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Ro-hit Saini

Chandigarh, India

BB PIN 2198B1F6 Website: Rohit Saini credentials and passion for music, could have ensured that he could have joined any successful DJ. But Rohit was always too independent and had to have his own thing. Even as he kept on performing on his own at myriad places in Chandigarh including Las Vegas, Silk Lounge, Voodoo Zinc Lounge , Black Magic Lava Bar @ Taj, New Delhi , Jaipur Etc the yearning of starting his own band was always nettling him. He finally found his match in Sameer and together they formed Chakra:Vu. While the main members of Chakra:VU are two, it is not limited in any context. The band has association with an eclectic group of artistes including guitarists, vocalists, percussion players and others. Depending upon the forum and the audience, various people have performed with the band. One regular performer is Zorwat Wadali the popular Sufi vocalist. This way we remain exclusive and acc


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