Therapeutic Recreation Services of the Roanoke Valley
June - September Registration begins June 3, 8AM 013 2 r e m Sum ide u G m a Progr TRS is a partnership between Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, and the City of Salem offering recreational programs valley-wide to people with disabilities.
County Parks, Recreation and Tourism
Therapeutic Recreation Services of the Roanoke Valley Selecting programs that are right for you... The programs listed in this guide are designed to meet the needs and interests of individuals with developmental/cognitive disabilities, head injury related disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and those who are blind or have visual impairments. If you have questions about a program or the level of functioning needed, please contact any of the TR staff listed below. Course #: The course # allows us to process your registration form more quickly and accurately. Program Fee: This is the fee that is charged for participation in that specific program. Transportation Fee: This fee is charged for programs that offer transportation. The fee is $3.00 for each round trip. Transportation is provided from home as well as the following pickup points: Brambleton Center, Goodwill Salem -Lakeside Plaza, Goodwill Vinton, & 460 Antique Mall
Therapeutic Recreation Staff TRS offices are located at: 3738 Brambleton Ave Roanoke VA 24018 (540) 772-7529 ext. 2
Kari Decker, MS, CTRS Therapeutic Recreation Supervisor
Kristen Gallatin, CTRS Therapeutic Recreation Programmer
Amy Minucie, MS, PES
Mission of TRS Therapeutic Recreation Services of the Roanoke Valley provides specialized, adaptive & inclusive recreation/leisure services that empower people with disabilities to gain the knowledge and skills needed for the development of a leisure lifestyle that meets their interests and needs.
Table of Contents Outdoors & Travel 3 Wellness & Fitness 4 Cultural Arts 4
TR Program Support Specialist
Life Skills 5-6
TRS Support Staff
Guidelines for Registration 7
Support Staff will assist as needed in all aspects of your participation in TRS programs. Duties may include: assisting with transportation, supervision, limited personal care, and activity participation. If you are interested in becoming a TRS Support Staff, please contact the TRS office.
General Information 8
TR Staff 6
Registration Form 9 2nd Annual TRS Art Show 10
Outdoors & Travel
Hiking, climbing, biking, day & overnight trips
Wet 'N Wild - Emerald Pointe Experience a truly memorable summertime outing at Emerald Pointe Water Park in Greensboro, NC. The Pointe offers over 45 acres of the wettest, splashiest fun around! All water attractions have certified lifeguards on duty. Whether you like it mild or wild, there are water attractions for everyone to enjoy! Lunch at the park is included, but bring money for additional snacks or beverages in the park, and a fast food dinner on the way back home. Program fee of $52 includes transportation, water park admission and lunch. The group will stay at the water park from approximately 11:30am to 5pm, and will make a fast food dinner stop on the trip back to Roanoke. Transportation will be provided from pick-up points only. Rain date: August 13th Program fee: $52 Trans fee: Included Aug 5 Mon 11:30-5pm #23025
Crabtree Falls Hike
Crabtree Falls is arguably the most beautiful Ne set of waterfalls in Virginia. Billed as the tallest waterfalls east of the Mississippi, Crabtree Falls is a must see for hikers of all abilities and levels. The hike is 3. 4 miles roundtrip. A lunch from Subway is included in your program fee. Transportation will be provided from pick up points only. Program fee: $20 Trans fee: Included July 27 Sat 11-3pm
Virginia Dare Wildlife Cruise w! Come aboard the Virginia Dare, a 19th century e N replica side-wheeler, as we take a leisurely cruise around Smith Mountain Lake while enjoying a delicious 3 course meal. As we lunch, a ranger from Smith Mountain Lake State Park will discuss the wildlife on and around beautiful Smith Mountain Lake. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity! Transportation from pick-up points only. Program fee: $50 Tran fee: Included Sept 4 Wed 12-2pm #23073
Swimming & A Picnic Cool off & cook out with friends as we head to Holiday Lake State Park for swimming and a traditional cookout. We'll provide the fun and food, all you need to bring is your swim suit and towel. Program fee includes entrance to the state park, swimming fee, lunch, and transportation. Transportation provided from pick-up points only. Program fee: $18 Trans fee: Included July 11 Thurs 10:30-3pm #23016
w! White Water Rafting e This program is an inclusive rafting N trip with members of the general public and Camp Roanoke. Come and experience some of America’s best whitewater! Spend the day rafting on the world famous New River in West Virginia. All skill levels are encouraged to check out this action packed adventure set in the beautiful New River Gorge. Transportation, lunch, guided rafting trip, and all safety equipment are included. Transportation is leaving from Green Ridge Recreation Center at 6:30am, returning at 6:30pm Program fee: $150 Saturday Jun 29 #22989 3
Wellness & Fitness Yoga, Pilates, group exercise, aquatics, and health classes
Cultural Arts
Arts, crafts, pottery, ceramics, painting, music, and dance classes
Fitness Club
Expressions with Gwyn
Whether you've never been in a gym or are a regular, fitness club's individualized assistance will be sure to give you the support needed to succeed! We will have access to the cardio and adaptive equipment, weight machines and indoor track at the Green Ridge Recreation Center at this 8 week program! The first week will be an orientation on how to use the equipment, and then TRS support staff will help you reach your fitness goals each week. We will be trying a new method to focus our workouts and get the results that each of us want. Join us as we get up and get moving! Program fee: $56 Transportation fee: $24 July 12 - Aug 30 Fri 10-11:30am #23015
Create with Gwyn Hall; Gwyn has a degree in Art Therapy and will be facilitating and giving you the tools to express yourself in different mediums. You could be painting, sketching or sculpting- let your imagination run wild! All TRS participants are now invited to register for this program. Pickup points include Mountain House as well as home. Snacks and drinks will be provided. You may ONLY sign up for ONE Expressions course this semester. Program fee: $20 Trans fee: Included June 11 - 16 July Tues 4-6pm #23009 July 23 - Aug 27 Tues 4-6pm #23133
w! Field Day Ne Join us as we have a Field Day at the park! We will go to C. Darrell Shell Park and play a variety of outdoor games. Our games will include volleyball, frisbee, kickball, and outdoor board games. We will also enjoy a sub/sandwich lunch in the picnic shelter. Wear your athletic shoes and clothes, and bring a water bottle if you want to join in on the games. Program fee: $18 Trans fee: $3 Jun 22 Sat 10-2pm #23018
Archery w! This new program is a full day of archery e N lessons and target practice. The first part of the morning we will review the safety and instructions on how to properly shoot. We will then enjoy lunch and finish with a full practice of the skills we learned in the morning. Program fee includes lunch and all equipment and entry fees. Program fee: $26 Trans fee: $3 Aug 17 Sat 10-3pm #23019 4
TRS Art Show Join us for the 2nd Annual TRS Art Show & Competition! Opening Reception will be September 3rd, from 4-6pm at the Brambleton Recreation Center. We will have light refreshments and the general public will vote on their favorite pieces! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a TRS gift certificate for future programs! Pieces will be judged by friends, family, and Brambleton Center patrons so make sure to invite your friends & family to see your artwork on display! To enter, participants must submit a piece that they made in a TRS Cultural Arts program. See page 12 for more details! Tue Sept 3 4-6pm #23008
w! Looming Ne Looming is a great way to learn to knit beautiful hats, scarves, and more. Looming is for both beginners and the more advanced knitter or loomer. One loom and yarn is included in the program fee. You can choose from a circle or long loom. Program fee: $38 Trans fee: $18 June 17 - July 22 Mon 2-4pm #23027
Life Skills
Technology, cooking, home improvement, and social outings
Monday Night Avengers This new program is for adults ages 31+ who are looking to meet new people and create friendships while having fun and fostering independence. All activities will be planned by the group and may include things like bowling, eating out, arts & crafts, or wellness & fitness activities. The group will meet every other week at the Brambleton Center from 6:308:30pm, from June - December. To become a member, you must be able to follow two step directions, be independent in your personal care, have the ability to care for your own belongings, and self-administer your medications. Transportation is extremely limited, but we will work with you to help you find transportation and carpooling options. Please call TRS for more details. Program fee: $50 Trans fee: $42 June 17 - Dec 16 6:30 – 8:30pm #23007
Super Suppers Join your friends as we explore a local restaurant each month, experiencing different cuisines and atmospheres sure to please the palette. Super Suppers is designed to help participants with ordering from a menu and working within a given budget, while enjoying a night out with friends. No money handling skills are needed. Super Supper meets on Fridays from 6:30-8:30pm. Program fees vary according to restaurant. See below for restaurants and descriptions. Transportation Fee: $3/ per month. Double Apple - features Middle-Eastern foods with salads, chicken, pork, beef, and various seafood and vegetarian choices. You will be sure to find something to please with the wide variety. Program fee: $16 July 26 #23011 City Market Building - choose from a variety of resturants and food options including all-American, Chinese, Mexican, Bayou, and Gyros. With lots to choose from, everyone will get to pick their favorites. Program fee: $15 Aug 30 #23012
Mingle Mingle is designed for young adults with disabilities, ages 18-30. Participate in socialization, recreation, and leisure activities at the Brambleton Center and wellness activities at Green Ridge Recreation Center. As a member of Mingle, you will work with other group members in planning monthly outings in the Roanoke Valley. Mingle will meet Tuesday or Thursday nights from 7-9 pm (You may register for one night, not both). Both groups will meet one Saturday each semester for ‘Social Saturday’. This is an opportunity for the Tuesday and Thursday night groups to meet and socialize. To become a member, you must be able to follow two step directions, be independent in your personal care, have the ability to care for your own belongings, and selfadminister your medications. Contact Kristen Gallatin to determine eligibility. Program fee is $80 for June - December. Transportation is not provided. Program fee: $80 Tue June 11 - Dec 10 #23071 Thur June 13 - Dec 12 #23072
Wednesday Adventurers Explore fun activities, new places, delicious food and exciting exercises with Wednesday Adventurers! Activity information will be distributed weekly to all registered participants, highlighting the next week’s activity, transportation, dates, and times. Program fees include all materials, supplies, admission, and lunches for this 6-week program. Payment Plans are available. Contact Kristen Gallatin for more information on specific activities and transportation availability. Program fee now includes transportation. Program fee: $85 Trans fee: Included July 24 - Aug 28 10am-2pm #23026 5
Life Skills
Technology, cooking, home improvement, and social outings
Movie Club
Leisure Seekers
Movie Club is now on Saturday afternoons. Choose from two of the latest movies and enjoy a great Saturday. If you want a popcorn bucket, you will need to purchase a 2013 bucket for $15 that can be refilled for $2.50. Movie Clubs meet on Saturdays from ~4-5:30pm depending on movie choices. Program fee includes movie ticket and supervision. Movie Club Routes will no longer be mailed. If you have an email, you can choose to receive an E-Route. All other participants will receive a phone call on Wednesday with their pick-up time and movie choices. Program fee: $7.50 Transportation fee: $3 July 13 #23082 Aug 10 #23083
w! Multi-Cultural Night e N This new program will include various cultures showcasing many of the aspects that set them apart from the USA. Enjoy the ride as we tour the Brambleton Center in search of the destinations on our passports. We will learn about dance styles, crafts, cooking techniques, and get to sample each of the country’s unique foods. Be prepared to try Chinese, Greek, Italian, Egyptian, Mexican, and many more different foods. Your program fee includes the cost of the dinner. Program fee: $17.50 Trans fee: $3 Sat June 29 6:30-8:30 #23017
Leisure Seekers provides a structured environment for skill-building, socializing with peers, and engaging in a wealth of activities. Weekly activities for Summer will include a fitness night at Green Ridge, a trip to the Library, craft night, and a picnic in the park. Activity information will be distributed weekly at this 6 week program. Program fee covers all materials, supplies and admission fees. Program fee: $65 Transportation fee: Included Thu July 18 - Aug 22 6:30 - 8:30pm #23014
Dinner Dates In this fun new program, we will meet at the Brambleton Center for a dinner date with friends! Participants will learn and practice all the necessary skills needed to prepare a meal for friends and family at home. Each month, participants will take part in all aspects of the meal preparation, such as setting the table, preparing and cooking the food, and cleaning up afterwards. This program is designed for participants who want to practice the skills they learn at home and have access to a kitchen. Dinner Dates are on Wednesday from 6:30-8:30pm. Program fee: $10 Transportation fee: $3 June 19 Splendid Summer Salads #23080 July 17 Cookout at the BC #23081 Aug 21 Pancakes & Eggs #23124
TRS Staffing Updates Casey Durham was the TRS intern this spring from Longwood University. Casey worked programs like Dinner Dates, Monday Night Avengers, and Fitness Club. Casey will be working at the Catawba Hospital starting in May providing recreational programs to the residents. She will still be attending the Monday Night Avengers, and some other TR programs. Be sure to wish Casey luck as she moves on in her career in Therapeutic Recreation.
Guidelines for Registration Registration Registration is taken via telephone, email, postal mail to the TRS main office, or in person at the Brambleton Center. Mail-in and email registrations will be processed the morning of registration in the order in which they were received, and may be submitted prior to registration date. Registration begins:
8:00 AM, Monday June 3, 2013 Transportation Participants are asked to provide their own transportation, as County provided transportation is available on a very limited basis. Space will be available until filled. It is TRS policy to only wait five (5) minutes for a participant after their scheduled pickup time. After that, the van will continue on the route. If a participant is a “no show” without prior notification three (3) times within a semester, the participant will be dropped from transportation for the remainder of that semester. When meeting at pick-up points, if a participant’s transportation is more than five (5) minutes late for pick up/drop off time, three (3) times within a semester, the participant will be dropped from transportation for the remainder of that semester. If a participant is removed from transportation, they will receive a refund for those fees. Based upon registrations, activities may be moved to an alternate location to help facilitate transportation needs.
High Demand Classes & Wait Lists Sometimes programs may fill before the registration session concludes. TRS considers these “High next to the title. If a class fills, the participant Demand” classes. “High Demand” classes are marked with a will automatically be placed on a wait list. Participants will be contacted if placed on the wait list and a space becomes available.
Refunds & Credits In the event that TRS cancels a class, participants will automatically receive a full credit to their account. Credits will be carried on the account and can be used toward future courses and activities. If a participant would like a refund, notify TRS and a refund will be processed within three weeks if the amount is over $25. Credit amounts under $25 will remain on accounts for future use. If a participant must withdraw from a course, they must be withdrawn before the class begins. A participant will receive a refund if another TRS participant can fill your spot. Credits for trips or special events (such as theatre productions where tickets are purchased in advance) cannot be given after tickets are purchased unless your place can be filled.
Guidelines for Inclusion: For participation in general recreation classes, with assistance from TRS staff, a participant must: • Meet registration requirements of the selected class, ie. age, residency, prerequisites. • Be able to adhere to the rules of conduct. • Be able to follow simple directions and be able to communicate your basic needs. • Have the ability to tolerate and function in appropriate class sizes based on type of program. • Be able to participate in the selected activity for the majority of the scheduled time. * All accommodation requests must be made at least two weeks prior to the start of the program. * Transportation is not provided for Inclusion Services.
Therapeutic Recreation Services of the Roanoke Valley General Information Payment Options Payments must accompany registration and may be made by cash, check, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) or money order; made payable to: Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism. If mailing a check, call to confirm your balance before you mail in your registration. Registration is not considered complete until class fee is received.
Financial Assistance:
Rec Bucks is a program which will provide a waiver or reduction of fees to residents who have demonstrated financial need.
Accessible Formats: TRS program information is available in accessible formats that meet individual needs. Information is available in Braille, large print, elementary formats and other formats upon request. Call 772-7529 for more information on this award winning service.
Inclement Weather: Participants will be contacted should weather conditions postpone and/or cancel scheduled TRS classes or events. Please refer to our refund/credit policy on page 9 for details. Please call TRS at 540772-7529 ext. 2 if you have weather related questions.
Co-Sponsors Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism is proud to partner with the Roanoke Parks & Recreation and Salem Parks & Recreation to provide services for city residents through valley-wide TRS programs.
TRS Continues to Go Green
*Help TRS save some trees. If you are willing to only receive an electronic copy of the TRS brochure, circle YES on the registration form on page 11.
E-ROUTE TRS can also use your email address to send participants, care providers, or case workers the Transportation Routes. This is a great new service from TRS to ensure that everyone knows pick-up or drop-off times and program details.
Contact TRS to request an E-Route. Get information available on the TRS Webpage
Program Guide Check out TRS programs anytime
Google Calendar Great way to get the information
Registration Form NEW in 2013, complete the online form and it will be emailed directly to TRS staff.
We appreciate your dedication to our services! Get organized & get involved! Thank You for all you do for TRS:
Angels of Assissi Barbara Leach & the Master Gardeners B&D Comics Harmony Farms Lee Hi Lanes Mill Mountain Theater O’Winton Link Museum Southwest VA Wildlife Center St. Francis Service Dogs
Therapeutic Recreation Services of the Roanoke Valley
Program Registration Form Summer 2013 Name:________________________________________ Birthdate:_____/_____/_____ Phone: (home)_____________________ Other/Cell: __________________ Address:___________________________City: _________________Zip:____________ Email Address: ____________________________________ *Email Guide: Yes Residency: (circle) Roanoke County Roanoke City Salem Other:____________ Do you give permission for an exchange of information between TRS and Participant’s Caseworker? Yes No Name of Caseworker:_______________________________ Phone:_______________________
Program Registration Program Program Code Name
Program Fee
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
Transportation Fee
Total $__________
Transportation Information
I will provide my own transportation: Yes No I need County provided transportation from: Pick-Up Point: Brambleton Center Goodwill Salem - Lakeside Plaza Home Goodwill Vinton 460 Antique Mall I need wheelchair accessible transportation: Yes
Payment Information
__ Check __Cash __Money Order __Credit/Debt Card (Visa, Master Card, or Discover)
__ Recbucks 9
Second Annual TRS Art Show Join us for the 2nd Annual TRS Art Show & Competition! Opening Reception, September 3rd, 4-6pm at the Brambleton Recreation Center. We will have light refreshments and the general public will vote on their favorite pieces! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a TRS gift certificate for future programs! Pieces will be judged by friends, family, and Brambleton Center patrons, so make sure to invite your friends & family to see your artwork on display! To enter, participants must submit a piece that was made in a TRS Cultural Arts program. It can be any medium or size, but you may only submit two pieces. You must bring your art work to the Brambleton Center by August 23rd at 5pm to be considered in the show. Please be sure to have your name on your pieces. You may bring your pieces with you to a TRS program. Please ask Support Staff to put them in the TRS office. Please be aware that some canvas paintings and drawings will be framed in order to hang. Artwork will remain on display at the Brambleton Center for the entire month of September and returned to participants as soon as possible. Limited transportation will be available, please try to attend with your family & friends! Tue Sept 3 4-6pm #23008 Therapeutic Recreation Services of the Roanoke Valley 3738 Brambleton Ave SW Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-7529 Roanoke
County Parks, Recreation and Tourism
3738 Brambleton Ave Roanoke, VA 24018
Registration for Summer Monday June 3, 8:00am