RNS: Leading in Learning

Page 1


Head’s Comments


From Consumer to Producer


Remarkable Learning

ON THE COVER: RNS Outward Bound instructor and Director of Outdoor Education, Mike Carpenter, took Grade 6 students outside for an afternoon of snowshoeing. Pictured from the left, Jack-Angus McAloon, Farida El Bailey, Aidan Cooper, Simon Kim and Jude Yuzda.


Life on the Hill


Hill Highlights


Live Where You Learn


Amazing Alumni: Elaine Davies '99


The Gift of Giving


Outstanding Volunteers




Reunion Weekend Registration

Editor & Graphic Designer Kat Barclay Kat.Barclay@rns.cc


Class Notes

Photography: Martin Flewwelling and members of the RNS Community.


Giving back to RNS

The Head’s Letter is published twice a year by Rothesay Netherwood School for alumni, parents, grandparents and friends of the school. Rothesay Netherwood School 40 College Hill Road Rothesay, NB, E2E 5H1 Tel: 506.847.8224 Fax: 506.848.0851 www.rns.cc Head of School Paul G. Kitchen Paul.Kitchen@rns.cc

This publication, or any of the information contained herein, may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the editor. All rights reserved.





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Signs of spring are beginning to emerge on the Hill, with blue skies and small patches of grass marking the end of a winter that surely tested the resilience and patience of Atlantic Canadians. Few storms spared the RNS campus, with staff and faculty putting in extra effort to keep school days running regularly through countless snowfalls, and our exceptional maintenance crew working overtime to move snow and keep travel around campus safe. As we turn the corner to the new season and head toward June, we can reflect on an academic year that has seen RNS embrace new initiatives both inside and outside the classroom. It’s these new technologies, new methods and unique experiences that guided us in assembling this issue titled RNS: Leading in Learning. Craig Jollymore and Brad Read dive into these practices in Remarkable Learning, a piece focusing on the importance of giving students agency in their education. Whether it’s the ability to choose independent projects that fit their passions, or the opportunity to give input and steer personal growth through more traditional courses like English, it is clear students appreciate exploring their own ideas and goals while working collaboratively with peers and teachers, benefiting from guidance and educational structure. RNS students offer their own take on the year so far in Hill Highlights, where we hear about movie-making workshops in the school’s new Innovation Studio, a mash-up of physics and fun at Disney World, personal growth through Outward Bound excursions and a perspectivealtering trip to India, among other highlights. This glimpse into student life shows not only the quality of the experiences offered, but also the variety of ways students can take advantage of them. Part of what makes RNS a leader in its field is the vibrant, supportive community and culture on the Hill. Through interviews, Germany’s Jule Scholz '15 and Nova Scotia’s Jack Smith '15 share details of bonds made with housemates and houseparents, and the culmination of adventures and memories that make for bittersweet feelings as graduation approaches. An alumni profile of Dr. Elaine Davies '99 also serves to show how the values and work ethic instilled at RNS translate into continued success and a sense of commitment to community. We hope this issue helps give you a peek inside our classrooms and an idea of how the school is working to stay on top of best practices in education while helping to establish new ones. Our students benefit tremendously from the RNS experience, just as our alumni did. And, with the continued hard work of our staff and faculty and support of our extended community, students can continue to benefit for many years to come.


John F. Kennedy once said, “Leadership and learning are

in late October or early November. Each Governor is

indispensable to one another.” As Rothesay Netherwood

asked to join a Board committee or sub-committee to

School strives to enhance and develop a learning

further help the school.

environment for the 21st century, our leadership – The Board of Directors and Governors – plays a pivotal role.

The Board of Directors meets 8-10 times a year and

It is the vision and guidance of these individuals, along

holds one annual weekend retreat, focusing on one

with the excellence and dedication of faculty and staff,

particular area of importance. A facilitator is brought

that makes RNS a special place to learn.

in to assist the Board in its deliberations. The Board is charged with the overall governance of RNS. It


Over the years, the governance model at RNS has

delegates all day-to-day operational responsibilities to

changed tremendously.

Originally, the school was

the Head and is responsible for evaluating the Head.

owned and operated by individuals (1877-1908). Later

The Board is responsible for shaping and upholding

it was purchased by the Diocese of Fredericton (1908),

the present and future vision and mission of the school.

and then incorporated by an act of the Legislature in

Board members are elected to serve based on their

1963. In 2012, the Rothesay Netherwood School Act

commitment to the school and the expertise they bring

was passed in the New Brunswick Legislature, re-

to the Board, and they are asked to serve on committees

defining our school.

of the Board. Board standing committees include: Audit and Finance Committee, Governance Committee, and

Today, the school is held in trust by the Board of

the RNS Support Committee. The Nominating Sub-

Directors of Rothesay Netherwood School and the

Committee reports to the Governance Committee.

Board of Directors is held accountable by the Governors. Under the Rothesay Netherwood School Act, there

For our school to have continuous improvement in the

are 40 governors and 11-15 members of the Board of

pursuit of excellence, RNS must constantly evolve. The

Directors. Governors are elected to a three-year term.

RNS of today and tomorrow is dependent upon the

Directors are re-appointed on an annual basis.

vision and foresight of Directors and Governors. The RNS Nominating Sub-Committee is always looking for

RNS has always been fortunate that committed and

committed alumni, parents and friends of RNS to join

passionate individuals have been willing to put forth

the Board of Directors or act as a Governor. If you know

effort and support in being either members of the

of someone who would make the interests of the school

Board of Directors or Governors of our school. The

one of their priorities, we would love to hear from you.

Governors are a diverse body of individuals who meet twice annually, elect the Board of Directors, receive the financial statements and appoint the school auditors. Governors are kept up-to-date with regards to school activities and the overall well-being of the school. Each of the two meetings they attend is part of a 24-hour experience which occurs around graduation and again


CALL FOR NOMINATIONS If you are interested in becoming a member, or have a suggestion for a potential member for the RNS Board of Directors or Governors, please contact Rob Beatty, Director of Development at 506.848.1731 or email rob.beatty@rns.cc . All nominations will be forwarded to the RNS Nominating Committee.




FROM CONSUMER TO PRODUCER Leadership in Atlantic Canadian Education

BY: DEAN VAN DOLEWEERD, DIRECTOR OF MIDDLE SCHOOL & PAUL MCLELLAN, DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SCHOOL RNS is a school that provides one of the best educational experiences a student can receive in this country. We have earned this status by paying careful attention to what other good schools are doing and finding ways to make some of those habits our own. But, in this world of change, it is impossible to remain content with what you are, and you must always look ahead to what you are going to become.


This article seeks to provide clarity into the school we wish to become in the next few years. It cannot be denied that we are, at times, a lonely school. On the New Brunswick horizon, we are the only Canadian Accredited Independent School (CAIS), the only boarding school and the only independent school with a significant


...we must develop broad relationships, we must partner with teachers and schools across this country and around the world and we must have the courage to do things we have never done before. history reaching into the previous two centuries. In order to combat the isolation of our geography, Mr. Kitchen has long held the belief that we needed to be a school committed to connections. He has always been committed to being connected to as many organizations, schools, and people as possible. Over the years, several organizations have been vital to our growth as a school and in the growth of programs we offer. We have spoken often about the significance of being an IB School, but just as important is our commitment to being active and productive members of organizations like The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS), the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and Round Square (RS). All of these organizations connect us with schools regarded as the very best in the world. We attend conferences hosted by all of these organizations, hearing about the innovations occurring at world-wide schools, measuring our programs and bringing to our own students the best of what we have learned. Students from these schools come to RNS on exchanges, and we have become a destination of choice for many students at Round Square schools. Perhaps more importantly, our own teachers present at these conferences, showcasing our methods and ideas. These opportunities encourage our teachers to stand with the very best in the world. We continue to be concerned about the possibility of isolation, but our connections to the national and international communities have completely changed the way we see ourselves. Further to Mr. Kitchen’s original vision for the School’s growth was his unwavering commitment to professional development. While our geography prevented us from having easy access to ideas and people at the world’s best schools, we have been active in sending teachers far and wide looking for schools and teachers who were finding new and interesting ways to present information and develop skills in students.

Every school we visited, every conference we attended and every teacher we met helped us further the complexity of our connectedness and helped us develop a culture of leadership. To this very day, we have teachers visiting schools of significance that have demonstrated leadership in curriculum, instruction, or school growth. We bring those ideas home and apply them in ways that are true to who we are and help us become leaders of our own. Over the last decade, we have made a conscious effort to move beyond this basic consumerism of group membership. We have made a very important transition to being a producer of leaders, leadership, and ideas. It is our goal to be a school of influence in New Brunswick. We are striving to be a source of leadership and innovation for other schools in the province. To this end, we are working with the University of New Brunswick on our annual Learn2Learn Conference, now in its third year. Learn2Learn brings together leaders from around the province and country to review current innovations in a variety of teaching areas. Teachers from around the province present new ideas, but our own teachers are also featured as presenters, helping to spread the innovations happening in our own classrooms. Continuing in our efforts to be an innovator in education, RNS is hosting Atlantic Canada’s very first EdTechTeam summit, featuring Google for Education. Similar summits have been held globally, introducing educators to the many tools and opportunities Google has devised to help teachers and students communicate, share, and store information. It is our deep hope that we will be able to offer the summit to teachers across Atlantic Canada for free. Many teachers and boards find themselves without the funds necessary for this kind of extra instruction, and we are making a significant effort to find sponsors willing to support Atlantic Canadian educators for this event. As the days roll by, we continue to try to provide the very best education to the students on our campus. We absolutely believe they are offered one of the best educations they can get in this country, and we are very proud of the school we are today. That being said, we continue working to broaden our influence. We want people to look to us for solutions when they have problems. To do this, we must develop broad relationships, we must partner with teachers and schools across this country and around the world and we must have the courage to do things we have never done before. ♦ WINTER & SPRING ’15



REMARKABLE LEARNING The power of student voice



Over the final two weeks of March, Rachel Lewis '20, Adrienne Turnbull '20 and Aidan Williams '20 put the finishing touches on their Grade 7 Science project on the Arctic Tundra biome. They recorded a final audio track, edited a digital image and utilized green screen effects that made it appear as though they were actually in Siberia! Finally, their movie was ready to publish, along with a 6,000 word survival journal, collaboratively created in Google Docs. During those same two weeks, Grade 9 students worked in teams on a cross-curricular project to envision and propose innovative new products that would improve the lives of Canadians. Meanwhile, Grade 12 students prepared to lead seminar discussions on George Orwell’s 1984.


They aren’t learning about history, or science or English; they are learning to be historians, experimenters & writers. John Dewey, the great American educator, once suggested that learning is not preparation for life, but life itself. This raises important questions for our community: How do we want our students to live? What type of learning environment will engage students in behaviors we know are so important beyond the Hill? Our students live in a fast-changing world that needs leaders who can


think critically, be agile and adaptable,

professor. And, the Grade 6 class unit on

show initiative, collaborate well and

natural disasters recently ended in the

harness their curiosity and imagination.

publishing of a student-written book on

Our students need learning experiences

the subject.

today that develop and demand these same skills. They aren’t learning about

Student voices need to be heard as they

history, or science or English; they are

seek agency in their growth as learners.

learning to be historians, experimenters

Grade 9 and 10 students were given the

and writers.

option of undertaking an independent study in an area of their choice. Lina Lee '17 decided to explore psychology and


Student voices need to be heard as they seek agency in their growth as learners.

recently focused on the incidence and cultural attitude toward mental illness in Canada compared to her childhood home, Korea. Her study is a regular part of her schedule. She sits alongside Caleb Brett '18, Jonah Lutchmedial '18 and Jonathon Steeves '18, each of whom are exploring different aspects of computer coding by designing original video games. Also, the entire Grade 9 and 10 student body experienced a two-day workshop on presentation skills in November. The regular schedule was set aside and each student took part in a range of sessions

Ideas about how students demonstrate

while also developing and perfecting a

knowledge and understanding have

short presentation on a deep passion in

been expanded. Grade 12 IB Chemistry

their life - topics included everything from

students concluded a unit of study in

rap music to robots to classic cars.

December with a debate based on a 2014 environmental controversy in the US.

At RNS, giving young people agency

Students took on the roles of stakeholders

often means choice in what they learn

from an industry, government and a

and how this learning is expressed.

range of special interest groups in a

The math program empowers students

town hall format. In February, Grade 11 IB

to plan their own progress, learning

science students combined the statistical

milestones, assessment timelines and

approaches they had learned in math

formats. Last fall, students in Grade 12 HL

with powerful online platforms to design

English all undertook learning interviews

infographics as a means of publishing

with their teacher. They discussed

their findings. The results often looked

their goals in the course, but also the

like something one might find on the

class activities that led to the greatest

Twitter feed of a university science

growth for them as individuals. “It was


No longer simply consumers of content, they are publishers and producers, presenters and innovators, creators and explorers. a turning point for me,” says Caroline Gores '15, “and my engagement and involvement in discussions completely changed afterward.” This type of process fosters an environment where faculty and students are equal partners in reshaping how learning happens in our classrooms. But this has not been easy, and has required that our students and teachers be courageous, take risks, listen to one another and continually seek improvement. Learning opportunities outside of the classroom are now integral to student growth, and often rise out of real-world connections. This winter, a group of students led Wednesday Workshops in the Innovation Studio for their peers on a range of subjects, from video production to building wearable technology. Another group often uses the same space, outside of class time, to

meet with a local computer programmer. Students in Grade 8 combined their study of English and science at Disney World, where they visited attractions to gather information and evidence for documentary films they were creating. They also gained first-hand evidence of Newton’s Laws to support their study of forces and motion in physics. Teams from the Grade 9 LEADS class each met this fall with local charities and then lobbied on their behalf as part of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative. As a result, Saint John's First Steps Housing Project was awarded $5000. After completing their International Baccalaureate examinations in May, Grade 12 students will embark on Growth Week. Many students will seek out an internship in an organization that is aligned with a career interest or a passion. Some will launch a community initiative. Still others will undertake a week-long expedition into nature. Each of them, however, will have voice and choice on what they do. Our focus on professional development, on research-supported best practices and on intentional use of physical space has been deliberate. Our teachers have been working hard to change what learning means, and our students have responded. No longer simply consumers of content, they are publishers and producers, presenters and innovators, creators and explorers. As teachers, our partnership with students affects us. We react, change and grow as educators. RNS has become a leader in Atlantic Canadian education not because of what our teachers know, but because we continually challenge our students to make and do remarkable things. ♦




Catherine Boyd '19 and Katie Gulliver '19 enjoy the falling snow on campus.



As 2014 drew to a close, the Grade 12 students could take

youth or terminally-ill patients, or towards eradicating

a sigh of relief, as marks were submitted and applications

issues like animal cruelty. RNS fosters the mentality of

were sent away to universities. Some of the stress of

giving back. We have not only developed appreciation

deciding what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives

for the lives that we live and the opportunities given to

had finally past, and now it was just a waiting game.

us at RNS; we’re also discovering ways in which we can

Whilst in the application process, the Class of 2015

support our communities.

had the opportunity to look back on their time at RNS and appreciate all the school has done to contribute to our growth. Whether here for seven years or just one, the school has impacted us all in a way that has been of paramount importance in influencing the people that we are today. Primarily, this has been through the many unique opportunities that RNS has given us. A large part of our Grade 12 year has been influenced by our respective prefectships. RNS gives every graduate a chance to be a leader in the school, by way of their

We have not only developed appreciation for the lives that we live and the opportunities given to us at RNS; we’re also discovering ways in which we can support our communities.


prefectship, so that all have the opportunity to make a positive impact. Most high schools have an elected

The reaction many people have when they start out in a

council or appointed prefects, but RNS gives us the

completely new place is ‘where do I fit in?’ Sometimes

freedom to work as a collective group. The Grade 12

the hardest thing about reinventing yourself in a new

Prefects help to create an approachable environment

location is realizing that nobody knows your story.

throughout the school that, we hope, makes the younger

Rothesay Netherwood School is so fundamentally

students feel comfortable talking to us about anything.

divergent that when someone starts out here, they don’t

Our class, we believe, has been successful at talking to

yet have to think about who they’re going to be. RNS is

the Grade 11 class about the responsibilities that they

not about the laptop computers or dry-cleaned shirts,

will have next year. We feel having a relatively seamless

it’s about committing to a mindset that will allow you

transition into being a prefect would benefit both them

to become the best you can be. That mindset is what

and the school moving forward.

the graduates of 2015 and fellow alumni will carry with them for the rest of their lives. There’s an old saying: “You

Another aspect of life at RNS that we are especially

don’t know what you have until it’s gone”. Our advice is to

grateful for are the philanthropic opportunities that are

take advantage of every moment you have at RNS – soon

given to students. These include monthly trips to Outflow

you’ll be left only with your experiences, memories and

(a food service for the needy in Saint John) and our

lifelong connections. 6

frequent dress-down days that raise money for homeless






Early this school year, Clement Su '16, Molly Browning '16, Morgan Leet '16, Olivia Teskey '17, Daniela Melendez '16, and I, along with Mrs. Read, were given the opportunity to attend the International Round Square Conference in Bhopal, India. We spent three exhausting days travelling at the end of September before we finally made it to our destination. The first week of our trip we spend at the Sanskaar Valley School, listening to keynote speakers, participating in Rikkas, discussing topics with our barazza groups (discussion groups composed of delegates from different schools) and went on a number of outings to do service work and to experience Indian culture. In addition to this, the Sanskaar Valley School had cultural nights where we could learn even more about their culture; one night we went into the town of Bhopal and danced in a Garba! The theme of the conference was "We may not have it all together, but together we have it all" it was attended by students from 61 countries; not only did we experience Indian culture, but we also had a taste of different cultures from all over the world. During the second week of the trip we travelled to northern India with groups from four other schools that attended the conference. First we travelled to


Agra to see the Taj Mahal and the Agra Fort. Next, we went to Jaipur to visit the Amber Palace. When we reached the palace, located at the top of a very large hill, we rode elephants! Our final stop on the post-conference tour was New Delhi. We toured New Delhi on the bus with a tour guide showing us all the major landmarks. We spent our last

night in India at a restaurant in New Delhi feasting on a traditional Indian meal. The conference was extremely eye opening to our group from RNS. India is like a completely different world and, when we arrived home, we brought with us a new perspective on life. ♌

Outward Bound BY: ARTURO GUZMAN '18

My experiences with the different Outward Bound trips that I have been on while at RNS has been amazing. Before coming to RNS, I always thought that camping was one of the worst things that I could do, but since arriving from Mexico I have been on three different trips and I have loved every one of them! My first Outward Bound excursion was the Grade 7 canoeing trip. The day and a half that I spent canoeing on Spednic Lake was unforgettable. Because it was the first time I had ever been canoeing, I didn’t really come to enjoy it until the end of the trip.

Next in Grade 8, I went on my first winter camping trip. Coming from a place where it’s usually around 20 degrees celsius to a totally new climate where the temperature is often -20 degrees was a big adjustment, especially considering we were sleeping in tents outside! Those nights were the coldest temperatures I had ever felt, but I survived and this trip is something that I will never regret or forget!

one of the most amazing things I have ever done! What could be better in the morning than to wake up to singing birds and the sound of the flowing river? One of my favorite memories from this trip was when I and about half of my group tossed our bags full of gear on the ground and started to complain about how tiring the hike was becoming. Mr. Carpenter simply looked back to us and said, “Don’t forget to smile!” In my opinion, the experiences that nature gives us are the best ones!

This year was my favorite Outward Bound trip - the hike along the Fundy Foot Path. It was the first time I had ever been hiking, and we covered around 20 kilometres on the Little Salmon River Trail. It was

If I get the opportunity to go hiking, canoeing or winter camping again, I wouldn’t think twice about it and would definitely go. Outward Bound at RNS is truly unforgettable. ♦

speakers and performers had to say, which fueled a desire to get up and do one’s part in making the world a better place. The event had everyone jumping out of their seats and filling the arena with an overwhelming, positive aura. ♦


We Day Atlantic Canada By: HEATHER CHISHOLM '20 & SYDNEY DARLING '16

On the morning of November 29th, while most students and faculty were still fast asleep, a few lucky students and chaperones were on their way to Halifax to experience We Day. Seventeen students from RNS submitted a video that outlined why they wished to attend We Day and how they could support an organization or cause which they were passionate about. Each of these students were chosen to attend the event and represent RNS.

With a wake up call of 4:00am on the day of the event, students made their way onto the bus in a sleepy daze, yet by the time we arrived in Halifax and walked off the bus, the group could barely contain their excitement! Knowing we were about to see icons like Marc and Craig Kielburger, Kweku Mandela, Mustafa the Poet and so many other inspiring individuals, the group could feel the anticipation building as we took our seats among the audience. As lesson one of the day started, a sense of awe and inspiration took over those in attendance. Everyone at We Day listened to what the

This year I played Futsal for my winter sport. At first, I thought that we would just juggle balls and work on our technical soccer skills, but very quickly I realized that Futsal is much more than that. My technical skills in soccer weren’t very good, and I was afraid that I would be one of the worst players in our league. But it is not about being good or being not so good; it is about improving your skills and trying your best. I thoroughly enjoyed playing Futsal and attending practice daily; I often found myself anticipating it to begin each day.



Futsal is similar to indoor soccer and uses a small, heavy ball. Around 20-25 people play futsal at RNS. In the first 30 minutes of practice, we juggle balls and work on our skills. After that, we scrimmage and try out new moves we learnt in practice; it’s always a lot of fun to just play with your friends. Most of our players have been playing soccer/futsal for a few years and are really good, but we also have a few people who just started playing the sport. I want to thank Mr. Hendra and Mr. Jay, the best coaches you can get. Thank you so much. ♦

My Exchange in England BY: SARA LUCK '17

At the beginning of my Grade 10 year, I had the amazing opportunity to take part in a Round Square exchange to England,


big change. Windermere ran on a 10-day schedule, rather than the typical four-day schedule I’m used to at RNS. Windermere is also highly focused on outdoor education. While I was there I took part in a two-day hike through England’s Lake District. The scenery was absolutely beautiful, and it was really neat to see horses, sheep and cows freely roaming the countryside.

where I attended Windermere School. The school spans over two campuses with students from ages 3-18. During my time at Windermere, I lived with a host family who lived more than a 45-minute drive away from the school, which was a big adjustment compared to the just over seven-minute drive from my house to RNS! My schedule was another

NAPHA Weekend at RNS!

bit of a shaky start, we played one of our best games of the year, thanks to all the support from our school and the attendees present. We really appreciated the effort made by everyone to come out and support us. It will be hard to ever top that special game.


The RNS Girls’ Varsity Hockey Team will always fondly remember the weekend of December 5-7, 2014. It marked the completion of the newly renovated Dr. C. H. Bonnycastle Memorial Arena and the hosting of a North American Prep Hockey Association (NAPHA) League weekend of play. RNS hosts an annual Top of the Hill Tournament, but this event would turn out to be even more special. Our first game was on Friday against Northwood Academy. This was a “school spirit” game and the whole school attended. Having such a large number of spectators at our first game of the weekend was not the norm for our team. Since most of our games are away, we usually only have a small group of parents cheering us on from the stands. Now we were expecting more than 200 fans to


My favorite part of my exchange was being able to visit London during my last few days in England. I was able to see so many amazing attractions while I was there, including the Tower of London, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. Overall, my exchange was a really eye-opening experience, and I met a lot of great people. Living in the UK was definitely different from what I am used to, but it is definitely somewhere I can see myself traveling back to in the future! ♦

cheer for us! Initially we were all very excited about the idea of the spirit game, but as the time to the first puck drop drew closer, we also began to feel a little nervous. I think we all had more jitters before that game than any other game all season. We all wanted to perform well in front of our school and supporters. When game time arrived, it was amazing to skate onto the ice and see the stands packed full with our fellow students, friends, RNS staff, parents, alumni and people from the community. What a great way to start the weekend and showcase the new addition to our arena. After a

The rest of the weekend went very well. We finished with three wins and one loss. Thank you to everyone who supported us throughout the weekend, as well as to the volunteers who helped to keep things running smoothly. It was a great experience to be able to prepare for games in our new dressing rooms, and to do our off-ice warm up and cool down inside our newly renovated “home barn” was extraordinary. To everyone who was involved in the great rink renovation, our team thanks you. It made our NAPHA weekend a huge success. The Varsity Girls’ Hockey Team is looking forward to hosting many more in the future! ♦


My Exchange in Scotland BY: ROBERT PELLETIER '18

This winter I was given the extraordinary opportunity to spend nine weeks attending Gordonstoun School in northern Scotland. Gordonstoun is a school renowned for the founding of the Round Square Program and the birthplace of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh Award, with Prince Philip himself attending the school in its early years, making it kind of an exchange-mecca. During my time in Scotland, I did some pretty amazing things, like taking a three-day seamanship course on the North Sea, visiting Loch Ness and a few castles, eating haggis and, of course, the overall experience of leaving everything I know for a couple of months. Gordonstoun has a stunningly beautiful campus that houses over 700 students, a significant change from the 285 students at RNS.

The Innovation Studio BY: JACK-ANGUS MCALOON '21

Earlier this year, I was told about a moviemaking workshop in the new Innovation Studio and I was very excited to attend. I have always been into making movies and using technology. This started when I came to RNS when I got my very own

The community at Gordonstoun is very similar to our school, with many different nationalities and religions represented. As for actual routines and activities, my grade year was only allowed to go shopping about once a month, which was a big change from life at RNS. I took part in a number of service activities such as gardening, and the First Aid Service and the Mountain Rescue. For sports and afternoon activities, I played field hockey, went kayaking, and took cooking classes. The hardest part of my exchange was attending classes on Saturdays (who has school on the weekend?!). My exchange to Gordonstoun was one of the most remarkable experiences I have ever encountered, and I would definitely recommend it to other students. I would like to thank Mrs. Read for providing me with this opportunity, and my parents, who eventually agreed to let go of me for two months! ♦

laptop. I have made a few movies on my own – they aren’t the best but they are a good start. When I made these movies I couldn’t make any special effects, but I can do that now! I really enjoyed the first workshop, which was about the school’s new camera and its features. The second one was all about the kinds of software to use

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at RNS as an exchange student. From the very start I was treated with kindness and warmth, with everyone looking out for me and pointing me in the right direction. The atmosphere at RNS is like no other that I have experienced. It’s like a huge family where everyone knows each other and cares for those around them. RNS is quite different than my school in Scotland, which is called Gordonstoun. Apart from the weather, there are also other aspects that vary. My school has 600 pupils and is situated on a 200-acre campus, much larger than RNS. We also don’t play ice hockey at Gordonstoun; however I have really enjoyed learning to play here. My school is also very remote, with only a small shop in the neighbourhood, whereas here there is a mall just a short trip away on a bus. Although being very different, the schools also have many similarities, such as accommodating international students and being part of the Round Square association. Both schools love to play rugby and both have very friendly atmospheres. While at RNS, I learnt to play ice hockey, saw my first ice hockey game, went on a winter camping trip in the woods, went skiing and made loads of new friends that I will keep in touch with for a long time. I really enjoyed my experience at RNS. ♦

to edit footage, add special effects, and make a movie. We learned how to use the camera and microphone properly and how to use the green screen. Also, we learned correct techniques and good tips for filming in the studio. I really like how the Innovation Studio is filled with all new technology. There is so much space for us to film and explore ideas; it allows us to be very creative! ♦



Grade 8 Disney Trip BY: ANGUS OXLEY '19

In January, the Grade 8 class went away on a science trip to Disney World in Florida. While that sounds ridiculous for a school trip, it actually helped us learn quite a bit quite easily. Topics in science that are often seen as boring were not only simple, but fun to learn. While at Disney we had three full morning classes. On the first day we studied gravity and Newton’s first and second laws of motion. However, instead of sitting in a classroom to learn this, we first talked about it so we could understand it, then we went on a ride that had everything to do with gravity the Tower of Terror. On the ride you’re in an elevator when suddenly it drops down and (thank goodness there are seat belts) you literally float out of your seat because the elevator is being pulled down faster than gravity. 18

In our second class, we learned about advances in technology at Epcot and during our final class, held at Magic

Editing the Yearbook BY: EMILY ARCHER & LIA PIEKARSKI '15

We first started working with the yearbook in 2009, when we were in Grade 7. Originally it was just an activity to do after school, but within a couple weeks we both became increasingly involved. By the end of our Grade 8 year, we had become co-editors with a senior member of the staff. This responsibility from such a young age really inspired our involvement in school activities and was a huge privilege for us both. Creating and managing the yearbook always has its challenges, but proves worthwhile every fall when we see the book come out.


Kingdom, we studied basic physics. This included lateral Gs, positive Gs, airtime, and centripetal force. And how did we learn and experience these properties in real life? We rode roller coasters of course! However, it wasn’t all about learning at Disney World. In the evenings we went to dinner at some really neat restaurants in the different parks. My favorite spot was at Epcot at the World Showcase, with restaurants serving food from different places all over the world. I really enjoyed

Being an editor involves everything from page design, to photography, to organizing school participation. One of the biggest challenges we face every year is completing the book in time for our final deadline. The end of the year is always a rush! Trying to complete and proof pages and gather photos from graduation can sometimes feel overwhelming; we’ve even had to come into school during summer to finish the yearbook. Our favorite part of being editor, for both of us, is designing pages. We have the freedom to be as creative as we want, which is really exciting. Working on the RNS Yearbook for six years has been an incredibly rewarding

the German pavilion for dinner. We also spent two days at Animal Kingdom, where the ride that I think was the best was definitely Expedition Everest. It is a roller coaster in which you travel into the Himalayas on an old steam train, careening through caverns and soaring off 80-foot scarps while attempting to escape the clutches of the terrible Yeti! The exciting mix of learning and fun made this school science trip to Disney World enjoyable for all. ♦

experience, and we would recommend it to anyone who is interested to get involved. We wouldn’t have been able to do all the work needed to make the yearbook without the help of our amazing faculty advisor, Mrs. Lee. This year has been especially difficult, as we try to complete our IB Diplomas while editing and working on layouts. However, Mrs. Lee has been constantly helping us, and we would be lost without her. It’s going to be a big change not managing such a large project next year, but we both plan on pursuing our passions of journalism and design in university. ♦

Band Geeks BY: CAMERON SLIPP '16

This year, the senior school performed the musical, Band Geeks. A tremendous amount of hard work went into the production, from choreography to vocals and everything in between. Despite the long practices after school and on weekends, everyone had a great time rehearsing and preparing the show for the audience. Success obviously wouldn’t have been possible without the actors, but there was also a lot of work to be done behind the scenes. Ana Bullock '16, Sarah St. Pierre '15, and Alexa Dixon '15 choreographed the musical, which was a great learning experience for everyone involved. Teachers and students came together to build and paint sets, while band members practiced their parts until they were perfect. Morgan Wirtanen Blackadar '16, who played Alto Sax, commented, “being a member of the pitband was very rewarding, because we had the opportunity to turn notes on a page into beautiful music!” Preparing for a musical like Band Geeks involves a lot of time and practice. The scenes have to be blocked and rehearsed on stage and each individual actor must know his or her lines flawlessly. Apart from the onstage rehearsals, the backstage crew also have to memorize

what they need to be doing and when they need to be doing it. Parents help get costumes together while students are busy making props. Without the extra help, the musical simply could not happen. Another interesting aspect of this year’s musical was the use of instruments onstage by the cast. This added a whole other dimension to the performance, which was fun yet a little bit different for the cast to also have to learn to play their character’s instrument. Everyone had a great time producing this musical. Sarah St. Pierre '15 said that “out of all of the musicals I’ve been in, Band Geeks is my favourite.” Julia Docherty '15 adds that she appreciated “the close friendships that were formed during the production.” ♦

Performing Shakespeare’s Macbeth BY: JEFFERY ZHANG '16

It was not my intent to play the role of Macbeth; in fact, my friends and I only intended to be trees when we decided to participate in this year’s senior school play. As a student whose first language is not English, it was certainly challenging for me to understand the Shakespearean play at first, let alone the memorization and articulation of the infinite amount

of lines. But language itself was hardly the biggest challenge I faced; the evil personality of my character was the hardest to learn and to portray. Schools teach students to be kind and compassionate, while cultivating their appreciation of goodness. Education works to eliminate the evil side of one’s personality. As a result, how to be evil became my greatest obstacle, or in other words, how to portray the evil of humanity while still retaining a kind and friendly personality. We had many rehearsals during the first three months of the school year, and interestingly, no one had been nervous throughout our three nights of performance. Overall, being a part of the play was a great experience and I think that it not only deepened our understanding of Macbeth itself, but also deepened our understanding of ourselves as individuals and who we really are. If I had been selected to be a tree instead of the titular character, I may never have gained so much from this year’s production. This was only my first time being a part of a play; I would never have discovered my potential if I had stuck among only just the few things I am comfortable. Personal growth is only possible if you step out of your comfort zone and accept the challenges head on. ♦



When living away from home, students broaden their horizons. They learn to become independent, responsible, thoughtful and considerate members of a large, extended family. Have a look at what life on campus is like with international boarder Jule Scholz '15 and Atlantic Canadian boarder Jack Smith '15.


and my teachers. I know that I will always have someone I can talk to here, in whatever situation I need an open ear, and I think it’s really important to know that you are never alone here.

Q: How long have you been a boarder at RNS? Where are you from? A: It is my second year here at RNS, and I am from Berlin, Germany. Q: Who is your roommate? Where is she from? Have you become close since living with her? A: Well, I think the interesting fact is that I have had two roommates up to now, because we change roommates each year. Last year, I lived with a Japanese girl, Yuri, and it was really interesting to get to know her culture and to learn from her, as she was a year older than I was. This year I have a Canadian roommate, Caroline, and she is from Halifax. It’s really interesting to live with someone from the country I live in right now, which is my second home. I get to know her traditions a little bit more, and it’s really amazing. Q: What is your favourite part of being a boarder and living in residence on the Hill? A: This is actually pretty difficult to answer. It’s really a multicultural, life changing experience - especially when your home is really far away. But, I think the girls in Quinn House are definitely the best part. You share unforgettable moments together, laughter and tears - you are never alone. You don’t only find friends here, you find sisters. Q: What is it like for a boarder to study and do homework? A: It’s both difficult and easy at the same time. It really depends on what kind of person you are and if you like to study in a big group, or alone. I did have some difficulties at first because I do enjoy learning by myself a lot of the time, but RNS definitely gives you the opportunity to find a study spot. There is time in the evening when you have to study and it might sound pretty strict, yet when you have after school activities and a lot of work to do, you don’t even notice how quickly time flies. Having this time to do homework at night, during study, helps you concentrate and get work done. Q: Houseparents are there for the good times and the bad times. What does it mean to you to have someone like this in your life while living away from home? A: It is really important, and because RNS became my second home, I didn’t only have my House Mom, Mrs. McCarville, but I also have my advisor who is really important to me

Q: How often do you chat with your family? How do you usually do this (i.e. text, email, talk on phone, Skype, etc)? A: When I left Germany in my first year, I actually thought I wouldn’t have a lot of contact with home, because you get overthrown with so many great experiences here, you barely think about home! But, then I started to Skype with my mom and email her regularly, on the weekends or whenever I have time. It has become really important to even just tell her about my day, because she put the trust in me to go 10,000 kilometres away from home, and I want to share this experience with her because she made it possible for me. Q: What sort of activities do you do together as a house that bring you closer together? A: We go on outings, we watch movies together in the common room, and we even clean the house together, which is a great experience! Because the bedroom doors in Quinn are never closed, we spend about 24 hours a day together, and that brings us really close together. You chat, laugh and cry together and those are the great things that just bring you close to one another. So, it’s not just activities, it’s the time we spend together. Q: What makes RNS so special to you? A: It’s the people, the open-minded, family-like community and definitely the environment. It is so beautiful here on the Hill. And, the variety of people, cultures, traditions, activities, and characters make RNS a special community - everyday. I feel really proud to be a part of this, because you experience all of this throughout the entire time you are here. And even when I leave RNS, I am still going to be a part of this, and that is a great thing. Q: What is your best experience so far living on the hill? A: Everyday you get a new experience or you get to know someone better, and you also get to know the school better. But if I had to list my top three, I would say the international service trip to Costa Rica last year, the dog sledding trip, and the musical performances. But… I would also have to add the arrival and leaving RNS again, because I think… you cry twice. Once when leaving home and coming here, and again when you leave RNS, and that is an experience in itself. By taking the step to go to RNS - that is the biggest and best experience you can make. ♦



you don’t see the houseparents a lot, you start to feel like there’s someone watching over you a little bit, and as you get older they appear more and more, and you start to think of them more as a friend than as a teacher.

Q: How long have you been a boarder at RNS? Where are you from? A: I have been here for four years and I started living on campus when I was in Grade 9. I am from Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.


Q: Who is your roommate? Where is he from? Have you become close since living with him? A: My roommate’s name is Will. He is from Fredericton and also started living on campus in Grade 9. He and I have been roommates for the last two years. We have pretty much been inseparable since we started living on campus. I actually ended up living with Will and his family for a summer between Grades 10 and 11. I was rowing out of Fredericton and his family put me up, so I got to know them really well. They are sort of like an extended family to me. Q: What is your favourite part of being a boarder and living in residence on the Hill? A: Well, for me, I’m a soccer player. So, I love being able to poke my head out in the hallway and yell, “World Cup!” and then two minutes later, you have ten guys waiting for you ready to go play a game! Q: What is it like for a boarder to study and do homework? A: It is definitely helpful having two hours of mandatory study every night. It almost takes some of the stress out of the day because you know that no matter how much homework you get, you have time set aside to do it. It’s really less of a chore to do the homework because you know that everyone around you, all over campus, is doing the same thing at the same time. Q: Houseparents are there for the good times and the bad times. What does it mean to you to have someone like this in your life while living away from home? A: I remember when I first came here, the houseparent in Kirk House was Mr. Lee at that time, and I was kind of scared of him. For about the first half of the year I did my best to sort of avoid any contact with the adults in the house, but the longer you live here, the more you realize that even if


Q: How often do you chat with your family? How do you usually do this (i.e. text, email, talk on phone, Skype, etc)? A: I chat with my Mom everyday. I try to call home every day, but we do have a busy schedule, so it doesn’t always work out, but there is always at least some texting. And, I try to send as many pictures home as possible!

So many things have happened and you remember the whole experience, not just one event.

Q: What sort of activities do you do together as a House that bring you closer together? A: We have a lot of House outings throughout the year. So far this year, we have gone to see a couple different movies. And every year, it’s a bit of a tradition now in Mackay, we have the Mackay House Wing Night. It’s a competition to see who can eat the most chicken wings! Q: What makes RNS so special to you? A: I think the one thing that people have to understand about RNS is that, when you sign up to come here, you are not just signing up for school, you are signing up for an attitude and you are committing to a lifestyle. It’s that lifestyle that is sort of going to set you up well for life, and that’s what I think is so special about the school. It instills ideals in you. Q: What is your best experience so far living on the Hill? A: I don’t think I could pick only one ‘best experience’. There are so many - in my four years here we have had bonfires, we have had trips to New River Beach, we have gone on outings and trips to Toronto. So many things have happened and you remember the whole experience, not just one event. ♦





Elaine Davies ’99


Q: Tell us about your personal background – where are you from, how long did you attend RNS, where are you living now, what are you doing for work/school? A: My parents were born in the UK, met in Medical School and moved to Canada to complete their residencies. I was born in Montreal, but moved to Saint John when I was about 2 years old and grew up near Rockwood Park. I started at RCS Netherwood in Grade 7 and stayed until I graduated in 1999. Since leaving RCS, I obtained a BA at Dalhousie, moved to Montreal to do a BSc, got married, moved back to Halifax to study medicine, and finally moved back to Saint John for my medical residency. I now live with my husband, Craig, in Renforth and have a brand new medical practice in Quispamsis. Q: How would you describe your experience as a student at RNS? A: I have very fond memories of the school. I admit, it was slow to grow on me - I only intended to attend for two years - but I couldn’t leave. The school taught me how to work hard and balance academics with other activities, such as sports and drama. In the beginning, I was not much of an athlete, but sports every day after classes helped to nurture a life-long love for athletics that is now an integral part of my daily life. Since graduation, I have competed for New Brunswick at the Canadian Rowing Championships, and have run several half marathons. Q: Do you have a favourite memory from your days on the Hill? A: I think it would be impossible to name just one memory from THE HEAD’S LETTER

my days on the hill, especially ones that can be printed in the Head’s Letter! I think some of my favourite memories revolve around sporting events, at away games, being in senior school plays, the expansion weeks, and just being with friends on and off the Hill! Q: What is the most significant lesson you learned at RNS? A: I think the most valuable lesson that I have taken away is learning to find a balance in life. The school is a very special place where you are involved in more than academics. I learned that while school work was important, so were the social and physical activities. Since then, and through all my studies, I have and am always keenly aware of the importance of balance in my life. Today, I make it a priority to balance a demanding work schedule with time for myself and with my family. Q: After graduating from RNS, what universities did you attend and what fields of study did you take? Do you feel that the time you spent at RNS helped you in your post-secondary studies? If so, how? A: As I previously mentioned, I attended Dalhousie University and completed a BA Advanced Double Major in Math & English. Afterwards, I took a year off, whereby I held numerous jobs, including working in a call centre and becoming a personal trainer. My interest in physical activity brought me to Montreal for four years to complete a science degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology at Concordia. It was through that program that I worked with oncology and geriatric patients, which led me to

pursue medicine. Finally, I moved back to Halifax to complete my medical degree. In 2012 I graduated and, coming full circle, returned to Saint John to complete my family medicine residency. Q: You are currently working in your own medical office here in KV. In what area do you specialize? What led you to this opportunity? Was there an opportunity or an experience at RNS that opened a door or sparked an interest for you to pursue the medical field? A: I am a family physician here in Quispamsis, having just opened the doors of my office in early February. I also have a special interest in palliative care and sports medicine. Since starting my residency, I always knew I wanted to have my own practice where I could have both independence and self-autonomy. It’s been over fifteen years of studying since leaving the Hill but what the school gave me was a strong work ethic, which allowed me to persevere during my years of post-secondary education. From the start, my family has encouraged me along my journey and I would not be where I am today without their unwavering support. Q: What is your proudest achievement so far? A: I think my new medical practice is my proudest professional achievement thus far. It was a long road of hard work to finish my education and many months of planning to open our office doors, but I feel like that was the crowning achievement. I am extremely proud of my family and maintaining strong personal relationships, despite an incredibly demanding professional life. Q: What has been one of your happiest moments so far in your career? A: My career provides me with both incredibly happy and sad moments on a daily basis. I think the most satisfying moments in my career have involved caring for people during the most difficult times in their lives. I have always strived to truly listen to my patients and their families, and the happiest moments are those when I get the sense that people no longer feel lost and alone, but supported and heard. Q: Do you have a secret to success? A: I think the secret to success in medicine, and any other demanding career, is not forgetting who you are and what makes you happy. To do this you need to know what you need, what you want, and how to ask for it, no matter how hard it might be. If that means not spending the extra hours at work or in meetings to further your career and professional relationships to, instead, go for a run or spend the evening with your family, then don’t apologize; just do what YOU need to.

Elaine and her husband, Craig Morris, with their two dogs.

Q: We instill in our students at RNS the idea of giving back to one’s community and paying it forward. How are you inspired to give back to your community? A: I think giving back to your community is of vital importance. One of the reasons I chose to come back to my hometown to practice medicine, besides my family, was that I wanted to provide much needed support to a community that provided me with so many opportunities. Q: What advice would you offer to today’s RNS students thinking about life beyond the Hill? A: Working hard is important, but so is gaining life experiences work many different jobs, meet a lot of people from all different backgrounds, and live in different places. Use these experiences to discover what you want to do professionally and what you need and want personally in life. No matter how busy life may get always make time for yourself, your family and the things that make you happy. Q: And, to your fellow RNS alumni? A: I don’t know if I have enough experience to offer advice to my peers. But, if the last 15 years have taught me anything it is that family and friends are the most important part of life, that you definitively catch more bees with honey, that you must try to think about today rather than tomorrow, that you must try not to work harder at helping someone than they are working at helping themselves (it only leaves you exhausted and frustrated) and to learn how to say no when you need to. Q: And just for fun to finish, if you could trade places for a week with a faculty or staff member at RNS, past or present, with whom would it be and why? A: I don’t know if I would trade places with anyone, but I would like to make a special acknowledgment to Craig Jollymore for being an amazing support and mentor throughout my years at the school. Maybe if I had to trade places with anyone it would be my earlier self, to get back on the water rowing, performing in the Doll’s House again, having fun in physics class with Mr. Hutton, and laughing for hours with friends. ♦ WINTER & SPRING ’15




Our society has benefited significantly

help of alumni, parents and friends is

from the generosity and thoughtfulness

essential, and RNS relies upon it.

of our forefathers.

When visiting and

Every gift to RNS is important and has

educational institutions, take a moment

an immense impact. Last year, we had

to look around and you will see

more than 675 donors contribute to

evidence of people who care and who

the school and it was one of the most

invested in our future. Individuals who

successful in the school’s fundraising

are motivated to ‘give back’ or ‘pay it


forward’ – a term more commonly used

made planned gifts to the school (The

today – play a huge role in our world.

1877 Society).

They support the things that really matter

opportunity to leave future gifts, have

and we, in turn, are the ones who benefit

your estate benefit from tax deductions

from this support. Whether it is hospitals

and most importantly, benefit future

or new medical equipment, preserving

generations of students. It is our hope

our culture, protecting the environment,

that we will continue to be able to

enhancing the arts, helping to build and

steadily improve the RNS experience

improve schools and learning experiences,

but we can’t do it without you.




community support, or numerous other worthy charitable causes, society needs and relies on private support. Rothesay Netherwood School is no different; it has flourished through the generosity of passionate donors, and the long-term excellence of the school depends upon it. Every student benefits from your generosity.

Some individuals have also Planned gifts are an

Every student benefits from your generosity.

Today, tuition revenue

covers approximately 90% of the operating costs of RNS, and the

The continued support of the RNS

remaining funds come from endowment

community will help us build and sustain

income and our fundraising efforts. The

our place among the best independent

buildings students learn, eat, sleep, play

schools in the Canada. In the words of

and perform in are all gifts from donors.

Sir Winston Churchill – “You make a

Whether motivated to remember a

living by what you get; you make a life

family member, teacher or classmate,

by what you give”. ♦

or wishing to ‘pay it forward’ and help provide an extraordinary educational experience








RNS would not be the school it is today, without the staunch dedication of our countless parent, grandparent, and alumni volunteers. Here are two outstanding volunteers. Jennifer Chisholm (mother of Kathleen ’16 and Will ’18) and Francine Quinn-Steeves (mother of Katie ’16, Jonathon ’18 and Alex ’18 Steeves) give their time in a number of ways at the school, but maybe the most significant role over the past couple years has been taking on the task of outfitting our many student actors in not only the senior school play, but also both musicals each year. From design and fittings and sewing to treasure hunting at bargain stores and inventing unique prop solutions, Jennifer and Francine have been indispensable to our theatre program. “I have always volunteered to support my children’s interest and to support the teacher or organization that is working so hard to bring opportunities to our kids”, says Francine. “So often the people conducting the programs are volunteering their time as well. Ms. Bell brings Shakespeare and history to life on stage - no small feat. Mrs. Ellis, through her musicals, calls to our attention a message about acceptance, appreciation, and inclusivity. Mr. Kidd’s musical talents and the art studio’s visual set design, encourages us to dream and engage our senses. By helping them out, I am able to give back and say thank you for their commitment.” “The Faculty and staff at RNS contribute to the school above and beyond the job for which they were hired. They dine with the students, attend regular scheduled “duty” in the evenings and on weekends, and advise as coaches, theatre or choir directors and mentors. I admire people who choose not to sit on the side lines but who are willing to go the extra mile to make a difference in the lives of our children,”

remarks Jennifer. “I choose to volunteer as a means of appreciating these individuals and supporting their work. It is my way of saying “thank you” for going that extra mile and making RNS a very special place for learning and growing.” “Being a good teacher involves more than just being skilled in the delivery of the subject material you teach,” says Jennifer. “A good teacher connects with each student individually, recognizing his/her different needs and personalities and tailoring their “connection strategy” to meet those needs. A good teacher recognizes that every interaction they have with a student throughout the day can be a teaching/ learning experience. They also know that teaching respect and responsibility are key to success in life.” “I believe that you only get out of an experience what you put into it,” expresses Francine. “Our involvement as parents only enriches our children’s experience.” Jennifer and Francine are just two of the many parent volunteers who give their time to our school’s performing arts productions, and countless dedicated others before them who have humbly extended a hand and asked for nothing in return. Just like the kids, they put in many hours of work before the house lights dim and the curtains sweep across the stage on opening night to reveal a story to be told. Many have shared over the years that the thrill of observing the students’ palpable excitement as they undergo makeup, dress in their costume, and await their cue is well worth the work. And the sense of accomplishment on those faces when they come off the stage, well that is just icing on the cake.

To learn how you might volunteer in some aspect at RNS, please contact the Development and Alumni Office at giving@rns.cc .













GATHERINGS REGIONAL EVENTS AND GATHERINGS | 2014 - 2015 1. Dax Bourcier '11, Pat Tozer '10, Luke Baxter '10, Kyla Wright '10, Adrienne Belyea ’10 at the Halifax Event. 2. Dale Judson '80, Helene Moberg '78, Janet Merrithew '80, Peter Macaulay '80, Lyn (Salsman) Waller '83 at the Halifax Event.


3. Matt Blunston '14, Jonathan Ramessar '14, David Zhou '14 and Dax Bourcier '11 at the Halifax Event. 4. Laddie Farquhar '53, Ian Robinson '59 and RNS Director of Development, Rob Beatty, at the Halifax Event. 10


5. Darla & Peter Somerville (Parents of Parker '14) with Peter’s aunt, Suzanne (Somerville) MacLean '48 at the Toronto Event. 6. Roger Marino '82 and Susan Streeter '87 at the Toronto Event. 7. Memorial University visited RNS in the fall to give a presentation to students interested in MUN’s medical program. Attending the visit was RNS alumni, Amelia Moffatt '09, who is currently studying for her MD at MUN. From left: Sam Choi '15, Nicholas Noel '16, Daniel Abay '16, Amelia Moffatt '09, and Lauren Kolyvas '15.


8. The Young Alumni Christmas Gathering in Saint John in December. From left: Margot Grant '12, Gaelyn McMackin '11, Douglas Cox '09, Rachael Grant '07, Victoria Zed '10, Amelia Moffatt '09, Taylor Overing '09, Hazen Grant '09, Lydia Reardon '09, Jamie Grant '05, Maddy McGuinness, Dave Fox '05, Nicole Hoeksema '05, Jennifer Waldschütz '92, Katherine Castonguay '07, and Val Streeter '85. 9. Teena and Dale Judson '80 at the Halifax Event. 10. Eve (McMackin) Tupper '51 and Elizabeth Cameron (mother of Michael White '89) at the Halifax Event. 11. Jim Nelles '71 and Drew Williamson '71 at the Toronto Event. 12. Lyn (Salsman) Waller '83, Nancy MacDonald (Mother of Ben '17), Cherry Ferguson '65, Mary-Kathryn Stewart (mother of Kelly '16), and Elizabeth DeLuisa (mother of Paul '11 and Luke '16 Flewwelling) at the Halifax Event.


13. While visiting Hong Kong this winter, William Crosby '03 met up with Han Seok Yoo '99, Patrick Hong '98 and William Lee '03 for lunch and a mini RNS Reunion!













GATHERINGS TOP OF THE HILL: AUCTION, DINNER & DANCE | NOVEMBER 2014 1 & 2. Heritage Hall was alive with blue and green spirit at our annual fall Top of the Hill – Auction, Dinner and Dance on November 1st, 2014. 3. Local artist, Sharon Epic, live painted the evening; the painting was then sold in the live auction.


4. Dr. David Marr, current Chair of the Board of Directors and father of Brian Marr ’04, is ready to bid in the live auction! 5. Xin Xin, Chunhui Ji, Jan Wang (mother of Tong Tong Han '17 ) and Qingping Lin (mother of Celine Chen '21) celebrate their successful auction bids. 10


6. David Albert and Shirley Roach-Albert (parents of Davine '13, Michael '15 and Daniel '20 Albert). 7. Eric Chisholm and Jennifer Roos (parents of Katherine '18 and Heather Chisholm '20). 8. Radio Factory provided great music for après auction dancing. 9. Lisa Bustin '84, Janet Blackadar '82 (mother of Morgan '16), and Mary (McCain) Turnbull '82 (mother of Graham '17, William '18, and Adrienne '20).


10. Kerrie and Sean Luck (parents of Sara '17 and Daniel '20). 11. Anne Oxley (mother of Angus '19 and Isaac '21) and Susanna Munroe. 12. Marc Dixon (father of Alexa '15), Steve Milbury, and Kelly VanBuskirk (father of Cecil '16).


13. Jenny MacDougall (mother of Ross ’15 and Jane ’16) making a bid in the silent auction. 14. Judith Pannell and Sophie McAloon (grandmother and mother of Jonah '20 and Jack-Angus '21 McAloon). 15. Teresa and Robert Teskey (parents of Brad '14, Adam '15, and Olivia '17).















GATHERINGS HOCKEY DAY AT RNS | FEBRUARY 14th 2015 1. Cheering fans warm the stands during the Women’s Alumni game. From left: Jordan Sawler, Macgregor Grant '74, Kate Pepler, Hazen Grant '09, Valerie Grant, Kate Mallin '05, Gaelyn McMackin '11. Seated: Gordon Smith ’75. 2. Moira McCarville keeps her eye on the puck during the women’s alumni game.


3. The Men’s Hockey team lines the rink for the grand opening ceremony. 4. A group of young alumni reconnect after the men’s alumni game in Collegiate Hall. Back, from left: Nicole Hoeksema '05, Josh Ogden '08, Luke Baxter '10, Luke Taylor '06, Mike Simonds '05, Maddy McGuinness, Jamie Grant '05, Ben Valcour '08, Gareth Canning '08, Rob McCann '08, Kate Pepler, Hazen Grant '09, and Paul Kitchen. Seated, from left: Ryan Neaves, Stephanie O’Neill '06, Kate Mallin '05, Tyler Veriker '06 and Danielle McAllister. 5. A shot from the men's alumni game. 6. A great turnout on the ice for the men’s alumni game. Players stretched from the Class of '62 to the Class of '14, current parents, faculty, and even included a few future alumni from our boys’ varsity team.


7. Gus Bonnycastle '62 and Hilary (Bonnycastle) Motherwell '56 and their families are pictured here with a commemorative plaque in honour of Dr. Bonnycastle to be placed in the rink lobby. 8. A few faces from the RNS cheering squad! 9. The small, but mighty women’s alumni starting line. Thanks to all the alumni and current RNS moms and friends who came out to play.


10. Hilary (Bonnycastle) Motherwell ’56 and Gus Bonnycastle '62 cut the ribbon to officially open the Dr. C.H. Bonnycastle Memorial Arena.


11. Michele Power (mother of Sam '19 and Sydney -future RNS’er pictured here) ready to take the ice. 12. Patience McCann '09 and Rachael Grant '07. 13. Deanna Bartuccio (mother of Zachary '16, Jonah '18 and Miriam Lutchmedial '20) takes a break on the bench. 14. A shot from behind the goalie’s net.





Reunion Weekend 2015 To register, visit rns.cc/reunion to submit the online form, or complete this form and return it to the school. You may also call Dayna in the the Alumni Office at 506.848.0869.

June 19, 20 & 21

Reunion Weekend 2015 Registration Form NAME







EMAIL To receive the early-bird prices listed below, please register by June 1, 2015. Registrations received after this date will be subject to a $5 price increase for each event. If you have any questions, please contact Dayna in the Alumni Office at 506.848.0869 or email rsvp@rns.cc .


Friday, June 19 4:00 pm | BBQ & Social #Attending:

x $25.00 =

Saturday, June 20

Young Alumni Weekend Rate! $40.00 for all weekend events (Classes 2010-2014) Please check which events you will attend. This rate does not apply to guests.

12:00 pm | Founders’ Luncheon

BBQ & Social - #Attending: Founders’ Luncheon - #Attending:


Young Alumni Reception - #Attending:

4:00 pm | Young Alumni Reception

Head’s Reception - 2010 Only - #Attending:


Alumni Dinner - #Attending: Carved Roast Beef Dinner Lobster Dinner

5:00 pm | Head’s Reception - 0’s & 5’s



Farewell Brunch - #Attending:

6:00 pm | Alumni Dinner and Dance #Lobster Dinner:

x $50.00 =

#Roast Beef Dinner:

x $50.00 =

Extra Lobster:

x $15.00 =

My guest(s) and/or I have a food allergy or a special dietary restriction. Please email rsvp@rns.cc or call 506.848.0869 with details.

Method of Payment Cash

Pay at door

12:00 pm | Farewell Brunch

Cheque - Please make cheques payable to Rothesay Netherwood School (Attn: Reunion) and mail to 40 College Hill Rd, Rothesay, NB E2E 5H1



Sunday, June 21 x $25.00 =

Weekend Total =



Name on Card Card Number

My guest(s) and/or I have a food allergy or a special dietary restriction. Please email rsvp@rns.cc or call 506.848.0869 with details.


CVV Signature

Expiry Date


Reunion Weekend 2015 Schedule - June 19, 20, & 21 Friday, June 19th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Alumni Registration & Drop-In Centre | ALUMNI ROOM IN COLLEGIATE HALL Tours available and archival materials on display.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

138th Closing Ceremonies | SCHOOL HOUSE LAWN All alumni welcome to attend graduation.

4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Welcome BBQ & Social | RIVERSIDE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB All alumni welcome! Meal includes hamburgers, veggie burgers and sausages with assorted salads and apple pie. Cash bar. *Note new location this year.

The Reunion Weekend 2015 Schedule of Events is posted on the school website at www.rns.cc/reunion . The schedule will be updated regularly. For all other details, please contact the Alumni Office at 506.848.0869 or email at rsvp@rns.cc

Saturday, June 20th 9:00 am - 11:00 am & 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Alumni Registration & Drop-In Centre | ALUMNI ROOM IN COLLEGIATE HALL Tours available and archival materials on display.

11:00 am

Alumni Chapel Service | RNS MEMORIAL CHAPEL A special presentation will be made to members of the Class of 1965 in honour of their 50th Reunion. Everyone is invited. Let’s fill the chapel and celebrate this milestone.

11:45 am

Alumni Race | SOUTH HOUSE LAWN All alumni from all classes please join in on the fun.

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

6th Annual Founders’ Luncheon | HERITAGE HALL All alumni welcome! Please join us for the luncheon as we honour and celebrate the contributions of this year’s Founders’ Day honourees. Please rsvp at rsvp@rns.cc

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Casual Afternoon - Campus Store Open! Enjoy the afternoon touring the campus, visiting the Alumni Room and Campus Store (located in School House), and spending time catching up with classmates.

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Young Alumni Reception | SOUTH HOUSE All Young Alumni from 2000-2014 are invited to attend. Enjoy catching up with classmates at our 3rd Annual Young Alumni Reception. Cash bar.

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Head’s Reception | 15 COLLEGE HILL ROAD Alumni of all class years ending in a ’0 or a ’5 are invited to attend. Please note that Official Class Reunion Photos will be taken. Photos will begin at 5:15 pm, starting with the most senior class.

6:00 pm

Alumni Dinner | HERITAGE HALL (WELCOME RECEPTION 6PM; DINNER 6:30PM) Meal includes lobster OR carved roast beef and a buffet of mussels, chicken, roasted potatoes, vegetables, salads and desserts - Cash bar.

8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Alumni Dance & Party | HERITAGE HALL All alumni welcome. Cash bar, late night snacks and dancing with DJ Neil.

Sunday, June 21st 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Alumni Drop-In Centre | ALUMNI ROOM IN COLLEGIATE HALL The coffee pot will be on. Tours available and archival materials on display.

11:00 am

Alumni Chapel Service | NETHERWOOD CHAPEL All alumni welcome.

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Farewell Brunch and Reunion Awards Presentation | HERITAGE HALL Meal includes individual omelettes, Belgian waffles, eggs, bacon, seafood, pasta, canapes, desserts, coffee, tea, and juice.



Can you name this mystery cadet from your RCS days? Let us know! Email alumni@rns.cc or call the Alumni and Development Office at 506.848.0861. We would love to hear from you! THE HEAD’S LETTER

FROM THE archives

CLASS NOTES 1930's & 1940's Harry Furniss ’39 celebrated his 95th birthday on February 7, 2015. He and wife, Enid, who is 103, live in Victoria, BC and have been married for over 65 years. Joan (Fraser) Ivory ’49, was awarded the Order of Canada this winter for her unwavering commitment to the cultural and educational sectors of Montréal.

1950's David Flack ’53, now retired after 50 years in the insurance business, resides in Bridgewater, NS with his wife, Betty. The couple spends their summers in Nova Scotia (and on the golf course!) and winters away in sunny Florida. David fondly remembers his three years at RCS and living in Mackay House. David Maddison ’56 has retired from his vascular surgery practice and his work with the McMaster University Vascular Surgery Department. He and his wife, Doreen, remain in Brant County, Ontario, where they take pleasure in walking and cycling the Grand River and rail trails and enjoy playing in the Brantford Memorial Concert Band and the Brantford Community Symphony Orchestra. Their four children and two grandchildren live close by.

1960's Murray and Nita (MacMurray) Driscoll ’62 finished renovations on Nita’s family’s home late last summer and have moved in. Nita says the home is “right on the river, so it is a little piece of heaven!” Her mother, who will turn 99 in June, enjoys to visit and “sit on the deck and look at her river.” Louise (Peatman) Stevenson ’62 has just completed a three-year term as the co-chair of the annual fundraising gala for the Northumberland Hills Hospital in Cobourg, Ontario. This year the gala raised $172,000! Louise remains with the Foundation as its Chair of the Board. Over the Christmas holidays, Louise and her husband, Ross, visited with Murray and Nita (MacMurray) Driscoll ’62 and Richard and Sandy (Keirstead) Thorne ’62. Barbara (Wright) Blake ’63, Sally (Drury) McDougall ’63 and Joan (LeBreton) Evans ’63 got together for an alumnae lunch in December. Then, early in January, Barbara and a group of her friends travelled to Aruba. David Hanschell ’63 is still keeping busy with his Surplus Educational Supplies Foundation in Scotland. Most recently, he shipped 18,000 kilograms of school supplies to the Caribbean.

Glenn Johnston ’64 is enjoying retirement in sunny Florida. His son, Dr. Aaron Johnston, now owns and operates the chiropractic practice that Glenn began over 30 years ago. Last summer, he and wife, Midge, attended the 50th Reunion for the Class of ’64 on the Hill where Glenn enjoyed reminiscing with his classmates. Bob Willis ’64 and his wife, Judy, have retired and settled in Lemon Tree Passage on the east coast of Australia. They spend time travelling between here and Canada where they visit with their six grandchildren. Bob and Judy intend on taking full advantage of the reverse seasons and will try their hardest to avoid the Canadian winter completely! We love pictures, and we like you to look good. Here are some tips for providing digital photos that will look fantastic in print.

• Set the photo size to 4x6 inches or larger in 300 dpi. • Submit hi-resolution files. Low-res files from websites don’t reproduce well. • Set your digital camera to the best photo setting. • Identify everyone left to right and provide a caption.

Email your photos to alumni@rns.cc . We would love to hear from you!




Suzanne (Dean) Hubbard ’70, Pat Eakins ’70, Susan Cressy ’71, Susan Fisher ’71 and Greg Davis ’70 met for dinner in January in Ottawa. The group gets together often and finds that they still have as much to chat about today as they did when they all first met over 45 years ago!


Susan Fisher ’71 completed her Masters in Education in 2012, promptly retired a year later after ten years of teaching at Algonquin College and moved to Sackville, NB, where her son, Colin, is attending university. She is enjoying retirement, travelling the world with her husband, Dave, and supervising the rolling tides of the Bay of Fundy.

1980 Debbie Hackett ’84 was appointed a judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick, Family Division, earlier this year in Saint John. Members of the RCS hockey teams from 1979-1983 made contributions toward the fundraising effort of the Dr. C.H. Bonnycastle Memorial Arena expansion. In commemoration of this, they had a vintage jersey framed. Pictured here during the opening ceremonies on February 14, 2015, from left: Paul Kitchen, Robin Harvey ’83, Bob Snodgrass ’57, Kent Grass ’81, Rev. Jim Golding ’56, Colin MacDougall ’80, and Rob Beatty (RNS Director of Development). THE HEAD’S LETTER

Guy Mersereau ’71 became President of Vallen, an Edmonton-based distributor of safety and industrial maintenance, repair and operations goods and services in 2013. Guy has been married since 1976 and has two daughters and two grandsons. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Little Warriors, a charitable organization dedicated to prevention, education and treatment around child sexual abuse. In 2014, Doug Wong ’73 won an international engineering design contest as part of the Smarter Life Design Challenge. This challenge had 150 contestants from around the globe drawn from a pool of 200,000 engineers on the Element14 Forum. Dave commented, “It was a bit like winning the world championships of engineering!”

Thank you for your support!

Mary Ellen Collins ’77 lives in Toronto with her son and twin 13-year-old girls. She stays busy keeping the family on track with sports, academics and negotiating city traffic! Her son, Ata, is hoping to study engineering at Dalhousie in the fall, and daughter, Sara, plays hockey for the Leaside Wildcats. Mary mentions that she “used to love skating on the hockey rink at RCS and enjoyed playing for the girls’ hockey team, back in the day, when we had to go to Mackay House and borrow equipment from the boys!”

Wayne MacGregor ’74 and husband, Dennis Cain, are proud to announce the adoption of their new son, Jastin Hillard, who is a wonderful addition to their family.

1990's Mike Parker ’93 and his wife, Crystal, welcomed their third child, Holly Louise, on December 19, 2014. Big sisters, Lily and Rose were excited to meet Holly the next day at the IWK. Mike’s parents, Cynthia and Dick Parker ’62, are absolutely thrilled! Mary (Kitchen) Orszag ’93 and her husband, Jon, welcomed their first child, Baye Elspeth Orszag, on January 5, 2015 in New York City. Baye is the eighth grandchild for Paul and Elizabeth Kitchen, and a new niece for Aunt Stephanie (Kitchen) Armstrong ’96 and Uncle Jeff Kitchen ’03 and Aunt Brittany (Halpin) Kitchen ’04.

Jana Coes ’95 and her fiancé, Richard Kehoe, welcomed their first child, Hazen Robert Kehoe, on July 19, 2014. Hazen is a nephew for Cara (Coes) Tiffin ’91 and Corinne Coes ’99. The family resides in Pakenham, Ontario, where Jana works as a Post Service Care Administrator for Tubman Funeral Homes.

Support the school this spring and help make a huge impact on daily life at RNS. Your participation as an RNS'er Who Cares will truly make a difference. Thank you. For more information an to donate visit www.rns.cc/100

Sara (Thorley) Titus ’95 and her husband, Joe, are celebrating 10 years in business with their company, Going With The Grain Hardwood Flooring. Sara is still flying for WestJet and enjoying all of their new destinations in the European market. Daughter Emily, now 11, is a competitive swimmer at the provincial level.

son, Johann Andrew Graeme, on January 6, 2015. The family resides in Victoria, BC where Hagen is a family doctor and Sarah will be finishing her family practice training in maternity and women’s health following her maternity leave.

Kate (Thorley) Jackson ’96 is enjoying life in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband, Geoff. The couple is currently building a new home. Sarah Lea ’96 married Hagen Kluge on September 14, 2014 in Whistler, BC. The couple met while in residency in Victoria. Helping the couple celebrate were Sarah’s parents, Jeannine and James Lea ’66, her cousin, Gordon Lea ’98, and longtime friend, Meigan Aspin ’96. Sarah and Hagen welcomed their first child, Heinrich James Henner, on November 7, 2013 and their second

Kate Irving ’98 and her husband, Joe Cashion, welcomed their first child, Amelia Katherine Cashion, to the world on January 26, 2015 in Toronto. Amelia is the first grandchild for Lynn and Jim Irving ’69, a nephew for uncles Jamie Irving ’95, David Irving ’02, and Alex Irving ’07, and the second greatgrandchild for Jean and Jim Irving ’46.



Can you guess what year this photo was taken? If so, email us at alumni@rns.cc We would love to hear from you!

David Gagnon ’99 and his wife, Kristi Ann, welcomed their third child, Jack David Gagnon, on November 8, 2014 in Calgary Alberta. Jack is a new nephew for Catherine Gagnon ’03. Big sisters, Jordyn and Alexis, adore their little brother and have dubbed him “Budsie”! David is excited for Jack to begin golfing with him at Canyon Meadows!



Jessica Findlay ’99 married Abel Herbert in Mexico on December 3, 2014. Jessica is the daughter of Heather and George Findlay ’68, sister of David Findlay ’04, and niece of Cynthia Findlay ’65. Jessica and Abel reside in Ottawa.

Cameron (Bird) Saskin ’99 and her husband, Evan, welcomed their second child Emmeline (Emmy) Bea Saskin on September 22, 2014. Emmy’s big brother, Beckett, is excited to have a little sister! Emmy is a new granddaughter for RNS Board member, Terry Bird, and a cousin for Brooke Cunningham ’16.


Victoria (Jewett) Chatzikirou ’00 and her husband, Dan, welcomed their first child, Abigail Marie, on March 22, 2015 in Belleville, Ontario. Victoria was posted to 429 Squadron at CFB Trenton upon receiving her Air Force Pilot Wings in February of 2012. After completing her C-17 Globemaster training in Altus, Oklahoma she was quickly deployed. Her flying has taken her to many parts of the world including Peru, Northern Canada, Africa, Greece and the UK. While Victoria and Dan are both passionate about serving their country, they are excited to take on their new role as parents! Lauren Cavanaugh ’02 and her wife, Sarah Rademacher, welcomed their first child, Quinn, on December 17, 2014 in Buffalo, New York.

Lauren and Sarah reside in Amherst, NY where Lauren works as a professor at Canisius College in the Department of Kinesiology. Jeff Kitchen ’03 was named as one of ReMax's Top 30 Real Estate Agents Under 30 in Canada. Jeff has been selling real estate in the Saint John area since 2007, as well as building new homes through his construction company, Vantage Build. Recently, Brittany (Halpin) Kitchen ’04 came on board to work alongside Jeff in the couple's real estate ventures. Charlene Paddock ’04 has completed her study work at Saba University School of Medicine in the Caribbean. Upon return to Canada, she has started to study toward the US Licensed Medical Exam. After she passes this exam, she hopes to train in clinical rotations throughout the US, as well as elective rotations in Canada. Charlene is scheduled to complete her medical degree in 2017, and then continue with her residency program.

Murray Tucker ’04 and his wife, Kelsey, welcomed their first child, Lachlan James Tucker, on November 12, 2014. The Tucker family resides in Pennfield, NB.

Robert Milne ’05 and his wife, Carly, welcomed their first child, Nola Elizabeth Autumn, on November 19, 2014 in Saint John. Jeremie Poirier ’06 recently started a new job as the Director of International Strategy & Startup Development for THINK Accelerate, based in Helsingborg, Sweden. The company provides programs for business start-ups to successfully grow outside of Sweden. Robin Augustine ’07 is living in Moncton where she is working on completing her Bachelor of Science from Crandall University. She has been pre-accepted to Dalhousie Medical School for September 2016. On July 27, 2014, Robin and her partner, Richard, welcomed their first child, Gabriel into their family. Gabriel is a baby brother for Robin's four-year-old step-daughter, Lexie. Kyle MacDonald ’07 is currently in his fourth and final year of medicine at Memorial University and will graduate this spring. He begins his four year residency in pediatrics at the University of Ottawa Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario. This program was his number one pick and he is ecstatic that he was chosen as one of only nine residents to pursue

postgraduate training in Ottawa. Lauren Goddard ’07 graduated from the University of York (England) with her Masters in Digital Film and Television Production on January 23, 2015. Matt Trivett ’07 started calling video game play-by-play for fun a few years ago. He has now found a career for himself game casting the action for thousands of people who watch gaming, much like others would watch hockey or baseball, at major gaming tournaments across North America. Matt specializes in casting Counter-Strike, a first person shooter video game. Most recently, Matt travelled to Aspen, Colorado to call at the X Games. Along with his university friend, Josh Ogden ’08 co-founded Castaway Golf, an Atlantic Canadian startup that aims to improve the retrieval and distribution processes for recycled golf balls. The team has developed equipment that will search for and clean almost all misplaced golf balls at the bottom of a pond. Technology then sorts the balls into the 200 different models so they can be repackaged and resold by brand and kind. In March, Castaway Golf was awarded a $250,000 first place prize at New Brunswick Innovation Foundation’s Breakthru Startup Competition 2015. Josh serves as the company’s CEO. Robin Scott ’09 has been studying Marketing and Strategy at the Université de Paris Dauphine through an apprenticeship program at which she works three days a week and attends school for two. She will finish the first half of her Master's program this spring.

Ashlyn Somers ’09 graduated from Mount Allison with a Degree in Commerce and a minor in Fine Arts with a concentration in photography. Since September, Ashlyn has been working with Newcap Radio in Charlottetown as an Account Manager for Ocean 100 and HOT 105.5 in the Marketing and Sales Department. She is also the head coach for a bantam girls’ hockey team on which her younger sister plays. Keiller Zed ’09 helped the New Brunswick Liberal Party run a successful campaign last summer to form the province's new government in September. Since then, he has worked in the Legislature and has been promoted to Deputy Press Secretary on the Premier’s communications team. Sarah Irving ’06 graduated with her Masters in Business Administration in June 2014 from The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. She has returned home to Saint John and is working in the family business.

A gift as easy as your class year (2004 = $20.04) will help make a huge difference for the RNS of tomorrow. And, to make this even better, every dollar that is donated to the GOLD Challenge 2.0 will be matched by a donor.

Learn more at: www.rns.cc/gold WINTER & SPRING ’15


2010's Luke Baxter ’10, who started working in Halifax after graduating from ST. FX in 2014, has returned home to Saint John. He is working as a HR Generalist with Irving Pulp and Paper. Sam Consolvo ’10 will be graduating from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in May with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. During his time as a student, he participated in two co-op education programs, one in heavy civil contracting for Independence Excavating Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio, and the other in geotechnical consulting for GeoConcepts Engineering Inc. located in Ashburn, Virginia. In his spare time, Sam volunteers for the Blacksburg Fire Department.


Anja Wiemers ’11 is now in her third year at SRH Hochschule Heidelberg (Germany) studying Physiotherapy. She participated in a three-month International Erasmus Program course in health care earlier this year in Denmark. Emma McEvoy ’12 completed a two-week intensive training course at the National Ballet School in Toronto last summer. She will graduate this May from UNB Saint John with a BA in Communications and English. Recently, Emma has been accepted into an online program through Algonquin College in Mobile and Social Media Management.


Brett Doiron ’13 and Mitch Vanderlaan ’13, former RNS roommates and teammates, reunited once again and played hockey together in Fort MacMurray, Alberta, this past season. The boys will play in the Canadian Junior Hockey League Western Canada Cup from April 25 to May 3. Brett spent time in the later part of 2014 playing in Grande Prairie with former RNS coach, Kevin Higo. In early March of this year, Mitchell was awarded the 2015 Gas Drive AJHL Scholarship, a $1,500 bursary toward his post-secondary education. Carl Elze ’14 successfully completed a hotel hospitality service internship at a Michelin starred restaurant in Heidelberg, Germany. In January, he started his studies at the Hotel Institute Montreux, Switzerland and successfully passed his first exams. Shira Hollinger ’15 received The President's Volunteer Service Award in recognition for her work with the homeless in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco, through Johns Hopkins CTY Civic Leadership Institute offered by UC Berekeley. She spent five weeks during the Summer of 2014 working in soup kitchens, food banks, and mentoring homeless youth at a Boys and Girls Club. This award acknowledges Americans of all ages who have volunteered significant amounts of their time to serve communities in the United States of America. Below is an excerpt from the letter that Shira received from President Barack Obama. “In my Inaugural Address, I stated that we need a new era of responsibility -- a recognition on the part of every American that we have duties to ourselves, our Nation, and the world. These are duties that we do not grudgingly accept, but rather seize gladly, firm in our knowledge

that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit than giving our all to a difficult task. Your volunteer service demonstrates the kind of commitment to community that moves America a step closer to its great promise.” Cameron Magee ’17 and Ian Morrison ’17 travelled to Vermont in March to participate at the North American Under 16 Ski Race Championships. Shayna Earle ’18 competed with Surf City Synchro Club, Saint John, on the Junior Fina Team at the 2015 Canadian Qualifier Championships in Victoria, British Columbia. Seventeen RNS student-athletes traveled to Prince George, British Columbia in February to participate in the 2015 Winter Canada Games. These students represented their home provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Competing for Team New Brunswick in girls’ hockey were: Marlene Boissonnault ’15, MarieJo (MJ) Pelletier ’16, Caitlin McCabe ’15, Lindsey Donovan ’16, Maddy Murphy ’16, Janie Poitras ’16, Grace Graham ’16, Christina Rombaut ’16, Kristen McKinley ’17, and Abby Beale ’17. Jane Stevens ’17 took to the ice for Team Nova Scotia Girls’ Hockey. Pierre Bourgoin ’17 and Samuel LeBlanc ’17 played hockey for Team New Brunswick, while lacing up for Nova Scotia were Derek Gentile ’17 and Keenan MacIsaac ’17. Rothesay day students, Cameron Magee ’17 and Ian Morrison ’17 hit the slopes representing New Brunswick in downhill skiing. RNS Varsity Girl’s Hockey Head Coach, Kayla Blackmore, helped coach the girls along side former RNS coach, Maryelle Hannam. A job well done to all students – your whole RNS community is proud of you!


FROM THE archives

Can you name any of these young ladies from your Netherwood days? Let us know! Email alumni@rns.cc or call the Alumni and Development Office at 506.848.0861. We would love to hear from you! WINTER & SPRING ’15

Faculty & Staff

RNS Director of Hockey Operations, Jeff Lewis, and his wife, Marcie, welcomed their second child, Sadie Grace Lewis, on February 20th, 2015.

RNS Development Officer, Judy MacFarland, and her husband, Gerald, welcomed their third granddaughter, Kiera Bailey Rae, on November 20, 2014. Kirk Houseparent and Math Teacher, Damian Gay and his wife, Erin, welcomed their son, Griffin Porter Gay, on December 27, 2014. Associate Faculty, Gowri Muralidhar, married Malin Baslasooriya on December 15, 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


RNS Geography and Science Teacher, Mark Jenkins, and his wife, Ali, welcomed their first child, Lochlan Finley Jenkins, on November 8, 2015.

Can you name any of these ladies from your Netherwood Days? Email alumni@rns.cc and let us know!


Do you have any exciting news? If you have recently had a celebration, graduation, marriage, birth, work, school, athletics or volunteer success, or if you are just looking for a reason to update classmates on what is happening, please send this news along to alumni@rns.cc . We would love to include it in the next edition of The Head's Letter !

Rothesay Netherwood School and The University of New Brunswick Faculty of Education invite you to join us at Learn2Learn 2015. Explore powerful learning strategies that lead to critical thinking and creativity in the classroom. Engage in thought-provoking discussions with like-minded colleagues from across the country and enrich your own learning while building professional relationships. Experience visionary keynotes, practical workshops and sessions led by innovative educators.



Visit: learn2learn.ca to register



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• Deployment & Management of Google Apps • Google Apps Scripts • Google Apps for Education Certification • Chromebooks in Education • YouTube for Schools • Google Docs, Google Sites, Google Calendar & Gmail power tips

Join us for the first EdTechTeam Atlantic Canada Summit featuring Google for Education to be held at Rothesay Netherwood School in Rothesay, New Brunswick. This high-intensity two-day event focuses on deploying, integrating and using Google Apps for Education to promote student learning in K-12 and higher education.

Rothesay Netherwood School | 40 College Hill Road, Rothesay, NB | 1.506.847.8224 | www.rns.cc


Giving back to


Our school community gives back to RNS to ensure that we continue to set the standard for excellence and provide an extraordinary educational experience for students for generations to come.

Thank you for making a difference.


Why do I give to RNS? Why do I choose to make a difference? BY: TOM WELLNER ’83 TORONTO, ONTARIO

RNS has always held a special place in my heart. The friendships made during my time at the school were part of what shaped my path in life. Life on the Hill gave me a different perspective on how I, a 13-year-old from a small province who knew that he wanted to have a collection of experiences, could start taking steps along this path. This was a very foundational time for me as a person and the RNS community was a very vital part in my life. I have also been drawn to the vision for the rejuvenation of the school that has taken place since I graduated in 1983. RNS is now a dynamic learning environment that is rich with choice and flush with infrastructure that enables the staff, the students and the community to benefit from and enjoy this stimulating, active and energetic atmosphere. It is also satisfying to know that you are making some small difference for a boy or girl that wants the experience of a lifetime at a very influential age. I have always viewed life as a series of experiences and, having recently crossed the 50th year hurdle, mine has certainly seemed to have transpired this way. I have found donating to RNS to be very rewarding and this centers on the concept of connectivity. Giving back to RNS has enabled me to stay connected with my core group of friends whom I met on the Hill and to reach out and re-connect with others with whom I had lost touch, to let them know about the great things happening on the Hill today. Recently a group of fellow alumni from 1979-1983 and I came together to make a group donation


toward the school’s arena expansion, along with a plaque and a vintage jersey, to recognize and pay tribute to our past hockey coaches: Mr. Sinclair, Mr. MacDougall, Mr. McCulloch, Rev’d James Golding ’56 and Mr. Bob Snodgrass ’57. Each of these men had a tremendous and influential impact on our collective lives in one way or another. Spearheaded and organized by Diggy Turnbull ’81, the group was energized to find each member of our hockey teams from 1979 to 1983 and seek to have them all contribute to the donation, no matter the size. In the end, it was great fun reminiscing about our memories on the Hill, while at the same time contributing a generous, meaningful, collective donation to give to the school and help provide for a bright future for the hockey arena, the school itself and the greater RNS community.

Interested in making a gift to RNS or telling us why you give? Email Nic Carhart in the Alumni Affairs & Development Office at giving@rns.cc or call 506.848.0861. WINTER & SPRING ’15


We have always believed that raising a child is far more than just having them attend the requisite years of grade school, achieve a passing grade and then, by default, fall into a job with little direction. We have always been of the opinion that raising a child is a complex combination of strong traditional values such as honesty, caring for others, and hard work in order to achieve one’s goals. We have always believed not to discount reaching for achievement beyond run of the mill accomplishments – that with the desire and the effort it is possible for anyone, no matter their background, to realize their dreams. Instead of “I can’t”, we ask “Why can’t I?”


RNS provided our children with an academic education that far exceeded typical expectations relative to the local options on both sides of the country. This can be attributed to the excellent teachers at RNS, the intensity of the program, and the rich content. Both Brittany and Jack have admitted that RNS prepared them well for university - far beyond what their freshmen counterparts faced in their first year.

a teacher herself. And years later, keeps in touch on a daily basis with her closest friends whom she met on her first day in residence at RNS – "The Freshmen Four." Many teachers, administrators, volunteers, and donors played a part in our children’s education; we recognize this and are extremely grateful. Naturally, we must do our part and pay it forward, however small. It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child – what a wonderful village it is!

Why is the sustainability of RNS & the education of future RNS students important to our community? BY: GEOFF MITCHELL ’61 EXETER, NEW HAMPSHIRE

I attended RCS for five years (1956-1961) and have been a Governor of RNS since 1998.

However, this was only a small part of the ‘education’ of raising a child. The relationships made from living in residence have created friendships that our kids will endure for a lifetime – both have travelled the world visiting their friends and, with the luxury of today’s communications, stay in touch daily. Living away from home at a very young age cannot but force a young person to mature quickly. The opportunities provided by RNS in the arts, sports, and specifically for our son, the lifelong love of outdoor adventure, mountain climbing and kayaking, have enriched their lives in ways that have and will last long after RNS.

Looking back on my life, my RCS experience stands out as perhaps the key contributor to my subsequent military and educational experiences, my business pursuits and to my personal family life.

Without any doubt our children matured in ways that would never have occurred if lost in a public system. Through her experience, our daughter chose to become

My enthusiasm and optimism for the school today and its bright future are best summed up by what Jim Power (Principal at Upper Canada College in Toronto) wrote in


While the school was different when I attended, as an alumnus and then as a Governor, I have seen the school improve and expand upon many of the attributes it had when I was there. Today, RNS is probably the best independent school in Canada and, quite possibly, in the USA, as well.

the introduction to the Canadian Accredited Independent Schools’ (CAIS) 2011 Accreditation Report of RNS, which stated: Ask any RNS Student what really makes the school special and you will hear the same refrain: “We have a great community. The teachers REALLY care about us. And we care about one another.” To continue this tread for the students of today, and more importantly for the students that will attend into the next century and beyond, it is important that the school adjust to the challenges and the opportunities of 21st Century education, that it is sustainable and that its educational and unique culture are affordable – particularly to students in Atlantic Canada. This can only be possible if the whole RNS community actively and consistently participates in the Annual Giving Campaign which supports the day-to-day programs that the school offers each student. For long term sustainability however, it is the school’s Endowment Fund that will ensure RNS and its unique culture is available to future students. Annually, I give to both. Today the RNS Endowment is over $6 million but needs to be $60 million. Let’s all pitch in to attain this. Every dollar helps by insuring 5 cents annually for future sustainability.


People ask me all the time if it was worth going away to RNS. Coming from a small community in rural PEI, this question is both common and surprisingly difficult to answer thoroughly. I think that unless you have been a member of such a tight-knit, dedicated, and student-

focused environment, it’s hard to summarize such an experience in just a few words. What I am certain of is that my time at RNS was absolutely life changing and has certainly helped me get to where I am today, which is on the cusp of graduating medical school from Memorial University and about to begin my pediatrics residency training in Ottawa. At RNS I was finally challenged academically, encouraged to explore my athletic and artistic abilities, and was exposed to many new and diverse perspectives from our globally-minded community. But aside from all that, RNS gave me confidence and determination and a mind set that I could tackle anything with enough handwork and courage. All with the knowledge that I had a lifelong support network along with - family friends and other alumni - with me. I’ve always liked the expression, “put your money where your mouth is”, and that’s really what this is all about. Although at times I struggle to articulate the entirety of my RNS experience, I do know that I have never been a member of such a continuously supportive environment. To this day, eight years since my graduation, I am still overwhelmed by the effort that faculty, staff and friends make to connect, include and encourage me. So for me, giving back is essential so that other young men and women can dare to explore and dream of more than what they ever thought possible right here in Atlantic Canada. Returning back to my opening question, my answer is always a heartfelt, “YES!” If you answer as strongly as I do, then please consider supporting our school today. ♦



Generous, thoughtful people in our community have made the decision to make a difference in the lives of students at Rothesay Netherwood School by including a Legacy Gift when planning their estate. Many independent schools, colleges and universities, including Rothesay Netherwood School, have benefited from the foresight and generosity of individuals who have chosen to make a legacy gift. These planned gifts are of immense importance: they have already helped to build RNS into the extraordinary place that it is today and they will help secure and shape the school 52

for the future. In many cases, legacy gifts are designed to suit an individuals’ area of interest and also provide significant tax benefits to the donor. Scholarships, financial aid and new and improved facilities are just a few of the areas that benefit as a result of a legacy gift. Donors who have made a planned gift to RNS, or who have made their intentions known, are members of The 1877 Society. Through their charitable endeavours, their gift will help provide permanent benefits to the RNS community. Individuals can become members of The 1877 Society in a variety of ways including bequests, gifts of life insurance and charitable remainder trusts. If you are thinking of joining The 1877 Society or are interested in further information about how your legacy gift can work for future RNS students for years to come, please contact Rob Beatty in the Development and Alumni Affairs Office at 506.848.1731 or giving@rns.cc .

When donors let us know of their estate plans, all information regarding their donation is kept in strict confidence. Some donors wish to share with others their legacy intentions, while others wish to stay anonymous. No matter the case, we thank each of them for their leadership.



Elizabeth Boissonnault '16, Lee Cai Pook-Clendenning '16 and Sydney Darling '16 collaborate in the chemistry lab.

PASSINGS Margaret (Farquhar) Henderson ’41 passed away on November 13, 2014 in Sackville, NB at the age of 90. She was predeceased by her sister, Marion (Farquhar) LeMesurier ’43. Margaret will be lovingly remembered by her daughters, Jill Bugden and Sara Henderson ’77; her son, Colin; her granddaughter, Jennifer Henderson ’99; and by her nephews and niece, Andrew LeMesurier ’77, David LeMesurier ’10 and Emily LeMesurier ’07.


Robert Shatford ’41 passed away on December 28, 2014 in Victoria, BC. He is survived by his wife of 70 years, Lois; and by his cousin, Graham Scott ’60 (Gail). He was predeceased by his three children, by his cousin, Carol Shatford ’59, and by his brother-in-law, Leonard Griffith ’39. Robert joined the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve as an ordinary seaman following his graduation from RCS and later became an officer. After the war, he attended Dalhousie University where he studied medicine. Robert and Lois spent much of their life in Ontario where Robert worked as a general practitioner and, in later years, a doctor for Veterans Affairs in Ottawa. Priscilla (Penfield) Chester ’43 passed away on February 19, 2014 in Tunbridge, Vermont. She is survived by her husband, Bill, four daughters, ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Harold Mayes ’43 passed away on February 11, 2015 in Saint John, NB. Harold was an avid volunteer and active member of his community and


received many accolades for his work throughout his lifetime. Of note, Harold was presented the Governor General’s Medal for Fire Service Exemplary, as well as a plaque in recognition of 60 years service with the City of Saint John and the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal. In 2002, Harold had the honour to lead the procession for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Saint John. John ‘Jack’ Walsh ’46 passed away on February 23, 2015 in Halifax, NS. He was predeceased by his wife, Evelyn, and survived by his brother, Fred Walsh ’47 (Mary), his four children and seven grandchildren. After graduating from RCS, Jack worked as a volunteer courier for the Air and Sea Wardens in war-time Halifax; he later served on the Merchant Marine Hospital ship, “Lady Nelson”. Jack was the recipient of the Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, The Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation, the Queen's Diamond and Golden Jubilee Medals, the Royal Canadian Legion's 75th Anniversary Medal, and the 1939-1945 Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp. Jack was part of a small group who served on behalf of Canadian Merchant Mariners, winning compensation and recognition for their war-time effort. Bill Simmonds ’70 passed away on March 23, 2015 in Moncton, NB. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Joan; his children, Andrew (Jenny) and Christa (Ryan); his two grandchildren, Lincoln and Teagan; his siblings, Caryn (Simmonds) Harrison ’70 (Bill Harrison ’70), Donald

Simmonds ’71 and Sandi (Simmonds) Crosby ’73. Bill enjoyed life especially spending time with his family and his passion for sailing, woodworking and classic cars. Philip Kincaid ’83 passed away on December 11, 2014 in Vancouver, BC at the age of 49. Predeceased by his parents, he will be lovingly remembered by his wife, Catriona, his brother Michael Kincaid ’79, and by his extended family and friends. Michael Garnett ’00 passed away on January 23, 2015 in Victoria, BC. He is survived by his mother, Geraldine, his brothers, Kerry and Peter; by his extended family, including cousins Will Higgins ’96, Maureen Higgins ’98, and Kathryn Higgins ’01; and by many friends. Michael’s father, Robert, passed away twenty-three days later on February 15, 2015. While at RNS, Michael was involved in many sports, including speed skating, basketball, swimming and skiing. Past Faculty, Michael DuBroy, passed away on January 14, 2015. He is survived by his brother, William, and sisters, Marie and Frances. Michael worked at RCS-Netherwood from September, 1982 through until June, 1984. While on the Hill he taught English and history, was the librarian, a Mackay houseparent and was in charge of the yearbook. Following his years in Rothesay, Michael went on to spend over twenty years teaching at Trinity College School in Port Hope, Ontario.


Sam Choi '15 plays in the band for the Senior School Musical, Band Geeks.



Our Sympathies… Bert Miller ’44 on the death of his wife, Joan, on February 21, 2015 in Saint John. Joan is also survived by her sister-in-law, Barbara (Miller) McIntyre ’52. Diana (Mills) Peacock ’59 on the death of her son, John Peacock, on January 23, 2015 in Saint John. Kevin Scott ’69 and Robert Scott ’83 on the death of their mother, Charmian Scott, on January 21, 2015 in Fredericton. Mrs. Scott was the grandmother of Robin Scott ’09. Alan Salsman ’74, Robert Salsman ’79, and Lyn (Salsman) Waller ’83 on the death of their father, Dean Salsman, on February 8, 2015 in Halifax. John McGloan ’79 on the death of his mother, Marilyn McGloan, on February 19, 2015 in Saint John. Heidi (Hutchings) Kays ’85 on the death of her father-in-law, George Kays, on Febuary 7, 2015. Alexander Mouland ’97 on the death of his grandmother, Mabel Mouland, on November 30, 2014 in Saint John, NB. Sumire (Yamaguchi) Worman ’00 on the sudden death of her husband, Cedric, on July 21, 2014 in Durham, NC. Paul Gomez ’04 on the death of his mother, Cheryll Gomez, on August 26, 2013 in Tampa, FL. Cheryll was the aunt of Edwin Duncanson ’07. Luke Hoeksema ’03 and Nicole Hoeksema ’05 on the death of their grandfather, Gerard Hoeksema, on March 21, 2015. Jamie Whitcomb ’07 and Ian Whitcomb ’08 on the death of their grandfather, Ian Whitcomb, on February 5, 2015. Michael Quinn ’09 on the death of his father, Dr. John Quinn, on January 3, 2015. Cecil VanBuskirk ’16 on the death of his grandfather, Bill Jackson, on March 23, 2015. Bill was the father of RNS School Store Manager Volunteer, Cynthia VanBuskirk. Rob Beatty, RNS Director of Development, on the death of his mother, Margaret (Peggy) Beatty on January 20, 2015 in Prescott, Ontario. Elizabeth and Paul Kitchen on the death of Elizabeth’s mother, Dr. Marie Jewett, on December 18, 2014 in Toronto. Marie was the grandmother of Luke Vallee ’92, Mark Vallee ’95, Victoria (Jewett) Chatzikirou ’00, Nick Rademaker ’04, Ashley Jewett ’05, Tom Jewett ’07, and Alex Jewett ’10, as well as a great aunt to Grace McNee ’10.



UPCOMING EVENTS FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 1 & 2 Middle School Musical The Wizard of Oz Théâtre Susan B. Ganong • 7:30pm THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY APRIL 30, MAY 1 & 2 26th Annual RugbyFest www.rns.cc/rugbyfest FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 8 & 9 27th Annual RNS Art Show & Sale Opening Reception on Friday in the Irving Gymnasium • 6:00pm Sale continues Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Grade 11 Mothers' Day Brunch Fundraiser Heritage Hall • 10:00am Call (506) 848-0861 for tickets.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or inquiries, our team in the Development and Alumni Affairs Office would be delighted to speak with you! Please call us anytime at 506.848.0861.

SATURDAY, JUNE 6 Grade 12 Lobster Dinner Fundraiser Heritage Hall • 6:00pm Call (506) 848-0861 for tickets. FRIDAY, JUNE 19 • 1:00pm 138th Closing Ceremonies and Class of 2015 Graduation Front lawn of School House. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 6th Annual Founders' Luncheon Heritage Hall 12:30pm RSVP: rsvp@rns.cc FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY JUNE 19, 20 & 21 Alumni Reunion Weekend All alumni welcome to attend! Special celebrations for class years ending in a '0 or a '5. Visit: www.rns.cc/reunion

RNS ADMISSION INFORMATION SESSIONS If you know of a family who may be interested in learning more about the RNS experience, please invite them to join us at one of our upcoming regional information sessions, or to visit us on campus! For full details, please email admission@rns.cc or visit us at: www.rns.cc/admission

RNS ASSOCIATION GATHERINGS Alumni, parents, grandparents and friends are encouraged to join us at our many regional association gatherings throughout the year. Wednesday, May 6 - Montreal, QC Thursday, May 7 - Ottawa, ON Monday, May 11 - Moncton, NB Wednesday, May 13 - Vancouver, BC Thursday, May 21 - Saint John, NB Email Dayna in the Alumni Office at rsvp@rns.cc for more information on these events!


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