Mess Deck Supper Friday 14 July 2017 (8pm) Tickets on sale from Audrey Blomfield at £11 each. Diary Date:
Rettendon ‘Living Memorial’ Re-dedication Service Tuesday 8 August 2017 Service starts at 12 noon. Diary Date:
Rayleigh Branch RNA Formal Mess Dinner Saturday 19 August 2017 The Saxon Hall, Aviation Way Rochford, SS2 6UN. Tickets £40. Diary Date:
RACE NIGHT!!! Friday 8 September 2017 (8pm) £TBA tickets from Mike Sandbrook. Diary Date:
2017 Biennial Parade Sunday 10 September 2017 The Cenotaph, Horse Guards Parade, London SW1A 2AX Diary Date:
Mess Deck Supper Friday 13 October 2017 (8pm) Tickets on sale from Audrey Blomfield. 11