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The TOEIC Students at Warema
3 March 2011
Dear Students, in the list of headings and sub-headings that refers to the ‘six hundred essential words’ for the TOEIC, there are four hyper-links, and the hyper-linked pages GENERAL BUSINESS / Warranties and OFFICE ISSUES / Office Procedures each contain an exercise as well (in addition to the vocabulary).
GENERAL BUSINESS (a) Contracts (b) Marketing (c) Warranties (d) Business Planning (e) Conferences
OFFICE ISSUES (a) Computers (b) Office Technology (c) Office Procedures (d) Electronics (e) Correspondence
(a) Job Advertising and Recruiting (b) (c) (d) (e)
Applying and Interviewing Hiring and Training Salaries and Benefits Promotions, Pensions, and Awards
(a) Shopping
VII. RESTAURANTS AND EVENTS (a) Selecting a Restaurant
VIII. TRAVEL (a) General Travel
PURCHASING (b) (c) (d) (e)
Ordering Supplies Shipping Invoices Inventory
(a) Banking (b) (c) (d) (e)
Accounting Investments Taxes Financial Statements
(b) (c) (d) (e)
(b) (c) (d) (e)
(c) (d) (e)
Board Meetings and Committees Quality Control Product Development Renting and Leasing
Airlines Trains Hotels Car Rentals
ENTERTAINMENT (a) Movies (b) Theater (c) Music (d) Museums (e) Media
HEALTH (a) Doctor’s Office (b) Dentist’s Office (c) Health Insurance (d) Hospitals (e) Pharmacy
(a) Property and Departments (b)
Eating out Ordering Lunch Cooking as a Career Events
Furthermore, I have scanned the listening comprehension exercises for the vocabulary lists under the sub-headings which are bolded in the above classification. You will find those scans, for printing, together with the material that I have also placed in the online viewer, in this document. It is fine if you only print those pages of that document which you really want to have for yourself in paper form. However, please definitely print the pages of the listening comprehension exercises and bring them to our next class. Then we can listen to the audio tracks and try to those exercises together. And meanwhile, you can also listen at home to this audio file; it goes together with the list of definitions that was hyper-linked in my letter of 11 February 2011. Please try to complete that list with appropriate words from the audio file, and then bring the thus completed list with you to our next class. As we have a little more time between our classes now, I will write to you again with more exercise material before we meet again. For now I hope that you will have an enjoyable break next week. Best regards