2 minute read
Sailing Office Report
Blake statue is latest addition to RNZYS collection
A generous bequest from Janet Willis recently saw a superb Michael Weir sculpture of Sir Peter Blake added to the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron’s collection of artworks.
Janet Willis was a niece of former Commodore Scott Wilson (1947-49).
The piece was handed to the Squadron by a cousin, Jenny Aitken. “Janet always said she wanted it to go to the Squadron,” said Jenny. “There has been a family connection with the Squadron, but, more importantly, she thought of the connection with Sir Peter Blake and the Squadron.”
Janet Willis, who died in March, apparently bought the piece direct from the sculptor after Sir Peter led Team New Zealand’s historic first America’s Cup victory in 1995.
Accompanying the sculpture was a small framed photograph of Janet with Sir Peter, but Jenny Aitken said she did not know the circumstances of the photograph. Both have been added to the Blake memorabilia displayed in the Cornes Library.
Entitled The Visionary, the Blake piece stands 46cm high, mounted on a 25x25cm marble base. It is part of a series of Weir sculptures of prominent New Zealand sports personalities.
Vice Commodore Andrew Aitken was delighted to receive the generous bequest on behalf of the RNZYS.
The RNZYS has developed a “Gifting and Legacy Programme” to facilitate bequests of this nature or donations in support of specific projects including the RNZYS Foundation, the International Sailing Fund, Youth Training and Learn-to-Sail programmes, the Kawau Island boatshed development, major events, and the 150th Anniversary Environmental Project. Donors may also specify other projects they wish to support.
For information, contact Membership Director Kim Bond, phone 09 360 6905, email legacy@rnzys.org.nz

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